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Posted byrowanman28December 4, 2021December 4, 2021Posted inMedicalTags:covid
lockdown, Australia, covid, totalitarianism, tyranny

I want to start off by outlining the position I had been telling anyone who
would listen from the beginning of this nightmare, so you can understand how I
feel about the covid concentration camps in my country.

They made the virus in the lab, and they released it on purpose, to take over
the world, and implement a global totalitarian dictatorship, the new world
order, and they told you they did themselves.

They banned the cure, and they said masks work when it says they don’t work on
the box, the test doesn’t work, the flu just disappeared, and covid killed less
people than the flu every year, at least it did here.

Mostly deaths in nursing homes with already existing terminal illnesses, they
called gunshot victims covid, they actually changed the diagnosis protocol so
that stuff like that could actually happen and then they said they had numbers.

I said it’s a scam, they’re lying, they planned this to implement a digital ID
and social credit score, they’re complete psychopaths, they’re going to go even
more nuts than they are already acting, and then they did.

These kids who escaped from this prison camp after a negative test had a greater
chance of dying from being struck by lightning.

And, no healthy young person has died of covid in Australia, (dying with it
means nothing when they say they died with it after getting shot in the head).

The simple, obvious, plain as day truth of the matter is these people are liars,
criminals, monsters, psychopaths, lunatics, and you just have to kill them
whether they actually believe this crap they’re telling people or not.

The reason is, it takes it to the level where it’s a war, and they realize they
are fighting in a war, to kill “us” before we kill them, out in the open, so
everyone knows it’s out in the open.

So there’s no longer the ridiculous gaslighting excuses that they’re trying to
save us by taking away all our freedom while they gave over 85,000 people
serious adverse events including death with the shot which keeps on rising by
thousands every week with boosters planned indefinitely.

Once it becomes clear that there’s no more pretense of them being the good guys
and they’re viciously attacking people in a way that definitely causes more
people to die when they fight back in self defense of their last remaining
freedoms, it changes the dynamic.

They can no longer argue they’re doing this for your safety, and it then becomes
a matter of them saying these people are terrorists.

You armed services members will have to go and hunt them down, while walking
into a bullet because they’re following the orders of insane dictators from hell
who pushed the people to their limit.

This is probably the jolt to the senses these armed service members need to say
wait a minute, I never liked you corrupt lying politicians anyway, this is all
bullshit, and then they might go kill or arrest them instead.

They could do that in one day, even a tiny percentage of them, and it’s a
thousand times less people than they’d have to try to arrest in the public, if
they could find them, and then hopefully, it will be over.

As I explained in my last post, 3.5 million guns in the public, a population of
26 million people, 200,000 armed service members, the amount of people who
decided to fight, or their tactics, who or where they are, all completely
unknown because they don’t take orders.

They’d have to use brutal secret police type of tactics, taking prisoners,
interrogation, raids and searches etc, which would likely hurt many innocent
people, while all the time growing the number of people who wanted to join the

On the other hand, you have a few thousand traitorous weasels at the top causing
all of this to happen over a slightly worse than average flu season, if it even
was any worse.

Relatively speaking, it wasn’t, the average life expectancy in 2021 is the
highest it has ever been in the USA, which was one of the worst affected
countries, and it’s higher here by a few years. My grandma is ninety something,
she can’t walk, but she’s still alive.

Any of a million people could have sniper rifles aimed at you from any unknown
position, and you stick out like a sore thumb, you’d lose half your men if you
didn’t just lose period if the people lost their patience in large numbers,
which is obviously starting to happen.

Choose to attack the people any more than you already have, based on following
orders from these scum, regardless of why, and you’re dead, or it’s a good fifty
fifty chance, and they know where you live as well, or it’s not that hard to
find out.

Arrest the politician scum for treason and crimes against humanity, and
everyone’s happy, except them, because the majority of people don’t support them
and what they’re doing, that’s a lie from the complicit mainstream media.

The armed forces, the police and the army are no longer seen as “our” armed
forces, and until they act like they’re fighting for us, not against us, they
are the enemy, to about half the population, give or take, and that’s enough,
and they had enough of this crap.

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and please share and sign up to the mailing list.

This bullshit is world famous and by the way, this is just the fairly mainstream
YouTube videos saying this shit.

You aren’t even seeing what they’re talking about offline, and neither am I. It
could happen any day now, so be prepared.


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The army is rounding up people who had a "contact" with a "case" of the flu and
putting them in death camps.

November 24, 2021


I got the flu shot once, and I got the flu. Not doing that again.

November 17, 2021


Australia is calling for help of any kind from the world, specifically a global

November 5, 2021
Posted byrowanman28December 4, 2021December 4, 2021Posted inMedicalTags:covid
lockdown, Australia, covid, totalitarianism, tyranny


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