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Forecasts for Virgo Birthdays. For most of January, Venus will be in Capricorn.
This will improve your sense of creativity and your relationships with others.


Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign Your January Horoscope Is Here Decan 1 Virgo
January 2021 Horoscope

All year — Pluto trine your decan makes intensity, endurance, and passion part
of your everyday life. This gives you awesome power and influence. Increased
self-confidence helps you make big advances in all areas of life. Your sexual
magnetism and self-assurance attract positive attention. December 30 to January
9 — Venus square your decan increases your need for love and affection but a
tendency towards laziness and selfishness is possible.

You may experience sadness in love or have to endure hardship or delay. However,
the harmonizing influence of the Mercury transit mentioned below will improve
your mood and your relationships. January 1 to 8 — Mercury trine your decan
brings good news and pleasant conversation. January 3 to 6 — Mercury conjunct
Pluto on the 4th adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications.
You will have the power of persuasion and can influence other people.

The probing and penetrating nature of your mind can get to the bottom of
troubling issues and uncover secrets and plots. January 8 to 20 — Sun trine your
decan brings inner calm and balance that adds harmony to your relationships.
January 12 to 16 — Sun conjunct Pluto on the 14th gives the power, influence,
and determination to reach your goals. Deep research and investigation enable
you to uncover secrets and solve mysteries. This probing nature also applies at
the psychological level.

So this is a good time to break bad habits and to resolve relationship problems.
There can be the need to organize and structure your family activities, home
life, emotions, or care of others, or there can be a strong sense of duty
associated with loved ones or caring for people in your life this year.
Responsibilities to your loved ones are clear and you readily accept them. This
is a year in which you seek out nourishment and naturally nurture and support


Others like what you have to say on the 28 th. Just letting things go may be the
answer to avoid unnecessary conflict. Schedule plenty of me-time to think about
your past and january 15 2021 virgo horoscope and futurejournal, go to therapy,
maybe write a memoir? In one way or another, your social network is likely to
grow this year. There january 15 2021 virgo horoscope also be some argument with
family members about your existing loans and debts and how to save money
effectively. Do the best you can, but do not let your partner take advantage of
you. Pay close attention in June, when your career path can veer off in a
different direction during a transformative Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Use this
time to tune in to their thoughts and feelings. Take off the rose-colored
glasses and see your partner for who they really are. You feel that subtle
changes that you have been witnessing are about to unfold and this may be your
first clue as to what that is.

Financial undertakings involving electronics, technology, the internet,
metaphysics, and the arts, as well as group activities are in good favor for the
most. You have a taste for the offbeat this year, and this period can bring
sudden or unexpected romance into your life. Relationships are mutually
beneficial and naturally equal, fair, and balanced in the period ahead. There
can be a stronger inclination towards togetherness and sharing. This is an
important year for reorganization and discipline.

The period ahead demands hard work at remodeling and renovating your goals or a
particular area of your life.

You may want or need to start over or rebuild in this area. You can feel driven
to achieve and accomplish something. This is a potentially excellent year for
new ideas, and perhaps a spark of genius. Learning, studies, and communications
are well-favored. Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship.
It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is generally not as
active than other years.

Lack of forgiveness and compromise can end any relationship. You may have
misunderstandings with your in-laws. Finance: The financial status can be
somewhat favorable for you after the middle of the month. You may spend on your
family members this month, especially on your mother and your children. This may
bring you happiness as you see your money being put into good use, but the
in-flow of finances will not be as good as your expenses and this may put some
strain on you. There can also be some argument with family members about your
existing loans and debts and how to save money effectively.

There can be some ego clashes regarding the finances with the elders of the
house. You may want to regain financial independence this month.


Career: This month may not be a favorable month professionally. You may feel as
if you are not recognized by your seniors at work and there can be some ego
clashes with seniors at work. When Mars, planet of conflict and confrontation,
moves into your sign on January 6, your normally peaceful demeanor will be shot
through with a dose of fiery passion. We pity anyone who gets in your way, tells
you no, or simply questions your motives right now. As it directs course,
changes made to your outward-facing life your means of self-presentation, how
others view you will come more easily. This month will see you making subtle
strides in your relationships.

What sorts of conversations are you having late at night? Are you sharing more
private details than before? Are you learning about their fantasies and desires?
Though this kind of intimate knowledge may be exchanged in an off-the-cuff
manner, it reflects an intense level of mutual trust. Love — or, at the very
least, the potential for it — is in the air for you as January and as a whole
begins , Cancer.

Venus moves into your partnerships sector on the 8th, casting a rosy tint over
your closest relationships. Your already tender-hearted sign will be all the
more conflict-averse during this period, opting to prioritize the needs of your
loved ones over your own. Make sure you're getting your fair share, dear Crab.
The full moon in Leo will arrive on the 28th, ending the month with a laundry
list of questions. Are your spending habits aligned with those of your S. Beyond
the literal meaning of money, where else in your relationships do you notice
transactions taking place? Is love, care, and intimate knowledge volunteered or
is it offered in exchange for something else?

The meeting of a true soul mate can occur making the dark dreary days of winter
much more enjoyable, especially toward the end of the month. Send original
greeting card or email to friends and enemies. Being involved in several
projects at once alleviates your boredom and keeps the mind sharp and receptive.
Although that may not be the case on the th when the stars insist that partners
take the lead. On the 25th there is a very important Astro event that emphasizes
your career and home environment.

You may come to the conclusion that one or the other must change if you are to
be happy with them both. This month sheds light on your work environment and
what needs to be done to get you the recognition you deserve. You feel that
subtle changes that you have been witnessing are about to unfold and this may be
your first clue as to what that is.

Your presence in the workforce is greatly admired and appreciated now and you
can be certain others take notice. Just letting things go may be the answer to
avoid unnecessary conflict.


Learn from a past mistake and go on to improve future relationships. Saturn
still has an iron fist on lending options so you may need to resort to your own
sources for income to provide coverage of your needs. Keep tempers in check and
start a good exercise program where you can release some of that pent up energy
or anger. January th are your personal days this month.

Use the energy it supplies you to find yourself new and exciting ways of
expressing yourself without becoming argumentative. Try to go with the flow and
not be so rigid in your thoughts and ideas that others view you as stubborn. On
the 10th you will improves finances and the starts will allow you to buy a
long-anticipated purchase. Take a short trip around the time of the 25ths.
Visits to sibling or neighbor can be quite satisfying now. Fiction or occult
subject matter take the lead bringing an answer to your financial problems.

Keep writing.

Improve your people skills and maintain a healthy balance between personal and
professional life. What goes out returns triple-fold. Send positive thoughts to
others less fortunate and be receptive to the positive energy that returns.
Still, under a rather deceptive or unclear picture about finances, you remain
steadfast in your approach. The sudden meeting of someone from your past can
improve your chances of success. Uranus brings the return of an old

 * Virgo Horoscope 2021: You're On Track For Success.
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 * Virgo horoscope January 2021.

Your bound will get some clear-cut answers about finances now.


Today's Horoscopes Top Stories Horoscope for Friday, March 6, 2020 Your daily
horoscope: March 6 - The Globe and Mail

Tonight: Enjoy someone trying to lure you in. Your communications could surprise
another person, or this person's response might be most unexpected. How you deal
with and view this person could radically change in the next few months.
Tonight: TGIF.

Know when to call it a night. But she nearly fell off her seat when she learned
that her relative was still living in Fifteen-year old facing drug charges after
allegedly being found in the possession of Fentanyl. On Wednesday, Dec.
Bracebridge OPP were called to a Gravenhurst address regarding an alleged
assault with a weapon.

All Rights Reserved. X Enter keyword s to search for the
articles,events,business listing and community content.


Submit Your Content. Already have a Torstar account? Sign In. Already a current
subscriber? How you deal with and view this person could radically change in the
next few months. Tonight: TGIF. Know when to call it a night. But she nearly
fell off her seat when she learned that her relative was still living in
Fifteen-year old facing drug charges after allegedly being found in the
possession of Fentanyl.


On Wednesday, Dec. Bracebridge OPP were called to a Gravenhurst address
regarding an alleged assault with a weapon. All Rights Reserved. X Enter keyword
s to search for the articles,events,business listing and community content.
Submit Your Content. Already have a Torstar account?

Deep Astrology Weekly Horoscope March 6-12 2018 Jupiter Retrograde, Mercury
Venus Aries

Sign In. Already a current subscriber? Subscribe for newspaper delivery of the
and online access to for the relevant news you need from the local source you
trust. LEO July Aug. Your giving and thoughtful ways make you the center of
attention. Pisces, you generally have an open mind which gives you incredible
understanding. You are also adaptable making it easy to mingle with different
cultures and backgrounds. Sometimes, those not as fortunate are the ones hanging
onto your every word and watching your moves.

Those of you who are born on March 6, will transform those around you. Although
not aggressive, you use every opportunity to express yourself predict your
birthday astrology analysis. Do You Have Good Karma? Try The Karma Quiz Now!!
Pisceans with birthday March 6, must be the last of the true romantic folk.

You can be so gentle and loving that it hurts. You are just overflowing with
passion and adoration for your significant other.


March 6th Zodiac Being a. March 6 Zodiac is Pisces - Full Horoscope Personality.
March 6, Pisces. Being a Pisces born on March 6th, you are witty and
enthusiastic. You.

Those born on March 6 have a way of sweeping you off your feet. Your birthday
meaning also foretells that your creative resources bring to reality a fairy
tale love affair. Pisceans treat their loved ones like royalty treating them to
the finest of everything. Before you think of snagging yourself a fish, make
sure that it is what you want. Sometimes, you just have to give people the time
and space they need to heal their wounds. This is just a phase, one that will
make your bond grow stronger in the long run.

Blessed are those who have love in their life, Leo. Put the minor differences
aside. Your heart is too magnificent to hold onto the minor grudges. Trust that
this inner alchemy will become a catalyst for your outer reality to transform.
Your artistic side is also calling for your attention today. Allow yourself to
flow the cosmic currents. Allow yourself to create for the sake of creation.

There is no goal in sight here. Today, you're being called to step back and
reassess your personal space. How many times have you said 'yes' when your head
was screaming 'no'? Do you hold yourself responsible for the wellbeing of those
around you? This is not your burden to carry, Virgo. The cards are urging you to
differentiate between what's yours and what's theirs. Draw boundaries without
delay lest you reach breaking point. If and when you feel lost, turn to your
inner compass for guidance. The stirrings of your soul will answer questions no
religious texts ever will.

You have to let go of what you believe to be true in order to see the world in a
different light. Keep your mind open to new experiences. Expansion is a major
theme for you at this point. Pay proper attention to the way you present and
take care of yourself.


Avoid stressful situations. Put your energy where it counts. Refuse to let
someone dictate where or how you spend your time. Use your charm and insight to
override interference. Birthday Baby: You are enthusiastic, original and


January Horoscope | Old Farmer's Almanac Taurus Weekly Horoscope 28 December,
2020 - 3 January, 2021 Your December 2020 Horoscope Is Here, And 2021 Can’t Come
Soon Enough Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Happy New Year to those who celebrate it according to ancient traditions on
December 21 - the day of the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the
year. Health and peace to you on the sacred Christmas Eve! Taurus Weekly
Horoscope 14 - 20 December, If you were born under the sign of Taurus, this week
you will be surprised by actions or suggestions that you will receive from
friends or through your professional contacts.

New acquaintances will bring special emotions into your daily life. This week
you will have a temporary breakup with a loved one or you will talk about an
upcoming one. Probably this event will be related to a trip that will take place
by the end of the year or early The week brings different occasions for dynamic
conversations or meetings in the family or in your circle of relatives. It is
possible to gather on a special occasion, lively phone conversations, discuss
interesting events with relatives. The week will be favorable for an engagement
or a wedding.

During these seven days, your financial affairs will have a favorable
development. Cash receipts or news of upcoming ones are possible.

The Sun and Mercury will provide you the impetus for propelling further in your
professional life. Mars will give Taurus personality the enthusiasm required for
all your activities this month. Your social life will be supported by the
favorable aspects of Neptune. Love life will be full of passion during the first
week and then it becomes more romantic and affectionate. Take this in-depth four
elements personality quiz to understand it. Taurus Love and Relationship
Horoscope Taurus compatibility foretells that love this month will be governed
by both Mars and Venus.

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While Venus provides the romance, Mars will contribute with passion and mystery
in matters of love of Taurus people. Those who are already committed will head
towards marriage and pregnancy. Do You Have Good Karma? Try The Karma Quiz Now!!
Singles will be able to find their love mates due to the positive aspects of Sun
and Venus. There will be more dedication than romance in the affairs of the

Check out horoscope Can you make your money work harder for you? Team up with
someone for mutual gain?


Assess your inner circle and reach out to the power players. The Sagittarius
total solar eclipse on December 14 could present an unexpected opportunity to
bring in a larger lump sum, pay down debt or take a plunge into a surprising
joint venture.

Eclipses can present an entirely new path or plot twist, so keep an open mind.
The last time Saturn and Jupiter came this close was at the turn of the
millennium, in Ready to make up for lost time? United States. Type keyword s to

 * Yearly Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Taurus.
 * Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign.
 * Daily horoscope.
 * Product details.
 * Yearly Horoscope Astrological Prediction for Taurus | Vietnam Times?
 * Watch Next.
 * Taurus January 2021.

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Decans give your Taurus monthly horoscope a more personal touch. Taurus January
horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. December 26 to January 2 –
Mercury trine your decan brings good news. Auspicious dates: 4, 5, 6,7, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, Inauspicious dates: 1,2,3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
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When the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st, you'll feel super confident yay!
Oh, and FYI: Jupiter and Saturn are hanging out in your financial sector, making
you hyper aware of what you want—and what you have. Btw, Venus is hanging out in
a sector of your chart about career, making you wonder if you could use a little
more creativity in your job. Later,the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st,
bringing new opportunities for you. It can make a big difference in your future.

What do you want to do with your life, Pisces? No, really. The new moon on the
14th is putting that q front and center for you.

On the career front, what do you want to be known for? And do you still get
psyched to go to work, or are you kinda-totally in a rut at the moment?

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Follow the Author Horoscope for the Week of March 5 Cosmopolitan Bedside
Astrologer: The Ultimate Guide to Your Star Power You are here

Would you like to switch to your local site? Read anywhere. Ways to pay. Trusted
site. Instant Access when you subscribe. Digital subscriptions include the
latest issue and all regular issues released during your subscription. Your
chosen term will automatically renew unless auto-renew is cancelled in your
subscription area 24 hours before the end of the current subscription.

Cosmo is packed with invaluable tips on everything from love, sex and
relationships to body confidence and exclusive intimate interviews with your
favourite celebs every month. Single Digital Issue Dec Jan Available with. Get
unlimited access to Cosmopolitan and over other great titles. Venus transits
Sagittarius on Tuesday, making our romances more adventurous. Saturn re-enters
Aquarius on Thursday, staying there until , and Jupiter joins Aquarius on
Saturday. Mercury enters Capricorn on Sunday, helping us get grounded!

Think big, Aries! The solar eclipse in Sagittarius on Monday wants you to expand
your thinking, and Venus entering Sag the next day attracts the people who can
help. Jupiter and Saturn enter Aquarius this week, inspiring you to get more
engaged with your politics, friends, and community for the next 2.


Mercury enters Capricorn on Sunday, helping your career ambitions reach new
heights. Go deeper, Taurus! For the next 2. Mercury enters Cap this Sunday,
giving you boosts of optimism when facing the unknown. On Monday, the solar
eclipse in Sagittarius, followed by Venus entering Sag on Tuesday, wants to
change your relationship status for the better. Then Jupiter and Saturn enter
Aquarius this week, putting travel when it's safe to do so! Mercury enters your
Capricorn-ruled intimacy zone on Sunday, so own your desires and speak them too!
Get your life, Cancer! Jupiter and Saturn enter your Aquarius-ruled intimacy
zone this week, making the next 2.

Mercury transits your Capricorn-ruled romance arena on Sunday, helping you
trust, compromise, and negotiate more fully. Reeve , with 82 stories featuring
Craig Kennedy , the "scientific detective". Hearst formed Cosmopolitan
Productions also known as Cosmopolitan Pictures , a film company based in New
York City from to , then Hollywood until The vision for this film company was to
make films from stories published in the magazine. Cosmopolitan magazine was
officially titled as Hearst's International Combined with Cosmopolitan from
until , but was simply referred to as Cosmopolitan.

In June it was shortened to Hearst's and was ultimately titled Hearst's
International in May In order to spare serious cutbacks at San Simeon , Hearst
merged the magazine Hearst's International with Cosmopolitan effective March But
while the Cosmopolitan title on the cover remained at a typeface of eight-four
points , over time span the typeface of the Hearst's International decreased to
thirty-six points and then to a barely legible twelve points.

After Hearst died in , the Hearst's International disappeared from the magazine
cover altogether in April Emphasizing fiction in the s, it was subtitled The
Four-Book Magazine since the first section had one novelette, six or eight short
stories, two serials, six to eight articles and eight or nine special features,
while the other three sections featured two novels and a digest of current
non-fiction books. During World War II, sales peaked at 2,, The magazine began
to run less fiction during the s.

Circulation dropped to slightly over a million by , a time when magazines were
overshadowed during the rise of paperbacks and television. The Golden Age of
magazines came to an end as mass market , general interest publications gave way
to special interest magazines targeting specialized audiences. Cosmo was widely
known as a "bland" and boring magazine by critics.

Cosmopolitan's circulation continued to decline for another decade until Helen
Gurley Brown became chief editor in As the editor for 32 years, Brown spent this
time using the magazine as an outlet to erase stigma around unmarried women not
only having sex, but also enjoying it.


She believed that women were allowed to enjoy sex without shame in all cases.
She died in at the age of The magazine set itself apart by frankly discussing
sexuality from the point of view that women could and should enjoy sex without
guilt. The first issue under Helen Gurley Brown, July , [40] featured an article
on the birth control pill , [37] which had gone on the market exactly five years
earlier. This was not Brown's first publication dealing with sexually liberated
women. Her advice book, Sex and the Single Girl , had been a bestseller.

Brown sent the message that a woman should have men complement her life, not
take it over. Enjoying sex without shame was also a message she incorporated in
both publications. In Brown's early years as editor, the magazine received heavy
criticism. In at the feminist Miss America protest , protestors symbolically
threw a number of feminine products into a "Freedom Trash Can. In April , a
single edition of Cosmopolitan Man was published as a trial, targeted to appeal
to men. It was published twice in as a supplement to Cosmopolitan.

The magazine, and in particular its cover stories, have become increasingly
sexually explicit in tone, and covers have models wearing revealing clothes.
Kroger , the second largest grocery chain in the United States after Walmart,
used to cover up Cosmopolitan at checkout stands because of complaints about
sexually inappropriate headlines. It was well known for sexual explicitness,
with strong sexual language, male nudity, and coverage of such subjects as rape.
It shut down in December The magazine currently features topics including sex,
relationships, beauty, college, fashion, politics, movies, books, music, money,
career, and astrology,.

There are 64 worldwide editions of Cosmopolitan , and the magazine is published
in 35 languages, with distribution in more than countries making Cosmopolitan
the largest-selling young women's magazine in the world. In October , Bauer
Media Group announced that after 45 years, publication of the Australian edition
of Cosmopolitan would stop due to the commercial viability of the magazine no
longer being sustainable.

Cosmopolitan has since the s been a women's magazine discussing such topics as
sex, health, fitness, and fashion. Cosmopolitan also has a section called "Ask
Him Anything" where a male writer answers readers' questions about men and

There is debate whether the responses in this section are representative of the
majority of men or only based on the views of the small number of male writers.
Cosmopolitan has found popularity in its newfound medium, the "discover" section
on Snapchat. Cosmopolitan's "discover" has over 3 million readers a day. For
over a decade, the February issue has featured this award.


Your Horoscope for the Week of March Everything you need to The Universe is
working the zodiac hard this week. Don't despair because. Your Horoscope for the
Week of March 5. Everything you Happy March! Spring's warmth 12 Need-to-Know
Black-Owned Bedding Brands.

Cosmopolitan' s November issue features the hottest bachelors from all 50
states. Pictures and profiles of all the Bachelors are posted on www.

A team of Cosmopolitan editors then selects the Bachelor of the Year, who is
announced at an annual party and media event in New York. The 50 bachelors
generally appear on programs such as The Today Show. In the May issue of
Cosmopolitan , the magazine launched the Practice Safe Sun campaign, an
initiative aimed at fighting skin cancer by asking readers to stop all forms of
tanning other than tanning from a bottle.

This weekend, downtime is on the itinerary. Recharge, relax, rest.

Connect to friends who feel like family this weekend. Mental chemistry takes
your physical chemistry off the charts, Aquarius.


This weekend, review your work life and find new ways to measure your success.
Happy birthday to you, Pisces! The universe is making it rain for you throughout
your birthday celebrations. Tuesday electrifies your direct deposit with
abundance, prosperity, and value. Treat yourself and indulge wisely. You deserve
self-care and self-love.

This weekend, continue to give back to yourself in new ways. Try relating to the
world in optimistic ways! A passionate student of astrology, A Course in
Miracles, and other systems of personal-growth, Colin founded QueerCosmos to
meaningfully contextualize queer identities across the zodiac and universal
spiritual themes.

Additionally, Colin leads private natal chart readings and horoscope columns
with international publications. For more, head over to QueerCosmos.


Horoscope - hidden secrets of the zodiac signs revealed! Jupiter will be in
Aquarius from January 18 and this astral combination means that is the right
time Chiron is retrograde in Aries, between July 15 and December Leo – king of
the jungle · Virgo – A drive for perfection · Libra – peacemaker of the Zodiac.