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Submission: On June 19 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Metal Artistry by Kimberly Foster


A little about me: I started in March of 2016 by taking my first blacksmithing
class. From there, I fell in love with working with metal and working with my
hands. I decided to enroll in a 2-year welding program at Pueblo Community
College. I graduated in 2019 and went right into blacksmithing and custom
metalwork with Steve Williams, my mentor, at Cowboy Forge over the past 5 years.

This passion stems from finding metal work after I found sobriety eight years
ago. It has helped me develop and strengthen my skills for mechanical
understandings and be more fluid in my creativeness. All the support I've
received from family and friends, along with having a mentor that truly believes
in my ability has made it possible for me to now venture out on my own to bring
this metal art to you. My children have been a driving force behind my sustained
sense of purpose and I work hard everyday to show them that anything is possible
when you set your mind to it.

Please click the link above to look at my portfolio to see how I can create your
vision in All Things Metal.

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