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A federal appeals court appears inclined to reimpose at least some restrictions
on Donald Trump’s speech in his election subversion case. (Nov. 2023)

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Former President Donald Trump speaks outside the courtroom after testifying at
New York Supreme Court, Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Eduardo
Munoz Alvarez)

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Former President Donald Trump speaks outside the courtroom after testifying at
New York Supreme Court, Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Eduardo
Munoz Alvarez)

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Judge Arthur Engoron presides over former President Donald Trump’s civil
business fraud trial as former President Donald Trump waits to take the witness
stand at New York Supreme Court, Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, in New York. (Jefferson
Siegel/The New York Times via AP, Pool)

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Judge Arthur Engoron presides over former President Donald Trump’s civil
business fraud trial as former President Donald Trump waits to take the witness
stand at New York Supreme Court, Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, in New York. (Jefferson
Siegel/The New York Times via AP, Pool)

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Alina Habba, one of ex-President Donald Trump’s attorneys, arrives at New York
Supreme Court, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

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Alina Habba, one of ex-President Donald Trump’s attorneys, arrives at New York
Supreme Court, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

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Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Updated
11:49 AM HST, November 30, 2023
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NEW YORK (AP) — A New York appeals court Thursday reinstated a gag order that
barred Donald Trump from commenting about court personnel after the former
president repeatedly disparaged a law clerk in his New York civil fraud trial.

The one-sentence decision came two weeks after an individual appellate judge put
the gag order on hold while the appeals process played out.

Trial judge Arthur Engoron, who imposed the restriction, said he now planned to
enforce it “rigorously and vigorously.”

Trump attorney Christopher Kise called it “a tragic day for the rule of law.”
Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign, complained
that the gag order was “nothing but attempted election interference, which is
failing terribly.”

More about the trial
Trump embraces the Jan. 6 rioters on the trail. In court, his lawyers hope to
distance him from them
Banker involved in big loans to Trump’s company testifies for his defense in
civil fraud trial
Donald Trump is set to return to the witness stand in his civil fraud trial

Engoron imposed the gag order Oct. 3 after Trump posted a derogatory comment
about the judge’s law clerk to social media. The post, which included a baseless
allegation about the clerk’s personal life, came the second day of the trial in
New York Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit.

James’ lawsuit alleges Trump exaggerated his wealth on financial statements used
to secure loans and make deals. Trump denies any wrongdoing. The Republican 2024
front-runner contends the lawsuit is a political attack instigated by James and
furthered by Engoron, both Democrats.

Over the trial’s first few weeks, Engoron fined Trump $15,000 for violating the
gag order. The judge expanded the order — which initially covered only parties
in the case — to include lawyers after Trump’s attorneys questioned clerk
Allison Greenfield’s prominent role on the bench. She sits alongside the judge,
exchanging notes and advising him during testimony.

Trump’s lawyers sued Engoron, challenging his gag order as an abuse of power.

State lawyers supported the restriction, saying it was a reasonable step to
protect Engoron’s staff. An attorney for the court system tied Trump’s comments
to an uptick in nasty calls and messages directed at the judge and law clerk.

A court security captain wrote in a sworn statement last week that Greenfield
has been receiving 20-30 calls per day to her personal cell phone and 30-50
messages per day on social media, LinkedIn and two personal email addresses.

The captain reported that Greenfield received enough harassing voicemails to
fill a transcript with 275 single-spaced pages, and that about half the
harassing and disparaging messages to her were antisemitic.

Trump’s lawyers then argued that while messages and calls were “vile and
reprehensible,” he shouldn’t be muzzled because of other people’s bad behavior.
Trump never called for violence against Greenfield, nor did he or his lawyers
ever encourage or condone harassment and threats, the attorneys wrote in a court

They argued that the gag order infringed on his free speech rights.

“As the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination and as a
citizen on trial, President Trump is well within his rights to comment on what
he perceives as bias,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

While the gag order was suspended, Trump posted about Greenfield as recently as
Wednesday, referring to the judge’s “very disturbed and angry law clerk.”

In recent days, Trump also assailed the judge’s family, citing critical social
media posts about him that he asserted came from Engoron’s wife. Court system
spokesperson Al Baker said Thursday that they did not.

Engoron ruled before the trial that Trump and other defendants engaged in fraud,
and he ordered that a receiver take control of some of Trump’s properties,
putting their future oversight in question. An appeals court has put that order
on hold for now.

The trial concerns remaining claims of conspiracy, insurance fraud and
falsifying business records. James is seeking more than $300 million in
penalties and a ban on Trump doing business in New York.

Trump is due to testify, for a second time, Dec. 11. All testimony is expected
to wrap up shortly afterward.

Then the two sides are due to submit filings and make their closing arguments in
January, under a schedule sketched out Thursday.

The verdict in the non-jury case will be up to Engoron, who said he he hopes to
reach a decision by the end of January.


Associated Press writer Jake Offenhartz contributed.

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Kari Lake loses suit to see ballot envelopes in 3rd trial tied to Arizona
election defeatPHOENIX (AP) — A judge has rejected Kari Lake’s request to
examine signed ballot envelopes of 1.3 million early voters, giving the defeated
Arizona Republican candidate for governor another loss in her third trial
related to last year’s election.AP News


DeSantis and Newsom face off in a Fox News event featuring two governors with
White House hopesGov. Gavin Newsom and Gov. Ron DeSantis are meeting in a
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Judge dismisses liberal watchdog’s claims that Wisconsin impeachment panel
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that a panel researching the possible impeachment of a Wisconsin Supreme Court
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legislatureNorth Carolina trial judges have blocked portions of a new law that
would eliminate Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s authority to pick election board
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results of the 2020 election, his lawyers said.AP News
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examine signed ballot envelopes of 1.3 million early voters, giving the defeated
Arizona Republican candidate for governor another loss in her third trial
related to last year’s election.AP News


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