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Home » Recipes » Salads & Sides » Curried Egg Salad


Published: Nov 25, 2022 by Lucy · This post may contain affiliate links · Leave
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This 5 Ingredient Curried Egg Salad recipe is so easy to make... and healthy
too! Ready in just 15 minutes, it's perfect for a quick lunch or a simple side
salad with dinner!

Egg salad is a classic dish that can be made with a variety of ingredients. In
this recipe we've added mild curry powder for an extra delicious (but subtle)
hit of flavour!

An egg salad sandwich is a perfect lunch to whip up, particularly when you have
a lot of extra eggs that you need to use up. Plus, this recipe is a little more
flavourful than your typical egg salad recipe, thanks to the spice of curry and
the crunch of the green onions, yum!

I love a summer salad for an easy lunch or as a side to a main meal. My creamy
bacon, egg & potato salad is always popular at home, as well as roast vegetable
couscous salad, or roast pumpkin salad with feta, pine nuts and spinach. All are
great healthy options!

This egg salad recipe is kid-friendly too - check out these 100+ Sandwich
Fillings for Kids for more delicious kid-approved sandwich ideas.


 * 15-minute recipe - this curried egg salad comes together in just 15 minutes,
   making it the perfect lunch for when you're short on time!
 * Only 5 ingredients - only 5 basic ingredients required and you probably
   already have them in your kitchen!
 * Budget friendly - there's no expensive ingredients to be purchased, and
   that's always a bonus these days!
 * Versatile - you can make this recipe conventionally or in a Thermomix.
 * Healthy and delicious - curried egg salad is made with eggs, mayonnaise, and
   green onions, so it's a great healthy option for a quick and filling lunch.
 * Versatile - add in your favourite shredded cheese, diced avocado, chopped ham
   or crispy bacon to make this recipe your own!
 * Perfect for get-togethers - you can serve it as a side at a BBQ or in bread
   rolls or sandwiches. It's always a handy hit!


Just 5 ingredients!

Note: Please scroll to the recipe card at the bottom for ingredient quantities
and the full detailed method.

 * Eggs - use large eggs (60-70g+).
 * Mayonnaise - I find a whole egg mayonnaise is best to use in this curried egg
 * Curry powder - Keens brand of curry powder has stood the test of time and
   works really well.
 * Caster sugar - also known as superfine sugar, it dissolves easier then
   regular sugar.
 * Spring onions - make sure to finely dice the spring onions.
 * Salt and pepper - season to taste.


There's no fancy equipment required for this curried egg salad - just a saucepan
and stove-top for boiling the eggs, plus a knife, mixing bowl and spoon.

Alternatively, you can use a Thermomix if you have one.


It takes just 15 minutes to prepare this simple egg salad.

Note: Please scroll to the recipe card at the bottom of the post for ingredient
quantities and the full detailed method.


Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Once boiling, turn the heat down to a
simmer. Use a slotted spoon to gently place the eggs into the saucepan (careful
not drop the eggs into the saucepan as they'll crack!).

Cook for 12 minutes. Drain and then cover with cold water.

If using a Thermomix - Place 400g water into the Thermomix bowl. Insert the
simmering bowl and add the eggs. Cook for 14 minutes, 120 degrees, Speed 1.


Peel the hard boiled eggs, discarding the shells.

Chop eggs into chunks (as large or small as you prefer).

Place chopped eggs into a large bowl.


Mix the mayonnaise, curry powder, caster sugar, and spring onions in a small
bowl. Season with salt and pepper.

If using a Thermomix - place the mayonnaise, curry powder, caster sugar, and
spring onions into a clean Thermomix bowl. Mix for 20 seconds, Speed 3. Season
with salt and pepper.


Pour the dressing over the eggs and stir gently to coat.

You can sprinkle some extra chopped spring onions or parsley over the top as a
garnish if you like.


 * Try serving this egg salad on top of a bed of lettuce or in a lettuce wrap
   for a delicious and easy low-carb lunch!
 * Variations - add in some diced cooked bacon for an extra delicious flavour
   boost. Grated cheese, chopped avocado, chopped cherry tomatoes, chopped ham -
   even chunks of tuna could be added if you want to add a different flavour.
 * If you don't have curry powder on hand, you could use a mixture of cumin,
   allspice, and turmeric instead.
 * Store curried egg salad for 3-4 days in an airtight container in the fridge.


Can I freeze hard boiled eggs or curried egg salad?

Hard-boiled whole eggs and hard-boiled whites should not be frozen as it causes
them to become tough and watery.
As curried egg salad has a mayo base, I don't recommend freezing it either. The
mayo will separate, and thawing it will result in a watery mixture - make it
fresh instead!

How long can you refrigerate hard boiled eggs for?

Freshly boiled eggs definately make the best egg salad, therefore I recommend
boiling your eggs the day you are making curried egg salad.
However, you can hard boil your eggs prior to making the salad and they will
keep in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.


Curried egg salad is a delicious and simple recipe that's always popular and can
be adapted with different variations. There are so many other quick lunch
recipes that are easy and versatile as well!

Here are a few of my most popular lunch recipes:

 * Freezer Friendly Lunch Box Recipes
 * Nut Free Lunch Box Recipes
 * 100+ Sweet Lunch Box Recipes + Free Printable
 * Lunch Box Ideas | Slices, Biscuits, Muffins & Healthy Treats

WANT EVEN MORE DELICIOUS RECIPES? Subscribe to my newsletter or follow along
on Facebook or Instagram. And if you love baking, then please come and join
my Facebook cooking club group or subscribe to my YouTube channel. 


This 5 Ingredient Curried Egg Salad recipe is so easy to make... and healthy
too! Ready in just 15 minutes, it's perfect for a quick lunch or a simple side
salad with dinner!

5 from 1 vote

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Course: Salads
Cuisine: western
Diet: Vegetarian
Prep Time: 15 minutes minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes minutes
Servings: 6 serves
Calories: 268kcal
Author: Lucy - Bake Play Smile


 * ▢ 8 eggs large (approx 60g each)
 * ▢ 155 g (⅔ cup) mayonnaise whole egg mayo is best
 * ▢ 1 tsp curry powder
 * ▢ 1 tsp caster sugar
 * ▢ 2-3 spring onions finely diced
 * ▢ salt and pepper to taste

Cook ModePrevent your screen from going dark


 * Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Once boiling, turn the heat down to a
   simmer. Use a slotted spoon to gently place the eggs into the saucepan (do
   not drop the eggs into the saucepan as they will crack).
   Cook for 12 minutes. Drain and then cover with cold water.
   If using a Thermomix - Place 400g water into the Thermomix bowl. Insert the
   simmering bowl and add the eggs. Cook for 14 minutes, 120 degrees, Speed 1.
 * Peel the eggs and discard the egg shells.
   Chop the eggs into chunks (as large or small as you like).
   Place chopped eggs into a large bowl.
 * Meanwhile mix the mayonnaise, curry powder, caster sugar and spring onions in
   a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper.
   If using a Thermomix - place the mayonnaise, curry powder, caster sugar and
   spring onions into a clean Thermomix bowl. Mix for 20 seconds, Speed 3.
   Season with salt and pepper.
 * Pour the dressing over the eggs and stir gently to coat.



 * Try serving this egg salad on top of a bed of lettuce or in a lettuce wrap
   for a delicious and easy low-carb lunch!
 * Variations - add in some diced cooked bacon for an extra delicious flavour
   boost. Grated cheese, chopped avocado, chopped cherry tomatoes, chopped ham -
   even chunks of tuna could be added if you want to add a different flavour.
 * If you don't have curry powder on hand, you could use a mixture of cumin,
   allspice, and turmeric instead.
 * Store curried egg salad for 3-4 days in an airtight container in the fridge.
 * This recipe is not suitable for freezing.


Calories: 268kcal | Carbohydrates: 2g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 25g | Saturated Fat:
5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 13g | Monounsaturated Fat: 7g | Trans Fat: 0.1g |
Cholesterol: 229mg | Sodium: 251mg | Potassium: 102mg | Fiber: 0.2g | Sugar: 1g
| Vitamin A: 377IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 39mg | Iron: 1mg
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I’m Lucy! A mum, a wife, a food blogger and a lover of all things to do with
food! I love creating delicious, no-fuss Thermomix and conventional recipes the
whole family will love. Classic baking favourites, lunch box snacks, quick and
easy family dinners and more!

More about me →


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