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The Future Of Maintenance Asset Operations Management


Duration: 30 minutes
Ryan Chan
Published on May 23, 2023

Hosted By

Ryan Chan
CEO of UpKeep
Henry Pray
Senior Product Manager

Watch UpKeep CEO and Founder, Ryan Chan and Henry Pray, Director of Product
Management, for “The Future of Maintenance: Asset Operations Management''

Uniquely positioned to tackle industry challenges, UpKeep brings maintenance,
reliability and operations teams together in a new approach called Asset
Operations Management.

You'll learn:

 * Why UpKeep was recently recognized as a Leader in IDC’s 2021 Marketscape
 * How UpKeep is delivering the future today with a continuing commitment to
   technician experience and adoption
 * What you need to do to ensure you’re future focused and not left behind

Brought to you by The Maintenance Community. Join here for more exclusive

Webinar Transcript

Ryan Chan: 
Thank you everyone for joining us today where I'm gonna be talking a little bit
about the future of maintenance here at UpKeep, and more specifically, we're
gonna be talking about asset operations management. A little bit about myself,
my name is Ryan, I'm the CEO and founder of UpKeep. I'm also joined here today
with our Director of Product Management, Henry Pray, who's also gonna be talking
a little bit more about our product and the future of it. So again, thank you
everyone for helping make today a big success. 

What I also wanted thank everyone for doing is helping UpKeep the named a leader
within the CMMS and MarketScape. More recently, IDC named UpKeep as a leader
within the entire category, and that's all thanks to everyone here today, all of
our customers, industry thought leaders and people that have supported us over
the last five years, I feel incredibly privileged to be named a leader in the
space, and we would not be here without you.

Just a reminder of who we are and what UpKeep is. UpKeep was founded in 2016,
and over the past five years, we've grown a ton, we have over 3000 customers all
around the world. We've raised $50 million in venture capital, and we have over
6000 community members that have supported UpKeep and supported our entire
community towards basically changing and innovating on this entire industry, so
very, very grateful for all of the amazing progress that we've made as a
company, and it's all thanks to again, everyone here that's joined in our
webinar and that have supported us along our path over the last five years to
really transform this entire industry. 

But enough about us, enough about UpKeep. What I'm here to talk about today is
really the future of maintenance where it's headed, and our belief around the
future of our entire industry. And my goal today is to inspire all of us here
within this webinar that's listening to us live, joining us from all around the
world or maybe watching a recording of this, a couple of days, weeks, even years
out into the future. My goal today is to inspire us to be part of shaping the
future of maintenance.

Before I do that again, I wanna talk a little bit about who I am and how I first
started UpKeep. Again, my name is Ryan, I went to Cal Berkeley as a chemical
engineer. My first job was actually working in a manufacturing plant. This is me
on my first day of work, I worked at this plant called TriSep Manufacturing. We
manufactured reverse osmosis membranes used for brackish water desalination and
a little bit of wastewater treatment. This is what a plant actually looked like.
And every single day I was constantly thinking, "How do we make our
manufacturing process go better, faster, smoother, and run more effectively and
run more productively." But I noticed the big problem within our manufacturing
plant, we'd have broken pieces of equipment and our entire process was either
paper based and desktop-based. And it was totally broken.

We turn to technology to help make the days lives and jobs easier for us, but
really in practice technology was letting us down. What happened is a boiler
would go down, someone would call a facility manager who writes it down on a
piece of paper, the facility manager calls a technician, the technician writes
it down on a piece of paper and pencil. Goes out to the job site, we ask them to
write it down on a piece of paper and pencil, and then they had to come back to
the office and then re-type all of their notes back in.

And remember, I went to Cal Berkeley, which is actually in the center and heart
of innovation and technology up in the Bay area, the Silicon Valley, and I was
constantly asking myself, where the hell is all of this innovation in
manufacturing? I remember seeing all of these big headlines saying AI machine
learning is gonna take over factory floors, I remember reading these headlines
in the news saying that 30 million US workers are gonna lose their job because
of AI and job loss, how bad is it, that AI automation is gonna replace human
workers and I just kept seeing this time and time and time again. But I was
reading these headlines, but working in a manufacturing plant, I was seeing
something completely different. What was going on within this manufacturing
plant is that we have a large piece of equipment, we turned to technology, but
the technology again was failing us, and we weren't innovating on our process.

And the whole thought of us using technology to make the days, lives and jobs
easier for us was doing the opposite, instead we were asking everyone to write
everything down on a piece of paper and a pencil and come back to the office to
re-type all of their notes back in. And I was really passionate about making a
change within our industry, but every single time I tried to do that, I was told
time and time again that things in our industry were the way that they were, and
if I wanted to change anything it would take decades for that to happen, and
ultimately, five years ago, this is why I started UpKeep, I believe that
technology should make the days, lives and jobs easier for technicians, and I
didn't believe that it would take decades for this to happen, and over the past
five years with a little bit of hard work and a ton of luck, I've gotten a few
others to believe in this big shift in thinking too.

And what I would also say is that this shift in mindset and believing that we
can actually make a change, and that we are the ones responsible for driving
that change is ultimately what got UpKeep to where we are today. And today we've
transformed over 3000 businesses off of this world of paper and pen and into
this digital first, mobile first world, built for technicians out on the shop
floor. And I feel extremely privileged to say that we have played a small part
in transforming the industry, but today is all about the future. And I will also
say that there is still a very long road ahead of us, and my goal again, today
was to inspire us to be part of this new shift in thinking. And I'm really
excited by that.

Alright, what I wanna say before I start talking about the future of maintenance
is that, before we can start looking at the future, and before we can start
looking and moving forward, I wanna pause and take a look at where we are today.
And what I'll say is that maintenance today is divided. Organizations right now
are split into three different teams, you've got your maintenance team, you've
got your operations team, you've got your reliability team, they're all working
on the same asset, the same equipment in parallel, but they're not working

Right now, we see this world as being divided, maintenance cares about repairs,
operations cares about what's going on within the production facility right now,
and reliability cares about what's gonna happen tomorrow. We're working on the
same asset, but we're not working together, and it separates everything that we
are doing for our equipment assets into silos. And on top of that data is

Maintenance teams right now today have access to more data than ever. You've got
your IOT data, your ERP data, your MES systems, you have your CMMS, your EIM
data. You have more data now than ever, but what we're seeing in the market is
that data is not shared across platforms and teams and is fragmented across all
of the different systems. What happens is that you have misaligned perspectives
across the entire business. Again, we think that maintenance right now is
divided and data is siloed. And this is not just a problem around data silos,
it's actually causing problems within businesses. 

What we're seeing is that siloed data actually causes information gaps, this
turns in a re-work. What we've read and what we've seen time and time again is
that about 20% of work that's done in the field is actually a re-work. This is
work that's redone because the original job was done incorrectly. This is 20% of
our productivity is going down the drain. We don't believe that this is the
technicians fault, we believe that this is because they don't have the right
access to information to get it right the first time. We talk about data silos,
and then we talk about how we could get it right the first time, and this is
actually causing 20% of productivity loss.

There's a huge opportunity for us. And what I'll also say is that we've got
these data silos, we've got re-work and what's also happening is that every
single team, maintenance operations, reliability, has different measures of
success. Again, we're working on the same asset, but we're approaching our work
with misaligned goals. But I wanna ask the question, everyone wants to improve
the bottom line as much as possible, but right now we're working very
independently to achieve this.

Again, maintenance cares about repairs and what's going on, and their success is
measured by work completed. Operations cares about production and reliability
cares about longevity and failure rates over time. We've got missing goals, but
we're all working to improve the bottom line. And what I'll say here is that we
believe that this is simply not working. Through dividing work into three
separate teams I believe we are stuck in the cycle of being under-supported,
undervalued and misunderstood.

And let me explain what I mean by that. I think technicians right now today are
under-supported by technology, and they lack the systems that make the day's
lives and jobs easier, we saw that, and that's ultimately why we started UpKeep.
On top of that, we believe that budgets are misinformed. We talk to a lot of our
customers out in the industry, and the most common ways to determine maintenance
budgets is by a percentage of your total replacement asset value, but really
there's little rhyme or reason as to why. Why is 2% good and 5% is bad? 

How do we know if we have the right amount of financial resources allocated to
maintenance if we're using this incomplete formula to decide? We talked about
under-supported, undervalued, what we're also seeing is that maintenance teams
are measured by what they do, not why they do it. We ran a survey and what we
saw was that the number one goal for businesses was to reduce downtime, but then
we also ask the question, how do you measure success of your maintenance team,
and 47% of respondents answered completed planned preventative maintenance.
Organizations through this KPI are tracking what technicians are doing rather
than the outcome of the hard work, which is ultimately reducing downtime. We
believe that there's a big disconnect between what matters to business and
what's measured on a day-to-day basis.

This is what I mean by technicians being under-supported, undervalued and
misunderstood. And we think that what happens when this, and if this continues
to happen, we think that maintenance operations, reliability are basically
continue be divided and companies are gonna continue to view maintenance as a
cost center, which ultimately we believe is gonna restart the cycle that led us
to where we are today of being undervalued, under-supported and misunderstood.
We're supposed to talk about the future of maintenance. I'm gonna also say this
probably doesn't sound super inspirational just yet, but I wanna ask everyone
here to stay with me because I believe in a much brighter future for us. I
believe that we have the opportunity to break this cycle, and I think that the
most powerful thing that we can do is shift the industry's mindset and believe
that we are the ones capable of doing this.

I believe that we can shift the industry's understanding from looking at three
different departments with three different goals, with three different ways of
tracking their success, to one team working on your asset operations together to
achieve a common goal. We believe this is called asset operations, where you're
managing the entire asset lifecycle, where you have comprehensive equipment
health metrics, not data silos, and success is measured by business outcomes,
not by how many hours you've worked.

We think that with one team as asset operations, maintenance reliability
operations teams, isolated data can now feed into one central command center,
which gives you the ability to focus on the optimization of your assets across
the entire lifecycle, and not just looking at one small piece of the pie. And
our goal here is to change the conversation from, how many hours did you work
today to what's the value that you've added to the business? 

This shift in thinking is the first step to a positive change in events that'll
kick-start this next generation of maintenance. And our belief is this next
generation of maintenance is maintenance as a profit center. I know that a lot
of people in the industry, we've talked about it, "Hey, I like the way that this
sounds. But it's never gonna happen here." I want to remind us all that
impossible things have happened before, but it always starts with a group of
people believing. And again, you remember that my first line that I said at the
start of today's webinar, is that I wanted to inspire all of us to be part of
this change in this next generation of maintenance.

I've spoken to have a bunch of people within our industry, some people that are
way, way smarter than me, and they believe in this change as well. Bob Latino,
who's someone that I've learned so much from and I look up to as a mentor and
someone who's done and written books about the reliability space, he said to me
and to the UpKeep team, "While continuous improvement efforts are great for
gradual progress, disruption is needed to make quantum leaps. And in order to do
this, such ideas need to be bold to get people's attention." And Ryan and the
UpKeep team are providing this vision of what could be, but at the end of the
day, it's up to us out in the field to make a difference. You can't do what you
can't imagine, so why not imagine big.

On top of that, another good friend of mine, Rob Kalwarowsky, who is a senior
reliability engineer, he said to us when we talked to him about unifying these
three different departments, he said, "This shift to people-centric, continuous
learning and collaborative mindset will finally yield the engagement, happiness
and business results that we've always deserved." Top of that Ramesh Gulati,
who's the Sherpa of maintenance reliability. Again, someone who's written books
and books about maintenance reliability over several decades, he's a good friend
of mine and someone that we've really tested this idea with, he told us that,
"This divide between operations and maintenance has been created due to our
reward system, and eliminating silos and making an asset-centric system is gonna
enable all of us to accomplish way more."

We've got some of best industry experts behind us who believe in this change,
but what they've also said is that not only is this possible, they've also told
us that it's more important now than ever. I'm sure we're all seeing this and
witnessing it in real time, right now there's a big labor shortage, and right
now we have high turnover.

At the same time, we've also seen demand for maintenance workers projected to
increase and grow by up to 13% over the next 10 years because of the continuing
adoption of new technologies, robotics, but what we've also seen and read is
that as many as 2.1 million manufacturing jobs in the US are gonna remain
unfilled through 2030. Employers are saying that it's 36% harder to find talent
than it is than it was in 2018, and what we're also seeing is attrition rates as
high as 25%. Imagine turning over your entire workforce every four years, that's
what's going on right now.

We talk about the shift in our thinking to maintenance being better supported,
better valued and finally understood, we believe this is not just important, it
is absolutely critical for our industry. What we've always said here is that
again, this next generation of maintenance is not just possible, not just
necessary, but it all starts here with all of us today. And personally, I'm
super excited for the days that I get to read the headlines instead of looking
at how maintenance jobs are gonna be decreased. I'm really excited towards in
another five years from now, reading these headliners about how maintenance
teams can produce record-breaking cost savings and how maintenance is the secret
weapon to top producing manufacturing companies.

And again, I wanna thank everyone here that supported us along this way, we've
got a long journey ahead of us, and my commitment to our entire community
members, everyone who supported us over the last five years and people who are
thinking about joining us along our journey, is that we are gonna continue
investing in the entire industry to support you, to invest in our field
technicians to help redefine our space and get to a place where we don't have
these data silos and we're beyond this whole idea of being misunderstood and
undervalued, and under-supported.

Right now as a company, we are investing big time in one, educating and
connecting maintenance, reliability industries through community. We've invested
huge in our entire community because we believe that the best transformations in
maintenance is not gonna come through technology, it's actually gonna come
through people.

The second thing that we're investing in big is this idea of unlocking the true
potential of predictive maintenance through unifying passive and active data
collection. We believe that breaking down data silos is gonna give us better and
higher quality data that will enable us as humans to really realize the full
potential that we have, which really stems into the third thing that we're
really investing in big as a company. To help elevate the role of technicians in
a higher skill, higher paying roles through technology, and four, really enable
teams to showcase their value in terms of ROI.

Really get away from viewing maintenance as a cost center into a profit center,
move away from looking at how maintenance success metrics are right now, how
many hours did you work per day, how many work orders did you complete per day,
how many PMs did you hit the check box off of to what value did we create for
your business? Alright, thank you everyone for listening to me talk a little bit
more about the future of maintenance. I'm gonna pass it over to Henry, who again
is our Director of Product Management here at UpKeep. He's gonna talk about what
delivering the future looks like today.

Henry Pray: 
Thank you, Ryan. Thank you for that introduction. As Ryan mentioned, my name is
Henry Pray. I'm the Director of Product Management here at UpKeep, and I'm
currently calling in from Los Angeles where I help lead our product organization
in delivering as much value as possible to UpKeep customers.

I've been with UpKeep for about two years now, and I'm really excited on what
the future holds for the maintenance industry. So now we're gonna slightly shift
the conversation to be more focus on what UpKeep is investing in today and how
we are planning on delivering the software to augment the future of maintenance,
and I'd like to start with our current product offering.

UpKeep really started out to mobilize and modernize the maintenance software
industry, and we've done that with our core product, our flagship product, which
consists of work order management, asset management and parts management. Within
our work order management, we can seamlessly collaborate and get real-time
updates for all the work orders around your plant, your entire asset history is
now in your back pocket with information like downtime, depreciation, work done
and more.

Find the parts you need as well to get the work done, with direct integrations
in the ERPs you can submit purchase orders, restock parts and address anything
needed to keep your assets up. And all three of these portions of our platform
roll up into a mobile-first solution. That makes it super easy to capture and
record the data that you need to help run your maintenance organization, but we
quickly realized it's not just about allowing technicians to capture the data,
we realize that the data needs to be captured automatically to really allow
technicians, as Ryan mentioned, to be up-leveled in the organization, to work on
more and more complex problems. 

And to meet that realization, we recently released our UpKeep Edge product that
allows for passive data capture straight from remote condition monitoring, along
with it, we've released countless integrations and new sensor types in order to
detect anomalies in temperature, current, vibration, liquid and more.

Our Edge platform then seamlessly integrates straight into our flagship product,
making it easier than ever for them to capture the right data at the right time.
We also pride ourselves on ease of use for our sensors. It only takes 30 minutes
to set up a sensor and we provide all the necessary equipment to get team up and
running and turning from reactive to proactive.

Now, with that being said, it's not about what exists today, but where we are
investing in to redefine the future of maintenance. The next generation of
maintenance will come from collecting the right data, displaying the best
insights and providing actual feedback for maintenance teams to deliver on. At
UpKeep we are double-downing on these four key ingredients to help drive this
industry forward.

Starting with passive data collection, which is collecting data automatically
without human involvement, this will get the right data at the right time, and
in turn will allow technicians to focus on these more complex problems and
collect even more compelling data actively. All of this data will then feed into
our automation pipeline, where predictive models built off of years and years of
historical findings will help define what work needs to be done and when via our
workflow engine.

And this cycle will continue over and over again, and every time it is complete,
you'll see improvements not only on your machinery, but also your bottom line.
And we're really uniquely positioned to provide the necessary technology to help
you do this, and it all starts with how you're monitoring your equipment, it
really makes zero sense to use valuable man-hours to record entry level data
into any system when it can be completed automatically, not only are you able to
get better, more accurate data in with passive data collection, but you're also
freeing up these valuable resources to track and fix higher impact issues. And
on top of that passive data collection is one of the only ways to truly record
unplanned downtime events, which is one of the top things that you wanna start
avoiding and tracking correctly.

Our mobile-first solution makes it easier than ever for technicians to report
the complexities that modern technology cannot automatically record or capture,
and all of this data can now be fed into the future. Predictive modeling through
our Future Insights engine. Predictive capabilities and insights all start with
the data, good data in, good data out, it's why we're investing heavily into
products like UpKeep Analytics, our integration APIs and our mobile platform,
ensuring that our users and customers have as little friction as possible and
getting the right data into our ecosystem.

The cleaner and more consistent data that you have running into UpKeep, the more
you'll be setting yourself up for success in the future, and these predictive
models will in turn run into our work solution back to the main core product to
help you further refine your maintenance strategies.

And to go into a little more detail about how UpKeep is making is possible, it
all, once again, starts with our mobile first application. We live in a mobile
world, it makes little sense for technicians to be logging in activity anywhere
besides where they are working on the moment they're working on it. Our mobile
solution was built from the ground up to work in any environment and then to
integrate with any solution.

We believe in making the mobile experience as painless and as easy as possible
to ensure that the right work is getting done and logged. We're working on
giving out even more support across different channels to make sure that no
matter what the preference is of requesters or technicians, we can turn any
level of communication into a work order, working with technologies like natural
language process and digitization across text messages, emails, phone calls,
it's really never been easier to log and plan for work, work requests and work

We've also been expanding our QR code functionality to really make the keyboard
a thing of the past, which means less time for taps and really more time for
turning wrenches. With just the camera on your phone, technicians can now gain
insight and log every request a task completed as needed. So once this data is
entered into the mobile solution or passively from Edge, it all runs into one
centralized command center, and really in order to showcase the value of your
maintenance organization, you need to be able to have a birds-eye view of
everything going on.

With our open API we allow you to integrate across your entire tech stack to get
all the asset information you need in order to inform and help your future
decisions. You're also able to get all the data you need as it relates to
procurement, inventory, vendors, assets and more. 80% of CMMS implementations
fail due to lack of adoption, but UpKeep is made with that in mind to allow for
the easiest of implementations in order to get your organization up and running
as quickly as possible.

And having all this access to one of source of truth for all of your assets,
their parts, the metadata that goes with them, this will allow you to track
automate, collaborate, to not only resolve every work order faster, but really
push your performance to the next level. So once this correct data, this good
data is being stored, it's really time to drive efficiency in your operations,
instead of relying on purely preventive maintenance schedules or permit quantity
minimums with end-to-end machine learning you'll be able to quickly and
decisively make the right decisions to ensure that you're getting the most out
of your machines and your dollars.

With all the data being collected, both passively and actively, technology is
now advanced for us to start predicting when machines will break, when to order
parts, when to administer work, and almost more importantly, when not to, when
not to push that work order out in order to save time and money.

When administering every work order inside of UpKeep has immediate visibility
and real-time updates to allow all members of your organization to move into
lockstep. Our automated workflow engine allows you to standardize workflows,
eliminate unnecessary repeatable task and deliver value quickly. Lastly, UpKeep
analytics allows you to gain visibility across your entire organization with our
leading business intelligence and customization to ensure you're asking the
right questions and getting the answers that you need when you need them.

With full custom reporting and state-of-the-art visualizations you now have
access to the performance of all your work orders, your asset failures, your
work delays and more. And all of this, everything we are building is to help
shift the conversation, help shift the conversation from maintenance being a
cost center to a revenue driver, allow not only your maintenance team, but your
entire organization to see the true ROI that a well-oiled maintenance team has
on the bottom line.

And I wanna leave you with this last stack, about half, as Ryan mentioned,
actually about half of all maintenance teams view their top KPIs completed
planned maintenance, which is a really good start and probably a good leading
indicator on what can happen. However, this does not always translate to
overarching business goals. We really wanna help showcase the true value that
every technician, every plant or every supervisor has on the organization, and
to showcase what truly efficient maintenance will do to your ROI. Thank you.

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 * Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
 * Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)
 * Asset Performance Management (APM)
 * DataHub (Data Asset Platform)
 * DataHub Demo


 * Maintenance
 * Operations
 * Reliability


 * Manufacturing & Plants
 * Food & Beverage Manufacturing
 * Energy & Utilities
 * Government & Public Works
 * School and Higher Education
 * Gym & Fitness
 * Farming/Agriculture
 * Restaurants
 * Hospitality
 * Healthcare
 * Facilities
 * Property
 * Building


 * Work Order Management
 * Parts & Inventory Management
 * Safety & Compliance Management
 * Asset Management
 * Preventive Maintenance
 * Analytics & Reporting
 * Request Management
 * Edge


 * Asset Operations Resource Hub
 * Blog
 * Learning Center
 * What is Asset Operations Management?
 * What is Enterprise Asset Management?
 * What is Inventory Management?
 * What is Preventive Maintenance?
 * What is a Work Order?
 * What is CMMS software?

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 * Work Order Management
 * Parts & Inventory Management
 * Safety & Compliance Management
 * Asset Management
 * Preventive Maintenance
 * Analytics & Reporting
 * Request Management
 * Edge


 * Asset Operations Resource Hub
 * Blog
 * Learning Center
 * What is Asset Operations Management?
 * What is Enterprise Asset Management?
 * What is Inventory Management?
 * What is Preventive Maintenance?
 * What is a Work Order?
 * What is CMMS software?


 * About us
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 * Careers
 * Press
 * Blog
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Free Tools

 * ROI Calculator
 * Maintenance Calculators
 * QR Code Generator

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 * Resources
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 * Support
 * Free Tools


 * 1 (323) 880-0280
 * Schedule a tour
 * 10880 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024

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