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Submission: On June 11 via api from US — Scanned from NZ

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GET /search

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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POST /cart/add

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Pinot Noir & Chardonnay Exploration Tasting - Thu 27th June
$25.00 NZD
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Nor'Wester by Greystone Pinot Noir 2020
$19.99 NZD
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Fat Bastard California Chardonnay 2021
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Red Table Wine

Dog Point Pinot Noir 2021
$45.99 NZD
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White Table Wine

Clearview Estate Reserve Chardonnay 2022
$44.99 NZD
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Black Cottage Central Otago Pinot Noir 2022
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Matchbook ‘The Arsonist’ Chardonnay 2018
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Plantation XO 20th Anniversary
$107.99 NZD
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Papa Salt Coastal Gin
$79.99 NZD
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Birthday Gin 700ml
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Lagg Corriecravie Sherry Cask Finished Peated Malt 700ml
$149.99 NZD
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Del Maguey Vida Mezcal
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Meili Vodka 750ml
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