Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL:
Effective URL:
Submission: On March 15 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

POST /searchresults

<form action="/searchresults" method="post" id="searchform">
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<form class="trackTrace">
  <section id="track-trace">
    <!-- left panel start -->
    <input type="hidden" id="id_lblStatus" value="Status">
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    <input type="hidden" id="id_lblEventDetails" value="EventDetails">
    <input type="hidden" id="id_lblTrackingNumber" value="Tracking Number">
    <input type="hidden" id="id_lblOrderIdnumber" value="Order Id/number">
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    <input type="hidden" id="id_lblOrderId" value="Order Id">
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    <input type="hidden" id="id_lblTrackingDetails" value="Tracking Details">
    <div class="tracking-container">
      <!-- traking serch - stage#1 start--->
      <div class="tracking-search trace trackstage1" style="">
        <div class="field animated slideInLeft in-view">
          <h1 aria-label="Track your item">Track your item</h1>
          <div id="captadd">
            <div class="fields-input track-your-item">
              <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 track-your-number">
                <div class="col-md-5 col-xs-12 group" id="tracking-text-field">
                  <input type="text" required="" id="trackSearch" value="" name="" maxlength="30" autocomplete="off">
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                  <label>Please enter valid Tracking or QID number</label>
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                  <input type="button" class="search-btn tnt nexttraceTab" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Button', 'Click', 'TrackItem Home')" value="&nbsp;" name="Please enter valid Tracking or QID number"
                    aria-label="Please enter valid Tracking or QID number">
              <input type="hidden" id="errorMsgTxtId" value="Please enter valid Tracking ID or QID.">
              <div id="errorMsgCaptchaId" style="display: none; color: red; font-size: 18px; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px;">Captcha value is blank/incorrect</div>
              <div id="errMsg" style="display: none; color: red; font-size: 18px; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px;"> * Please enter valid Tracking ID or Qatar ID </div>
          <p class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 p-content">Use Tracking ID for item tracking ,QID for metrash/E government tracking</p>
          <p class="col-md-12 col-xs-12" id="clicktosubscribe"> <a href="managemypobox">Get your PO Box Online</a></p>
      <!-- traking serch - stage#1 end--->
      <!-- traking serch with QID - results - stage#2--->
      <div class="qid-results trace animated slideInLeft trackstage2 hidden in-view" style="display: none;">
        <div class="row-container previous">
          <div class="previous-arrow">
            <span class="tracePrev" id="trackstageBack"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
            <input type="hidden" id="lblMultipleitemstonumber" value="Multiple items related to this number:">
          <div class="add-profile"></div>
        <div class="row-container">
          <h3 class="tracking-qid-number" id="trackstage2Num" alt="Tracking Number"></h3>
        <div class="row-container">
          <div class="left-panel">
            <input type="hidden" id="trackingnumberLabeltext" value="Multiple items were found related to this number.">
          <div class="right-panel">
            <!-- div class="status-desc">&nbsp;</div -->
        <div class="table trackingTable"></div>
      <!-- tracking search with QID - results - stage#2 --->
      <!-- traking serch with tracking no - results - stage#3--->
      <div class="tracking-single-result trace animated slideInLeft trackstage3 hidden in-view" style="display: none;">
        <div class="row-container previous">
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          <h3 class="tracking-qid-number track-num" alt=""></h3>
        <div class="row-container">
          <div class="left-panel">
            <p class="bold" style="width:300px;">Current status: <span id="lastStatus"></span></p>
            <!--<p>null <span id="expDate"></span></p> -->
          <div class="right-panel">
            <div class="status-desc">
              <!-- tracking status design start-->
              <div id="tracking-status">
                <div class="tracking-status-timeline"></div>
                <div class="image-tracking-status recevied">
                  <span class="status" id="receivedStatusID"></span>
                  <div class="icon"></div>
                <div class="image-tracking-status transit " id="transitStatusDivID">
                  <span class="status" id="transitStatusID"></span>
                  <div class="icon"></div>
                <!--<div class="image-tracking-status sorting">
							<span class="status" id="sortingStatusID"></span>
							<div class="icon"></div>
						<div class="image-tracking-status customs">
							<span class="status" id="customsStatusID"></span>
							<div class="icon"></div>
                <div class="image-tracking-status completed">
                  <span class="status" id="completedStatusID"></span>
                  <div class="icon"></div>
					<div id="tracking-status">
						<div class="tracking-status-timeline"></div>

						 <div class="image-tracking-status recevied">
							<span class="status">Recevied</span>
							<div class="icon"></div>
						<div class="image-tracking-status transit active">
							<span class="status">In transit</span>
							<div class="icon"></div>
						<div class="image-tracking-status sorting">
							<span class="status">In sorting</span>
							<div class="icon"></div>
						<div class="image-tracking-status customs">
							<span class="status">In customs</span>
							<div class="icon"></div>
						<div class="image-tracking-status completed">
							<span class="status">null</span>
							<div class="icon"></div>
              <!-- tracking status design end-->
              <div class="viewfull">View full details</div>
        <!--<div class="row-container" style="display: none;">
		<a class="

" data-toggle="collapse" href="#service-expand" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="service-expand">
                   <span class="serviceNo">null<i class="fa fa-plus floatright expandcollapse" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
                   <input id="toggleval" value="collapse" type="hidden"/>
                <div class="control-group Add-track-services collapse" id="service-expand">
	               <label for="changeaddress" class="radio bdr-lft changeaddress">
	                   	<span class="bgWhite">
							<span class="icon icon-changeaddress"></span>
							<span class="small">null</span>
							<span class="big bold">QAR 40</span>
							<input type="radio" name="Add_track_services" class="radio-custom required" id="changeaddress" value="changeaddress" /><span class="icon_span">&nbsp;</span>
	                <label for="sethold" class="radio sethold">
	                   	<span class="bgWhite">
							<span class="icon icon-sethold"></span>
							<span class="small">null</span>
							<span class="big bold">QAR 20</span>
							<input type="radio" name="Add_track_services" id="sethold" value="sethold" class="radio-custom" /><span class="icon_span">&nbsp;</span>
	                <label for="zeropobox" class="radio zeropobox">
	                   <span class="bgWhite">
							<span class="icon icon-reschedule"></span>
							<span class="small">null</span>
							<span class="big bold">QAR 80</span>
							<input type="radio" name="Add_track_services" id="zeropobox" value="zeropobox" class="radio-custom" /><span class="icon_span">&nbsp;</span>
		</div>	-->
      <!-- traking serch with tracking no - results - stage#3--->
      <!-- traking serch with not found - results - stage#4 start--->
      <!-- <div class="notfound-result animated slideInLeft" style="display: none;"> -->
      <div class="notfound-result animated slideInLeft in-view" style="display: none;">
        <div class="row-container previous">
          <div class="previous-arrow">
            <span class="tracePrev"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
            <div class="title-desc">Tracking Number</div>
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              <span class="login-inner-details login"><a href="#" class="user-login-cal">Login</a> or continue as guest</span>
        <div class="row-container">
          <h3 class="tracking-qid-number" alt="null">null</h3>
        <div class="row-container">
          <p class="big bold">If you have lost your tracking number, please contact the sender of your parcel</p>
          <p class="small">If you mailed the parcel with qatar Post, Please contact us at:</p>
          <h6>+974 4446400</h6>
          <p class="small">We strive to create the best service for you. you can find most frequent asked questions here:</p>
          <div class="buttons-container">
            <div class="type-1 nexttraceTab">
              <a href="" class="btn btn-gray" title="Postal Services">
						  <span class="txt">Postal Services</span>
						  <span class="round-blue"><i class=""><img src="/qp/images/arrow-white-right.png" alt="Right Arrow"></i></span>
      <!-- traking serch with not found - results - stage#4 end--->
      <!-- traking serch with tracking no - login - stage#5 start--->
      <!--	<div class="internal-login animated slideInLeft" style="display:none"> -->
      <div class="internal-login animated slideInLeft hidden in-view" style="display: none;">
        <div class="row-container previous">
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            <div class="title-desc">Login here</div>
          <div class="add-profile">
        <div class="row-container marginTop30 floatleft marginBottom30">
          <h4 class="tracking-qid-number">Welcome to Qatar Post</h4>
          <h6 class="tracking-qid-number marginTop10 marginBottom10">Login</h6>
        <div class="row-container marginTop30 wid75per login-fileds">
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            <label for="uname"><span class="hidden">USERNAME</span></label>
            <input type="text" value="" name="uname" class="wid49Hper" placeholder="Username" title="User Name" id="uname">
            <label for="upass"><span class="hidden">PASSWORD</span></label>
            <input type="password" value="" name="upass" class="wid49Hper" placeholder="Password" title="Password" id="upass">
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            <a href="#">Forgot password</a> | <a href="#">Create a new TAWTHEEQ account</a>
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					<span class="txt">Login</span>
					<span class="round-maroon"><i class=""><img src="/qp/images/arrow-white-right.png" alt=""></i></span>
      <!-- traking serch with tracking no - login - stage#5 end--->
      <!-- traking reshudle delivery tracking no - stage#6 start--->
      <!--<div class="reschedule-delivery-form trace animated slideInLeft" style="display:none" >
		<div class="row-container previous">
			<div class="previous-arrow"> 
				<span class="tracePrev"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> 
				<div class="title-desc">Tracking Number</div>
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					<span class="login-inner-details login"><a href="#" class="user-login-cal">Login</a> or continue as guest</span>

		<div class="row-container">
			<h3 class="tracking-qid-number dis-in-block track-num"></h3>
		<div class="trackTraceForm changeaddressform">
			<div class="row-container">
				<h5 class="tracking-qid-number">null</h5>
			<div class="row-container marginTop20 trace-Form">
				<div class="left-panel-form">
					<div class="fields-input ">
						<input type="text" id="forwardInput" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="OTP No">
						<span class="verify-btn" id="ForwardOTPverify">null</span>
						<span class="verify-btn resendOTP" style="position: absolute; margin-left: -2;">null</span>
					<p class="bold incorrectOTP" style="width:300px; display:none"  >null</p>
					<div class="fields-input marginTop15 radioBtns hidden">
						<div class="floatleft marginRight47">
							<label class="checkbox-container">null
							  <input type="checkbox" name="poboxHome" class="poboxcheckbox" >
							  <span class="checkmark"></span>

						<div class="floatleft">
							<label class="checkbox-container marginRight47">Home
							  <input type="checkbox" name="poboxHome" class="homecheckbox">
							  <span class="checkmark"></span>

						<div class="floatleft">
							<label class="checkbox-container">null
							  <input type="checkbox" name="poboxHome" class="smartlocker">
							  <span class="checkmark"></span>
					<div class="homeaddress hidden">
						<div class="fields-input">
							<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid98per" placeholder="null">
						<div class="fields-input">
							<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
								<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
								<option>city 1</option>
								<option>city 2</option>
							<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
								<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
								<option>Zone 1</option>
								<option>Zone 2</option>
						<div class="fields-input">
							<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
								<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
								<option>Street 1</option>
								<option>Street 2</option>
							<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
								<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
								<option>Building No 1</option>
								<option>Building No 2</option>
						<div class="fields-input">
							<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
								<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
								<option>Door No 1</option>
								<option>Door No 2</option>
							<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
								<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
								<option>Floor 1</option>
								<option>Floor 2</option>
						<div class="fields-input">
							<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
							<input type="email" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
					<div class="poboxaddress hidden">
						<div class="fields-input">
							<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid98per" placeholder="null">
							<div class="fields-input">
								<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
								<input type="email" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
							<label>PO Box No</label>
							<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid98per" placeholder="P.O. Box No">
					<div class="smartlockeraddress hidden">
						<div class="fields-input">
							<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid98per" placeholder="null">
							<div class="fields-input">
								<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
								<input type="email" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
							<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid98per" placeholder="null">
				<div class="right-panel-form"></div>
		<div class="trackTraceForm setonholdform">
			<div class="row-container">
				<h5 class="tracking-qid-number">null</h5>
			<div class="row-container marginTop20 trace-Form">
				<div class="left-panel-form">
					<div class="fields-input">
						<input type="text" value="" id="holdOTPInput" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="OTP No">
						<span class="verify-btn" id="holdOTPverify">null</span>
						<span class="verify-btn resendOTP" style="position: absolute; margin-left: -2;">null</span>
					<p class="bold incorrectOTP" style="width:300px; display:none"  >null</p>
					<div class="fields-input onHoldform hidden">
						<input type="text" value="" name="startDate" class="wid49per dateImg" placeholder="dd-mm-yyyy">
						<input type="text" value="" name="startDate" class="wid49per dateImg" placeholder="dd-mm-yyyy">
				<div class="right-panel-form">
		<div class="trackTraceForm zeroPOBoxform">
			<div class="row-container">
				<h5 class="tracking-qid-number">null</h5>
			<div class="fields-input marginTop20">
				<input type="text" value="" name="" id="zeroPOBOXOTPInput" class="wid35per" placeholder="null">
				<span class="verify-btn" id="zeroPOBOXOTPverify">null</span>
				<span class="verify-btn holdOTPverify" style="position: absolute; margin-left: -2;">null</span>
			<p class="bold incorrectOTP" style="width:300px; display:none"  >null</p>
			<div class="row-container marginTop20 trace-Form zeroPOboxaddressForm hidden">
				<div class="left-panel-form">
					<div class="fields-input">
						<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid98per" placeholder="null">
					<div class="fields-input">
						<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
							<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
							<option>city 1</option>
							<option>city 2</option>
						<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
							<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
							<option>Zone 1</option>
							<option>Zone 2</option>
					<div class="fields-input">
						<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
							<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
							<option>Street 1</option>
							<option>Street 2</option>
						<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
							<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
							<option>Building No 1</option>
							<option>Building No 2</option>
					<div class="fields-input">
						<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
							<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
							<option>Door No 1</option>
							<option>Door No 2</option>
						<select name="" class="wid49per selectStyle">
							<option value="" disabled selected>null</option>
							<option>Floor 1</option>
							<option>Floor 2</option>
					<div class="fields-input">
						<input type="text" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
						<input type="email" value="" name="" class="wid49per" placeholder="null">
				<div class="right-panel-form">
      <!-- traking reshudle delivery tracking no - stage#6 end--->
      <!--	<div class="reschedule-delivery-form trace animated slideInLeft" style="display:none"> -->
      <!--<div class="reschedule-delivery-form trace animated slideInLeft" style="display:none" >
		<div class="row-container previous">
			<div class="previous-arrow"> 
				<span class="tracePrev"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> 
				<div class="title-desc">Tracking Number</div>
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			 <div class="traceLogin">
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					<span class="login-inner-details login"><a href="#" class="user-login-cal">Login</a> or continue as guest</span>

		<div class="row-container">
			<h3 class="tracking-qid-number dis-in-block track-num"></h3>
		<div class="left-panel-price-form wid40per floatleft tab5Form animated slideInLeft">
	</div> -->
    <!--- left panel end -->


<form class="priceCalculator" id="payment_confirmation" action="" method="post">
  <section id="price-calculator-container">
    <div class="price-calculator-content">
      <!-- stage #1 -->
      <div class="content-continer row stage-1 tab" style="display: block;">
        <div class="field padBottom45 padLeft15 padRight15 animated slideInLeft in-view">
          <h2 class="title">Price calculator</h2>
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        <div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-12 stage1-ar nextTab animated slideInLeft in-view" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Button', 'Click', 'withinQatar Tab')" onkeypress="">
          <div class="price-calculator-box servicepreferencebox price-calculator-page" id="withinQatar">
            <div class="content">
              <div class="withinQatar firsttab">
                <div class="package"><img src="/qp/images/witin-qatar-black.png" class="imgNormal" alt="Icon WithinQatar">
                  <img src="/qp/images/witin-qatar-white.png" class="imghover" alt="Icon WithinQatar" style="display: none;">
              <div class="middle" id="within-qatar">Within Qatar</div>
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        <div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-12 nextTab animated slideInRight in-view" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Button', 'Click', 'overseas Tab')" onkeypress="">
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                  <img src="/qp/images/overseas-white.png" class="imghover" alt="Icon Overseas" style="display: none;">
              <div class="middle" id="Overseas">Overseas</div>
              <div class="right">
                <div class="circle"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></div>
      <!-- stage #1  end-->
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          <!--<p class="small-header">Print your label online and skip the queue</p>-->
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        <div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-12 stage2-ar nextTab animated slideInLeft in-view" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Button', 'Click', 'Package Tab')" onkeypress="">
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              <div class="middle" id="Letter">Letter</div>
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      <!-- stage #1 end -->
      <!-- stage 2 strting -->
      <div class="content-continer stage-3 tab hidden" style="display:none;">
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        <div class="serviceBox standard nextTab animated bounceInDown in-view" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Button', 'Click', 'Standard Tab')" onkeypress="">
          <div class="serviceHead">
            <span class="leftPart"><i class="fa fa-truck" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
            <div class="rightPart">
              <span class="serviceName" id="Standard">Standard</span><span class="deliveryTime1">(1-2days)</span><span class="deliveryTime2">(2-15days)</span>
            <input type="hidden" id="id_lblQatarS" value="Qatar Standard">
            <input type="hidden" id="id_lblQatarE" value="Qatar Express">
            <input type="hidden" id="id_lblGlobalS" value="Global Standard">
            <input type="hidden" id="id_lblGlobalE" value="Global Express">
          <div class="serviceDescription">
            <span class="desc">Proof of Delivery</span>
            <p>(P.O.D)Includes the time of delivery,Full delivery address, the name and signature of the reciever</p>
            <span class="desc">Track and Trace</span>
            <p>Your letters and parcels are tracked and traced throughout the entire shipping and delivery process.</p>
        <div class="serviceBox express nextTab animated delay-300ms bounceInDown in-view" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Button', 'Click', 'Express Tab')" onkeypress="">
          <div class="serviceHead">
            <span class="leftPart"><i class="fa fa-truck" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
            <div class="rightPart">
              <span class="serviceName" id="Express">Express</span><span class="deliveryTime1">(1day)</span><span class="deliveryTime2">(7-10 days)</span>
          <div class="serviceDescription">
            <span class="desc">Proof of Delivery</span>
            <p>(P.O.D)Includes the time of delivery,Full delivery address, the name and signature of the reciever</p>
            <span class="desc">Track and Trace</span>
            <p>Your letters and parcels are tracked and traced throughout the entire shipping and delivery process.</p>
      <!-- stage 2 end -->
      <!-- Here i am making to call the CSElement Price Calculator -->
          body {
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              <div class="left-col"> Your shipment - <p class="">Express </p>
              <div class="right-col"> <span class="newtrackvalue"></span>QAR </div>
          <!-- mobile price view end -->
          <div class="right-panel-price-form wid30per floatright animated bounceInDown in-view">
            <div class="TotalForm">
              <div class="part1 border-bottom">
                <div class="item-info">
                  <span>Your shipment</span> <span>Global priority</span> <span class="international">International - India</span>
                <div class="item-pic floatright">
                  <img src="/qp/images/icon-package-white.png" alt="itemimage">
                <span class="max selweight floatright">Max <span class="font-big"></span>
              <div class="part2 floatleft border-bottom">
                <span class="floatright"></span>
                <p class="rowParticular">
                  <span class="left-col wid60per floatleft">Service/order cost</span>
                  <span class="left-col wid40per floatright text-right"></span>
              <div class="part3 floatleft" style="display:none">
                <span class="floatleft bold">Pickup Order</span><span class="floatright"><span class="font-big">25</span> QAR</span>
              <div class="part3 floatleft" style="display:none">
                <span class="floatleft bold"></span><span class="floatright"><span class="font-big">30</span> QAR</span>
              <div class="part3 floatleft" style="display:none">
                <span class="floatleft bold"></span><span class="floatright"><span class="font-big">40</span> QAR</span>
              <div class="part3 floatleft">
                <span class="floatleft bold">Total cost</span><span class="floatright"><span class="font-big newtrackvalue"></span> QAR</span>
                <input type="hidden" id="id_lblQAR" value="QAR">
          <div class="left-panel-price-form wid40per floatleft animated slideInLeft in-view">
            <div class="fields-input standard-fields">
              <label for="destination">Destination</label> <select class="wid100per" name="destination" id="destination">
                <option>Choose destination</option>
              <input type="hidden" id="id_lblChooseDestination" value="Choose destination">
              <span id="desterr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;"> Please Select the Destination to Proceed Further</span>
            <div class="fields-input standard-fields">
              <label for="weight">Weight</label> <input id="weight" type="text" value="" min="0" max="" name="weight" class="wid100per" placeholder="Weight in kilograms">
              <input type="hidden" id="id_lblWeightinkilograms" name="Weight in kilograms" value="Max Weight Allowed">
              <input type="hidden" id="id_lblKglblGrams" name="Grams" value="Kg">
              <span>Enter the weight in grams</span>
              <input type="hidden" id="isweightexceed" value="">
              <span>Enter the weight of the parcel in kilograms with one decimal</span>
              <span id="weighterr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;">Please Enter Weight</span>
              <br><span id="maxweighterr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;">Please enter value within max limit<span></span></span>
            <div class="fields-input global-fields">
              <div class="wid32per floatleft dimension marginRight9">
                <label for="dLength"><span class="hidden">LENGTH</span></label>
                <input id="dLength" type="text" value="" name="dLength" maxlength="5" class="wid100per" placeholder="Length" title="Length"> <span class="">Enter the length (cm)</span><br>
                <span id="lengtherr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;">Please Enter Length</span>
              <div class="wid32per floatleft dimension marginRight9">
                <label for="dWidth"><span class="hidden">WIDTH</span></label>
                <input id="dWidth" type="text" value="" name="dWidth" maxlength="5" class="wid100per" placeholder="Width" title="Enter the width (cm)"> <span class="">Enter the width (cm)</span><br>
                <span id="widtherr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;">Please Enter Width</span>
              <div class="wid32per dimension floatleft ">
                <label for="dHeight"><span class="hidden">HEIGHT</span></label>
                <input id="dHeight" type="text" value="" name="dHeight" maxlength="5" class="wid100per" placeholder="Height" title="Enter the height (cm)"> <span class="">Enter the height (cm)</span><br>
                <span id="heighterr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;">Please Enter Height</span>
              <br><span id="volumeerr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;">Volume (length X width X height) exceeds 25000</span>
            <div class="fields-input global-fields padBottom10">
              <label>Do you require a care package? </label>
            <div class="fields-input global-fields padBottom10">
              <div class="floatleft marginRight47">
                <label class="radio-container">Yes <input type="radio" id="carepackageyes" name="carePackage" value="carePackage_yes">
                  <span class="checkmark"></span>
                <span id="crpackerr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;"></span>
              <div class="floatleft">
                <label class="radio-container">No<input type="radio" id="carepackageno" checked="checked" name="carePackage" value="carePackage_no"> <span class="checkmark"></span>
            <div class="fields-input global-fields carePackage_value" style="display: none;">
              <div class="floatleft wid100per">
                <label for="carePackageamount1"><span class="hidden">CARE PACKAGE</span></label>
                <input type="text" value="" name="carePackageamount" id="carePackageamount1" class="wid100per" placeholder="Product Value in QAR" title="Product Value in QAR">
            <div class="fields-input marginTop5 hide-standard" style="display: none;" id="regTrack">
              <div class="floatleft marginRight47">
                <label class="checkbox-container pickup">Register For Tracking <!--<input type="checkbox" name="tracking" value="tracking" class="tracking-checkbox" checked="checked" >-->
                  <input type="checkbox" name="tracking" value="tracking" class="tracking-checkbox">
                  <span class="checkmark"></span>
                  <span id="trackerr" class="ErrMsg" style="color: red; font-size: 15px; display: none;"> Please check Register to proceed further</span>
            <div class="type-2">
              <a id="registerProceed" href="#price-calculator-container" class="btn btn-blue nextTab" title="Proceed"> <span class="txt">Proceed
									</span> <span class="round-yellow"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
            <div class="marginTop5 serverIssue" style="display:none">
              <span class="error ErrMsg">We are facing trouble connecting to the server. Please refresh the page and try again</span>
        <!-- stage 3 end -->
        <!-- stage 5 strting -->
        <!-- stage 5 end -->
        <!-- stage 4 start -->
        <!-- stage 4 end -->
        <!-- new  stage 6 start  -->
        <!-- new  stage 6 End  -->
        <!-- stage 5 start  -->
        <!-- stage 5 end  -->
        <!-- stage 6 start  -->
        <!-- stage 6 end  -->
        <!-- price calculator end-->
        <input type="hidden" id="pccalledfrom" name="pccalledfrom" value="HomePage" disabled="disabled">
        <input type="hidden" id="selectedservicetype1" name="selectedservicetype1" value="null" disabled="disabled">
        <input type="hidden" id="serviceType1" name="serviceType1" value="null" disabled="disabled">
        <input type="hidden" id="serviceSubType1" name="serviceSubType1" value="null" disabled="disabled">
        <input type="hidden" id="subType" name="subType" value="null">
        <input type="hidden" id="selectedservicetype" name="selectedservicetype" disabled="disabled">
        <input type="hidden" id="serviceType" name="serviceType" disabled="disabled">
        <input type="hidden" id="serviceSubType" name="serviceSubType" disabled="disabled">
        <input type="hidden" id="ProductName" name="ProductName" disabled="disabled">
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          if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
            String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position) {
              position = position || 0;
              return this.indexOf(searchString, position) === position;
          if (!String.prototype.includes) {
            String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) {
              if (typeof start !== 'number') {
                start = 0;
              if (start + search.length > this.length) {
                return false;
              } else {
                return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1;
          $(function() {
            var d = new Date();
            var day = d.getDay();
            var mxd = 2;
            if (day <= 2 || day > 5) {
              mxd = 2;
            } else if (day > 2 && day < 6) {
              mxd = 3;
            var hrs = d.getHours();
            var mnd = (hrs > 18) ? 1 : 0;
              changeMonth: true,
              changeYear: true,
              allowInputToggle: true,
              minDate: mnd,
              maxDate: mxd,
              dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
              beforeShowDay: function(date) {
                var day = date.getDay();
                return [day != 5, ''];
            $(".datepicker1").on("change", function() {
              var select = document.getElementById("timeSlot1");
              var pickupDate1 = $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='pickupDate']");
              var today = new Date();
              var time = today.toLocaleTimeString().replace(/([\d]+:[\d]{2})(:[\d]{2})(.*)/, "$1$3");
              //console.log("Current Time is::"+time);
              var AMPM;
              if (time.match(/\s(.*)$/)) {
                AMPM = time.match(/\s(.*)$/)[1];
              //console.log("AMPM is:----"+AMPM);
              var timeSlot1 = $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form select[name='timeSlot']");
              time = time.split(":");
              time[0] = Number(time[0]);
              if (AMPM == "PM" && time[0] < 12) time[0] = time[0] + 12;
              if (AMPM == "AM" && time[0] == 12) time[0] = time[0] - 12;
              var pickupslots = ["09:00 AM - 11:00 AM", "11:00 AM - 01:00 PM", "01:00 PM - 03:00 PM", "03:00 PM - 05:00 PM", "05:00 PM - 07:00 PM", "07:00 PM - 09:00 PM"];
              if ((pickupDate1.val()).slice(0, 2) == new Date().getDate()) {
                //console.log("I am here 1111");
                $('#timeSlot1').find('option').remove().end().append('<option selected disabled value="Select Time Slot">' + $("#id_lblSelecttimeslot").val() + '</option>').val('Select Time Slot');
                //console.log("Current Time is innnnnn ifffff::   "+time[0]);		
                if (time[0] < 9) {
                  //console.log("I am here before 9, showing all");
                  for (var i = 0; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                    //console.log("showing time: "+pickupslots[i]);
                    var opt = pickupslots[i];
                    var el = document.createElement("option");
                    el.textContent = opt;
                    el.value = opt;
                } else if (time[0] >= 9 && time[0] < 11) {
                  //console.log("I am here 9 to 11");
                  for (var i = 1; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                    var opt = pickupslots[i];
                    var el = document.createElement("option");
                    el.textContent = opt;
                    el.value = opt;
                } else if (time[0] >= 11 && time[0] < 13) {
                  //console.log("I am here 11 to 1");
                  for (var i = 2; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                    var opt = pickupslots[i];
                    var el = document.createElement("option");
                    el.textContent = opt;
                    el.value = opt;
                } else if (time[0] >= 13 && time[0] < 15) {
                  //console.log("I am here 1 to 3");
                  for (var i = 3; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                    var opt = pickupslots[i];
                    var el = document.createElement("option");
                    el.textContent = opt;
                    el.value = opt;
                } else if (time[0] >= 15 && time[0] < 17) {
                  //console.log("I am here 3 to 5");
                  for (var i = 4; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                    var opt = pickupslots[i];
                    var el = document.createElement("option");
                    el.textContent = opt;
                    el.value = opt;
                } else if (time[0] >= 17 && time[0] < 19) {
                  //console.log("I am here 5 to 7");
                  for (var i = 5; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                    var opt = pickupslots[i];
                    var el = document.createElement("option");
                    el.textContent = opt;
                    el.value = opt;
                } else if (time[0] >= 19 && time[0] < 21) {
                  //console.log("I am here 7 to 9");
                  for (var i = 6; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                    var opt = pickupslots[i];
                    var el = document.createElement("option");
                    el.textContent = opt;
                    el.value = opt;
              } else {
                $('#timeSlot1').find('option').remove().end().append('<option selected disabled value="Select Time Slot">' + $("#id_lblSelecttimeslot").val() + '</option>').val('Select Time Slot');
                //console.log("I am here showing all timings");
                for (var i = 0; i < pickupslots.length; i++) {
                  var opt = pickupslots[i];
                  var el = document.createElement("option");
                  el.textContent = opt;
                  el.value = opt;
            var oReq, svcType, subType, svcSubType, weightInKg, maxLengthCheck, destination, typeOfCountry, volumeInCubicCm, zone, priceOfGoodForCarePackage;
            var typeJSON = "JSON";
            var Productname = "";
            var typePARAM = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            var serviceCost = "";
            var fetchCountryFor = "";

            function getXMLHttpRequest() {
              if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
                return new window.XMLHttpRequest;
              } else {
                try {
                  return new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
                } catch (ex) {
                  return null;

            function getHandler(url, cType, handler) {
              oReq = getXMLHttpRequest();
              if (oReq != null) {
      "GET", url, true);
                oReq.setRequestHeader("Content-type", cType);
                oReq.onreadystatechange = handler;
              } else {
                window.console.log("AJAX (XMLHTTP) not supported.");
              return false;

            function destHandler() {
              $('.TotalForm .part2 .rowParticular .text-right').text("");
              if (svcTypeCountry === "within-qatar") {
                $("#destination").append("<option selected value='-1'>Qatar</option>");
                $("#destination").attr('disabled', true);
                //calll country from API
                var jsonData = JSON.stringify({
                  "productName": fetchCountryFor
                  type: "POST",
                  contentType: "application/json",
                  url: "/DigitalService/rest/digitalUtil/getCountryListForProduct",
                  data: jsonData,
                  success: function(res) {
                    var jsonName = res.listOfCountry;
                    sessionStorage.setItem("countryList", jsonName);
                    for (i = 0; i < jsonName.length; i++) {
                      if (jsonName[i].country == "Qatar") {
                        $("#destination").find("option").attr('name', jsonName[i].maxWeight);
                        //getHandler(loadJson(), typeJSON, weigtHandler);
                  error: function(res) {
                    console.log("Request Failed " + JSON.stringify(res));
                    $('.serverIssue .error').show();
                $("#weight").attr("placeholder", $('#id_lblWeightinkilograms').attr("name"));
                $("#weight").attr("placeholder", $('#id_lblWeightinkilograms').val() + " 1 " + $('#id_lblKglblGrams').val());
                $("#weight").attr("placeholder", $('#id_lblWeightinkilograms').attr("name"));
              } else {
                $("#destination").attr('disabled', false);
                $("#destination").append("<option value='-1'>" + $('#id_lblChooseDestination').val() + "</option>");
                $("#weight").attr("placeholder", $('#id_lblWeightinkilograms').attr("name"));
                //calll country from API
                var jsonData = JSON.stringify({
                  "productName": fetchCountryFor
                  type: "POST",
                  contentType: "application/json",
                  url: "/DigitalService/rest/digitalUtil/getCountryListForProduct",
                  data: jsonData,
                  success: function(res) {
                    var jsonName = res.listOfCountry;
                    sessionStorage.setItem("countryList", jsonName);
                    for (i = 0; i < jsonName.length; i++) {
                      if (jsonName[i].country != "Qatar") {
                        $("#destination").append("<option value=" + i + " name=" + jsonName[i].maxWeight + ">" + jsonName[i].country + "</option>");
                  error: function(res) {
                    console.log("Request Failed " + JSON.stringify(res));
                    $('.serverIssue .error').show();
              //console.log("Desi Handler End :::");

            function weigtHandler() {
              var selected = $("#destination option:selected").text();
              var selectedWt = $("#destination option:selected").attr("name");
              if (selected != null && selected != "") {
                // call name attribute
                $("#weight").attr("placeholder", $('#id_lblWeightinkilograms').val() + " " + selectedWt + " " + $('#id_lblKglblGrams').val());
                $("#weight").attr("max", selectedWt);
                maxLengthCheck = parseInt(selectedWt);
                if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Standard") {
                  $("#weight").attr("placeholder", $('#id_lblWeightinkilograms').val() + " 1000 " + $('#id_lblKglblGrams').attr("name"));
                  $("#weight").attr("max", "1000");
                  maxLengthCheck = 1000;
                  selectedWt = 1;
                $('.TotalForm .part1 .max span:nth-child(1)').text(selectedWt + " " + $('#id_lblKglblGrams').val());
                $('.TotalForm .part1 .item-info span:nth-child(3)').text(selected);
                /*if(subType == "Global_priority")
                	zone = item.Zone;*/

            function priceHandler() {
              var serviceCostStage6 = "";
              if (oReq.readyState == 4 /* complete */ ) {
                // console.log("oReq.responseText.trim() = "+oReq.responseText.trim());
                if (oReq.status == 200) {
                  var totalCost = parseFloat(oReq.responseText.trim());
                  var totalCostStage4 = totalCost;
                  serviceCost = totalCostStage4;
                  //console.log("old value: "+totalCost);
                  // BUG 1459 ADDED CONDITION for svcType == "Letter"
                  /* if(subType === "Standard" && svcType == "Letter"){
				totalCost=(parseFloat(totalCost)  + 8).toFixed(2);
                  if (svcTypeCountry == "within-qatar" && subType === "Express") {
                    $('.stage-6 .pickAddonBlock').show();
                    totalCost = (parseFloat(totalCost) + 25).toFixed(2);
                    //console.log("new value with pickup: "+totalCost);
                  //REQUESTED BY POKHRAJ -CODE
                  if (($("#weight") != null) && ($("#weight").val() == "0")) {
                    totalCost = 0;
                  //END OF CODE
                  $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big.newvalue').text(totalCost);
                  $('.mobile-price-view .right-col .newvalue').text(totalCost);
                  $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big.newtrackvalue').text(totalCostStage4);
                  $('.mobile-price-view .right-col .newtrackvalue').text(totalCostStage4);
                  $('.stage-5 .TotalForm .part3 .font-big.newvalue').text(totalCostStage4);
                  $('.stage-5 .mobile-price-view .right-col .newvalue').text(totalCostStage4);
                  serviceCostStage6 = serviceCost;
                  serviceCost = serviceCost + " " + $('#id_lblQAR').val();
                  //$('.TotalForm .part2 .floatleft .border-bottom .rowParticular .left-col.wid35per.floatright.text-right').text(serviceCost+);
                  $('.TotalForm .part2 .rowParticular .text-right').text(serviceCost);
                //console.log("subType is in price handler:::"+totalCost);
              } else {
                $('.serverIssue .error').show();
              $('.TotalForm .part2 .rowParticular .text-right.font-big').text(serviceCost);
              //$('.TotalForm .part2 .floatleft .border-bottom .rowParticular .left-col.wid35per.floatright.text-right').text(serviceCost);

            function loadJson() {
              var svcType;
              //svcType = $('#serviceType').val();
              if ($('#pccalledfrom').val() === "DetailPage") {
                if ($('#serviceType1').val().trim() == "Package") svcType = "parcel.json";
                else if ($('#serviceType1').val().trim() == "Letter") svcType = "mail.json";
              } else {
                //console.log("Service ::: " + $('#serviceType').val().trim());
                if ($('#serviceType').val().trim() == "Package") svcType = "parcel.json";
                else if ($('#serviceType').val().trim() == "Letter") svcType = "mail.json";
              var url = "/qp/data/" + svcType;
              //console.log("URL = " + url + " svcType = " + svcType );
              return url;

            function getServiceType() {
              // i should read three arg values here based on ajax call
              if ($('#pccalledfrom').val() === "DetailPage") {
                svcTypeCountry = $('#selectedservicetype1').val().trim();
                svcType = $('#serviceType1').val().trim();
                //console.log("We are in service Type :: " + svcType );
                subType = $('#serviceSubType1').val().trim();
                //console.log("We are in sub Type :: " + subType );
              } else {
                svcTypeCountry = $('#selectedservicetype').val().trim();
                svcType = $('#serviceType').val().trim();
                //console.log("We are in service Type :: " + svcType );
                subType = $('#serviceSubType').val().trim();
                //console.log("We are in sub Type :: " + subType );
              if (svcTypeCountry == "within-qatar") {
                if (svcType == "Package" && subType == "Standard") {
                  svcSubType = "Std_Parcel";
                  Productname = "qatarstdPackage";
                  fetchCountryFor = "Standard";
                } else if (svcType == "Package" && subType == "Express") {
                  svcSubType = "Exp_Parcel";
                  Productname = "qatarexpressPackage";
                  fetchCountryFor = "EMS";
                } else if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Standard") {
                  svcSubType = "Std_Mail";
                  Productname = "qatarstdletter";
                  fetchCountryFor = "Standard";
                } else if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Express") {
                  svcSubType = "Exp_Mail";
                  Productname = "qatarexpressPackage";
                  fetchCountryFor = "EMS";
              } else if (svcTypeCountry == "Overseas") {
                if (svcType == "Package" && subType == "Standard") {
                  svcSubType = "Std_Parcel";
                  Productname = "overseasstdpackage";
                  fetchCountryFor = "Standard";
                } else if (svcType == "Package" && subType == "Express") {
                  svcSubType = "Exp_Parcel";
                  Productname = "overseasexpresspackage";
                  fetchCountryFor = "EMS";
                } else if (svcType == "Package" && subType == "Global_priority") {
                  svcSubType = "Gbl_Parcel";
                  Productname = "overseasgppackage";
                } else if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Standard") {
                  svcSubType = "Std_Mail";
                  Productname = "overseasstdletter";
                  fetchCountryFor = "Standard";
                } else if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Express") {
                  svcSubType = "Exp_Mail";
                  Productname = "overseasexpressletter";
                  fetchCountryFor = "EMS";
                } else if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Global_priority") {
                  svcSubType = "Gbl_Mail";
                  Productname = "overseasgpletter";
            //BUG 1459
            /*$(document).on("click", "input[name=tracking]",function(){
            var totalCost = parseFloat($('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').html());

                   if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
                          console.log("Current totalCost1 ="+totalCost);
            	      totalCost=(totalCost  + 8).toFixed(2);
                          console.log("Current totalCost1 ="+totalCost);
                          console.log("Current totalCost2 ="+totalCost);
                          totalCost=(totalCost  - 8).toFixed(2);
                          console.log("Current totalCost2 ="+totalCost);
            //$('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').html( (totalCost);
            $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').text(totalCost);
            function clearText() {
              $('.TotalForm .part1 .max span:nth-child(1)').text("");
              //$('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').text("");
              //$("#crtOrder").attr("disabled", "disabled");
              $('.TotalForm .part2 .rowParticular .text-right').text("");
              $("input[type=checkbox]").prop("checked", false);
              $("select[name=timeSlot]").val($("select[name=timeSlot] option:first").val());
            $('.servicepreferencebox').click(function() {
              svcTypeCountry = $('#selectedservicetype').val().trim();
              //console.log("Selected Country for Service::::::"+$(this).find(".middle").attr("id"));
            $('.serviceboxcalculator').click(function() {
              if (svcTypeCountry == "within-qatar") {
              } else {
              //console.log("Selected Service :::::"+$(this).find(".middle").attr("id"));
            if ($('#pccalledfrom').val() === "DetailPage") {
              // console.log("I am coming here now"+$('#serviceType1').val());
              // console.log("I am coming here now"+$('#serviceSubType1').val());
              // console.log("I am coming here now"+$('#selectedservicetype1').val());
              svcTypeCountry = $('#selectedservicetype1').val();
              //console.log("Setting id = " + $("#serviceSubType1").val());
              //$('#serviceSubType').val($(this).find(".serviceHead .rightPart .serviceName").attr("id"));
              $('.TotalForm .part1 .item-info span:nth-child(2)').text("");
              $('.TotalForm .part1 .item-info span:nth-child(3)').text("");
              $('.TotalForm .part1 .item-info span:nth-child(2)').text($("#serviceSubType1").val());
              getHandler(loadJson(), typeJSON, destHandler);
            $('.serviceBox').click(function() {
              //console.log("Setting id = " + $(this).find(".serviceHead .rightPart .serviceName").attr("id"));
              $('#serviceSubType').val($(this).find(".serviceHead .rightPart .serviceName").attr("id"));
              $('.TotalForm .part1 .item-info span:nth-child(2)').text("");
              $('.TotalForm .part1 .item-info span:nth-child(3)').text("");
              $('.TotalForm .part1 .item-info span:nth-child(2)').text($(this).find(".serviceHead .rightPart .serviceName").text());
              var servicetypeval = $('#serviceSubType').val().trim();
              var selectedservicetype = $('#selectedservicetype').val().trim();
              var svcTypeval = $('#serviceType').val().trim();
              //console.log("Setting id"  + servicetypeval  + " ==" +svcTypeval  ); 
              if (servicetypeval == "Express" && selectedservicetype == "within-qatar") {
                $('.mobile-price-view p').text($("#id_lblQatarE").val());
                fetchCountryFor = "EMS";
              } else if (servicetypeval == "Express" && selectedservicetype == "Overseas") {
                $('.mobile-price-view p').text($("#id_lblGlobalE").val());
                fetchCountryFor = "EMS";
              } else if (servicetypeval == "Standard" && selectedservicetype == "within-qatar") {
                $('.mobile-price-view p').text($("#id_lblQatarS").val());
                fetchCountryFor = "Standard";
              } else if (servicetypeval == "Standard" && selectedservicetype == "Overseas") {
                $('.mobile-price-view p').text($("#id_lblGlobalS").val());
                fetchCountryFor = "Standard";
              if (svcTypeval.trim() == "Letter" && servicetypeval.trim() == "Standard") {
              } else {
              //getHandler(loadJson(), typeJSON, destHandler);
            $('.sendMethod').click(function() {
              // console.log("in send method for address updation"+$(".stage-5 .left-panel-price-form input[name='city']").val() );
              //$('#sendMethod').text($(this).find(".radio .bgWhite span:nth-child(2)").text());
              var addhtml = "<p><b>" + $("#id_lblSenderAddress").val() + "</b></p>";
              addhtml += "<p>" + $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='fullName']").val() + ",";
              addhtml += $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form select[name='city']").val() + ",";
              addhtml += $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form select[name='zoneNo']").val() + ",";
              addhtml += $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form select[name='streetName']").val() + ",";
              addhtml += $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form select[name='buildingName']").val() + "</p>";
              addhtml += "<p>" + $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='villaNo']").val() + ",";
              addhtml += $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='floorNo']").val() + "</p>";
              addhtml += "<p> POBox::  " + $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='poBox']").val() + "</p>";
              addhtml += "<p> Mobile::  " + $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='mobileNumber']").val() + "</p>";
              addhtml += "<p> Email::  " + $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='email']").val() + "</p>";
              sessionStorage.setItem("senderaddress", addhtml);
            /* $("#weight").bind("keyup",function(e){
            }); */
            $('.recMethod').click(function() {
              //$('#recMethod').text($(this).find(".radio .bgWhite span:nth-child(2)").text());
              //$('#recInfo').text($(this).find(".radio .bgWhite span:nth-child(2)").text());
              //$('.TotalForm .part2 span:nth-child(1)').html("");
              // console.log("in receive method for address updation"+$(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='AddressLine1']").val());
              if (svcTypeCountry == "within-qatar") {
                var addhtml = "<p><b>" + $("#id_lblRecipientAddress").val() + "</b></p>";
                //var addhtml = "<p>"+$(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rfullName']").val() +",";
                addhtml += "<p>" + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rfullName']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form select[name='rcity']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form select[name='rzoneno']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p>" + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form select[name='rstreetno']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form select[name='rbuildingno']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rvillano']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rfloorno']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p> POBox::  " + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rpobox']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p> Mobile::  " + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rmobileno']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p> Email::  " + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='remailadd']").val() + "</p>";
                sessionStorage.setItem("recaddres", addhtml);
              } else if (svcTypeCountry == "Overseas") {
                //var addhtml = "<p>"+$(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rfullName']").val() +",";
                var addhtml = "<p><b>Recipient Address</b></p>";
                addhtml += "<p>" + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='AddressLine1']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='AddressLine1']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='AddressLine2']").val() + ",";
                addhtml += $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='City']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p>" + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='State']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p>" + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='Zip']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p> Mobile::  " + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rmobileNumber']").val() + "</p>";
                addhtml += "<p> Email::  " + $(".stage-8 .left-panel-price-form input[name='rEmail']").val() + "</p>";
                sessionStorage.setItem("recaddres", addhtml);
            $("#destination").on('change', function() {
              $("#weight").attr("placeholder", $('#id_lblWeightinkilograms').attr("name"));
              $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big.newtrackvalue').text("");
              $('.TotalForm .part2 .rowParticular .floatright').text("");
              $('.mobile-price-view .right-col .newtrackvalue').text("");
              getHandler(loadJson(), typeJSON, weigtHandler);

            function isInt(n) {
              var isinteger = false;
              if (Math.floor(n) == n && $.isNumeric(n)) isinteger = true;
              return isinteger;
            var regionArr = getTypeOfCountry();
            var region = "";

            function getTypeOfCountry() {
                type: "get",
                contentType: "application/json",
                url: "/qp/data/mapping.json",
                data: "",
                success: function(parseRes) {
                  regionArr = parseRes;
                error: function(parseRes) {
                  // console.log("Res = "+JSON.stringify(parseRes.responseText)); 
            /* $(".tracking-checkbox").change(function(){
                    if( $(this).prop("checked") == true  && ($("#weight").val() != "") )  
            			$("#registerProceed").attr("disabled", false);
            			$("#registerProceed").attr("disabled", true);
            			$("#bottomTextreg").text("Please check this to Proceed Further");
            	$('input[id=weight]').on('focusout', function(){ 
            	//$("#weight").blur(function() {
            	  if(subType === "Standard" ){
            		// console.log("here in subtye tandard");
            		// create order button should not be enabled
            		if(($(this).val() != "") ){
            			// console.log("false");
            	$("#registerProceed").attr("disabled", false);
            		$(".bottomText").text("Enter the weight of the parcel in kilograms with one decimal");
            		$("#registerProceed").attr("disabled", true);
            		if(($(this).val() != "") ){
            	$("#registerProceed").attr("disabled", false);

            	$('input[name=itemvalue]').on('focusout', function(){ 
            	if(($(this).val() == "") ){
            	$("#crtOrder").attr("disabled", true);
            		$("#crtOrder").attr("disabled", false);
            	$('input[name=itemvalue]').bind('keyup', function(){ 
            	var itemvalue =  $(this).val();
            	if(isNaN(itemvalue) || itemvalue == "")
            	if(($(this).val() == "") ){
            	$("#crtOrder").attr("disabled", true);
            		$("#crtOrder").attr("disabled", false);
            	}); */
            $('input[name=poBox]').bind('keyup', function() {
              var poBoxvalue = $(this).val();
              var regfloatexp = new RegExp(/[-+]?([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/);
              $("#poBoxErr").css('display', 'none');
              if (isNaN(poBoxvalue) || regfloatexp.test(poBoxvalue) == false) {
                $("#poBoxErr").css('display', 'block');
            $('input[name=rpobox]').bind('keyup', function() {
              var rpoboxvalue = $(this).val();
              var regfloatexp = new RegExp(/[-+]?([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/);
              $("#delPobErr").css('display', 'none');
              if (isNaN(rpoboxvalue) || regfloatexp.test(rpoboxvalue) == false) {
                // console.log(rpoboxvalue);
                $("#delPobErr").css('display', 'block');
            $("#mobilenummask").bind('keyup', function() {
              var mobNovalue = $(this).val();
              var regfloatexp = new RegExp(/[-+]?([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/);
              $("#mobileNumberErr").css('display', 'none');
              if (isNaN(mobNovalue) || regfloatexp.test(mobNovalue) == false) {
                // console.log(mobNovalue);
                $("#mobileNumberErr").css('display', 'block');
            $('input[name=pmobile]').bind('keyup', function() {
              var pmobNovalue = $(this).val();
              var regfloatexp = new RegExp(/[-+]?([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/);
              $("#pmobileNumberErr").css('display', 'none');
              if (isNaN(pmobNovalue) || regfloatexp.test(pmobNovalue) == false) {
                // console.log(pmobNovalue);
                $("#pmobileNumberErr").css('display', 'block');
            $('input[name=rmobileno]').bind('keyup', function() {
              var rmobNovalue = $(this).val();
              var regfloatexp = new RegExp(/[-+]?([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/);
              $("#delMobileErr").css('display', 'none');
              if (isNaN(rmobNovalue) || regfloatexp.test(rmobNovalue) == false) {
                // console.log(rmobNovalue);
                $("#delMobileErr").css('display', 'block');
            $("#weight").bind("keyup", function(e) {
              $('#maxweighterr span').text(' (' + maxLengthCheck + ')');
              $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').text("");
              $("input[name=tracking]").prop("checked", false);
              var regfloatexp = new RegExp(/[-+]?([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/);
              var url;
              //console.log( $("#weight").val() + " test="+  $.isNumeric($("#weight").val()) );
              var enteredval = $("#weight").val();
              if (enteredval.startsWith("00")) $("#weight").val("0");
              if (enteredval == '.') {
                if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Standard") {
                  enteredval = '0';
                } else {
                  enteredval = '0.';
              if (enteredval != "" && $.isNumeric(enteredval) != true) {
                $("#weight").val(enteredval.slice(0, -1));
              enteredval = enteredval.substring(enteredval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              var lengthval = enteredval.length;
              if ($("#weight").val() != "") {
                $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && lengthval > 3) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(3));
                weightInKg = $(this).val();
              //if(weightInKg > 1 && svcType == "Letter" && (subType == "Standard" || subType == "Express" || subType == "Global_priority")) $("#weight").val("1"), $(".bottomText").text("Weight can not be more than 1 KG"), weightInKg = 1;
              //------- BUG 1589,1590 START-----------------------
              if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Standard") {
                //weightInKg = 1;
                //$("#weight").attr("placeholder", "Max Weight Allowed 1000 Grams");
                var grmval = $("#weight").val();
                weightInKg = parseFloat(grmval);
              /*else if(weightInKg > 5 && svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Global_priority"){
              	 weightInKg = 5;
              //------- BUG 1589,1590 END--------------------------
              if (isNaN(weightInKg) || weightInKg == "" || weightInKg == 0) { //$('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').text("");
                $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').text("0");
                $('.TotalForm .part2 .text-right').text("0");
                $("input[name=tracking]").prop("checked", false);
                weightInKg = "";
              //BUG 1459	
              //if(!isNaN(weightInKg) || weightInKg != "") {
              if ((!isNaN(weightInKg) && weightInKg != "") && regfloatexp.test(weightInKg) && weightInKg != 0) {
                if (weightInKg > maxLengthCheck) {
                  $('.TotalForm .part2 .rowParticular .text-right').text("");
                  $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big.newtrackvalue').text("");
                  $('.mobile-price-view .right-col .newtrackvalue').text("");
                  return false;
                } else {
                //------- BUG 1589,1590 START-----------------------
                if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Standard") {
                  weightInKg = weightInKg / 1000;
                //------- BUG 1589,1590 START-----------------------
                $('.TotalForm .part1 .selweight').html('<span class="font-big">' + weightInKg + $('#id_lblKglblGrams').val() + ' </span>');
                destination = $("#destination option:selected").text();
                // BUG 1433-Variable defined count
                var count = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < regionArr.length; i++) {
                  if (destination === regionArr[i].Country) {
                    region = regionArr[i].Type;
                    count = "1";
                count = "1";
                if (destination.includes("&")) {
                  destination = destination.replace("&", "%26");
                // console.log("Region = " + region);
                //volumeInCubicCm = parseInt($("#dLength").val()) * parseInt($("#dWidth").val()) * parseInt($("#dHeight").val());
                if ($("#weight").val() != "" && weightInKg <= maxLengthCheck) {
                  if (svcType == "Package" && subType == "Standard" && count == "1" && destination != "") url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceStandardParcel?weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&destination=" + destination +
                  else if (svcType == "Package" && subType == "Express" && count == "1" && destination != "") {
                    // console.log("within Package Express");
                    url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceEMS?weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&destination=" + destination + "&channelType=Website";
                  //else if(svcType == "Package" && subType == "Global_priority" )
                  //	url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&priceOfGoodForCarePackage=10&itemType=" + svcType + "";
                  else if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Standard" && region != "") url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGlobalMail?weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&country=" + destination + "&channelType=Website";
                  else if (svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Express" && count == "1" && destination != "") {
                    //console.log("within Letter Express");
                    url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceEMS?weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&destination=" + destination + "&channelType=Website";
                  //else if(svcType == "Letter" && subType == "Global_priority")
                  //url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone +"&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&priceOfGoodForCarePackage=10&itemType=" + svcType + "";
                  else if (subType == "Global_priority") {
                    if ($('#dLength').val() != null && $('#dLength').val() != "" && $('#dWidth').val() != null && $('#dWidth').val() != "" && $('#dHeight').val() != null && $('#dHeight').val() != "") {
                      var lengthval = $("#dLength").val();
                      var widthval = $("#dWidth").val();
                      var heightval = $("#dHeight").val();
                      if (lengthval != "" && $.isNumeric(lengthval) != true) {
                        $("#dLength").val(lengthval.slice(0, -1));
                      if (widthval != "" && $.isNumeric(widthval) != true) {
                        $("#dWidth").val(widthval.slice(0, -1));
                      if (heightval != "" && $.isNumeric(heightval) != true) {
                        $("#dHeight").val(heightval.slice(0, -1));
                      var enteredlen = lengthval.substring(lengthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
                      var enteredwid = widthval.substring(widthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
                      var enteredhei = heightval.substring(heightval.indexOf(".") + 1);
                      var lenDeciChar = enteredlen.length;
                      var widDeciChar = enteredwid.length;
                      var heiDeciChar = enteredhei.length;
                      if (lengthval != "") {
                        $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                        if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && lenDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
                      if (widthval != "") {
                        $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                        if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && widDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
                      if (heightval != "") {
                        $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                        if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && heiDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
                      if (!isNaN(lengthval) && lengthval != "" && !isNaN(widthval) && widthval != "" && !isNaN(heightval) && heightval != "") {
                        volumeInCubicCm = parseInt(lengthval) * parseInt(widthval) * parseInt(heightval);
                        if ((svcType == "Letter" && volumeInCubicCm <= 25000) || svcType == "Package") {
                          if (zone != "undefined") {
                            if ($('#carepackageyes').is(':checked')) {
                              var carePackageamount = $('input[name=carePackageamount]').val();
                              if (carePackageamount != null && carePackageamount != "" && carePackageamount != 0) {
                                url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&priceOfGoodForCarePackage=" + carePackageamount +
                                  "&itemType=" + svcType + "&channelType=Website";
                            } else {
                              url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&itemType=" + svcType + "&channelType=Website";
                  //console.log("Calling PriceHandler :: " );
                  //console.log("URL :: " + url  );
                  //console.log("typePARAM :: " + typePARAM  );
                  //console.log("priceHandler :: " + priceHandler  );
                  if (subType != "Global_priority") {
                    getHandler(url, typePARAM, priceHandler);
                  } else {
                    if (destination != null && destination != "" && destination != "Choose destination" && url != "" & url != null) getHandler(url, typePARAM, priceHandler);
                //console.log("Resetting Addons ");
                $("input[name=pickup]").prop("checked", false);
                $("input[name=wrapping]").prop("checked", false);
                $("input[name=adviceReceipt]").prop("checked", false);
            //------Input shouldn't allow more decimals START ---
            function correctval(enteredval, elementid) {
              if (enteredval != "" && $.isNumeric(enteredval) != true) {
                $("#" + elementid).val(enteredval.slice(0, -1));
              enteredval = enteredval.substring(enteredval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              return enteredval.length;
            //------Input shouldn't allow more decimals END ---
            $("#dLength,#dWidth,#dHeight").bind("keyup", function(e) {
              weightInKg = ($('#weight').val() != null && $('#weight').val() != "") ? weightInKg : "";
              url = "";
              //getGlobalPriorityPrice start===
              var lengthval = $("#dLength").val();
              var widthval = $("#dWidth").val();
              var heightval = $("#dHeight").val();
              //------Input shouldn't allow more decimals START ---
              if (lengthval == '.') {
                lengthval = '0.';
              if (widthval == '.') {
                widthval = '0.';
              if (heightval == '.') {
                heightval = '0.';
              if (lengthval != "" && $.isNumeric(lengthval) != true) {
                $("#dLength").val(lengthval.slice(0, -1));
              if (widthval != "" && $.isNumeric(widthval) != true) {
                $("#dWidth").val(widthval.slice(0, -1));
              if (heightval != "" && $.isNumeric(heightval) != true) {
                $("#dHeight").val(heightval.slice(0, -1));
              var enteredlen = lengthval.substring(lengthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              var enteredwid = widthval.substring(widthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              var enteredhei = heightval.substring(heightval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              var lenDeciChar = enteredlen.length;
              var widDeciChar = enteredwid.length;
              var heiDeciChar = enteredhei.length;
              if (lengthval != "") {
                $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && lenDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
              if (widthval != "") {
                $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && widDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
              if (heightval != "") {
                $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && heiDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
              //------Input shouldn't allow more decimals END---
              if (!isNaN(lengthval) && lengthval != "" && !isNaN(widthval) && widthval != "" && !isNaN(heightval) && heightval != "") {
                //  console.log("lCube="+lengthval  + " widthval " +widthval + " heightval " + heightval );
                volumeInCubicCm = parseInt(lengthval) * parseInt(widthval) * parseInt(heightval);
                //volumeInCubicCm = parseInt($("#dLength").val()) * parseInt($("#dWidth").val()) * parseInt($("#dHeight").val());
                //console.log("volumeInCubicCm is:::--"+volumeInCubicCm + " zone:"+zone +"----");
                //BUG: 1433 ADDED NEW CONDITION (zone != "undefined" )
                var isCheckedRadioForCarePackage = $('#carepackageyes').is(':checked');
                var carePackageamount = $('input[name=carePackageamount]').val();
                if ((svcType == "Letter" && volumeInCubicCm <= 25000) || svcType == "Package") {
                  if (subType == "Global_priority" && zone != "undefined") {
                    if ((!isNaN(weightInKg) && weightInKg != "") && weightInKg != 0) {
                      if (isCheckedRadioForCarePackage == true) {
                        if (carePackageamount != null && carePackageamount != "" && carePackageamount != 0) {
                          //console.log( 'isCheckedRadioForCarePackage == true  Package' );
                          url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&priceOfGoodForCarePackage=" + carePackageamount + "&itemType=" +
                            svcType + "";
                      } else {
                        //console.log( 'isCheckedRadioForCarePackage == false  Package' );
                        url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&itemType=" + svcType + "";
                  //console.log("before handler"+url);
                  var selected = $("#destination option:selected").text();
                  //console.log('selected =='+selected );
                  if (selected != null && selected != "" && selected != "Choose destination" && url != "" & url != null) {
                    getHandler(url, typePARAM, priceHandler);
                  //console.log("after handler");
                } else {
                  $('.TotalForm .part2 .rowParticular .text-right').text("");
                  $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big.newtrackvalue').text("");
                  $('.mobile-price-view .right-col .newtrackvalue').text("");
              //getGlobalPriorityPrice end===
            $("input[name=carePackageamount]").bind("keyup", function(e) {
              var carePackageamount = $(this).val();
              weightInKg = ($('#weight').val() != null && $('#weight').val() != "") ? weightInKg : "";
              url = "";
              if ($('#carepackageyes').is(':checked')) {
                if (carePackageamount != null && carePackageamount != "" && carePackageamount != 0) {
                  var lengthval = $("#dLength").val();
                  var widthval = $("#dWidth").val();
                  var heightval = $("#dHeight").val();
                  if (lengthval != "" && $.isNumeric(lengthval) != true) {
                    $("#dLength").val(lengthval.slice(0, -1));
                  if (widthval != "" && $.isNumeric(widthval) != true) {
                    $("#dWidth").val(widthval.slice(0, -1));
                  if (heightval != "" && $.isNumeric(heightval) != true) {
                    $("#dHeight").val(heightval.slice(0, -1));
                  var enteredlen = lengthval.substring(lengthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
                  var enteredwid = widthval.substring(widthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
                  var enteredhei = heightval.substring(heightval.indexOf(".") + 1);
                  var lenDeciChar = enteredlen.length;
                  var widDeciChar = enteredwid.length;
                  var heiDeciChar = enteredhei.length;
                  if (lengthval != "") {
                    $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                    if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && lenDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
                  if (widthval != "") {
                    $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                    if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && widDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
                  if (heightval != "") {
                    $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                    if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && heiDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
                  if (!isNaN(lengthval) && lengthval != "" && !isNaN(widthval) && widthval != "" && !isNaN(heightval) && heightval != "") {
                    volumeInCubicCm = parseInt(lengthval) * parseInt(widthval) * parseInt(heightval);
                    if ((svcType == "Letter" && volumeInCubicCm <= 25000) || svcType == "Package") {
                      if (subType == "Global_priority" && zone != "undefined") {
                        if ((!isNaN(weightInKg) && weightInKg != "") && weightInKg != 0 && ($('#isweightexceed').val() == 0)) {
                          url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&priceOfGoodForCarePackage=" + carePackageamount + "&itemType=" +
                            svcType + "";
                      //console.log("before handler"+url);
                      var selected = $("#destination option:selected").text();
                      //console.log('selected =='+selected );
                      if (selected != null && selected != "" && selected != "Choose destination" && url != "" & url != null) {
                        getHandler(url, typePARAM, priceHandler);
                      // console.log("after handler");
                    } else {
                } else {
                  //show careamount error
                  $('.TotalForm .part3 .font-big').text("0");
                  $('.TotalForm .part2 .text-right').text("0");
            $('input[type=radio][name=carePackage]').change(function() {
              weightInKg = ($('#weight').val() != null && $('#weight').val() != "") ? weightInKg : "";
              url = "";
              //getGlobalPriorityPrice start===
              var lengthval = $("#dLength").val();
              var widthval = $("#dWidth").val();
              var heightval = $("#dHeight").val();
              //------Input shouldn't allow more decimals START ---
              if (lengthval != "" && $.isNumeric(lengthval) != true) {
                $("#dLength").val(lengthval.slice(0, -1));
              if (widthval != "" && $.isNumeric(widthval) != true) {
                $("#dWidth").val(widthval.slice(0, -1));
              if (heightval != "" && $.isNumeric(heightval) != true) {
                $("#dHeight").val(heightval.slice(0, -1));
              var enteredlen = lengthval.substring(lengthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              var enteredwid = widthval.substring(widthval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              var enteredhei = heightval.substring(heightval.indexOf(".") + 1);
              var lenDeciChar = enteredlen.length;
              var widDeciChar = enteredwid.length;
              var heiDeciChar = enteredhei.length;
              if (lengthval != "") {
                $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && lenDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
              if (widthval != "") {
                $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && widDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
              if (heightval != "") {
                $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
                if ($(this).val().indexOf(".") >= 1 && $(this).val().slice(-1) != "." && heiDeciChar > 2) $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2));
              //------Input shouldn't allow more decimals END---
              if (!isNaN(lengthval) && lengthval != "" && !isNaN(widthval) && widthval != "" && !isNaN(heightval) && heightval != "") {
                // console.log("lCube="+lengthval  + " widthval " +widthval + " heightval " + heightval );
                volumeInCubicCm = parseInt(lengthval) * parseInt(widthval) * parseInt(heightval);
                //volumeInCubicCm = parseInt($("#dLength").val()) * parseInt($("#dWidth").val()) * parseInt($("#dHeight").val());
                //console.log("volumeInCubicCm is:::--"+volumeInCubicCm + " zone:"+zone +"----");
                //BUG: 1433 ADDED NEW CONDITION (zone != "undefined" )
                var isCheckedRadioForCarePackage = $('#carepackageyes').is(':checked');
                var carePackageamount = $('input[name=carePackageamount]').val();
                if ((svcType == "Letter" && volumeInCubicCm <= 25000) || svcType == "Package") {
                  if (subType == "Global_priority" && zone != "undefined") {
                    if ((!isNaN(weightInKg) && weightInKg != "") && weightInKg != 0 && ($('#isweightexceed').val() == 0)) {
                      if (isCheckedRadioForCarePackage == true) {
                        if (carePackageamount != null && carePackageamount != "" && carePackageamount != 0) {
                          //console.log( 'isCheckedRadioForCarePackage == true  Package' );
                          url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&priceOfGoodForCarePackage=" + carePackageamount + "&itemType=" +
                            svcType + "";
                      } else {
                        //console.log( 'isCheckedRadioForCarePackage == false  Package' );
                        url = "/DigitalService/rest/calculateDiscountedPrice/priceGP?zone=" + zone + "&weightInKg=" + weightInKg + "&volumeInCubicCm=" + volumeInCubicCm + "&itemType=" + svcType + "";
                  //console.log("before handler"+url);
                  var selected = $("#destination option:selected").text();
                  //console.log('selected =='+selected );
                  if (selected != null && selected != "" && selected != "Choose destination" && url != "" & url != null) {
                    getHandler(url, typePARAM, priceHandler);
                  //console.log("after handler");
                } else {
              //getGlobalPriorityPrice end===
          $(document).on("click", ".payment_button", function(e) {
            if ($('.stage-9 input[type=checkbox]').is(':checked')) {
              if ($(".callcybersource").hasClass("payment-selectedstyle")) {
                //console.log("payment method selected");
              } else {
                console.log("payment method not selected");
            } else {
              console.log("accept uncheck");
              return false;
          document.getElementById("callCyberS").addEventListener("click", makeClickable);

          function makeClickable() {
            //console.log("This is id of credit card");
          $(document).on("click", ".callcybersource", function(e) {
            sessionStorage.setItem("isPageRefreshed", 0);
            var payamount = $('#finalamount').text();
            //console.log("Capturing Form Data........ ");
            var senderFullName = $("input[name=fullName]").val();
            var senderCity = $("select[name=city]").val();
            var senderCountry = "QA";
            var senderMobile = $("input[name=mobileNumber]").val();
            var senderEmail = $("input[name=email]").val();
            var language = $("#currentLocale").val();
            //read the values from the order form and save them in the DataBase
            //sender info
            //console.log("Productname :--- "+$("#ProductName").val());  
            sproductname = $("#ProductName").val();
            if ($('#selectedservicetype').val() != null && $('#selectedservicetype').val() != "") {
              destination = $('#selectedservicetype').val().trim();
            } else {
              destination = $('#selectedservicetype1').val().trim();
            sfullName = $("input[name=fullName]").val();
            scity = $("select[name=city]").val();
            szoneNo = $("select[name=zoneNo]").val();
            sstreetName = $("select[name=streetName]").val();
            sbuildingName = $("select[name=buildingName]").val();
            svillaNo = $("input[name=villaNo]").val();
            sfloorNo = $("input[name=floorNo]").val();
            spoBox = $("input[name=poBox]").val();
            smobileNumber = $("input[name=mobileNumber]").val();
            semail = $("input[name=email]").val();
            //console.log("semail is:---"+semail);
            //Pickup Information
            pfullName = $("input[name=pfullname]").val();
            pcity = $("select[name=pcity]").val();
            pzoneNo = $("select[name=pzone]").val();
            pstreetName = $("select[name=pstreet]").val();
            pbuildingName = $("select[name=pbuilding]").val();
            pvillaNo = $("input[name=pvilla]").val();
            pfloorNo = $("input[name=pfloor]").val();
            ppoBox = $("input[name=ppobox]").val();
            pmobileNumber = $("input[name=pmobile]").val();
            pemail = $("input[name=pemail]").val();
            if ($('input[name=pickup]').is(':checked')) {
              pmobileNumber = smobileNumber;
              pfullName = sfullName;
              pcity = scity;
              pzoneNo = szoneNo;
              pstreetName = sstreetName;
              pbuildingName = sbuildingName;
              pvillaNo = svillaNo;
              pfloorNo = sfloorNo;
              ppoBox = spoBox;
              pemail = semail;
            //Reciever infomation
            rfullName = $("input[name=rfullName]").val();
            rAddressLine1 = $("input[name=AddressLine1]").val();
            rAddressLine2 = $("input[name=AddressLine2]").val();
            rAddressLine2 = rAddressLine1 + rAddressLine2;
            rCity = $("select[name=rcity]").val();
            rState = $("input[name=State]").val();
            rmobileNumber = $("input[name=rmobileno]").val();
            if (rmobileNumber.length == 0) { // check for international/national and capture mobile properly
              rmobileNumber = "1234";
            rEmail = $("input[name=remailadd]").val();
            rZip = $("input[name=Zip]").val();
            rZone = $("select[name=rzoneno]").val();
            rPOBOX = $("input[name=rpobox]").val();
            rStreet = $("select[name=rstreetno]").val();
            rBuildingno = $("select[name=rbuildingno]").val();
            rVillaNo = $("input[name=rvillano]").val();
            rFloorNo = $("input[name=rfloorno]").val();
            itemvalue = $("input[name=itemvalue]").val();
            itemDesc = $("#itemdesc").val();
            //PostingCountryCode = $("#destination").val();
            PostingCountryCode = "QA";
            weight = $('#weight').val();
            //console.log("PostingCountryCode selected is :---"+PostingCountryCode);
            //console.log("semail is:---"+semail);
            // Other informtion about order
            if ($('#pccalledfrom').val() === "DetailPage") {
              deliveryType = $('#serviceSubType1').val();
              Service_Type = $('#serviceType1').val();
              Shipment_Type = $('#serviceSubType1').val();
            } else {
              deliveryType = $('#serviceSubType').val();
              Service_Type = $('#serviceType').val();
              Shipment_Type = $('#serviceSubType').val();
            if ($("input[name=adviceReceipt]").prop("checked") == true) {
              adviceReceipt = "true";
            weight = $('#weight').val();
            Posting_CountryCode = "Qatar"; // check how to get the country code
            var orderInformation = {
              Sproductname: sproductname,
              Weight: weight,
              SfullName: sfullName,
              SenderCity: scity,
              SenderZone: szoneNo,
              SenderStreet: sstreetName,
              SenderBuilding: sbuildingName,
              SenderVilla: svillaNo,
              SenderFloor: sfloorNo,
              SenderPOBOX: spoBox,
              SenderMobile: smobileNumber,
              SenderEmail: semail,
              RecipientName: rfullName,
              RecipientCity: rCity,
              RecipientZone: rZone,
              RecipientStreet: rStreet,
              RecipientBuilding: rBuildingno,
              RecipientVilla: rVillaNo,
              RecipientFloor: rFloorNo,
              RecipientZip: rZip,
              RecipientPOBOX: rPOBOX,
              RecipientCountry: PostingCountryCode,
              RecipientID: "check",
              RecipientMobile: rmobileNumber,
              RecipientEmail: rEmail,
              RecipientAddress: rAddressLine2,
              RecipientState: rState,
              //DeliveryType : deliveryType,
              DeliveryType: "HomeDelivery",
              ItemDesc: itemDesc,
              PostingCountryCode: PostingCountryCode,
              ServiceType: Service_Type,
              PaymentType: "CreditCard",
              ShipmentType: Shipment_Type,
              MerchandiseType: Service_Type,
              CustomDeclarationCheck: spoBox,
              LithiumBatteryCheck: $('#lithiumBattery-checkbox').prop("checked") == true,
              ConsolidatedTermsandConditions: "true",
              UserId: "",
              OrderStatus: "created",
              Amount: $('#finalamount').text(),
              Destination: destination,
              ItemValue: itemvalue,
              AddonsInfo: "check",
              PfullName: pfullName,
              PickupCity: pcity,
              PickupZone: pzoneNo,
              PickupStreet: pstreetName,
              PickupBuilding: pbuildingName,
              PickupVilla: pvillaNo,
              PickupFloor: pfloorNo,
              PickupPOBOX: ppoBox,
              PickupMobile: pmobileNumber,
              PickupEmail: pemail,
              PickupDate: $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form input[name='pickupDate']").val(),
              pickupTime: $(".stage-6 .left-panel-price-form select[name='timeSlot']").val(),
              IssaveSender: $("#issavesender").val(),
              IssavePickup: $("#issavepickup").val(),
              IssaveDelivery: $("#issavedeliver").val()
            var orderJSON = JSON.stringify(orderInformation);
            sessionStorage.setItem("OrderInfoJSON", orderJSON);
            var addonsselected = {
              enableWrapping: $('#wrapCheck').prop("checked") == true,
              adviceReceipt: $('#advicecheck').prop("checked") == true,
              pickUp: $('.pickup-checkbox').prop("checked") == true,
              HomeDelivery: $('#homedelivery').prop("checked") == true,
              POBox: $('#POBox').prop("checked") == true
            var addonJSON = JSON.stringify(addonsselected);
            sessionStorage.setItem("AddonJSON", addonJSON);
              type: "POST",
              url: "/sites/Satellite?pagename=qpost_PaymentGatewayUtil&locale=en_QA&finalamount=" + payamount + "&senderFullName=" + senderFullName + "&senderCity=" + senderCity + "&senderCountry=" + senderCountry + "&senderMobile=" +
                senderMobile + "&senderEmail=" + senderEmail + "&language=" + language,
              success: function(res) {
                // console.log("Request Success "+res);	
                //console.log("dbResponse  ::::"+dbResponse);
              error: function(res) {
                console.log("Request Failed ");
          /*  paypal.Button.render({
              // Configure environment
              env: 'sandbox',
              client: {
                sandbox: 'AVyULJJgQT2BcE5zYa1oVyp6x2MsSBseFY7hTtkXyn44ybJykAErfpzfJcvA3CkxsafC8R7lbGrbhT3h',
                production: 'demo_production_client_id'
              // Customize button (optional)
              locale: 'en_US',
              style: {
                size: 'small',
                color: 'gold',
                shape: 'pill',
              // Set up a payment
              payment: function(data, actions) {
                return actions.payment.create({
                  transactions: [{
                    amount: {
                      total: '0.01',
                      currency: 'USD'
              // Execute the payment
              onAuthorize: function(data, actions) {
                return actions.payment.execute().then(function() {
                  // Show a confirmation message to the buyer
                  window.alert('Thank you for your purchase!');
            }, '#paypal-button'); */

Text Content

General Post Office will be operating on Saturdays from 8 am till 12 pm and from
4 pm till 8 pm
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How Can We Help You

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   * * Sending
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   * * Receiving
     * Manage My Delivery
     * Turkish Souq
   * * PO Box Service
     * Subscribe to Post Box
     * Manage my Services
     * Special PO Box Numbers
     * Home Delivery Services
   * * Other Services
     * Money Transfer
 * Business
 * Store
 * Online PO Box Subscription
 * Contact
   * Contact Qatar Post
   * Branch and Opening Hours
   * Service Request



Please enter valid Tracking or QID number

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* Please enter valid Tracking ID or Qatar ID

Use Tracking ID for item tracking ,QID for metrash/E government tracking

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If you have lost your tracking number, please contact the sender of your parcel

If you mailed the parcel with qatar Post, Please contact us at:

+974 4446400

We strive to create the best service for you. you can find most frequent asked
questions here:

Postal Services
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Proof of Delivery

(P.O.D)Includes the time of delivery,Full delivery address, the name and
signature of the reciever

Track and Trace

Your letters and parcels are tracked and traced throughout the entire shipping
and delivery process.

Express(1day)(7-10 days)
Proof of Delivery

(P.O.D)Includes the time of delivery,Full delivery address, the name and
signature of the reciever

Track and Trace

Your letters and parcels are tracked and traced throughout the entire shipping
and delivery process.

Your shipment -


Your shipment Global priority International - India


Service/order cost

Pickup Order25 QAR
30 QAR
40 QAR
Total cost QAR
Destination Choose destination Please Select the Destination to Proceed Further
Weight Enter the weight in grams Enter the weight of the parcel in kilograms
with one decimal
Please Enter Weight
Please enter value within max limit
LENGTH Enter the length (cm)
Please Enter Length
WIDTH Enter the width (cm)
Please Enter Width
HEIGHT Enter the height (cm)
Please Enter Height

Volume (length X width X height) exceeds 25000
Do you require a care package?
Register For Tracking Please check Register to proceed further
We are facing trouble connecting to the server. Please refresh the page and try


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Order Id :
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QAR 18.00



QAR 8.50



QAR 28.00



QAR 60.00



 * Vision, Mission and Goals
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 * News
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 * FAQs
 * Dangerous Goods
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 * Hotline 104
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Please Contact Qatar Post to Update your Contact/Mobile Number No Subscription
Found For This Account No Record Found For This Account
OTP Enter your valid OTP Code
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 * • The customer sending the items, owns the responsibility of the item(s)
   packed and adheres to the laws of The State of Qatar
 * • The customer needs to make sure that the items sent don’t contain any
   Dangerous Goods as per the regulations.


 * • The only payment method accepted is through Online, using the website or
   mobile app

Delivery charge

 * • There are two delivery Rates, based on delivery locations i.e. Inside Doha
   and Outside Doha.

Delivery Attempts

 * • Only one attempt will be made to deliver to the customer on the agreed date
   and if the customer or his agent is unable to accept delivery then only one
   other further attempt will be made on another suitable and arranged date.
 * • If any further attempts to deliver are agreed, then an additional delivery
   charge will be due, and payment will be due prior to the arranged date.

Delivery days and times

 * • The Collection service starts at 9AM
 * • The cut-off time for creating a request for the same day delivery will be
 * • Delivery is done within 4 hours from the time the collection order is
 * • The delivery service is available from Saturday until Thursday

Heavy or strangely-shaped items

 * • Maximum weight for the item(s) to be declared and sent is 30kg.
 * • Any time over 30kg will be rejected upon collection by the driver.


 * • In case, the item(s) are not delivered to the customer in both the allowed
   attempts, the item(s) shall be returned back to the Sender within 48 hours
   after second failed attempt
 * • The Sender will be charged for the delivery

Limitations of delivery service

 * • Our drivers are not expected to carry and load heavy items into the
 * • A signature is required for any item(s) collected and delivered, if the
   driver is unable to obtain a signature the goods will not be collected or
 * • It is the customer’s responsibility to receive and check the goods, once
   delivered the customer accepts responsibility for all goods. Any damages or
   defects must be reported within 24 hours.
 * • Once the collection order has been raised online, the order can only be
   canceled prior to the collection done by the driver. In case of cancellation
   upon collection, the full service charge will be applied on the sender.

Additional services

 * • Our drivers are not permitted to undertake any ancillary service such as
   construction, installation, fitting, repair or recommendation in connection
   with the goods delivered. We will not accept liability for any loss or damage
   arising from such activities.
