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Do you feel the pull in your belly that there is something more?


Are you looking through the fog, yearning to ignite that flicker in your heart
but not knowing how?


Healing isn't a short-term process. Its a long-term practice. It’s not just
about healing the wounds, its about retrieving what has been lost, its about
bringing you home to your true, authentic self.


Living your truth.


Honouring yourself.


Stepping into your soul and walking the path that was always destined for you.


The path that leads to happiness within.


Stop the searching, you are here. You have arrived.

Coming Home to your true self and hear your calling.


From the age of about 13 I have always been connected to a higher place and it
poured out in automatic writing. I would write a question and then my hand would
move, and insightful words and solutions would appear before me. I remember
thinking it wasn’t me who’s words were coming out but none the less I thought I
was writing poetry, and they must have come from somewhere within.

As my life went on, I did all the things; left home, spread my wings, backpacked
around the world, settled down, started a family with my dogs, had kids, and
tried to fit in with the societal norm. Battling tough times through my early
20’s, severe anxiety and suicide attempts, I swept what was really happening
under the carpet and kept on going. The mask wearing carried me through having
children and the white picket fence fairy-tale, all the while pretending I was
happy. Until one day I wasn’t.

I always had that pull in my stomach knowing my truth and knowing the life I was
living was not living my truth. It took a lot of courage to muster up the
changes that came next. They came with sacrifice, but they also came with great

Separating from my partner and starting again with our 2 children (10 months and
4 years old) was the catalyst. I dedicated time to myself and therapy and
uncovered some truths that had been my coping mechanisms for what seemed like a
lifetime. Through hard work and dedication, I continued to pour my heart out and
uncover some darkness that came in the form of supressed memories. The road was
not easy, but the reward was worth it.

Through all the highs and all the lows one thing that got me through every time
was love. The stillness that comes after the storm represents peace. There is a
deep peace that runs through all of us, and it runs deeper the more we work on
ourselves. I know this from experience. When you start to feel that tug in your
belly and you know something's not right then listen. We are here to live in
harmony with ourselves and live from that place of peace.

As my path evolved, I tapped into an ability that allowed me to communicate with
spirit (Mediumship) and eventually reach into the Akashic Records for healing. I
knew from the moment the messages and insight came pouring through vocally that
I had to spread the love and help heal wherever I could.  Combined with my own
journey and the knowledge passed down through the Akashic Records I know it is
my purpose to help other people to align with who they truly are.

With nothing but love in my heart, my gift from me to you is to take a look into
your blueprint to align yourself back to who you truly are. Peace and love. I
have travelled it; I am the walking example. The road is worth travelling even
if it seems dark and there are parts that have no light. Know that without the
dark there can be no light.

You are light & love & whole. You are not the story. You don't need to relive it
or feel it or analyse it. Just watch. From above. And know you can always rise
above when feeling off cord. No one can sever the bond to us
(universe/god/source). This is your truth. This is your calling. You were put
here to learn and experience and believe and trust. In all of that you have done
and more. 

You are ready. You have uncovered a truth we helped you bury so deep inside
because it was too painful to bare. We can bet you would be dead had you known
the truth when you had your suicide attempts. 

You have done the healing backwards to the text books but you are paving the way
for a new kind of healing. You are more than what you know. You are more than
your experiences. This does not define you it lets you grow and bloom into the
person that is about to meet their soul and go on a journey far beyond anything
you could ever imagine. 

Your time has come. It's time to reclaim and shed your skin. The last final
piece for you to be whole & still and stop the searching. 

Whilst the work has been done you will have feelings of attachment through to
human you. These need to be acknowledged but they don't own you & don't sit in
them. They are fuel to a fire that has gone out and is dust. 

You cant escape what has happened but you can go within to move forward. Come
home to your true self & hear your calling. You are loved, you are guided, you
have signed your soul contract and chose this path. You are empowered. The
growth in your heart and vibration is phenomenal. Its your time now. Go through
your life with ease & comfort. We are you, you are us. Together we are one. 

Brave when you need a lion, 

A friend when you need a soul 

A soul when you're ready to expand 

and a heart when you're ready for love. 


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