www.tcythg.edu.vn Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.tcythg.edu.vn/protect/
Effective URL: http://www.tcythg.edu.vn/protect/english.php
Submission: On November 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

Name: displayResult #

<form name="displayResult" onsubmit="return false;" action="#">
  <fieldset class="embeddingData">
      <font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Copy the code</font>
    </legend> To anonymize all the external links on your forum, blog or homepage using Link Protect tool, just add this script somewhere in your html code (at the end of the body area of your main template.&nbsp; If possible, directly before the
    &lt;/body&gt; tag). This script is auto protect your site:<br>
    <textarea class="anonym_textarea" id="embeddingCode" name="embeddingCode" cols="50" rows="6" onclick="this.focus();this.select()" readonly=""></textarea><br>
    <input class="anonym_FormSubmit" name="markAll" id="markAll" value="select all" onclick="document.displayResult.embeddingCode.select();" type="button">

Name: anonymizerForm #

<form name="anonymizerForm" onsubmit="generateCode('anonymizerForm', 'embeddingCode'); return false;" action="#">
  <fieldset class="generationData">
      <font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Exclude keywords &amp; domains</font> (optional)
    </legend> Do not anonymize the following domains / keywords (comma separated: <em>yourdomain.com, keyword1, keyword2 ...)</em><br>
    <input id="keywordsInput" name="keywords" class="anonym_input" type="text" size="66"><br>
    <input id="submitButton" value="generate" class="anonym_FormSubmit" type="submit">

Name: theform #

<form name="theform" onsubmit="return go();" action="#">
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Your URL:</font>
      <input class="anonym_input" maxlength="255" name="nick" value="http://" type="text">
      <input class="anonym_FormSubmit" onclick="javascript:go()" value="Generate URL" type="button"><br>
      <font face="Times New Roman" size="4">This is the anonymous URL:</font>
    <textarea class="anonym_textarea" name="thelink1" wrap="soft" cols="66" rows="2" style="overflow: auto; height: 30px;" onclick="this.focus();this.select()" readonly=""></textarea><br>
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="4">
      <br>This is the anonymous URL as an HTML link:
      <textarea class="anonym_textarea_big" name="thelink2" wrap="soft" cols="66" rows="2" style="overflow: auto; height: 30px;" onclick="this.focus();this.select()" readonly=""></textarea><br>
      <font face="Times New Roman" size="4">This is the anonymous URL as a board link (works with any board software):</font>
    <textarea class="anonym_textarea_big" name="thelink3" wrap="soft" cols="66" rows="2" style="overflow: auto; height: 30px;" onclick="this.focus();this.select()" readonly=""></textarea><br>

Text Content


Language: English | Tiếng Việt


What is this?

This script is tool protect all the links your homepage or board. Webmasters can
use this tool to prevent their site from appearing in the server logs of
referred pages as referrer. The operators of the referred pages cannot see where
their visitors come from any more.
Using the referrer removal service is quite easy:
http://mangvn.org/protect/go.php?link=http://www.hacker.vn produces an anonymous
link to hacker.vn which prevents the original site from appearing as a referrer
in the logfiles of the referred page.
Easy to use for Joomla, Drupal, Mambo, PHP-Nuke or NukeViet CMS...

Copy the code To anonymize all the external links on your forum, blog or
homepage using Link Protect tool, just add this script somewhere in your html
code (at the end of the body area of your main template.  If possible, directly
before the </body> tag). This script is auto protect your site:

Exclude keywords & domains (optional) Do not anonymize the following domains /
keywords (comma separated: yourdomain.com, keyword1, keyword2 ...)



In order to produce a single anonymous link, enter the URL you want to link to
and then click on "Generate URL".

Your URL:

This is the anonymous URL:

This is the anonymous URL as an HTML link:

This is the anonymous URL as a board link (works with any board software):

Powered by Link Protect © MangVN.Org 2009

This page have / visitor since 21.03.2009.