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Manim Community v0.18.1
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Manim Community v0.18.1

 * Example Gallery
 * Installation
   Toggle navigation of Installation
   * Conda
   * Windows
   * macOS
   * Linux
   * Docker
   * Jupyter Notebooks
 * Tutorials & Guides
   Toggle navigation of Tutorials & Guides
   * Tutorials
     Toggle navigation of Tutorials
     * Quickstart
     * Manim’s Output Settings
     * Manim’s building blocks
   * Thematic Guides
     Toggle navigation of Thematic Guides
     * Configuration
     * A deep dive into Manim’s internals
     * Rendering Text and Formulas
     * Adding Voiceovers to Videos
   * Frequently Asked Questions
     Toggle navigation of Frequently Asked Questions
     * FAQ: General Usage
     * FAQ: Getting Help
     * FAQ: Installation
     * Where can I learn more about Manim’s internal structure?
     * FAQ: OpenGL rendering
 * Reference Manual
   Toggle navigation of Reference Manual
   * Animations
     Toggle navigation of Animations
     * animation
       Toggle navigation of animation
       * Animation
       * Wait
     * changing
       Toggle navigation of changing
       * AnimatedBoundary
       * TracedPath
     * composition
       Toggle navigation of composition
       * AnimationGroup
       * LaggedStart
       * LaggedStartMap
       * Succession
     * creation
       Toggle navigation of creation
       * AddTextLetterByLetter
       * AddTextWordByWord
       * Create
       * DrawBorderThenFill
       * RemoveTextLetterByLetter
       * ShowIncreasingSubsets
       * ShowPartial
       * ShowSubmobjectsOneByOne
       * SpiralIn
       * Uncreate
       * Unwrite
       * Write
     * fading
       Toggle navigation of fading
       * FadeIn
       * FadeOut
     * growing
       Toggle navigation of growing
       * GrowArrow
       * GrowFromCenter
       * GrowFromEdge
       * GrowFromPoint
       * SpinInFromNothing
     * indication
       Toggle navigation of indication
       * ApplyWave
       * Circumscribe
       * Flash
       * FocusOn
       * Indicate
       * ShowPassingFlash
       * ShowPassingFlashWithThinningStrokeWidth
       * Wiggle
     * movement
       Toggle navigation of movement
       * ComplexHomotopy
       * Homotopy
       * MoveAlongPath
       * PhaseFlow
       * SmoothedVectorizedHomotopy
     * numbers
       Toggle navigation of numbers
       * ChangeDecimalToValue
       * ChangingDecimal
     * rotation
       Toggle navigation of rotation
       * Rotate
       * Rotating
     * specialized
       Toggle navigation of specialized
       * Broadcast
     * speedmodifier
       Toggle navigation of speedmodifier
       * ChangeSpeed
     * transform
       Toggle navigation of transform
       * ApplyComplexFunction
       * ApplyFunction
       * ApplyMatrix
       * ApplyMethod
       * ApplyPointwiseFunction
       * ApplyPointwiseFunctionToCenter
       * ClockwiseTransform
       * CounterclockwiseTransform
       * CyclicReplace
       * FadeToColor
       * FadeTransform
       * FadeTransformPieces
       * MoveToTarget
       * ReplacementTransform
       * Restore
       * ScaleInPlace
       * ShrinkToCenter
       * Swap
       * Transform
       * TransformAnimations
       * TransformFromCopy
     * transform_matching_parts
       Toggle navigation of transform_matching_parts
       * TransformMatchingAbstractBase
       * TransformMatchingShapes
       * TransformMatchingTex
     * updaters
       Toggle navigation of updaters
       * mobject_update_utils
       * update
         Toggle navigation of update
         * MaintainPositionRelativeTo
         * UpdateFromAlphaFunc
         * UpdateFromFunc
   * Cameras
     Toggle navigation of Cameras
     * camera
       Toggle navigation of camera
       * BackgroundColoredVMobjectDisplayer
       * Camera
     * mapping_camera
       Toggle navigation of mapping_camera
       * MappingCamera
       * OldMultiCamera
       * SplitScreenCamera
     * moving_camera
       Toggle navigation of moving_camera
       * MovingCamera
     * multi_camera
       Toggle navigation of multi_camera
       * MultiCamera
     * three_d_camera
       Toggle navigation of three_d_camera
       * ThreeDCamera
   * Configuration
     Toggle navigation of Configuration
     * _config
     * utils
       Toggle navigation of utils
       * ManimConfig
       * ManimFrame
     * logger_utils
       Toggle navigation of logger_utils
       * JSONFormatter
   * Mobjects
     Toggle navigation of Mobjects
     * frame
       Toggle navigation of frame
       * FullScreenRectangle
       * ScreenRectangle
     * geometry
       Toggle navigation of geometry
       * arc
         Toggle navigation of arc
         * AnnotationDot
         * AnnularSector
         * Annulus
         * Arc
         * ArcBetweenPoints
         * ArcPolygon
         * ArcPolygonFromArcs
         * Circle
         * CubicBezier
         * CurvedArrow
         * CurvedDoubleArrow
         * Dot
         * Ellipse
         * LabeledDot
         * Sector
         * TipableVMobject
       * boolean_ops
         Toggle navigation of boolean_ops
         * Difference
         * Exclusion
         * Intersection
         * Union
       * labeled
         Toggle navigation of labeled
         * LabeledArrow
         * LabeledLine
       * line
         Toggle navigation of line
         * Angle
         * Arrow
         * DashedLine
         * DoubleArrow
         * Elbow
         * Line
         * RightAngle
         * TangentLine
         * Vector
       * polygram
         Toggle navigation of polygram
         * Cutout
         * Polygon
         * Polygram
         * Rectangle
         * RegularPolygon
         * RegularPolygram
         * RoundedRectangle
         * Square
         * Star
         * Triangle
       * shape_matchers
         Toggle navigation of shape_matchers
         * BackgroundRectangle
         * Cross
         * SurroundingRectangle
         * Underline
       * tips
         Toggle navigation of tips
         * ArrowCircleFilledTip
         * ArrowCircleTip
         * ArrowSquareFilledTip
         * ArrowSquareTip
         * ArrowTip
         * ArrowTriangleFilledTip
         * ArrowTriangleTip
         * StealthTip
     * graph
       Toggle navigation of graph
       * DiGraph
       * GenericGraph
       * Graph
       * LayoutFunction
     * graphing
       Toggle navigation of graphing
       * coordinate_systems
         Toggle navigation of coordinate_systems
         * Axes
         * ComplexPlane
         * CoordinateSystem
         * NumberPlane
         * PolarPlane
         * ThreeDAxes
       * functions
         Toggle navigation of functions
         * FunctionGraph
         * ImplicitFunction
         * ParametricFunction
       * number_line
         Toggle navigation of number_line
         * NumberLine
         * UnitInterval
       * probability
         Toggle navigation of probability
         * BarChart
         * SampleSpace
       * scale
         Toggle navigation of scale
         * LinearBase
         * LogBase
     * logo
       Toggle navigation of logo
       * ManimBanner
     * matrix
       Toggle navigation of matrix
       * DecimalMatrix
       * IntegerMatrix
       * Matrix
       * MobjectMatrix
     * mobject
       Toggle navigation of mobject
       * Group
       * Mobject
     * svg
       Toggle navigation of svg
       * brace
         Toggle navigation of brace
         * ArcBrace
         * Brace
         * BraceBetweenPoints
         * BraceLabel
         * BraceText
       * svg_mobject
         Toggle navigation of svg_mobject
         * SVGMobject
         * VMobjectFromSVGPath
     * table
       Toggle navigation of table
       * DecimalTable
       * IntegerTable
       * MathTable
       * MobjectTable
       * Table
     * text
       Toggle navigation of text
       * code_mobject
         Toggle navigation of code_mobject
         * Code
       * numbers
         Toggle navigation of numbers
         * DecimalNumber
         * Integer
         * Variable
       * tex_mobject
         Toggle navigation of tex_mobject
         * BulletedList
         * MathTex
         * SingleStringMathTex
         * Tex
         * Title
       * text_mobject
         Toggle navigation of text_mobject
         * MarkupText
         * Paragraph
         * Text
     * three_d
       Toggle navigation of three_d
       * polyhedra
         Toggle navigation of polyhedra
         * Dodecahedron
         * Icosahedron
         * Octahedron
         * Polyhedron
         * Tetrahedron
       * three_d_utils
       * three_dimensions
         Toggle navigation of three_dimensions
         * Arrow3D
         * Cone
         * Cube
         * Cylinder
         * Dot3D
         * Line3D
         * Prism
         * Sphere
         * Surface
         * ThreeDVMobject
         * Torus
     * types
       Toggle navigation of types
       * image_mobject
         Toggle navigation of image_mobject
         * AbstractImageMobject
         * ImageMobject
         * ImageMobjectFromCamera
       * point_cloud_mobject
         Toggle navigation of point_cloud_mobject
         * Mobject1D
         * Mobject2D
         * PGroup
         * PMobject
         * Point
         * PointCloudDot
       * vectorized_mobject
         Toggle navigation of vectorized_mobject
         * CurvesAsSubmobjects
         * DashedVMobject
         * VDict
         * VGroup
         * VMobject
         * VectorizedPoint
     * utils
     * value_tracker
       Toggle navigation of value_tracker
       * ComplexValueTracker
       * ValueTracker
     * vector_field
       Toggle navigation of vector_field
       * ArrowVectorField
       * StreamLines
       * VectorField
   * Scenes
     Toggle navigation of Scenes
     * moving_camera_scene
       Toggle navigation of moving_camera_scene
       * MovingCameraScene
     * section
       Toggle navigation of section
       * DefaultSectionType
       * Section
     * scene
       Toggle navigation of scene
       * RerunSceneHandler
       * Scene
     * scene_file_writer
       Toggle navigation of scene_file_writer
       * SceneFileWriter
     * three_d_scene
       Toggle navigation of three_d_scene
       * SpecialThreeDScene
       * ThreeDScene
     * vector_space_scene
       Toggle navigation of vector_space_scene
       * LinearTransformationScene
       * VectorScene
     * zoomed_scene
       Toggle navigation of zoomed_scene
       * ZoomedScene
   * Utilities and other modules
     Toggle navigation of Utilities and other modules
     * bezier
     * color
       Toggle navigation of color
       * core
         Toggle navigation of core
         * ManimColor
       * manim_colors
       * AS2700
       * BS381
       * XKCD
       * X11
     * commands
     * config_ops
       Toggle navigation of config_ops
       * DictAsObject
     * constants
       Toggle navigation of constants
       * CapStyleType
       * LineJointType
       * RendererType
     * debug
     * deprecation
     * docbuild
       Toggle navigation of docbuild
       * autoaliasattr_directive
         Toggle navigation of autoaliasattr_directive
         * AliasAttrDocumenter
       * autocolor_directive
         Toggle navigation of autocolor_directive
         * ManimColorModuleDocumenter
       * manim_directive
         Toggle navigation of manim_directive
         * ManimDirective
         * SkipManimNode
       * module_parsing
     * hashing
     * images
     * ipython_magic
       Toggle navigation of ipython_magic
       * ManimMagic
     * iterables
     * paths
     * rate_functions
     * simple_functions
     * sounds
     * space_ops
     * testing
       Toggle navigation of testing
       * _frames_testers
       * _show_diff
       * _test_class_makers
         Toggle navigation of _test_class_makers
         * DummySceneFileWriter
     * tex
       Toggle navigation of tex
       * TexTemplate
     * tex_file_writing
     * tex_templates
       Toggle navigation of tex_templates
       * TexFontTemplates
       * TexTemplateLibrary
     * typing
 * Plugins
 * Changelog
   Toggle navigation of Changelog
   * v0.18.0
   * v0.17.3
   * v0.17.2
   * v0.17.1
   * v0.17.0
   * v0.16.0
   * v0.15.2
   * v0.15.1
   * v0.15.0
   * v0.14.0
   * v0.13.1
   * v0.13.0
   * v0.12.0
   * v0.11.0
   * v0.10.0
   * v0.9.0
   * v0.8.0
   * v0.7.0
   * v0.6.0
   * v0.5.0
   * v0.4.0
   * v0.3.0
   * v0.2.0
   * v0.1.1
   * v0.1.0
 * Contributing
   Toggle navigation of Contributing
   * Manim Development Process
   * Adding Documentation
     Toggle navigation of Adding Documentation
     * Adding Admonitions
     * Adding Docstrings
     * Adding Examples
     * Adding References
     * Adding Typings
   * Adding Tests
   * Improving performance
   * Internationalization
 * Code of Conduct

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Animating technical concepts is traditionally pretty tedious since it can be
difficult to make the animations precise enough to convey them accurately. Manim
relies on Python’s simplicity to generate animations programmatically, making it
convenient to specify exactly how each one should run. Take a look at the
Example Gallery for some inspiration on how to create beautiful images and
videos with Manim.


Are you new to Manim and are looking for where to get started? Then you are in
the right place!


Please be aware that there are different, incompatible versions of Manim
available. Check our installation FAQ to learn more!

 * The Installation section has the latest and up-to-date installation
   instructions for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can also find information on
   Manim’s docker images and (online) notebook environments there.

 * Want to try the library before installing it? Take a look at our interactive
   online playground at in the form of a Jupyter

 * In our Tutorials section you will find a collection of resources that will
   teach you how to use Manim. In particular, the Quickstart tutorial teaches
   you Manim’s basics, and in Manim’s building blocks the classes used to
   compose your animations are described in more detail.


Are you struggling with installing or using Manim? Don’t worry, we’ve all been
there. Here are some good resources to help you out:

 * Perhaps your problem is one that occurs frequently, then chances are it is
   addressed in our collection of FAQs.

 * If you are looking for information on some specific class, look for it in the
   reference manual and/or use the search feature of the documentation.

 * Still no luck? Then you are welcome to ask the community for help, together
   we usually manage to find a solution for your problem! Consult the FAQ page
   on getting help for instructions.


Here are some short summaries for all of the sections in this documentation:

 * The Example Gallery is a collection of examples (rendered videos and images
   together with the code they were generated from) that show a few different,
   simple things that you can do with Manim.

 * The Installation section has information on installing Manim.

 * In Tutorials & Guides you can find learning resources: proper tutorials that
   guide you through the process of creating a video are in the Tutorial
   section; guides on specific topics are in the Guides section, and the answers
   to frequently asked questions can be found in the FAQ section.

 * The Reference Manual contains a comprehensive list of all of Manim’s
   (documented) modules, classes, and functions. If you are somewhat familiar
   with Manim’s module structure, feel free to browse the manual directly. If
   you are searching for something specific, feel free to use the
   documentation’s search feature in the sidebar. Many classes and methods come
   with their own illustrated examples too!

 * The Plugins page documents how to install, write, and distribute plugins
   (that is, separate Python packages that extend the feature set of the core

 * Changes between versions are documented in our Changelog.

 * If you are looking into contributing to the development of Manim, you can
   find information on how to get involved in our Contributing section.

 * And finally, the Code of Conduct page has a formal description of the rules
   you should abide by when interacting within our community.


We’d love to hear from you and see your manimations on Twitter, Reddit, or
Discord. If you’re using Manim in a scientific context, instructions on how to
cite a particular release can be found in our README.


 * Example Gallery
   * Basic Concepts
   * Animations
   * Plotting with Manim
   * Special Camera Settings
   * Advanced Projects
 * Installation
   * Installing Manim via Conda and related environment managers
   * Installing Manim locally
   * Using Manim via Docker
   * Interactive Jupyter notebooks for your browser
   * Editors
   * Installation for developers
 * Tutorials & Guides
   * Tutorials
   * Thematic Guides
   * Frequently Asked Questions
 * Reference Manual
   * Inheritance Graphs
   * Module Index
 * Plugins
   * Installing Plugins
   * Using Plugins in Projects
   * Creating Plugins
 * Changelog
   * v0.18.0
   * v0.17.3
   * v0.17.2
   * v0.17.1
   * v0.17.0
   * v0.16.0
   * v0.15.2
   * v0.15.1
   * v0.15.0
   * v0.14.0
   * v0.13.1
   * v0.13.0
   * v0.12.0
   * v0.11.0
   * v0.10.0
   * v0.9.0
   * v0.8.0
   * v0.7.0
   * v0.6.0
   * v0.5.0
   * v0.4.0
   * v0.3.0
   * v0.2.0
   * v0.1.1
   * v0.1.0
 * Contributing
   * Manim Development Process
   * Adding Documentation
   * Adding Tests
   * Improving performance
   * Internationalization
 * Code of Conduct
   * Purpose
   * Our Community
   * Our Standards
   * Inappropriate Behavior
   * Manim Community Online Spaces
   * Consequences
   * Contact Information
   * Enforcement Procedures
   * License
   * Attributions

Example Gallery
Copyright © 2020-2024, The Manim Community Dev Team
Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg's Furo

On this page
 * Manim Community Edition
   * First Steps
   * Finding Help
   * Navigating the Documentation
   * Sharing Your Work
   * Index