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Text Content


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Webinar: Real Assets Market Update | 30-minute update

March 21, 2024 at 2 PM ET. For financial professionals only.


Frank Kelly’s Geopolitical Week Ahead | March 17, 2024

European Union (EU) leaders will gather for a European Council Summit this week
to discuss a heavy agenda. U.S. Congress faces yet another deadline to get
appropriations bills done (by Friday) or face a partial government shutdown.

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Natural Resources lead as markets grind higher: LRA Market Update

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Alternatives Investor Letter

Paul Kelly | Global Head of Alternatives

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10 themes for the year ahead

CIO View Special

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DWS Direct now on mobile! Download the app using this QR code.

DWS Tax Center – Check out the latest update to help prepare your tax returns.

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ETFsMutual fundsClosed-end fundsMoney market fundsCash & liquidity products
DWS Account Login

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03/21/2024 // 2:00 PM EDT


Real Assets Market Update | 30 minutes

04/04/2024 // 2:00 PM EDT


Market Insights with David Bianco

All calls and webinars are subject to change | Podcasts and webinars

03/21/2024 // 2:00 PM EDT


Real Assets Market Update | 30 minutes

04/04/2024 // 2:00 PM EDT


Market Insights with David Bianco

All calls and webinars are subject to change | Podcasts and webinars


Replay: DWS Market Insights with Jason Chen | July 20, 2023

Replay: DWS Meet the Managers with Michael Sesser | July 06, 2023

Replay: DWS Manager Update with Sara Rowin on High Yields Bonds | June 08, 2023

Listen to all podcasts


CIO Special


Small caps ready for a comeback

The magic of some mega cap stocks and the headwind of rising interest rates have
had quite an impact on small caps since 2022. But the wind is slowly beginning
to shift.

Letter to Investors


AI must fix it

No economic slump, falling inflation and the first interest rate cuts. Not a bad
environment for capital investments, especially bonds. AI must deliver soon for



Our forecasts

All forecasts at a glance



DWS Long View - 2024

The return outlook for the next decade



Strong performance for crypto currencies

Introduction of Bitcoin ETFs has given the segment a boost

CIO Special


Critical Tech offers opportunity amid deglobalization retreat

Critical technologies are being identified and promoted as deglobalization


Female Finance: the benefits of diversity

How and why we still need to do more to get more women into finance, encourage
more women to invest and improve education about gender, diversity and finance.

Cryptocurrencies: the portfolio perspective

As a relatively young asset class, cryptocurrencies, in our view, could be a
valuable portfolio addition in an uncertain (rather than just a risky) world

Electrification: The Innovator's Dilemma

Current plans for utilizing renewable energy as the most cost-effective solution
to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions look set to shake up many established
business models

Circular Economy: Squaring the circle

How moving towards a carbon-neutral and ecologically sustainable circular
economy is not only natural but can also be profitable.

Investing in the age of Artificial Intelligence

How (not) to identify the long-term beneficiaries of artificial intelligence
(AI) and other types of disruptive technologies.






Making sense of commodity price forecasts

Geopolitical risk adds yet another layer of complexity to understanding
commodity prices. In terms of forecast accuracy, though, it’s all about the vol.



Nature-focused regulations start to get serious

Whitepaper #1: Catching-up to climate



Electrification: The Innovator's Dilemma

Current plans for utilizing renewable energy as the most cost-effective solution
to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions look set to shake up many established
business models



Markets can be unpredictable. Your asset manager shouldn’t be. Our portfolio
management teams strives for consistency rigorously applying objective,
risk-managed processes based on deep research to pu...


For 20 years, DWS has been creating high-quality index-tracking strategies. Our
Xtrackers ETFs provide innovation, efficient market access and value in
categories such as ESG, fixed income, internatio...


We believe alternatives are an essential complement to traditional stock and
bond allocations. Our 50 years of experience informs a disciplined approach to
evaluating and capitalizing on opportunities...


Latin America & U.S. Offshore

From financial professionals and institutions in Latin America to sovereign
wealth funds and central banks, partnering with a large, global asset manager
offers some key potential advantages.

Insurance Asset Management

DWS is among the leaders in the global insurance asset management business. Our
commitment and expertise in the insurance market insurance market dates back to
1929 when we first established a compreh...


Long-standing, innovative alternative opportunities to invest beyond traditional

Cash Solutions

A global advisor for liquidity management solutions




Who we are

Investors for a new now

Proud to be different

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Corporate Social Responsibility

With our social commitment, we take responsibility and work to combat climate
change and promote social justice.

Facts & Figures


Press Releases


DWS Strengthens Fixed Income Investment Platform with the Addition of Industry

DWS today announced the hiring of Stephen (Steve) Cianci, CFA, to its U.S. fixed
income team.

Press Releases


Xtrackers by DWS Launches its First Active ETF: NRES

DWS, one of the world's leading asset managers, announced today the listing of
its first actively-managed exchange-traded fund (ETF).

Press Releases


DWS Announces Product Updates to Six U.S.-Listed ETFs

DWS, one of the world's leading asset managers, announced its plans to close the
six U.S.-listed exchange traded funds (ETFs) .

View all from news & press


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For DWS, being international means much more than having a presence in many
countries. Our team combines local knowledge with worldwide reach. Please select
your location for websites containing product solutions available in your area.



Exchange Traded Products USA

Mutual Funds USA

Liquidity USA


RREEF Property Trust

War, terrorism, sanctions, economic uncertainty, trade disputes, public health
crises and related geopolitical events have led and, in the future, may lead to
significant disruptions in US and world economies and markets, which may lead to
increased market volatility and may have significant adverse effects on the fund
and its investments.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for
a company's operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential
investments: Environmental (how a company performs as a steward of nature);
Social (how a company manages relationships with employee, suppliers, customers,
and communities); Governance (company's leadership, executive pay, shareholder
rights, etc).

Investing in securities that meet ESG criteria may result in foregoing otherwise
attractive opportunities, which may result in underperformance when compared to
products that do not consider ESG factors.

War, terrorism, sanctions, economic uncertainty, trade disputes, public health
crises and related geopolitical events have led and, in the future, may lead to
significant disruptions in US and world economies and markets, which may lead to
increased market volatility and may have significant adverse effects on the fund
and its investments.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for
a company's operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential
investments: Environmental (how a company performs as a steward of nature);
Social (how a company manages relationships with employee, suppliers, customers,
and communities); Governance (company's leadership, executive pay, shareholder
rights, etc).

Investing in securities that meet ESG criteria may result in foregoing otherwise
attractive opportunities, which may result in underperformance when compared to
products that do not consider ESG factors.

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fluctuations, political and economic changes, and market risks. There are
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You cannot invest directly in an index. Shares of exchange traded funds (ETFs)
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are risks associated with investing, including possible loss of principal.
Stocks may decline in value. Bonds are subject to interest rate, credit,
liquidity and market risks to varying degrees.

Foreign investing involves currency, political and economic risk. Funds focusing
on a single country, sector and/or funds that emphasize investments in smaller
companies may experience greater price volatility. Investments in emerging
markets, real estate, currency, fixed income and alternative investments include
additional risks. Due to the investment strategy of certain Funds, they may make
higher capital gain distributions than other ETFs. Please see the fund’s
prospectus for a complete discussion of risks.

Shares of the exchange traded funds may be sold throughout the day on the
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and redeemed directly from the funds by authorized participants in very large
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are managed by DBX Advisors LLC (the "Adviser"), and distributed by ALPS
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KGaA, and is not affiliated with ALPS.

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Obtain A Prospectus
Carefully consider the fund's investment objectives, risk factors, charges and
expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the fund's
prospectus. To obtain a mutual fund summary prospectus, if available, or
prospectus, call (800) 728-3337 or download one from fundsus.dws.com. To obtain
an ETF prospectus call (844) 851-4255 or download one from etf.dws.com. To
obtain the RREEF Property Trust prospectus, download one from
rreefpropertytrust.com. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.

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The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries
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Past performance is not indicative of future returns. No assurance can be made
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Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models
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The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries,
such as DWS Distributors, Inc., which offers investment products, or DWS
Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C., which offer
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