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First launched in September 2023, the clinic is the second in Canada to perform
amputations, genital mutilation, and facial reconstruction for those struggling
with gender dysphoria.  


 * 8


Clare Marie Merkowsky
Mon Jan 15, 2024 - 3:06 pm ESTTue Jan 16, 2024 - 6:54 am EST
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0:00 / 6:54

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Ottawa has become the second city in Canada to
open a “gender affirming surgery” clinic that will mutilate the bodies of
Canadians suffering with gender dysphoria.  

On January 9, the Ottawa Hospital announced that its new “gender affirming
surgery” clinic is now accepting patients for irreversible gender surgeries,
including top (mastectomies, breast construction), bottom (vaginoplasty,
phalloplasty), and facial procedures.  

“We’re currently accepting patient referrals from physicians,” the clinic’s lead
plastic surgeon and co-founder, Dr. Nicholas Cormier said in a press release.
“We’re ready to service Ottawa and the surrounding communities.” 

First launched in September 2023, the clinic is the second in Canada to perform
amputations, genital mutilation, and facial reconstruction for those struggling
with gender dysphoria.  

 According to the press release, the irreversible procures include: “facial
surgery to make facial features more masculine or feminine, “top surgery to
remove breast tissue for a more masculine appearance or enhance breast size for
a more feminine appearance,” and “bottom surgery to transform the genitalia.” 

While the clinic uses the seemingly simple term “bottom surgery,” the procedure
in fact refers to an irreversible and painful surgery which permanently
mutilates the patient. Many who have undergone the surgeries have since revealed
that the procedures disfigured their bodies and left them feeling even more
depressed and lost.    

Previously, the only clinic to perform all three surgeries was in Montreal. Now,
the Ottawa hospital has become the first in Ontario and the second in Canada to
provide the gruesome procedures.  

Under the new program, the Centretown Community Health Centre’s Trans Health
Program will refer patients suffering with gender dysphoria both to the new
clinic and to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario’s (CHEO) Gender
Diversity Clinic.  

The press release is not clear if all patients at the new clinic must be over
18, saying only that the Community Health Centre “refers patients who have
reached the age of 18.”  

LifeSiteNews reached out to the hospital to ask what the age limit on the
irreversible procedures is but did not receive a response by time of

“This announcement by the Ottawa Hospital represents an egregious violation of
the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm,” Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition
told LifeSiteNews.  

“Cutting off the healthy breasts of women and minor aged girls, as well as
castrating men and underage boys, is to mutilate and permanently damage
patients,” he continued. “This is Nazi-level experimentation of the type that
would make the infamous Dr. Mengele blush. When it’s committed on under-age
children, this is also a horrific form of child abuse.” 

“It’s shocking to see a hospital actually boast of its plans to mutilate people
and amputate healthy body parts,” he added. “Clearly, the medical staff and
hospital administrators are blinded to the harm they are committing.” 

READ: UK privacy office tries to control what employees think about their
‘transgender’ colleagues

 The news, posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, was roundly condemned as
abuse and mutilation by Canadians.  

 “As a woman in Ontario 🇨🇦 I’m appalled that my tax $$$ would help fund
irreversible surgeries rather than be invested into mental health services to
help those with dysphoria,” one posted. 


> As a woman in Ontario 🇨🇦 I’m appalled that my tax $$$ would help fund
> irreversible surgeries rather than be invested into mental health services to
> help those with dysphoria.
> Removing healthy body parts instead of aligning the mind with the body must
> bring in boatloads of💰.…
> — MaureenWRC💚🤍💜 (@MaureenWRC) January 10, 2024

“So you’re butchering vulnerable people’s bodies so you can capitalise on their
insurance claims?” another asked  

As LifeSiteNews has previously noted, research does not support the assertions
from transgender activists that surgical or pharmaceutical intervention to
“affirm” confusion is “necessary medical care” or that it is helpful in
preventing the suicides of gender-confused individuals. 

In fact, in addition to asserting a false reality that one’s sex can be changed,
transgender surgeries and drugs have been linked to permanent physical and
psychological damage, including cardiovascular diseases, loss of bone
density, cancer, strokes and blood clots, infertility, and suicidality.  

 There is also  overwhelming evidence that those who undergo “gender
transitioning” are more likely to commit suicide than those who are not given
irreversible surgery. A Swedish study found that those who underwent “gender
reassignment” surgery ended up with a 19.2 times greater risk of suicide. 

 Indeed, there is proofthat the most loving and helpful approach to people who
think they are a different sex is not to validate them in their confusion but to
show them the truth. 

 A new study on the side effects of transgender “sex change”
surgeries discovered that 81 percent of those who had undergone “sex change”
surgeries in the past five years reported experiencing pain simply from normal
movement in the weeks and months that followed — and that many other side
effects manifest as well. 

Additionally, LifeSiteNews compiled a list of medical professions and experts
who warn against transgender surgeries, warning of irreversible changes and
lifelong side effects. 

As the report by the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh about the Vanderbilt University
Medical Center promoting mutilating gender surgeries has shown, the real reason
for hospitals and pharmaceutical companies to promote transgender surgeries and
hormones is to “make a lot of money.” 

A “chest reconstruction,” for instance, costs approximately $40,000 per person,
according to Dr. Shayne Sebold Taylor. 

READ: American Academy of Pediatrics article calls banning trans ‘care’ for kids
‘medical neglect,’ ‘emotional abuse’

Campaign Life’s Fonseca revealed that he believes part of the motivation for the
new clinic is the monetary profit to the doctors, saying, “It’s common knowledge
that the sex-change surgery industry is highly lucrative. Both the surgeries and
the pharmaceutical drugs are extremely expensive and tremendously profitable for
hospitals and those who work in that field.” 

“It’s sad to say, but I suspect the Ottawa Hospital has set aside its ethical
and moral obligations in order to chase a profitable ‘market segment’ that deals
in human misery,” Fonseca lamented.  

“Someday, when the public realizes that the so-called ‘gender affirming care’
industry was a massive crime against humanity, these doctors and administrators
may have to stand trial for their crimes, just as the German doctors stood trial
in Nuremburg for their shameful participation in Nazi medical experimentation.”

 * Gender
 * Politics - Canada

Tagged as
 * castrations
 * gender affirming surgery
 * Genital Mutilation
 * Hippocratic Oath
 * Josef Mengele
 * mastectomies
 * The Ottawa Hospital
 * transgender surgeries

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