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129 submissions in current year

BASIC (14)
EASY (85)
MEDIUM (147)
HARD (14)
 * Reverse a linked list
 * Detect Loop in linked list
 * Delete nodes having greater value on right
 * Reverse a Doubly Linked List
 * Count BST nodes that lie in a given range
 * Check for BST
 * Right View of Binary Tree
 * Delete without head pointer
 * Height of Binary Tree
 * Check for Balanced Tree
 * Finding middle element in a linked list
 * Left View of Binary Tree
 * Transform to Sum Tree
 * Intersection of two sorted Linked lists
 * Find Transition Point
 * Queue using two Stacks
 * Remove duplicate element from sorted Linked List
 * Level order traversal in spiral form
 * DFS of Graph
 * BFS of graph
 * Determine if Two Trees are Identical
 * Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST
 * Implement two stacks in an array
 * Binary Tree to BST
 * Kth largest element in BST
 * Minimum distance between two numbers
 * Count distinct elements in every window
 * Special Stack
 * Level order traversal
 * Count More than n/k Occurences
 * Symmetric Tree
 * Queue Reversal
 * Reverse First K elements of Queue
 * Predict the Column
 * Longest Consecutive 1's
 * Modular Multiplicative Inverse
 * Wave Array
 * Equilibrium Point
 * Leaders in an array
 * Sum of upper and lower triangles
 * Print Matrix in snake Pattern
 * Boundary traversal of matrix
 * Anagram
 * Winner of an election
 * Check if strings are rotations of each other or not
 * Isomorphic Strings
 * Reverse words in a given string
 * Panagram Checking
 * Non Repeating Character
 * Parenthesis Checker
 * Minimum Cost of ropes
 * N meetings in one room
 * Missing number in array
 * Product array puzzle
 * Roman Number to Integer
 * Maximize sum after K negations
 * Minimum element in a sorted and rotated array
 * Move all zeroes to end of array
 * Remove all duplicates from a given string
 * Move all negative elements to end
 * Chocolate Distribution Problem
 * Count the triplets
 * Find Pair Given Difference
 * Remove Duplicates
 * Max Sum without Adjacents
 * Second Largest
 * Second most repeated string in a sequence
 * Check if array is sorted
 * Longest Distinct characters in string
 * Find first repeated character
 * Count pairs with given sum
 * Merge two binary Max heaps
 * Palindrome String
 * Number of 1 Bits
 * Max Sum Subarray of size K
 * Nth Fibonacci Number
 * Maximize Toys
 * Subset Sums
 * Game with String
 * Row with minimum number of 1's
 * Inorder Traversal and BST
 * Plus One
 * Smallest window containing 0, 1 and 2
 * Find pairs with given sum in doubly linked list
 * Fibonacci series up to Nth term

 * Nearly Sorted Algorithm
 * Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size
 * Add two numbers represented by linked lists
 * Merge 2 sorted linked list in reverse order
 * Bottom View of Binary Tree
 * Boundary Traversal of binary tree
 * Detect cycle in a directed graph
 * Detect cycle in an undirected graph
 * Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree
 * The Celebrity Problem
 * Largest subarray with 0 sum
 * Topological sort
 * Merge K sorted linked lists
 * Find the number of islands
 * Find kth element of spiral matrix
 * Get minimum element from stack
 * Kth element in Matrix
 * Remove loop in Linked List
 * Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm
 * Minimum Spanning Tree
 * Minimum Swaps to Sort
 * Check if Linked List is Palindrome
 * Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju's Algo)
 * Bipartite Graph
 * Merge k Sorted Arrays
 * Top View of Binary Tree
 * Peak element
 * Linked List that is Sorted Alternatingly
 * Count the nodes at distance K from leaf
 * Duplicate Subtrees
 * ZigZag Tree Traversal
 * Ceil in BST
 * Rearrange Array Alternately
 * Maximum Index
 * Trapping Rain Water
 * Kadane's Algorithm
 * Majority Element
 * Find Indexes of a subarray with given sum
 * Triplet Sum in Array
 * Boolean Matrix
 * Spirally traversing a matrix
 * Distance of nearest cell having 1
 * Subarray with 0 sum
 * Longest consecutive subsequence
 * Stock span problem
 * Next Greater Element
 * Maximum of all subarrays of size k
 * Fractional Knapsack
 * Job Sequencing Problem
 * Minimum Platforms
 * Combination Sum
 * M-Coloring Problem
 * Stickler Thief
 * Optimal Strategy For A Game
 * Longest Increasing Subsequence
 * Longest Common Subsequence
 * 0 - 1 Knapsack Problem
 * Find whether path exist
 * Kth smallest element
 * Shortest Common Supersequence
 * Rotten Oranges
 * Steps by Knight
 * Print Anagrams Together
 * Top K Frequent Elements in Array - I
 * Word Break
 * Prerequisite Tasks
 * Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s
 * Find Missing And Repeating
 * Equal Sum
 * Count Occurences of Anagrams
 * Painting the Fence
 * Search in a Rotated Array
 * Largest Number formed from an Array
 * Maximum Product Subarray
 * Longest subarray with sum divisible by K
 * Row with max 1s
 * Count the Reversals
 * Length of the longest substring
 * k largest elements
 * Longest Common Substring
 * Longest K unique characters substring
 * Arranging the array
 * Count triplets with sum smaller than X
 * Rod Cutting
 * Longest Palindromic Subsequence
 * First negative integer in every window of size k
 * Minimize the Heights II
 * First and last occurrences of x
 * Valid Substring
 * Minimum number of deletions.
 * Permutations of a given string
 * Count the subarrays having product less than k
 * Non Repeating Numbers
 * Edit Distance
 * Minimum number of deletions and insertions.
 * Maximum sum increasing subsequence
 * Minimum cost to fill given weight in a bag
 * Coin Change
 * Perfect Sum Problem
 * Longest subsequence-1
 * nCr
 * Maximum path sum in matrix
 * Partition Equal Subset Sum
 * Longest Bitonic subsequence
 * Longest Repeating Subsequence
 * Largest square formed in a matrix
 * Replace O's with X's
 * Floyd Warshall
 * Flood fill Algorithm
 * Shortest Source to Destination Path
 * Maximum sum Rectangle
 * Subset Sum Problem
 * Longest Palindromic Substring
 * Search Pattern (Rabin-Karp Algorithm)
 * Distance from the Source (Bellman-Ford Algorithm)
 * Number of Provinces
 * Insertion Sort for Singly Linked List
 * Flatten binary tree to linked list
 * Find element occuring once when all other are present thrice
 * All Unique Permutations of an array
 * Course Schedule
 * Clone an Undirected Graph
 * Overlapping Intervals
 * Maximum product subset of an array
 * Number of Distinct Islands
 * Shortest Distance in a Binary Maze
 * Minimum Multiplications to reach End
 * Number Of Enclaves
 * Eventual Safe States
 * City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance
 * Number Of Islands
 * Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination
 * Path With Minimum Effort
 * Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
 * Connecting the graph
 * Maximum Stone Removal
 * Shortest path in Directed Acyclic Graph
 * Buy Stock with Cooldown
 * Subset II
 * Combination Sum II
 * Shortest Path in Weighted undirected graph
 * Minimum Absolute Difference In BST
 * Buy Stock with Transaction Fee
 * Count Square Submatrices with All Ones
 * Floor in BST
 * Unique Paths in a Grid
 * Find Kth permutation

 * Count Leaves in Binary Tree
 * Check If Circular Linked List
 * Implement stack using array
 * Implement Queue using array
 * Implement strstr
 * Linked List Insertion
 * Minimum element in BST
 * Identical Linked Lists
 * Reverse a String
 * Union of two arrays
 * Remove Consecutive Characters
 * Cyclically rotate an array by one
 * Exceptionally odd
 * Find minimum and maximum element in an array

 * Reorder List
 * Wildcard Pattern Matching
 * Max rectangle
 * Merge two BST 's
 * Alien Dictionary
 * String Permutations
 * Merge Without Extra Space
 * Word Ladder I
 * Form a palindrome
 * Palindromic Partitioning
 * Maximum Profit
 * Matrix Chain Multiplication
 * Articulation Point - I
 * Maximum Connected group

 * Mean

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1 Point

100 Point

1k Point

10k Point

50k Point
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