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By Rosie Bradbury
September 1, 2023
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Surf Air Mobility aircraft await boarding. 
(Publicity photo)

Almost as soon as Surf Air Mobility went public via direct listing in July, the
aviation company's stock price started to nosedive. 

The startup's shares had been assigned a reference price, a guidepost for
investors estimated from prices per share in recent private trades, of $20 on
the NYSE. By the end of the first day, its share price had settled at $3.15.
Just over a month later, it's trading at around $1.50 per share.

Surf Air Mobility was the first significant direct listing in nearly two
years—and its performance is unlikely to inspire confidence in the process. It's
likely to be one of very few in the near term.

In a shakier market where late-stage companies don't have the cash runway they
used to, founders are more incentivized than ever to secure the capital and big
investors that come with the traditional IPO roadshow. Only the most desperate
companies seem willing to take the direct listing plunge in this environment.

As recently as last year, Instacart had reportedly been toying with the idea of
a direct listing, but on Aug. 25, the grocery delivery business dropped its S-1
listing for an traditional IPO.


The direct listing, a once-buzzy alternative to an IPO, is considered a gutsy
move by investors and bankers alike. 

"A direct listing is very, very bold," according to Ihar Mahaniok , a seed-stage
investor in Instacart and managing partner at VC firm Geek Ventures. "The IPO is
much more proven, and has the benefit of both creating liquidity and raising
cash for the company." 

Direct listings have historically been done by either companies which can't
raise capital any other way or by very well-capitalized companies with
substantial cash reserves. Spotify was the latter, having closed $1 billion in
new funding less than two years before filing for an IPO.

"Until Spotify did it back in 2017, it was always kind of the capital markets
tool of last resort," said David Golden, managing partner at Revolution Ventures
and a former J.P. Morgan investment banker. 

At the time it went public, Spotify's CFO Barry McCarthy declared in an op-ed:
"The US initial public offering market is broken." For Spotify, a household name
with a robust balance sheet, the speculation at the time was that "they really
wanted to poke their finger in the eye of the traditional underwriting
community," Golden said.

Slack's direct listing in 2019 was a similar story: it was a large, well-known,
well-capitalized company. Palantir and Asana, which pulled off direct listings
in late 2020, were remarkable in part because they lacked the name recognition
of Spotify and Slack.

To be sure, there are advantages to the process: If Instacart had gone with a
direct listing, it would have bypassed the underwriting fees charged by
investment banks, the lockup period for investors' and early employees' stock,
and the traditional roadshow of courting institutional investors.

But the direct listing may revert back to its traditional role in the current
IPO window, which is only just starting to open up, as a flotation of last
resort. Surf Air Mobility's decision to go public came only after its blank
check merger fell through last year.


In this cycle, fewer VC-backed companies are in a position to consider a direct
listing, which doesn't typically raise a large amount of capital.

"It would be really audacious to raise primary capital as part of a direct
listing," according to Jeremy Abelson, a portfolio manager at Irving Investors,
a crossover fund.

On top of the capital raise, the investor roadshow before an IPO is typically
highly valuable for a company. The process, in which an investment bank pitches
a company to potential institutional investors, sets the share price and also
"helps to get your story out," Golden added.

A recent Supreme Court decision made direct listings potentially more attractive
in the eyes of founders, as the ruling meant that founders have less liability
in direct listings. In June, the court sided with Slack against a class action
brought by a shareholder, requiring that a plaintiff had to prove they had
purchased registered shares to sue over information in a registration statement.
This isn't possible for most shareholders in a direct listing. 

But the direct listing route comes with sacrifices. By putting the company's
name out there in the roadshow, underwriters can help companies to avoid the
kind of disastrous market opening that can happen when investors don't know
about a listing. 

"It was a buzzy thing to do in the bull market, but I don't think it worked out
well for the majority of companies," Abelson said.
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