mierlea.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://mierlea.org/
Effective URL: https://mierlea.com/
Submission: On July 26 via api from US — Scanned from GB

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Text Content


 * Activity
 * Articles
 * Publications
 * Curriculum Vitae
 * Media Kit



Help us educate consumers in Romania to truly become European consumers . Let’s
succeed in changing the mentality of the Romanian consumer from a passive
consumer to an active consumer, by adopting a new attitude ! And let’s not
forget that before social , sexual , religious , political , etc. , affiliations
, we all have one common denominator – we are consumers , and it depends on each
of us to be true equal partners of the market and , most importantly , to have a
say . We vote with every choice , with every product or service purchased ! But
do we vote knowingly ? Are we correctly informed ? Are we educated for the
competitive market , for the free market ? Do we know how to choose ? Do we know
how to decide ? Together We Can ! Together we become strong and , most
importantly , respected ! Join us !

Consumers protection is also consumer protection ! And consumer protection is
also the consumers protection ! I means we , we means I . Only together can we
be more educated , more informed consumers .

Consumer protection also means : anti-counterfeiting , anti-piracy ,
anti-plagiarism , the right to information , the right to education , the right
to safety , the right to make a complaint , the right to know, the right not to
be deceived , the right to have information in one’s native language , the right
to choose , etc.

Consumer protection also includes : Environmental Consumer Protection , Food
Consumer Protection , Energy Consumer Protection , Financial Products and
Services Consumer Protection , Cultural Consumer Protection , Medical Products
and Services Consumer Protection , etc.

Join us as a member ! Decide for YOURSELF !


© Sorin Mierlea
