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By Joshua Partlow
October 10, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

Coalinga, Calif., may run out of water later this year, forcing it to pay market
price for more. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
12 min
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A previous version of this article mischaracterized where the city's name comes
from. Coalinga's name derives from its history as a coaling station on a
railroad line, not a coal mining town. The article has been corrected.

COALINGA, Calif. — The residents of this sun-scorched city feel California’s
endless drought when the dust lifts off the brown hills and flings grit into
their living rooms. They see it when they drive past almond trees being ripped
from the ground for lack of water and the new blinking sign at the corner of Elm
and Cherry warning: “No watering front yard lawns.”

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The fire chief noticed it when he tested hydrants in August — a rare occurrence
as Coalinga desperately seeks to conserve water — and the first one shot out a
foot-long block of compacted dirt. The second one ejected like a can of Axe body

The schools superintendent could only think drought on the first day of school
when a 4-year-old fell onto unwatered turf, breaking an arm; or when the chain
saws dropped three coastal redwoods outside Henry F. Bishop Elementary that had
withered and died. Superintendent Lori Villanueva even lost a portion of her own
right lung last year from a drought-aggravated illness, valley fever, that’s
caused by breathing soil fungus whipped up off the dry ground.


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But what lies ahead might be far worse for the 17,000 residents living amid the
oil derricks and cattle farms on the western edge of the state’s Central Valley.
Coalinga has only one source of water — a shrinking allotment from an aqueduct
managed by the federal government — and officials are projecting the city will
use up that amount before the end of the year.

That looming threat has left city officials racing between meetings in
Sacramento and phone calls to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation seeking to increase
their water supply. Some residents have begun stockpiling five-gallon water jugs
in their homes, while many expect major spikes in their water bills. If Coalinga
can’t find relief, it would be forced to buy additional water on the open market
at exorbitant prices that could swamp the city’s budget.

‘The worst we’ve seen’: Ranchers threatened by historic heat and drought

That was the grim scenario facing Mayor Ron Ramsey when he rapped his knuckles
on the table and cursed at a City Council meeting in early August. Everyone but
Ramsey had just voted to ban watering front yards and to ramp up penalties on
overuse — measures they conceded would not save nearly what was needed. But it
was more than Ramsey could stomach.


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“It’s too much. Too fast,” Ramsey told the room. On top of that, he said, it
wasn’t fair.

“Go to the state capitol and they got green grass, don’t they?” he said. “They
can do it, but why can’t we?”

Coalinga, named for its history as a coaling station on a railway line, is a
small Republican outpost in liberal California. The city had already defied
state leadership in 2020, passing a resolution that declared all businesses
essential to avoid mandatory pandemic closures. When it was time for the state
to distribute covid-19 relief funds to municipalities, Coalinga didn’t get any.

The water shortage felt to some like another kind of retaliation.

“How do you not give farmers water when they feed everybody unless you’re trying
to put them out of business?” asked Scott Netherton, owner of Coalinga’s lone
movie theater and executive director of its chamber of commerce.


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“It feels like we’re being singled out, small towns,” he said. “It’s like
they’re trying to force them out to where you’ve got to move into the bigger

Coalinga’s brackish groundwater has never been a reliable option. Before a canal
was completed in the early 1970s that connected Coalinga to a major aqueduct,
the city relied on water delivered by train. After a 1983 earthquake that
destroyed some 300 homes in town and spread concerns about water contamination,
residents resorted to donations; Anheuser-Busch sent drinking water to Coalinga
in beer cans and bottles.

But the drought has made residents question the very survival of their city.

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“We’ve never been this bad where they said we’re going to run out of water,”
Mayor Ramsey said.


The most severe drought in the American West since the 9th century is now in its
23rd year. All across the region, communities are confronting shortages worse
than they have ever known. The biggest reservoirs have fallen to record lows.
Whole neighborhoods have lost their water supply as wells have gone dry. States
along the dwindling Colorado River are negotiating water cuts that could bring
dramatic disruptions to some of the country’s most important agricultural belts.


The hotter and drier climate has forced California and other states to reckon
with a future in which they will have access to far less water, even as
populations continue to grow. In August, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) presented a
19-page plan to deal with the expected loss of 10 percent of the state’s water
supply by 2040.

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“The hots are getting a lot hotter. The dries are getting a lot drier,” Newsom
told reporters at the time. “We have to adapt to that new reality, and we have
to change our approach.”

California started the year with its driest four months on record. Snowpack in
the Sierra Nevada this year was a small fraction of the historical average.
Depleted reservoirs have led to restrictions on outdoor watering for millions of
state residents.

Coalinga’s water comes from the San Luis Reservoir, about 90 miles to the north,
and is delivered along a portion of the California Aqueduct that was built in
the 1960s and helped fuel the region’s agricultural growth. This is part of the
Central Valley Project, a network of dams, reservoirs and canals now severely
hobbled by drought.

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Farmers received no allocation from that network this year; municipalities and
industrial users were limited to what the Bureau of Reclamation calculates as
their “public health and safety” needs — a first in the history of the Central
Valley Project, which dates to the 1930s.

For Coalinga, that meant 1,920 acre-feet of water — a quarter of its historic
allotment and just over half of what it expected to consume this year. Federal
officials raised that in April to 2,500 acre-feet — a level that still fell more
than 1,000 acre-feet short of what Coalinga needed. An acre-foot is about
326,000 gallons, what it would take to cover an acre of land with one foot of


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Over the summer, city officials calculated the city’s supply would run out by

Beyond that point, if Coalinga kept using water from the aqueduct, it would
belong to someone else.

“You don’t have the right to take that water,” was the message Sean Brewer,
Coalinga’s assistant city manager, said he got from Reclamation officials.

The bureau said in a statement that it had been working closely with Coalinga on
its “unique water supply circumstances and challenges.” Brewer agreed that the
bureau has been “extremely helpful” even as its “hands are tied.” Federal
officials gave him names of vendors who might sell the city the extra water it
needed. But as Brewer worked his way down the list of irrigation districts,
farmers and other private interests, the news wasn’t good.

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“Nobody has water to sell right now,” he said.


Those who do are not selling it cheap.

“I cringe when I say this,” Brewer told the City Council on Aug. 4, as he
reported that water that normally cost the city $190 per acre-foot was being
sold on the open market for as much as $2,500 per acre-foot. The city might need
up to $2.5 million to buy enough water to last the year, he said. The city’s
entire budget is $10 million.

“We just don’t have $2.5 million to buy water,” City Council member Adam
Adkisson said in an interview, calling the water prices “criminal.”

“In a natural disaster, you can’t increase the cost of bottled water 2,000
percent; you’d go to jail for that,” he said. “But somehow these people can
increase it 2,000 percent and everything’s just fine.”

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Fear of that kind of “drought profiteering” prompted state Sen. Melissa Hurtado
(D) to write Attorney General Merrick Garland in May asking for an investigation
into the anti-competitive practices of hedge funds and other investors that
“literally steal our most life dependent resource from ourselves and future
generations in exchange for a profit.”


Hurtado talked to Adkisson in August as he was searching for a solution for
Coalinga and found him “in panic mode.”

“The price of water, the cost of water, is increasing, but it’s not just going
to be to the Central Valley; it’s going to be statewide,” Hurtado said. “We’re
in a crisis situation in a matter of weeks, I think.”


In the High Times marijuana store — a burgeoning industry for Coalinga, which
has two prominent dispensaries downtown and a pot farm run out of a defunct
prison owned by Bob Marley’s son Damian — manager Luis Zamora is just starting
to register a new level of concern about the water crisis.

“Just in the last probably two days, I’ve had people asking me, like, what do
you do when the water runs out?”

He laughed.

“Exactly. What do you do?”


Coalinga has tried to get tough on water waste. The city has code enforcers and
even police officers patrolling for water violations. The city put a moratorium
on building swimming pools, raised water rates several times and last year began
imposing “drought fees” for overuse. But the city soon voted to refund the
$277,000 it had raised in fees because water use wasn’t declining enough.

“It was supposed to be a deterrent,” said Netherton, the chamber of commerce’s
executive director. “It wasn’t deterring anybody.”

Zamora has been slowly stockpiling five-gallon water bottles at home — he’s up
to nine of them. He has stopped watering his lawn and watched as his neighbors’
yards have also turned brown. But others’ lawns in town are still green, and
residents are keenly aware who is still watering.

Facing a new climate reality, Southern California lawns could wither

“They encourage people to kind of rat each other out, out here,” Zamora said.
“So if you water, people will be taking pictures of you.”

“I’m watching your yard,” Mary Jones, a Coalinga resident, told Mayor Ramsey at
an Aug. 18 City Council meeting.

Ramsey, who had by then accepted the ban on watering front lawns, resorted to
spraying on his own remedy to keep his lawn looking nice.

“Hey, you know why mine’s green?” he asked Jones. “I painted it.”

“I would paint mine, too, but it’s dirt,” she responded. “I can’t fool anyone
with dirt.”


Coalinga’s two biggest water users sit next to each other on a lonely two-lane
road several miles outside of town. The Pleasant Valley State Prison and the
Department of State Hospitals-Coalinga, a psychiatric hospital for sexually
violent predators, together consume about 20 percent of the city’s water
allocation. And both institutions have told the city they can’t conserve more
water than they already do.

Outside the psychiatric hospital, there is a long row of coastal redwoods that
appear green and bushy, a landscaping flourish Coalinga residents view with
increasing suspicion.

“Go look at our coastal redwoods in our medians; they’re all dead. The ones at
the school? Dead,” said Adkisson, the council member. “I think there’s
opportunities for them to conserve when it comes to landscaping.”

The hospital has operated under a drought plan for the past eight years. The
facility has removed most grass from “non-patient care areas,” has removed
shrubs and plants, has resorted to controlled shower times, closely monitors
leaks and “continues to make every effort” to use water efficiently, according
to Ralph Montano, a spokesman for the Department of State Hospitals.

“Unfortunately, [the hospital’s] coastal redwoods are brown and dying from lack
of water also,” Montano said in a statement.

The prison did not respond to requests for comment.

City officials argued that the burden of saving water on behalf of the two
state-run institutions was unfairly being borne by residents. In August, with
Coalinga just weeks from running out of water, the Bureau of Reclamation
responded by increasing the city’s allotment by 531 acre-feet “to assist with
meeting public health and safety needs,” the bureau said in a statement.

But Coalinga officials say they are still about 600 acre-feet short and that
buying additional supplies remains extremely expensive. They now project they
will run out of water sometime in early December.

When that happens, no one knows exactly what to expect.

“You don’t want to say that they’ll never turn the water off. I don’t see how
they could,” Mayor Ramsey said. “I hate to say this, but with the government we
have right now, you never know.”


Understanding our climate: Global warming is a real phenomenon, and weather
disasters are undeniably linked to it. As temperatures rise, heat waves are more
often sweeping the globe — and parts of the world are becoming too hot to

What can be done? The Post is tracking a variety of climate solutions, as well
as the Biden administration’s actions on environmental issues. It can feel
overwhelming facing the impacts of climate change, but there are ways to cope
with climate anxiety.

Inventive solutions: Some people have built off-the-grid homes from trash to
stand up to a changing climate. As seas rise, others are exploring how to
harness marine energy.

Have a question about climate change or climate solutions? Share it with us. You
can also sign up for our newsletter on climate change, energy and environment.

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