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Silver Sony


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Product Info
Sony's intelligent noise-cancelling headphones with premium sound elevate your
listening experience with the ability to personalize and control everything you
hear. Get up to 30 hours of battery life with quick charging capabilities, enjoy
an enhanced Smart Listening feature set, and carry conversations hands-free with

Model: 6408357

Specifications & Manual

Color:  Silver Length:  12 Height:  12 Width:  11.97 Weight:  2.87 Size: 
Model: 6408357 RMS: 200026045 Inventory Item:  Store: 
Ownership Options For You
Choose the ownership option that works best for your budget.
 * Option 1: Small Flexible Payments
   At Rent-A-Center, you renew your rental agreement as you go. We work with you
   to get the right items at the payment amount and schedule that works for you.
   When you make all of the payments listed in the lease agreement, it’s yours.
   No further obligation, no further payments.1
   1North Carolina residents must pay an end-of-lease purchase option to obtain

 * Option 2: Own it When YOU are Ready
   Want to own it sooner and save? You always have an Early Purchase Option2
   that will save you money compared to paying the total cost to own in your
   lease. When you’re ready to own, simply pay the early purchase price and it’s
   yours! The sooner you choose, the more you’ll save.
   * Own it in up to 6 months for the greatest savings. In most states, we offer
     6 months “same as cash” as our lowest Early Purchase Option price.
     Rent-A-Center may offer longer same as cash periods in certain areas. CA,
     HI, NJ, NY, WV and selected locally owned & operated stores offer 3-6
     months same as cash depending on the product. Simply bring in the
     difference between what you’ve paid in rent (not incl. taxes or optional
     fees) and the original cash price, plus tax, before the Same as Cash period
     ends and you’ll own it at the lowest cost. Ask a store or review your
     agreement for more details.
   * Standard Early Purchase Option. After the Same as Cash period ends, you
     still have the option to own the merchandise early and save. Throughout the
     life of your agreement, the Early Purchase Option provides significant
     savings off of the remaining total cost to own when you choose to purchase
     items before the end of your agreement. This savings can be as much as 50%
     off of the remaining cost to own.
     2Early Purchase Option requires a payment in addition to regular rental

 * Option 3: Pick up where you left off
   If for some reason you need to pause your payments, simply return the
   product. When you’re ready, you can get it back (or a comparable item), and
   pick up where you left off.

Easy Payment Options
 * AutoPay: Automatically make your regularly scheduled payments.
 * Pause Payments: Life happens, and we're here to help. Return your item at any
   time and we'll pause your payments at no penalty. When you're ready, get the
   product back (or comparable item), and pick up where you left off. You don't
   lose the money you already paid. Note that we only store your payment history
   for 2 years, so you'll need to bring your last payment receipt as proof for
 * Pay Online: Make Payments anywhere, anytime with the Rent-A-Center Mobile App
   or website.
 * Pay by Phone: Call your local store and pay by phone ($1.99 convenience fee
   may apply).
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Lane Furniture Copeland Putty Sofa and Loveseat

Skytech 27" Chronos Mini AMD Ryzen 5-5600 Gaming Desktop Bundle

Signature Design by Ashley Dovemont-Putty RAF Sofa Chaise with Ottoman

Samsung - The Freestyle FHD HDR Smart Portable Projector - White

JBL - Partybox Encore Essential Portable Wireless Party Speaker - Black

JBL - Under Armour Project Rock Wireless Over-the-Ear Headphones - White


Bose - QuietComfort 45 Wireless Noise Cancelling Over-the-Ear Headphones -
Triple Black

Sony - Alpha ZV-E10 Kit Mirrorless Vlog Camera with 16-50mm Lens - Black

Signature Design by Ashley Lynxtyn Gaming Desk and Chair Bundle

Lane Furniture Copeland Putty Sofa and Loveseat

Skytech 27" Chronos Mini AMD Ryzen 5-5600 Gaming Desktop Bundle

Signature Design by Ashley Dovemont-Putty RAF Sofa Chaise with Ottoman

Samsung - The Freestyle FHD HDR Smart Portable Projector - White

JBL - Partybox Encore Essential Portable Wireless Party Speaker - Black

JBL - Under Armour Project Rock Wireless Over-the-Ear Headphones - White


Bose - QuietComfort 45 Wireless Noise Cancelling Over-the-Ear Headphones -
Triple Black

Sony - Alpha ZV-E10 Kit Mirrorless Vlog Camera with 16-50mm Lens - Black

Signature Design by Ashley Lynxtyn Gaming Desk and Chair Bundle



Video Game Consoles



Do I need a good credit score to rent from Rent-A-Center? Do I need a good
credit score to rent from Rent-A-Center?
No. We consider many different factors in reviewing your application and
regularly approve customers with less than perfect credit history.
Does Rent-A-Center report to the credit bureau? Does Rent-A-Center report to the
credit bureau?
Rent-A-Center does not report your payment history to the credit bureaus. We
know life happens so, we allow you to return your products at any time without
further obligation.
What information will I need to rent from Rent-A-Center? What information will I
need to rent from Rent-A-Center?
All you need is some standard information:
 * Personal Info: Name, date of birth and contact info
 * Income Info: Verifiable source of income
 * Residence Info: Contact info for your landlord/mortgage company
 * 2-4 References: At least two references should be relatives with separate

What is Rent-A-Center's return policy? What is Rent-A-Center's return policy?
At any time, you can contact your store to schedule a return of your product or
return the merchandise in person and pause your payments. When you're ready, you
can come back, reinstate your agreement to get the same or comparable item, and
pick up your payments right where you left off.
How much do I need to start an agreement at Rent-A-Center? How much do I need to
start an agreement at Rent-A-Center?
In most states, $10 is all you need to get started at Rent-A-Center.* Starting
amounts higher in some markets.  Customers in NY, HI will also pay a processing
fee of $10 ($18 in CA).  Contact your store for details.  


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*The advertised transaction is a rental-purchase agreement (rent-to-own
agreement, consumer rental-purchase agreement or a lease/lease-purchase
agreement, depending on your state). Pricing valid 5/12/2024 to 6/29/2024. Offer
good while supplies last and cannot be combined with any other promotion. The
"Total of All Payments" does not include applicable sales taxes or optional fees
and other charges (such as late charges) that you may incur. Customers in
certain states may be required to pay a processing fee, including a fee of up to
$18 in CA, and up to $10 in NY, HI, GA, KY, MD & VA.  Advertised rental rates
and terms are for new merchandise at participating locations. Prices not valid
outside U.S. "Pay As You Go" and "No Long-Term Commitment" refer to terminable
lease transactions with customer’s choice of weekly, semi-monthly or monthly
payments.  Savings claims based on the advertised weekly rates when compared to
non-promotional weekly rates and will not reduce the total amount necessary to
acquire ownership or purchase-option amounts, Sample pricing is for Ashley 5
piece Binterglen bedroom group (B427B10) and reduces weekly rental rate from
$22.99 per week to: $19.99 a week for max 91 weeks, Total of All Payments (max):
$1,819.09, Retail Value/Max Cash Price: $1,199.00; GA cost of lease services
$620.09, PA cost of lease services $620.09, WV retail value $680.14, WV RTO
charge $952.19.  Advertised rates begin 5/12/2024 and end 6/29/2024.

¥"RAC Drops for Pops" participants will receive a daily text from Rent-A-Center
with promotional offers during the time period 6/2/24 to 6/15/24. Quantities of
promotional merchandise will be limited and made available on a first come,
first served basis. Quantities of available promotional merchandise will vary
daily and once the daily quantity is depleted, the promotion for that day will
no longer be available. Rent-A-Center does not guarantee a specific daily
quantity of eligible merchandise and reserves the right to modify promotional
items based on product availability. Promo codes/offers will not be eligible to
apply on daily drop merchandise. Product selection in Puerto Rico and locally
owned & operated stores may vary. Eligibility subject to rental application
approval. Participating locations only.

±±"Skip Every 5th Payment" offer valid on new agreements entered into 6/2/2024
through 6/29/2024 and refers to "free time" rental extension earned each time
you complete four separate payment transactions. The “free time” credit will be
in an amount equal to the average days of rent paid the four preceding payments.
Free time may be accumulated and can be applied to your next renewal payment but
you cannot apply more than 4 weeks of free time benefits at one time. Customer
must contact store and elect to use free time, but available free time will be
applied automatically to avoid any late payment or fees. Free time will not
reduce total amount to acquire ownership or purchase-option amounts. Customers
eligible for this offer must use Promo Code "SKIP5TH" to receive offer. Offer
does not apply to tire rentals. Not valid with online only products. Pricing and
offers valid at participating locations only. See Store Manager for complete

^"$10 Pays Your First Week" offer is valid only on new agreements entered into
through in-store or online transactions from 5/12/2024 to 6/29/2024. Customers
eligible for this offer will pay $10 for the initial rental period until first
renewal, up to twelve days. Tax, Processing Fee (if applicable), Loss-Damage
Waiver (if selected) and Benefits Plus (if selected) are included in initial
rental. $1 will be allocated to Benefits Plus (if selected). Any tax due under
state law in excess of remaining $9 will be collected with first renewal
payment. On your first renewal date, regular rental rates, taxes, Benefits Plus
(if selected) and Loss Damage Waiver fees (if selected) will apply. Regular
rate, term and total cost vary by item selected. Offers will not reduce the
total amount necessary to acquire ownership or purchase-option amounts.
Customers eligible for this offer must use Promo Code "1WEEK4TEN" to receive
offer. Cannot be combined with any other promotion. Participating locations
only. Some exclusions apply. Not all customers or rental agreement transactions
will qualify.  See Store Manager for complete details.

**“The No Credit Option” means that this is not a credit, loan or financing
transaction. It does not mean or imply that no inquiry will be made of credit
history or creditworthiness. We consider multiple data points in reviewing your
application and regularly approve customers with less-than-perfect credit
history. “6 Months Same As Cash” offer valid in most states on new agreements,
and period ends 184 days after start of the new agreement. Exercising a Same As
Cash option requires a separate payment in addition to your rental renewal
payments. To make this payment, please contact your store or go to
https://www.rentacenter.com/en/myaccount/payonline-getstarted. See agreement for
details. 6 Months Same As Cash not available in HI, NJ, NY and WV and select
franchised locations, which may offer 4 - 6 Months Same As Cash, depending on
product selected. Offer is valid only on new agreements. 4 month period ends 123
days after start of the new agreement. “9 Months Same as Cash” only valid in
select stores on new agreements. Same as Cash period will run for 276 days from
date of agreement.  “Up to 12 Months Same as Cash” and “Up to 9 Months Same as
Cash” only valid in select stores on new agreements. Same as Cash period will
vary from 3-12 months based on product selected. Beginning on the date of a new
agreement, the duration of the Same as Cash period will be as follows: for 12
months Same as Cash, 365 days; for 9 months Same as Cash, 276 days; for 6 months
Same as Cash, 184 days; for 4 months Same as Cash, 123 days; for 3 months Same
as Cash, 92 days. Same As Cash availability and term may vary by location. MA
and RI: After the Same As Cash period, you may purchase the merchandise for 50%
of the remaining Total Cost, plus applicable sales tax. Participating locations
only. Eligible items only. All items subject to availability and approval. 
“Free Delivery and Curbside Pickup”: Not all locations may be able to provide
standard services. Free Delivery is not available on cash sales. Rent-A-Center
services and maintains the merchandise while on rent (or in NJ, for duration
stated on agreement); set-up does not include connection of gas appliances. Call
your store for local information. Order delivery for jewelry will take a minimum
of five days. “Early Purchase Option”: By exercising an Early Purchase Option,
customers will pay less than the total cost to own. Calculation of early
purchase amount varies by state; please see agreement for details. Exercising an
early purchase option requires a separate payment in addition to your rental
renewal payments. To make this payment, please contact your store or go to
https://www.rentacenter.com/en/myaccount/payonline-getstarted. "RAC Exchange"
program valid for rental agreements entered at participating Rent-A-Center
locations or on rentacenter.com on or after March 12, 2024, is available to
eligible new and existing Rent-A-Center customers, and applies to inventory
obtainable by participating Rent-A-Center store locations. New application and
approval may be required. Cash price of the replacement item (“Exchange Item”)
selected in exchange for current leased item (“Current Item”) may not exceed the
Exchange Item approval amount, which is subject to validation and adjustment
prior to exchange and may vary from original approval amount for initial rental
agreement for Current Item. Exchange requires execution of new rental agreement
for Exchange Item. Exchange option must be exercised and completed within six
(6) months following execution of rental agreement for Current Item. Agreement
for Current Item must be in good standing (with all rental payments and fees
current) at the time of exchange and Current Item must be in good condition.
Rent paid for agreement for Current Item will be applied to reduce the total
cost to own for the Exchange Item, but prior rent paid for Current Item cannot
be applied in full to same as cash amount for Exchange Item. Any applicable same
as cash period will apply to new agreement for Exchange Item based on product
selection and agreement term. The amount of rent paid for Current Item under
prior agreement eligible for application to same as cash amount for Exchange
Item may vary from 40% to 66%, depending on state of residence. Exchanges under
program may not be combined with other discounts, offers, or promotions.
Participating locations only. See store for details.

* Pre-Approval / Approved for up to $3000/$5000 Advertised transaction is a
rental-purchase / lease transaction. Approval amount refers to cash price of
merchandise or weekly rental rate if item(s) selected. Approval amount includes
outstanding agreements. Total rent-to-own cost will be higher. Number of
payments and total rent-to-own cost will vary by items selected. Actual approval
amount will vary based on review of application. Not all will qualify.
Participating locations only. All items subject to availability and approval.
Ownership is optional. You will not own the merchandise until the total amount
necessary to acquire ownership is paid in full or you exercise your early
purchase option. Customers in certain states may be required to pay a processing
fee, including a $10 fee in NY & HI and up to $18 in CA. "without using credit"
means that this is not a credit, loan, or financing transaction. It does not
mean or imply that no inquiry will be made of credit history or
creditworthiness. We consider multiple data points in reviewing your application
and regularly approve customers with less than perfect credit history. See Store
Manager for complete details.

†"$1 Pays Your First Week" offer is valid on a new agreement for a single item
entered 5/12/2024 to 6/29/2024 only. Customers eligible for this offer will pay
$1 for the initial rental period until first renewal, up to twelve days. Tax,
Processing Fee (if applicable), Loss-Damage Waiver (if selected), and Benefits
Plus included (if selected), but fees will be deferred to 1st renewal payment.
Offers will not reduce the total amount necessary to acquire ownership or
purchase-option amounts. On your first renewal date, regular rental rates will
apply. Regular rate, term and total cost vary by item selected. Offer good while
supplies last and cannot be combined with any other promotion. Pricing and
offers valid at participating locations only. See Store Manager for complete

 *Tires “Starting as Low as $5.99 Per Week in Rent” refers to select brands and
sizes. Sample pricing is for Good Year Reliant All-Season, (225/65R17 102H):
$5.99 a week for max 65 weeks, Total of All Payments (max): $389.35, Retail
Value/Max Cash Price: $233.61; GA cost of lease services $155.74, PA cost of
lease services $155.74, WV retail value $209.85, WV RTO charge $179.50.
Advertised rates begin 5/12/2024 and end 6/29/2024. Selected tires will ship
directly to an authorized, independent installation center once order has been
placed. Once received, installer will make every reasonable effort to install
same day. Neither Rent-A-Center nor installer is responsible or liable for any
delay in receiving or completing customer’s order. To protect tires during life
of agreement, Rent-A-Center requires that alignment be within manufacturer’s
specification. If it is not, you will be required to pay for additional
alignment service before install. Installation is included in the rental rate.
RACTirePlus is not included with agreement and can be added for additional
$3.00/week and does not cover wear or tear. Pricing does not include taxes. Tire
agreements are not eligible for optional BenefitsPlus or LDW. If customer needs
to return product, the installer will hold customer’s previous set of tires for
45 days. Thereafter, customer must provide alternate set of roadworthy tires.
See store for more details.

*Bundle and Save 20% or More claim based on the advertised weekly rates of
bundled items when compared to non-promotional weekly rates of products if
rented separately and will not reduce the total amount necessary to acquire
ownership or purchase-option amounts. Taxes and additional fees are excluded.
Offer applies to agreements for new merchandise entered into in-store or online
transactions prior to 6/29/24. Products displayed are representative only;
available product bundles may vary by store. Offer good while supplies last and
cannot be combined with any other promotion. Participating locations only. See
store for details.

† Drops text participants will receive a daily text during drop periods from
Rent-A-Center with promotional offers. Drops periods are associated with
holidays or other events and are available for limited periods of time.
Quantities of promotional merchandise will be limited and made available on a
first come, first served basis. Quantities of available promotional merchandise
will vary daily and once the daily quantity is depleted, the promotion for that
day will no longer be available. Rent-A-Center does not guarantee a specific
daily quantity of eligible merchandise and reserves the right to modify
promotional items based on product availability. Promo codes/offers will not be
eligible to apply on daily drop merchandise. Product selection in Puerto Rico
and locally owned & operated stores may vary. Eligibility subject to rental
application approval. Participating locations only. Customers with an active
rental agreement of more than one year may be eligible to rent qualifying items
selected by the customer and sourced by the local store. All such items subject
to availability and approval, and may not include: (i) any item that could be
attached to property or deemed a fixture, (ii) consumable, nondurable, or soft
goods, or (iii) any other items identified for exclusion by the participating

**"New low price" items reflect a reduced cash price and total dollar amount of
payments necessary to acquire ownership, but may not reflect a reduction in the
rental payment rate.


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