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Submission: On February 10 via manual from US — Scanned from CA

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Title Lock-Proof Pen (Pen Only) Lock-Proof Pen + Transparent Padlock Trainer
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Two ways to grab the Lock-Proof Pen! Just use the drop-down menu above.

 * Grab the pen by itself in all of its glass-breaking lock-picking glory or
 * Get the Lock-Proof Pen + Transparent Padlock Trainer 

You gotta understand what a big deal this is. Here, let's set the wayback
machine to the early days of ScamStuff.com:  

Jon and I are sporting sweet mustaches as we hunt for the coolest products to
bring our fellow modern rogues.  We're searching smoky dive bars, illegal
gambling halls, the prize section of Chuck-E-Cheeses...  You know, super shady

Anyway, we'd just left the Bootleg Medical Devices district and were about to
hit up Little Uzbekistan, when we stop cold:  We were suddenly faced with the
most amazing pen we've ever seen.

The moment I touched it, I grew two inches taller.  Just by looking at it, Jon
suddenly knew how to change a carburetor.

There was only one problem:  It was discontinued world-wide.  There was no
possible way for us to get more for Scam Stuff.

...Until now.

The Lock-Proof Pen holds within a secret -- inside is hidden a full set of 5
lock picks.  This thing is the best.  Plus, with every pen we include a mini
tactical flashlight (batteries included too) so you'll be prepared to bust open
those pesky locks in any circumstance. 

Check it out on this week's Behind the Scam:

As if carrying around a secret stash of lock picks wasn't enough, the Lock-Proof
Pen also sports a built-in self-defense crown and a built-in emergency glass
breaker that is unbelievably effective.  Trapped in a car that's sinking to the
bottom of the ocean? BOOM! The Lock-Proof Pen will save your ass. Check it out!

Yeah, let's see your previous-favorite, fancy-ass fountain pen do that.

You can also get the pen PLUS our exposed transparent padlock trainer. This
padlock allows you to peer into the lock to see how the basic mechanisms work,
helping you get a better idea for what picking techniques are most effective.

This way, you'll be able to get plenty of practice in prior to any unexpected


Please note, an "official" tension wrench does not fit within the design of the
Lock-Proof pen, but you can still pick locks by MacGyvering a tension wrench
with a paper clip or bending one of the picks in the pen to use it as a tension



Slide controls
 * The Mystery Box Deck (Black...
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 * The Utili-Key
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 * The Ultimate Lock Picking Trainer
   4.5 star rating
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Leoht S.
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5.0 star rating

Lock-proof Pen

Review by Leoht S. on 10 Apr 2021 review stating Lock-proof Pen
I had never picked a lock before this, and in a matter of less than I minute I
had picked the training lock that came bundled with the pen.

It's great fun, and a handy pen to boot!

Just needs a tension wrench to start playing.

10/10 would recommend!
On The Lock-Proof Pen — Pick Locks & Break Glass!
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by Leoht S. on 10 Apr 2021 twitter twitter Share Review by Leoht S. on 10 Apr
2021 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Leoht S. on 10 Apr 2021
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Ryan Y.
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5.0 star rating

Dope pen

Review by Ryan Y. on 22 Aug 2020 review stating Dope pen
It is not only a really nice pen, I like weighty pens and it definitely fits
that. The lockpick are small but using them with the practice lock, I can pick
it in a couple seconds. It's a very cool pen clearly quite sturdy too. Yet to
test the glass break, but I mean, it's great. As for the lack of a tension
wrench, I broke a hair pin and rubber-ba...Read MoreRead more about review
stating Dope pen

nded it onto the pen, works pretty well! Read LessRead less about review stating
Dope pen

On The Lock-Proof Pen — Pick Locks & Break Glass!
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Ryan Y. on 22 Aug 2020 twitter twitter Share Review by Ryan Y. on 22 Aug 2020
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Jonathan J.
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5.0 star rating

Shipping got delayed but I

Review by Jonathan J. on 30 May 2020 review stating Shipping got delayed but I
Shipping got delayed but I blame that mostly on the pandemic but the pen itself
is everything I could have asked for and more!
On The Lock-Proof Pen — Pick Locks & Break Glass!
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Michelle J.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Love your stuff

Review by Michelle J. on 23 May 2020 review stating Love your stuff
Love this lock pick set/pen, and the clear lock is very helpful. I haven't quite
figured it out yet but I will. Thank You.
Michelle Jackson
On The Lock-Proof Pen — Pick Locks & Break Glass!
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John R.
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5.0 star rating

I love it’s smooth writing

Review by John R. on 9 Apr 2020 review stating I love it’s smooth writing
It’s an amazing pen. Nice and heavy so I won’t lose it. I don’t know if this
will reach you but my next ordered has the wrong apartment number on it it need
to be sent to 1131 not 1132
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