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                        <strong class="title-style-2 title-color-2">Allied and Dayna have exceeded expectations.</strong>
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                        <strong class="title-style-2 title-color-2">I love a company that keeps you updated all the time</strong>
                        <p class="caption">“They text you they email you to make sure everything is fine and they keep me updated on everything that's going on with the process of having my mobile home done.”</p>
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                        <strong class="title-style-2 title-color-2">Professional and Prompt</strong>
                        <p class="caption">“They answered all my questions every single time I called and made me feel so comfortable during every interaction.”</p>
                        <strong class="author">- Lisbet R.</strong>
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                        <strong class="title-style-2 title-color-2">Every question answered, every issue fixed.</strong>
                        <p class="caption">“Their presence will be missed, but we now have our beautiful home to remind us that good things do come out of bad situations.”</p>
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                        <strong class="title-style-2 title-color-2">Overall, I am very happy with the service Allied Restoration provided and would use again if needed.</strong>
                        <p class="caption">“The next day we received flowers of congratulations for the birth from the whole Allied Team. It was great only dealing with one company during this whole process and Allied Restoration's customer service
                          was top notch.”</p>
                        <strong class="author">- Robert C.</strong>
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3120 E Garvey S
West Covina, CA 91791

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Fire & Water Damage Restoration Commercial & Residential Restoration
Contact Us Today


At Allied Restoration Services Inc., we go above and beyond for our clients in
ways other Los Angeles restoration companies simply can’t or won’t. Our team
offers same-day response times, so your residential or commercial property never
has to wait long for assistance.

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When you call Allied Restoration Services Inc., we promise you will receive work
from a team that is very engaged and highly professional throughout the entire
process. Our platinum level Los Angeles restoration services are built on a
solid foundation of trust and reassurance that we understand how valuable your
property is to you.

Once our employees* are on site, they will provide you with a detailed plan of
action, ensuring all repairs and removals are customized for your needs. Our
experts are also highly trained and experienced, so you never have to worry
about receiving work that doesn’t live up to expectations. And not only do we
strive to return your home or business to its pre-loss condition, nine out of
ten times, we will leave it even better than it was to begin with.

*subcontractors may be used on some jobs

More About Allied


 * Preferred Vendors
   Allied Restoration is a preferred vendor for all major insurance companies.
   We work seamlessly with your insurance contact to secure your settlement.

 * Fast Service
   We can get on site within an hour for any emergency needs within our service
   area. Our crews are trained to handle water damage, storm damage, mold, fire
   and smoke damage efficiently and cost effectively.

 * 24/7 Service
   Your emergency becomes our first priority. We have certified technicians
   ready to assist you in your times of need 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


Since 2008, we have been a trusted name in this industry, receiving rave reviews
from commercial clients and residential customers alike. With over 50 employees
to handle a variety of needs, you can rest assured you will always receive
personalized care, including Spanish-speaking services (available upon request.)
And with payment plans and financing offered directly through insurance
providers, we make it easy for you to afford quality restoration options,
regardless of your budget.

Trusted to restore high-value homes

 * 1
   24/7 Emergency Service

 * 2
   Quick Response Times

 * 3
   A Detailed Plan of Action

 * 4
   Professional Restoration Team

 * 5
   Restoration of Your Home


Some of our most popular restoration services include:

 * Water Damage Drying/Water Damage Mitigation
 * Smoke Damage Restoration from Wildfires
 * Mold Remediation & Removal
 * COVID-19 Disinfection

Has your property recently been damaged in a wildfire? Do you need professional
disinfecting for your home or business? Call (626) 349-6515 now or click here to
schedule an appointment online.


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 * >  * 
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   >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   > Allied and Dayna have exceeded expectations.
   > “She has been extremely knowledgeable, professional, quick to respond, and
   > easy to work with.”
   > - Samantha T.

 * >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
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   >  * 
   > I love a company that keeps you updated all the time
   > “They text you they email you to make sure everything is fine and they keep
   > me updated on everything that's going on with the process of having my
   > mobile home done.”
   > - Rose M.

 * >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   > Professional and Prompt
   > “They answered all my questions every single time I called and made me feel
   > so comfortable during every interaction.”
   > - Lisbet R.

 * >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   > Every question answered, every issue fixed.
   > “Their presence will be missed, but we now have our beautiful home to
   > remind us that good things do come out of bad situations.”
   > - Jason R.

 * >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   >  * 
   > Overall, I am very happy with the service Allied Restoration provided and
   > would use again if needed.
   > “The next day we received flowers of congratulations for the birth from the
   > whole Allied Team. It was great only dealing with one company during this
   > whole process and Allied Restoration's customer service was top notch.”
   > - Robert C.

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