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The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call that describes what to expect and considers
the choices and options that we all will face.
(Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott – The 100-year life)

The 100-Year Life is the challenges and the intelligent choices everyone of any
age must make to turn greater life expectancy into a gift and not a curse.

Whilst life expectancy has increased for decades, society continues to structure
lives in the same way as the past; we learn, we work, we retire.

The way forward is a multistage life, not determined by our actual age; rather
by the phase of life we are experiencing.

Gone is the traditional retirement age of sixty-five; now with healthy choices
and medical advances we will outlive our parents by 10 years, and our children
will outlive us by 20 years!


The 100-year life makes it imperative to future proof tomorrow as our finances
must stretch not for the traditional 10-15 years after retirement, but rather
15-30 years!

This is a call to action for individuals; people like you and me, that a
100-year life can be a wonderful and inspiring one. If you have planned? Are
prepared? Have you future proofed tomorrow, beginning today?




1.  Protect self and family from the financial consequences …
Death of the breadwinner(s) … Severe or Critical illnesses … Inability to work
….In your business … Loss of key people, partners … Planning an exit strategy
from the business …  Use the business to provide for retirement planning.

2. Estate and Tax Planning …
Take extra care if you have assets in multiple countries
Wills, take steps to minimise inheritance taxes, ensure heirs have access to
Selecting executors and guardians wisely, living & testamentary trusts

3. Savings & Investments to meet certain goals …
Invest monthly and or with lump sums
To educate children
Invest in property
For that special holiday
Create savings and wealth in hard currency

4. Retirement planning for a 100-year life …
Traditionally retirement was sixty-five. No longer as you will live much much
longer. The question is, “Will you be able to retain your quality of life? ”
Healthy living, better lifestyle choices and medical advances means we will
outlive our parents by 10 years, and our children will outlive us by 20 years!

The 100-year life demands working longer. How much longer depends on your wealth
and the passive income it provides (Money at work while you are doing your
favourite “things.”) It is not safe and is risky to keep money in a bank.
Inflation is mostly higher than bank interest rates. If you do not earn more
than inflation on your investments you are going backwards, getting poorer.
Wealth must grow above inflation! Look at the table and the years it takes to
double wealth.   

One job, One career, One home, One retirement location … is a disappearing way
of life!

Diversification in investments is key …
Africa represents 3%, South Africa 0,6% of global GDP; The USA 13,6% The EU
15,4% The UK 2,1% No one country or asset class is the complete investment

Protection of wealth …
Cost effective solutions exist to protect wealth from creditors, partnerships
that have gone bad, governments and tax authorities that are overzealous from
estate, probate costs, executors’ fees, and inheritance taxes

START … now, BE in control!


Investors seek certainty and predictability. Profitable, from DAY 1,  medical
commercial real estate in fast-growing states and cities across the USA provide
stable dividend income that is above average!

USA Essential Medical Services is booming
The trend toward USA outpatient care is unrelenting! Healthcare providers view
this as a primary strategy for keeping down patient costs and increasing the
productivity of medical facilities. 

Populations in advanced economies are living longer
Medical technology and better Lifestyle choices for this ageing population
translates to increasing amounts being spent on healthcare. In the USA 10 000
people are turning 65 every day (Requiring 4x as many physician visits as the
younger population).

And, millennials are settling down and forming families; this will add further
pressure on essential medical services.

The Sunshine States
The Southern states (And Cities) in the USA are tending to grow faster than the
USA average. Populations are migrating south following lifestyle choices and
economic opportunity. Like retiring and near retiring citizens, and young
families seeking the “sun.” Certainly, there are areas in the north like New
Jersey that are bucking the trend, and the Group has invested in these states,
however the majority of investment is in states like Arizona, Texas and Florida.

Business Model
The group business model is to purchase medical infrastructure facilities, in
states and cities that offer above average yield and future growth over 5-6
years. As the medical building(s) start to offer optimal returns, it is sold,
and investors share in the profit. Importantly, from Day 1 the investment
provides “cash on cash” dividend income, paid quarterly. On sale, most investors
choose to roll into the next available project.


Arbitrage is a risk-free investment that profits from inefficiencies in the

What is Arbitrage?
Arbitrage is the practice of buying and selling an asset in order to profit from
a difference in price. Arbitrage can exist because of inefficiencies in the
market. The secret to successful arbitrage is knowing in advance what the asset
can be purchased for and what it can be sold for! This becomes a risk-free way
to earn a profit.

This concept can be used to describe any asset being bought and sold for a
profit; it refers to apples, oil, gold, stocks, bonds, currencies, and other
financial instruments including crypto. Watch the short video on arbitrage.

 What is Crypto arbitrage?
The concept of crypto arbitrage is to buy crypto while simultaneously selling it
at a higher price, profiting from the difference in price. Since the
transactions occur at the same time, there is no holding period; this is a
risk-free profit strategy.

Why is Crypto ideally suited to arbitrage?
The price of cryptos are quoted on electronic exchanges and electronic
transactions occur in milliseconds and can be recorded on the blockchain ledger.

What is Blockchain in simple words?
Blockchain defined: Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger (Cannot be changed)
that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a
business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or
intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding) This includes
arbitrage by Crypto.
With crypto transactions, information is decentralized, meaning no single person
or group has control; rather, all users collectively retain control.
Decentralized blockchains are immutable, which means that the data entered is

Why is Arbitrage by Crypto an ultra-low risk investment? With crypto arbitrage,
it is possible to lock in the buy and sell trade prices, then execute the trade
simultaneously; this is risk free arbitrage. Unlike other assets that are bought
and sold for profit, the huge advantage of crypto is the ability to lock in the
buy and sell price n advance. If the trade is not suitable it is not executed.

Trades are only executed if the result is positive profit for the investor



Enjoy the freedom of MULTI-Residency and Citizenship
In exchange for an investment in the economy of the chosen country, investors
are granted residency and citizenship. This includes the immediate family
(Spouse/partner, children, parents and parents in law)

Golden VISA programs are invested in for many reasons and many benefits
► Travel Visa Free | Pleasure & Business
► Work | Business Opportunities

► First world | Healthcare | Education
► Holiday Home | New Beginnings

► Plan B security | “In the back pocket”
► Property Rentals | Currency Hedge

Quality Group is well versed on Residency and Citizenship programs on offer
around the world and provide a full service from start to finish, including
property investment and applications for Golden VISA for residency and

Inspection Trips
For Cyprus, Greece and Portugal check out our inspection trips

Europe | EU Cyprus
The Cyprus EU citizenship program is for life and future descendants. A
desirable destination for those who wish to establish a PLAN B or relocate and
enjoy the familiarity of law, sports & hobbies, customs, and the English
language as found in former British colonies.

Regarded as one of the premier residency programs for EU Europe; approval is
within 60-90 days and residence permits are issued thereafter.  Residents have
the same rights as citizens to healthcare and Education.

Europe | EU Portugal
Since the program’s inception in 2012, more than 18 000 investors and family
members have benefited from the Portugal Golden Visa program. The programs
minimum stay requirements to acquire EU citizenship is fantastic .

Investors and families can holiday in Portugal easily meeting the required 35
days of residency over 5 years. This qualifies investors and families to
Permanent Residency and  EU citizenship after 5 years.

The quality of life, the low cost of living, and personal safety are some of
reasons that place Portugal at the top of the list of EU Golden VISA programs.
Families immediately can work in Portugal and have immediate Schengen VISA
travel rights.

Europe | EU Greece
The most affordable Golden VISA program in the EU. At €250 000 invested in
property the program offers residency and Schengen VISA free travel in the EU
countries. There are no minimum stay requirements for Greece. One can come and
go with no restrictions. Property may be rented.

The program launched in 2013 and enables non-EU nationals and their family
members to obtain permanent residence in Greece. The duration of this type of
Residence Permit is 5 years and it can be renewed indefinitely (for a 5-year
period each time) provided that the property is owned by the applicant.

Grenada Caribbean, a Commonwealth Country
The Grenada citizenship program offers amazing visa-free travel to over 140
countries including the European Union Schengen zone (27 countries), the UK,
China, Russia, and USA access. 

The program includes children up to age 30, unmarried siblings and parents. In
addition, the special treaty with the USA enables Grenada citizens to live and
invest/start a business in the USA (E2 visa) This this can evolve into USA green
card residency and citizenship

COMBO | EU Residency (Cyprus or Greece) & Grenada
The COMBO has been developed in response to persons and families requiring
immediate global citizenship, travel rights VISA free, and  EU residency rights.

The COMBO brings to life the practical, affordable, value for money, concept of
the Global CITIZEN

The Key Benefits of the COMBO EU Golden VISA and Grenada Citizenship
►Grenada Citizenship & EU Residency
►For Life & Future generations

►Travel VISA free to over 140 countries, including the UK, Schengen countries,
Russia, China, USA (Long stay tourist visa)

►Huge Tax and Estate planning incentives
►Education including medicine.

►Long stay rights, UK up to 6 months, Schengen 90 days every 180 days

►USA E2 VISA, start a business, work, education, no minimum stay requirements.
After 5 years can apply for USA Green card status (Leading to citizenship)

Only proof of clear criminal record and supporting family documents required. No
age, education, occupation, nationality, restrictions.

Contact Quality Group for more information on the combo or other countries.


Earning a reliable and predictable return uncorrelated to markets is the huge
attraction of fixed income investments.

What Is Fixed Yield Income?
Fixed Yield Income broadly refers to those types of investments that pay
investors fixed interest, or dividends, or profit-sharing payments until the
maturity date. At maturity, investors are repaid the principal amount (The
capital) they had invested.

Government and corporate bonds are the most common types of fixed-income
products. The payments of a fixed-income return is known in advance, unlike
equities that may or not pay to investors.

What class of assets is this?
Often referred to as alternative asset investment, that is uncorrelated to
market forces; like cash, bonds and equities

Why are alternative assets like Fixed Income attractive?
Their returns have a lower correlation to traditional asset classes (Cash, Bonds
and Equities) and are increasingly being used to offset market volatility and
generate higher returns, especially during periods of low yields.

Many alternative assets also provide a hedge against inflation.

Should I invest in alternative investments?
Alternatives are independent of broad market trends and rely more on the
strength of each specific investment; With the low correlation to traditional
asset classes, alternatives is a beneficial method to diversify your portfolio.


Global individual and family protection is a necessity

Severe illness | Disability | Death.The BEST medical care can be obtained, if
one can afford it, as it is priced in US Dollars. If one suffers a dreaded
disease or severe illness the costs are normally calculated in hard currency and
in soft currency countries it a very real problem.

Severe illness | Disability | Death.  A disability is any condition of the body
or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the
condition to do certain activities.  This can be temporary or permanent. Money
is needed for resources to help the person recuperate or adjust to their
impaired lifestyle.

Severe illness | Disability | Death.  The financial impact caused by death can
be enormous. From providing cash for “food and shelter” to relocation, paying
off debts, education of children, to lifestyle consequences! Two “breadwinners”
becomes one or one “breadwinner” becomes none! The monthly bills don’t change
much. And then there is taxes and fees to wind up an estate. A family might be
asset rich but cash poor. Result assets are sold off at discounted prices to pay
debts, executors fees and inheritance taxes.llar life pays into any nominated
bank account in the world.


” “

The Question –  “Is student accommodation still a good investment?”
The closure of campuses during the height of the pandemic meant less demand for
student accommodation, but that has all changed, as students get to return to
universities. Now the demand is outstripping supply, which makes student
accommodation an opportunity for investors. In fact, it is one of real estate
sectors that has proved resilient for many reasons!

There is continued strong investor interest in PBSA (Purpose Built Student
Accommodation) across Europe and the UK, driven by rising total numbers of
students and a strong growth in international student numbers – Savills Oct 2022
Global Report

Higher Education Demand
“We expect this trend to continue over the coming years, as the number of young
people  (15 -19-year-olds) is forecast to rise by 5.8% by 2027. At the same
time, many European markets are facing a significant undersupply of PBSA stock,
which is resulting in strong rental growth.

These factors are driving investment in student accommodation, which has risen
by 16% in 2022 – Q3 compared with 2021. The average undersupply across European
cities is currently 12.5%.

Across the European cities Savills monitors, approximately 14 500 PBSA new
beds were delivered in 2022, yet this was still not enough to meet the increase
in student numbers

Public Student Accommodation
The public student housing market represents 63% of total student beds, on
average across Europe, meaning the vast majority of existing stock is outdated
and of relatively poor quality compared to private student accommodation (PBSA)

Investment in Private Student Accommodation (Q3-2022)
● €11.7 Billion invested in PBSA across Europe
● Return to investors 4.15% across Europe
● From 3.5% in Copenhagen to 6.0% in Sevilla
● Yields have remained stable over the past 12 months
● Forecasted growth in young population across Europe 302 000 (2027)

A Hedge for Investors
The PBSA sector has continued to show that it is counter-cyclical, with student
numbers increasing in uncertain economic times. A good opportunity for investors
to balance their portfolios in times of economic downturn. It represents a
strong asset class and the positive sentiment in this sector demonstrates the
confidence investors have in its resilience and ability to provide secure

Future Growth in Student Numbers
According to Oxford Economics, UK, the student-aged population (15-19) in the
major European cities is forecast to rise on average by 5.8% over the next five
years (compared to a decline of 0.7% from 2017-2022), reversing the declining

The positive trend will be seen in the majority of European cities, but mostly
in Southern Europe as well as in Ireland. 

The increasing availability of English-taught courses and the wealth of cultural
experiences on offer in Europe will continue to attract domestic (European) and
international students.

Demand for Quality PBSA
International students often enjoy higher budgets, and more are demanding for
quality facilities. We expect to see a rise in demand for purpose-built student
housing. Current annual average occupancy rates are high across Europe, ranging
from 95% to 98%, unchanged from last year. With thanks to Marcus Roberts, Head
of Europe – Savills Operational Capital Markets

►PBSA is one of the only real estate sectors to have seen a positive increase in
total investment volume in 2022.

►The sector has continued to show that it is counter-cyclical, with large
numbers of young people entering higher education during challenging
macroeconomic periods (likely linked to their perceptions of a weakening job
market and so employment prospects).

►PBSA represents a good opportunity for investors to balance their portfolios,
with strong demand feeding through to high occupancy levels and resilient income

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