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Submitted URL: http://www.slaughterandmay.com/legal-and-regulatory-information/privacy-policy/
Effective URL: https://www.slaughterandmay.com/legal-and-regulatory-information/privacy-notice/
Submission: On December 20 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

 * People
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 * Insights
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 * Legal and Regulatory information
 * Privacy notice



Slaughter and May is an international law firm. We are committed to safeguarding
the privacy of the personal information that is provided to us or collected by
us during the course of our business as well as the personal information we
receive from visitors to our Slaughter and May website and any associated
websites under our control (together our “Websites”). Slaughter and May is the
data controller of any personal information collected by or provided to us in
the circumstances described below in section 2.

This Privacy notice explains how we may collect and use any personal information
that we obtain about you and your rights in relation to that information. In
line with our aim to have a consistent approach to protecting personal data,
this is a global policy that we follow in each of our offices. It is based on
data protection principles that are set out in the UK and relevant European
Union data protection laws. Where we have offices in jurisdictions with
significantly different data protection laws it may be that the rights and
obligations set out in this Privacy notice do not apply. If you have any
questions about how this Privacy notice applies to you or want to make a
complaint to us about how we handle your personal information, please contact
the firm’s Privacy Partner or your contact at our international offices (details
are set out in section 8 below).

We may provide you with additional privacy notices where we believe that it is
appropriate to do so. Those additional notices supplement and should be read
together with this Privacy notice.


This Privacy notice applies in the following circumstances:

 * when we conduct open source searches on you in connection with our business
   development or business acceptance processes;
 * when we agree to provide legal services to you or the organisation you work
 * when you or the organisation you work for are a counterparty of one or more
   of our clients;
 * when you request information from us or provide information to us;
 * when you apply for a role or work experience opportunity, open day or insight
   event with us;
 * when you visit our offices and our Websites;
 * when you complete application forms on various sections of our Websites;
 * if you are an alumni of the firm;
 * when you attend our seminars or other hosted events (including virtual events
   organised by us and hosted on third party platforms) and/or register to
   access our Apps; and
 * when you are entered onto our mailing lists to receive publications and other
   marketing emails (see section 3.2 for further information).

We use cookies on our Websites. This Privacy notice should be read alongside
our Cookies notice.



We collect personal information about prospective clients and their beneficial
owners, controllers and/or directors as part of business development initiatives
and our business acceptance process. The type of personal information we may
collect includes name, address, nationality, business interests, track record
and employment history. We obtain this information from you or your employer
directly and from publicly available open sources either directly or through a
third party.

We may also collect personal information about other individuals who may be, or
working for, counterparties of our clients or our prospective clients or
otherwise involved on matters we may be acting on.


The type of personal information that we may collect includes current and
historical information including your name and contact details (such as your
address, email address and telephone numbers) and identifiers such as your
organisation, employment history, professional and business expertise and
positions held.

We will also collect personal information you choose to provide to us directly,
or, for example, through your use of our Apps or other online services, and
information about your other dealings with us and our clients, including contact
we have with you in person, by telephone, letter, email or online. This
information may include access or dietary requirements which may reveal
information about your health or religious beliefs. We obtain personal
information from your IP address and the operating systems and web browsers that
you use to access our Websites. It enables us to identify which organisations
have visited our Websites and we use this information to compile statistical
data on the use of those sites to help us to improve the user experience.

We collect personal information directly from you, from our clients or other
parties to a matter and their authorised representatives. We may also collect
personal information from third parties such as your employer, other
organisations that you have dealings with, regulators, government agencies,
credit reporting agencies, publicly available records (including electronic data
sources to carry out checks to enable us to comply with applicable law),
information or service providers (some of whom may process your personal
information on our behalf), third party platforms that we engage to host our
training and events, recruitment agencies and other law firms or professional
advisers. Your personal information may be collected in the firm’s contact
database when you register to receive legal updates or we otherwise receive your
contact details.

We use a third party service provider to manage the firm’s contact database and
deliver emails to inform you about our services, legal developments and updates
and invite you to Slaughter and May events (including those we may jointly host
with other organisations).

You can control the information you receive through our direct marketing
function by using the “Managing your preferences” option at the bottom of the
emails. If you no longer wish to receive marketing emails relating to our
services by email or post, you can unsubscribe at any time by using the
“Unsubscribe” option on the email footer or by
contacting subscriptions@slaughterandmay.com.


If you apply for a role or work experience opportunity, open day or insight
event at the firm we will collect personal information directly from you, or
from recruitment agencies, recruitment websites and apps or other third parties
involved in our recruitment and screening process. The firm’s Recruitment
Privacy Notice (“RP Notice”) provides more detailed guidance on how the personal
information we collect during our recruitment process is processed by us. The RP
Notice is accessible via this link.


If you are a former employee and have joined or wish to join our alumni
programme or you are a former partner, we will collect personal information such
as your name, contact details, email address, information about your employment
with and after the firm and any other information we may have received from you
that is relevant to the alumni programme or your position as a former partner.

This information is used to keep in touch with you and help you to engage with
the programme. You can provide us with as little or as much information as you
wish. Your personal information may be shared with third parties who help us to
organise events to which you may be invited on a need to know basis only.


We will only use your personal information if and to the extent that applicable
law allows. We will therefore only process your personal information if:

 * it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or the
   organisation you work for;
 * it is necessary in connection with a legal obligation;
 * you have given your consent (where necessary) to such use or the organisation
   you work for has obtained your consent (where necessary) to share your
   information with us; or
 * if we (or a third party) have a legitimate interest which is not overridden
   by your interests or your rights and freedoms. Such legitimate interests
   include the provision of legal services, running the firm’s business and
   marketing relevant services directly to you.

We may use your personal information to:

 * consider whether we can pursue certain business development initiatives;
 * comply with our legal obligations to identify and verify the identity of our
   clients and their beneficial owners and to identify and assess the risks of
   money laundering and terrorist financing which may apply to our business;
 * deliver legal services to you and/or the organisation you work for, if you
   are a client;
 * carry out identity and security checks when you visit our offices (including
   capturing your image on CCTV);
 * run the firm’s business (e.g. carry out administrative or operational
   processes, including recruitment);
 * maintain and develop our business relationship with you;
 * improve our services and products to you, if you or the organisation you work
   for are a client or prospective client;
 * identify services you may be interested in;
 * send you marketing and invite you to events;
 * monitor and analyse our business; or
 * process and respond to requests, enquiries or complaints received from you.

We will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary for
the purpose for which it was collected, including for the purposes of complying
with any legal, regulatory, accounting or reporting requirements. Personal
information processed in connection with our business acceptance processes
and/or providing legal services will be retained in accordance with the firm’s
Retention and destruction policy unless we agree otherwise with you, in writing.
If you wish to know more about the firm’s Retention and destruction policy or
any of the firm’s different retention periods, please
contact privacy@slaughterandmay.com.


We may share your personal information with our offices, branches, in-house
companies and associated partnerships due to, for example, our shared IT systems
and/or cross jurisdictional working on a matter. We use third parties who
provide services on our behalf and will share your information with them, for
example a technology supplier may have access to your personal information when
providing software support, or a company we use for a communications campaign or
to host our events may process the personal information of our contacts or
attendees for us. 

During the course of working with you or the organisation you work for we may
use certain third party technology services to assist with our work on the
matter. Where these services are integral to our work for you (for example, the
use of word processing software provided by Microsoft and due diligence tools
provided by Luminance, the AI software solution that we helped to develop), we
deploy them as a matter of course. We also use various ancillary services, for
example, software that is capable of effecting bulk data transfers or
facilitating e-signatures and virtual completions. In addition we make use of
third party technology services that are more integral to the work we do, i.e.
running the firm’s business. These services include, amongst other things, cloud
security systems and subscription application services. The use of these
integral and ancillary services may require your personal information to be held
in the cloud on infrastructure managed by the relevant service provider. 

We may also have to share your personal information with regulators, government
and enforcement agencies, courts and other third parties.

To enable us to provide the services set out in this Privacy notice, it is
likely that we will transfer your personal information to countries outside the
jurisdiction where you provided it or where we collected it, for example
information that we collect through cookies or through your completion of our
online forms. Therefore, if you are based outside the UK (for example, in the
European Economic Area (EEA)), your data may be transferred to the UK and other
third countries as set out below. 

Your personal information may be accessed by our offices, branches, in-house
companies and associated partnerships and third parties in countries whose laws
provide varying levels of protection for personal information.

Some of your personal information may be stored in a cloud located within or
outside of the UK or the EEA and managed by a third party service provider. In
adopting this approach, the confidentiality of your personal information is of
key importance to us and we conduct careful due diligence on the security of any
third party technology systems we use. 

Where we transfer your personal information outside the UK or the EEA we will
take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is treated securely and
the means of transfer provide adequate safeguards. 

Personal information shared between Slaughter and May offices is subject to a
data sharing agreement which sets out the standards each office must follow.

We may share your personal information with third parties where:

 * you have consented to us doing so (where necessary) or the organisation that
   you work for has obtained your consent for us to do so (where necessary);
 * we are under a legal, regulatory or professional obligation to do so (for
   example, to comply with anti-money laundering or sanctions requirements or in
   relation to our employment obligations);
 * it is necessary for the purpose of, or in connection with, legal proceedings
   or in order to exercise or defend legal rights;
 * it is in our or a third party’s legitimate interest to share the information,
   and that legitimate interest is not overridden by your rights or freedoms; or
 * it is appropriate to disclose the information to parties with whom we have
   promotional arrangements (such as jointly hosted events).

If you would like more detailed information about the legal bases upon which we
rely to process your information and the third parties we use, please contact


We use up to date data storage and security to hold your personal information
securely in electronic and physical form to protect your personal information
from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorised modification
or unlawful destruction or accidental loss. Our IT usage and security policy is
supported by our ISO 27001 certification and other security standards, processes
and procedures. Our premises are access controlled and our electronic databases
require logins and password authentication. 

All our partners, staff and third party service providers who have access to
confidential information (including personal information) are subject to
confidentiality obligations. 

However, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely
secure. Although we take appropriate and proportionate steps to manage the risks
posed, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our
online services.


Our Websites contain links to other sites which are controlled by third parties,
for example in the Community and Environment section. We also use social media
sites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and third party platform to host
events, training and seminars. You should review these other sites’ privacy
policies. We do not accept any responsibility for the information you provide on
those sites or their collection and use of your personal information.


You have certain rights that you can exercise under certain circumstances in
relation to the personal information that we hold. These rights are to:

 * request access to your personal information (known as a subject access
   request) and request certain information in relation to its processing;
 * request rectification of your personal information;
 * request the erasure of your personal information;
 * request that we restrict the processing of your personal information; and
 * object to the processing of your personal information.

In the limited circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the
collection, processing and transfer of your personal information for a specific
purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific
processing at any time. Once the firm has received notification that you have
withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the
purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate
basis for doing so in law.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Privacy
Partner in writing by emailing privacy@slaughterandmay.com or by letter to:

Privacy Partner
Slaughter and May
One Bunhill Row

You will not, in general, have to pay a fee to exercise any of your individual
rights set out in this Privacy notice. However, we may refuse to provide access
and may charge a fee for access if the relevant data protection legislation
allows us to do so, in which case we will provide reasons for our decision as
required by the law.

If you are outside the UK and would prefer to contact a Slaughter and May office
in your jurisdiction about the way we process your information, please refer to
the contact information set out in the Legal and Regulatory Information pages.
If you do not have a usual local contact, please address your enquiry to the
Privacy Partner.


The firm has appointed the Privacy Partner to oversee compliance with this
Privacy notice. If you have any questions about this policy or how we handle
your personal information, please contact them as set out above.

We hope that the firm’s Privacy Partner can resolve any query or concern you
raise about our use of your personal information. If you feel we have not
handled your query or concern to your satisfaction you can contact the
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data
protection issues at ico.org.uk/concerns or telephone 0303 123 1113.

If you are based outside the UK, you may also have the right to submit a
complaint to the relevant supervisory authority in your jurisdiction.

Updated: August 2021


 * Terms of use of this website
   Privacy notice
   Recruitment Privacy Notice
   Insider lists
   Fraud and scams
   London office
   Brussels office
   Beijing office
   Hong Kong office
   Modern slavery statement
   Our UK tax strategy
   COVID-19 Risk Assessment
   Staff Pension Schemes

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2906-2909 China World Office 2
No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue
Beijing 100004

Hong Kong

47th Floor, Jardine House
One Connaught Place, Central
Hong Kong

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