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Page not found - Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General Written Answers.

A pesar de las previsión de un déficit de hasta 2,5 millones de euros, el
sistema llegó a alcanzar un superávit de 5,6 millones de euros en , el cual se
ha reducido debido a la Gran Recesión. La línea roja atraviesa la zona al norte
del río Liffey en dirección este-oeste, el cual cruza para continuar su camino
en dirección suroeste hacia los poblados suburbios de Tallaght y Saggart. La
línea verde está enteramente construida en la zona sur de la ciudad, siguiendo,
en su mayor parte, la línea ferroviaria de Harcourt Street, que permaneció
inactiva desde Ambas líneas no están conectadas todavía, siendo los puntos más
cercanos entre sí la estación terminal de St.

Stephen's Green y la parada de Abbey Street, a unos 15 minutos a pie. La línea
roja cuenta con 32 estaciones, mientras que la línea verde posee 22 y 2 que aún
no han sido abiertas al público en la ruta actual. Al tratarse de un sistema de
tranvía moderno, la red funciona con V cc.


Asimismo, el ancho de vía utilizado es el internacional mm , a pesar de que la
mayoría de los ferrocarriles del país funcionan con el ancho irlandés, de mm. Al
ser construida a partir de una vieja línea de ferrocarril, el espacio entre vías
de la línea verde es más ancho que el de la línea roja, lo que permitiría la
circulación del futuro metro en caso de que se requiriera. La RPA, supervisora
de la gestión, espera poder "adaptar todas las líneas de Luas al tamaño adecuado
para el metro", puesto que los trenes de la línea roja, que atraviesa zonas
densamente pobladas, cuentan con el espacio justo para circular.

Los billetes del Luas son de color púrpura y tienen el tamaño de una tarjeta de
crédito. Poseen una banda magnética, la cual, sin embargo, no es utilizada en
ningún momento del viaje. El Luas es el único transporte público de la ciudad
donde los billetes no son revisados antes de acceder. La venta de billetes
sencillos o de "ida y vuelta" se realiza en las máquinas instaladas en cada una
de las estaciones. Estas venden, aparte, billetes combinados de bus y Luas, de
Luas y DART , o de Luas y ferrocarril, así como títulos válidos para uno, siete
o treinta días, para diferentes zonas y tipos de viajero niños, estudiantes,
adultos, ancianos.

Todos los billetes deben ser validados inmediatamente después de su adquisición
en la estación donde fueron comprados. Ciertos billetes requieren un documento
de identificación al ser presentados y se convierten en intransferibles al
deberse escribir en el título el número del documento. Todas las máquinas
expendedoras admiten tarjetas de crédito.

Generalmente, las tiendas situadas cerca de las estaciones disponen también de
un servicio de compra de billetes, que suele ser incluso más barato que en la
propia estación. Ambas líneas están divididas en 5 zonas, siendo compartida la
zona central. El precio del billete se calcula en base al número de zonas
cruzadas durante el viaje. En los límites de cada zona hay una estación, que se
considera siempre de la zona que más beneficie al viajero.

Aunque ambas líneas no estén conectadas, se pueden comprar billetes que permiten
el transbordo entre ambas líneas, corriendo el recorrido entre ellas por cuenta
del viajero, pues éste debe realizarse a pie, en bus o en taxi. La tarjeta puede
tener un saldo de entre 5 y euros y debe ser validada al acceder al tren y al
salir de él, cargándose el importe automáticamente. Esta tarjeta puede ser
comprada en los puestos de venta de billetes del Luas no las máquinas
expendedoras y a través de internet. En el aspecto de la tarificación, los
títulos electrónicos son ventajosos respecto a los títulos sencillos, pero no
resultan tan baratos como los títulos por días, excepto que estos no sean

Hasta enero de existían 3 tipos de títulos electrónicos en la ciudad de Dublín:
la anteriormente mencionada "smartcard" para el Luas, la tarjeta de prepago para
el sistema de bus y los abonos electrónicos para los trenes de cercanías y el
DART, no compatibles con el Luas.


A lo largo de los últimos años, la RPA ha desarrollado un sistema de tarjeta
electrónica operativa en los tres sistemas anteriormente mencionados. Con un
coste de desarrollo de Actualmente, la LEAP Card no es capaz de almacenar
diferentes títulos de viaje, sino que cobra el billete sencillo usual al
viajero, por lo que sólo ofrece una ventaja de comodidad, no de tarificación.
Los tranvías operan de lunes a viernes desde las hasta las del día siguiente.
Los sábados las líneas comienzan a funcionar a diferentes horas a las la línea
verde; a las la línea roja , pero finalizan su servicio conjuntamente a las del

Los domingos y festivos los horarios abarcan desde las línea verde y las línea
rojo hasta las We are planning for an expected , additional school places over
the lifetime of the Plan. Construction in alone will deliver over classrooms to
provide permanent accommodation for over 17, pupils, mainly in developing areas.
The Programme for Government includes a commitment to establish a Developing
Areas Unit in my Department, dedicated solely to progressing school planning in
rapidly developing areas, building on improvements that have already been made
in recent years.

I should point out that my Department's school planning section has been
organised on a geographical basis for some time, with staff dedicated to
planning for the needs of counties such as Dublin, Meath and Kildare which
include rapidly developing areas. The developing areas unit will consolidate
this work.

In advance of the full establishment of the unit, some staff have already been
redeployed to focus on its priority work, including the need for extra
accommodation for September Discussions are ongoing with the Department of
Finance in relation to the additional staffing required to resource this new
unit for its longer term work programme. As part of our strategy for the
provision of school places for and onwards my Department has also initiated a
tender process for a drawdown contract facility that will be used to provide
additional school places in the rapidly developing areas.

This drawdown contract facility is aimed at providing school accommodation in
very short timescales using modern methodologies such as off-site construction.
Both I and my senior officials have met with the relevant local authorities in
relation to the acquisition of suitable sites for new schools and, where
possible, pre-empting any planning issues that may arise. This close cooperation
with local authorities will help ensure that additional school places are
provided in the developing areas within the earliest possible timeframes.

My Department is notified annually of the details of all pupils attending post
primary schools. This information is provided by each school via the October
return and is used for a number of purposes, including the production of
statistics on the retention of pupils in the post primary school system. In
addition to this the Education Welfare Act, , places an obligation on schools to
report on school attendance to the National Educational Welfare Board. Schools
are asked to submit information about individual student absences under various
categories including students who drop out of school.

My Department has adopted a broad-based approach to tackling early school


We established the National Educational Welfare Board to monitor attendance and
help to get young people back to school. The Board runs promotional campaigns on
the importance of attendance and finishing school and provides a service locally
through its Education Welfare Officers to parents, children and schools.

DEIS is an integrated educational inclusion strategy developed for year olds and
represents a shift in emphasis away from individual initiatives, each addressing
particular problems to a multi-faceted and more integrated approach. In addition
to the NEWB there are some staff, within the education sector, deployed in
education disadvantage programmes of which over are additional posts allocated
under DEIS.

Children at risk of early school leaving are targeted under the School
Completion Programme for a variety of extra supports aimed at encouraging them
to stay in school. The supports cover both educational and non-educational
interventions and are provided during and outside of school time. The Home
School Community Liaison Scheme works to involve parents in their children's
education which is a crucial component in convincing young people of the value
of education.

Other measures facilitated through the DEIS action plan include extending access
to Schools' Business Partnerships, school meals, guidance counselling and
student councils. Increased integration is also being promoted between the work
of second-level schools and centres catering for young early school leavers,
particularly Youthreach centres and Senior Traveller Training centres. These
options provide an alternative for many children who might otherwise opt out of
formal education at an early stage.

This Government has shown a sustained commitment to providing greater
opportunities in the further education sector by supporting second chance
educational opportunities for young people who leave school. Many of these young
people take up places in Youthreach centres, while others pursue options such as
FAS apprenticeships. In line with the commitment in Towards we have already
created of the additional Youthreach places to be put in place by A further
measure to combat the contributing factor of poor behaviour on early school
leaving was to put in place the National Behaviour Support Service NBSS.

Fifty schools were identified to receive support and the NBSS is working
intensively with these schools.

Este artículo trata sobre el nombre irlandés de la isla llamada Irlanda y del
estado con el mismo nombre. Puede encontrar información acerca del estado en .
El Luas (AFI:[ˈl̪ˠuəsˠ]; "velocidad" en irlandés) es un sistema público de
tranvía o tren ligero de la ciudad de Dublín. Es el primero de este tipo tras el

The allocation of these additional posts improved the pupil teacher ratio from
The additional posts allocated at primary level have been used for. I regret
that I do not have the information regarding the numbers of retirees in
Vocational Education Committees as it is only available from the individual
committees. The numbers of increased posts that I have outlined above are in
addition to replacements for the numbers that retired over the period. At
primary level it is a matter for each Local Authority to provide a library
service for schools in its area.

2000 All Ireland Football Semi Final Kerry v Armagh

While my Department has no involvement in the actual operation of this service,
it does make a grant available to each Local Authority on an annual basis to
enable Local Authority Librarians select, purchase, and deliver books to the
primary schools in its area. The grant is based on the number of pupils enrolled
in primary schools in each Local Authority area. Enrolment data is based on the
Annual Primary School Census which provides information on the enrolment and
staffing of all schools at the last Friday in September of each year.

This information forms the basis for how the Department provides teachers and
grants to schools and is also the basis on which library grants are made to
Local Authorities. The question of increasing the provision in the future will
be considered in the context of available resources and priorities within the
education sector. Historically, the church authorities mainly Catholic and
Church of Ireland acted as patrons or sponsors of primary schools by initiating
the process of establishing a new school when one was needed to serve a specific
geographic area.

This model of school provision has been incrementally evolving to reflect
changes in demand and in the expectations of society, notably the demand for
diversity. With these changes, there has been an increase in the number of
patron bodies seeking recognition for new schools. The present model of primary
school provision has served the country well. When I announced my intention
earlier this year to pilot a new patron model for primary schools, I made it
clear that this would provide an additional patronage option and is not intended
to serve as a replacement of the existing patron models.

The new model will be introduced on a pilot basis in the first instance at a
school to be built in Diswellstown, Co Dublin.

It is intended that this school will be community-based and will operate within
the administrative framework of the County Dublin Vocational Education
Committee. Following my announcement, officials in my Department engaged in
consultations with the education partners and the County Dublin Vocational
Education Committee to explore the detailed implementation measures that will
need to be put in place prior to the opening of the proposed new school.

The proposal to pilot the new model has been broadly welcomed by the partners.
Pending the completion of the consultation process and the evaluation of the
pilot phase, I decided as a matter of policy that no vocational education
committee with the exception of the pilot project within the administrative area
of the County Dublin Vocational Education Committee should act as a patron in
respect of a primary school or otherwise establish or maintain a primary school.

I therefore directed all Vocational Education Committees not to establish or
maintain a primary school and not to seek recognition of a primary school until
further notice from my Department. The purpose of this direction was to ensure
that all aspects of the establishment process were given careful consideration
before the model was adopted at national level. I was especially anxious to
avoid a situation whereby different Vocational Education Committees might
inadvertently adopt varying and possibility contradictory approaches to what is
a very complex area.

Once the pilot phase has been fully evaluated and the various issues that may
arise have been identified and resolved, consideration can be given to allowing
other Vocational Education Committees to establish community primary schools. In
the meantime, my Department will continue with the preparatory work in advance
of the establishment phase for the Diswellstown school.

This investment has helped to increase capacity and transform the standard of
accommodation in many schools throughout the country. My Department is also
working closely with the relevant local authorities in relation to the
acquisition of suitable sites for new schools and, where possible, pre-empting
any planning issues that may arise.

In order to ensure that the public procurement process is not compromised it is
not my Department's policy to provide cost information on individual projects.
However, the Deputy can be assured that my Department will target funding, as
appropriate, in order to ensure that additional school accommodation is provided
in developing areas within the earliest possible timeframes.

Members of the inaugural appeals board have been appointed and are currently
working on the development of processes and procedures which need to be in place
before the relevant sections of the Act, which provide for appeals, are
commenced. The following sections have been commenced:- 1, 2, 14 1 a , 14 1 c ,
14 2 to 14 4 , 19 to 37, 40 to 44, and 50 to The remaining sections have not yet
been commenced.

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