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          <p class="text-block" id="T2" tabindex="0"><span color="#000000" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><strong>Welcome to the Global R&amp;D and Support Engagement Survey.&nbsp; Your feedback is valued and
                appreciated!</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br></span><span style="color: black;">Please complete the following brief survey by responding to the questions on a scale from 1 to 5 with <em>1 indicating you strongly disagree</em> with the
              statement and <em>5 indicating you strongly agree</em> with the statement.&nbsp; Once you’ve completed your responses, please click the “Submit Survey” button.</span></p><!--Q2_START-->
          <fieldset id="Q2_WRAPPER" class="question matrix">
            <legend id="Q2_LEGEND" class="sr-only">
            </legend><span id="Q2_QUESTION_TEXT"><a id="Q2_HEADING" class="question-heading anchor"></a><span class="question-text">Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) - 5 (Strongly Agree).</span></span>
            <div class="table-responsive">
              <table class="table table-striped" role="grid" aria-labelledby="Q2_QUESTION_TEXT">
                <colgroup style="width: 30%;">
                <colgroup span="5" style="width: 14%;">
                  <tr class="choice-row">
                    <th id="Q2T_0"><span class="sr-only">Topics</span></th>
                    <th id="Q2_A_C1">1 - Strongly Disagree</th>
                    <th id="Q2_A_C2">2 - Disagree</th>
                    <th id="Q2_A_C3">3 - Neither agree nor disagree</th>
                    <th id="Q2_A_C4">4 - Agree</th>
                    <th id="Q2_A_C5">5 - Strongly Agree</th>
                  <tr class="odd-row">
                    <td id="Q2T_1" class="topic-text" role="radiogroup" aria-owns="Q2_A_1_1 Q2_A_1_2 Q2_A_1_3 Q2_A_1_4 Q2_A_1_5">I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work.</td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_1_1" class="response select-area" title="I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work. 1 - Strongly Disagree" headers="Q2_A_C1"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_1" value="1" id="Q2_A_1_1" role="radio"
                        aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_1_1"><span class="sr-only">I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 1 - Strongly Disagree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_1_2" class="response select-area" title="I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work. 2 - Disagree" headers="Q2_A_C2"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_1" value="2" id="Q2_A_1_2" role="radio"
                        aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_1_2"><span class="sr-only">I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 2 - Disagree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_1_3" class="response select-area" title="I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work. 3 - Neither agree nor disagree" headers="Q2_A_C3"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_1" value="3" id="Q2_A_1_3"
                        role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_1_3"><span class="sr-only">I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 3 - Neither agree nor disagree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_1_4" class="response select-area" title="I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work. 4 - Agree" headers="Q2_A_C4"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_1" value="4" id="Q2_A_1_4" role="radio"
                        aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_1_4"><span class="sr-only">I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 4 - Agree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_1_5" class="response select-area" title="I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work. 5 - Strongly Agree" headers="Q2_A_C5"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_1" value="5" id="Q2_A_1_5" role="radio"
                        aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_1_5"><span class="sr-only">I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 5 - Strongly Agree</span></label></td>
                  <tr class="even-row">
                    <td id="Q2T_2" class="topic-text" role="radiogroup" aria-owns="Q2_A_2_1 Q2_A_2_2 Q2_A_2_3 Q2_A_2_4 Q2_A_2_5">I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop.</td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_2_1" class="response select-area" title="I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop. 1 - Strongly Disagree" headers="Q2_A_C1"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_2" value="1"
                        id="Q2_A_2_1" role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_2_1"><span class="sr-only">I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop., 1 - Strongly
                    <td id="Q2C_A_2_2" class="response select-area" title="I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop. 2 - Disagree" headers="Q2_A_C2"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_2" value="2" id="Q2_A_2_2"
                        role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_2_2"><span class="sr-only">I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop., 2 - Disagree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_2_3" class="response select-area" title="I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop. 3 - Neither agree nor disagree" headers="Q2_A_C3"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_2" value="3"
                        id="Q2_A_2_3" role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_2_3"><span class="sr-only">I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop., 3 - Neither agree nor
                    <td id="Q2C_A_2_4" class="response select-area" title="I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop. 4 - Agree" headers="Q2_A_C4"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_2" value="4" id="Q2_A_2_4"
                        role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_2_4"><span class="sr-only">I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop., 4 - Agree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_2_5" class="response select-area" title="I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop. 5 - Strongly Agree" headers="Q2_A_C5"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_2" value="5"
                        id="Q2_A_2_5" role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_2_5"><span class="sr-only">I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and develop., 5 - Strongly
                  <tr class="odd-row">
                    <td id="Q2T_3" class="topic-text" role="radiogroup" aria-owns="Q2_A_3_1 Q2_A_3_2 Q2_A_3_3 Q2_A_3_4 Q2_A_3_5">I am offered training or development to further myself professionally.</td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_3_1" class="response select-area" title="I am offered training or development to further myself professionally. 1 - Strongly Disagree" headers="Q2_A_C1"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_3" value="1" id="Q2_A_3_1"
                        role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_3_1"><span class="sr-only">I am offered training or development to further myself professionally., 1 - Strongly Disagree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_3_2" class="response select-area" title="I am offered training or development to further myself professionally. 2 - Disagree" headers="Q2_A_C2"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_3" value="2" id="Q2_A_3_2" role="radio"
                        aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_3_2"><span class="sr-only">I am offered training or development to further myself professionally., 2 - Disagree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_3_3" class="response select-area" title="I am offered training or development to further myself professionally. 3 - Neither agree nor disagree" headers="Q2_A_C3"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_3" value="3"
                        id="Q2_A_3_3" role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_3_3"><span class="sr-only">I am offered training or development to further myself professionally., 3 - Neither agree nor
                    <td id="Q2C_A_3_4" class="response select-area" title="I am offered training or development to further myself professionally. 4 - Agree" headers="Q2_A_C4"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_3" value="4" id="Q2_A_3_4" role="radio"
                        aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_3_4"><span class="sr-only">I am offered training or development to further myself professionally., 4 - Agree</span></label></td>
                    <td id="Q2C_A_3_5" class="response select-area" title="I am offered training or development to further myself professionally. 5 - Strongly Agree" headers="Q2_A_C5"><input type="radio" name="Q2_A_3" value="5" id="Q2_A_3_5"
                        role="radio" aria-checked="false"><label class="choice-text" for="Q2_A_3_5"><span class="sr-only">I am offered training or development to further myself professionally., 5 - Strongly Agree</span></label></td>
            <div id="Q2_AReqAns" tabindex="0" class="alert alert-danger validation-message" role="alert" style="display:none;"> Please answer all questions before continuing. </div>
          <input type="hidden" id="CurrentPageId" name="CurrentPageId" value="1"><input type="hidden" id="SurveyId" name="SurveyId" value="10C75D532EAEA13508DC5D7DB07150247D"><input type="hidden" id="SessionKey" name="SessionKey"
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Text Content

Welcome to the Global R&D and Support Engagement Survey.  Your feedback is
valued and appreciated!  
Please complete the following brief survey by responding to the questions on a
scale from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating you strongly disagree with the statement and
5 indicating you strongly agree with the statement.  Once you’ve completed your
responses, please click the “Submit Survey” button.

Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) - 5
(Strongly Agree).

Topics1 - Strongly Disagree2 - Disagree3 - Neither agree nor disagree4 - Agree5
- Strongly Agree I would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work.I
would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 1 - Strongly
DisagreeI would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 2 -
DisagreeI would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 3 - Neither
agree nor disagreeI would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 4
- AgreeI would strongly recommend Verint as a great place to work., 5 - Strongly
Agree I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and
develop.I receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and
develop., 1 - Strongly DisagreeI receive ongoing feedback from my manager that
allows me to improve and develop., 2 - DisagreeI receive ongoing feedback from
my manager that allows me to improve and develop., 3 - Neither agree nor
disagreeI receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to improve and
develop., 4 - AgreeI receive ongoing feedback from my manager that allows me to
improve and develop., 5 - Strongly Agree I am offered training or development to
further myself professionally.I am offered training or development to further
myself professionally., 1 - Strongly DisagreeI am offered training or
development to further myself professionally., 2 - DisagreeI am offered training
or development to further myself professionally., 3 - Neither agree nor
disagreeI am offered training or development to further myself professionally.,
4 - AgreeI am offered training or development to further myself professionally.,
5 - Strongly Agree

Please answer all questions before continuing.
50% Complete

Powered by Verint