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Squash Source

Squash Equipment Blog


Welcome to Squash Source, a blog providing squash gear reviews, squash equipment
news, and general information about the great sport of squash.


Here are the latest post from the Squash Source blog:

 * British Open 2022 Squash Equipment Report
 * Victor P9200TD C
 * Adidas Ligra 7
 * Kirschbaum Gut Feeling
 * Wilson nRage
 * Karakal Raw Pro 2.0
 * RIA Eyewear
 * Dunlop Blackstorm Titanium SLS
 * Stringing My Head 120 Slimbody in the Adaptive Fan Pattern (AFP)
 * Face Masks for Squash

 * Blog Archives >>


Want to browse? Use the links below to view different categories of squash

 * Squash Rackets
 * Squash Shoes
 * Squash Bags
 * Squash Balls
 * Squash Strings
 * Squash Goggles
 * Squash Grips
 * Squash Clothing
 * Squash Activity Trackers
 * Squash Gifts 🎄



There are a number of squash equipment reviews on the Squash Source YouTube
channel, which you can also find embedded throughout the site. Here is the
latest video:

 * EQUIPMENT REPORT: British Open Squash 2022
   Subscribe on YouTube


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Many Squash Source readers have left valuable comments and reviews on the site.
If you have any feedback on your gear, I encourage you to leave feedback in the
comments section so others can benefit from your knowledge. Here are the latest
comments on the site:

 * Kevin T on Black Knight Ion Element PSX Daryl Selby:
   > I picked up a couple of these used but like new on Ebay for >$40 a piece
   > and I absolutely love the frame. It's solid as a rock, great power and
   > control. I have the non-Selby black version, as well. It's fantastic but
   > actually prefer the slightly heavier Selby. Was trying out the Harrow
   > Vapor, which plays nice but feels like balsa wood in comparison. I was
   > always concerned the slightest wall contact would shatter it like glass. 🙂
   > Anyone happen to know the status of Black Knight? Their Canadian site is
   > being updated and says "The next big thing is coming soon". They haven't
   > released a new frame since before Covid and I saw a Cornell squash video
   > with David Palmer (current or former Black Knight co-owner?) using an
   > Ashaway tear drop model frame. Each time I've inquired about frame
   > availability from BK USA I'm told 'check back in a few months' due to
   > supply chain/shipping issues. I've tried pretty much all brands but keep
   > going back to BK, so really hoping they stay in business. Cheers! →

 * keith murphy on Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 Heritage:
   > It’s essentially an X-Speed with a new cosmetic, so it is slightly
   > different to the original Heritage. I own half a dozen of the original
   > Heritage and bought two of the Heritage 2, I ended up sticking with the
   > original, although there is nothing wrong with the newer racket. →

 * Keith Murphy on Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 Heritage:
   > It's essentially an X-Speed with a new cosmetic, so it is slightly
   > different to the original Heritage. →

 * Tor Schjølberg on Kirschbaum Gut Feeling:
   > What on earth! Is he not using Ashaway or Tecnifibre? IT'S A SIN!! 😉 →

 * Daniel Szekely on Adidas Court Stabil 1:
   > I have a pair of Adidas Court Stabil 1, if you are interested in some
   > pictures →

 * Juan R on 9 Best Squash Shoes for 2022:
   > Absolutely brilliant post, too bad nowadays stocks are very low, checking
   > out sites to grab a couple pairs (GREAT advise on getting multiple if you
   > like them, I still miss the first babolat I got a few years ago and they
   > are not made anymore). Cheers! →

 * Tjeerd on Kirschbaum Gut Feeling:
   > I think we have an Babel-like confusion on our hands. 🙂 StringJob.nl,
   > which is supporting Paul Coll for stringing and racket tuning, explicitly
   > mentions that Paul is using strings with a gauge of 1.22mm. The Kirschbaum
   > Natural gut (product name: Touch Natural) is available only in the gauges
   > ~1.25mm and ~1.30mm, not in 1.22mm... So, my 2 cents after summing this all
   > up: I think Paul is playing with Kirschbaum Gut Feeling 1.22m in natural
   > color (in German "Farbe Natur" and ironically the only color available for
   > this string). →

 * John on Kirschbaum Gut Feeling:
   > I think this is it M. I am the one who asked him on IG, for him to to
   > include the word natural in the first place, I am thinking he means these.
   > They aren't sold in the US, only in Europe from what I can gather. →

 * Pierre on Kirschbaum Gut Feeling:
   > Thanks guys I updated the post. Between the note on StringJob.nl and the
   > fact that his wifey's a vegan, I'm guessing he uses the Natural Gut Feeling
   > and not actual gut. →

 * M on Kirschbaum Gut Feeling:
   > Hi Pierre, Kirschbaum has some real gut strings in their product range
   > https://kirschbaum-strings.de/produkte/produktdetail/touch-natural:268 but
   > I hope we (or paul) are past these times... →


This is a squash gear website that I run in my spare time. My mission here is to
build a side business around helping people learn about squash equipment and
find the gear that suits them best. You can learn more about Squash Source here.

Squash Source does not sell squash equipment, but instead links to online squash
stores where you can buy equipment. The good thing about this setup is I can
post gear from all around the world, without having to keep products in stock.

The way this site makes money is primarily through those links to stores.
Sometimes if you buy through one of the sponsored links here, Squash Source will
get a commission on the sale. Other times, in exchange for linking to them,
stores will send me squash equipment, which I review on the site.

So far, I have linked to squash stores in Australia, Canada, Denmark, France,
Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, USA, and the UK! See a complete list of my
affiliates here.

You can also support Squash Source directly (and get your own login for
commenting on the site).

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Click here to get the Squash Source newsletter!

I send out an email about once a month. The newsletter contains a rundown of the
latest squash equipment news and reviews from Squash Source.


Hi, I’m Pierre and I’ve been playing squash since I was a teenager. Here on
Squash Source, you can get recommendations and reviews on squash equipment and
find out what other players are using. Enjoy!



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 * Squash Rackets
 * Squash Shoes
 * Squash Bags
 * Squash Balls
 * Squash Strings
 * Squash Goggles
 * Squash Grips
 * Squash Clothing
 * Squash Activity Trackers

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