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Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprints. It comes from two
ancient Greek words – “derma” means skin and “glyph” means carve.

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From birth to about age 3 there are vast number of connections and collections
being recorded in the brain. During this age, all the information a child
receives is recorded in his/her brain. In short this is the age of collection of

Benefits of IDPL DMIT : Knowing a toddler’s potential at an early age helps
parents make decisions on parenting styles and educational methods. It also
helps parents to know how to communicate with the child in the most effective
manner right from an early age.


Form age 3 to age 12, the brain begins to classify the information collected and
tries to get organized and eliminates what is not necessary.

Benefits of IDPL DMIT : At this age, children are curious to learn and they can
absorb much more than they will when they grow older. If the parents are able to
discover their child’s learning styles and areas of intelligence, they can get a
clue on what courses and activities the child should spend more time on. This
test also helps them to choose the right school and the right direction for
their beloved child.


The teenage years consist of more aggressive pruning as the brain begins to
specialize and build an identity.

Benefits of IDPL DMIT : Discovering learning styles at this age can help the
student know himself better and enhances his learning experience. It also serves
as a guideline on what type of courses one should take. This is the stage where
the student can decide about his future career field.

ADULTS ( AGE 25 + )

Adulthood ushers in a bit of a pruning plateau, where some connections are
diminished and others are enhanced.

Benefits of IDPL DMIT : Understanding one’s areas of intelligences help an adult
make decisions on career field. Understanding more about oneself can help them
communicate better and build better relationships. Employers can also apply
dermatoglyphics analysis to find out the strength and weakness of their
employees for position placement.


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Finger Impression strongly believes in ……. EACH AND EVERY CHILD IS SPECIAL……EACH

Parents need to understand that there is no one way to raise all
children…..every child is unique….so it is must to understand his innate
characteristics to guide him in the right direction and to equip him for a
successful and happy life. Finger Impression is committed to help the parents in
the most accurate way to gain a better understanding of their child.

Apart from students, tests conducted by Finger Impression also can help people
for choosing suitable career, can help employers in choosing the most suitable
employee for a particular job, guide prospective couples regarding marriage
compatibility and how to overcome communication problems. In short Finger
Impression is here to help people gain an understanding of oneself and each
other to lead a happy and successful life.

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Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science which focuses on the study of
ridged skin patterns (also known as dermatoglyphs) which can be found on
fingers, palms, toes and soles. It reveals the congenital links between our
fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. These patterns are formed from
the external ectoderm and usually occur during the fetal development stage, 13
to 19 weeks after fertilization.

Hirsch and Schweicher discovered that prior to the formation of dermatoglyphs,
the derma nerves and blood vessels are arranged in an orderly fashion. This led
them to believe that the nervous and vascular systems determine the formation of
dermatoglyphs. Consequently, they also established the correlation between the
dermatoglyphic patterns and one’s personalities.

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 * People with verbal – linguistic intelligence display a facility with words
   and languages.
 * They have the ability to use language as a means to express thoughts and gain
 * They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing
   words along with dates.
 * They like to discuss and expand their vocabulary at the same time.
 * They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures and
   discussion and debate.
 * They are also frequently skilled at explaining, teaching and oration or
   persuasive speaking.
 * Those with verbal-linguistic intelligence learn foreign languages very easily
   as they have high verbal memory and recall, and an ability to understand and
   manipulate syntax and structure.
 * Desired occupations include lawyers, orators, writers, talk show hosts,
   editors, sociologists or social science lecturers.

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 * Those having high naturalistic intelligence are said to have greater
   sensitivity to nature and their place within it, the ability to nurture and
   grow things and greater ease in caring for, taming and interacting with
 * They have the ability to observe and develop keen interests on the ecosystem.
 * They are also good at recognizing and classifying different species.
 * Naturalists learn better when the subject involves collecting and analyzing
   or is closely related to something prominent in nature.
 * Occupations which require high level of naturalistic intelligence include
   hunters, ecologists, biologists, taxonomists, agriculturists and even

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 * People with high social / interpersonal intelligence are highly empathic and
   aware of other people’s motives, feelings and emotions.
 * They usually have a wide social network, inclined to participate in group
   activities and tend to hold key leadership positions.
 * They typically learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussions
   and debates.
 * Suitable occupations include politicians, entrepreneurs, public relations
   experts, spiritual leaders, teachers or psychologists.

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 * Those having high level of auditory / musical intelligence display greater
   sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones and music.
 * They normally have good pitch and usually enjoy to sing, play musical
   instruments and compose music.
 * They like sounds of the human voice, environmental sounds and instrumental
 * Those who are strong in this intelligence learn best via lectures.
 * They might often use songs or rhythms or drumming sound at the time of
   learning or memorizing information.
 * They may work best with soft music playing in the background.
 * They are able to understand a person’s thinking with the tone of his voice.

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 * People with high intrapersonal / solitary intelligence have the ability to be
   aware of one’s inner strengths and weaknesses, emotions, interests and
 * They are also intuitive and capable of deep contemplations.
 * People high in this intelligence are generally introverts and prefer to work
 * They learn best when allowed to concentrate on the subject by themselves.
 * There is often a high level of perfectionism associated with this
 * Suitable occupations include counselors, theologists, autobiographers,
   creative entrepreneurs, inventor, critics or scholars.

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 * People high in this intelligence are fond of outdoor adventures and physical
 * They are dexterous, capable of excellent control over their body parts and
   skilled crafters.
 * Generally they are good at building and making things.
 * They often learn best by physically dong something, rather than reading or
   hearing about it.
 * Suitable careers include athletes, sculptors, surgeons, dancers or stage

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 * People with high visio-spatial intelligence are proficient map readers, like
   to draw, play with puzzles and labyrinths.
 * They have good perception of space, lines, shapes and colours.
 * They have excellent sense of direction.
 * Desired occupations include architects, artists, landscapers and other
   related fields.

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 * This intelligence has to do with logic, abstractions, categorizations,
   summarizing, conceptualizing, reasoning, advanced calculations and playing
   with numbers.
 * It is often assumed that those high in this intelligence naturally excel in
   mathematics, chess, computer programming and other logical or numerical
   activities…… but a more accurate definition places emphasis on traditional
   mathematical ability and more reasoning capabilities, abstract patterns of
   recognition, scientific thinking and investigation and the ability to perform
   complex calculations.
 * Occupations that require high mathematical and logical intelligence include
   mathematicians, taxers, accountants, detectives etc.

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Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a method that uses
fingerprint analysis to assess a person’s cognitive abilities, personality
traits, and potential. Dermatoglyphics, the study of the patterns of ridges on
the fingers and hands, is integrated with theories of multiple intelligences to
offer insights into an individual’s innate abilities.



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