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Military-Connected Students - June 20, 2024Peer Coaches - June 18, 2024Train
Your Title IX Investigators on the New Regulations - June 17, 2024Title IX &
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2024Onboarding Students - June 10, 2024Animals in Campus Housing - June 5,
2024Campus Disruption - June 4, 2024Student Death - May 30, 2024RA Training for
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2024 - April 18, 2024Stress & Student Affairs - April 17, 2024FERPA - April 11,
2024Basic Needs Access & Emergency Grants - April 10, 2024Youth on Campus -
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2024Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders - March 25, 2024Pregnant & Parenting
Students - March 21, 2024Pre-College Programming - March 18, 2024Marketing
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2024Mental Health Training for Faculty & Staff - March 6, 2024Build Resilient,
Resourceful & Flexible Teams - March 5, 2024Reasonable Accommodation Requests
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February 27, 2024Tools Beyond Surveys & Rubrics - February 21, 2024Online &
Distance Education Key Regulatory Updates - February 16, 2024 Beyond the Letters
and Pronouns - February 14, 2024Student Affairs & Enrollment Management -
February 8, 2024Universal Design - February 7, 2024Commencement 2024 - January
31, 2024Incorporate Career Competencies Campus-Wide - January 30, 2024Success
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2024Animals on Campus - January 17, 2024Active Killer on Campus - January 16,
2024Internships, Practicums & the ADA - January 11, 2024Black Student
Experiences - January 10, 2024Effective Micro-Credential Programs - December 14,
2023Student Handbook Audit - December 13, 2023Assessment & Stats 101 - December
11, 2023Dual/Concurrent Enrollment - December 8, 2023ADA Accommodations in the
Classroom - December 7, 2023Planning Accessible & Inclusive Campus Program -
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ADA Training - October 23, 2023Implicit Bias & Micro Aggressions - October 12,
2023Behavior Assessment & Intervention Teams - October 3, 2023Managing Staff in
Today's Higher Ed Workplace - September 29, 2023Assessing Impact - September 26,
2023Student Engagement - Friday, September 22, 2023Online & Distance Learning
Proposed ED and NC-SARA Regulations - September 18, 2023Improve First-Year
Completion of Underrepresented Students - September 15, 2023Native American &
Indigenous Students - September 14, 2023ADA & Digital Accessibility for Online
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Integrity - August 15, 2023Student Organization Advising with Confidence &
Competence - August 9, 2023ADA and Assistive Technology - August 8,
2023Unconscious Bias in the Workplace - August 7, 2023Micro-credentials for
Rural, Low-income & Non-traditional Students - July 27, 2023Supporting
First-Generation Students - July 26, 2023Support Students Who Have Experienced
Foster Care - July 20, 2023International Student Recruitment - July 19,
2023Support Your Sophomore Students' Academic & Social Success - July 12,
2023Mitigate Executive Functioning Challenges of Students in a Post-Pandemic
World - July 11, 2023Support Graduate & Professional Student Success - June 28,
2023Military-Affiliated Students - June 27, 2023Black Men & Mental Health - June
26, 2023Mid-Level Professionals - June 22, 2023LGBTQ+ Identity & Pronouns - June
15, 2023Transfer Students - June 13, 2023Customer Service Training for Campus
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May 16, 2023Dual Enrollment Programs - May 8, 2023FERPA Case Studies - April 20,
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Disorders - March 13, 2023Orientation - March 2, 2023Campus Frontline Personnel
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as a Recruitment & Revenue Tool - February 24, 2023Inclusive Workspaces -
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February 13, 2023Developing Micro-Credentials and Badges - February 8,
2023Family & Parent Engagement - February 7, 2023Rural Students Recruitment &
Retention - January 26, 2023Equity in Student Staff Hiring Practices - January
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Media Activity - January 19, 2023Social Class on Campus - January 18,
2023Recognizing Microaggressions Through Case Studies - January 17,
2023Reasonable Accommodations in the Classroom - January 6, 2023esports -
December 14, 2022Travel Abroad Risk Management - November 30, 2022Student
Veterans & Military-Connected Students - November 29, 2022Growth Mindset &
Resiliency - November 17, 2022Dealing with Difficult Colleagues & Co-workers -
November 15, 2022Peer Mentor Programs for Autistic Students - November 10,
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2022Student Athletes & Mental Health - November 1, 2022Men of Color - October
24, 2022Microaggressions and Bias in the Work Environment - October 6,
2022Supporting Students of Color Traveling Abroad - September 27, 2022Title IX
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2022Building an Effective Bias Reporting System and Response Team - August 18,
2022Student Organization Advisors - August 9, 2022When Faculty and Staff Engage
in Student Activism - August 2, 2022Bystander Intervention - July 26,
2022Marginalized Students and First Year Completion - July 18, 2022Supporting
and Retaining Adjunct Faculty - July 14, 2022Mental Health Equity - July 13,
2022Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias - June 28, 2022Yield More Results in
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2022The Current Student Leadership Gap - January 19, 2022Restorative Justice in
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2:00 – 3:30 PM ET


Many campuses are finding it hard to recruit and engage student leaders because
of the lack of continuity in student participation due to COVID-19 and limited
knowledge of prior in-person community engagement. This gap has resulted in the
need for additional training, orientation and education of those students who
are engaging in community-based learning opportunities. Community organizations
also had significant interruptions to their operations so those who coordinate
engagement at colleges are scrambling to rebuild these essential long-term
reciprocal partnerships.

Gather your faculty and staff who oversee service and community engagement
opportunities on your campus and join us on July 24, 2024. Our presenter will
share how through a reimagined student preparation and training program, peer
support and mentoring model, and directed community partner check-ins, her team
was able to rebuild intentional and critical community engagement programs on
her campus.

Leave this session with a broader view of community engagement – beyond
traditional service-learning and volunteerism – to create a variety of learning
and meaningful leadership development opportunities for your students. 


Gain crucial, actionable takeaways that will help you:

 * Develop a framework for training curricula that integrates community
   engagement learning and leadership development, centering on critical
 * Utilize a rubric to assess how partnerships are going for both the students
   and the agency to assess capacity, needs and create open communication
 * Provide the “why” behind community engagement, the importance of intentional
   and critical community engagement so that students are applying their
   classroom learning in practical, hands-on experiences.
 * Overcome the participation gap by fostering peer support and mentoring
   programs to recruit and engage student participation to add another layer of
   support to new/emerging leaders.
 * Rebuild previous relationships with community organizations through
   intentional communication and outreach initiatives.


Courtney Holder currently serves as the Assistant Director for Leadership &
Community Service-Learning, Stamp Student Union at the University of Maryland
(UMD), College Park.
Click here for full bio.



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Academic & Student Affairs – July 9, 2024 LEARN MORE
Transfer Students – July 29, 2024 LEARN MORE
Mentoring Men of Color – June 25, 2024 LEARN MORE
Project Management In Higher Ed – July 17, 2024 LEARN MORE
Alumni and Community Engagement – July 30, 2024 LEARN MORE
Open Houses – July 9, 2024 LEARN MORE
AI in Higher Education – June 26, 2024 LEARN MORE
Train Your Student Workers – On-Demand Training LEARN MORE
Supervisory Skills – August 1,2024 LEARN MORE
Integrate Micro-credentials into Your Institutional Programs – July 25, 2024


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