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Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form novalidate="" class="login-form ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid ng-star-inserted" data-hs-cf-bound="true"><anm-text-input name="username">
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      <p class="label ng-star-inserted">Email address</p><!---->
      <div class="input-wrapper fullWidth"><input name="username" placeholder="Enter your email address" type="text" class="ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid"><!----></div><!----><!---->
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      <p class="label ng-star-inserted">Password</p><!---->
      <div class="input-wrapper fullWidth"><input class="password-pad ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid" name="password" placeholder="Enter your password" type="password"><em class="ic-eye grey ng-star-inserted"></em><!----></div><!----><!---->
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ANote Music Sàrl
9, Rue du Laboratoire
L-1911 Luxembourg


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ANote Music is a marketplace for buying and selling royalty interests and/or
intellectual property rights and, as such, it does not constitute activities of
the financial sector in Luxembourg and therefore ANote Music is not subject to
the Luxembourg financial sector regulator (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur
Financier - CSSF). Royalty interests are the contractual right to perceive
future music royalty income that is generated by various types of intellectual
property rights/copyrights. Neither music royalties nor royalty interests
constitute “financial instruments” within the meaning of the MiFID (the
Directive 2014/65/EU of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments) and the
LFS (the Law of financial services of 5 April 1993, as amended) which is
implementing the MiFID in Luxembourg. None of the price quotations, information,
news and research accessible on the website and the marketplace or shared
through any other communication channels by ANote Music or its Affiliates
constitute advice, recommendations or solicitation to any person in any
jurisdiction to buy, sell or invest in any asset, royalty interests,
intellectual property rights. Any decision made by a person to participate in
ANote Music marketplace’s activities should be made on the basis that such an
activity complies with any applicable local laws and regulations to which the
user is subject to. The user should not access the ANote Music marketplace if
such an activity does not comply with any applicable local laws and regulations
to which the user is subject to. Keep in mind that purchasing royalty interests
and/or intellectual property rights involves risk and you may lose your initial
amount uploaded on ANote Music marketplace. The value of your royalty interests
or intellectual property rights will fluctuate over time and you may gain or
lose money. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns, nor is it
necessarily indicative of future performance. This disclaimer cannot disclose
all of the risks and other significant aspects of dealing with royalty interests
and intellectual property rights. You should satisfy yourself that you fully
understand the conditions which apply to such assets, our services and the
potential risk exposures. The images and pictures on the website and on ANote
Music marketplace are merely illustrative and may contain data that are no
longer updated or valid. Please always refer to the current pricing and
valuation of royalty interests or intellectual property rights, as the case may
be, in the relevant section on ANote Music marketplace.

Copyright ©2024 ANote Music. All rights reserved.


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