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Akshat Shrivastava Akshat Shrivastava ist Influencer:in

Founder@Wisdom Hatch | Become a better investor --> WisdomHatch.com

3 Wochen Bearbeitet
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If anyone criticised me, I used to take it to personally. And, bothered about it
for months. Growing up, this was mentally unhealthy. And, it killed my
confidence. These 5 steps allowed me to win my confidence back! [1] You are
accountable for yourself: your money, your health, your life. It might sound
selfish-- but it is true. If you don't think you are in control, you won't be.
You will always pick the easiest path to blame others. [2] If you don't respect
a person, don't bother about their criticism. We live in a world, where even if
you donate all your body parts, there will still be a fraction of people who
will still criticise your move. So stop bothering. [3] You can't please everyone
on earth. But, you can create a heathy ecosystem (your community). Build a
community you feel excited about. Their feedback allows you to contribute more.
[4] Build your own rules and say NO. You are driving your own car on the highway
called life. You know what your talents/weaknesses are. And, how fast you can
drive. You know if you wish to stop and take a break. You know if you need to
trust hitchhikers and allow them in your car. You know your rules, live by them.
[5] Arguing is a waste of time. - Why am I homeschooling my son? - Why do I post
photos with him? - Why do I own an AC as a minimalist? There are things that you
should be responsible for justifying. And, then there are things you shouldn't
justify. For example: If I tell you, that I eat 1 sweet dish a day, you might be
inclined to argue with me that is very unhealthy. But, if I am working out for
30 mins and eat well otherwise, I see no problem (had a sumptuous meal at this
restaurant!) You have limited energy, use it wisely. Don't bother arguing. You
know what you are doing. )


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Bhavya Kumar

Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) | Middle East
Lead | Digital | Financial Institutions | Board Member | Investor | Father |

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Akshat Shrivastava Well said! Accountability of yourself is the KEY! The battle
is lost when one blames someone else for one’s own misery..

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Global Hindu

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People ask you questions and raise concerns because you preach wrong practices
to people who follow you. Our India has the best Education and best culture for
kids. If everyone who earns good money leave India then how will our economy
develop? And you expect people to keep quiet when you post anything against the
best interest of our Motherland? You will regret leaving India because Humara
Bharat Mahaan hai aur rahega.

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Swati Kothari

Design | Customer Success Management | Change & Communication | Product

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Love this line - "You have limited energy, use it wisely. Don't bother arguing."
Reminds me of a popular Keanu Reeves quote - I’m at the stage in my life where I
keep myself out of arguments. Even if you tell me 1+1=5. You’re absolutely
correct, enjoy.” Thanks for the reminder Akshat Shrivastava

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Praveen Kumar

Founder & CEO, Disenosys | Automotive Design Training & Hiring Partners | Design
Engineer Placements | Ex-Ford | Ex-Daimler | Ex-Jaguar Land Rover | Ex-GM

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Saving this post Akshat Shrivastava. I second you, i usually don't care about
what others think about me. That always keeps me at peace. So I don't care to
reply back to idiots. But it the person on the other side has a genuine doubt or
has made a genuine argument, I spare my time to show them my way of thinking -
but won't argue that it's the right way of thought. Everyone has their own
perspectives. It's ok to agree to fools and move on than stay back and fight.

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2 Reaktionen 3 Reaktionen
Shiv Tallam

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People are missing the big picture over here - which restaurant, where and what
was good?

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Maj Gen SQ Ahmed (R)

Motivational Speaker | Financial Management | Organisational Leadership |
Training (HR) and Mentoring| Security & Administration | SCM | Aviation | UN

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Well said Akshat, one is accountable to oneself, and if one is honest in one’s
efforts nothing else matters. Eventually things fall in place n those who are
jealous of ur growth, they would find one or the other way to get back to you……
so no one should bother about that. Walk like a TIGER, fearless 👍

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Priyanka Modi

Founder @Educationnext.in | Worldschooling Education Lead | Exploring Future of
Living and Learning

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When you know why you are doing what you are doing - you own it completely.

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Deepthi Hegde

TEDx Speaker | Empowering Mid career Introverts to excel in their career, master
confident communication & earn up to 3x more | NLP Practitioner | Mrs World
International Finalist 2022 | Mentor | Author

3 Wochen
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These steps offer valuable insights into regaining confidence and resilience.
Embrace accountability, focus on your community, set boundaries, and conserve
energy by avoiding unnecessary arguments. Empowering advice!

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Narasimhan Raghavan

Cofounder IMPRZD | Automating Word-of-Mouth Marketing

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Criticising your views / choice is different from criticising you. People can
respect you and still criticise. In Indian values, we often don’t distinguish
between the two. it is never a bad idea to disagree and debate in a civil way

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Ayush Tayal

Social Media Manager| Entrepreneur| Helping visionaries to create personal brand
with the power of social media

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By embracing accountability, selective reception, community building,
boundary-setting, and wise energy allocation, you've taken significant strides
towards reclaiming your confidence and living life on your own terms. Keep
embracing your journey of self-discovery and growth!

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 * Mohammed kamshyad K A
   Accountant | Investor| Financial Management | Financial Analyst | Zoho |
   Quickbook |
   3 Wochen
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   Regaining Confidence: 5 Empowering Steps to Take Control and Stop Worrying
   About Criticism
   Akshat Shrivastava Akshat Shrivastava ist Influencer:in
   Founder@Wisdom Hatch | Become a better investor --> WisdomHatch.com
   3 Wochen Bearbeitet
   If anyone criticised me, I used to take it to personally. And, bothered about
   it for months. Growing up, this was mentally unhealthy. And, it killed my
   confidence. These 5 steps allowed me to win my confidence back! [1] You are
   accountable for yourself: your money, your health, your life. It might sound
   selfish-- but it is true. If you don't think you are in control, you won't
   be. You will always pick the easiest path to blame others. [2] If you don't
   respect a person, don't bother about their criticism. We live in a world,
   where even if you donate all your body parts, there will still be a fraction
   of people who will still criticise your move. So stop bothering. [3] You
   can't please everyone on earth. But, you can create a heathy ecosystem (your
   community). Build a community you feel excited about. Their feedback allows
   you to contribute more. [4] Build your own rules and say NO. You are driving
   your own car on the highway called life. You know what your
   talents/weaknesses are. And, how fast you can drive. You know if you wish to
   stop and take a break. You know if you need to trust hitchhikers and allow
   them in your car. You know your rules, live by them. [5] Arguing is a waste
   of time. - Why am I homeschooling my son? - Why do I post photos with him? -
   Why do I own an AC as a minimalist? There are things that you should be
   responsible for justifying. And, then there are things you shouldn't justify.
   For example: If I tell you, that I eat 1 sweet dish a day, you might be
   inclined to argue with me that is very unhealthy. But, if I am working out
   for 30 mins and eat well otherwise, I see no problem (had a sumptuous meal at
   this restaurant!) You have limited energy, use it wisely. Don't bother
   arguing. You know what you are doing. )
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 * Suhail Khan
   Project Management Professional (PMP)® | Certified Product Manager CPM™ |
   Certified Scrum Product Owner CSPO®
   3 Wochen
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   Cannot agree more
   Akshat Shrivastava Akshat Shrivastava ist Influencer:in
   Founder@Wisdom Hatch | Become a better investor --> WisdomHatch.com
   3 Wochen Bearbeitet
   If anyone criticised me, I used to take it to personally. And, bothered about
   it for months. Growing up, this was mentally unhealthy. And, it killed my
   confidence. These 5 steps allowed me to win my confidence back! [1] You are
   accountable for yourself: your money, your health, your life. It might sound
   selfish-- but it is true. If you don't think you are in control, you won't
   be. You will always pick the easiest path to blame others. [2] If you don't
   respect a person, don't bother about their criticism. We live in a world,
   where even if you donate all your body parts, there will still be a fraction
   of people who will still criticise your move. So stop bothering. [3] You
   can't please everyone on earth. But, you can create a heathy ecosystem (your
   community). Build a community you feel excited about. Their feedback allows
   you to contribute more. [4] Build your own rules and say NO. You are driving
   your own car on the highway called life. You know what your
   talents/weaknesses are. And, how fast you can drive. You know if you wish to
   stop and take a break. You know if you need to trust hitchhikers and allow
   them in your car. You know your rules, live by them. [5] Arguing is a waste
   of time. - Why am I homeschooling my son? - Why do I post photos with him? -
   Why do I own an AC as a minimalist? There are things that you should be
   responsible for justifying. And, then there are things you shouldn't justify.
   For example: If I tell you, that I eat 1 sweet dish a day, you might be
   inclined to argue with me that is very unhealthy. But, if I am working out
   for 30 mins and eat well otherwise, I see no problem (had a sumptuous meal at
   this restaurant!) You have limited energy, use it wisely. Don't bother
   arguing. You know what you are doing. )
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 * Abhishek Sharma
   Experienced Java Developer & Agile Leader | Engineering Team Management &
   Driving Product Innovation
   3 Wochen
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   Summary: Criticism used to deeply affect me, lingering for months and
   damaging my confidence. But I've reclaimed my self-assurance through these
   steps: [1] Take accountability for your life, health, and choices. Blaming
   others only hinders progress. [2] Disregard criticism from those you don't
   respect. Not everyone will approve of your actions, so focus on those who
   matter. [3] Prioritize building a supportive community that fosters growth
   and constructive feedback. [4] Establish your own boundaries and stick to
   them. You control your journey and decisions. [5] Avoid wasting energy on
   pointless arguments. Focus on justifying actions that matter and conserve
   energy for what truly counts. Akshat Shrivastava
   Akshat Shrivastava Akshat Shrivastava ist Influencer:in
   Founder@Wisdom Hatch | Become a better investor --> WisdomHatch.com
   3 Wochen Bearbeitet
   If anyone criticised me, I used to take it to personally. And, bothered about
   it for months. Growing up, this was mentally unhealthy. And, it killed my
   confidence. These 5 steps allowed me to win my confidence back! [1] You are
   accountable for yourself: your money, your health, your life. It might sound
   selfish-- but it is true. If you don't think you are in control, you won't
   be. You will always pick the easiest path to blame others. [2] If you don't
   respect a person, don't bother about their criticism. We live in a world,
   where even if you donate all your body parts, there will still be a fraction
   of people who will still criticise your move. So stop bothering. [3] You
   can't please everyone on earth. But, you can create a heathy ecosystem (your
   community). Build a community you feel excited about. Their feedback allows
   you to contribute more. [4] Build your own rules and say NO. You are driving
   your own car on the highway called life. You know what your
   talents/weaknesses are. And, how fast you can drive. You know if you wish to
   stop and take a break. You know if you need to trust hitchhikers and allow
   them in your car. You know your rules, live by them. [5] Arguing is a waste
   of time. - Why am I homeschooling my son? - Why do I post photos with him? -
   Why do I own an AC as a minimalist? There are things that you should be
   responsible for justifying. And, then there are things you shouldn't justify.
   For example: If I tell you, that I eat 1 sweet dish a day, you might be
   inclined to argue with me that is very unhealthy. But, if I am working out
   for 30 mins and eat well otherwise, I see no problem (had a sumptuous meal at
   this restaurant!) You have limited energy, use it wisely. Don't bother
   arguing. You know what you are doing. )
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 * UAB Medicine Office of Wellness
   560 Follower:innen
   11 Monate
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   We all have things in our lives that are too heavy to carry alone. It could
   be a burden, a responsibility, or a problem. Whatever it is, it's important
   to remember that you don't have to carry it alone. There are people who care
   about you and want to help. There are resources available to you. And there
   are always ways to lighten the load. So if you're feeling overwhelmed, don't
   hesitate to reach out for help. There is no shame in asking for help. In
   fact, it's a sign of strength. Remember, you are not alone. We are all in
   this together. Here are some tips for asking for help: Be honest about what
   you're struggling with. Don't be afraid to ask for specific help. Be open to
   receiving help from different people. Be grateful for the help you receive.
   Remember, you are not alone. We are all in this together. #mentalhealth
   #selfcare #wellbeing #support #community #healing #strength #courage #hope
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 * Mark Burlinson Communication Coaching
   189 Follower:innen
   5 Monate
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   Why don’t people ask for help? We are an independent bunch, aren’t we?! It
   can be hard to ask for help, whether through embarrassment or pride, even
   when we know help would benefit us. Our culture decries weakness;
   incompetence is anathema, and everyone else seems to be doing great. The
   curse of social media is that we filter out failure and mediocrity, sharing
   only the best and most impressive fragments of our lives. We are often our
   own worst enemy; that deep-seated belief that it’s unacceptable to ask for
   help (whether inherited or self-inflicted) is hard to break. Admitting need
   seems so un-American. After all, aren’t we the greatest nation? Isn’t it our
   birthright to be the strong and the brave? I meet many people who can
   flourish with a little help. I’m not discussing cultivating dependence on
   outside sources (government or charity). Rather, I’m sounding the call for
   interdependence to replace independence, for community that offers mutal
   help, rather than the insipid results produced by self-help alone. There are
   two mistakes to avoid. The first is to go it alone. We need what you have,
   and we have what you need. Let's collaborate and grow together. The second
   mistake is more subtle, and thus easy to make. It is to promote community by
   giving to others without accepting what they have to offer you. If you are
   making a difference by helping others, bravo! Kudos to you for recognizing
   that independent strength isolates and impoverishes. You've taken a massive
   step forward to offer your strengths for the benefit of others. Why not take
   a moment now and mentally look around you. Who has something to offer you?
   How might you become even stronger as a resource to others by asking for help
   or input from someone in your circle who has a strength you lack? Let's
   benefit one another by receiving as well as giving. Maybe I can help you? How
   can you help me?
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 * Rishi Pratap Desai
   HR Manager at Munim ERP Pvt Ltd. & Identixweb Limited
   8 Monate
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   Good Morning, Title: The Beauty of Helping Others In our fast-paced world,
   the simple act of helping others can create profound positive impacts.
   Whether through a smile, a lending hand, or a thoughtful gesture, the act of
   helping not only benefits those in need but also nurtures our own well-being.
   1. Spread Happiness Helping others can brighten their day and yours. A small
   act of kindness, like holding the door or offering a compliment, can create
   an immediate sense of happiness and connection. 2. Strengthen Bonds When we
   help friends, family, or strangers, it strengthens our relationships and
   builds a sense of community. Acts of kindness are the glue that binds us
   together. 3. Boost Self-Esteem Helping others boosts our self-esteem. Knowing
   we've made a positive impact fosters a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
   4. Create a Ripple Effect Small actions inspire others to do the same. Your
   good deeds can set off a chain reaction of kindness, making the world a
   better place. 5. Improve Well-being Research shows that helping others
   reduces stress and improves mental health. It's a win-win, benefiting both
   the giver and the receiver. 6. Make a Difference Every small act counts.
   Whether it's donating to a cause or simply offering assistance, your actions
   can change lives for the better. In essence, helping others is a simple yet
   profound way to make the world a brighter, kinder place. So, embrace
   opportunities to lend a hand and experience the joy of making a positive
   impact in someone's life today. #letsconnect #helpinghands #positivevibes
   #motivation #goodmorning
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 * Charles Butler
   Reverse Mortgage Consultant | NMLS #2262315 Licensed in California, Texas,
   Oregon and Washington States
   11 Monate
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   Yes, we are totally exposed when we are vulnerable. Yes, we are in the
   torture chamber that we call uncertainty. And, yes, we’re taking a huge
   emotional risk when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. 👉Most people
   associate the idea of vulnerability with weakness. They want to avoid being
   vulnerable in any capacity so they are not taken advantage of or hurt. The
   need to protect oneself is logical. If you put up walls, then no one can hurt
   you. But that also means that no one can connect with you. 👉Every time we
   open up to others, it is a risk because we don’t know how they are going to
   respond. But this risk is necessary in order to have emotional intimacy with
   others. Taking a risk is what is essential to have those deep and meaningful
   connections that we long for. 👉Choosing to be vulnerable means choosing to
   be authentic. Letting others see us for who we really are can provide an
   opportunity for us to be loved and valued for our authentic selves. This
   leads to feelings of joy and belonging. Making the choice to be vulnerable is
   not comfortable, but most of the rewarding things in life that require
   courage are uncomfortable and come with great risk. 👉It takes great courage
   to take a risk and be vulnerable. But without taking this risk, we won’t
   experience the rewards of vulnerability. ✅Talk To Someone Now If
   you’re thinking about suicide, or have anxiety, depressed, or any other life
   crisis that you are currently having or if you are worried about a friend or
   loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available
   24/7 across the United States. ✅You can TEXT 988 or visit 988lifeline.org
   ✅Remember "You are not alone." Crossroads Opportunity Strengthening and
   Promoting Awareness 501c3 Nonprofit Organization Charles Butler Founder
   #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #yougotthis #youcandoanything #health #helpingothers #helpingfamilies #weareinthistogether #trendingnow #trendingtopic #nonprofit #mentalhealth #bekindtoyourself #bekindalways #yougotthis #usa #people #society #youarenotalone #youareworthy
   #connecting #connectingwithothers Charles Butler #thursdaythoughts
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 * Ann Keaney
   Cutting-Edge Sales Strategies for service based business leaders, CEOs and
   sellers | Creator of Peak Sales Performance® | 20 Year High Ticket Sales
   Trainer & 7-Figure Scale Coach | Top Ranked Sales Podcast Host
   2 Monate
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   You can’t make excuses and be successful. It’s not gonna happen. The last
   time I made an excuse, I was broke. I was born into the foster care system. I
   was molested, abused and starved every day of my life. I lived in poverty at
   its lowest until I was 25 years old. I was a single mom collecting $363 in
   food stamps per month. Excuses are a copout. It’s your way of not doing the
   scary things required to get what YOU say you want. Period. I had no support.
   No education. No money. No confidence and no business training. I suffered
   from debilitating PTSD and an eating disorder from all the abuse. I was so
   insecure and broken. I had nothing. No one. I run a million dollar business
   today and live a life I NEVER could have dreamed of. And I didn’t get here by
   chance. It wasn’t luck. I had ZERO handouts. In fact, everyone told me I was
   stupid and would never be anything. ALL ODDS were against me. That did not
   stop me. I was RELENTLESS. There wasn’t anything that was going to stop me
   from BREAKING the BROKE cycle my family of generations instilled into me. I
   was SO conditioned to believe I was meant to be poor. To struggle. To be
   nothing. And to have absolutely nothing. I was convinced making money was
   hard. And that I wasn’t “cut from cloth” of those with money. Haha…what can I
   say, I love a challenge. I called bluff on all this BS and I worked my A$$
   off to get here. If you think for one second you don’t have to do the same,
   you’re sadly mistaken and will be greatly disappointed. If you want this, you
   better get after it. There are no handouts. No one is straightening your
   crown for you. No one is pulling out a seat at the table for you. And no one
   is applauding you. You have to BE HUNGRY for this. You have to willing to get
   uncomfortable, take risks and FIND the resources you need to get the help you
   need. I will never feel sorry for anyone who says “I can’t afford it”. You
   know what I say to that? You don’t want it bad enough. And that’s okay, but
   just be real with yourself. #IsaidWhatIsaid #unapologetic #WorkForIt I have
   EARNED everything I have. And you will have to as well.
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 * Bethy Write
   Compelling Content Writer|| I use meaningful Ideas to craft copies that helps
   brands struggling with visibility to gain 10x Audience |Keynote Speaker 👩💻
   1 Monat Bearbeitet
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   While trying to please the World, don't forget to check up on yourself too.
   Everyone deserves to be happy including you. Don't make everyone happy only
   to go home sad. Don't satisfy everyone and end up disappointing yourself.
   Charity begins with you.📌 Don't allow yourself to loose you, because those
   people need you alive to look our for them, try to balance life. 🔆God Bless
   everyone who looks out for others, especially those too busy to look out for
   themselves. Note: Self care is a way of securing your mental state. The
   Goodness you show others should start with you. PS: Let's do well to look for
   one another even on LinkedIn. Life is becoming more complex daily. I love you
   all. Connect with me, let's learn and look out for each others progress,
   wellbeing and achievement in life. #motivation #linkedingrowth
   #openfornewopportunities #opentoconnect
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 * Rahul Sharma
   Government Affairs I Marketing Communication
   11 Monate Bearbeitet
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   Charity begins at home. Be kind to yourself first. Kids facing pressure of
   education, grownup facing pressure of work.. Being kind to yourself is very
   important because it can have a positive impact on your mental and physical
   health. When you are kind to yourself, you are more likely to: - Feel happier
   and more content. - Have more self-confidence. - Be more resilient in the
   face of challenges. - Make better decisions. - Take better care of yourself.
   - Be more productive. - Have better relationships. Being kind to yourself is
   a skill that takes time and practice to develop. But it's worth it.
   #lifestyle #kindnessmatters #wellbeing
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