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Submission: On September 30 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

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Campaigns Landing Pages Offers Affiliate Networks Traffic Sources Conversions
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Active With traffic All Deleted Источник 1All sources Группа кампаний 1All
groups TodayYesterdayLast 7 DaysLast 14 DaysThis MonthLast Month This YearLast
YearAll TimeCustom

id Name Group Traffic Source Clicks LP CTR Leads CR EPC CPC Revenue Spend Profit
ROI 77 fh ktese bd ey|t tai b dtrnb ked z Diets Pops 6323 80% 3400 1.39% $1.690
$0.906 $4702.44 $4520.34 $4340 291% 3 y|tnd|dy|nhd if|hfyyft bires fhy|eb CPI
Offers Redirects 31812 85% 9602 4.86% $1.550 $0.680 $3486.22 $1156.20 $3349 241%
35 dhaankezdezkinrfb|hbiknthei t d tn Diets Other 36482 46% 9685 4.91% $1.820
$1.506 $495.48 $4889.47 $587 205% 5 |aehfiyhs nb bdas knb s ndbzreaft CPI Offers
Facebook 33225 20% 4744 3.90% $1.827 $1.903 $1142.46 $2696.56 $81 253% 75 aibbkh
||tt s nf |i zy r btf fzarh Diets Redirects 16783 95% 9864 5.94% $1.720 $0.143
$2053.80 $519.17 $3650 232% 20 s|rf rz izhtzzzte|sasfdi ifh ennia Old Other 9229
24% 9704 3.13% $1.771 $1.466 $5059.95 $4934.59 $708 182% 98 s bs| b nk| zkha k
rz ti idhzsefh New Campaigns Google Adwords 27026 70% 8058 4.62% $1.415 $1.482
$714.56 $2441.18 $5286 27% 69 aazkdradeds|dksrsfsbzbhfykfbt yyks New Campaigns
Facebook 74321 80% 2051 3.68% $1.451 $1.371 $2104.44 $4662.73 $3968 213% 99 z
fsr|h a iayrseaez |f dinedde th CPI Offers Google Adwords 59931 83% 4308 3.23%
$0.578 $1.823 $2694.68 $4443.31 $3953 210% 50 y|iefitbrtiethkez kfdh
akikzdhzsf|i Old Other 50676 99% 7556 1.72% $1.446 $0.519 $814.44 $2493.70 $3734
232% 34 rt d i|h|ha hnse ibiebz| |ieyddhnr New Campaigns Google Adwords 43583
61% 2993 5.95% $0.259 $1.530 $1306.10 $95.27 $1286 37% 42 h d|kst afathztd afh
e|tsss|a|ti CPI Offers Other 97262 52% 649 5.88% $1.792 $1.981 $2583.16 $2175.83
$3076 218% 73 bd|r|dzyr|eh ihfa|zrtkba edfk if|n Old Facebook 55047 41% 3179
4.48% $0.331 $0.957 $4.96 $1384.92 $2777 88% 37 nzfk| et fe|n id|ikrekryf ak hsa
zz Old Pops 34597 80% 8093 2.83% $0.478 $0.339 $3062.83 $75.71 $2883 33% 81
ybeb|iih tte erbr|f ztfi stskd tzs Old Other 14061 40% 1560 2.96% $1.620 $0.331
$4489.43 $4301.81 $6 222% 50 h d |s|t t zrr y k afkd sayetn|efai Group 1 Google
Adwords 65406 68% 8518 1.96% $0.495 $1.651 $1847.65 $3781.79 $4576 195% 8 |
kebrb kk|a idf|esytayhiidenh |z Sweepstakes Google Adwords 66266 39% 6104 3.60%
$0.303 $1.539 $58.80 $1618.78 $1741 78% 83 i |f knnzrkiskbaaftih eit bdt hr ys
CPI Offers Redirects 59168 31% 6748 2.43% $0.334 $1.369 $3699.24 $3173.60 $1926
50% 98 eszksdyiy bznydfsay |ryr||t e rht Diets Pops 50622 46% 4977 1.33% $0.213
$1.489 $4639.94 $2826.63 $438 61% 87 d zfytiba i yb ee feeirke n dhy si Old
Other 56305 53% 7366 5.45% $0.247 $0.442 $4204.45 $1900.57 $2281 121% 53
hnhnitznzrdireyd na yikbezakb z hih Old Redirects 2231 55% 9397 4.96% $0.478
$0.224 $1909.98 $3322.78 $3875 82% 66 yifs h hieakdh rnsh f bykkdned|y a New
Campaigns Redirects 71424 86% 6387 5.54% $0.819 $1.365 $185.99 $1722.88 $2707
20% 95 nne y ahyeehkkd yn| bkssszrak eiaf Group 1 Facebook 39150 24% 6115 1.85%
$0.783 $1.778 $5232.79 $4930.46 $4686 87% 30 kry n ddkd| sdrh hnan bsnyeyhfeeti
Hi Defo Forum Google Adwords 99749 4% 49 1.90% $1.601 $0.211 $5092.82 $1188.96
$5096 174% 89 etyd zbk eaysksskebrenityazssa nd CPI Offers Redirects 22749 29%
8362 4.78% $0.821 $0.632 $2506.81 $4915.95 $2338 121% 47 bk e ertya|yadz|akehfrb
danz kzbe| Sweepstakes Google Adwords 62511 28% 7127 2.36% $1.532 $1.956
$4090.97 $2736.81 $2055 293%


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