www.loveafare.com.sg Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://crm1.ascentismedia.com/MatrixCRM2/CommunicationsCentre/publicpages/LinkTrackers.aspx?link=NB2HI4DTHIXS653XO4XGY33WMVQWM...
Effective URL: https://www.loveafare.com.sg/festive-promo
Submission: On January 07 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 15 forms found in the DOM

Name: search_form1POST shop-search

<form id="search_form1" name="search_form1" method="post" action="shop-search" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return do_search(1);">
  <input type="text" id="search_keyword1" name="search_keyword1" maxlength="30" value="" placeholder="Type to search...">

Name: search_form2POST shop-search

<form id="search_form2" name="search_form2" method="post" action="shop-search" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return do_search(2);">
  <input type="text" id="search_keyword2" name="search_keyword2" maxlength="30" value="" placeholder="Type to search...">

Name: sort_formPOST shop-search

<form id="sort_form" name="sort_form" method="post" action="shop-search" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <input type="hidden" id="search_keyword" name="search_keyword" value="">
  <select id="sort_keyword" name="sort_keyword" onchange="javascript:do_sort();">
    <option value="Popularity">Sort By Popularity</option>
    <option value="Latest" selected="selected">Sort By Latest</option>
    <option value="Price">Sort By Price</option>

Name: b1g1_form /index.php

<form id="b1g1_form" name="b1g1_form" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div id="b1g1_layer"></div>

Name: contact_formPOST /index.php

<form id="contact_form" name="contact_form" method="post" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <input type="hidden" id="contact_captcha_token" name="contact_captcha_token" value="">
  <input type="hidden" id="contact_country" name="contact_country" value="Singapore">
  <input type="hidden" id="contact_brands" name="contact_brands" value="Love, Afare">
  <input type="hidden" id="contact_outlet" name="contact_outlet" value="JUMBO HQ">
  <div class="allformpage-text">Contact Us</div>
  <div class="descriptive-text">Please fill in your details below. </div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="form custom-select formleft">
    <select id="contact_subject" name="contact_subject">
      <option value="" selected="">SUBJECT *</option>
      <option value="Enquiries">Enquiries</option>
      <option value="Feedback">Feedback</option>
      <!--<option value="Membership Enquiries">Membership Enquiries</option>-->
    <div class="select-selected">SUBJECT *</div>
    <div class="select-items select-hide">
      <div>SUBJECT *</div>
  <div class="form custom-select formright">
    <select id="contact_salutation" name="contact_salutation">
      <option value="" selected="">SALUTATION *</option>
      <option value="Mr">Mr</option>
      <option value="Ms">Ms</option>
      <option value="Mrs">Mrs</option>
      <option value="Mdm">Mdm</option>
      <option value="Dr">Dr</option>
      <!--<option value="Professor">Professor</option>
            <option value="Datuk">Datuk</option>
            <option value="Datin">Datin</option>
            <option value="Tan Sri">Tan Sri</option>
            <option value="Captain">Captain</option>
            <option value="Ambassador">Ambassador</option>-->
    <div class="select-selected">SALUTATION *</div>
    <div class="select-items select-hide">
      <div>SALUTATION *</div>
  <div class="form formleft">
    <label class="order-form-label">Surname *</label>
    <input type="text" id="contact_lastname" name="contact_lastname" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formright">
    <label class="order-form-label">Given Name *</label>
    <input type="text" id="contact_firstname" name="contact_firstname" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formleft">
    <label class="order-form-label">Contact Number *</label>
    <input type="text" id="contact_telephone" name="contact_telephone" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formright">
    <label class="order-form-label">Email Address *</label>
    <input type="text" id="contact_email" name="contact_email" placeholder="" maxlength="50" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form changeswidth clearboth">
    <div><label>COMMENTS *</label></div>
    <div><textarea id="contact_comments" name="contact_comments" class="required"></textarea></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-10 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form clear-both fullwidth">
    <div class="promotionform">
      <div class="promotionform-column1"><input type="checkbox" id="contact_promotional" name="contact_promotional" value="Yes"></div>
      <div class="promotionform-column2"> By checking the box beside, I am agreeable to receiving promotional materials by Love, Afare and its brands. [<span class="register_newsletter_click inline-text">read more...</span>]<br>
        <div class="register_newsletter_morelayer"><br>If you do not agree with this Agreement and/or do not want your submission considered for any of Love, Afare's and its brands' promotional purposes, including but not limited to online and
          offline advertising materials related to Love, Afare and its brands, do not check <span class="inline-text">the box beside<br><br></span></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth buttonsubmit">
      <div class="grecaptcha-badge" data-style="bottomright"
        style="width: 256px; height: 60px; position: fixed; visibility: hidden; display: block; transition: right 0.3s ease 0s; bottom: 14px; right: -186px; box-shadow: gray 0px 0px 5px; border-radius: 2px; overflow: hidden;">
        <div class="grecaptcha-logo"><iframe title="reCAPTCHA"
            width="256" height="60" role="presentation" name="a-yisnxwxl2vpj" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-modals allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"></iframe>
        <div class="grecaptcha-error"></div><textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response"
          style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid rgb(193, 193, 193); margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none; display: none;"></textarea>
      </div><iframe style="display: none;"></iframe>
    </div><input type="submit" id="contact_submit_button" name="submit" value="Submit" class="g-recaptcha">

Name: account_lock_formPOST

<form id="account_lock_form" name="account_lock_form" method="post" action="">
  <div class="allformpage-text">Vouchers Lock</div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div>Please set password for your vouchers.</div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth">
    <div class="hide"><input type="text" id="lock_username" name="lock_username" value="" autocomplete="username"></div>
    <input type="password" id="lock_password" name="lock_password" placeholder="Password" maxlength="24" value="" class="required" autocomplete="new-password" style="text-align: center;">
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth buttonsubmit">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Name: profile_formPOST /index.php

<form id="profile_form" name="profile_form" method="post" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="header-account-nav">
    <div class="header-account-nav-text allformpage-text">My Account:</div>
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      <div>Welcome </div>
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      <div><a href="javascript:AllPageForm('Logout');" title="Hi! ">Log Out</a></div>
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    <div class="account-nav-break"></div>
    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-3"><a href="javascript:AllPageForm('ReviewHistory');">My Reviews</a></div>
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    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-4"><a href="javascript:AllPageForm('OrderHistory');">My Orders</a></div>
    <div class="account-nav-split"> / </div>
    <div class="account-nav-break"></div>
    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-5"><a href="javascript:AllPageForm('AccountAddressBook');">My Address Book</a></div>
    <div class="account-nav-split"> / </div>
    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-6"><a href="mailto:hello@loveafare.com.sg">Help!</a></div>
  <div class="descriptive-text">View or change your log-in information.</div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-10"></div>
  <div class="form formleft">
    <label class="order-form-label">Surname *</label>
    <input type="text" id="profile_lastname" name="profile_lastname" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formright">
    <label class="order-form-label">Given Name *</label>
    <input type="text" id="profile_firstname" name="profile_firstname" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formleft">
    <label class="order-form-label">Contact Number *</label>
    <input type="text" id="profile_telephone" name="profile_telephone" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formright">
    <label class="order-form-label">Email Address (Use as username) *</label>
    <input type="text" id="profile_email" name="profile_email" placeholder="" maxlength="50" value="" class="required" autocomplete="username" readonly="readonly">
  <div class="padding-bottom-10 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form clear-both fullwidth">
    <div class="promotionform">
      <div class="promotionform-column1"><input type="checkbox" id="profile_newsletter" name="profile_newsletter" value="Yes"></div>
      <div class="promotionform-column2"> By checking the box beside, I am agreeable to receiving promotional materials by Love, Afare and its brands’. [<span class="profile_newsletter_click">read more...</span>]<br>
        <div class="profile_newsletter_morelayer hide"><br>If you do not agree with this Agreement and/or do not want your submission considered for any of Love, Afare's and its brands' promotional purposes, including but not limited to online and
          offline advertising materials related to Love, Afare and its brands, do not check the box beside<br><br></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div style="border-bottom:1px dotted;"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-10"></div>
  <!--<div class="descriptive-text">Please leave blank if you are not intend to change password.</div>-->
  <div class="descriptive-text">Please leave blank if you do not intend to change your password.</div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth">
    <label class="order-form-label">Existing Password *</label>
    <input type="password" id="profile_password0" name="profile_password0" placeholder="" maxlength="24" value="" class="required" autocomplete="new-password">
  <div class="form fullwidth">
    <label class="order-form-label">New Password (between 8 and 24 characters) *</label>
    <input type="password" id="profile_password1" name="profile_password1" placeholder="" maxlength="24" value="" class="required" autocomplete="new-password">
  <div class="form fullwidth clear-both">
    <label class="order-form-label">Retype New Password *</label>
    <input type="password" id="profile_password2" name="profile_password2" placeholder="" maxlength="24" value="" class="required" autocomplete="new-password">
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth buttonsubmit">
    <input type="submit" id="profile_submit" name="submit" value="Save" onclick="javascript:do_profile_click_submit();">

Name: account_favourite_form /index.php

<form id="account_favourite_form" name="account_favourite_form" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="header-account-nav">
    <div class="header-account-nav-text allformpage-text">My Account:</div>
    <div class="header-account-subnav">
      <div>Welcome </div>
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    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-4"><a href="javascript:AllPageForm('OrderHistory');">My Orders</a></div>
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    <div class="account-nav-break"></div>
    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-5"><a href="javascript:AllPageForm('AccountAddressBook');">My Address Book</a></div>
    <div class="account-nav-split"> / </div>
    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-6"><a href="mailto:hello@loveafare.com.sg">Help!</a></div>
  <div id="account_favourite_layer"></div>

Name: review_history_form /index.php

<form id="review_history_form" name="review_history_form" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="header-account-nav">
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    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-6"><a href="mailto:hello@loveafare.com.sg">Help!</a></div>
  <div id="review_history_layer"></div>

Name: order_history_form /index.php

<form id="order_history_form" name="order_history_form" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
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    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-6"><a href="mailto:hello@loveafare.com.sg">Help!</a></div>
  <div id="order_history_layer"></div>

Name: account_address_book_form /index.php

<form id="account_address_book_form" name="account_address_book_form" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="header-account-nav">
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    <div class="account-nav-break"></div>
    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-5"><a href="javascript:AllPageForm('AccountAddressBook');">My Address Book</a></div>
    <div class="account-nav-split"> / </div>
    <div class="account-nav-info account-nav-info-6"><a href="mailto:hello@loveafare.com.sg">Help!</a></div>
  <div id="account_address_book_layer"></div>

Name: logout_formPOST /index.php

<form id="logout_form" name="logout_form" method="post" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="allformpage-text">Account Logout</div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div>You have been logged off <span class="inline-text">your account.</span></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div>It is now safe to leave <span class="inline-text">the computer.</span></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div><input type="button" value="BACK TO E-SHOP" onclick="javascript:parent.location.href='home';"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>

Name: login_formPOST /index.php

<form id="login_form" name="login_form" method="post" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="allformpage-text">Account Login</div>
  <div class="descriptive-text">Please fill in your details below. Click "Login" button to sign in to <span class="inline-text">Love, Afare.</span></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth">
    <label class="order-form-label">Username (Email Address) *</label>
    <input type="text" id="login_username" name="login_username" placeholder="" maxlength="50" value="" class="required" autocomplete="username">
  <div class="form fullwidth">
    <label class="order-form-label">Password *</label>
    <input type="password" id="login_password" name="login_password" placeholder="" maxlength="24" value="" class="required" autocomplete="new-password">
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth buttonsubmit">
    <input type="submit" id="login_submit" name="submit" value="Login" onclick="javascript:do_login_click_submit();">
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="allformpage-smalltext">
    <div>Don't have an account? <a href="javascript:AllPageForm('SignUp');">Let's create one.</a></div>
    <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
    <div>Forgot your password? <a href="javascript:AllPageForm('Forgotten');">Let's recover it.</a></div>

Name: forgotten_formPOST /index.php

<form id="forgotten_form" name="forgotten_form" method="post" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="allformpage-text">Retrieve Forgotten Password</div>
  <div class="descriptive-text">Please enter the email address or contact number associated with your account. Click "Send" button to have a password reset link e-mailed to you.</div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth">
    <label class="order-form-label">Username (Email Address) *</label>
    <input type="text" id="forgotten_username" name="forgotten_username" placeholder="" maxlength="50" value="" class="required" autocomplete="username">
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form fullwidth buttonsubmit">
    <input type="submit" id="forgotten_submit" name="submit" value="Send" onclick="javascript:do_forgotten_click_submit();">
  <div class="padding-bottom-20 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="allformpage-smalltext">
    <div>Take me back to <a href="javascript:AllPageForm('Login');">Sign In</a>.</div>
    <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
    <div>Don't have an account? <a href="javascript:AllPageForm('SignUp');">Let's create one.</a></div>

Name: register_formPOST /index.php

<form id="register_form" name="register_form" method="post" action="/index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
  <div class="allformpage-text">Create New Account</div>
  <div class="descriptive-text">Please fill in your details below. Click "Register" button to create <span class="inline-text">a new account.</span></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="padding-bottom-20"></div>
  <div class="form formleft">
    <label class="order-form-label">Surname *</label>
    <input type="text" id="register_lastname" name="register_lastname" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formright">
    <label class="order-form-label">Given Name *</label>
    <input type="text" id="register_firstname" name="register_firstname" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formleft">
    <label class="order-form-label">Contact Number *</label>
    <input type="text" id="register_telephone" name="register_telephone" placeholder="" maxlength="15" value="" class="required">
  <div class="form formright">
    <label class="order-form-label">Email Address (Use as username) *</label>
    <input type="text" id="register_email" name="register_email" placeholder="" maxlength="50" value="" class="required" autocomplete="username">
  <div class="form fullwidth">
    <label class="order-form-label">New Password (between 8 and 24 characters) *</label>
    <input type="password" id="register_password1" name="register_password1" placeholder="" maxlength="24" value="" class="required" autocomplete="new-password">
  <div class="form fullwidth clear-both">
    <label class="order-form-label">Retype New Password *</label>
    <input type="password" id="register_password2" name="register_password2" placeholder="" maxlength="24" value="" class="required" autocomplete="new-password">
  <div class="padding-bottom-10 clear-both"></div>
  <div class="form clear-both fullwidth">
    <div class="promotionform">
      <div class="promotionform-column1"><input type="checkbox" id="register_newsletter" name="register_newsletter" value="Yes"></div>
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Festive Promo

Spread a little love with Love, Afare’s Festive Gift Boxes. Specially curated to
include a variety of treats such as retail sauces, teas, merchandise and snacks,
find the perfect Gift Box for every occasion to surprise your loved ones.
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Love, Afare Gift Box A

 U.P. $75  Save $15.10
Love, Afare Gift Box B

 U.P. $69.90  Save $10.00
Love, Afare Gift Box C

 U.P. $73.20  Save $13.30
Love, Afare Gift Box D

 U.P. $81.10  Save $21.10
Love, Afare Gift Box E

 U.P. $44.30  Save 10%
Only 100 sets!

Love, Afare X Tiger Beer Gift Box

 U.P. $44.30  Save 10%
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© 2022 JUMBO Group

Shipping and Delivery
JUMBO Group of Restaurants ("we" and "us") is the operator of
(https://loveafare.com.sg) ("Website"). By placing an order through this Website
you will be agreeing to the terms below. These are provided to ensure both
parties are aware of and agree upon this arrangement to mutually protect and set
expectations on our service.
1. General
Subject to stock availability. We try to maintain accurate stock counts on our
website but from time-to-time there may be a stock discrepancy and we will not
be able to fulfill all your items at time of purchase. In this instance, we will
fulfill the available products to you, and contact you about whether you would
prefer to await restocking of the backordered item or if you would prefer for us
to process a refund.
2. Shipping Costs
Shipping costs are calculated during checkout based on weight, dimensions and
destination of the items in the order. Payment for shipping will be collected
with the purchase.
This price will be the final price for shipping cost to the customer.
3. Delivery Terms
3.1 Transit Time Domestically
In general, domestic shipments are in transit for 2 - 7 days
3.2 Transit time Internationally
Generally, orders shipped internationally are in transit for 4 - 22 days. This
varies greatly depending on the courier you have selected. We are able to offer
a more specific estimate when you are choosing your courier at checkout.
3.3 Dispatch Time
Orders are usually dispatched within 2 business days of payment of order
Our warehouse operates on Monday - Friday during standard business hours, except
on national holidays at which time the warehouse will be closed. In these
instances, we take steps to ensure shipment delays will be kept to a minimum.
3.4 Accuracy of Shipping Informatione
Please ensure the accuracy of the information you have provided on your order
form. In the event that item(s) are returned to us because of an incorrect or
incomplete address, we will treat this as a failed delivery, which then, we will
credit back to your account, the original purchase price minus all the shipping
costs we have incurred.
3.5 Delivery Time Exceeded
If delivery time has exceeded the forecasted time, please contact us so that we
can look into the matter and assist further.
4. Duties & Taxes
4.1 Sales Tax
Sales tax has already been applied to the price of the goods as displayed on the
4.2 Import Duties & Taxes
Import duties and taxes for international shipments may be imposed upon arrival
in destination country. This varies by country, and you will be laible for such
duties and taxes. Hence, we strongly encourage that you find out about these
potential costs before placing an order with us.
If you are unwilling to to pay duties and taxes upon arrival at your destination
country, the goods will be returned to us at your expense. We will then refund
you the value of goods paid, minus the cost of the return shipping. Please note
that the cost of the initial shipping will also not be refunded.
5. Tracking Notifications
Upon dispatch, customers will receive a tracking link from which they will be
able to follow the progress of their shipment based on the latest updates made
available by the shipping provider.
6. Parcels Damaged In Transit
If you find a parcel is damaged in-transit, if possible, please reject the
parcel from the courier and get in touch with our customer service. If the
parcel has been delivered without you being present, please contact customer
service with next steps.
Returns & Exchanges
Please view below for our Exchange Policy. If you are unsure of the procedures,
kindly our contact Customer Service Team and we will be glad to assist.
All sale items, regardless local or international orders, are strictly
non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
We regret to inform you that all orders are non-cancellable.
1.1 Product Quality
We strive to ensure every customer is truly satisfied with their purchases. All
items undergo quality control and are checked for any defects before they are
dispatched. We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the
details and appearance of our products listed on our online store. However, due
to various uncontrollable factors, e.g. colour variances due to different
monitor displays etc), visuals on website may not be identical to actual product
1.2 Defected / Faulty Item
"Should you receive an item that you feel is not in a perfect condition or up to
your satisfaction, kindly drop us an email within 3 business days
at hello@loveafare.com.sg, and include the following details (a) Order number
(b) Name (c) Contact number (d) Item to be returned (e) Reason of return (and
include a picture of the defective item, if possible).
We will reply you within 5 working days.
Please note that we can only replace the faulty items with the same product in
the same size (if applicable), subject to availability."
1.3 Missing / Incorrect Item
"We apologise if we have missed out or mailed you an incorrect item. Kindly drop
us an email at hello@loveafare.com.sg with the following details (a) Order
number (b) Name (c) Contact number (d) Wrong item or missing item.
We will reply you within 5 working days. "
1.4 Exchange Procedure
"All exchanges have to be mailed back to us within 10 working days from the day
the parcel was delivered. Exchanges will only be done for item(s) which meets
all the following four conditions:
 * All packing and its content intact
 * The product is unused
 * The product is unopened
 * The product is unaltered

Exchanges for articles which do not meet all four conditions will be duly
All items should be returned in their original packaging to ensure that they are
adequately protected in transit, and it will be your responsibility until they
reached our office. Hence we strongly recommend you to opt for a registered
postage service that allows tracking of parcel.
Customers will be required to pre-pay the return shipping, however we will
reimburse you upon successful warranty claim.
How to Return / Exchange?
For all returns / exchanges, please send to:
Attn: Love,Afare Team
JUMBO Group of Restaurants Pte Ltd
4 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #03-08
Kaki Bukit Industrial Estate
Singapore 415939
Size Guide
Information will update when available.
About Love, Afare

 1. Where are you located?
    Love, Afare is a new brand created under the retail arm of JUMBO Group, thus
    we share the same Headquarter located at Kaki Bukit.
 2. Can I do self-collection for my orders?
    We are sorry, but we do not have a retail counter within our Headquarter.
    Therefore, we are unable to accommodate any self-collection requests. Should
    you like to purchase and collect your items immediately, you can visit our
    JUMBO Group of Restaurants. For more details on locations of our
    restaurants, you can visit https://www.jumbogroup.sg/en/restaurant-locator.
    Please note that items available in store varies. To avoid disappointment,
    do contact the respective restaurant to check on stock status before heading


 1. I am having problem with the website.
    Please specify the problem and drop us an email at hello@loveafare.com.sg
    and we will attend to you.
 2. Can I cancel my order?
    All orders are non-cancellable, regardless of local or international orders.
    In particular, all sale items, are strictly non-refundable and
 3. I need to return/exchange an item?
    We’re sorry to hear that. Kindly drop us an email at hello@loveafare.com.sg
    with the following details (a) Order number (b) Name (c) Contact number (d)
    Reason (Wrong item/Faulty item/Missing Item) (e) Image of wrong/faulty item,
    for us to assist you further.
    Please note we can only accept the reasons above.
    However, all sale items are strictly non-refundable and non-exchangeable.


 1. Where do you ship from?
    Our products are shipped from Singapore.
 2. Where do you deliver?
    We deliver only to locations within the main island of Singapore (including
    Sentosa Island and Free Trade Zone but excluding the other off-shore islands
    such as Pulau Ubin, Khusu Island etc).
 3. Do you ship internationally?
    Yes, we ship internationally. However, in any event that the country that
    you wish to ship to is not in our list, you can drop us an email at
    hello@loveafare.com.sg and we will explore other ways to get the products to
 4. What are the shipping costs?
    Shipping costs depends on the destination country and the logistic partner.
    The system will auto-prompt the cheapest and fastest delivery option and you
    can get a more specific cost when you choose the shipping partner that you
    prefer at checkout.
 5. What are your shipping options?
    We work with several logistic partners to ensure that our products are
    shipped to you in the cheapest and fastest way. Depending on your
    destination country, our system will automatically choose the most optimal
    shipping option for you.
 6. When will I receive my item?
    Shipping within any location in Singapore will take between 3 to 7 days from
    order confirmation. For international orders, it will take approximately 4
    to 22 days, depending on your location and the shipping partner that you
    have selected. The system will also provide an estimate shipping date once
    you have chosen the shipping partner upon checkout.
 7. How can I track my order?
    Once you have completed your order, your order details will be emailed to
    you along with a tracking number to track your package.
 8. My order is late/missing – What can I do?
    Please email us at hello@loveafare.com.sg.


 1. What are the payment options?
    We only accept Master/VISA for all online orders.
 2. Are my payment details/data secure?
    Your payment details are protected by the OCBC bank payment gateway. Jumbo
    group does not and will not save any of such details in our server.


 1. Where do Love, Afare products come from?
    Our food products are mostly produced by our Central Kitchen and other
    factories located in Singapore and Malaysia. To ensure the quality of our
    food products, our partners’ factories are all ISO or HACCP certified. Our
    non-food items are predominantly from China and all products undergo quality
    and safety check prior to sale on our e-commerce store.
 2. The product looks different compared to the visuals on the website.
    We strive to ensure every customer is truly satisfied with their purchases.
    All items undergo quality control and are checked for any defects before
    they are dispatched. We have made every effort to display as accurately as
    possible the details and appearance of our products listed on our online
    store. However, due to various uncontrollable factors (e.g. colour variances
    due to different monitor displays etc), visuals on website may not be
    identical to actual product received.


 1. Is there a Love, Afare membership I can join?
    We do not have a membership programme at the moment but would love for you
    to be the first to know whenever we have something exciting to share! You
    can subscribe to our Love, Afare mailing list via our website.
 2. Can I enjoy JUMBO Rewards Membership privileges at Love, Afare?
    Not at this point, but we are exploring on ways to value-add our fans! Stay

Information will update when available.
Contact Us
Please fill in your details below.

SUBJECT * Enquiries Feedback
Surname *
Given Name *
Contact Number *
Email Address *

By checking the box beside, I am agreeable to receiving promotional materials by
Love, Afare and its brands. [read more...]

If you do not agree with this Agreement and/or do not want your submission
considered for any of Love, Afare's and its brands' promotional purposes,
including but not limited to online and offline advertising materials related to
Love, Afare and its brands, do not check the box beside

Thank you!

You have submitted your Enquiry/Feedback to us.

Terms & Conditions
     1.  These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern your use and access of our
         website located at www.loveafare.com.sg, applications (mobile,
         web-based or otherwise) and/or any information, services, contents,
         products or features that form part of such applications and websites
         (collectively, the “Website”).
     2.  In these Terms, “Jumbo”, “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Jumbo Group of
         Restaurants Pte. Ltd. (a company incorporated in Singapore, and
         operating at 4 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #03-08, Singapore 417939). “You”
         and “your” refer to any person and/or organization accessing, browsing,
         using and/or downloading, installing the Website.
     3.  By accessing, browsing, using, downloading and/or installing our
         Website, You shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and that You
         agree to comply with them. If You do not agree to these Terms, please
         exit our Website immediately and, where applicable, uninstall our
         applications, and refrain from any further use or access to our
     4.  We may revise these Terms at any time by amending this page without
         prior notice to you. Please check this page from time to time and
         review the Terms to ensure that you understand all the terms and
         conditions that apply to your access and use of the Website, as they
         are binding on You. Your continued access to and/or use of the Website
         indicate your acceptance of the revised Terms.
     5.  We may modify or discontinue any information or features that form part
         of the Website at any time, without notice to you, and without
         liability. We may also, in our discretion, cease to operate the Website
         at any time, but will give you advance notice of such intention.
     6.  These Terms will also apply to any updates or upgrades provided by us
         that replace and/or supplement any part of the Website, unless such
         updates or upgrades are accompanied by separate terms in which case
         those separate terms shall apply.
     7.  From time to time, we may (including through our services providers or
         third parties) offer specific or new products, features,
         functionalities and/or services to complement or supplement the
         product/service offerings comprised within the Website. Additional or
         separate terms and conditions may apply to these products, features,
         functionalities and/or services, and you will need to accept and comply
         with those terms and conditions to enjoy them.
     8.  We may also from time to time publish additional guidelines, rules and
         conditions applicable to the use of the Website. You agree to comply
         with these additional guidelines, rules and conditions, which are
         incorporated by reference into these Terms.
     9.  We reserve the right to change the URL(s) of the Website without prior
         notice to you.
     10. Contact us: If you have any questions or feedback relating to the
         Website, please contact us at hello@loveafare.com.sg.
     1. These Terms refer to the following additional terms, which also apply to
        Your use of our Website:
        1. our Personal Data Policy, which sets out the terms on which we
           process any personal data we collect from You, or that You provide to
           us; and
        2. if You purchase goods from our Website, our Terms and Conditions of
           Supply will apply to the sales (where applicable).
     1. Your use of this Website is subject to your compliance with these Terms.
        We grant you permission to use the Website according to these Terms
        solely for your own personal, non-commercial use, unless otherwise
        agreed. You represent, undertake and warrant to us that you will:
        1. provide us with all necessary information and/or produce all
           necessary documents as may be required by us in order to provide you
           with products and services you need on the Website;
        2. comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to your
           activities in connection with the Website; and
        3. comply with all applicable security or encryption standards, rules,
           procedures and guidelines.
     2. We do not guarantee that our Website, or any Content (as defined in
        paragraph 5.1 below) on it, will:
        1. be continuously available or be uninterrupted;
        2. not be susceptible to any cybersecurity breach or cannot be
           compromised and/or free of any data breach (inadvertently or
           intentionally through interference or interception by third parties);
        3. be free of bugs or other harmful codes and components not
           specifically mentioned herein;
        4. will contain information that is always timely and accurate as
           sometimes inaccuracies may occur; or
        5. will be free from errors or omissions.
     3. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to
        have access to our Website.
     4. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our
        Website through Your internet connection are aware of these Terms and
        other applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.
     1. We have no obligation to provide, or continue to provide our Website, or
        any part thereof, now or in the future. We reserve the right, at any
        time, temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, without prior
        notification and without incurring any liability to you, to modify,
        suspend, withdraw, discontinue or change all or any part of our Website,
        charge for the use of our Website, restrict or modify access to our
        Website, and/or waive any charges in connection with our Website.
     2. We have no obligation to provide any maintenance, support or other
        services in relation to the Website, including providing any telephone
        assistance, documentation, error corrections, updates, upgrades, bug
        fixes, patches, and/or enhancements.
     3. If and when we provide maintenance, support or other services in
        relation to our Website, your access and use of our Website may be
        interrupted, suspended or restricted.
     1. You agree that the Website, and any and all information and content on
        our Website, including not limited to, graphics, webpages, text, files,
        company names, source codes, photographs, music, videos, audio and
        images, interactive features, scripts, buttons, advertisements,
        documents, multimedia, the arrangement and compilation of contents,
        trademarks, logos, designs, and trade names (collectively the
        “Content”), are the property of Jumbo, or its licensors, as the case may
     2. We (or where applicable, our licensors) retain all legal, equitable and
        moral rights in the Website and its Contents that have not been
        expressly granted to you.You acknowledge that you have no right, title
        or interest in and to the Website and its Contents and you agree not to
        challenge their validity or our ownership of or rights to them.
     3. Jumbo hereby grants to You a personal, non-transferable and
        non-exclusive license to access, read and download one copy of the
        Content for your own personal, non-commercial use only. All Contents on
        the Website may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed,
        transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise
        exploited for any other purpose without our or the relevant owner’s
        prior written consent. You must not modify, adapt, translate, decompile,
        alter, disassemble, reverse engineer or create derivative works from any
        Content from the Website or copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post,
        transmit, distribute or otherwise communicate or cause to be displayed
        to the public any Content, or any modification, adaptation, translation,
        decompilation, alteration, disassembly, reverse engineering or
        derivative works created from any Content, without our or the relevant
        owner’s prior written consent. You must not use any part of the Content
        on our Website for commercial purposes without obtaining a licence to do
        so from us or our licensors.
     4. If You print off, copy or download any part of our Website in breach of
        these Terms, Your right to use our Website will cease immediately and
        You must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials
        You have made.
     1. You agree that You will not, and will not permit any other party to:
        1.  create derivative works of, reverse engineer, adapt, translate,
            modify, copy, sell, transfer, host, publish, decompile, disassemble,
            make available to any person or otherwise use, either directly or
            indirectly, the Website and its Content in whole or in part, in any
            form or by any means whatsoever, be they physical, electronic or
        2.  attempt to derive the source code or structure of the Website;
        3.  use or merge the Website, or any component or element thereof, with
            other software, databases or services not provided or authorised by
        4.  publish, transmit, post, upload or maintain any defamatory, obscene,
            threatening, malicious or otherwise objectionable material, or any
            other material in violation of any statute, rule or regulation in
            any jurisdiction to which you are subject;
        5.  publish, transmit, post, upload or maintain any content or material
            that is inaccurate or that violates or infringes the right of a
            third party, including, without limitation, contractual, moral, or
            privacy rights;
        6.  create a database by systematically downloading and storing the
            contents of Website;
        7.  interfere or attempt to interfere with services we provide on the
            Website ("denial of service attacks") including, but not limited to,
            "flooding" of networks, deliberate attempts to overload a service,
            attempts to "crash" the Website and taking any action that imposes
            an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the services
            provided by us or the associated infrastructure;
        8.  circumvent, or attempt to circumvent, user authentication or
            security measures ("cracking") of any Internet or intranet site or
            any of the accounts of our users or any other person using the
            Website, including but not limited to, accessing data and/or
            information not intended for you, logging into an account you are
            not expressly authorised to access or in a manner which is not
            authorised by us;
        9.  circumvent, or attempt to circumvent, any protection measures
            (electronic or otherwise) in place to regulate or control access to
            the Website, including without limitation through the use of a
            virtual private network, proxy service, or any other third party
            service, network, or product with the effect of disguising your IP
            address or location;
        10. use any kind of program/script/command/application, or send messages
            of any kind, designed to, in any manner interfere with any user’s
            terminal session;
        11. upload files that are corrupted, contain viruses, bugs or any other
            similar software, code, component or programs which may damage the
            Website or cause interference to the services provided by us;
        12. use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application or other
            manual or automatic device to retrieve, index, "scrape," "data
            mine", “crawl” or in any way gather the Website (including its
            Contents) or reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or
            presentation of the Website (including its Contents) without our
            express prior written consent;
        13. develop, distribute or sell any software or other functionality
            capable of launching, being launched from or otherwise integrated
            with the Website;
        14. remove, alter or obscure any copyright notice or any other
            proprietary notice that appears on or in the Website;
        15. cache, frame or link to the Website without our prior written
            consent, or otherwise not in accordance with these Terms;
        16. interfere in any manner with the operation of the Website;
        17. engage in any other conduct that is detrimental to us or any third
            party (including our service providers), or cause injury to, or
            attempt to harm us or any third party (including our services
        18. misuse our Website by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms,
            logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically
        19. gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Website, the
            server on which our Website is stored or any server, computer or
            database connected to our Website
        20. use our Website in any way that breaches any applicable law or
            regulation, or in any way that is unlawful or fraudulent or has
            unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;
        21. distribute the Content for any purpose including without limitation
            compiling an internal database, redistributing or reproducing the
            Content in any medium; or
        22. permit, allow or do anything that would infringe or otherwise
            prejudice the proprietary rights of Jumbo or its licensors.
     1. In order for us to provide you with the facilities and functionalities
        offered by the Website, You hereby grant to Jumbo the perpetual,
        unlimited, royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable,
        transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative
        works of, display and perform any information (including messages and
        images), credentials, suggestions, feedback and/or any other content
        (collectively, “User Material”) You upload, submit, store, send or
        provide on or through this Website for our business and operational
     2. You shall bear full responsibility for your User Material. You affirm,
        represent and/or warrant that (a) you own or have the necessary rights,
        licenses, consents and permissions to grant the licence set out in
        Clause 7.1; and (b) your User Material and our use of your User
        Material, as permitted under the Terms, does not and will not violate,
        misappropriate or infringe on the rights of any third party (including
        any intellectual property rights such as copyright).
     3. You agree that any User Material (other than Personal Data, which is
        governed by our Personal Data Policy) you may provide, is provided on a
        non-proprietary and non-confidential basis.
     1. You are solely responsible for the retrieval and use of the Content. You
        should apply Your own judgment in making any use of any Content,
        including, without limitation, the use of the information as the basis
        for any conclusions. The Content may not be accurate, up to date,
        complete or untampered with, and is not to be relied upon.
     2. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the content on our
        Website, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether
        express or implied, that the content on our Website is accurate,
        complete or up-to-date. We will not be liable for any loss or damage
        caused by Your reliance on information obtained through our Website. It
        is Your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and
        usefulness of any content provided before taking, or refraining from,
        any action on the basis of any content on our Website.
     3. The Website may not cover all information available on a particular
        issue. The Content is provided for informational purposes only and
        should not be interpreted as a recommendation for any specific product
        or service, use or course of action. The Content on this Website is not
        intended to be used as a substitute of any kind of professional advice,
        nor is it to be relied on when making any decision.
     4. We may place advertisements such as banners, java applets and/or such
        other materials for the purposes of advertising product and/or services
        (“Advertisements”) in different locations on the Website and at
        different points during your use of the Website. These locations and
        points may change from time to time. You will not be entitled to receive
        any payment, fee and/or commission in respect of the Advertisements.
     5. The Website may contain hyperlinks which are not maintained by us. All
        hyperlinks to other applications and/or websites are provided to you for
        convenience only. The use and/or access of the hyperlinks, hyperlinked
        applications and/or websites, and any dealings resulting from such use
        and/or access, are entirely at your own risk. We do not, in any
        circumstances approve, endorse or accept any responsibility for any
        hyperlinked applications and/or websites or any hyperlink contained in a
        hyperlinked application and/or website.
     1. We may at any time at our sole discretion, remove any content on the
        Website without prior notice, and for any reason including without
        limitation, contents that appear to be outdated or inaccurate. In the
        event that we remove any content, we shall not be liable whether to you
        or to any other party for any damage or any other remedy, in law or in
     2. You may contact us with a request to remove content on the Website if
        you have reasonable grounds to believe that the content:
        1. is defamatory, obscene, threatening, malicious, incites hatred or
           contains any other objectionable material;
        2. infringes intellectual property rights or any other proprietary
           rights or was posted in breach of confidentiality obligations;
        3. is inaccurate or misleading; or
        4. is illegal.
     3. You shall provide us with the necessary information and documentation we
        require for us to assess whether your requests are valid. If we are
        convinced that your requests are valid, we will take steps to remove the
        content. You represent and warrant that all information provided in
        connection with such request shall be true, accurate and complete.
     1. Where our Website contains links to other sites and resources provided
        by third parties, these links are provided for Your information only. We
        have no control over the contents of those sites or resources and assume
        no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of
        any third party websites.. We make no representations, warranties or
        guarantees that the content contained therein is accurate, complete or
        up-to-date. In addition, we will not and cannot censor or edit the
        content of any third-party website.We will not be liable for any loss or
        damage caused by Your reliance on such third party content. By using or
        accessing such contents, you acknowledge and agree that such use and
        access of any third party website is at your own risk, and you expressly
        relieve us from any and all liability arising from such use or access.
     1. You may link to our Website, provided You do so in a way that is fair
        and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it.
     2. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of
        association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.
     3. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.
     1. We reserve the right to charge for services, and use of features and
        functionalities within Website from time to time. If we charge for our
        services or use of the features or functionalities within the Website,
        you shall make payment to us in accordance with the payment methods and
        requirements as specified on the Website which may be updated by us at
        our discretion from time to time.
     2. We may use third party services to verify, secure, facilitate and/or
        process your payment on the Website. The third party service provider
        may charge a fee for processing payments on the Website. Any such
        charges and/or fees shall be borne by you.
     3. Without prejudice to the other provisions of the Terms, we shall not be
        responsible for any malfunction in any computer system, software or any
        Internet access service provider that may affect the accuracy or
        timeliness of the online transmission of payment instructions. We shall
        not be responsible if any information provided is inaccurate, if payment
        instructions are not given sufficiently in advance to allow for timely
        payment, or if payment instructions cannot be carried out for any reason
        beyond our control.
     1. We do not guarantee that our Website will be secure or free from bugs or
        viruses. Where appropriate, we use available technology to protect the
        security of communications made through the Website. To the maximum
        extent permitted by applicable laws, we do not accept liability for the
        security, authenticity, integrity or confidentiality of any transaction
        or communications made through Website.
     2. There is no guarantee that transactions on this Website or on the
        internet will be maintained confidential and secure. You acknowledge and
        agree that there are inherent risks (including risks related to
        security, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality) in electronic
        communications, messaging and conducting transactions over electronic
        networks. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, we
        expressly disclaim any liability for such risks made though the Website,
        which you agree to assume. You are responsible for configuring Your
        information technology, computer programmes and platform in order to
        access our Website. You should use Your own virus protection software.
     1. Any personal data or information which you provided to us is also
        subject to our Privacy Policy (available at
        https://www.jumbogroup.sg/en/privacy-policy-pdpa), which is incorporated
        by reference into these terms of use.
     1. This Website and its Contents are provided “as is” and “as available”
        with no warranties whatsoever. To the maximum extent permitted by
        applicable laws, Jumbo makes no guarantee, representation or warranties
        of any kind, whether express or implied:
        1. regarding the timeliness, reliability, accuracy, completeness,
           accessibility, merchantability, quality, fitness for a particular
           purpose, operation or usefulness of any portion of the Website;
        2. regarding the availability or appropriateness of the Website;
        3. that the Website (including its Contents) or your use of the Website
           will not infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary
           rights of any third party;
        4. that Website (including its Contents) will be error-free,
           continuously available or uninterrupted in operation, unhackable,
           uncompromisable, free of any data breach (inadvertently or
           intentionally through interference or interception by third parties)
           or free of bugs, computer viruses, unauthorised software, or other
           harmful codes or components not specifically mentioned herein;
        5. that the Website (including its Contents) will contain information
           that is always timely and accurate;
        6. that the Website will operate or function properly on your devices or
           operating systems;
        7. that the Website will not cause any damage to your devices or
           operating systems.
     2. The use of this Website and the Content is voluntary and at your own
        risk. You are solely responsible for:
        1. your reliance on the Website and its Contents, and the information
           available through the Website;
        2. any liability, loss or damage that you may incur through use of the
           Website; and
        3. all decisions or actions resulting from your use of the Website and
           its Contents.
     3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Jumbo, its
        affiliates, agents, licensors, or their respective directors or
        employees (collectively, “Jumbo Parties”) shall in no event be liable
        1. any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence),
           breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising
           under or in connection with:
           1. use of, or inability to use, access or reliance on our Website (or
              any information, data or statement found thereon);
           2. the performance of the Website or any delay or failure thereof;
           3. any delay in operation or transmission, communication failure,
              Internet access difficulties or malfunction of equipment or
           4. your User Material; or
           5. use of or reliance on any content displayed on our Website;
        2. any loss or damage caused by a virus, distributed denial-of-service
           attack, or other technologically harmful material that may infect
           Your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary
           material due to Your use of our Website or to Your downloading of any
           Content on it, or on any website linked to it;
        3. any damages You or any third-party may suffer as a result of the
           transmission, storage or receipt of confidential or proprietary
           information that You make or that You expressly or implicitly
           authorise Jumbo to make, or for any errors or any changes made to any
           transmitted, stored or received information;
        4. any special, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary, aggravated,
           economic or consequential damages, howsoever caused, including but
           not limited to: damages for loss of use, lost profits or lost
           savings, even if Jumbo or any of its lawful agents or employees have
           been advised of the possibility of such damages or claim;
        5. damages or losses resulting from: viruses, data corruption, failed
           messages, transmission errors or problems; telecommunications service
           providers; links to third-party Websites; personal injury;
           third-party content, products or services; damages or losses caused
           by you, or your respective employees, agents or subcontractors; loss
           of use or lack of availability of facilities including computer
           resources, routers and stored data; the use or inability to use this
           Website or the Content; any other website accessed to or from this
           Website; or events beyond the reasonable control of Jumbo even if we
           have been advised of the possibility of such damages or claim; or
        6. any loss or damage arising from the unauthorized use or reproduction
           of any portion of the Website.
     4. The accessibility and operation of the Website relies on technologies
        outside our control. We are not responsible for such technologies that
        are used or supported on the Website. You agree to bear all risks
        associated with these technologies.
     5. Subject to Clause 15.6 below, in no case will Jumbo Parties’ cumulative
        total liability arising under any cause whatsoever (including without
        limitation breach of contract, tort, negligence, gross negligence, or
        otherwise) exceed:
        1. the amount, if any, paid by you in relation to your use or access to
           this Website, in the one-year period preceding the incident giving
           rise to your claim against us; or
        2. S$100 (Singapore Dollars one hundred only),
        whichever is lower. This limitation in clause 15.5 applies to all causes
        of action in the aggregate including, without limitation, breach of
        contract, breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability,
        misrepresentations and other torts. In any jurisdiction in which these
        limitations of liability are restricted, our liability is limited to the
        greatest extent permitted by law.
     6. Different limitations and exclusions of liability will apply to
        liability arising as a result of the supply of any goods and/or services
        that we may supply to you, which will be set out in our Terms and
        Conditions of Supply.
     1. You agree at all times to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Jumbo
        Parties in respect of any and all actions, proceedings, costs, claims,
        damages, demands, liabilities (whether civil or criminal)and expenses
        whatsoever (including legal and other fees and disbursements on a full
        indemnity basis) sustained, incurred or paid by Jumbo, or assert against
        them, directly or indirectly in respect of:
        1. any breach of these Terms by you;
        2. any User Content You provide on or through this Website or which is
           sent to Jumbo by e-mail;
        3. your access, use orconduct in connection with the Content or this
           Website, including without limitation infringement claims;
        4. any violation of the rights of any third party;
        5. our reliance on information, data or records provided by you in
           connection with your use of the Website;
        6. the occurrence of any event due to your act, omission or default
           which compromises the security or integrity of the Website or its
           Contents; or
        7. your violation of any applicable law or the rights (including but
           without limitation to intellectual property rights and privacy
           rights) of any other person or entity.
     2. You represent, undertake and warrant that you will not bring or allow to
        be brought any legal claim whether directly or indirectly arising in
        connection with your use of this Website or a breach of these Terms of
        Use, against Jumbo.
     1. We are not liable for any loss, damage or penalty resulting from delays
        or failures in performance if the delay or failure results from events
        beyond our reasonable control (a “Force Majeure Event”). Force Majeure
        Events shall include, but are not limited to, acts of God, war,
        hostility, invasion, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution,
        riots, civil war, disturbances, requisitioning or other acts of civil or
        military authority, laws, regulations, acts or orders of any
        governmental authority, body, agency or official, fires, inclement
        weather, rain or floods (however caused), strikes, lock-outs or other
        labour disputes, epidemics, pandemics, outbreaks, embargoes, breakdown
        of equipment, plant or machinery (including, but not limited to, data
        centre, telecommunications systems and utility services) or other
     1. You shall, at all times, keep confidential all information provided by
        us or on our behalf that is marked or is by its nature confidential or
        proprietary (“Confidential Information”). You shall not disclose or
        permit to be disclosed the Confidential Information to any third party
        without our prior written consent. These obligations of confidentiality
        do not apply to information that is publicly available, already in your
        possession without confidentiality restrictions or required to be
        disclosed by order of a court or the relevant governmental authorities.
     1. We reserve the right to monitor usage of the Website by any person and
        have the sole discretion to refuse access or use by any person at any
        time without having to give any reason or any prior notice.
     2. You will be asked to account for any unauthorised access of the Website.
        You shall provide us with your fullest cooperation and all necessary
        support for the conduct of the audits at no cost to us.
     1. You acknowledge and agree that for the Website to function, it requires
        a compatible device (including a mobile or computing device),
        appropriate third party software (such as browsers), and also
        connectivity to the internet. You are solely responsible for obtaining
        such device(s), software, and the necessary connectivity services and/or
        equipment to access and use the Website.
     1. No failure or delay by us in exercising any right or remedy provided by
        law under or pursuant to these Terms will impair such right or remedy or
        operate or be construed as a waiver or variation of it or preclude its
        exercise at any subsequent time and no single or partial exercise of any
        such right or remedy will preclude any other or further exercise of it
        or the exercise of any other right or remedy.
     2. Our rights and remedies under these Terms will not be affected, and your
        liabilities under these Terms will not be released, discharged or
        impaired by any event or matter whatsoever, other than a specific and
        duly authorised written waiver or release given by us. The rights and
        remedies under these Terms are cumulative and not exclusive of any other
        right or remedy provided by law or equity.
     1. A person who is not a party to this Terms has no right under the
        Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to enforce any term
        provided in these Terms.
     1. These Terms and any and all legal notices on this Website constitute the
        entire agreement between You and Jumbo with respect to the use of this
        Website and the Content. The headings used in these Terms are included
        for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect the
        provisions herein. No supplement, modification or amendment to these
        Terms and no waiver of any provision of these Terms shall be binding on
        Jumbo unless executed by Jumbo in writing. No waiver of any of the
        provisions of these Terms shall be deemed or shall constitute a waiver
        of any other provision (whether or not similar) nor shall such waiver
        constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided.
     1. Any provision of these Terms which is prohibited or unenforceable in any
        jurisdiction shall, as to that jurisdiction, be ineffective to the
        extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and shall otherwise be
        enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law, all without affecting
        the remaining provisions of these Terms or affecting the validity or
        enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
     1. You may not transfer or assign any of your contractual rights or
        obligations without our prior written consent. We may, by notice in
        writing to you, transfer or assign or novate any of our contractual
        rights and obligations.
     1. This Website and the Content (excluding linked websites or content) are
        controlled and operated by us from Singapore, and is not intended to
        subject us to the laws or jurisdiction of any state, country or
        territory other than that of Singapore. We do not represent or warrant
        that our Website is appropriate or available for use in any particular
        jurisdiction other than Singapore.
     2. These Terms are governed by the laws of Singapore, without reference to
        the principles of conflicts of law. You submit to the non-exclusive
        jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore in relation to all disputes and
        any claim relating to use of this Website. Any claim you may have
        against us in connection with these Terms or your access and use of our
        Website must be commenced within one (1) year from the claim arising.

Privacy Policy
     1. This Personal Data Policy (the “Personal Data Policy”) has been adopted
        by Jumbo Group Limited (a company incorporated in Singapore, and
        operating at 4 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #03-08, Singapore 417939)(“Jumbo”),
        its subsidiaries and associated companies (collectively, the “Group”,
        “we”, “us”, “our”). For the avoidance of doubt, these include Jumbo
        Group of Restaurants Pte. Ltd., a company incorporated in Singapore, and
        operating at 4 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #03-08, Singapore 417939.
        Although this Personal Data Policy is in common use by the
        aforementioned entities, except where applicable laws provide otherwise,
        each organisation is only responsible to you in relation to its own
        collection and use of your personal data, and its own actions.
     2. This Personal Data Policy describes how we may collect, use, disclose
        and process your personal data when you:
        1. access or use our websites and applications (including mobile and
           web-based applications)(collectively, “Applications”), and services;
        2. provide us with your personal data, regardless of the medium through
           which such personal data is provided.
        This Personal Data Policy also applies to any individual’s personal data
        which is in our possession or under our control, including personal data
        in the possession of entities which we have engaged to collect, use,
        disclose or otherwise process personal data for our purposes. Please
        take a moment to read this Personal Data Policy so that you know and
        understand the purposes for which we collect, use or disclose your
        personal data.
     3. We will only use your personal data where you have given us your consent
        or where we have other lawful basis for doing so, and in the manner set
        out in this Personal Data Policy.
     4. By providing us with personal data (through any means of interacting
        with us, including signing up for any product or service offered by us
        or accessing and/or using our services and products), you acknowledge
        that our collection, use, disclosure and processing of personal data
        will be in accordance with the manner set forth in this Personal Data
        Policy, including, for the avoidance of doubt, the cross-jurisdictional
        transfer of your data. DO NOT provide any personal data to us if you do
        not accept this Personal Data Policy.
     5. This Personal Data Policy supplements but does not supersede nor replace
        any other consents you may have previously provided to us in respect of
        your personal data.
     6. Our Applications may contain links to other websites that are not owned
        or maintained by us. These links are provided only for your convenience.
        You may also be accessing our Applications through third party websites
        and/or platforms. This Personal Data Policy only applies to our
        Applications. When visiting these third party websites, their privacy
        policies apply.
     7. If you (a) have any questions or feedback relating to your personal data
        or our Personal Data Policy; (b) would like to withdraw your consent to
        any use of your personal data as set out in this Personal Data Policy;
        or (c) would like to exercise your rights under the Personal Data
        Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”), you may contact our Data Protection
        Officer at:-
        Email: dpo@jumbogroup.com.sg; OR Physical Address: Data Protection
        JUMBO Group Limited
        4 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1
Singapore 417939 Telephone No.: 6265 8626
        When you contact us, we may require that you submit certain forms or
        provide certain information, including verification of your identity,
        before we are able to respond.
     1. We may amend this Personal Data Policy from time to time without notice
        to you, in compliance with applicable laws or as we update our data
        usage and handling processes. The updated policy will supersede earlier
        versions and will apply to personal data provided to us previously. The
        updated Personal Data Policy will take effect when made available on
        https://www.jumbogroup.sg/en/privacy-policy-pdpa. If we make a change
        that significantly affects your rights or, to the extent we are
        permitted to do so, significantly changes how or why we use personal
        data, we will notify you by way of a prominent notice on our website or,
        if we have your email address, by email.
     1. What is personal data. Personal data refers to data about an individual
        (whether true or not) who can be identified from data or other
        information that we have or likely to have access to. Examples of
        personal data which we may collect include your name, NRIC, passport or
        any other identification number, telephone numbers, mailing address,
        email address, photograph, financial information (such as bank account
        or credit/debit card numbers), signature, date of birth, age, network
        data and any other information relating to any individuals which you
        have provided us in any forms you may have submitted to us, or via other
        forms of interaction with you.
     2. Voluntary provision of personal data. We may collect personal data (1)
        that you voluntarily provide to us; or (2) from third parties; or (3)
        through your use of our (or our services provider’s) digital
        technologies and services (Please see Section 4 How We Collect Personal
        Data for further details). What personal data we collect depends on the
        purposes for which the personal data is collected and what you have
        chosen to provide.
        When our collection is based on consent, you can choose not to provide
        us with personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent
        for us to continue collecting, using, disclosing and processing your
        personal data, by contacting us in accordance with paragraph 1.7.
        However, if you do so, it may not be possible for us to fulfil the
        purposes for which we require the personal data, including processing
        your transactions or providing you with the products and services that
        you require.
     3. Providing personal data belonging to others. In certain circumstances,
        you may also provide us with personal data of persons other than
        yourself (such as your family members and next-of-kin). If you do so,
        you represent and warrant that you have brought this Personal Data
        Policy to his/her attention, informed him/her of the purposes for which
        we are collecting his/her personal data and that he/she has consented to
        your disclosure of his/her personal data to us for those purposes and
        accepts this Personal Data Policy. You agree to indemnify and hold us
        harmless from and against any and all claims by such individuals
        relating to our collection, use and disclosure of such personal data in
        accordance with the terms of this Personal Data Policy.
     4. Minors. Our Applications and/or services are not intended to be accessed
        or used by children, minors or persons who are not of legal age. If you
        are a parent or guardian and you have reason to believe your child or
        ward has provided us with their personal data without your consent,
        please contact us.
     1. Personal data you provide. We collect personal data that is relevant to
        our relationship with you. Generally, the ways (whether directly or
        indirectly) in which we may collect your personal data include (but are
        not limited to):
        1.  when you submit any form, including but not limited to customer
            inquiry forms or other forms relating to any of our goods and/or
        2.  when you enter into any agreement or provide other documentation or
            information in respect of your interactions with us, or when you use
            our goods and/or services;
        3.  when you transact with us, contact us or request that we contact you
            through various communication channels, for example, via telephone
            calls (which may be recorded), letters, fax, face-to-face meetings,
            social media platforms and e-mails;
        4.  when you browse, surf, access and/or use our Applications;
        5.  when you register an account with us through our Applications;
        6.  when you request that you be included in email, email alerts or
            other mailing lists;
        7.  when you respond to our promotions, marketing events, loyalty
            programs (including Jumbo Rewards), memberships, initiatives or to
            any request for additional personal data;
        8.  when you purchase and make payments for any of our products and/or
            services including online purchases;
        9.  when you submit an employment application or when you provide
            documents or information including your resume/CVs in connection
            with any position as an officer, director, representative or any
            other position;
        10. when your images are captured by us via CCTV cameras while you are
            within our premises, or via photographs or videos taken by us or our
            representatives and/or agents when you attend our events;
        11. when you are contacted by, and respond to, our marketing
            representatives and customer service officers;
        12. when we seek information about you and receive your personal data in
            connection with your relationship with us;
        13. when you provide your personal data to us at any of our restaurants,
            whether through leaving a copy of your business card with us or
            otherwise; and/or
        14. when you submit your personal data to us for any other reasons.
     2. Personal data provided by others. Depending on your relationship with
        us, we may also collect your personal data from third party sources, for
        1. when your representatives, agents, intermediaries, and/or next-of-kin
           discloses your personal data to us on your behalf, or in connection
           with their own transactions, agreements or interactions with us;
        2. when your employers or previous employers discloses your personal
           data to us on your behalf, or in connection with their own
           transactions, agreements or interactions with us;
        3. from any third parties whom you have authorised us to obtain your
           personal data from;
        4. from entities in which you (or a party connected to you) have an
        5. from our business partners such as third parties providing services
           to us; and
        6. from public agencies or other public sources.
     1. What we do. We collect, use, disclose and process your personal data
        1. you have given us consent;
        2. necessary to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, e.g.
           responding to valid requests from public authorities;
        3. necessary to support our legitimate business interests, provided that
           this does not override your interests or rights; and
        4. necessary to perform a transaction you have entered into with us, or
           provide a service that you have requested or require from us.
     2. General purposes. We collect, use, disclose and process your personal
        data for purposes connected or relevant to our business, and/or to
        manage your relationship with us: Such purposes would include:
        1.  performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our
            provision of the products and/or services to you;
        2.  providing customer service and support;
        3.  facilitating your use of our Applications, including verifying and
            establishing your identity, and authenticating, operating and
            maintaining user accounts;
        4.  responding to and handling of your applications, complaints,
            feedback, queries and requests;
        5.  resolving any disputes, investigating any complaint, claim or
            dispute or any actual or suspected illegal or unlawful conduct;
        6.  administrative purposes, including finance, IT and HR purposes,
            quality assurance and staff training, and compliance with internal
            policies and procedures, including audit, accounting, risk
            management and record keeping;
        7.  processing of and the management of your payment and/or credit
        8.  conducting market research and surveys to enable us to understand
            and determine customer location, preferences and demographics to
            develop special offers and marketing programmes in relation to
            Jumbo’s products and services, to improve our service delivery and
            your customer experience at our touchpoints;
        9.  providing you with updates about our goods and services;
        10. organising and implementation of corporate social responsibility
        11. preventing, detecting and investigating crime and analysing and
            managing commercial risks;
        12. legal proceedings;
        13. security purposes, e.g. managing the safety and security of our
            premises and/or our employees, and protecting our Applications from
            unauthorised access or usage and to monitor for security threats;
        14. administering, processing and/or management of employment including
            employment applications;
        15. complying with any applicable laws, regulations, codes of practice,
            guidelines, or rules, or to assist in law enforcement and
            investigations conducted by any governmental and/or regulatory
        16. performing data analytics and related technologies on data, to
            enable us to deliver relevant content and information to you, and to
            improve our Applications;
        17. managing and engaging third parties or data processors that provide
            services to us, e.g. IT services, technological services, delivery
            services, and other professional services;
        18. facilitating business asset transactions including merger,
            acquisitions or asset sale;
        19. carrying out our legitimate business interests;
        20. such purposes that may be informed to you when your personal data Is
            collected; and/or
        21. any other purposes reasonably related to the aforesaid.
        Where personal data is used for a new purpose and where required under
        applicable law, we shall obtain your consent.
     3. Legitimate business interests. We may also collect, use, disclose and
        process your personal data for the following purposes to support our
        legitimate business interests, provided that this does not override your
        interests or rights, which include:
        1. managing our business and relationship with you, and providing
           services to our customers;
        2. assistance of carrying out corporate restructuring plans;
        3. complying with internal policies, and procedures;
        4. protecting our rights and interests, and those of our customers;
        5. enforcing our terms and conditions, and obligations owed to us, or
           protecting ourselves from legal liability;
        6. managing our investor and shareholder relations; and
        7. process or share your personal data to facilitate acquisitions,
           mergers, or transfers of our business.
     4. Marketing purposes. In order for us to market products, events and
        services which are of specific interest and relevance to you, we may
        analyse and rely on your personal data provided to us, or data collected
        from your interactions with us However, no marketing, using your
        personal data in non-aggregated and/or identifiable form, would be
        carried out unless you have provided us with your consent to use your
        personal data for such marketing purposes. If you do not want us to use
        your personal data for the purposes of marketing you can withdraw your
        consent at any time by contacting us in accordance with paragraph 1.7
     5. Use permitted under applicable laws. We may also collect, use, disclose
        and process your personal data for other purposes, without your
        knowledge or consent, where this is required or permitted by law. Your
        personal data may be processed if it is necessary on reasonable request
        by a law enforcement or regulatory authority, body or agency or in the
        defence of a legal claim. We will not delete personal data if relevant
        to an investigation or a dispute. It will continue to be stored until
        those issues are fully resolved.
     6. Contacting you. When we contact or send you information for the above
        purposes and purposes for which you have consented, we may do so by
        post, e-mail, SMS, telephone or such other means provided by you. If you
        do not wish to receive any communication or information from us, or wish
        to restrict the manner by which we may contact or send you information,
        you may contact us in accordance with paragraph 1.7 above.
     1. Cookies. In order to improve our products or services, we collect data
        by way of “cookies”. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers
        that we store via your browser on the hard drive of your computer or
        mobile device. There are three main types of cookies:
        1. Session cookies: specific to a particular visit and limited to
           sending session identifiers (random numbers generated by the server)
           so you don't have to re-enter information when you navigate to a new
           page or check out. Session cookies are not permanently stored on your
           device and are deleted when the browser closes;
        2. Persistent cookies: record information about your preferences and are
           stored in your browser cache or mobile device; and
        3. Third party cookies: placed by someone other than us which may gather
           data across multiple websites or sessions.
     2. How we use cookies. We use cookies for the following purposes:
        1. Strictly necessary: These cookies are essential for you to browse our
           Applications and use its features. The information collected relates
           to the operation of the Applications (e.g. website scripting language
           and security tokens) and enables us to provide you with the service
           you have requested.
        2. Functionality: These cookies remember the choices you have made, for
           example the country you visit our Application from, your language and
           any changes you have made to text size and other parts of the web
           pages that you can customise to improve your user experience and to
           make your visits more tailored and enjoyable.
        3. Performance/analytics: These cookies collect information on how users
           use our Applications for example which pages you visit most often,
           whether you receive any error messages and how you arrived at our
           Applications. Information collected by these cookies is used only to
           improve your use of our Applications. These cookies are sometimes
           placed by third party providers of web traffic and analysis services.
           We use Google Analytics. For information on how Google processes and
           collects your information and how you can opt out, please click here.
        We may also automatically collect and store certain information about
        your interaction with our Applications including IP address, browser
        type, internet service provider, referring/exit pages, operating system,
        date/time stamps and related data.
     3. Other technologies. In addition to cookies, we use some other similar
        technologies such as local shared objects (sometimes called flash
        cookies) that can be stored on your browser, and which are used to
        maintain preferences and usage records.
     4. Refusing or deleting cookies. Most internet browsers are set up by
        default to accept cookies. However if you want to refuse or delete them
        (or similar technologies) please refer to the help and support area on
        your browser for instructions on how to block or delete cookies (for
        example: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari).
        Please note you may not be able to take advantage of all the features of
        our Applications, including certain personalised features, if you delete
        or refuse cookies.
     5. Mobile Opt-out. If you access our Applications through mobile devices,
        you can enable a "do not track" feature so as to control interest-based
        advertising on an iOS or Android mobile device by selecting the Limit
        Add Tracking option in the privacy section of your Settings on iOS or
        via advertising preferences on Android devices (e.g. in Google
        Settings). This will not prevent the display of advertisements but will
        mean that they will no longer be personalised to your interests.
        1. To opt out of Google Analytics, visit
        2. For more information on managing cookies, please go to
     1. Disclosure to Group entities. We may disclose or share your personal
        data with any entity in the Group in order to provide our services to
        you, manage our shareholder and investor returns, for management and
        compliance purposes, to utilise shared group IT functions, and for any
        other purposes as described in paragraph 5 above.
     2. Disclosure to third parties. We may also disclose your personal data to
        third parties in connection with purposes described in paragraph 5
        above, including without limitation the following circumstances:
        1. disclosing your personal data to third parties who provide services
           to us (including, but not limited to, data providers, technology
           providers, insurance providers, and other professional services
           (including accountants, lawyers and auditors));
        2. disclosing your personal data to third parties that we conduct
           marketing activities and cross promotions with;
        3. disclosing your personal data to external banks, credit card
           companies, other financial institutions and their respective service
           providers for the purposes of processing payment;
        4. disclosing your personal data to third parties in order to fulfil
           such third party products and/or services as may be requested or
           directed by you;
        5. disclosing your personal data to relevant government ministries,
           regulators, statutory boards or authorities or law enforcement
           agencies to comply with any laws, rules, guidelines and regulations
           or schemes imposed by any governmental authority;
        6. If we are discussing selling or transferring part or all of our
           business – the information may be transferred to prospective
           purchasers under suitable terms as to confidentiality;
        7. If we are reorganised or sold, information may be transferred to a
           buyer who can continue to provide continued relationship with you;
        8. If we are defending a legal claim your information may be transferred
           as required in connection with defending such claim; and/or
        9. any other party to whom you authorise us to disclose your personal
           data to.
     3. When disclosing personal data to third parties, we will (where
        appropriate and permissible) enter into contracts with these third
        parties to protect your personal data in a manner that is consistent
        with all applicable laws and/or ensure that they only process your
        personal data in accordance with our instructions.
     1. Transfers. We may transfer your personal data to different jurisdictions
        in connection with the purposes described in paragraph 5 above:
        1. from the jurisdiction where it is collected (or where you are
           located) to any other jurisdictions that we operate in; and
        2. to third parties in other jurisdictions.
        You fully understand and unambiguously consent that we may transfer your
        personal data to any country (including to third parties where
        necessary) for the purposes set out in this Personal Data Policy or as
        notified to you.
     2. Safeguards. In the event that your personal data is transferred outside
        of Singapore, we will take steps to ensure that your personal data
        continues to receive a standard of protection that is at least
        comparable to that provided under this Personal Data Policy and
        applicable data protection laws.
     1. Unauthorised access. While we take reasonable precautions to safeguard
        your personal data in our possession or under our control, you agree not
        to hold us liable or responsible for any loss or damage resulting from
        unauthorised or unintended access that is beyond our control, such as
        hacking or cybercrimes.
     2. Vulnerabilities. You should be aware that no method of transmission over
        the Internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. We do
        not make any warranty, guarantee, or representation that your use of our
        systems or applications is safe and protected from malware, and other
        vulnerabilities. We also do not guarantee the security of data that you
        choose to send us electronically. Sending such data is entirely at your
        own risk.
     3. Period of retention. We retain your personal data only for as long as is
        necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, and to satisfy our
        business and/or legal purposes, including data analytics, audit,
        accounting or reporting purposes. How long we keep your personal data
        depends on the nature of the data, e.g. we keep personal data for at
        least the duration of the limitation period for bringing claims if the
        personal data may be required to commence or defend legal proceedings.
        Some information may also be retained for longer, e.g. where we are
        required to do so by law.
     4. Anonymised data. In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal
        data so that it can no longer be associated with you, in which case we
        are entitled to retain and use such data without restriction.
     1. Rights you may enjoy. Under the PDPA, you enjoy certain rights under
        applicable law in relation to our collection, use, disclosure and
        processing of your personal data. Such rights may include:
        1. Access: you may ask us if we hold your personal data and, if we are,
           you can request access to your personal data. This enables you to
           receive a copy of and information on the personal data we hold about
        2. Correction: you may request that any incomplete or inaccurate
           personal data we hold about you is corrected.
        3. Restriction: you may withdraw consent for our use of your personal
        4. Portability: if you have an ongoing relationship with us, you may
           request the transfer of certain of your personal data to another
           party under certain conditions.
        If you wish to exercise any of your rights, you may contact us in
        accordance with paragraph 1.7, or submit your request in such forms that
        we may make available to you (e.g. for Jumbo Rewards and users of our
        online retail services, you may access your profile and change your
        details in your profile page). We may require that you submit certain
        forms or provide certain information to process your request. Where
        permitted by law, we may also charge you a fee to process your request.
     2. Limitations. We may be permitted under applicable laws to refuse a
        request, for example, we may refuse (a) a request for erasure where the
        personal data is required for in connection with claims; or (b) an
        objection request and continue processing your personal data based on
        compelling legitimate grounds for the processing.

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