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                                          <h3 class="title"><span> jogo on-line mega sena&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">jogo on-line mega sena:Super Sete - Loterias Online</p>
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                                          <h3 class="title"><span> quando so os jogos da mega sena&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">quando so os jogos da mega sena:Descubra quando serão realizados os próximos sorteios da Mega Sena com o calendário de sorteios abaixo. Você pode ver as datas
                                            programadas para todos os sorteios que se aproximam em 2024. Os sorteios da Mega Sena geralmente estão programados para .</p>
                                      </div> <a href="/blogs/vqownmuw-qbbahfxk-341" class="link-overlay"><span class="sr-only">quando so os jogos da mega sena</span></a>
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                                          <h3 class="title"><span> números bons para jogar na mega-sena hoje&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">números bons para jogar na mega-sena hoje:Teste os seus números para ver se teria ganho algum prêmi.</p>
                                      </div> <a href="/blogs/vqownmuw-rgpcyqzn-207" class="link-overlay"><span class="sr-only">números bons para jogar na mega-sena hoje</span></a>
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                                          <h3 class="title"><span> quanto custa jogar 50 números na mega sena&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">quanto custa jogar 50 números na mega sena:O apostador pode marcar de seis a quinze dezenas no mesmo volante de aposta da Mega Sena. Sabemos que as chances podem
                                            aumentar conforme o número . Ver mais</p>
                                      </div> <a href="/blogs/vqownmuw-xzunicur-363" class="link-overlay"><span class="sr-only">quanto custa jogar 50 números na mega sena</span></a>
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                          const grid2col = ["dgov-col-6", "dgov-col-6"];
                          const grid1col = ["dgov-col-12"];
                          const layout3xn = {
                            full: grid3col,
                            2: grid2col,
                            1: ["dgov-col-12"],
                          const layout2xn = {
                            full: grid2col,
                            1: ["dgov-col-12"],
                          const layout1xn = {
                            full: grid1col,
                          const story_layouts = {
                            desktop: layout3xn,
                            lg: layout2xn,
                            md: layout2xn,
                            xs: layout1xn
                          Vue.component('feature-template', {
                            name: 'feature-template',
                            data: function() {
                              return {
                                templateSelector: "",
                                numToShow: 5,
                                pageAmount: 6,
                            props: {
                              "template-mode": String,
                              "more-text": String,
                              "show-all": {
                                type: Boolean,
                                default: false,
                              "remove-grid": {
                                type: Boolean,
                                default: false,
                            template: tempEl, // matches ID in template above
                            mounted: function() {
                              window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize)
                            methods: {
                              resize: function() {
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("resizing");
                              getLayout: function(layoutName) {
                                // get particular layout based on layoutName argument
                                // internally: also uses number of children and media size
                                const numItems = this.$children.length;
                                const mediaSize = this.getMediaType();
                                let layouts = this.getLayouts(this.templateMode);
                                /* if there is a set for the mediasize and number, pick it,
                                 * otherwise layout remains the starting one above
                                 * Note: Every case should have a layout but just in case
                                 * this fails more gracefully, probably.
                                const layoutsForMediaSize = layouts[mediaSize] ? layouts[mediaSize] : layouts.desktop;
                                const lfms = layoutsForMediaSize;
                                if (lfms) {
                                  if (lfms[numItems]) {
                                    layout = lfms[numItems];
                                  } else if (lfms.full) {
                                    layout = lfms.full;
                                } else {
                                  // using dgov-grid these are classes for up to five children
                                  const default_layout = ["dgov-col-6:feature", "dgov-col-6:feature", "dgov-col-4", "dgov-col-4", "dgov-col-4"];
                                  layout = default_layout;
                                return layout;
                              getLayouts: function(layoutName) {
                                let layouts;
                                switch (layoutName) {
                                  case "override":
                                    layouts = window._dgov_feature_layout_override;
                                  case "story":
                                    layouts = story_layouts;
                                  case "blog":
                                    layouts = blog_layouts;
                                return layouts;
                              getMediaType: function() {
                                const isXS = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches;
                                const isMD = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)").matches;
                                const isLG = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)").matches;
                                const isGiant = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 1200px)").matches;
                                if (isXS) {
                                  return "xs";
                                } else if (isMD) {
                                  return "md";
                                } else if (isLG) {
                                  return "lg";
                                } else /* if (isGiant) */ {
                                  return "desktop"
                              markChildren: function() {
                                const numItems = this.$children.length;
                                const mediaSize = this.getMediaType();
                                let layout = this.getLayout(this.templateMode);
                                const layoutLen = layout.length;
                                for (let i = 0; i < this.$children.length; i++) {
                                  const item = this.$children[i]
                                  if (DEBUG) console.log('layout', layout.length, layout);
                                  if (i >= layout.length) {
                                    // hide
                                    const pieces = layout[layout.length - 1].split(":");
                                    const reflexClass = pieces[0];
                                    const cardType = pieces[1];
                                    if (item.setCardType) item.setCardType(cardType); // undefined means default
                                    if (item.resetClass) item.resetClass();
                                    if (item.addClass) item.addClass(reflexClass);
                                  } else {
                                    const pieces = layout[i].split(":");
                                    const reflexClass = pieces[0];
                                    const cardType = pieces[1]; // might be undefined
                                    if (DEBUG) console.log("f-t85:", pieces, reflexClass, cardType);
                                    if (item.setCardType) item.setCardType(cardType); // undefined means default
                                    if (item.resetClass) item.resetClass();
                                    if (item.addClass) item.addClass(reflexClass);
                                  if (!this.showAll && (i >= this.numToShow)) {
                                    if (item.addClass) item.addClass("hidden-item");
                              thereAreMoreToView: function() {
                                if (!this.showAll && (this.numToShow < this.$children.length)) {
                                  return true;
                                } else {
                                  return false;
                              viewMore: function() {
                                // view more!
                                this.numToShow += this.pageAmount;
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("viewMore event, numToShow", this.numToShow);
                                setTimeout(function() {
                                  const targel = $('.bottom-target')[0];
                                  if (targel.scrollIntoView) {
                                }, 100);
                        .feature-template .dgov-grid.feature-template-container .hidden-item {
                          display: none;

                        .feature-grid.alist.stories .feature-template .item a.title,
                        .feature-grid.alist.stories .feature-template .item a.title:link {
                          font-size: 1.4rem;

                        .more-row {
                          display: flex;
                          align-items: center;
                          flex-direction: column;
                          padding: 15px;

                        /* Note: this relates to lack of encapsulation where
    Dashboard applies .list class to parent container.  Would be better
    to have an event so that the card code 'knows' the card is in 'list'
    mode.  This rule isn't needed however, but is documentation since this
    may be an issue if the structure changes to include future features.
    Special rule is in story-card, may be moved or similar for other types
    of cards.    */
                        .alist.stories.list .feature-template .feature-template-container {
                          display: block;

                        .more-row {
                          display: flex;
                          align-items: center;
                          flex-direction: column;
                          padding: 15px;

                        /*.feature-template-container {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
                      <script type="text/x-template" id="vue-listing-dashboard-with-preview-template"> <div class="listing-dashboard-with-preview listing-with-preview item explore-item">
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                                        <span>Live Event</span>
                                <template v-else>
                                    <a :class="'content-type-text ' + dashboardCatData[0] + ' content-type-' + contentTypeVal" :href="dashboardCatData[1]"><span>{{ dashboardCatData[2] }}</span></a>
                            <template v-else>
                                <template v-if="contentTypeName==='From the Services'">
                                    <span :class="'service-source service-'+categoryName">{{category}}</span>
                                <template v-else>
                                    <a class="content-type-text" :href="categoryLineOverride ? termUrl: prettyContentTypeUrl">
                                        <span>{{categoryLineOverride ? categoryLineOverride : prettyContentTypeName}}</span>
                            <template v-if="shouldShowDate">
                                <span class="separator">|</span>
                                <time :data-dateago="publishDateJss" :data-dateap="publishDateAp">
                        <h3 class="title">
                                {{ contentTypeName !== 'Contracts' ? articleTitle : ('Contracts For ' + publishDateAp) }}&nbsp;<i v-if="isExternal()" class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>
                            <card-edit-span :isEditMode="canEdit" :editUrl="editUrl" :imageUrl="editImage"></card-edit-span>
                        <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs" v-html="articleSummary"></p>
                <a class="link-overlay" :href="articleUrlOrLink">
                    <span class="sr-only">{{ contentTypeName !== 'Contracts' ? articleTitle : ('Contracts For ' + publishDateAp) }}</span>
        <div style="clear:both"></div>
                      <!--  here is a card-edit-span element... need to share this, but the vue component token is not a good way
    because it would be multiply imported every time it's used by a card.  It should be linked with "registerscript"
                      <script type="text/x-template" id="vue-card-edit-span-template"> <a title="Edit" v-if="isEditMode" class="card-edit-span" :href="editUrl" alt="edit link">
        <img title="Edit" :src="imageUrl" alt="edit pencil" />
                      <script type="text/javascript">
                        (function() {
                          const DEBUG = false;
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("this is the listing-dashboard-with-preview (default card) component");
                          const tempSel = "";
                          const tempUse = tempSel ? tempSel : "#vue-listing-dashboard-with-preview-template";
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("sc85:", tempSel, tempUse);
                          const tempEl = $(tempUse)[0];
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("sc87:", tempEl);
                          // TODO: move this to shared .js utilizing vue:registerjs token
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                              name: "Spotlight",
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                              url: "/blogs/srverrwa-aulpppeg-384",
                              name: "Inside DOD",
                            '610': {
                              url: "/blogs/excmsljg-ljdniplb-169",
                              name: "Inside DOD",
                            '936': {
                              url: "/blogs/sizucwsn-qxjanbam-268",
                              name: "From The Services",
                            '700': {
                              // "Special Report"
                              url: "/blogs/vyqnnmhs-xbuhegmk-77",
                              name: "Experience",
                              videoName: "Video",
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                              url: "/blogs/prrxomjn-ipvpyuno-309",
                              name: "Feature",
                              videoName: "Video",
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                              url: "/blogs/imtswhod-tdznmupd-23",
                              name: "Quiz",
                              videoName: "Quiz",
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                              url: "/blogs/hjobrseu-fmhbmesd-14",
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                              url: "/blogs/rbbnddwo-jdpdwtko-160",
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                              url: "/blogs/vqmjwqjq-nppsuzrg-238",
                              prettyName: "Video",
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                            '9': {
                              url: "/blogs/nxiuayal-rnqjbdbi-72",
                              name: "Release"
                            '2': {
                              url: "/blogs/mgzivabz-nkdhdtfl-42",
                              name: "Advisory"
                            '13': {
                              url: "/blogs/nzpjlbjh-iunxapzw-395",
                              name: "Transcript"
                            '5': {
                              url: "/blogs/pfatjzuq-lxhuwpkw-21",
                              name: "Publication"
                            '400': {
                              url: "/blogs/qydpqlej-fgjlojer-145",
                              name: "Contracts"
                            '11': {
                              url: '/blogs/llmhyibb-dviiuojz-185',
                              name: 'Speech'
                            '884': {
                              url: '/blogs/bjxfobeo-jaonwasv-305',
                              name: 'Speech'
                            //  for types > 800 (that are not above)
                            custom: {
                              name: null, // means 'actual' contentTypeName
                              videoName: "Video",
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                            '1': ['news', '/blogs/arhnyqun-rdcwzzqv-28', 'News'],
                            '14': ['news', '/blogs/kpjryopp-noifzjzp-352', 'News'],
                            '800': ['feature', '/blogs/fsdofsat-uafptogp-390', 'Feature'],
                            '504': ['faq', null, 'FAQ'],
                            '514': ['spotlight', '/blogs/ktxiaxlm-joxotuzt-383', 'Spotlight'],
                            '515': ['inside-dod', '/blogs/ziqevmqo-kfpqzbgz-271', 'Blog'],
                            '809': ['video', '/blogs/mjmkmhgo-fsfmxtlc-350', 'Video'],
                            '616': ['video2', '/blogs/tutbdntb-bcivslul-222', 'Video'],
                            '987': ['live', '/blogs/lczxdxul-dhyhrjlu-360', 'Live Event'],
                            '700': ['experience', '/blogs/qoeptzes-gntjshzt-210', 'Experience'],
                            '801': ['quiz', '/blogs/zqpcbzpg-opbwzkqt-252', 'Quiz'],
                            '610': ['blog', '/blogs/armlszyx-yhitfmio-54', 'Inside DoD'],
                            '936': ['from-the-services', '/blogs/ilmqvwmq-iwbcsyee-1', 'From The Services'],
                            '2': ['advisory', '/blogs/mfeylkhd-bwsotgic-164', 'Advisory'],
                            '889': ['advisory', '/blogs/wopcppln-aulymchk-89', 'Advisory'],
                            '5': ['publication', '/blogs/iscqwlha-pqykhpdv-220', 'Publication'],
                            '886': ['publication', '/blogs/qxnwfoja-wdokpztm-79', 'Publication'],
                            '9': ['release', '/blogs/jsrmnomj-nymhibgs-216', 'Release'],
                            '885': ['release', '/blogs/nphtycyx-rapolpiv-218', 'Release'],
                            '11': ['speech', '/blogs/suubjuaz-tudnywwr-111', 'Speech'],
                            '884': ['speech', '/blogs/ccchkfjr-hasdjcag-128', 'Speech'],
                            '13': ['transcript', '/blogs/ektnrmli-zkjotewl-278', 'Transcript'],
                            '883': ['transcript', '/blogs/xfddoqfs-pfmoytmx-215', 'Transcript'],
                            '400': ['contracts', '/blogs/humroceg-jpdknwjn-316', 'Contracts'],
                            '887': ['fact-sheet', null, 'Fact Sheet'],
                            '541': ['from-the-podium', '/blogs/tlctwsef-gutaoiub-83', 'From The Podium'],
                            '888': ['related-link', null, 'Related Link'],
                          Vue.component('listing-dashboard-with-preview', {
                            name: 'listing-dashboard-with-preview',
                            data: function() {
                              return {
                                templateSelector: "",
                                classes: [],
                                // readonly props
                                contentTypeLib: _contentTypeLib,
                                hover: false,
                                prettyContentTypeName: null,
                                prettyContentTypeUrl: null,
                                isFirst: false
                            props: ["article-alt", "article-id", "article-image-url", "article-title", "article-url", "article-url-or-link", "article-url-or-link-absolute", "can-edit", "category-line-override", "category", "content-type-val",
                              "content-type-name", "edit-image", "edit-url", "has-terms", "image-caption", "image-url", "indashboard", "is-video", "item-index", "open-in-new", "publish-date-jss", "publish-date-ap", "show-image", "term-url",
                              "term-name", "article-summary"
                            template: tempEl, // el that matches ID in template OR override passed in
                            beforeMount: function() {
                              if (this.$parent.$children.length === 1) {
                                this.isFirst = true;
                            mounted: function() {
                              if (false) console.log("props", this.showImage, JSON.stringify(this.$props, null, 4));
                              this.prettyContentTypeName = this.constructPrettyContentTypeName();
                              this.prettyContentTypeUrl = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].url : this.termUrl;
                              if (DEBUG) console.log("sc155: mounted: content type:", this.prettyContentTypeVal, this.prettyContentTypeName, this.prettyContentTypeUrl)
                            computed: {
                              categoryName: function() {
                                // Should be safe for CSS class name
                                return encodeURIComponent(this.category).toLowerCase().replace(/\.|%[0-9a-z]{2}/gi, '');
                              isInDashboard: function() {
                                return typeof this.indashboard === "undefined" ? false : !!this.indashboard;
                              shouldShowDate: function() {
                                return ![514, 700, 801].includes(parseInt(this.contentTypeVal, 10));
                              dashboardCatData: function() {
                                // Example: '1': ['news', '/blogs/pqdvkztq-szfozzhg-251', 'News'],
                                if (!_dashboardCatData.hasOwnProperty(this.contentTypeVal)) return [this.contentTypeName.toLowerCase(), '', this.contentTypeVal];
                                return _dashboardCatData[this.contentTypeVal];
                              imageContainerClasses: function() {
                                return this.isInDashboard ? 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-3 dgov-col-sm-4 dgov-col-md-3 dgov-col-lg-4 image-container' : 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-3 dgov-col-sm-4 dgov-col-md-6 dgov-col-lg-6 image-container';
                              contentContainerClasses: function() {
                                return this.isInDashboard ? 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-9 dgov-col-sm-8 dgov-col-md-9 dgov-col-lg-8' : (this.isFirst && this.pageNumber === 1) ?
                                  'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-9 dgov-col-sm-8 dgov-col-md-6 dgov-col-lg-6' : 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-12 dgov-col-sm-12 dgov-col-md-12 dgov-col-lg-12';
                              imageSrc: function() {
                                return this.isInDashboard ? this.imageUrl : this.articleImageUrl;
                              pageNumber: function() {
                                let pageNumber = 1;
                                const activePage = $(".apager .active a span")[0];
                                if (activePage) {
                                  pageNumber = +$(activePage).text();
                                return pageNumber;
                            methods: {
                              addClass: function(newClass) {
                              constructPrettyContentTypeName: function() {
                                // NOTE: this is duplicated in listing-with-preview and you may have a
                                // change that applies there. Should be moved to shared space using vue:registerjs token
                                // TODO: moved to shared location (via vue:registerjs)
                                let prettyName = null;
                                const isVideo = this.isVideo;
                                // first check for specific entry in _contentTypeLib dictionary
                                if (isVideo) {
                                  prettyName = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].videoName : null;
                                  if (!prettyName) {
                                    // use name if videoName not set
                                    prettyName = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].name : null;
                                } else {
                                  prettyName = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].name : null;
                                // if still null, and type > 800 check in "custom" entry of contentTypeLib
                                const contentTypeNumber = parseInt(this.contentTypeVal);
                                if (prettyName == null && contentTypeNumber >= 800) {
                                  if (isVideo) {
                                    prettyName = this.contentTypeLib.custom ? this.contentTypeLib.custom.videoName : null;
                                  } else {
                                    prettyName = this.contentTypeLib.custom ? : null;
                                if (prettyName == null) prettyName = this.contentTypeName;
                                return prettyName;
                              isExternal: function() {
                                return ['14', '883', '884', '885', '886', '887', '888', '889', '936'].indexOf(this.contentTypeVal) > -1;
                              hasTermName: function() {
                                if (this.termName && this.termName.length > 0) {
                                  return true;
                                return false;
                              hoverOn: function() {
                                //if (DEBUG) console.log("i-c106: hover on");
                                // css :hover solution is not currently used... maybe tricky
                                // this approach is borrowed from the current non-vue way this is done
                                this.hover = true;
                              hoverOff: function() {
                                //if (DEBUG) console.log("ic-110: hover off");
                                this.hover = false;
                              resetClass: function() {
                                this.classes = [];
                              setCardType: function(cardType) {
                                // we only do one card type so ignore.  This is an event from the layout
                                // for the adaptive-card.
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("s-c178: ignoring card type:", cardType);
                              targetVal: function() {
                                // openInNew being passed as string b/c reason
                                // reason: tag comes from server side rendering and might
                                // not be good Vue value, must allow this sort of prop to be a string
                                return this.openInNew == "true" ? "_blank" : "_self";
                          Vue.component('card-edit-span', {
                            name: 'card-edit-span',
                            template: "#vue-card-edit-span-template",
                            props: ["editUrl", "imageUrl", "isEditMode"],

                        function normalizeStoryCard() {
                          const cardEls = $('.card-wrapper')
                          const cards = cardEls.toArray();
                          const maxh = cards.reduce(function(acc, item) {
                            const height = $(item).height();
                            if (height > acc) {
                              return height;
                            } else {
                              return acc;
                          }, 0);
                          console.log("height max", maxh);
                        .no-pointer-events {
                          pointer-events: none;
    This fragment compiles a Vue template located in a div with
    an id of "storyListing-3203".
                      <script type="text/javascript">
                        (function() {
                          const DEBUG = false;
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("m-i2: vue:initialize:storyListing");
                          document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
                            if (DEBUG) console.log("initializing vue on storyListing in module 3203")
                            const elTarg = "#storyListing-3203";
                            // supports sending in "data" and "methods" by naming convention
                            let modData = {};
                            let modMethods = {};
                            const typeofModData = typeof(storyListing3203_data);
                            const typeofModMethods = typeof(storyListing3203_methods);
                            if (typeofModData != "undefined") {
                              modData = storyListing3203_data;
                            if (typeofModMethods != "undefined") {
                              modMethods = storyListing3203_methods;
                            const el = $(elTarg)[0];
                            const moduleVue = new Vue({
                              el: el,
                              mounted: function() {
                                // call the callback if exists.
                                // naming vueToken_mounted_3203
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("cb?", typeof(vueToken_mounted_3203));
                                if (typeof(vueToken_mounted_3203) === "function") {
                                  const mountedCB = vueToken_mounted_3203;
                                  if (mountedCB) {
                                    // currently no arguments, just a time event, e.g. when slick
                                    // could be initialized.
                              data: modData,
                              methods: modMethods,
                  </div><!-- End_Module_3203 -->
              </div><!--end of empty container -->
          <div id="dnn_ContentPagePageX4" class="paneMarkerAlt col-lg-4">
            <div class="DnnModule DnnModule-ArticleCSDashboard DnnModule-3204"><a name="3204"></a>
              <div class="empty-container base-container">
                <div id="dnn_ctr3204_ContentPane"><!-- Start_Module_3204 -->
                  <div id="dnn_ctr3204_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModArticleCSDashboardC">
                    <div id="dnn_ctr3204_Dashboard_ph">
                      <div id="homePress" class="explore-list homePress alist">
                        <h2 class="tab-title"><a href="/blogs/mjqstswp-safhfcgd-46">Press Products<i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i></a></h2>
                        <div class="alist-inner">
                          <div class="dgov-grid dgov-grid-bleed"><!-- NEWSROOM ITEM -->
                            <div class="dgov-col-md-12">
                              <div class="item item-3454071">
                                  <span class="hide">
                                    <span class="category">
                                      <a class="content-type-text" href="/blogs/lgvytf-kmvzkc-3838"><span>Transcript</span></a>
                                      <span class="separator">|</span>
                                      <time data-dateago="20240331" data-dateap="20240331">20240331</time></span>
                                    <h3 class="title"><span>slot games to download</span></h3>
                                    <a class="link-overlay" href="/blogs/lgvytf-kmvzkc-3838"><span class="sr-only">slot games to download: 2 dias atrás · At, we encourage you to let your imagination and your dreams run wild. Our portal features some of the most popular online games anywhere on the Internet. Enjoy dress up games, makeup games, nail art games, Barbie games and hairstyle games if you're in the mood for a new look.</span></a>
                            <div class="dgov-col-md-12">
                              <div class="item item-3454071">
                                  <span class="hide">
                                    <span class="category">
                                      <a class="content-type-text" href="/blogs/lgvytf-uagwzw-490"><span>Transcript</span></a>
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                                      <time data-dateago="20240331" data-dateap="20240331">20240331</time></span>
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            qual o horário do jogo da mega-sena da virada
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