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Submission: On December 06 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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    <div id="wpforms-9511-field_4-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-text mb-6" data-field-id="4"><label class="wpforms-field-label" for="wpforms-9511-field_4">Speaker's Telephone Number</label><input type="text" id="wpforms-9511-field_4"
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        type="text" id="wpforms-9511-field_5" class="wpforms-field-large wpforms-field-required" name="wpforms[fields][5]" placeholder="Job Title of Speaker if known." required=""></div>
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          class="wpforms-required-label">*</span></label><input type="text" id="wpforms-9511-field_12" class="wpforms-field-large wpforms-field-required" name="wpforms[fields][12]"
        placeholder="What is the name of the organization that the speaker represents?" required=""></div>
    <div id="wpforms-9511-field_10-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-text mb-6" data-field-id="10"><label class="wpforms-field-label" for="wpforms-9511-field_10">Speaker's Organization Website URL <span
          class="wpforms-required-label">*</span></label><input type="text" id="wpforms-9511-field_10" class="wpforms-field-large wpforms-field-required" name="wpforms[fields][10]" placeholder="" required=""></div>
    <div id="wpforms-9511-field_9-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-checkbox mb-6" data-field-id="9"><label class="wpforms-field-label" for="wpforms-9511-field_9">Are You an Investor, Founder, Mentor or Trade Agency (Tick all that apply)
        <span class="wpforms-required-label">*</span></label>
      <ul id="wpforms-9511-field_9" class="wpforms-field-required">
        <li class="choice-1 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_9_1" name="wpforms[fields][9][]" value="Investor" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-9511-field_9_1">Investor</label></li>
        <li class="choice-8 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_9_8" name="wpforms[fields][9][]" value="Business Incubator" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-9511-field_9_8">Business
        <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_9_2" name="wpforms[fields][9][]" value="StartUp Founder" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-9511-field_9_2">StartUp Founder</label>
        <li class="choice-4 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_9_4" name="wpforms[fields][9][]" value="Business Advisor" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-9511-field_9_4">Business Advisor</label>
        <li class="choice-5 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_9_5" name="wpforms[fields][9][]" value="Government Trade &amp; Investment Agency" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
            for="wpforms-9511-field_9_5">Government Trade &amp; Investment Agency</label></li>
        <li class="choice-6 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_9_6" name="wpforms[fields][9][]" value="Chamber of Commerce" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-9511-field_9_6">Chamber of
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            Business Executive</label></li>
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      <div class="wpforms-field-description"> </div>
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        <li class="choice-1 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_11_1" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Keynote Speech" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-9511-field_11_1">Keynote Speech</label>
        <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-9511-field_11_2" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Panel Discussion Speaker" required=""><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-9511-field_11_2">Panel
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 * About
   * Who We Are
     * Mission Statement
     * Areas of Focus
     * Our Values
     * Key Beliefs
   * Where We Are
     * Our Network
     * Constituents
     * International Chapters
     * Contacting the Council
     * Covid19 Notice
   * Secretariat
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   * Careers
     * Benefits of Working for the Council
     * Equal Opportunity Employment
     * Internships
     * Job Opportunities
   * Contact
 * Events
   * Go Global Awards
   * Our Events
   * Upcoming Events
   * Call for Speakers
     * Overview
     * Virtual Conference Platform
     * Topics of Interest
     * Apply to Speak
   * Webinars
     * Why Participate in a Free Webinar
     * Featured Free Webinars
     * Presenting a Webinar
       * Overview
       * Benefits of Presenting a Webinar
       * The Ideal Speaker
       * The Evaluation Process
   * Featured Events
     * The StartUp Summit Jan 2021
       * Overview
       * Attendees
     * Think Global 2021
       * Overview
       * Attendees
     * Virtual Trade Mission to Argentina 2020
       * Overview
       * Attendees
     * Virtual Trade Mission to Estonia 2020
       * Doing Business in Estonia 2020 Attendees
       * Day 1
       * Day 2
       * Day 3
       * Day 4
     * Trade Missions to Australia
     * Trade Missions to Canada
     * Trade Missions to Singapore
     * Trade Missions to the UAE
 * Certification
   * Quality in Business Certification
   * Why Get Certified?
   * What You Receive
   * Directory of Quality Certified Businesses
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 * Trade Leads
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 * Incubator
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 * Other Services
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     * IT Forensics
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     * Procurement Assistance
     * Quality Inspection
     * Security Procedures
     * Technical Barriers to Trade
     * Venture Capital
     * Virtual Assistants
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     * Why Use Alternative Dispute Resolution
     * Arbitration
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The International Trade Council is looking for qualified speakers to share their
stories with our audience of more than 2.4 million C-Suite Executives.

Speakers may present at a stand-alone webinar, the StartUp Summit, the Think
Global Conference or other events.

If you have experience as an angel investor, VC, banker, innovator, mentor,
you’re a government trade and investment agency or you’ve run a successful
business then we’d love to hear from you!


Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Speaker's Name *
Give us an idea of what you would like to speak about.
Speaker's Email Address *
Confirm Email
Speaker's Telephone Number
Speaker's LinkedIn Address
Speaker's Job Title *
Name of Speaker's Organization (Employer / Own Company) *
Speaker's Organization Website URL *
Are You an Investor, Founder, Mentor or Trade Agency (Tick all that apply) *
 * Investor
 * Business Incubator
 * StartUp Founder
 * Business Advisor
 * Government Trade & Investment Agency
 * Chamber of Commerce
 * Seasoned Business Executive
 * StartUp

What Presentation Format Do You Prefer? (Tick all that apply) *
 * Keynote Speech
 * Panel Discussion Speaker
 * Panel Discussion Moderator

Speaker's 60 Second Pitch (What will you speak about?) *

What Other Conferences / Events Have You Spoken At Before? *

Let’s Start Working Together


Become a Member



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