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<form action="" method="get">
    <option>Selected version: Bolt 5.2</option>
    <optgroup label="">
    <optgroup label="Switch to version:">
      <option value="/5.2/getting-started/introduction" class="version-5.2">5.2 (current stable) </option>
      <option value="/5.0/getting-started/introduction" class="version-5.0">5.0 </option>
      <option value="/4.0/getting-started/introduction" class="version-4.0">4.0 </option>
      <option value="/3.7/getting-started/introduction" class="version-3.7">3.7 </option>
      <option value="/2.2/getting-started/introduction" class="version-2.2">2.2 </option>

Text Content

Sophisticated, Lightweight and Simple
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Selected version: Bolt 5.2 5.2 (current stable) 5.0 4.0 3.7 2.2
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This is the Bolt Documentation. There are a lot of docs for Bolt, so it is split
up in a few parts. If you're new to Bolt, you'll find a few of the most used
pages linked below. The menu on the left lists all the sections in a tree-like
structure. If you're looking for something specific, use the search option in
the top left of the screen.

Getting Started
About Bolt, System Requirements, Installation and Upgrading Installation
Dive in, various methods to install Bolt quickly ContentTypes
ContentTypes, records, fields, taxonomies, relationships, etc Templating /
Writing templates, Twig, fetching content, paging, search Routing
Configuring routes, to create custom links / URLs Extending Bolt
Writing extensions, submitting them to the Marketplace Our manifesto
Keeping the community healthy! Other information
HOWTO's on various topics

Next About Bolt
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Couldn't find what you were looking for? We are happy to help you in the forum,
on Slack or on Github.

Search the documentation:


 * Basics
 * Getting Started
   * Introduction
   * About Bolt
   * Requirements
   * Screenshots
 * Installation
   * Installation
   * Installing Composer
   * File system permissions
   * Webserver Configuration
     * Webserver Configuration
     * Apache Configuration
     * NGINX Configuration
   * Deploying Bolt websites
 * Upgrading
   * Updating Bolt
   * Migrating from Bolt v3.7 to v5.0
 * Configuration
 * Configuration
   * Setting up Bolt
   * Database Configuration
   * Permissions
   * Configuration Settings
   * Accessing & Reading Configuration
 * Creating Menus
   * A detailed example
   * Dynamic menus
   * Further customizations
 * Routing
 * Content & ContentTypes
 * ContentTypes
   * Introduction
   * Content in Templates
   * Relationships
   * Taxonomies
 * Field Types
   * Common options
   * Text field
   * Slug field
   * Article field
   * Redactor field
   * HTML field
   * Image field
   * File field
   * Email field
   * Embed field
   * Select field
   * Markdown field
   * Textarea field
   * Collection field
   * Number (float) field
   * Hidden field
   * Data field
   * Checkbox field
   * Date field
   * Imagelist field
   * Filelist field
   * Templateselect field
   * Set field
 * Localization
   * Locales
 * Templating & Twig
 * Templating
   * Template selection
   * Building templates
   * Template inheritance
   * Record and Records
   * Fetching content
   * Linking in Templates
   * Paging content
   * Implementing Search
   * Using widgets
 * Twig Components
   * Twig tags
   * Twig functions
   * Twig filters
   * Available variables in Twig
   * Twig tests
   * Extras (or "Magic Attributes")
   * Menu
   * The Fields iterator
   * Pagination
   * Language selector
   * All available Twig Methods
     * __
     * abbr_class
     * abbr_method
     * abs
     * absolute_link
     * absolute_url
     * admin_menu_array
     * allow_twig
     * app
     * apply
     * array
     * as_array
     * asset
     * asset_version
     * attribute
     * autoescape
     * backtrace
     * batch
     * block
     * bool
     * boolean
     * boolval
     * break
     * cache
     * callable
     * canonical
     * capitalize
     * column
     * config
     * constant
     * continue
     * controller
     * convert_encoding
     * country_name
     * country_timezones
     * countwidgets
     * csrf_token
     * currency_name
     * currency_symbol
     * current
     * cycle
     * data_uri
     * date
     * date_modify
     * default
     * defaultLocale
     * defined
     * deprecated
     * divisible
     * dns_prefetch
     * do
     * dump
     * e
     * edit_link
     * embed
     * empty
     * encore_entry_css_files
     * encore_entry_js_files
     * encore_entry_link_tags
     * encore_entry_script_tags
     * escape
     * even
     * excerpt
     * extends
     * extension
     * extension_exists
     * extensions
     * false
     * feature
     * field_factory
     * file_excerpt
     * file_link
     * file_relative
     * filter
     * find_translations
     * first
     * first_related_content
     * flag
     * float
     * floatval
     * flush
     * for
     * foreach
     * form
     * form_end
     * form_errors
     * form_help
     * form_label
     * form_parent
     * form_rest
     * form_row
     * form_start
     * form_widget
     * format
     * format_args
     * format_args_as_text
     * format_bytes
     * format_currency
     * format_date
     * format_datetime
     * format_file
     * format_file_from_text
     * format_number
     * format_time
     * fragment_uri
     * from
     * getuser
     * has_path
     * haswidgets
     * html_attr
     * html_classes
     * htmllang
     * humanize
     * icon
     * if
     * image
     * impersonation_exit_path
     * impersonation_exit_url
     * import
     * include
     * int
     * integer
     * intval
     * is_granted
     * iterable
     * join
     * json_decode
     * json_encode
     * json_records
     * keys
     * knp_menu_ancestor
     * knp_menu_as_string
     * knp_menu_current
     * knp_menu_get
     * knp_menu_get_breadcrumbs_array
     * knp_menu_get_current_item
     * knp_menu_render
     * label
     * language_name
     * last
     * length
     * less
     * line
     * link
     * linkify
     * list_templates
     * listwidgets
     * localdate
     * locale
     * locale_name
     * locales
     * logout_path
     * logout_url
     * lower
     * macro
     * map
     * markdown
     * max
     * media
     * menu
     * menu_array
     * merge
     * min
     * next
     * next_record
     * nl2br
     * none
     * normalize_records
     * null
     * number_format
     * object
     * odd
     * order
     * pager
     * paginate
     * paragraph
     * parent
     * path
     * placeholders
     * plaintext
     * popup
     * preconnect
     * prefetch
     * preg_filter
     * preg_get
     * preg_get_all
     * preg_grep
     * preg_match
     * preg_quote
     * preg_replace
     * preg_split
     * preload
     * prerender
     * previous
     * previous_record
     * product
     * random
     * range
     * raw
     * record
     * redirect
     * reduce
     * related
     * related_by_type
     * related_content
     * related_content_by_type
     * related_first
     * relative_path
     * render
     * replace
     * reverse
     * rootform
     * round
     * safestring
     * same
     * sandbox
     * sanitise
     * scalar
     * select_options
     * selected
     * selectedchoice
     * serialize
     * set
     * setcontent
     * showimage
     * shuffle
     * shy
     * slice
     * slug
     * sort
     * source
     * spaceless
     * split
     * string
     * striptags
     * strtotime
     * strval
     * sum
     * svg
     * t
     * taxonomies
     * template_from_string
     * thumbnail
     * timezone_name
     * title
     * title_case
     * trans
     * translate
     * trim
     * true
     * truncate
     * ucwords
     * upper
     * url
     * url_decode
     * url_encode
     * use
     * values
     * verbatim
     * widget
     * widgets
     * with
     * yaml_dump
     * yaml_encode
 * Bolt Development
 * Extending Bolt
   * Introduction
   * Project specific modifications
   * Bolt Extensions
   * Bolt Widgets
   * Bolt's BaseExtension Class
   * Twig Templating
   * Console Commands
   * Doctrine Entities (managing content)
   * Fetching Content
   * Creating (and updating) Content
   * Monolog and Bolt's logging
   * Event Dispatcher
   * Request & Response
   * Configuration, services and routes
   * Global (Bolt) Configuration
   * Fetching services
   * Adding a Menu
   * Adding Pages in the backend
   * Using Composer Packages
 * Bolt Core Development
   * Related HOWTOs
     * Useful git commands
     * Useful git commands - Advanced
     * Running Unit & Acceptance Tests
   * IDE Tools for Developing Bolt
   * Clone the Git Repository
 * Console (command line utility)
   * Introduction
   * Cache control
     * cache:clear
   * Extensions
     * extensions
     * extensions:configure
   * Built-in Web Server
     * server:run
   * Bolt Set-up
     * bolt:setup
   * User Management
     * user:add
 * Debugging Bolt
   * Debug Bar
   * Console Commands
   * Dumping
   * Backtracing
 * End User Manual
 * User Manual
   * Creating the first user
   * Login
   * Dashboard
   * Content overview
   * Creating content
   * Editing content
   * ContentTypes
   * Uploaded files
   * Global actions
   * Your Profile
   * Users
   * Field types
 * Various
 * Other Information
   * The Bolt Manifesto
   * Contributing to Bolt
   * Code Quality
   * Maintenance (offline) mode
   * Credits
   * License
   * Roadmap
 * HOWTOs on various subjects
   * Making a Resource ContentType
   * Making a Singleton ContentType
   * Transform Bolt 3 repeaters to Bolt 5 sets and collections
   * Creating a simple menu
   * Resetting a password
   * Running Bolt using PHP's built-in web server
   * Making sure .htaccess and mod_rewrite are working as they should
   * Setting Up cURL SSL/TLS Certificate Authority Certificates
   * Encore setup



 * Home
 * Documentation
 * Community
 * Download / Installation


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 * Github
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 * Forums

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