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The current position regarding COVID-19(Coronavirus) and implications for
parkrun events are available on each Country's blog.

parkrun Safeguarding Hub
What's new


Welcome to the parkrun Safeguarding Hub. Here you will find the steps we take to
safeguard parkrun and everyone involved.

Setting the scene What is safeguarding? Safeguarding Policy Statement Key
safeguarding principles parkrun Safeguarding Team: structure and staff What is
abuse and how we might see it at parkrun Responding to and reporting
safeguarding incidents/concerns of abuse Confidentiality and information sharing
Criminal record checking Australia Australian Capital Territory New South Wales
Queensland South Australia Victoria England & Wales Northern Ireland Republic of
Ireland Scotland Safeguarding training for volunteers Additional procedure for
junior parkrun Ireland parkrun Ireland Child Safeguarding Statement Child
Safeguarding Risk Assessment (junior parkrun Ireland) Whistleblowing Missing
person at parkrun procedure Non-collection of a child procedure Social media
safeguarding guide Bullying and harassment


Read the introduction from Clare Fowler, Safeguarding Lead, parkrun Global.

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Volunteer Update - June 2021 Volunteer Update - May 2021 Volunteer Update -
April 2021

© 2021 parkrun Global Limited

 * Privacy Policy


Welcome to the parkrun Safeguarding Hub.

This resource sets out a framework, with practical guides, for safeguarding
everyone involved in any parkrun activity around the world, with a particular
focus on protecting children and vulnerable adults.

We are committed to achieving and exceeding best practice standards of care for
all of our parkrun family.

parkrun recognises that not all risk can be removed. We can, however, make sure
that it has done as much as is reasonably possible to minimise and manage risk.

Here you will find the steps we take to safeguard parkrun and everyone involved
in it.

If, at any point on your journey with parkrun, you have any safeguarding
concerns at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. We all have a duty of
care to protect our parkrun family.

Clare Fowler,
Safeguarding Lead, parkrun Global