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The more, the wealthier. What is a cryptocurrency and how does it actually work
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Investing during this period can bring you financial benefits, but is it a good
idea to invest in Bitcoin? Read more to find out. Across the globe,
cryptocurrencies have always been a polarizing topic among investors from all
ends of the investing spectrum. On one end, you have those who swear by it, and
on the other, investors who avoid it like the plague, take this writer in an
article on the Guardian.

In order to paint a more accurate picture of cryptocurrencies, we did our own
research to find out its true values, the benefits and drawbacks, the return on
investment, and overall sustainability. We spoke to experts across different
crypto aisles to weigh in on this contentious topic and to help us better
understand the overall value of cryptocurrencies.

The rise of digital transformation across global industries has paved the way
for some of the most avant-garde innovations like insurtech, crowdfunding
platforms, digital banks, as well as alternative conduits of capital like
cryptocurrencies. This massive paradigm shift is further translated into the
number of people who invest in it.

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According to a study found on Statista, over 50 million blockchain wallets had
been set up globally since the end of June While a slightly older survey reveals
that Aaron Tang believes the potential of digital assets could change the world
of finance, investing and assets. Video source: Luno. We expect the industry to
continue to have explosive growth.

Though Etherscan and CoinGecko are not crypto exchanges, both operate in the
crypto ecosystem, and are widely known by investors worldwide. CoinGecko is one
of the largest and earliest crypto data aggregators , operating since early It
currently tracks nearly tokens from more than cryptocurrency exchanges. A
cryptocurrency is a form of digital asset or virtual currency. One way to
imagine cryptocurrencies, Tang said, is to think of them as improved versions of
commonly used assets such as cash and gold. Another way to think of
cryptocurrency is to think of it as an improved payment system, similar to bank
transfers or credit cards.


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Unlike fiat payment processors, cryptocurrency payment services are said to be
cheaper and more transparent. On top of that, the scarcity of Bitcoin makes it
valuable. The Bitcoin Protocol stipulates that there is a limited and finite
supply of Bitcoin in this world — in this case, only 21 million Bitcoins will
ever be produced, making it a scarce resource. Another type of cryptocurrency,
Litecoin, has a maximum limit of 84 million.

But different to gold and money which require a safe box or wallet to carry it,
cryptocurrencies are highly portable. What started as a hobby, has now grown
that there are even corporations who specialize in mining and invest in a lot of
high tech machines to produce these Bitcoins. Because cryptocurrencies are not
issued by a central authority, they are sort of immune to government
interference, are open sourced, and have been said to be more transparent
compared to their traditional counterparts.

Instead, the open-source software allows members of the network to vote whether
a transaction is valid or otherwise through computing power. Think of it like
the Internet — not controlled by a single person or entity, and anyone can use
it as they like. This type of payment network allows digital tokens to be
transferred between individuals freely , and is made possible thanks to a
technology called blockchain, which Investopedia defines as a distributed ledger
enforced by a disparate network of computers.

Image source: Forbes.

This technology is also what allows a large number of people from all over the
world to share data quickly and safely, Tang said, giving cryptocurrencies their
defining feature. It also lets people and institutions shift funds instantly and
without the need for a middleman. Some of the benefits of a decentralized system
is the opportunity to allow for societal fairness, information accessibility and
security, and allow for business innovation , according to the study Mobile and
Network applications.

The use of cryptocurrency also overcomes the common issue of overprinting of
traditional currency or fiat currency by governments and central banks, which
may potentially cause inflation. But how did cryptocurrencies suddenly blow onto
the scenes in ? The origins of cryptocurrency are as mysterious as the
instrument itself! Japanese-American Dorian Nakomoto, who graduated in physics
from California Polytechnic and worked on classified defense projects, has been
rumoured to be Satoshi Nakomoto.

He strongly denies it, however. Image source: KLCC. What is clear to the public
is that Nakamoto published a whitepaper in that kickstarted the development of
cryptocurrency. The paper described the use of a peer-to-peer network as a
solution to the problem of double-spending, the initial challenge with digital
currencies, which has since been solved via blockchain. But how could an
anonymous and automated decentralized system ensure all transactions are
processed with enough due diligence and authenticity?


The cryptography technology — or the study of secure communication where only
the sender and recipient is able to view the content of the messaging — applied
in cryptocurrencies guarantee pseudo or full anonymity. Cryptography also makes
cryptocurrencies nearly impossible to counterfeit. In the nadir of the global
financial crisis and the US stock market crash, crypto enthusiasts saw Bitcoin
as a much-needed alternative to the fiat currencies issued and controlled by
governments and as the future of an outdated financial system.

To create scarcity and prevent inflation in the future, Nakamoto hard capped the
total Bitcoin supply to 21 million BTC. Afterwards, there will be no new


Nakamoto was not the first software developer to try to design a functional
digital payment system or a form of digital money. However, he was the first to
find the solution to the double-spending problem and create a payment system
based on cryptographic proof instead of trust in intermediaries read: banks. In
his whitepaper, Nakamoto described a revolutionary new technology called
blockchain, a public ledger that consists of chained blocks of data hence the

The ledger stores every Bitcoin transaction and prevents third parties from
making any changes or removing data. Blockchain is also where mining Bitcoins
takes place. When the majority of the nodes accept the solution, the transaction
is verified and enters the new block. The lucky miner wins a Bitcoin reward for
the job. Cryptocurrency exchanges: The most common platforms for Bitcoin
purchases are the crypto exchanges. Luno is a reliable trading platform free
deposits and withdrawals and can be made and Bitcoin can be bought and sold for
inexpensive fees.

It applies 2FA and cold storage to protect customer funds.


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Japanischer Yen - Kurs (BTC - JPY) Bitcoin Kurs aktuell: Nach Dollar geht die
Rekordjagd weiter Kryptowährung: Bitcoin ist ein rein spekulativer Vermögenswert
Bitcoin-Kurs, Ether-Kurs und Co.: Aktuelle News und Kurse der Kryptowährungen

Analysten warnen vor Risiken.


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Stellenmarkt Mit unserem Karriere-Portal den Traumjob finden. Alles hat seinen
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Wert verloren. Die schnelle Gegenbewegung bleibt diesmal aus. Das Handelsblatt
hatte diese Prognosen bereits intensiv beleuchtet.

Der Bitcoin ist am Donnerstag aber unter Druck geraten. So tief hatte der
Bitcoin mehr als zwei Wochen nicht notiert. Jim Cramer. Der Bitcoin-Kurs lag am
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latest updates. DAX : Soziale Netzwerke.

In den vergangenen knapp 3 Jahren hat sich die Anzahl der Wallets auf 28
Millionen mehr als verdreifacht. Und auch die Zahl der Transaktionen steigen
kontinuierlich an.

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Zwar hat sich die Gesamtanzahl aller Bitcoin-Transaktionen von Millionen im
Januar auf mehr als Millionen im August verdreifacht. Doch bei genauerer
Betrachtung stagnieren die Transaktionen. LIFE Freitag, Postfinance-Manager
springt zu Staatsbank. Lombard Odier expandiert nach Brasilien. Bank Linth
ernennt zwei Segmentsleiter.

Bank Linth: 21 Mitarbeitende vor dem Karrieresprung. Vontobel baut
Fixed-Income-Team an zwei Standorten aus.


Investis holt Credit-Suisse-Verwaltungsrat an Bord. Ex-Falcon-Bankerin wird
Chefin von Kryptofirma.

English version.


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