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Text Content

Outlook Wealth Advisors presents:

Freedom to Choose: The Blueprint for a Successful Retirement

A Holistic Approach to Retiring with Confidence


Outlook Wealth Advisors presents:

Freedom to Choose:

The Blueprint for a Successful Retirement

A Holistic Approach to Retiring with Confidence


We know there are a host of factors to consider before you retire, and it can be
really difficult to know where to start.  

Take a lump sum or payments on your pension, what to do about your 401k or IRA,
social security…It can be rather overwhelming, even for a successful and
accomplished professional like yourself. 

And that’s not even considering some of the major outside factors that could
upend a great retirement plan, especially if you have saved more than $500,000
in investable assets.

Taxes and inflation are on many successful peoples’ minds lately, and for good

Right now, Congress is looking to make a number of changes to the tax code that
could make it more difficult to grow your income and keep more of what you’ve
worked so hard to keep.

And inflation, something most Americans haven’t had to think about since the
70s, is starting to take a bite out of everyone’s budget, making it challenging
for you to have the confidence you need to actually take the next step. 

You might have asked yourself questions like:

How can I be sure I won’t outlive my assets and become a burden on my family?
Will I be able to afford long-term care if I need it later on?
How can I keep up with the rising cost of living?
How will higher tax rates affect my retirement income, and what can I do about
How can I be sure everything’s covered in case the worst happens?

Look, you’ve already put in the hard work, made sacrifices, and put money away
for retirement, all while living within your means to get where you are. You’ve
earned the right to enjoy the next season of your life.

But you want to be confident going into retirement, and know that no matter what
happens, you can still enjoy the lifestyle you’re meant to have.

That means not being blindsided by unforeseen events, making early withdrawal
mistakes, or falling prey to the greedy hands of Uncle Sam. 

In today’s video, you’ll discover what it takes to retire securely without
sacrificing your lifestyle. You’ll come away with ideas on how to have
confidence in your future, as well as insights into our approach to retirement. 

You’ll also find out about the biggest threat to your retirement, and what it
takes to reduce or eliminate it.

During this short video, you’ll discover the interlocking pieces that go into
crafting a comprehensive, thorough, and holistic retirement plan and, more
importantly, how it’s designed to remove the worry and stress as you enter this
new stage of your life. 

We know there are a host of factors to consider before you retire, and it can be
really difficult to know where to start.  

Take a lump sum or payments on your pension, what to do about your 401k or IRA,
social security…It can be rather overwhelming, even for a successful and
accomplished professional like yourself. 

And that’s not even considering some of the major outside factors that could
upend a great retirement plan, especially if you have saved more than $500,000
in investable assets.

Taxes and inflation are on many successful peoples’ minds lately, and for good

Right now, Congress is looking to make a number of changes to the tax code that
could make it more difficult to grow your income and keep more of what you’ve
worked so hard to keep.

And inflation, something most Americans haven’t had to think about since the
70s, is starting to take a bite out of everyone’s budget, making it challenging
for you to have the confidence you need to actually take the next step. 

Imagine having a complete retirement solution that offers:

Income and growth on your investments, so you can have the cash flow you need

Taxation and inflation protection, so you can move forward without fear of
outliving your money

Funding strategies for your healthcare needs, including long- term care, so your
family doesn’t have to

Estate planning options so your family is well cared for when you’re gone

Take the next step and let us show you how to have the confidence you need and
enjoy your retirement with certainty.

Imagine having a complete retirement solution that offers:

Income and growth on your investments, so you can have the cash flow you need

Taxation and inflation protection, so you can move forward without fear of
outliving your money

Funding strategies for your healthcare needs, including long- term care, so your
family doesn’t have to

Estate planning options so your family is well cared for when you’re gone

Take the next step and let us show you how to have the confidence you need and
enjoy your retirement with certainty.

Sign up now to watch, “Freedom to Choose: The Blueprint for a Successful

I am over age 55
I have at least $500,000 saved for retirement


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