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Showing posts with label 2d art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2d art. Show all posts

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014


New scans by m4jumbo

In Part I I put out a call for anyone with other Grenadier box sets they'd be
willing to scan, and m4jumbo of LAF and elsewhere stepped up and contributed the
following, and was kind enough to let me add them to the archive I started on
Flickr. I'm pretty excited to show these and very grateful.

Here also is the AD&D Action Art Painting Guide that went with the 8001 set
above in a few flavors of PDF for you to choose from. The clean print and reader
copies have the contrasts boosted and the color removed, and the only difference
between the two is that in the reader copy a sideways-oriented chart has been
rotated so you can read it on your screen. The archive copy has the scan
contrast and colors preserved. All copies have OCR.

 * Clean reader copy
 * Clean print copy
 * Archive copy

Per usual you can also see these on flickr

And anyone got any of the others? We're doing pretty well here and it would be
great to edge toward a full set!

Posted by Spooktalker at 7:48 PM 6 comments:
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Labels: 2d art, ADnD, DnD, ephemera, Grenadier, miniatures, rpg, scans



For posterity and the good of the community I scanned my Grenadier AD&D box sets
and inserts. Art by Ray Rubin and figures by Andrew Chernak.

I also made some cropped shots of a view of these sans lettering in case they
prove useful.

These are on flickr where you can download high res copies (trickier now since
the latest flickr facelift but still possible, don't give up!).

If you have other sets, would you consider scanning them at 300dpi or above as
well and would you let me know if you do? I don't need a full collection of
figures but I'd love to have a full collection of decent pics. And if you don't
want to go to the trouble to host them I'd love to put them on Flickr and credit
you in whatever way you want.

I also contributed these where appropriate to the Lost Minis Wiki, which has
mostly fairly poor copies of the box art so far:

 * The large sets
 * The small sets

Finally, I'd love to hear what you think of these! For me they rank high among
the reasons I started an American style 25mm fantasy collection in the first
place and my sense of nostalgia viewing these is pure and strong. I love the
graphic design, the painting technique and the degree of unintentional camp. The
magic user explorer is a classic, the demon's fur pants are out of control, the
female thief third from right is expressing what is hands down the height of
fashion in my campaign world, and seeing the renditions of the lizardman and
shambling mound make me wish Rubin had had the chance to put his hand to every
monster in the books.

Posted by Spooktalker at 6:30 PM 7 comments:
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Labels: 2d art, ADnD, DnD, ephemera, Grenadier, miniatures, rpg, scans



Character portraits from my Borderlands & Beyond AD&D campaign.

My players and I present Choderick's Challengers, young upstarts out to prove
themselves in the Borderlands and Beyond. Previously I showed off the figs
comprising the party. Here are some of the players' own takes on their
characters. So far I've received three bios from the nine players who have taken
part so far, but I'll add more if/as I get them.

Choderick Argenhelm, paladin
sketch by Clark

Choderick Argenhelm, fourth son of Lord Tristan Argenhelm, is a Paladin sworn to
purge the world of evil. His family was slaughtered by marauding reavers in the
service of a wicked sorcerer. A vision of the goddess Freyja raising the brave
and valiant from among the slain, who were then escorted across a shining bridge
by the Valkyries, led him to his calling.

He is accompanied by a doughty dwarf named Ott Gravelspit. They met when
Choderick tracked a vicious band of thirty orcs until they made camp. He then
waited for the orc guards to become complacent, and attacked. Catching the foul
creatures unaware he managed to send most of them back to the hell from whence
they spawned. Ott was a captive in the camp, bound, mistreated by the orcs, and
in bad shape.

Ott Gravelspit, dwarf fighter
sketch by Dane

Upon liberation, the dwarf swore an oath of fealty to Choderick. To break such
an oath would bring dishonor to the hearth of his ancestors. Ott has been slow
to take to the ways of the Paladin Order. Choderick often chastises Ott for his
worldly ways and letting greed get the best of him in regards to treasure, meat
pies, fortified mead, and short, hairy women.

Despite being a fierce and canny warrior, Choderick suffers from ill health due
to crippling allergies. He is especially prone to dust, molds, slimes, and
kobold dander.

Leofwin, half-elf ranger
sketch by Alan

Next we come to the party's master of trails, schemes and logistics. Leofwin, as
he's known, is an outcast who has turned his liabilities into strengths. The
offspring of a southern duke and a visiting elven ambassador, he was reviled by
both families. He learned to roll with the punches from his older, full-human
siblings. The few elves from his mother's clan who would tolerate him constantly
tested his woodcraft and endurance with unannounced, midnight ventures into the
wild. What came out of this upbringing was the half-elven ranger you see before
you. Good with a blade and a blow. Wise in the wiles of orc and kobold. Liked by
noble and commoner, but slow to form friendships. Above all, a complete glutton
for punishment, who somehow stays standing against the fiercest of buffets. (Oh,
those fierce buffets!)

Twiss von Standbrau, magic-user
inventory diagram by Tyler

Last for this post but not at all least is the magic-user Twiss von Standbrau,
who's dominion over that kingdom Sleep has many a time brought low those who
would stand against the Challengers. Twiss is the youngest of the von Standbrau
family of wealthy and prestigious human magic-users. Twiss was born into the
magic-user profession but remained highly unmotivated to his craft, preferring
to hike and fish rather than commit to study. A recent accident of questionable
circumstances has left the patriarch of the von Standbrau house dead, and Twiss'
eldest brother has since seized control. Twiss was immediately banished from the
family estate. Left with little but his clothes, spellbook, and a few
possessions, Twiss has quickly realized that a life of fishing is hardly the
road back to nobility and comfort.

Despite his familiarity with the outdoors and wilderness, Twiss is used to an
easy life. While competent and capable, he is vastly out of his element as an
adventurer and prone to cowardice in the name of self-preservation.

Interested in seeing the full character sheets? They're in the flickr

Btw, the sheets we use are the awesome replicas drawn up by the Mad Irishman,
available free on his site. Ought else you need is golden rod paper.

Posted by Spooktalker at 11:57 AM 2 comments:
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Labels: 2d art, ADnD, Borderlands campaign, DnD, ephemera, rpg

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   5 years ago
 * MadPonies: I see small people
   Small men, big month - It has been forever since I've had motivation to
   paint, which is unfortunate. But what is fortunate, is that I got over myself
   a little regarding that, and...
   5 years ago
 * Lead Menagerie
   Minifigs Elves (Aureola Rococo) Elvin Dragonmasters ARL 1 Elvin Dragon
   (missing Dragon Master with Lance) - And a (very) belated Happy New Year... a
   number of unfortunate events in life have meant I haven't had opportunity to
   pick up the brushes recently, but h...
   6 years ago
 * Anima Tactician
   Nostalgia Kicking In - I have been on a bit of an *Anima Tactics* nostalgia
   trip today, looking at artwork and cards for unreleased characters. I love
   the *Anima* range of mini...
   6 years ago
 * Brains and guts
   But where has the rum gone? - *To folow up from last blogpost.... Here be
   Pirates! A kickstarter from Macrocosm * *Click the link please. A wellcome
   surprise as the parcel arrived. L...
   6 years ago
 * Handgrenadealiens Retro Dungeon.
   A Selection of Freshly Painted Otherworld Miniatures. - The fine weather here
   in Blighty has resulted in even less than usual output from The Workbench of
   Doom, but here are the latest escapees courtesy of Other...
   6 years ago
 * Phreedh's Miniature Stuff
   A solitary Heroquest fimir - The handsome fellows over on the Scale Creep
   blog invited me to join their Heroquest Hero Quest and I could hardly turn
   them down. After all, I had already...
   7 years ago
   Wanted: Citadel Uruk-Hai - I am looking to buy or trade for these Citadel
   Uruk-Hai orcs (not X-ed out). Can you help me out or know someone who can?
   7 years ago
 * cult of the four armed emperor
   Hybrids and Terminators - Fellow antipodean oldhammerer Captain Crooks (check
   out his sweet blog with some hilarious battle reports among lots of other
   cool stuff here) recently g...
   8 years ago
 * 手探りペイント日記
   関西ジャーニーマンリーグ参加してました その② - オシアンのバトルグループで始めた関西ジャーニーマンリーグ。
   ただイベントの進行スピードに私の作業スピードが付いていけずユニットは完成しないまま終了を迎えました。 結局「この機...
   8 years ago
 * Tales From The Lead Pile
   Whoops! Haven’t posted for a while. - My word I can’t believe it’s already
   been 6 months since my last post. Sorry about that. I haven’t got an awful
   lot done in that time I’m afraid but I have...
   8 years ago
 * Life in Miniature
   Challenger and IT Terrain. - Odd how things coalesced, and one day can define
   years to come... Occasionally in this Life in Miniature, I 'be been around
   successful protects, at GW lat...
   8 years ago
 * Mercenaries and Militias wargames blog
   Pavia Refight - Today I went up north to my mate Robbie's for a game of Pike
   and Shotte. We'd arranged the game at the York show and today was the day.
   Tom came over as h...
   8 years ago
 * Eternal Keep
   Day Zero-The Reconstruction Continues - 2012 turned out to be apocalyptic in
   more ways than just Mayan. It was a year that saw great changes in the gaming
   community, the repercussions of which wi...
   11 years ago
 * ADD Grognard
   New Website & Blog Live - Finally the pieces start to come together. The new
   website is up (not much on the front page to look at yet) and the blog is
   located on the second tab at t...
   11 years ago

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 * Let's connect on Instagram
   I have been unhappy with the Blogger platform for many years, and am always
   searching for better ways for hobbyists to engage with one anoth...
 * Practical, economical, magnetic miniatures storage in stackable,
   variable-height trays with case options - my perfect solution going forward?
   Two magnetic tray solutions There are several big, miniatures-related
   logistics dilemmas I've stared down over the years. One is relat...
 * Tutorial: How to make a lighted, mirror-backed display case from an Ikea
   Billy bookcase
   In a previous post I showed off my new display case. In this post I hope to
   give you with all the info needed to do this yourself, and hop...
 * The pig-face orcs that never were
   Painted: Orcs I've shared quite a few D&D encounter groups here, but I've
   been holding out on you when it comes to the orcs. ...
 * Mordheim Undead Gang
   To all you with projects languishing for years on your workbench, I offer
   hope, for if I can finish my projects, so can you! I'm one of ...
 * 1st Mordheim Building - Laser-cut "Terror Tower" by Flying Tricycle
   A table's worth of Mordheim terrain has long been one of my "some-day"
   projects tucked in the back of my mind. Then recently t...
 * Comparing Goblins Miniatures
   I scrounged up a bunch of goblins this morning and lined them up for you.
   Click for big. BTW, I love coming across comparison pics lik...
 * Wars of the Roses
   Sharing another WIP project here.  When my local historical club embarked on
   a group Wars of the Roses project last summer, I threw in. I...
 * Painted: The Goblins
   Plenty of commentary for you today, but first some pics: Metadata: The
   command group of three are from a blister pack: Man...
 * Miniatures Display Case
   May I present my first significant game-related accomplishment of 2013, an
   Ikea hack display case made from a Billy bookcase . For now I'...


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