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Yizhuo Tian-Purdue University



 * Hillary Clinton Remarks Woman Leadership
 * Great conductors are wonderful leaders to learn from
 * John Robert Wooden’s View of Success in Leadership
 * Differences Between Bosses and Leaders
 * Signs of Leadership



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There are so many successful leaders in current society and history. The
majority of them are male leaders while a small proportions are female leaders.
Although the number of women leaders in society is continuously increasing,
there are still too few women in senior public sector leadership roles. Hillary
Clinton, as a representative, is a successful leader in different ways.

There are many reasons prevent women from becoming good leaders. The first
reason is that having babies puts women at a disadvantage. Only women can have
babies. Last year, 72% of married or cohabiting mothers and 60% of lone mothers
with dependent children had a job. Other than pregnant process, women still have
to look after their children. The second reason is that some women just don’t
have senior position.Some women do decide not to progress all the way to the
very top of their organizations, for a wide range of reasons, including a desire
to have a work/life balance.

A study by economists Donna K. Ginther and Shulamit Kahn found that women are
less likely than men to pursue tenure-track positions in science but that the
gender gap in such positions can be explained by fertility decisions. That is,
women in science are less likely to move up the academic job ladder after their
early postdoctorate years if they have children. The next reason is that there
are structural impediments preventing women from reaching the top. Another
problem to consider is that gender discrimination is still happening. According
to the AAUW, “Some bias against women is subtle, but overt—and
illegal—discrimination against women in the workplace remains an issue.”

Leaders, especially political leaders, are expected to have traditionally male
characteristics such as rationality, charisma and assertiveness. Perhaps that’s
why Indira Gandhi was a powerhouse in India for so long. She demonstrated the
male characteristics people expected from the leader.

In 2008 Hillary Clinton ran for U.S. president. It was a courageous move, even
for a woman who has not exactly played it safe.Over the years, and often in full
view of a nation, she has developed an admirable ability to face adversity, get
knocked down and bounce back. She has a strong track record for staying positive
and optimistic, and operating with a sense of purpose and intention through
difficult times. She is resilient.

Hillary Clinton hasn’t just taken on a presidential campaign; she’s also taken
on the hopes and expectations of women around the world. It’s a huge load to



Shambaugh, R. (2010, June 21). Leadership Secrets Of Hillary Clinton. Retrieved
April 19, 2016, from

Dominici, F., Fried, L. P., & Zener, S. L. (n.d.). So Few Women Leaders.
Retrieved April 19, 2016, from

发布于 2016-04-202016-04-20于Hillary Clinton Remarks Woman Leadership留下评论


       When you go to a concert to hear an orchestra and it was a success and
you enjoy the music very much, who do you think you should thank for the
success? Obviously the orchestra musicians, they play beautifully, and then the
audience, who actually make the event and usually don’t interfere the music.
What about the conductor? He is the person who you have to clap for too. What
does he do? He is happy and enjoying the music. But he’s spreading happiness and
the important thing is happiness does not come from his own story in his trial
music, the joy is about enabling other people’s stories to be heard at the same
time. He is spreading stories in the audience as a community, stories on the
individual’s in the orchestra and in the audience unseen people who build this
wonderful a concert hall and those who made those beautiful instrument and all
those stories of the head at the same time. This is the true experience and the
reason to go out to the concert.

But there are some other great conductors as Riccardo Muti who is awesome and
very so commanding and very clear to demonstrate and direct. Not only the
structure is clear but also the sanction. He has a very different way of
conducting an orchestra. The way he does as he he says: he is responsible for
someone. But what happened to him? Three years ago he got a letter signed by all
700 employees– musicians actually, saying that you are great and that we don’t
want to work with you, you have to resign. Why? Because you’ve done less
dependent, using us as instruments not as partners. He has conducted with too
much control. So he had to resign.

Another conductor, Megan, when he was a young man, about thirty year old, he
wrote the ten commandments for conductors. Later, as a conductor, he once says
never look at the trombones, only encourages them. Just let it happen by itself,
do not interfere. All he’s actually concerning a very strong message to them
saying: come on guys you have to play by the book so it’s not about my story,
make it sound like your stories. On the execution you just read music
notification and interpretation. So, this is a different kind of control.

The famous German music conductor, Herbert von Karajan, he just act and not give
instruction to the musicians, and judging from his gesture, they do not know
when to play, so they look at each other, and they see the first player of the
orchestra, and he leads the players to play together. And when he was asked why
he is conducting like that, he says: yes the worst damage I can do to my
orchestra is to give them a clear instruction because that would prevent the
assemble, the listening to each other that’s needed for an orchestra. Once he
conducted an orchestra in London, he closed his eyes and had no idea what to do,
and so with all due respect, he was asked when should I start? He said you start
when you can’t stand it anymore. Meaning that you know you have no authority to
change anything. it’s my music, the real music only in Karajan’s head and yet
you have to guess my mind, so you are on tremendous pressure because I don’t
give instruction yet you have to guess my mine ,so it’s a very different kind of
spiritual but a very firm control.

When Carlos Kleiber conducting an orchestra, his is not telling musician what to
do, he says this is just the gesture of music. I am opening a space for you to
put in another layer of interpretation. He gave them instructions as if they are
not really given any instructions, but the forces of the process itself keep you
in place, it is in the player’s head, and that is what makes them into partners.
You have the plan in your head, and you know what to do, even though the
conductor is not conducting you. The authority is there when it is needed, but
authority do not enough to make people partners. Kleiber not only creates a
process, but creates conditions in the world in which this process take place,
so the orchestra is completely autonomous, and therefore are happy and proud of
his work. Kleiber’s control is not a zero-sum game, he brings about partnership.


glowing bulb among the gray

While conductor Lenny Bernstein always starts his control with form the meaning,
the music is on his face. He then left the players to tell the story, and
audience community listen to and Bernstein enables that. If you can do this like
the great conductors, you can one day get to this wonderful point of doing
without doing, which is the highest level of leadership. It’s like the saying:
if you like something, give it away.


发布于 2016-04-152016-04-15于Great conductors are wonderful leaders to
learn from留下评论


John Robert Wooden, (October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010), one of the most revered
American basketball player and coach, nicknamed the “Wizard of Westwood,” who as
head coach at UCLA, won ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period,
including a record seven in a row. He was a great success as a person, a
basketball player, a teacher, a basketball coach and a lecturer. In other terms,
John Robert is also a successful leader that leads and coaches his team. John
has his own understanding of his success in leadership.

His well known “Pyramid of Success”, with industriousness and enthusiasm,
working hard and enjoying what you’re doing being the cornerstone and faith and
patience right at the top, has inspired countless people in the world. He
insists that in whatever you’re doing, you must be patient. You have to have
patience to — we want things to happen. And that we must believe, truly believe.
Not just give it words service, believe that things will work out as they
should, providing we do what we should. Here I would like to summarize and share
his view on success.

One of the rules that he believes to be helpful for being a success in the
future is a rule that his father taught him the when he was young: “never try to
be better than someone else, always learn from others. Never cease trying to be
the best you can be — that’s under your control. If you get too engrossed and
involved and concerned in regard to the things over which you have no control,
it will adversely affect the things over which you have control. He believes
that if you have done your best, that is success. His own definition of success
is that peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you
made the effort to do the best of which you’re capable.

Character is much more important than what you are perceived to be (your
reputation.) When talking about the role of teachers, education and leaders, he
believes the saying that “No written word, no spoken plea can teach our youth
what they should be; nor all the books on all the shelves — it’s what the
teachers are themselves.

The purpose for the youngster to go to school to get education is number one,
and basketball is second and social activities is the third, and that if” you
let social activities take a little precedence over the other two, and you’re
not going to have any very long.

He has the following important rules that he sticks to during his life as a
teacher and a coach, and they are: Don’t whine. Don’t complain. Don’t make
excuses. Just get out there, and whatever you’re doing, do it to the best of
your ability. And no one can do more than that. Another set of rules that he
also adhere to in his life as a teacher and coach are: never be late, be neat
and clean, and never a word of profanity.

People win or lose within ourselves. It’s bearing down that wins the cup. Giving
all is not so far from victory. The Fates are seldom wrong, no matter how they
twist and wind. It’s you and I who make our fates. If you make an effort to do
the best you can regularly, the results will be about what they should be. Not
necessarily what you’d want them to be but they’ll be about what they should;
only you will know whether you can do that.

“The journey is better than the end.” He made his students and players believe
that practices are the journey, and the game is the end, the end result.


Biography.com, E. (n.d.). John Wooden. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from


发布于 2016-04-132016-04-15于John Robert Wooden’s View of Success in Leadership留下评论


     A boss is a leader and a leader is also a leader. It is true that great
bosses tend to also be great leaders and a great leader can also be a great
boss. If you’re already a good boss, you know how much work goes into that role.
With a few adjustments, you can rocket past good to great–and take your
employees and organization with you and you are a great boss or a great leader.
But still there are some differences between a boss and a leader in ways they
manage companies and people. Let’s make a comparison of them.

There is no right or wrongs between a boss or a leader. It’s their behaviors
that vary under different circumstances. In terms of using power, good bosses
accumulate power and use it well. They use their position to get what they
want–for themselves and their employees. Power is essential for bosses.
Sometimes it is not because that bosses like power to control, it is their
identities that requires them to have power so that their followers would know
who to listen to and what to follow.

However, great leaders give that power away. They understand that it’s the
sharing of power that gets things done. Leaders do not need power to control.
They don’t control their followers, but rather inspire them to believe in
themselves. Great leaders empower others to get what they want for themselves
for the reasons that leader put themselves as part of the group. They empower
people to make decisions, initiate actions, solve problems, and meet challenges.
Bosses on the other hand, put themselves on the upper lever from their

In terms of target management, good bosses make sure things are getting done
well. There are rules and policies made by bosses for employees to follow. The
role of bosses is manager and regulate. Their job is to direct people and keep
track of their working processes. The role of Leaders, on the other hand, is
different. Great leaders inspire an attitude of enthusiasm. Success for a leader
is not how much he does but is how much the group have done as a whole. A
leader’s job in a group is to lead and guide his group mates work better
together and succeed as a group. They know that a great attitude is contagious,
and starts the ball rolling with genuine belief in every team member.

When comparing the way they exercise their management, good bosses believe in
staying stable. A boss wants his employees to always listen to him and follow
what he said. To keep the employees with him is one of his goals. However this
stable does not mean stay where they are without making improvement. On the
other hand, great leaders are accessible and available. They always have time,
and are quick to share experience and insights. Leaders are not limited to a
specific job. They are more adjustable and accessible on their work. Meanwhile,
they are also available for changes. Leader does not afraid of changes.

However, leaders and bosses both have concerns. Good bosses want information so
they know what is going on. There are many things need to be concerned by
bosses. They are not working as a single unit but the representative for their
business. They concern about the work been done by employees and the work that
is in progress. In short, bosses worried about the overall operation of their
businesses. Great leaders want to know what you think. They are interested in
all points of view. Leaders concern more about the idea and thoughts of their
followers. Leaders want everyone to be involved in their group other than just
finish tasks.

All in all, there are so many differences between bosses and leaders. They are
different because they have different roles and work to achieve. There is no
right or wrongs between them. Both roles want about their groups and followers
become better in different ways.



How You Can Be the Boss Who Goes From Good to Great. (2014). Retrieved April 06,
2016, from

发布于 2016-04-07于Differences Between Bosses and Leaders留下评论


Leaders are rarely born as a leader and leadership is not a title or a position.
If you perceive one of the following signs, you are actually a leader.

A good leader has an open mind and seeks out opinions from others. If people are
drawn to you because you are open to others people’s opinions, you are a
leader.You offer advice and counsel. If you find yourself advising your
colleagues, and your friends are asking you to counsel them–if people seem to
seek out and value what you say–then your empathy is strong and your perspective
has real-world usefulness to those around you.

If you often help those around you navigate their rough patches, you are a
leader.People count on you. If people rely on you, trust you because you hold
yourself accountable and demonstrate the responsibility that leads others to
trust you, you are a leader.You’re a good listener and people confide in you.
Being able to listen to others, having people speak to you frankly without
worrying about who you’ll tell or how you might use that knowledge against them,
are signs of strong leadership.

If you understand that listening is more important than speaking, and if people
know they can confide in you, you are a leader.Others follow your example. The
most powerful form of leadership isn’t persuasion or argument or force, but
example. Whether times are good or bad, people notice who’s present, who’s
effective, who’s working hard without distraction. When that person is you,
others naturally follow you–and you are a leader.

You insist on excellence. Excellence is not an act but a habit. When you are in
the habit of standing up for excellence and you hold yourself and those around
you responsible for quality, you are telling others that you act rather than
talk, show rather than say, deliver rather than promise. If you are not making
excuses or blaming others but holding up the standard of excellence and quality,
you are a leader.You have a positive attitude. Positive, optimistic people make
people around them happy. A positive outlook doesn’t blind you to problems or
issues but allows you to seek out something good in almost every situation and
to know that eventually things will be all right. It’s the kind of spirit that
keeps people motivated and spreads optimism, and it means you are a leader.

You treat people with respect. When you give respect you will always receive
respect in return. If you look for the good in everyone you meet and respect
them for who they are, it’s likely that they hold you in high esteem and that
you are a leader.You genuinely care about others. If you spend time supporting,
guiding and sharing your knowledge with those around you, giving them the
opportunity to achieve success, and if you care about their well-being and do
all you can to help them attain their own success, you are a leader.

You are confident and passionate. Being confident means moving with assurance,
being passionate about what you believe and refusing to let anything get in your
way. If you work consistently toward a cause with vision and confidence, people
will follow and you are a leader.

Now weigh yourself against these traits, reconsider what you think you know,and
recognize yourself for the leader you may really be.

发布于 2016-04-062016-04-06于Signs of Leadership留下评论


   Building strong social capital is the way to success of a leader

William Muir, evolutionary biologist at Purdue University, had an experiment
— he put the most productive chickens together in a superflock for breeding, and
the result was that three of them pecked the rest to death. The experiment
showed that the individually productive chickens do not have higher production
as expected.

Margaret Heffernan has run for many years most organizations and some
societies with the common thought that “success is achieved by picking the
superstars, the brightest men, or occasionally women, and giving them all the
resources and all the power. And the result has been just the same as in William
Muir’s experiment: aggression, dysfunction and waste. ”1

On the flip side, a team at MIT took an experiment: hundreds of volunteers were
divided into groups and given very hard problems to solve. And the result
was that the high-achieving groups were not those where they had people with
spectacularly high I.Q, nor were those that had the highest aggregate I.Q, but
those that showed the most social connectedness to each other. This experiment
shows that in well connected groups ideas can flow and grow and helpfulness is
absolutely the core to success and it routinely outperforms individual

Therefore, if a leader of a team wants to be a successful one, he needs to have
the ability to restore collectiveness and appreciate social work, because a team
can only be successful when its team members know who to ask for help, they need
social support. And what motivates people are the bonds and loyalty and trust
they develop between each other. This is called “social capital” which means the
reliance and interdependency that builds trust. It gives companies momentum, and
makes companies robust.

A successful leader should know that social capital compounds with time. ”Teams
that work together longer get better, because it takes time to develop the trust
people need for real candor and openness. And that’s how good ideas turn into
great ideas. “No idea is born fully formed. It emerges a little bit as a child
is born, kind of messy and confused, but full of possibilities. And it’s only
through the generous contribution, faith and challenge that they achieve their
potential.”2  Therefore, a good leader should be able to keep its team members
steady instead of keep changing employees.

Great leaders do not have to know everything, however, they need to be capable
of bringing out the best in others, because that is how people found the best in

Now, management by talent contest has to be replaced by social capital.
Motivating people with money needs to be replaced by letting people motivate
each other. The idea that leaders were heroic soloists who were expected, all by
themselves, to solve complex problems has to be redefined as that that leaders
are to create conditions in which everyone can do their most courageous thinking

Once again, great leaders need to emphasize collectiveness rather than on one or
two star members and a few with high IQs. What the team really needs is
everybody, because it is only when leaders accept that everybody has value that
they will liberate the energy and imagination and momentum teams need to create
the best beyond measure.


Transcript of “Why it’s time to forget the pecking order at work” (n.d.).
Retrieved April 04, 2016, from


发布于 2016-04-052016-04-05于How does a leader build his social capital留下评论


Biological research shows that human brain is actually broken into three
components and our newest brain, our Homo sapien brain, our neocortex,
corresponds with the “what” level. The neocortex is responsible for all of our
rational and analytical thought and language. The middle two sections make up
our limbic brains, and our limbic brains are responsible for all of our
feelings, like trust and loyalty. It’s also responsible for all human behavior,
all decision-making, and it has no capacity for language.”

Which is to say that when we communicate from the outside in, starting from our
neocortex, we understand and express our ideas, but that wouldn’t drive
behavior. However, when we communicate the other way around, we’re talking
directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior. As a result, gut
decisions are usually made. Providing facts and figures to people is a way of
communicating outside in, but if we talk from or lead with our heart or soul, we
are talking to the part of the brain that controls decision-making which will
lead to actions, and they are the actions taken from subjectively and not
passively. And only when actions are taken can we see the effect of
communication and leadership.


There are countless examples of true leaders who lead and inspire their
followers spiritually and made great success in the world history.

Firstly, we have the several most successful religions, their leaders are so
inspiring that the numbers of their followers increase unpreventablely. And most
of their followers would do anything the leaders ask them to do–to donate their
money, to sacrifice their time and energy and even their body and lives. This is
because spiritually they believe what the leader believes. And when they believe
what the leader believes, they think that what they do is for themselves not for
the leaders, although as a matter of fact they are serving the leaders and its
the followers’ collective actions that make the leaders’ cause a great success
and create the great leader.

Secondly, the communist party’s movement success in many countries in the world
in the last century was solid evidence of this theory. All of the party members
believe the idea created by the leaders who actually the spirit leaders of the
followers, so they joint in the cause and made the cause of their own and
started to work and fight themselves. They believe that they were right and they
were fighting for themselves. They work heart and soul, they fight with their
lives, they are the most loyalty people and soldiers at that time. And that is
why they were unconquerable and undefeatable in the battle fields even when they
were against the most strongest armies in the world.

It is now also true with the ISIS and other extremists although what they do are
incorrect, their leaders are successful in inspiring their followers as leaders.

All in all, anyone who can inspire people from the inside out and make people
believe what you believe and lead people spiritually from heart you are doomed
to be a great leader.



Transcript of “How great leaders inspire action” (n.d.). Retrieved March 24,
2016, from

发布于 2016-03-252016-03-29于A spiritual leader is a successful leader留下评论


Simon Sinek, in his lecture on: How great leaders inspire action, explains his
discovery he made between 2005 and 2006–the secret of why great leaders are able
to inspire everyone to take action. He finds that all of those successful
leaders think, act and communicate the exact same way, the way that is
completely opposite to others. They start with why to how to what while other
think in the way of what, how and why. He explains this idea with a chart of
three circles with why in the core, what in the outer circle and how in the
middle. He calls this chart the golden circle. He notices that the normal people
think and act from the outside in while the great minds from the inside out. He
says that when doing something “everyone know what to do, some knows how to do,
but very few people know why do what they do.”

The writer then gives an example of how Apple start from the inside of the
golden circle outward: communicate with people from telling why they make their
product– “Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe
in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our
products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. We just happen
to make great computers. Want to buy one?”. He then compares Apple with
companies like Dell and some other companies that have equal strength to make
equal quality cell phones and alike products but no one would buy one. He says
the reason for this is that:“people don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do
it.” in another word, people buy Apple because they believe what Apple believes,
they share the same vision.

However, I hold a different opinion to his conclusion although I admit that it
is true at the beginning of its starting their program and marketing. When its
products become known to a certain amount of people, I believe that a large
portion of Apple buyers have no idea of exactly what Apple’s vision is. They
just believe, from what they see on adds, the real products and maybe just
hearing the name of Apple, that it is the best, the most famous brand, the most
beautiful they know, and they want to have one to show that they are among the
first to have, they are fashion and even to show that they are rich or they buy
because many other buy. Or I can say that some of them are just blind followers.

Although I don not completely with his opinion with the Apple case, I still
agree with his point of view of: “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you
do it.” and in practice, the way of doing things with people who believe what
you believe is better than that doing with everybody who needs what you have. I
am sure that when people share ideology with you, you have loyalty followers.
They do things actually for you, but they think that they are doing things for
themselves, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears. And when you
have followers who do things like that, you are already a successful and great
leader and no one can beat you.


Transcript of “How great leaders inspire action” (n.d.). Retrieved March 22,
2016, from

TED-Simon Sinek


发布于 2016-03-232016-03-29于When you have followers who believe what you believe,
you are a great leader留下评论



If the leaders of enterprises need to activate the power of their teams, they have to care the level of reasonable competition, transposition thinking and empowerment. Only the fists clenched the power can be the biggest. That is same as a powerful team. Only the whole team activated, it will has a harmonious and powerful combat effectiveness. And, how should leaders of enterprises activate the team’s combat effectiveness? The following three steps are necessary.

The First Step: Say “No” to Unnecessary Competitions

Some of management scientists suggest that the competitions and classification of staff are the most powerful method for activating staff’s strength. And many management practitioners also think that staff has no career motivation without the classification.

Actually, bringing in the classification of staff is the incident of staff’s conflicts. If workers are punished because they are not good at one aspect, they would disappoint. And it would shake the team’ morale. And such staff’s competitions which make many staff unwilling to help others because it means that boost their scores.

For example, if two countries are developing a same product that needs 1 billion dollars for upfront development. In the first country, to get a head start, each of 10 enterprises invests 1 billion dollars and taking 10 months to market the product. But in the second country, 10 enterprises have a cooperation and they collect 10 billion for the product. They take 3 months to market the product. Therefore, the unnecessary competition make enterprises in the first country in the dry tree.

Actually, the managers are not necessary to make some so-called competitions during the team or the group but encouraging the cooperation.

The Second Step: Transposition Thinking

As for managers, the understanding to staff is really necessary. Manager should not just set up an average standard among staff and judge the persons who are above the standard or below the standard. They should found “who needs help” but not “who is below standard”. And then managers inform the problems of staff such as the disadvantages of products, the lack of cooperation and poor supply and so on.

If managers understand the real feeling of staff, they would know how to activate the internal passion of staff. Everyone has his or her enthusiasm to work. A good and wonderful performance in work that give the sense of pride and self-esteem to staff. The happiness from the sense of pride and self-esteem would be the energy for their work. What managers should do is activating their internal passion.

The Third Step: The Empowerment to Staff

There is a high-frequent phenomenon in the cooperation of teams that managers or leaders would give directions to staff when they found the staff don’t behave better than themselves. But managers don’t understand that it is a kind of interference in the teams. Everyone has his or her personal room. If managers always squeeze staff’s room, the staff would gradually become lazy and negative, they would follow managers obediently and lose subjective initiative. Ultimately, the team has no combat effectiveness.

Therefore, managers should put own advantages aside but focusing much on activating staff’s potentials and stimulating their creativity. They also need to provide empowerment to subordinates and set up a environment which loved by everybody.


In the early time of the enterprise, the state of management is a triangle. Managers are sam
e as generals who stand in the top of the triangle that push forward the development of enterprises. But with the gradual development of enterprises, the state of management should be a concentric circle. The managers are in the core. Now, this is a mature management system.



Leadership, Yahoo, retrieved Feb.13, 2016,



发布于 2016-02-162016-03-29于Leadership: How to Activate the Team?留下评论


Everyday hundreds of thousands of leaders are hoping to improve their leadership via attending training, accepting performance evaluation and making personal development plans and so on. They totally decide that put what they learn such as new knowledge and skills into practices for improving the efficiency of leading. Because they want to become more excellent leaders. However, regretfully, there are not everybody insist what they think but lag behind.

Environment need sustainable development, leaders also need to keep the sustainability of leadership that develop sustainable leadership. The following seven principles would make leaders work orderly and keep sustainable leadership.

First of all, making hard things simple is important for leaders and managers. Leaders need to make hard things simple and focus on the things which can be improved quickly. And leaders should pay particular attention to the key areas where would product the most beneficial accomplishments. Here are three principles which are helpful for leaders and their organizations in the process of fighting: focusing on the most important matters, telling stories and avoiding the chaos of conceptions.

Second of all, having a good management of time. Only spend time suffice, workers can show new behaviors and create new behavioral models. To manage time well, leaders should check schedules at a regular interval, see themselves as others see them, have a clear understanding to the habits, exam the potential reasons, start from details, pay attention to any signals and keep consistence.

Thirdly, if leaders hope to perceive accomplishments, they need to guarantee that every member of the organization can undertake the responsibility. To put it simply, leaders should undertake personal responsibility, bring promise to the public, keep consistence with personal value and brand and let others undertake the responsibility.

And fourthly, leaders should take advantage of human resources of the organization. And they need to allocate resources properly because it is an effective guarantee for the sustainability of leadership. To have a suitable and reasonable management to human resources, leaders should institutionalize reform via such aspects as personnel, performance management, information and work.

Fifthly, leaders should have follow-up surveys to every process and their output of the organization that assure whether they would produce the expected results. To complete the whole process and make wise decisions, leaders should specify the general goals, weigh up key things, keep transparency and timeliness and link up with results.

Sixth of all, in the process of the pursuit of reform, always leaders wouldn’t assure the coming situation. But if they assure the developing direction, they would take the first step. Here are some methods for their plans: having small-scale experiments in the organizations, be diligent in introspection, good at extemporaneous play and increase flexibility.

At the last, leaders should have a clear understanding to the power of emotion and handle emotive information and rational information evenly.


Leaders are important but leadership is more important, and sustainable leadership is most important. Therefore, if leaders use above principles with gradual practice, they will become success.



发布于 2016-02-142016-02-25于Making Sustainable Leadership留下评论


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