go.skillsurvey.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://t.sidekickopen08.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lM8fD6DGW35tsb22B9nMJN7t5XWPfhMynN4Y95Bjd_NzgW56dMx-1L8Dpz102?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zw...
Effective URL: https://go.skillsurvey.com/privacy-policy
Submission: On January 12 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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SkillSurvey, Inc. provides a web-based service that enables people who have
worked with or supervised an individual to provide confidential feedback on the
individual’s competencies for a specific job.

Organizations and individuals (Subscribers) use the service to send emails or
text messages to the job candidate and the candidate’s references. The reference
email or text contains a link to a web-based survey, which the reference then
completes and submits electronically.

Reports are either generated automatically or monitored and finalized by
Subscriber personnel (such as HR staff, recruiters, hiring managers, career
offices, etc.).

SkillSurvey also provides services related to physician credentialing for
healthcare providers.  Additionally, SkillSurvey provides services related to
receiving feedback on the critical competencies desired by employers following
student work experiences.

This Privacy Policy describes the way SkillSurvey collects, uses, and secures
your personal information, both through our web-based software and on our
website, www.skillsurvey.com (collectively, “SkillSurvey”). By using the
SkillSurvey services, you consent to this Privacy Policy.


Your privacy is our top concern. We work hard to earn and keep your trust, so we
adhere to the following principles to protect your privacy:

•We will only ask for the minimum personal information required to successfully
complete the SkillSurvey reference checking process for our Subscribers

•We will never rent or sell the personal information of any user of our system
(e.g. recruiter, candidate, reference, etc.) to third parties for their
marketing purposes

•Any sensitive information that you provide will be protected with industry
standard protocols and technology

Notice of all changes that materially affect ways in which your personal
information may be used or shared will be posted in updates to our Privacy
Policy or as otherwise required by applicable law. If you continue to use the
SkillSurvey service after notice of changes have been sent to you or published
on our site, you hereby provide your consent to the changed practices.


For the 12-month period prior to the data of this Privacy Policy, we explain
here what categories of personal information we have collected and how it is
used and shared:

Category of Personal Information Collected


Purpose for Collection

Categories of Recipients

Contact information: such as name, email address, address,  phone number, and
government issued ID

From you or our Subscribers registers you for our service

To communicate with and respond to you and our Subscribers about your reference
check report and the services provided by SkillSurvey


We may share this information with select service providers and partners who
help deliver and maintain the services along with your references and our
Subscribers where needed to deliver the services


Reference feedback: such as information about your roles, history and
performance at prior employers



From the references you choose to respond to our survey

To prepare the reference reports provided to our Subscribers 

We may share this information with select service providers and partners who
help deliver and maintain the services, along with the Subscribers who use our


Browsing information: such as your IP address, MAC address or other device
identifier, the kind of browser or computer you use, pages and content that you
visit on the website, what you click on, the state and country from which you
access the Site, date and time of your visit, and web pages you linked to our


Your interactions with the website, including through the use of cookies and
other tracking technologies explained further below

To evaluate usage of the website and improve performance and services; to
deliver targeted online marketing to you;  and to protect the security and
integrity of the services and our website, such as preventing fraud, hacking,
and other criminal activity or to meet legal obligations  

Our service providers who help us with fraud protection, website analytics, and

Suspected crime information:  details of your identity, image, name and address,
suspected or alleged thefts, fraud, assault or other criminal behavior

From crime and fraud prevention agencies, from you, witnesses, and from the

To protect users, employees or customers, the public and our business against
risks and crime

Law enforcement and other governmental authorities in accordance with applicable
law, and our professional advisors


We receive personal information about you and your references in order to
perform the SkillSurvey reference checking process for our Subscribers.

SkillSurvey may receive background/demographic information, on a voluntary or
optional basis, from job candidates. This information will not be associated
with the candidate’s name, email address, or any other personal information.
This information will not be shared with a prospective employer. It will be used
by SkillSurvey solely to monitor compliance with U.S. federal statutes and for
other research purposes.


We receive personal information from physicians on behalf of certain healthcare
providers for the provider’s use in the credentialing process. The personal
information includes name, contact information, education, work and training
history, references as well as other information customarily collected as part
of a physician credentialing process.


We receive personal information about you and your references in order to
facilitate Career Readiness assessments for our Subscribers.  You may be asked
to provide additional optional information to SkillSurvey regarding your
educational status and history, as well as feedback on your internship or other

SkillSurvey may receive background/demographic information, on a voluntary or
optional basis, from students and evaluators. This information will not be
shared and will be solely used for research purposes.


We may provide non-identifying aggregated data about the usage of our service to
third-parties for such purposes as we deem, in our sole discretion, to be
appropriate. This information may be used for joint research purposes and will
be de-identified prior to any related data transfer. We may segment our users by
role (i.e. product managers, vice presidents), industry, geographic location,
company. If you would like to be excluded from the aggregated research, please
email customer service. We may also associate non-identifying information, such
as IP address, with identifying information for purposes of fraud detection.

For physicians participating in a credentialing process with a healthcare
provider, we will disclose information as requested by the provider, such as to
peer references.

It is possible that we may need to disclose personal information when required
by law. We will disclose such information wherein we have a good-faith belief
that it is necessary to comply with a court order, ongoing judicial proceeding,
or other legal process served on our company or to exercise our legal rights or
defend against legal claims.

We reserve the right to transfer information (including personal information) to
a third party in the event of a sale, merger, or transfer of all or
substantially all of the assets of SkillSurvey, or in the unlikely event of a
bankruptcy, liquidation or receivership of our business. We will endeavor to
provide reasonable notice of any such change in ownership of personal


SkillSurvey uses “cookies,” which are small pieces of information stored by your
browser or other application on your computer’s browser or hard drive. We use
cookies to remember certain information about visitors during their visit and
may store information about your activity on the SkillSurvey application both
within the same website visit and from one visit to the next. We may use cookies
to recognize you and show you content on other websites based on your visits to
the SkillSurvey application. The “help” portion of the toolbar on most browsers
will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to
have the browser notify you when you receive new cookies or how to disable
cookies altogether. If you reject cookies, you may not be able to participate in
certain activities or see content tailored to you. Please note that SkillSurvey
does not control and do not guarantee the effectiveness of browser-based tools
for managing cookies.

SkillSurvey uses Google Analytics web analytics service offered by Google to
track and report website traffic. Google Analytics may leave cookies after each
session. To learn how Google Analytics collects and processes data, please
visit: “How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps” located
at https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.

In some jurisdictions, individuals may have the right to provide opt-in consent
or withdraw consent for certain uses. If you reside in such jurisdictions, such
as the European Union, you may have additional rights which are detailed below,
“Access, Correction and Deletion.”


As described above, Subscribers may use the service to communicate with job
candidates and the candidate’s references through email and text message. Where
applicable, candidates are required to represent and warrant that they agree to
receive emails and text messages through SkillSurvey and that the references
they designate also have consented to receive communications in that manner sent
by or on behalf of the candidate. In particular, where candidates select text as
their preferred method of contact for the candidate’s references and enter their
mobile number(s), the candidate represents and warrants that each such reference
has expressly consented to receive the texts from the candidate through
SkillSurvey at the number provided for the purpose of job reference feedback.
Note that SkillSurvey may partner with third parties to deliver and manage these
communications on behalf of the candidate. The candidate and references can
opt-out of these communications at any time, although doing so may impact the
ability to use and benefit from SkillSurvey. Recipients of emails through
SkillSurvey can opt out by clicking the opt-out link at the footer of
SkillSurvey emails. Recipients of text messages can also opt-out at any time by
responding S or STOP or sending S or STOP to the SkillSurvey shortcode.


We may use third-party advertising companies that use tracking technologies to
serve our advertisements across the Internet. These companies may collect
information about your visits to the Site and other websites and your
interaction with our advertising and other communications. These advertising
companies serve ads on behalf of us and others on non-affiliated sites, and some
of those ads may be personalized, meaning that they are intended to be relevant
to you based on information collected about your visits to the Site and
elsewhere over time. Other companies may also use such technology to advertise
on the Site.

You have the choice to tell us not to collect and use this information, and in
some jurisdictions, we will only engage in interest-based advertising if you
opt-in. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your
choices concerning interest-based ads, visit:



In Canada, please visit: http://youradchoices.ca/choices/

In the EU, please visit: http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/


SkillSurvey is not directed at children under the age of 13 and we do not
knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children under 13 without
prior written and verifiable parental consent. If SkillSurvey learns that a
child under the age of 13 has submitted personal information to us without
parental consent, we will take all reasonable measures to delete such
information from our databases and/or to not use such information for any
purpose (except as necessary to protect the safety of the child or others as
required or allowed by law). If you become aware of any personal information we
have collected from a child under 13, please contact us.


Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that users can set in some web
browsers, allowing users to opt -out of tracking by websites and online
services. At the present time, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has not yet
established universal standards for recognizable DNT signals and therefore, we
do not recognize DNT.


If you are a California resident, you may contact us to request information
about circumstances in which we share certain personal information with third
parties for their own marketing purposes. As described above, we will never rent
or sell the personal information of any user of our system to third parties for
their own marketing purposes. For questions, please contact us as indicated in
the “Contact Us” section of this Policy.

Residents of California also have the following rights with respect to personal
information collected about them:

•The right to know the categories or the specific pieces of personal

•The right to request deletion of any personal information collected. 

In addition to the submission of requests to exercise these rights directly, you
may designate an authorized agent to make a request to know or request to delete
on your behalf.  To submit a request to know or request to delete, you should
contact the relevant SkillSurvey Subscriber. That may be a recruiter or company
with which you applied for a job, or a candidate who sent you a request for

If you are unable to identify or contact the relevant Subscriber or would like
to submit regarding any personal information we may have collected from you
directly, you can contact us by email at: [support@skillsurvey.com].  Please let
us know the nature of your request and include your name and your email address
and telephone number on file with us.  When you exercise these rights and submit
a proper request to us, we may verify your identity by asking you for additional
information. We also may use a third party verification provider to verify your
identity. SkillSurvey will endeavor to honor requests unless they are properly
directed at a SkillSurvey subscriber or a lawful exemption under the CCPA
applies. Please note that SkillSurvey is only required to honor such requests
twice in a 12-month period.

Your exercise of these rights will have no adverse effect on the price and
quality of our goods or services.

For the 12-month period prior to the date of this Privacy Policy, SkillSurvey
has not sold any personal information about its clients; nor does it have any
plans to do so in the future.  


If you reside in certain jurisdictions such as the EU and United Kingdom, you
have the right to access or correct your personal information, and can make this
request by contacting the relevant SkillSurvey subscriber. That may be a
recruiter or company with which you applied for a job, or a candidate who sent
you a request for feedback. In addition, you may request that the Subscriber
delete or restrict access to your personal data. We or the Subscriber may need
to retain it for legally permitted purposes and this will be explained to you if

If you are unable to identify or contact the relevant Subscriber, you can also
contact us directly by reaching out to us as described in the “Contact Us”
section below.


Personal information that we collect, access or process will be retained only as
long as necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was
collected, unless otherwise provided in agreements between SkillSurvey and its
Subscribers or as required or authorized by law. Personal information that is no
longer required to fulfill the identified purposes will be destroyed, erased or


SkillSurvey is hosted in the United States. If you are visiting our website or
using our service from outside the United States, your information may be
transferred to, stored and processed in the United States or other countries in
accordance with this Privacy Policy. The data protection and other applicable
laws of the United States or other countries may not be as comprehensive as
those laws or regulations in your country or may otherwise differ from the data
protection or consumer protection laws in your country. Your information may be
available to government authorities under lawful orders and applicable laws in
such jurisdictions. We will use an appropriate data transfer mechanism, such as
the execution of Standard Contractual Clauses with our Subscribers. In addition,
by using SkillSurvey and/or providing personal information to us, you consent to
transfer your information to our facilities as described in this Privacy Policy.


We are transparent about the ways in which we collect and use personal
information, and we welcome your questions and concerns. If you have any
concerns or complaints about the way we handle your personal information, please
contact us as described below. To the extent you believe we have not addressed
your concerns, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory
authority in the country where you reside and/or the United States. You may
contact the US Federal Trade Commission regarding your concerns. For more
information, please see
https://www.ftc.gov/faq/consumer-protection/submit-consumer-complaint-ftc. If
you reside in the European Union, you can also get more information by
contacting the EU Data Protection Supervisor, please see


Special attention is appropriately given to website security and the overall
security of all data storage, processing, and transmission systems. This
website, and its use as a data conduit, is protected by:

•Firewalls with stateful packet inspection

•Use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to protect data in motion

•Use of encryption to protect data at rest

•Regular vulnerability scanning to identify new threats

•24x7 monitoring and intrusion detection


If you have any questions about the privacy statement and other policies
outlined above, the practices of this site, or any other aspect of SkillSurvey,
Inc., please contact:

SkillSurvey, Inc.

 Corporate Headquarters

 1235 Westlakes Drive

 Suite 330

 Berwyn, PA 19312

 Email: support@skillsurvey.com


SkillSurvey reserves the right to change this policy at any time consistent with
the provisions of this Privacy Policy and applicable law.


©2019 SkillSurvey Inc.   |   1235 Westlakes Drive   |   Suite 330   |   Berwyn,
PA 19312   |   610.947.6300