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          <div class="captionTitle">The Gateway to Continuing Education</div>
          <div class="captionDescription">Ensuring compliance and 100% audit of Licensees CE credits</div>
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        <div class="bannerCaption">
          <div class="captionTitle">WHAT IS CME HUB?</div>
          <div class="captionDescription">CME Hub is a platform that automates the flow of Continuing Education (CE) credits from CE Course Providers to Licensees, passing through the essential accreditation approval of the CME &amp; CPD licensing
            authorities. </div>
        <div class="clearBoth"></div>
  <div class="hpBlock theChallenge">
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      <h2> THE CHALLENGE</h2>
      <div class="hpContentText"> Automate CE credits tracking </div>
      <div class="listHolder challengeList">
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              <div class="listImg">
                <img src="/Media/Challenge/6c94eb4d-a665-4a9c-8dfa-472427bf310d.svg" alt="" title="">
              <div class="listTitle">Authority</div>
              <div class="listText">
                  <li>No real-time tracking of Licensees' credit count</li>
                  <li>Auditing cost is high. Compliance rate is low</li>
                  <li>Accrediting processes are manual</li>
            <div class="itemPad">
              <div class="listImg">
                <img src="/Media/Challenge/e6fc8e20-3814-4d6a-b81d-4967c2021370.svg" alt="" title="">
              <div class="listTitle">CE Providers</div>
              <div class="listText">
                  <li>No regional or international recognition to market courses</li>
                  <li>Securing money collection</li>
                  <li>No single platform to accredit their courses</li>
            <div class="itemPad">
              <div class="listImg">
                <img src="/Media/Challenge/67fffd48-fce5-4777-bb93-831f95d3ec52.svg" alt="" title="">
              <div class="listTitle">Licensees</div>
              <div class="listText">
                  <li>No marketplace for accredited CE courses</li>
                  <li>No course rating and institution validation</li>
                  <li>No automated process to manage their CE credits</li>
  <div class="hpBlock theSolution">
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      <h2 id="bodyContent_solutionTitle">The Solution</h2>
      <div id="bodyContent_solutionSubTitle" class="hpContentText">Increase Quality Control and Reduce Auditing Cost</div>
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        <div class="listHolder theSolutionList">
              <div class="listTitle">ENSURE COMPLIANCE</div>
              <div class="listText"> CE credits performance is traced in real-time allowing for 100% audit of the Licensees </div>
              <div class="listTitle">MARKETPLACE</div>
              <div class="listText"> A white labeled mobile app offering a marketplace app to locate courses, track &amp; validate CE credits and renew license </div>
              <div class="listTitle">ELECTRONIC ACCREDITATION</div>
              <div class="listText"> CMS to track Healthcare Professionals’ performances and accredit CME Courses </div>
              <div class="listTitle">PAYMENT GATEWAY</div>
              <div class="listText"> When fee collection is needed, our payment gateway is customized to facilitate financial reconciliation </div>
  <div class="hpBlock aboutUs">
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      <h2>About Us</h2>
      <div class="hpContentText"> CME Hub is a platform that automates the flow of Continuing Education (CE) credits from CE course providers to Health Care practitioners, going through the essential electronic approval of the CME &amp; CPD
        accreditation bodies, all visible to the relevant Licensing Board. CME Hub enables all three concerned parties to paperless auditing and tracking of the individual CE performance of 100% of Licensees. Moreover, it grants the local and global
        exposure of accredited CE course providers through a digital marketplace enabling electronic registration and payment. Finally, CME Hub allows electronic submittal of CE providers' accreditation requests, along with online fees collection.
      <div class="borderBtn"><a href="About.aspx">Learn More</a></div>
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    <h2> iOS developer </h2>
    <p> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen
      book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more
      recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. </p>
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              <li class="mobileIcon">+1 415 917 5246</li>
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              <li class="addressIcon">1275 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103</li>
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        <div class="cpHolder"> © CME Hub 2024 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED<br> Designed &amp; Developed by <a href="" target="_blank">FRESH sal</a>
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Text Content

 * Home
 * About us
 * Contact us
 * Media

The Gateway to Continuing Education
Ensuring compliance and 100% audit of Licensees CE credits

CME Hub is a platform that automates the flow of Continuing Education (CE)
credits from CE Course Providers to Licensees, passing through the essential
accreditation approval of the CME & CPD licensing authorities.


Automate CE credits tracking
 * Authority
    * No real-time tracking of Licensees' credit count
    * Auditing cost is high. Compliance rate is low
    * Accrediting processes are manual

 * CE Providers
    * No regional or international recognition to market courses
    * Securing money collection
    * No single platform to accredit their courses

 * Licensees
    * No marketplace for accredited CE courses
    * No course rating and institution validation
    * No automated process to manage their CE credits


Increase Quality Control and Reduce Auditing Cost

 1. 1
 2. 2
 3. 3
 4. 4

 * Previous
 * Next

   CE credits performance is traced in real-time allowing for 100% audit of the
   A white labeled mobile app offering a marketplace app to locate courses,
   track & validate CE credits and renew license
   CMS to track Healthcare Professionals’ performances and accredit CME Courses
   When fee collection is needed, our payment gateway is customized to
   facilitate financial reconciliation


CME Hub is a platform that automates the flow of Continuing Education (CE)
credits from CE course providers to Health Care practitioners, going through the
essential electronic approval of the CME & CPD accreditation bodies, all visible
to the relevant Licensing Board. CME Hub enables all three concerned parties to
paperless auditing and tracking of the individual CE performance of 100% of
Licensees. Moreover, it grants the local and global exposure of accredited CE
course providers through a digital marketplace enabling electronic registration
and payment. Finally, CME Hub allows electronic submittal of CE providers'
accreditation requests, along with online fees collection.
Learn More


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an
unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen
book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic
typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s
with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more
recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including
versions of Lorem Ipsum.




 * +1 415 917 5246
 * 1275 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103





Designed & Developed by FRESH sal