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Submission: On July 02 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: OrderFormPOST

<form method="post" name="OrderForm" id="OrderForm" class="main-form" action="" onsubmit="return validateOnSubmit();">
  <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="znrolrMo33WMzgxVwliOLJcba1W5cxr2VE1Ycvo0">
  <input type="hidden" name="i" value="g6xja8k4d187k">
  <div class="start-container flex flex-col items-center justify-center px-6 border border-gray-300 py-10 bg-gradient-1 relative text-center rounded-t-[40px]" id="js_force_selection">
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          <span class="text-black font-semibold"><span class="hidden lg:!inline-block">Excellent</span> 4.7</span>
          <span class="text-black font-normal">out of 5</span>
        <img class="ml-2" src="/static/img/trustpilot-logo.svg" alt="">
    <div class="z-10 max-w-[700px] mt-5">
      <h1 class="text-3xl md:text-[42px] md:leading-[46px] !font-semibold m-0 font-radwave">Start your business with <span class="text-orange-600">confidence</span></h1>
      <p class="text-lg text-gray-800 font-medium mt-6 mb-0 mx-auto relative max-w-[590px] !leading-[24px]"> Join over 1,000,000 happy business owners. Get started by choosing your entity type and state of formation. </p>
    <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-4 w-full md:px-6 md:w-[740px] selects my-10 relative z-10 mb-0">
      <div class="select-2 shadow-lg flex items-center !border-orange-600" id="selectEntityType" data-order="Entity Type">
        <div class="flex items-center h-full p-4 bg-orange-600 rounded-l-[15px] border-[1px] border-orange-600 !w-10 justify-center">
          <span class="order-icon font-semibold font-radwave text-white text-sm"> 1 </span>
        <div class="Dropdown-control">
          <select name="entityType" id="entityType">
            <option value="">Entity Type</option>
            <option value="LLC">LLC</option>
            <option value="SCorporation">S-Corporation</option>
            <option value="CCorporation">C-Corporation</option>
            <option value="Nonprofit">Nonprofit</option>
        <div class="select-selected !mt-0" data-letter="Entity Type"><label class="floating-label hidden">Entity Type</label><span>Entity Type</span></div>
        <div class="select-items select-hide">
          <div class="select-items__wrapper-option">
            <div class="select-items__option">LLC</div>
            <div class="select-items__option">S-Corporation</div>
            <div class="select-items__option">C-Corporation</div>
            <div class="select-items__option">Nonprofit</div>
      <div class="select-2 shadow-lg flex items-center !border-orange-600" id="selectEntityState" data-order="State">
        <div class="flex items-center h-full p-4 bg-orange-600 rounded-l-[15px] border-[1px] border-orange-600 !w-10 justify-center">
          <span class="order-icon font-semibold font-radwave text-white text-sm"> 2 </span>
        <select name="StateDropDown" id="StateDropDown">
          <option value="">State</option>
        <div class="select-selected !mt-0" data-letter="State"><label class="floating-label hidden">State</label><span>State</span></div>
        <div class="select-items select-hide">
          <div class="select-items__wrapper-option"></div>
    <div class="z-[5]">
      <div class="state-specific text-gray-800 font-medium text-base text-center mb-8 mt-4 flex">
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          <svg width="15" height="13" viewBox="0 0 15 13" fill="none" xmlns="">
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        <span class="ml-0 md:!ml-3"> State-specific pricing will display below once your selection has been made. </span>
  <div id="js_main_order_package" class="hide" data-set-incfile-before-price="">
    <div id="princing-options" class="lg:border-l lg:border-l-gray-300 lg:border-r lg:!border-r-gray-300 lg:border-b lg:border-b-gray-300 rounded-b-2xl">
        <div class="price-boxes">
          <div class="font-manrope hidden md:!block ">
            <table id="package-table" class="table sortable compact">
              <thead id="package-table-header" class="bizee-table-head !shadow-none" style="">
                <tr class="border-b border-gray-300">
                  <th class="package-comparison-container flex flex-col items-start !border-b-[1px]">
                    <div class="package-comparison !text-xl"> Compare Packages </div>
                    <div class="flex justify-between gap-2 max-w-[350px]">
                        <svg width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                            d="M6.66732 4.66687L4.00065 4.66687C2.52789 4.66687 1.33399 5.86078 1.33399 7.33354V7.33354C1.33399 8.8063 2.52789 10.0002 4.00065 10.0002L6.66732 10.0002M6.66732 4.66687L6.66732 10.0002M6.66732 4.66687L8.96458 3.05867C10.0145 2.32371 10.5394 1.95622 10.9621 1.87623C11.8699 1.70441 12.7773 2.17681 13.1571 3.01906C13.334 3.41118 13.334 4.05196 13.334 5.33353V5.33353M6.66732 10.0002L8.96492 11.6084C10.0146 12.3431 10.5395 12.7105 10.962 12.7905C11.8699 12.9623 12.7774 12.4899 13.1572 11.6475C13.334 11.2555 13.334 10.6148 13.334 9.33353V9.33353M4.00065 10.0002L4.00065 13.0002C4.00065 13.5525 4.44837 14.0002 5.00065 14.0002V14.0002C5.55294 14.0002 6.00065 13.5525 6.00065 13.0002L6.00065 10.0002M13.334 5.33353V5.33353C14.4386 5.33353 15.334 6.22897 15.334 7.33353V7.33353C15.334 8.4381 14.4386 9.33353 13.334 9.33353V9.33353M13.334 5.33353L13.334 9.33353"
                            stroke="#FF4A00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                        <p class="text-black text-sm font-semibold">One-time fee</p>
                        <p class="text-gray-600 text-sm font-normal">Unlike other companies that charge annual fees, our business formation fee is one-time.</p>
                  <th class="!border-b-[1px]">
                    <div class="flex items-start flex-col gap-2 w-full">
                      <div class="flex justify-between w-full items-start">
                        <div class="text-sm font-bold font-radwave text-black">Basic</div>
                        <span class="p-1 bg-transparent h-[25px]"></span>
                      <div class="flex items-start flex-col gap-2 w-full">
                        <div class="flex items-end text-black font-bold flex-wrap">
                          <span class="sStartDisplay text-[32px] leading-[32px] font-semibold align-middle">
                            <span class="sStartDisplay align-bottom">$299</span>
                          <span class="state-fee-price tracking-wider font-bold ml-1"> + <span class="statefee">$299</span> state fee</span>
                        <button type="button" data-package="Silver" id="silverPackage" class="!capitalize !rounded-lg get_start get_start_package btnActiveSilver pricing-box !px-6 w-full mt-2 bg-white border border-orange-300 text-black shadow">
                          <div class="text-lg font-semibold">Basic</div>
                  <th class="!border-b-[1px] active-header">
                    <div class="flex items-start flex-col gap-2 w-full">
                      <div class="flex justify-between w-full">
                        <div class="text-sm font-bold text-black font-radwave">Standard</div>
                        <span class="p-1 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] text-orange-600 font-semibold !text-[10px] border-orange-300 border-[1px]"> Recommended </span>
                      <div class="flex items-start flex-col gap-2 w-full">
                        <div class="flex items-end text-black font-bold flex-wrap">
                          <span class="gStartDisplay text-[32px] leading-[32px] font-semibold align-middle">
                            <span class="gStartDisplay align-bottom">$299</span>
                          <span class="state-fee-price tracking-wider font-bold ml-1"> + <span class="statefee">$299</span> state fee</span>
                        <button type="button" data-package="Gold" id="goldPackage"
                          class="!capitalize !rounded-lg get_start get_start_package btnActiveGold pricing-orange-box pricing-box !px-6 w-full mt-2 btn-orange-600 border-2 border-white ring-1 ring-orange-300 text-white">
                          <div class="text-lg font-semibold">Standard</div>
                  <th class="!border-b-[1px]">
                    <div class="flex items-start flex-col gap-2 w-full px-4 py-2">
                      <div class="flex justify-between w-full">
                        <div class="text-sm font-bold text-black font-radwave">Premium</div>
                        <span class="p-1 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] font-semibold !text-[10px] border-yellow-300 border-[1px] text-yellow-700"> Best Value </span>
                      <div class="flex items-start flex-col gap-2 w-full">
                        <div class="flex items-end text-black font-bold flex-wrap">
                          <span class="pStartDisplay text-[32px] leading-[32px] font-semibold align-middle">
                            <span class="pStartDisplay align-bottom">$299</span>
                          <span class="state-fee-price tracking-wider font-bold ml-1"> + <span class="statefee">$299</span> state fee</span>
                        <button type="button" data-package="Platinum" id="platinumPackage"
                          class="!capitalize !rounded-lg get_start get_start_package btnActivePlatinum pricing-box !px-6 mt-2 w-full shadow bg-white border border-orange-300 text-black">
                          <div class="text-lg font-semibold">Premium</div>
              <tbody class="companies-content bizee-table-body w-full">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Preparing &amp; Filing the Articles of Organization <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Articles of the Organizer</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>These documents are required for you to start your business within your state.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                    <div class="text-sm mt-3">
                        <div class="faq accordion multi flex flex-col gap-8">
                          <div id="whats-included-container" class="flex flex-col gap-4 state-hidden">
                            <div class="head !pb-0">
                              <div class="flex flex-start items-center">
                                <span id="whats-included-title" class="!text-sm font-light">See what's included</span>
                                <div id="whats-included-arrow" class="state-icon">
                                  <img src="/static/img/chevron-up.svg" class="h-[14px]">
                            <div class="content !text-sm font-light !p-0">
                              <div class="flex items-center mb-3">
                                <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="h-[14px]">
                                <span class="ml-3">Statement of Organizer</span>
                              <div class="flex items-center mb-3">
                                <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="h-[14px]">
                                <span class="ml-3">Banking Resolutions</span>
                              <div class="flex items-center mb-3">
                                <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="h-[14px]">
                                <span class="ml-3">Unlimited Name Searches</span>
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                  <td class="active-column">
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-orange.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                <tr id="registered-agent-row">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> FREE 1st Year Registered Agent Service! <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-lg font-bold&quot;><span class=&quot;font-bold&quot;>Free </span>Registered Agent Service for a Year!</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>A registered agent (RA) is required by every state to handle state-related correspondence, ensuring state compliance.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                  <td class="active-column">
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                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex flex-col items-start">
                      <div> Expedited Filing </div>
                      <div class="flex flex-row items-center mt-2">
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                            d="M11.9996 10L12.5867 9.26622C13.2524 8.43405 13.5853 8.01796 13.5857 7.66779C13.586 7.36325 13.4475 7.07515 13.2095 6.88516C12.9358 6.66671 12.403 6.66671 11.3373 6.66671H10.9329C10.3729 6.66671 10.0929 6.66671 9.87895 6.55771C9.69079 6.46184 9.53781 6.30886 9.44194 6.1207C9.33294 5.90679 9.33294 5.62676 9.33294 5.06671V3.89463C9.33294 2.49572 9.33294 1.79626 9.07137 1.50983C8.84497 1.2619 8.50925 1.14413 8.17757 1.1963C7.79439 1.25656 7.35744 1.80275 6.48355 2.89511L5.59961 4.00004"
                            stroke="#FFBE00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                            d="M12.0007 10L9.51671 13.1049C8.64282 14.1973 8.20587 14.7435 7.82269 14.8037C7.49101 14.8559 7.15529 14.7381 6.92889 14.4902C6.66732 14.2038 6.66732 13.5043 6.66732 12.1054V10.9333C6.66732 10.3733 6.66732 10.0933 6.55832 9.87934C6.46245 9.69118 6.30947 9.5382 6.12131 9.44233C5.9074 9.33333 5.62737 9.33333 5.06732 9.33333H4.66298C3.59728 9.33333 3.06443 9.33333 2.79076 9.11488C2.55275 8.92489 2.41428 8.6368 2.41461 8.33225C2.41499 7.98208 2.74786 7.56599 3.41359 6.73382L5.60065 4"
                            stroke="#FFBE00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                        <div class="!text-sm">
                          <span class="expe-business-day lowercase"></span> <span>filing time</span> <span class="text-gray-600">(instead of <span class="expe-business-week"></span>)</span>
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="expe_silver" name="expe_silver" class="hidden">
                      <label for="expe_silver" class="text-black hide bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="expeditedFilingPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="expeditedFilingPrice">$0</span>
                  <td class="active-column">
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="expe_gold" name="expe_gold" class="hidden">
                      <label for="expe_gold" class="text-black bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="expeditedFilingGoldPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text hide">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="expeditedFilingGoldPrice">$0</span>
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> EIN Business Tax Number <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>EIN Business Tax Number</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>An EIN is a federal Tax ID number.  It works the same as a social security number except the EIN is tied to your business. An EIN is required to open a business bank account, to receive licenses and permits, or hire employees.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkObtainEIN" name="chkObtainEIN" class="hidden">
                      <label for="chkObtainEIN" class="text-black hide bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="einPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="einPrice">$0</span>
                  <td class="active-column">
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-orange.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center dynamic-document-bylaws"> Corporate Bylaws <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Corporate Bylaws</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>This outlines the internal operations of the business how finances and decisions are made and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                    <div class="flex items-center dynamic-document-operating"> Operating Agreement <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Operating Agreement</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>This outlines the internal operations of the business how finances and decisions are made and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full operatingAgreementContainer">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkOperate_Agree" name="chkOperate_Agree" class="hidden">
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                        <span class="operatingAgreementPrice">$0</span>
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                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Domain Name + Business Email <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Domain Name + Business Email</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>A professional online presence can be a real difference-maker when trying to establish your business. Grab your domain and your personalized email and get started today!</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
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                          data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-lg font-bold&quot;><span class=&quot;font-bold&quot;>Domain and Email</span></span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Domain and email selection can be added through the dashboard once your order has been completed.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                          <span class="domainSilverFee no-price-item">—</span>
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                          data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-lg font-bold&quot;>Domain and Email</span></span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Domain and email selection can be added through the dashboard once your order has been completed.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                          <span class="domainGoldFee no-price-item text-orange-600">—</span>
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                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Business Contract Templates <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Business Contract Templates</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Save time and money by using lawyer-approved contract templates. From employment contracts to sales and service agreements, privacy policies to consulting agreements, do more business with assurance and ease.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkSilverContractLibrary" name="chkSilverContractLibrary" class="hidden">
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                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="contractLibraryPrice">$0</span>
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                        <span class="contractLibraryPrice">$0</span>
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                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="contractLibraryGoldPrice">$0</span>
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                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="contractLibraryGoldPrice">$0</span>
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                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                <tr id="ein-tax-number-row">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Lifetime Compliance Alerts <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Lifetime Compliance Alerts</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Bizee will monitor your state compliance requirements and notify you when they’re coming due.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Unlimited Phone &amp; Email Support <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Unlimited Phone &amp; Email Support</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>We’re here for you for the life of your business. Your success is our goal.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Online Access Dashboard <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Online Access Dashboard</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Bizee’s dashboard provides a central location for all of your digital business documents, as well as products and services that are recommended for your business.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                <tr id="business-banking-offer-row">
                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center "> Business Banking Account Offer <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Business Banking Account Offer</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>To completely separate your personal and business assets, you need a business banking account. We have exclusive offers for Bizee users that will get you up and running quickly and easily.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Business Tax Consultation <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Business Tax Consultation</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Every business situation is different.  Getting your tax structure right is one of the most important aspects of running your business. Getting it right from the start reduces headaches and saves you money.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                  <td class="text-black">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> IRS Form 2553 <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="right"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>IRS Form 2553</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>This form allows an LLC to be taxed as an S-Corp which can provide the business owner with significant tax advantages, however, there are more accounting requirements to file this way.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                          <p class="!text-2xl text-black">You’ve selected: <span id="selected-package-text" class="font-semibold capitalize">Standard package</span></p>
                          <span class="text-base text-gray-700">Comprehensive features to get your business started. </span>
                        <div class="text-sm text-gray-700">
                          <p>State of Formation: <b id="formation-state-text" class="text-black"></b></p>
                          <p>Business Entity: <b id="business-entity-text" class="text-black"></b></p>
                        <div class="flex flex-row items-center text-sm mt-6">
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                              d="M0.736744 4.25211C0.5 4.90929 0.5 5.66203 0.5 7.16751V8.5458C0.5 9.4362 0.5 9.8814 0.587771 10.2935C0.745217 11.0326 1.10883 11.712 1.6365 12.253C1.93066 12.5546 2.30109 12.8016 3.04195 13.2955L3.04195 13.2955C4.18175 14.0553 4.75166 14.4353 5.34734 14.6439C6.41725 15.0186 7.58275 15.0186 8.65267 14.6439C9.24835 14.4353 9.81824 14.0553 10.958 13.2955L10.9581 13.2955C11.6989 12.8016 12.0693 12.5546 12.3635 12.253C12.8912 11.712 13.2548 11.0326 13.4122 10.2934C13.5 9.8814 13.5 9.4362 13.5 8.5458V7.16751V7.1675C13.5 5.66202 13.5 4.90929 13.2633 4.25211C13.054 3.67121 12.7131 3.14665 12.2672 2.71949C11.7629 2.23625 11.075 1.93054 9.69927 1.31911L9.59927 1.27466C8.6421 0.849255 8.16351 0.636551 7.66604 0.552545C7.22513 0.478091 6.77487 0.478091 6.33396 0.552545C5.83649 0.636552 5.3579 0.849256 4.40073 1.27466L4.30073 1.31911C2.925 1.93054 2.23714 2.23625 1.73276 2.71949C1.28691 3.14665 0.94601 3.67122 0.736744 4.25211ZM9.86366 6.86364C10.1566 6.57074 10.1566 6.09587 9.86366 5.80297C9.57077 5.51008 9.0959 5.51008 8.803 5.80298L6.33333 8.27265L5.53033 7.46964C5.23744 7.17675 4.76256 7.17675 4.46967 7.46964C4.17678 7.76254 4.17678 8.23741 4.46967 8.5303L5.803 9.86364C5.94366 10.0043 6.13442 10.0833 6.33333 10.0833C6.53225 10.0833 6.72301 10.0043 6.86366 9.86364L9.86366 6.86364Z"
                          <p class="mb-0 ml-2">One-Time Fee</p>
                      <div class="flex flex-col gap-1 bg-white p-4 w-full rounded-[12px]">
                        <div class="flex flex-row justify-between rounded-tr-lg rounded-tl-lg border-b border-gray-300 text-base">
                            <p class="text-black package-text">Standard package</p>
                            <p class="text-black state-fee-row"></p>
                            <p class="text-black additional-services-row">Additional services</p>
                          <div class="text-right">
                            <p class="text-black package-total">$134</p>
                            <p class="text-black state-fee-total"></p>
                            <p class="text-black additional-services-row additional-services-total">$0</p>
                        <div class="flex flex-row justify-between">
                          <strong class="text-black text-base">Total</strong>
                          <strong class="text-black text-xl total"></strong>
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            <div class="package-comparison !text-[28px] justify-center w-full block md:!hidden !mt-0 pt-5 border-x-[1px] border-x-gray-300"> Compare Packages </div>
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                  <th class="!border-b-0 !w-1/3 h-full">
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                      <div class="flex items-end text-black font-bold">
                        <span class="text-xl leading-[32px] font-semibold align-bottom">
                          <span class="sStartDisplay align-bottom">$299</span>
                      <button type="button" data-package="Silver" class="!capitalize !rounded-lg get_start_mobile get_start_package btnActiveSilver pricing-box !px-6 w-full mt-2 bg-white border border-orange-300 text-black shadow">
                        <div class="text-lg font-semibold">Basic</div>
                  <th class="!border-b-0 !w-1/3 h-full active-header">
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                      <div class="flex items-end text-black font-bold">
                        <span class="gStartDisplay text-xl leading-[32px] font-semibold align-middle">
                          <span class="gStartDisplay align-bottom">$299</span>
                      <button type="button" data-package="Gold"
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                        <div class="text-lg font-semibold">Standard</div>
                  <th class="!border-b-0 !w-1/3 h-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center flex-col-reverse gap-2 w-full">
                      <div class="flex items-end text-black font-bold ">
                        <span class="pStartDisplay text-xl leading-[32px] font-semibold align-middle">
                          <span class="pStartDisplay align-bottom">$299</span>
                      <button type="button" data-package="Platinum" class="!capitalize !rounded-lg get_start_mobile get_start_package btnActivePlatinum pricing-box !px-6 mt-2 w-full shadow bg-white border border-orange-300 text-black">
                        <div class="text-lg font-semibold">Premium</div>
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                          data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>The prices referenced in all of our formation packages are a one-time fee unlike some of our more unsavory competitors our goal is not to trap our clients into a perpetual never-ending subscription but rather to provide fair upfront transparent pricing.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
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                            <span>One-time fee</span>
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                    <div class="flex items-center ">
                      <span class=""> Preparing &amp; Filing the Articles of Organization </span>
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                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Articles of the Organizer</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>These documents are required for you to start your business within your state.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
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                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                                <span class="ml-3">Statement of Organizer</span>
                              <div class="flex items-center mb-3">
                                <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="h-[14px]">
                                <span class="ml-3">Banking Resolutions</span>
                              <div class="flex items-center mb-3">
                                <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="h-[14px]">
                                <span class="ml-3">Unlimited Name Searches</span>
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                    <div class="flex items-center "> FREE 1st Year Registered Agent Service! <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-lg font-bold&quot;><span class=&quot;font-bold&quot;>Free </span>Registered Agent Service for a Year!</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>A registered agent (RA) is required by every state to handle state-related correspondence, ensuring state compliance.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
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                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                      <div> Expedited Filing </div>
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                    <div class="flex items-center "> EIN Business Tax Number <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>EIN Business Tax Number</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>An EIN is a federal Tax ID number.  It works the same as a social security number except the EIN is tied to your business. An EIN is required to open a business bank account, to receive licenses and permits, or hire employees.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                <tr class="flex w-full">
                  <td class="w-1/3">
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <label for="chkObtainEIN" class="text-black mobile-label hide bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="einPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="einPrice">$0</span>
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                      <img src="/static/img/check-orange.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
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                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                <tr class="title-row bg-gray-100 flex w-full">
                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center dynamic-document-bylaws"> Corporate Bylaws <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Corporate Bylaws</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>This outlines the internal operations of the business how finances and decisions are made and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                    <div class="flex items-center dynamic-document-operating"> Operating Agreement <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Operating Agreement</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>This outlines the internal operations of the business how finances and decisions are made and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                <tr class="flex w-full">
                  <td class="w-1/3">
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full operatingAgreementContainer">
                      <label for="chkOperate_Agree" class="text-black mobile-label hide bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="operatingAgreementPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="operatingAgreementPrice">$0</span>
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full hide bylawsContainer">
                      <label for="chkBylaws" class="text-black mobile-label hide bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="operatingAgreementPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="operatingAgreementPrice">$0</span>
                  <td class="w-1/3 active-column">
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                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                <tr class="title-row bg-gray-100 flex w-full">
                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Domain Name + Business Email <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Domain Name + Business Email</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>A professional online presence can be a real difference-maker when trying to establish your business. Grab your domain and your personalized email and get started today!</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                <tr class="flex w-full">
                  <td class="w-1/3">
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                          data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-lg font-bold&quot;><span class=&quot;font-bold&quot;>Domain and Email</span></span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Domain and email selection can be added through the dashboard once your order has been completed.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                          <span class="domainSilverFee no-price-item">—</span>
                  <td class="w-1/3 active-column">
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                          data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-lg font-bold&quot;>Domain and Email</span></span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Domain and email selection can be added through the dashboard once your order has been completed.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                          <span class="domainGoldFee no-price-item text-orange-600">—</span>
                  <td class="w-1/3">
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                <tr class="title-row bg-gray-100 flex w-full">
                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Business Contract Templates <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Business Contract Templates</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Save time and money by using lawyer-approved contract templates. From employment contracts to sales and service agreements, privacy policies to consulting agreements, do more business with assurance and ease.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                <tr class="flex w-full">
                  <td class="w-1/3">
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <label for="chkSilverContractLibrary" class="text-black mobile-label hide bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="contractLibraryPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="contractLibraryPrice">$0</span>
                  <td class="w-1/3 active-column">
                    <div class="flex items-center h-full">
                      <label for="chkGoldContractLibrary" class="text-black mobile-label bg-white shadow-[0px_0px_1px_1px_#fdc9b7] m-auto font-bold px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer transition duration-300 ease-in-out rounded-lg flex items-center">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="contractLibraryGoldPrice">$0</span>
                      <span class="text-black font-bold flex items-center m-auto !pl-0 cursor-text hide">
                        <span class="label-icon mr-1">+</span>
                        <span class="contractLibraryGoldPrice">$0</span>
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                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                <tr class="title-row bg-gray-100 flex w-full">
                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Lifetime Compliance Alerts <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Lifetime Compliance Alerts</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Bizee will monitor your state compliance requirements and notify you when they’re coming due.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                <tr class="flex w-full">
                  <td class="w-1/3">
                    <div class="flex items-center justify-center h-full">
                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
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                      <img src="/static/img/check-orange.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
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                      <img src="/static/img/check-gray.svg" alt="" class="check-image">
                <tr class="title-row bg-gray-100 flex w-full">
                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Unlimited Phone &amp; Email Support <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Unlimited Phone &amp; Email Support</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>We’re here for you for the life of your business. Your success is our goal.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
                <tr class="flex w-full">
                  <td class="w-1/3">
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                <tr class="title-row bg-gray-100 flex w-full">
                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Online Access Dashboard <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Online Access Dashboard</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Bizee’s dashboard provides a central location for all of your digital business documents, as well as products and services that are recommended for your business.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Business Banking Account Offer <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Business Banking Account Offer</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>To completely separate your personal and business assets, you need a business banking account. We have exclusive offers for Bizee users that will get you up and running quickly and easily.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                  <td colspan="3" class="text-black w-full">
                    <div class="flex items-center"> Business Tax Consultation <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>Business Tax Consultation</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>Every business situation is different.  Getting your tax structure right is one of the most important aspects of running your business. Getting it right from the start reduces headaches and saves you money.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
                          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                    <div class="flex items-center"> IRS Form 2553 <span class="cursor-pointer ml-2" data-tippy-placement="bottom"
                        data-tippy-content="<div class=&quot;flex justify-between items-start gap-2&quot;><div class=&quot;flex flex-col gap-2&quot;><span class=&quot;text-base font-bold&quot;>IRS Form 2553</span><span class=&quot;text-sm&quot;>This form allows an LLC to be taxed as an S-Corp which can provide the business owner with significant tax advantages, however, there are more accounting requirements to file this way.</span></div><img src=&quot;/static/img/close-white.svg&quot; alt=&quot;close&quot;></div>"
                        <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
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                            d="M0.833008 8.00004C0.833008 4.042 4.04163 0.833374 7.99967 0.833374C11.9577 0.833374 15.1663 4.042 15.1663 8.00004C15.1663 11.9581 11.9577 15.1667 7.99967 15.1667C4.04163 15.1667 0.833008 11.9581 0.833008 8.00004ZM8.41634 5.33337C8.41634 5.42719 8.38533 5.51377 8.33301 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C8.38533 5.15298 8.41634 5.23956 8.41634 5.33337ZM7.58301 5.33337C7.58301 5.42719 7.61401 5.51377 7.66634 5.58341V5.33337V5.08333C7.61401 5.15298 7.58301 5.23956 7.58301 5.33337ZM7.99967 4.25004C7.40137 4.25004 6.91634 4.73507 6.91634 5.33337C6.91634 5.93168 7.40137 6.41671 7.99967 6.41671C8.59798 6.41671 9.08301 5.93168 9.08301 5.33337C9.08301 4.73507 8.59798 4.25004 7.99967 4.25004ZM8.74967 7.33337C8.74967 6.91916 8.41389 6.58337 7.99967 6.58337C7.58546 6.58337 7.24967 6.91916 7.24967 7.33337V10.6667C7.24967 11.0809 7.58546 11.4167 7.99967 11.4167C8.41389 11.4167 8.74967 11.0809 8.74967 10.6667V7.33337Z"
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                          <p class="text-black package-text">Standard package</p>
                          <p class="text-black state-fee-row"></p>
                          <p class="text-black additional-services-row">Additional services</p>
                        <div class="text-right">
                          <p class="text-black package-total">$134</p>
                          <p class="text-black state-fee-total"></p>
                          <p class="text-black additional-services-row additional-services-total">$0</p>
                      <div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-4">
                        <span class="text-lg text-black font-semibold">Total</span>
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          <h3 style="margin-bottom: 47px;"><span class="txt_services"></span> Premium Services</h3>
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              <div class="t-row">
                <div class="t-header"> Services </div>
                <div class="t-header"> Basic </div>
                <div class="t-header"> Standard </div>
                <div class="t-header"> Premium </div>
              <div class="t-row">
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/employer-identification-number.png" alt="">
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                        <p>Employer Identification Number/ Tax ID</p>
                      <p class="text-orange bold">Highly Recommended</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p> An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number that is assigned by the IRS and used to identify taxpayers. Providing an EIN is required to open a business bank account and is required to file business tax
                        returns. We will apply and obtain your EIN from the IRS electronically. This option is the fastest way to obtain the EIN. </p>
                        <strong>Why You Need It:</strong> An EIN is required to open a business bank account and to file business tax returns.
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkObtainEIN" name="chkObtainEIN">
                      <label for="chkObtainEIN">+$70</label>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <p class="round-box gray"> Free </p>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <p class="round-box gray"> Free </p>
              <div class="t-row corp-item-services">
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                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/corporation-bylaws.png" alt="">
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                        <i class="icon icon-arrow"></i>
                      <p>Corporation Bylaws</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p> The bylaws of a corporation are an internal document that details the operating rules for the corporation. The bylaws of a corporation are typically adopted at the organizational meeting of the board of directors after the
                        corporation has been filed with the state. The bylaws we will provide for your use cover all of the most commonly used provisions and will be customized based on your specific company information. </p>
                        <strong>Why You Need It:</strong> Your bylaws will act as “internal rules,” ensuring that everything runs smoothly and keeps all employees, executives and shareholders in agreement and on the same page.
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkBylaws" name="chkBylaws">
                      <label for="chkBylaws">+$30</label>
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                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
              <div class="t-row nonprofit-item-services">
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/corporation-bylaws.png" alt="">
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                  <div class="accordion state-hidden" data-instance-id="3">
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                      <div class="state-icon">
                        <i class="icon icon-arrow"></i>
                      <p>Corporate Forms / Bylaws Minutes</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p> The Corporate Forms includes, customizable templates of documents needed for compliance, record-keeping and meeting business formalities, such as operating agreements, organizational minutes and bylaws. </p>
                        <strong>Corporate Form:</strong> <br>
                        <ul class="m-l-32 m-t-16">
                          <li>Consent by Incorporator</li>
                          <li>Resignation of Incorporator</li>
                          <li>Waiver of Notice</li>
                          <li>Minutes of an Organizational Meeting</li>
                          <li>Consent in Lieu of Organizational Meeting</li>
                          <li>Investment Representation Letter</li>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkNonprofit_Bylaws" name="chkNonprofit_Bylaws">
                      <label for="chkNonprofit_Bylaws">+$30</label>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
              <div class="t-row corp-item-services">
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/corporation-organizational-meeting-minutes.png" alt="">
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                  <div class="accordion state-hidden" data-instance-id="4">
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                      <div class="state-icon">
                        <i class="icon icon-arrow"></i>
                      <p>Corporation Organizational Meeting Minutes</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p> After the corporation has been filed with the state, the directors of the corporation are required to have a "first," or organizational meeting to take care of things such as issuing shares of stock, adopting bylaws,
                        appointing officers, etc., and keeping minutes of directors meetings and corporate resolutions is a required part of your internal corporate compliance. The organizational minutes we provide for your use cover all of the most
                        commonly used provisions and will be customized based on your specific company information. </p>
                        <strong>Why You Need It:</strong> The organizational minutes we provide for your use cover all of the most commonly used provisions and will be customized based on your specific company information.
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkMeeting_Minute" name="chkMeeting_Minute">
                      <label for="chkMeeting_Minute">+$25</label>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
              <div class="t-row llc-item-services">
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/icons/operating-agreement-01.svg" alt="">
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                  <div class="accordion state-hidden" data-instance-id="5">
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                        <i class="icon icon-arrow"></i>
                      <p>Operating Agreement</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p> The operating agreement for a limited liability company is a private agreement between the members/owners of the LLC, and it details the ownership, rights, and responsibilities of the LLC members. The operating agreement we
                        provide for your use covers all of the most commonly used provisions and will be customized based on your specific company information provided during the placing of your order. </p>
                        <strong>Why You Need It:</strong> Perhaps the most important document for an LLC, this is where you will “put in stone” your LLC’s rules and structure that will create a framework for your entire business.
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkOperate_Agree" name="chkOperate_Agree">
                      <label for="chkOperate_Agree">+$40</label>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
              <div class="t-row">
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/banking-resolution.png" alt="">
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="accordion state-hidden" data-instance-id="6">
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                      <div class="state-icon">
                        <i class="icon icon-arrow"></i>
                      <p>Banking Resolution</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p> The banking resolution is a resolution which may be adopted by the members to authorize the opening of a bank account, and it also designates who has signature authority for the bank account. </p>
                        <strong>Why You Need It:</strong> This document will authorize the opening of a bank account and designate who has signature authority on the account
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkLLC_BankingResolution" name="chkLLC_BankingResolution">
                      <label for="chkLLC_BankingResolution">+$35</label>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon icon-checkmark"></i>
              <div class="t-row">
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                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/business-contract-templates.png" alt="">
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                        <i class="icon icon-arrow"></i>
                      <p>Business Contract Templates</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p> Your search for the right legal template stops here. Get access to 25+ high quality legal documents written by a business attorney to help aid in keeping your business contractually protected. </p>
                        <strong>Why You Need It:</strong> It’s important to keep your business contractually protected, but it’s hard to know where to go to get an agreement or legal form and paying an attorney to draft them can be expensive.
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkSilverContractLibrary" name="chkSilverContractLibrary" value="1">
                      <label for="chkSilverContractLibrary">+$150</label>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <div class="pricing-option">
                    <div class="checkbox">
                      <input type="checkbox" id="chkGoldContractLibrary" name="chkGoldContractLibrary" value="1">
                      <label for="chkGoldContractLibrary">+$150</label>
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <p class="round-box gray"> Free </p>
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                  <img src="/static/order/v3/images/free-domain-name-email-service.png" alt="">
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                        <i class="icon icon-arrow"></i>
                      <p>Free Domain Name &amp; Email Service</p>
                    <div class="content">
                      <p>Platinum packages are eligible for 1 full year of <strong>FREE</strong> domain name &amp; email service. At the end of the year you will be invoiced and have the option to renew or cancel service.</p>
                        <strong>Why You Need It:</strong> Every website needs its own domain, so this will save you a necessary expense and help your business appear more official by using a matching domain email versus an email address from an
                        automated service like Gmail or Hotmail.
                <div class="t-cell">
                  <i class="icon-minus"></i>
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                  <p class="round-box gray"> Free </p>
        <h3 style="margin: 56px 0 40px; cursor: help" data-tippy-content="<p>Secretary of State will process your order faster.<br> Review State Filing Times below.</p>"> Expedited Options <i class="icon icon-question-mark"></i>
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                    <div class="f-row">
                      <p>Standard <span class="expe_state"></span> State Filing Time</p>
                    <p class="text-orange bold expe-business-week"></p>
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        <h2 class="text-lg md:text-[32px] md:leading-[56px] font-semibold mb-10 text-center !hidden md:!block lg:!block"> Frequently Asked Questions </h2>
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            <span class="flex flex-row items-center text-orange-600 font-normal rounded-full py-2 px-4 bg-white border-orange-300 border-[1px] text-base w-full justify-center"> FAQ </span>
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            <div class="head flex items-center w-full !p-6">
              <span class="text-lg md:!text-[21px]">Is the package price ongoing or a one-time fee?</span>
              <div id="faq-arrow" class="state-icon !h-auto">
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            <div class="content text-gray-800 font-light !text-sm !p-6 !pt-0 w-full">The prices referenced in all of our formation packages are a one-time fee unlike some of our more unsavory competitors our goal is not to trap our clients into a
              perpetual never-ending subscription but rather to provide fair upfront transparent pricing. While other companies attempt to build their businesses on the idea that the consumer is an idiot our business has been built over decades on
              the premise of always providing value-driven affordable solutions for entrepreneurs.</div>
          <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-between border border-b-gray-300 rounded-2xl state-hidden text-left">
            <div class="head flex items-center w-full !p-6">
              <span class="text-lg md:!text-[21px]">Do I need to pay extra for compliance notifications?</span>
              <div id="faq-arrow" class="state-icon !h-auto">
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            <div class="content text-gray-800 font-light !text-sm !p-6 !pt-0 w-full">Never, every single one of our formation packages includes lifetime compliance notifications via email and text alerts so you will always know when any federal or
              state compliance obligations are due. Upon being alerted you will always have the option to file the required documents yourself or have them filed by one of our incorporation specialists.</div>
          <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-between border border-b-gray-300 rounded-2xl state-hidden text-left">
            <div class="head flex items-center w-full !p-6">
              <span class="text-lg md:!text-[21px]">Will I have the option to act as my own registered agent?</span>
              <div id="faq-arrow" class="state-icon !h-auto">
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            <div class="content text-gray-800 font-light !text-sm !p-6 !pt-0 w-full">Yes, you can act as your own registered agent. However, we offer Registered Agent Service free of charge for the first year.</div>
          <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-between border border-b-gray-300 rounded-2xl state-hidden text-left">
            <div class="head flex items-center w-full !p-6">
              <span class="text-lg md:!text-[21px]">Will I need to sign anything?</span>
              <div id="faq-arrow" class="state-icon !h-auto">
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            <div class="content text-gray-800 font-light !text-sm !p-6 !pt-0 w-full">No, documents requiring signatures will be signed by our staff. We will sign as the incorporator for corporations, and for LLCs we will sign as the organizer.</div>
      <div class="py-10 text-center text-base text-gray-700 font-manrope"> Didn’t find the answer here? <br> Don’t hesitate to <a href="">Contact Us</a> and we’ll be more than happy to help you! </div>
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        <h1 class="text-2xl md:text-[32px] text-white m-0 px-8">See What Our Clients Have to Say…</h1>
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              <span class="text-lg md:text-[21px] leading-8 !text-gray-100">"Having these online resources, with Bizee, cuts out all the stress from having to think that I have to do that by myself."</span>
              <span class="text-sm font-normal !text-gray-100 mt-2">Ashley, Hijita Chocolate</span>
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                  <span class="text-left mb-6 text-[16px] text-black grow">Happy that the process was heavily guided and detailed. Made the entire application easy.</span>
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                  <span class="text-left mb-6 text-[16px] text-black grow">Love the ease of the process, TY!</span>
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                  <span class="text-left text-[16px] font-semibold text-black">Jason Jones</span>
                  <span class="text-left mb-6 text-[16px] text-black grow">Easy to use and love the first-year registered agent for free component.</span>
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Text Content

Welcome members of Capital One® Business Deals®
855 829-9090
Excellent 4.7 out of 5


Join over 1,000,000 happy business owners. Get started by choosing your entity
type and state of formation.

Entity Type LLC S-Corporation C-Corporation Nonprofit
Entity TypeEntity Type

State-specific pricing will display below once your selection has been made.
Compare Packages

One-time fee

Unlike other companies that charge annual fees, our business formation fee is

$299 + $299 state fee
$299 + $299 state fee
Best Value
$299 + $299 state fee
Preparing & Filing the Articles of Organization
See what's included

Statement of Organizer
Banking Resolutions
Unlimited Name Searches

FREE 1st Year Registered Agent Service!

Expedited Filing
filing time (instead of )
+ $0 + $0
+ $0 + $0

EIN Business Tax Number
+ $0 + $0

Corporate Bylaws
Operating Agreement
+ $0 + $0
+ $0 + $0

Domain Name + Business Email

Business Contract Templates
+ $0 + $0
+ $0 + $0

Lifetime Compliance Alerts

Unlimited Phone & Email Support

Online Access Dashboard

Business Banking Account Offer

Business Tax Consultation

IRS Form 2553

+ $0 + $0

You’ve selected: Standard package

Comprehensive features to get your business started.

State of Formation:

Business Entity:

One-Time Fee

Standard package

Additional services




Compare Packages
One-time fee
Preparing & Filing the Articles of Organization
See what's included

Statement of Organizer
Banking Resolutions
Unlimited Name Searches

FREE 1st Year Registered Agent Service!

Expedited Filing
filing time (instead of )
+ $0 + $0
+ $0 + $0

EIN Business Tax Number
+ $0 + $0

Corporate Bylaws
Operating Agreement
+ $0 + $0
+ $0 + $0

Domain Name + Business Email

Business Contract Templates
+ $0 + $0
+ $0 + $0

Lifetime Compliance Alerts

Unlimited Phone & Email Support

Online Access Dashboard

Business Banking Account Offer

Business Tax Consultation

IRS Form 2553

+ $0 + $0

Standard package

Additional services






Employer Identification Number/ Tax ID

Highly Recommended

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number that is assigned
by the IRS and used to identify taxpayers. Providing an EIN is required to open
a business bank account and is required to file business tax returns. We will
apply and obtain your EIN from the IRS electronically. This option is the
fastest way to obtain the EIN.

Why You Need It: An EIN is required to open a business bank account and to file
business tax returns.




Corporation Bylaws

The bylaws of a corporation are an internal document that details the operating
rules for the corporation. The bylaws of a corporation are typically adopted at
the organizational meeting of the board of directors after the corporation has
been filed with the state. The bylaws we will provide for your use cover all of
the most commonly used provisions and will be customized based on your specific
company information.

Why You Need It: Your bylaws will act as “internal rules,” ensuring that
everything runs smoothly and keeps all employees, executives and shareholders in
agreement and on the same page.


Corporate Forms / Bylaws Minutes

The Corporate Forms includes, customizable templates of documents needed for
compliance, record-keeping and meeting business formalities, such as operating
agreements, organizational minutes and bylaws.

Corporate Form:

 * Bylaws
 * Consent by Incorporator
 * Resignation of Incorporator
 * Waiver of Notice
 * Minutes of an Organizational Meeting
 * Consent in Lieu of Organizational Meeting
 * Investment Representation Letter


Corporation Organizational Meeting Minutes

After the corporation has been filed with the state, the directors of the
corporation are required to have a "first," or organizational meeting to take
care of things such as issuing shares of stock, adopting bylaws, appointing
officers, etc., and keeping minutes of directors meetings and corporate
resolutions is a required part of your internal corporate compliance. The
organizational minutes we provide for your use cover all of the most commonly
used provisions and will be customized based on your specific company

Why You Need It: The organizational minutes we provide for your use cover all of
the most commonly used provisions and will be customized based on your specific
company information.


Operating Agreement

The operating agreement for a limited liability company is a private agreement
between the members/owners of the LLC, and it details the ownership, rights, and
responsibilities of the LLC members. The operating agreement we provide for your
use covers all of the most commonly used provisions and will be customized based
on your specific company information provided during the placing of your order.

Why You Need It: Perhaps the most important document for an LLC, this is where
you will “put in stone” your LLC’s rules and structure that will create a
framework for your entire business.


Banking Resolution

The banking resolution is a resolution which may be adopted by the members to
authorize the opening of a bank account, and it also designates who has
signature authority for the bank account.

Why You Need It: This document will authorize the opening of a bank account and
designate who has signature authority on the account


Business Contract Templates

Your search for the right legal template stops here. Get access to 25+ high
quality legal documents written by a business attorney to help aid in keeping
your business contractually protected.

Why You Need It: It’s important to keep your business contractually protected,
but it’s hard to know where to go to get an agreement or legal form and paying
an attorney to draft them can be expensive.



Free Domain Name & Email Service

Platinum packages are eligible for 1 full year of FREE domain name & email
service. At the end of the year you will be invoiced and have the option to
renew or cancel service.

Why You Need It: Every website needs its own domain, so this will save you a
necessary expense and help your business appear more official by using a
matching domain email versus an email address from an automated service like
Gmail or Hotmail.



Standard State Filing Time

Expedited State Filing Time



Is the package price ongoing or a one-time fee?

The prices referenced in all of our formation packages are a one-time fee unlike
some of our more unsavory competitors our goal is not to trap our clients into a
perpetual never-ending subscription but rather to provide fair upfront
transparent pricing. While other companies attempt to build their businesses on
the idea that the consumer is an idiot our business has been built over decades
on the premise of always providing value-driven affordable solutions for
Do I need to pay extra for compliance notifications?

Never, every single one of our formation packages includes lifetime compliance
notifications via email and text alerts so you will always know when any federal
or state compliance obligations are due. Upon being alerted you will always have
the option to file the required documents yourself or have them filed by one of
our incorporation specialists.
Will I have the option to act as my own registered agent?

Yes, you can act as your own registered agent. However, we offer Registered
Agent Service free of charge for the first year.
Will I need to sign anything?

No, documents requiring signatures will be signed by our staff. We will sign as
the incorporator for corporations, and for LLCs we will sign as the organizer.
Didn’t find the answer here?
Don’t hesitate to Contact Us and we’ll be more than happy to help you!


"Having these online resources, with Bizee, cuts out all the stress from having
to think that I have to do that by myself." Ashley, Hijita Chocolate

4 days
Edward Camis The process was simple, and the phone support helped when I had a
question. WI, United States

8 days
Crystal Harrison You've made the process to get my business started and keep it
going so simple. Thank you. OK, United States

3 days
Lance White Quick smooth process. FL, United States

4 days
3Gavin Butterfield Bizee made this whole process very fast and easy. I would
recommend the services to anyone. NC, United States

1 day
Marcena Musilli Happy that the process was heavily guided and detailed. Made the
entire application easy. MI, United States

6 days
Jaslyn Smith Love the ease of the process, TY! Love the ease of the process,
TY!OH, United States

2 days
Jason Jones Easy to use and love the first-year registered agent for free
component. TN, United States

4 days
James Hanson So far so good. Better than legalzoom prices. CO, United States

9 days
Mark Holleran Straight forward process, easy to understand, saved me time to
focus on the business at hand. FL, United States

3 days
Alexis Knight Simple and quick, I didn't have to jump through a lot of hoops to
get what I want. :) FL, United States

11 days
Shanell Lawrence Simple and easy to use. customer support is also great. TX,
United States

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