www.action.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://link.action.com/u/nrd.php?p=xJaCzHuFiO_39930_606254_1_163&ems_l=749723&i=1&d=NjAyNTcwMjE=%7CeEphQ3pIdUZpTw==%7CM...
Effective URL: https://www.action.com/nl-be/inloggen/
Submission: On June 07 via api from BE — Scanned from AT

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

GET https://www.action.com/nl-be/search/

<form action="https://www.action.com/nl-be/search/" method="get" class="relative flex" data-testid="search-bar"><input type="text" name="q"
    class="w-full grow items-center rounded-full border-none bg-off-white py-3 placeholder:text-func-medium-grey focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 focus-visible:outline-none pr-12 pl-4" data-testid="search-input-field"
    placeholder="Waar ben je naar op zoek?"><button type="submit" disabled="" class="absolute bottom-0 right-4 top-0" data-testid="search-button"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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GET https://www.action.com/nl-be/search/

<form action="https://www.action.com/nl-be/search/" method="get" class="relative flex" data-testid="search-bar"><button type="button" class="absolute bottom-0 left-4 top-0"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
      <g id=" Chevron_Left">
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          d="M15 20C14.7441 20 14.4883 19.9023 14.293 19.707L7.29295 12.707C6.90235 12.3164 6.90235 11.6837 7.29295 11.293L14.293 4.29295C14.6836 3.90235 15.3163 3.90235 15.707 4.29295C16.0977 4.68355 16.0976 5.31631 15.707 5.70701L9.41404 12L15.707 18.2931C16.0976 18.6837 16.0976 19.3164 15.707 19.7071C15.5116 19.9023 15.2559 20 15 20Z"
    </svg></button><input type="text" name="q" class="w-full grow items-center rounded-full border-none bg-off-white py-3 placeholder:text-func-medium-grey focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 focus-visible:outline-none pr-12 pl-12"
    data-testid="search-input-field" placeholder="Waar ben je naar op zoek?"><button type="submit" disabled="" class="absolute bottom-0 right-4 top-0" data-testid="search-button"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
      <g id=" Search_Magnifying_Glass">
        <path id="Vector"
          d="M21 22C20.7441 22 20.4883 21.9023 20.293 21.707L14.9033 16.3174C13.5478 17.3716 11.8457 18 10 18C5.5889 18 2 14.4111 2 10C2 5.5889 5.5889 2 10 2C14.4111 2 18 5.5889 18 10C18 11.8457 17.3711 13.5479 16.3174 14.9033L21.707 20.2929C22.0976 20.6835 22.0976 21.3163 21.707 21.707C21.5117 21.9023 21.2559 22 21 22ZM10 4C6.6914 4 4 6.6914 4 10C4 13.3086 6.6914 16 10 16C13.3086 16 16 13.3086 16 10C16 6.6914 13.3086 4 10 4Z"

<form class="flex flex-col gap-y-5" data-form-type="LoginForm" data-testid="login-form">
  <h2 class="text-3xl font-bold text-main-dark-blue sm:text-4xl" data-testid="inloggen-header">Inloggen</h2>
  <div class="">
    <div class="mb-1.5"><label for="email" class="dangerously cursor-pointer text-sm font-bold text-black">E-mailadres</label></div><input aria-invalid="false" data-testid="email-field"
      class="text-func-dark-grey border-func-light-grey bg-white placeholder-func-light-grey w-full h-10 rounded placeholder-func-light-grey border-func-light-grey focus:outline-none focus:ring-func-light-grey focus:border-func-dark-grey focus:shadow-input hover:shadow-2 disabled:bg-func-lighter-grey disabled:cursor-not-allowed"
      autocomplete="email" name="email" type="email" id="email" value="">
    <div class="">
      <div class="mb-1.5"><label for="password" class="dangerously cursor-pointer text-sm font-bold text-black">Wachtwoord</label></div>
      <div class="relative flex w-full items-center"><input aria-invalid="false" data-testid="password-field"
          class="text-func-dark-grey border-func-light-grey bg-white placeholder-func-light-grey w-full h-10 rounded placeholder-func-light-grey border-func-light-grey focus:outline-none focus:ring-func-light-grey focus:border-func-dark-grey focus:shadow-input hover:shadow-2 disabled:bg-func-lighter-grey disabled:cursor-not-allowed"
          autocomplete="current-password" name="password" type="password" id="password" value=""><button data-testid="inputIcon" type="button" aria-label="Toon wachtwoord"
          class="text-func-dark-grey absolute right-3 before:absolute before:-top-1/4 before:left-0 before:h-9 before:w-9"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 26 26" class="h-6.5 w-6.5">
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              d="M13 14.1c.7 0 1.3-.6 1.3-1.4s-.6-1.4-1.3-1.4-1.3.6-1.3 1.4.6 1.4 1.3 1.4zm10.5-1.5c0-.3-.1-.4-.2-.5-.7-.8-1.5-1.6-2.3-2.3-1.7-1.5-3.7-2.7-5.9-3.2-1.3-.3-2.6-.3-3.8-.1-1.2.2-2.3.7-3.3 1.3-1.6.9-3.1 2.1-4.5 3.5-.2.3-.5.5-.7.8-.3.4-.3.8 0 1.5 1.6 2.3 2.3 1.7 1.5 3.7 2.7 5.9 3.2 1.3.3 2.6.3 3.8.1 1.2-.2 2.3-.7 3.3-1.3 1.6-.9 3.1-2.1 4.5-3.5.2-.3.5-.5.7-.8.1-.1.2-.3.2-.5v-.2c0 .1 0 0 0 0zM13 16.9c-2.2 0-4-1.9-4-4.3s1.8-4.3 4-4.3 4 1.9 4 4.3-1.8 4.3-4 4.3z"
    <div class="mt-2"><a data-testid="forgot-password" href="/nl-be/mijn-action/wachtwoord-opnieuw-instellen/">Wachtwoord vergeten?</a></div>
  </div><button data-testid="login-button" type="submit" aria-label="Inloggen"
    class="shadow-1 bg-main-orange hover:bg-dark-orange text-white transition-colors inline-flex gap-2 items-center justify-center font-medium relative rounded-full min-h-10 px-6 py-2"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
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    </svg><span class="visible flex items-center justify-center gap-2">Inloggen</span></button>
  <hr class="mx-auto w-1/6">
  <div>Nieuw hier?</div>
  <a data-testid="registerButton" href="/nl-be/mijn-action/registratie/" class="text-main-orange bg-white hover:bg-func-off-white border border-func-light-grey transition-colors inline-flex gap-2 items-center justify-center font-medium relative rounded-full min-h-10 px-6 py-2">Account aanmaken voor Mijn Action</a>

Text Content

Elke week 150 nieuwe producten

Altijd 1500 producten onder 1 euro

Altijd de allerlaagste prijs

 * Nieuw
 * Weekactie
 * Producten
   * Wonen
   * Keuken
   * Huishouden
   * Kantoor & school
   * Hobby
   * Doe het zelf
   * Speelgoed
   * Tuin
   * Reizen
   * Persoonlijke verzorging
   * Eten & drinken
   * Multimedia
   * Mode
   * Sportartikelen
   * Huisdieren
   Meer Action
 * Thema's
 * Webshop
 * Action app
 * Vind een winkel
 * Klantenservice


   Auto accessoires

Overige themas
 * Reizen
 * Zonnebrand & aftersun
 * Aan het water
 * Festival
 * Buiten eten
 * Mode
 * Zwembaden
 * Ventilatoren
 * Insectenbestrijding
 * Buitenspeelgoed
 * Kampeerspullen
 * Koffers
 * Auto accessoires
 * Tuin
 * Persoonlijke verzorging


 * Nieuw
 * Weekactie
 * Producten
 * Thema's
 * Webshop

 * Action app
 * Vind een winkel
 * Klantenservice

 * Wonen
 * Keuken
 * Huishouden
 * Kantoor & school
 * Hobby
 * Doe het zelf
 * Speelgoed
 * Tuin
 * Reizen
 * Persoonlijke verzorging
 * Eten & drinken
 * Multimedia
 * Mode
 * Sportartikelen
 * Huisdieren

   Auto accessoires

Overige thema's
 * Reizen
 * Zonnebrand & aftersun
 * Aan het water
 * Festival
 * Buiten eten
 * Mode
 * Zwembaden
 * Ventilatoren
 * Insectenbestrijding
 * Buitenspeelgoed
 * Kampeerspullen
 * Koffers
 * Auto accessoires
 * Tuin
 * Persoonlijke verzorging

Belangrijke veiligheidswaarschuwing: »

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Wachtwoord vergeten?


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Account aanmaken voor Mijn Action


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