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As I'm sure you've noticed, something is terribly wrong in America…

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A note from the Editor: Faith In Destiny is dedicated to providing readers like
you with unique opportunities. The message below from one of our business
associates is one we believe you should take a serious look at.

Hello Reader,

As I'm sure you've noticed, something is terribly wrong in America…

The content of our national character is changing. And not for the better, if
you ask me.

There's a reason you've been feeling so anxious about the state of our country
lately. A lot of independent, free-thinking men and women are feeling the same

A wave of socialism that began with FDR's New Deal and grew with Lyndon
Johnson's Great Society has reached a crest.

60% of millennials support socialism.

And they overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden in November's election.

But Biden's so-called victory is just the beginning. He is the Manchurian
Candidate for the rise of American socialism.

A supposedly middle-of-the-road Trojan Horse who's gone in and thrown open the
gates of power to radicals like Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren,
and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

And they are spending money hand over fist…

Consider this: In the wake of the Financial Crisis of 2008, the U.S. government
launched one of the largest stimulus packages in our country's history.

Over $1.4 trillion was shelled out to prop up industries, save jobs and get
people spending again after the housing and stock market crisis.

But that pales in comparison to what we spent on COVID-19…

Over $5 trillion, so far, in just 14 months.

The U.S. national debt is growing at an unprecedented rate. And more spending is

Biden's infrastructure bill will add another $2 trillion. And over 70% of
Americans support the bill, including the majority of republicans.

Next comes Biden's Families Bill, which will add another nearly $2 trillion for
things like federal child care, government paid family leave, free community
college, a permanent expansion of Obama Care subsidies…

And that doesn't even include the Green New Deal – an idiotic $10 trillion power
grab that would eliminate cars and force every American to retrofit their home
for solar while nationalizing health care and education, even guaranteeing
income for people "unwilling to work," whatever that means.

But look, this isn't a political message. I'm not running for office or looking
for a donation.

If it were up to me, I'd fire every single member of Congress immediately.

My beat is finance and investments.

And I know the rise of socialism is putting your wealth in the crosshairs.

In this video, I'll explain exactly why socialism has taken root in America. And
why it's not going away.

I'll show you why it's not just our way of life that's under attack, but our
financial security as well.

I'll also share what I'm doing with my money to protect myself as socialism
spreads. (Hint: It has nothing to do with gold, precious metals or cryptos.)

Click here to see this urgent video message.


Louis Navellier

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