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Submission: On April 13 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On April 13 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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/* @preserve * Leaflet 1.5.1+build.2e3e0ff, a JS library for interactive maps. * (c) 2010-2018 Vladimir Agafonkin, (c) 2010-2011 CloudMade */ !(function (t, i) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? i(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], i) : i((t.L = {})); })(this, function (t) { "use strict"; var i = Object.freeze; function h(t) { var i, e, n, o; for (e = 1, n = arguments.length; e < n; e++) for (i in (o = arguments[e])) t[i] = o[i]; return t; } Object.freeze = function (t) { return t; }; var s = Object.create || function (t) { return (e.prototype = t), new e(); }; function e() {} function a(t, i) { var e = Array.prototype.slice; if (t.bind) return t.bind.apply(t,, 1)); var n =, 2); return function () { return t.apply(i, n.length ? n.concat( : arguments); }; } var n = 0; function u(t) { return (t._leaflet_id = t._leaflet_id || ++n), t._leaflet_id; } function o(t, i, e) { var n, o, s, r; return ( (r = function () { (n = !1), o && (s.apply(e, o), (o = !1)); }), (s = function () { n ? (o = arguments) : (t.apply(e, arguments), setTimeout(r, i), (n = !0)); }) ); } function r(t, i, e) { var n = i[1], o = i[0], s = n - o; return t === n && e ? t : ((((t - o) % s) + s) % s) + o; } function l() { return !1; } function c(t, i) { return (i = void 0 === i ? 6 : i), +(Math.round(t + "e+" + i) + "e-" + i); } function _(t) { return t.trim ? t.trim() : t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } function d(t) { return _(t).split(/\s+/); } function p(t, i) { for (var e in (t.hasOwnProperty("options") || (t.options = t.options ? s(t.options) : {}), i)) t.options[e] = i[e]; return t.options; } function m(t, i, e) { var n = []; for (var o in t) n.push(encodeURIComponent(e ? o.toUpperCase() : o) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t[o])); return (i && -1 !== i.indexOf("?") ? "&" : "?") + n.join("&"); } var f = /\{ *([\w_-]+) *\}/g; function g(t, n) { return t.replace(f, function (t, i) { var e = n[i]; if (void 0 === e) throw new Error("No value provided for variable " + t); return "function" == typeof e && (e = e(n)), e; }); } var v = Array.isArray || function (t) { return "[object Array]" ===; }; function y(t, i) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) if (t[e] === i) return e; return -1; } var x = ""; function w(t) { return window["webkit" + t] || window["moz" + t] || window["ms" + t]; } var P = 0; function b(t) { var i = +new Date(), e = Math.max(0, 16 - (i - P)); return (P = i + e), window.setTimeout(t, e); } var T = window.requestAnimationFrame || w("RequestAnimationFrame") || b, z = window.cancelAnimationFrame || w("CancelAnimationFrame") || w("CancelRequestAnimationFrame") || function (t) { window.clearTimeout(t); }; function M(t, i, e) { if (!e || T !== b) return, a(t, i));; } function C(t) { t &&, t); } var S = (Object.freeze || Object)({ freeze: i, extend: h, create: s, bind: a, lastId: n, stamp: u, throttle: o, wrapNum: r, falseFn: l, formatNum: c, trim: _, splitWords: d, setOptions: p, getParamString: m, template: g, isArray: v, indexOf: y, emptyImageUrl: x, requestFn: T, cancelFn: z, requestAnimFrame: M, cancelAnimFrame: C, }); function Z() {} (Z.extend = function (t) { function i() { this.initialize && this.initialize.apply(this, arguments), this.callInitHooks(); } var e = (i.__super__ = this.prototype), n = s(e); for (var o in (((n.constructor = i).prototype = n), this)) this.hasOwnProperty(o) && "prototype" !== o && "__super__" !== o && (i[o] = this[o]); return ( t.statics && (h(i, t.statics), delete t.statics), t.includes && ((function (t) { if ("undefined" == typeof L || !L || !L.Mixin) return; t = v(t) ? t : [t]; for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i] === L.Mixin.Events && console.warn("Deprecated include of L.Mixin.Events: this property will be removed in future releases, please inherit from L.Evented instead.", new Error().stack); })(t.includes), h.apply(null, [n].concat(t.includes)), delete t.includes), n.options && (t.options = h(s(n.options), t.options)), h(n, t), (n._initHooks = []), (n.callInitHooks = function () { if (!this._initHooksCalled) { e.callInitHooks &&, (this._initHooksCalled = !0); for (var t = 0, i = n._initHooks.length; t < i; t++) n._initHooks[t].call(this); } }), i ); }), (Z.include = function (t) { return h(this.prototype, t), this; }), (Z.mergeOptions = function (t) { return h(this.prototype.options, t), this; }), (Z.addInitHook = function (t) { var i =, 1), e = "function" == typeof t ? t : function () { this[t].apply(this, i); }; return (this.prototype._initHooks = this.prototype._initHooks || []), this.prototype._initHooks.push(e), this; }); var E = { on: function (t, i, e) { if ("object" == typeof t) for (var n in t) this._on(n, t[n], i); else for (var o = 0, s = (t = d(t)).length; o < s; o++) this._on(t[o], i, e); return this; }, off: function (t, i, e) { if (t) if ("object" == typeof t) for (var n in t) this._off(n, t[n], i); else for (var o = 0, s = (t = d(t)).length; o < s; o++) this._off(t[o], i, e); else delete this._events; return this; }, _on: function (t, i, e) { this._events = this._events || {}; var n = this._events[t]; n || ((n = []), (this._events[t] = n)), e === this && (e = void 0); for (var o = { fn: i, ctx: e }, s = n, r = 0, a = s.length; r < a; r++) if (s[r].fn === i && s[r].ctx === e) return; s.push(o); }, _off: function (t, i, e) { var n, o, s; if (this._events && (n = this._events[t])) if (i) { if ((e === this && (e = void 0), n)) for (o = 0, s = n.length; o < s; o++) { var r = n[o]; if (r.ctx === e && r.fn === i) return (r.fn = l), this._firingCount && (this._events[t] = n = n.slice()), void n.splice(o, 1); } } else { for (o = 0, s = n.length; o < s; o++) n[o].fn = l; delete this._events[t]; } }, fire: function (t, i, e) { if (!this.listens(t, e)) return this; var n = h({}, i, { type: t, target: this, sourceTarget: (i && i.sourceTarget) || this }); if (this._events) { var o = this._events[t]; if (o) { this._firingCount = this._firingCount + 1 || 1; for (var s = 0, r = o.length; s < r; s++) { var a = o[s]; || this, n); } this._firingCount--; } } return e && this._propagateEvent(n), this; }, listens: function (t, i) { var e = this._events && this._events[t]; if (e && e.length) return !0; if (i) for (var n in this._eventParents) if (this._eventParents[n].listens(t, i)) return !0; return !1; }, once: function (t, i, e) { if ("object" == typeof t) { for (var n in t) this.once(n, t[n], i); return this; } var o = a(function () {, i, e).off(t, o, e); }, this); return this.on(t, i, e).on(t, o, e); }, addEventParent: function (t) { return (this._eventParents = this._eventParents || {}), (this._eventParents[u(t)] = t), this; }, removeEventParent: function (t) { return this._eventParents && delete this._eventParents[u(t)], this; }, _propagateEvent: function (t) { for (var i in this._eventParents) this._eventParents[i].fire(t.type, h({ layer:, propagatedFrom: }, t), !0); }, }; (E.addEventListener = E.on), (E.removeEventListener = E.clearAllEventListeners =, (E.addOneTimeEventListener = E.once), (E.fireEvent =, (E.hasEventListeners = E.listens); var k = Z.extend(E); function B(t, i, e) { (this.x = e ? Math.round(t) : t), (this.y = e ? Math.round(i) : i); } var A = Math.trunc || function (t) { return 0 < t ? Math.floor(t) : Math.ceil(t); }; function I(t, i, e) { return t instanceof B ? t : v(t) ? new B(t[0], t[1]) : null == t ? t : "object" == typeof t && "x" in t && "y" in t ? new B(t.x, t.y) : new B(t, i, e); } function O(t, i) { if (t) for (var e = i ? [t, i] : t, n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) this.extend(e[n]); } function R(t, i) { return !t || t instanceof O ? t : new O(t, i); } function N(t, i) { if (t) for (var e = i ? [t, i] : t, n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) this.extend(e[n]); } function D(t, i) { return t instanceof N ? t : new N(t, i); } function j(t, i, e) { if (isNaN(t) || isNaN(i)) throw new Error("Invalid LatLng object: (" + t + ", " + i + ")"); ( = +t), (this.lng = +i), void 0 !== e && (this.alt = +e); } function W(t, i, e) { return t instanceof j ? t : v(t) && "object" != typeof t[0] ? 3 === t.length ? new j(t[0], t[1], t[2]) : 2 === t.length ? new j(t[0], t[1]) : null : null == t ? t : "object" == typeof t && "lat" in t ? new j(, "lng" in t ? t.lng : t.lon, t.alt) : void 0 === i ? null : new j(t, i, e); } (B.prototype = { clone: function () { return new B(this.x, this.y); }, add: function (t) { return this.clone()._add(I(t)); }, _add: function (t) { return (this.x += t.x), (this.y += t.y), this; }, subtract: function (t) { return this.clone()._subtract(I(t)); }, _subtract: function (t) { return (this.x -= t.x), (this.y -= t.y), this; }, divideBy: function (t) { return this.clone()._divideBy(t); }, _divideBy: function (t) { return (this.x /= t), (this.y /= t), this; }, multiplyBy: function (t) { return this.clone()._multiplyBy(t); }, _multiplyBy: function (t) { return (this.x *= t), (this.y *= t), this; }, scaleBy: function (t) { return new B(this.x * t.x, this.y * t.y); }, unscaleBy: function (t) { return new B(this.x / t.x, this.y / t.y); }, round: function () { return this.clone()._round(); }, _round: function () { return (this.x = Math.round(this.x)), (this.y = Math.round(this.y)), this; }, floor: function () { return this.clone()._floor(); }, _floor: function () { return (this.x = Math.floor(this.x)), (this.y = Math.floor(this.y)), this; }, ceil: function () { return this.clone()._ceil(); }, _ceil: function () { return (this.x = Math.ceil(this.x)), (this.y = Math.ceil(this.y)), this; }, trunc: function () { return this.clone()._trunc(); }, _trunc: function () { return (this.x = A(this.x)), (this.y = A(this.y)), this; }, distanceTo: function (t) { var i = (t = I(t)).x - this.x, e = t.y - this.y; return Math.sqrt(i * i + e * e); }, equals: function (t) { return (t = I(t)).x === this.x && t.y === this.y; }, contains: function (t) { return (t = I(t)), Math.abs(t.x) <= Math.abs(this.x) && Math.abs(t.y) <= Math.abs(this.y); }, toString: function () { return "Point(" + c(this.x) + ", " + c(this.y) + ")"; }, }), (O.prototype = { extend: function (t) { return ( (t = I(t)), this.min || this.max ? ((this.min.x = Math.min(t.x, this.min.x)), (this.max.x = Math.max(t.x, this.max.x)), (this.min.y = Math.min(t.y, this.min.y)), (this.max.y = Math.max(t.y, this.max.y))) : ((this.min = t.clone()), (this.max = t.clone())), this ); }, getCenter: function (t) { return new B((this.min.x + this.max.x) / 2, (this.min.y + this.max.y) / 2, t); }, getBottomLeft: function () { return new B(this.min.x, this.max.y); }, getTopRight: function () { return new B(this.max.x, this.min.y); }, getTopLeft: function () { return this.min; }, getBottomRight: function () { return this.max; }, getSize: function () { return this.max.subtract(this.min); }, contains: function (t) { var i, e; return (t = "number" == typeof t[0] || t instanceof B ? I(t) : R(t)) instanceof O ? ((i = t.min), (e = t.max)) : (i = e = t), i.x >= this.min.x && e.x <= this.max.x && i.y >= this.min.y && e.y <= this.max.y; }, intersects: function (t) { t = R(t); var i = this.min, e = this.max, n = t.min, o = t.max, s = o.x >= i.x && n.x <= e.x, r = o.y >= i.y && n.y <= e.y; return s && r; }, overlaps: function (t) { t = R(t); var i = this.min, e = this.max, n = t.min, o = t.max, s = o.x > i.x && n.x < e.x, r = o.y > i.y && n.y < e.y; return s && r; }, isValid: function () { return !(!this.min || !this.max); }, }), (N.prototype = { extend: function (t) { var i, e, n = this._southWest, o = this._northEast; if (t instanceof j) e = i = t; else { if (!(t instanceof N)) return t ? this.extend(W(t) || D(t)) : this; if (((i = t._southWest), (e = t._northEast), !i || !e)) return this; } return ( n || o ? (( = Math.min(,, (n.lng = Math.min(i.lng, n.lng)), ( = Math.max(,, (o.lng = Math.max(e.lng, o.lng))) : ((this._southWest = new j(, i.lng)), (this._northEast = new j(, e.lng))), this ); }, pad: function (t) { var i = this._southWest, e = this._northEast, n = Math.abs( - * t, o = Math.abs(i.lng - e.lng) * t; return new N(new j( - n, i.lng - o), new j( + n, e.lng + o)); }, getCenter: function () { return new j(( + / 2, (this._southWest.lng + this._northEast.lng) / 2); }, getSouthWest: function () { return this._southWest; }, getNorthEast: function () { return this._northEast; }, getNorthWest: function () { return new j(this.getNorth(), this.getWest()); }, getSouthEast: function () { return new j(this.getSouth(), this.getEast()); }, getWest: function () { return this._southWest.lng; }, getSouth: function () { return; }, getEast: function () { return this._northEast.lng; }, getNorth: function () { return; }, contains: function (t) { t = "number" == typeof t[0] || t instanceof j || "lat" in t ? W(t) : D(t); var i, e, n = this._southWest, o = this._northEast; return t instanceof N ? ((i = t.getSouthWest()), (e = t.getNorthEast())) : (i = e = t), >= && <= && i.lng >= n.lng && e.lng <= o.lng; }, intersects: function (t) { t = D(t); var i = this._southWest, e = this._northEast, n = t.getSouthWest(), o = t.getNorthEast(), s = >= && <=, r = o.lng >= i.lng && n.lng <= e.lng; return s && r; }, overlaps: function (t) { t = D(t); var i = this._southWest, e = this._northEast, n = t.getSouthWest(), o = t.getNorthEast(), s = > && <, r = o.lng > i.lng && n.lng < e.lng; return s && r; }, toBBoxString: function () { return [this.getWest(), this.getSouth(), this.getEast(), this.getNorth()].join(","); }, equals: function (t, i) { return !!t && ((t = D(t)), this._southWest.equals(t.getSouthWest(), i) && this._northEast.equals(t.getNorthEast(), i)); }, isValid: function () { return !(!this._southWest || !this._northEast); }, }); var H, F = { latLngToPoint: function (t, i) { var e = this.projection.project(t), n = this.scale(i); return this.transformation._transform(e, n); }, pointToLatLng: function (t, i) { var e = this.scale(i), n = this.transformation.untransform(t, e); return this.projection.unproject(n); }, project: function (t) { return this.projection.project(t); }, unproject: function (t) { return this.projection.unproject(t); }, scale: function (t) { return 256 * Math.pow(2, t); }, zoom: function (t) { return Math.log(t / 256) / Math.LN2; }, getProjectedBounds: function (t) { if (this.infinite) return null; var i = this.projection.bounds, e = this.scale(t); return new O(this.transformation.transform(i.min, e), this.transformation.transform(i.max, e)); }, infinite: !(j.prototype = { equals: function (t, i) { return !!t && ((t = W(t)), Math.max(Math.abs( -, Math.abs(this.lng - t.lng)) <= (void 0 === i ? 1e-9 : i)); }, toString: function (t) { return "LatLng(" + c(, t) + ", " + c(this.lng, t) + ")"; }, distanceTo: function (t) { return U.distance(this, W(t)); }, wrap: function () { return U.wrapLatLng(this); }, toBounds: function (t) { var i = (180 * t) / 40075017, e = i / Math.cos((Math.PI / 180) *; return D([ - i, this.lng - e], [ + i, this.lng + e]); }, clone: function () { return new j(, this.lng, this.alt); }, }), wrapLatLng: function (t) { var i = this.wrapLng ? r(t.lng, this.wrapLng, !0) : t.lng; return new j(this.wrapLat ? r(, this.wrapLat, !0) :, i, t.alt); }, wrapLatLngBounds: function (t) { var i = t.getCenter(), e = this.wrapLatLng(i), n = -, o = i.lng - e.lng; if (0 == n && 0 == o) return t; var s = t.getSouthWest(), r = t.getNorthEast(); return new N(new j( - n, s.lng - o), new j( - n, r.lng - o)); }, }, U = h({}, F, { wrapLng: [-180, 180], R: 6371e3, distance: function (t, i) { var e = Math.PI / 180, n = * e, o = * e, s = Math.sin((( - * e) / 2), r = Math.sin(((i.lng - t.lng) * e) / 2), a = s * s + Math.cos(n) * Math.cos(o) * r * r, h = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); return this.R * h; }, }), V = 6378137, q = { R: V, MAX_LATITUDE: 85.0511287798, project: function (t) { var i = Math.PI / 180, e = this.MAX_LATITUDE, n = Math.max(Math.min(e,, -e), o = Math.sin(n * i); return new B(this.R * t.lng * i, (this.R * Math.log((1 + o) / (1 - o))) / 2); }, unproject: function (t) { var i = 180 / Math.PI; return new j((2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(t.y / this.R)) - Math.PI / 2) * i, (t.x * i) / this.R); }, bounds: ((H = V * Math.PI), new O([-H, -H], [H, H])), }; function G(t, i, e, n) { if (v(t)) return (this._a = t[0]), (this._b = t[1]), (this._c = t[2]), void (this._d = t[3]); (this._a = t), (this._b = i), (this._c = e), (this._d = n); } function K(t, i, e, n) { return new G(t, i, e, n); } G.prototype = { transform: function (t, i) { return this._transform(t.clone(), i); }, _transform: function (t, i) { return (i = i || 1), (t.x = i * (this._a * t.x + this._b)), (t.y = i * (this._c * t.y + this._d)), t; }, untransform: function (t, i) { return (i = i || 1), new B((t.x / i - this._b) / this._a, (t.y / i - this._d) / this._c); }, }; var Y, X = h({}, U, { code: "EPSG:3857", projection: q, transformation: ((Y = 0.5 / (Math.PI * q.R)), K(Y, 0.5, -Y, 0.5)) }), J = h({}, X, { code: "EPSG:900913" }); function $(t) { return document.createElementNS("", t); } function Q(t, i) { var e, n, o, s, r, a, h = ""; for (e = 0, o = t.length; e < o; e++) { for (n = 0, s = (r = t[e]).length; n < s; n++) h += (n ? "L" : "M") + (a = r[n]).x + " " + a.y; h += i ? (Zt ? "z" : "x") : ""; } return h || "M0 0"; } var tt =, it = "ActiveXObject" in window, et = it && !document.addEventListener, nt = "msLaunchUri" in navigator && !("documentMode" in document), ot = kt("webkit"), st = kt("android"), rt = kt("android 2") || kt("android 3"), at = parseInt(/WebKit\/([0-9]+)|$/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1], 10), ht = st && kt("Google") && at < 537 && !("AudioNode" in window), ut = !!window.opera, lt = kt("chrome"), ct = kt("gecko") && !ot && !ut && !it, _t = !lt && kt("safari"), dt = kt("phantom"), pt = "OTransition" in tt, mt = 0 === navigator.platform.indexOf("Win"), ft = it && "transition" in tt, gt = "WebKitCSSMatrix" in window && "m11" in new window.WebKitCSSMatrix() && !rt, vt = "MozPerspective" in tt, yt = !window.L_DISABLE_3D && (ft || gt || vt) && !pt && !dt, xt = "undefined" != typeof orientation || kt("mobile"), wt = xt && ot, Pt = xt && gt, bt = !window.PointerEvent && window.MSPointerEvent, Lt = !(!window.PointerEvent && !bt), Tt = !window.L_NO_TOUCH && (Lt || "ontouchstart" in window || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch)), zt = xt && ut, Mt = xt && ct, Ct = 1 < (window.devicePixelRatio || window.screen.deviceXDPI / window.screen.logicalXDPI), St = !!document.createElement("canvas").getContext, Zt = !(!document.createElementNS || !$("svg").createSVGRect), Et = !Zt && (function () { try { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.innerHTML = '<v:shape adj="1"/>'; var i = t.firstChild; return ( = "url(#default#VML)"), i && "object" == typeof i.adj; } catch (t) { return !1; } })(); function kt(t) { return 0 <= navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(t); } var Bt = (Object.freeze || Object)({ ie: it, ielt9: et, edge: nt, webkit: ot, android: st, android23: rt, androidStock: ht, opera: ut, chrome: lt, gecko: ct, safari: _t, phantom: dt, opera12: pt, win: mt, ie3d: ft, webkit3d: gt, gecko3d: vt, any3d: yt, mobile: xt, mobileWebkit: wt, mobileWebkit3d: Pt, msPointer: bt, pointer: Lt, touch: Tt, mobileOpera: zt, mobileGecko: Mt, retina: Ct, canvas: St, svg: Zt, vml: Et, }), At = bt ? "MSPointerDown" : "pointerdown", It = bt ? "MSPointerMove" : "pointermove", Ot = bt ? "MSPointerUp" : "pointerup", Rt = bt ? "MSPointerCancel" : "pointercancel", Nt = ["INPUT", "SELECT", "OPTION"], Dt = {}, jt = !1, Wt = 0; function Ht(t, i, e, n) { return ( "touchstart" === i ? (function (t, i, e) { var n = a(function (t) { if ("mouse" !== t.pointerType && t.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE && t.pointerType !== t.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE) { if (!(Nt.indexOf( < 0)) return; Di(t); } qt(t, i); }); (t["_leaflet_touchstart" + e] = n), t.addEventListener(At, n, !1), jt || (document.documentElement.addEventListener(At, Ft, !0), document.documentElement.addEventListener(It, Ut, !0), document.documentElement.addEventListener(Ot, Vt, !0), document.documentElement.addEventListener(Rt, Vt, !0), (jt = !0)); })(t, e, n) : "touchmove" === i ? (function (t, i, e) { var n = function (t) { ((t.pointerType !== t.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE && "mouse" !== t.pointerType) || 0 !== t.buttons) && qt(t, i); }; (t["_leaflet_touchmove" + e] = n), t.addEventListener(It, n, !1); })(t, e, n) : "touchend" === i && (function (t, i, e) { var n = function (t) { qt(t, i); }; (t["_leaflet_touchend" + e] = n), t.addEventListener(Ot, n, !1), t.addEventListener(Rt, n, !1); })(t, e, n), this ); } function Ft(t) { (Dt[t.pointerId] = t), Wt++; } function Ut(t) { Dt[t.pointerId] && (Dt[t.pointerId] = t); } function Vt(t) { delete Dt[t.pointerId], Wt--; } function qt(t, i) { for (var e in ((t.touches = []), Dt)) t.touches.push(Dt[e]); (t.changedTouches = [t]), i(t); } var Gt = bt ? "MSPointerDown" : Lt ? "pointerdown" : "touchstart", Kt = bt ? "MSPointerUp" : Lt ? "pointerup" : "touchend", Yt = "_leaflet_"; function Xt(t, o, i) { var s, r, a = !1; function e(t) { var i; if (Lt) { if (!nt || "mouse" === t.pointerType) return; i = Wt; } else i = t.touches.length; if (!(1 < i)) { var e =, n = e - (s || e); (r = t.touches ? t.touches[0] : t), (a = 0 < n && n <= 250), (s = e); } } function n(t) { if (a && !r.cancelBubble) { if (Lt) { if (!nt || "mouse" === t.pointerType) return; var i, e, n = {}; for (e in r) (i = r[e]), (n[e] = i && i.bind ? i.bind(r) : i); r = n; } (r.type = "dblclick"), (r.button = 0), o(r), (s = null); } } return (t[Yt + Gt + i] = e), (t[Yt + Kt + i] = n), (t[Yt + "dblclick" + i] = o), t.addEventListener(Gt, e, !1), t.addEventListener(Kt, n, !1), t.addEventListener("dblclick", o, !1), this; } function Jt(t, i) { var e = t[Yt + Gt + i], n = t[Yt + Kt + i], o = t[Yt + "dblclick" + i]; return t.removeEventListener(Gt, e, !1), t.removeEventListener(Kt, n, !1), nt || t.removeEventListener("dblclick", o, !1), this; } var $t, Qt, ti, ii, ei, ni = yi(["transform", "webkitTransform", "OTransform", "MozTransform", "msTransform"]), oi = yi(["webkitTransition", "transition", "OTransition", "MozTransition", "msTransition"]), si = "webkitTransition" === oi || "OTransition" === oi ? oi + "End" : "transitionend"; function ri(t) { return "string" == typeof t ? document.getElementById(t) : t; } function ai(t, i) { var e =[i] || (t.currentStyle && t.currentStyle[i]); if ((!e || "auto" === e) && document.defaultView) { var n = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, null); e = n ? n[i] : null; } return "auto" === e ? null : e; } function hi(t, i, e) { var n = document.createElement(t); return (n.className = i || ""), e && e.appendChild(n), n; } function ui(t) { var i = t.parentNode; i && i.removeChild(t); } function li(t) { for (; t.firstChild; ) t.removeChild(t.firstChild); } function ci(t) { var i = t.parentNode; i && i.lastChild !== t && i.appendChild(t); } function _i(t) { var i = t.parentNode; i && i.firstChild !== t && i.insertBefore(t, i.firstChild); } function di(t, i) { if (void 0 !== t.classList) return t.classList.contains(i); var e = gi(t); return 0 < e.length && new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + i + "(\\s|$)").test(e); } function pi(t, i) { if (void 0 !== t.classList) for (var e = d(i), n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) t.classList.add(e[n]); else if (!di(t, i)) { var s = gi(t); fi(t, (s ? s + " " : "") + i); } } function mi(t, i) { void 0 !== t.classList ? t.classList.remove(i) : fi(t, _((" " + gi(t) + " ").replace(" " + i + " ", " "))); } function fi(t, i) { void 0 === t.className.baseVal ? (t.className = i) : (t.className.baseVal = i); } function gi(t) { return t.correspondingElement && (t = t.correspondingElement), void 0 === t.className.baseVal ? t.className : t.className.baseVal; } function vi(t, i) { "opacity" in ? ( = i) : "filter" in && (function (t, i) { var e = !1, n = "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"; try { e = t.filters.item(n); } catch (t) { if (1 === i) return; } (i = Math.round(100 * i)), e ? ((e.Enabled = 100 !== i), (e.Opacity = i)) : ( += " progid:" + n + "(opacity=" + i + ")"); })(t, i); } function yi(t) { for (var i =, e = 0; e < t.length; e++) if (t[e] in i) return t[e]; return !1; } function xi(t, i, e) { var n = i || new B(0, 0);[ni] = (ft ? "translate(" + n.x + "px," + n.y + "px)" : "translate3d(" + n.x + "px," + n.y + "px,0)") + (e ? " scale(" + e + ")" : ""); } function wi(t, i) { (t._leaflet_pos = i), yt ? xi(t, i) : (( = i.x + "px"), ( = i.y + "px")); } function Pi(t) { return t._leaflet_pos || new B(0, 0); } if ("onselectstart" in document) ($t = function () { Ei(window, "selectstart", Di); }), (Qt = function () { Bi(window, "selectstart", Di); }); else { var bi = yi(["userSelect", "WebkitUserSelect", "OUserSelect", "MozUserSelect", "msUserSelect"]); ($t = function () { if (bi) { var t =; (ti = t[bi]), (t[bi] = "none"); } }), (Qt = function () { bi && (([bi] = ti), (ti = void 0)); }); } function Li() { Ei(window, "dragstart", Di); } function Ti() { Bi(window, "dragstart", Di); } function zi(t) { for (; -1 === t.tabIndex; ) t = t.parentNode; && (Mi(), (ei = (ii = t).style.outline), ( = "none"), Ei(window, "keydown", Mi)); } function Mi() { ii && (( = ei), (ei = ii = void 0), Bi(window, "keydown", Mi)); } function Ci(t) { for (; !(((t = t.parentNode).offsetWidth && t.offsetHeight) || t === document.body); ); return t; } function Si(t) { var i = t.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: i.width / t.offsetWidth || 1, y: i.height / t.offsetHeight || 1, boundingClientRect: i }; } var Zi = (Object.freeze || Object)({ TRANSFORM: ni, TRANSITION: oi, TRANSITION_END: si, get: ri, getStyle: ai, create: hi, remove: ui, empty: li, toFront: ci, toBack: _i, hasClass: di, addClass: pi, removeClass: mi, setClass: fi, getClass: gi, setOpacity: vi, testProp: yi, setTransform: xi, setPosition: wi, getPosition: Pi, disableTextSelection: $t, enableTextSelection: Qt, disableImageDrag: Li, enableImageDrag: Ti, preventOutline: zi, restoreOutline: Mi, getSizedParentNode: Ci, getScale: Si, }); function Ei(t, i, e, n) { if ("object" == typeof i) for (var o in i) Ai(t, o, i[o], e); else for (var s = 0, r = (i = d(i)).length; s < r; s++) Ai(t, i[s], e, n); return this; } var ki = "_leaflet_events"; function Bi(t, i, e, n) { if ("object" == typeof i) for (var o in i) Ii(t, o, i[o], e); else if (i) for (var s = 0, r = (i = d(i)).length; s < r; s++) Ii(t, i[s], e, n); else { for (var a in t[ki]) Ii(t, a, t[ki][a]); delete t[ki]; } return this; } function Ai(i, t, e, n) { var o = t + u(e) + (n ? "_" + u(n) : ""); if (i[ki] && i[ki][o]) return this; var s = function (t) { return || i, t || window.event); }, r = s; Lt && 0 === t.indexOf("touch") ? Ht(i, t, s, o) : !Tt || "dblclick" !== t || (Lt && lt) ? "addEventListener" in i ? "mousewheel" === t ? i.addEventListener("onwheel" in i ? "wheel" : "mousewheel", s, !1) : "mouseenter" === t || "mouseleave" === t ? ((s = function (t) { (t = t || window.event), Ki(i, t) && r(t); }), i.addEventListener("mouseenter" === t ? "mouseover" : "mouseout", s, !1)) : ("click" === t && st && (s = function (t) { !(function (t, i) { var e = t.timeStamp || (t.originalEvent && t.originalEvent.timeStamp), n = Ui && e - Ui; if ((n && 100 < n && n < 500) || ( && !t._simulated)) return ji(t); (Ui = e), i(t); })(t, r); }), i.addEventListener(t, s, !1)) : "attachEvent" in i && i.attachEvent("on" + t, s) : Xt(i, s, o), (i[ki] = i[ki] || {}), (i[ki][o] = s); } function Ii(t, i, e, n) { var o = i + u(e) + (n ? "_" + u(n) : ""), s = t[ki] && t[ki][o]; if (!s) return this; Lt && 0 === i.indexOf("touch") ? (function (t, i, e) { var n = t["_leaflet_" + i + e]; "touchstart" === i ? t.removeEventListener(At, n, !1) : "touchmove" === i ? t.removeEventListener(It, n, !1) : "touchend" === i && (t.removeEventListener(Ot, n, !1), t.removeEventListener(Rt, n, !1)); })(t, i, o) : !Tt || "dblclick" !== i || (Lt && lt) ? "removeEventListener" in t ? "mousewheel" === i ? t.removeEventListener("onwheel" in t ? "wheel" : "mousewheel", s, !1) : t.removeEventListener("mouseenter" === i ? "mouseover" : "mouseleave" === i ? "mouseout" : i, s, !1) : "detachEvent" in t && t.detachEvent("on" + i, s) : Jt(t, o), (t[ki][o] = null); } function Oi(t) { return t.stopPropagation ? t.stopPropagation() : t.originalEvent ? (t.originalEvent._stopped = !0) : (t.cancelBubble = !0), Gi(t), this; } function Ri(t) { return Ai(t, "mousewheel", Oi), this; } function Ni(t) { return Ei(t, "mousedown touchstart dblclick", Oi), Ai(t, "click", qi), this; } function Di(t) { return t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : (t.returnValue = !1), this; } function ji(t) { return Di(t), Oi(t), this; } function Wi(t, i) { if (!i) return new B(t.clientX, t.clientY); var e = Si(i), n = e.boundingClientRect; return new B((t.clientX - n.left) / e.x - i.clientLeft, (t.clientY - / e.y - i.clientTop); } var Hi = mt && lt ? 2 * window.devicePixelRatio : ct ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1; function Fi(t) { return nt ? t.wheelDeltaY / 2 : t.deltaY && 0 === t.deltaMode ? -t.deltaY / Hi : t.deltaY && 1 === t.deltaMode ? 20 * -t.deltaY : t.deltaY && 2 === t.deltaMode ? 60 * -t.deltaY : t.deltaX || t.deltaZ ? 0 : t.wheelDelta ? (t.wheelDeltaY || t.wheelDelta) / 2 : t.detail && Math.abs(t.detail) < 32765 ? 20 * -t.detail : t.detail ? (t.detail / -32765) * 60 : 0; } var Ui, Vi = {}; function qi(t) { Vi[t.type] = !0; } function Gi(t) { var i = Vi[t.type]; return (Vi[t.type] = !1), i; } function Ki(t, i) { var e = i.relatedTarget; if (!e) return !0; try { for (; e && e !== t; ) e = e.parentNode; } catch (t) { return !1; } return e !== t; } var Yi = (Object.freeze || Object)({ on: Ei, off: Bi, stopPropagation: Oi, disableScrollPropagation: Ri, disableClickPropagation: Ni, preventDefault: Di, stop: ji, getMousePosition: Wi, getWheelDelta: Fi, fakeStop: qi, skipped: Gi, isExternalTarget: Ki, addListener: Ei, removeListener: Bi, }), Xi = k.extend({ run: function (t, i, e, n) { this.stop(), (this._el = t), (this._inProgress = !0), (this._duration = e || 0.25), (this._easeOutPower = 1 / Math.max(n || 0.5, 0.2)), (this._startPos = Pi(t)), (this._offset = i.subtract(this._startPos)), (this._startTime = +new Date()),"start"), this._animate(); }, stop: function () { this._inProgress && (this._step(!0), this._complete()); }, _animate: function () { (this._animId = M(this._animate, this)), this._step(); }, _step: function (t) { var i = +new Date() - this._startTime, e = 1e3 * this._duration; i < e ? this._runFrame(this._easeOut(i / e), t) : (this._runFrame(1), this._complete()); }, _runFrame: function (t, i) { var e = this._startPos.add(this._offset.multiplyBy(t)); i && e._round(), wi(this._el, e),"step"); }, _complete: function () { C(this._animId), (this._inProgress = !1),"end"); }, _easeOut: function (t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, this._easeOutPower); }, }), Ji = k.extend({ options: { crs: X, center: void 0, zoom: void 0, minZoom: void 0, maxZoom: void 0, layers: [], maxBounds: void 0, renderer: void 0, zoomAnimation: !0, zoomAnimationThreshold: 4, fadeAnimation: !0, markerZoomAnimation: !0, transform3DLimit: 8388608, zoomSnap: 1, zoomDelta: 1, trackResize: !0, }, initialize: function (t, i) { (i = p(this, i)), (this._handlers = []), (this._layers = {}), (this._zoomBoundLayers = {}), (this._sizeChanged = !0), this._initContainer(t), this._initLayout(), (this._onResize = a(this._onResize, this)), this._initEvents(), i.maxBounds && this.setMaxBounds(i.maxBounds), void 0 !== i.zoom && (this._zoom = this._limitZoom(i.zoom)), && void 0 !== i.zoom && this.setView(W(, i.zoom, { reset: !0 }), this.callInitHooks(), (this._zoomAnimated = oi && yt && !zt && this.options.zoomAnimation), this._zoomAnimated && (this._createAnimProxy(), Ei(this._proxy, si, this._catchTransitionEnd, this)), this._addLayers(this.options.layers); }, setView: function (t, i, e) { if ( ((i = void 0 === i ? this._zoom : this._limitZoom(i)), (t = this._limitCenter(W(t), i, this.options.maxBounds)), (e = e || {}), this._stop(), this._loaded && !e.reset && !0 !== e) && (void 0 !== e.animate && ((e.zoom = h({ animate: e.animate }, e.zoom)), (e.pan = h({ animate: e.animate, duration: e.duration }, e.pan))), this._zoom !== i ? this._tryAnimatedZoom && this._tryAnimatedZoom(t, i, e.zoom) : this._tryAnimatedPan(t, e.pan)) ) return clearTimeout(this._sizeTimer), this; return this._resetView(t, i), this; }, setZoom: function (t, i) { return this._loaded ? this.setView(this.getCenter(), t, { zoom: i }) : ((this._zoom = t), this); }, zoomIn: function (t, i) { return (t = t || (yt ? this.options.zoomDelta : 1)), this.setZoom(this._zoom + t, i); }, zoomOut: function (t, i) { return (t = t || (yt ? this.options.zoomDelta : 1)), this.setZoom(this._zoom - t, i); }, setZoomAround: function (t, i, e) { var n = this.getZoomScale(i), o = this.getSize().divideBy(2), s = (t instanceof B ? t : this.latLngToContainerPoint(t)).subtract(o).multiplyBy(1 - 1 / n), r = this.containerPointToLatLng(o.add(s)); return this.setView(r, i, { zoom: e }); }, _getBoundsCenterZoom: function (t, i) { (i = i || {}), (t = t.getBounds ? t.getBounds() : D(t)); var e = I(i.paddingTopLeft || i.padding || [0, 0]), n = I(i.paddingBottomRight || i.padding || [0, 0]), o = this.getBoundsZoom(t, !1, e.add(n)); if ((o = "number" == typeof i.maxZoom ? Math.min(i.maxZoom, o) : o) === 1 / 0) return { center: t.getCenter(), zoom: o }; var s = n.subtract(e).divideBy(2), r = this.project(t.getSouthWest(), o), a = this.project(t.getNorthEast(), o); return { center: this.unproject(r.add(a).divideBy(2).add(s), o), zoom: o }; }, fitBounds: function (t, i) { if (!(t = D(t)).isValid()) throw new Error("Bounds are not valid."); var e = this._getBoundsCenterZoom(t, i); return this.setView(, e.zoom, i); }, fitWorld: function (t) { return this.fitBounds( [ [-90, -180], [90, 180], ], t ); }, panTo: function (t, i) { return this.setView(t, this._zoom, { pan: i }); }, panBy: function (t, i) { if (((i = i || {}), !(t = I(t).round()).x && !t.y)) return"moveend"); if (!0 !== i.animate && !this.getSize().contains(t)) return this._resetView(this.unproject(this.project(this.getCenter()).add(t)), this.getZoom()), this; if ((this._panAnim || ((this._panAnim = new Xi()), this._panAnim.on({ step: this._onPanTransitionStep, end: this._onPanTransitionEnd }, this)), i.noMoveStart ||"movestart"), !1 !== i.animate)) { pi(this._mapPane, "leaflet-pan-anim"); var e = this._getMapPanePos().subtract(t).round();, e, i.duration || 0.25, i.easeLinearity); } else this._rawPanBy(t),"move").fire("moveend"); return this; }, flyTo: function (n, o, t) { if (!1 === (t = t || {}).animate || !yt) return this.setView(n, o, t); this._stop(); var s = this.project(this.getCenter()), r = this.project(n), i = this.getSize(), a = this._zoom; (n = W(n)), (o = void 0 === o ? a : o); var h = Math.max(i.x, i.y), u = h * this.getZoomScale(a, o), l = r.distanceTo(s) || 1, c = 1.42, _ = c * c; function e(t) { var i = (u * u - h * h + (t ? -1 : 1) * _ * _ * l * l) / (2 * (t ? u : h) * _ * l), e = Math.sqrt(i * i + 1) - i; return e < 1e-9 ? -18 : Math.log(e); } function d(t) { return (Math.exp(t) - Math.exp(-t)) / 2; } function p(t) { return (Math.exp(t) + Math.exp(-t)) / 2; } var m = e(0); function f(t) { return ( (h * (p(m) * (function (t) { return d(t) / p(t); })(m + c * t) - d(m))) / _ ); } var g =, v = (e(1) - m) / c, y = t.duration ? 1e3 * t.duration : 1e3 * v * 0.8; return ( this._moveStart(!0, t.noMoveStart), function t() { var i = ( - g) / y, e = (function (t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 1.5); })(i) * v; i <= 1 ? ((this._flyToFrame = M(t, this)), this._move( this.unproject(s.add(r.subtract(s).multiplyBy(f(e) / l)), a), this.getScaleZoom( h / (function (t) { return h * (p(m) / p(m + c * t)); })(e), a ), { flyTo: !0 } )) : this._move(n, o)._moveEnd(!0); }.call(this), this ); }, flyToBounds: function (t, i) { var e = this._getBoundsCenterZoom(t, i); return this.flyTo(, e.zoom, i); }, setMaxBounds: function (t) { return (t = D(t)).isValid() ? (this.options.maxBounds &&"moveend", this._panInsideMaxBounds), (this.options.maxBounds = t), this._loaded && this._panInsideMaxBounds(), this.on("moveend", this._panInsideMaxBounds)) : ((this.options.maxBounds = null),"moveend", this._panInsideMaxBounds)); }, setMinZoom: function (t) { var i = this.options.minZoom; return (this.options.minZoom = t), this._loaded && i !== t && ("zoomlevelschange"), this.getZoom() < this.options.minZoom) ? this.setZoom(t) : this; }, setMaxZoom: function (t) { var i = this.options.maxZoom; return (this.options.maxZoom = t), this._loaded && i !== t && ("zoomlevelschange"), this.getZoom() > this.options.maxZoom) ? this.setZoom(t) : this; }, panInsideBounds: function (t, i) { this._enforcingBounds = !0; var e = this.getCenter(), n = this._limitCenter(e, this._zoom, D(t)); return e.equals(n) || this.panTo(n, i), (this._enforcingBounds = !1), this; }, panInside: function (t, i) { var e = I((i = i || {}).paddingTopLeft || i.padding || [0, 0]), n = I(i.paddingBottomRight || i.padding || [0, 0]), o = this.getCenter(), s = this.project(o), r = this.project(t), a = this.getPixelBounds(), h = a.getSize().divideBy(2), u = R([a.min.add(e), a.max.subtract(n)]); if (!u.contains(r)) { this._enforcingBounds = !0; var l = s.subtract(r), c = I(r.x + l.x, r.y + l.y); (r.x < u.min.x || r.x > u.max.x) && ((c.x = s.x - l.x), 0 < l.x ? (c.x += h.x - e.x) : (c.x -= h.x - n.x)), (r.y < u.min.y || r.y > u.max.y) && ((c.y = s.y - l.y), 0 < l.y ? (c.y += h.y - e.y) : (c.y -= h.y - n.y)), this.panTo(this.unproject(c), i), (this._enforcingBounds = !1); } return this; }, invalidateSize: function (t) { if (!this._loaded) return this; t = h({ animate: !1, pan: !0 }, !0 === t ? { animate: !0 } : t); var i = this.getSize(); (this._sizeChanged = !0), (this._lastCenter = null); var e = this.getSize(), n = i.divideBy(2).round(), o = e.divideBy(2).round(), s = n.subtract(o); return s.x || s.y ? (t.animate && t.pan ? this.panBy(s) : (t.pan && this._rawPanBy(s),"move"), t.debounceMoveend ? (clearTimeout(this._sizeTimer), (this._sizeTimer = setTimeout(a(, this, "moveend"), 200))) :"moveend")),"resize", { oldSize: i, newSize: e })) : this; }, stop: function () { return this.setZoom(this._limitZoom(this._zoom)), this.options.zoomSnap ||"viewreset"), this._stop(); }, locate: function (t) { if (((t = this._locateOptions = h({ timeout: 1e4, watch: !1 }, t)), !("geolocation" in navigator))) return this._handleGeolocationError({ code: 0, message: "Geolocation not supported." }), this; var i = a(this._handleGeolocationResponse, this), e = a(this._handleGeolocationError, this); return ? (this._locationWatchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(i, e, t)) : navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(i, e, t), this; }, stopLocate: function () { return navigator.geolocation && navigator.geolocation.clearWatch && navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(this._locationWatchId), this._locateOptions && (this._locateOptions.setView = !1), this; }, _handleGeolocationError: function (t) { var i = t.code, e = t.message || (1 === i ? "permission denied" : 2 === i ? "position unavailable" : "timeout"); this._locateOptions.setView && !this._loaded && this.fitWorld(),"locationerror", { code: i, message: "Geolocation error: " + e + "." }); }, _handleGeolocationResponse: function (t) { var i = new j(t.coords.latitude, t.coords.longitude), e = i.toBounds(2 * t.coords.accuracy), n = this._locateOptions; if (n.setView) { var o = this.getBoundsZoom(e); this.setView(i, n.maxZoom ? Math.min(o, n.maxZoom) : o); } var s = { latlng: i, bounds: e, timestamp: t.timestamp }; for (var r in t.coords) "number" == typeof t.coords[r] && (s[r] = t.coords[r]);"locationfound", s); }, addHandler: function (t, i) { if (!i) return this; var e = (this[t] = new i(this)); return this._handlers.push(e), this.options[t] && e.enable(), this; }, remove: function () { if ((this._initEvents(!0), this._containerId !== this._container._leaflet_id)) throw new Error("Map container is being reused by another instance"); try { delete this._container._leaflet_id, delete this._containerId; } catch (t) { (this._container._leaflet_id = void 0), (this._containerId = void 0); } var t; for (t in (void 0 !== this._locationWatchId && this.stopLocate(), this._stop(), ui(this._mapPane), this._clearControlPos && this._clearControlPos(), this._resizeRequest && (C(this._resizeRequest), (this._resizeRequest = null)), this._clearHandlers(), this._loaded &&"unload"), this._layers)) this._layers[t].remove(); for (t in this._panes) ui(this._panes[t]); return (this._layers = []), (this._panes = []), delete this._mapPane, delete this._renderer, this; }, createPane: function (t, i) { var e = hi("div", "leaflet-pane" + (t ? " leaflet-" + t.replace("Pane", "") + "-pane" : ""), i || this._mapPane); return t && (this._panes[t] = e), e; }, getCenter: function () { return this._checkIfLoaded(), this._lastCenter && !this._moved() ? this._lastCenter : this.layerPointToLatLng(this._getCenterLayerPoint()); }, getZoom: function () { return this._zoom; }, getBounds: function () { var t = this.getPixelBounds(); return new N(this.unproject(t.getBottomLeft()), this.unproject(t.getTopRight())); }, getMinZoom: function () { return void 0 === this.options.minZoom ? this._layersMinZoom || 0 : this.options.minZoom; }, getMaxZoom: function () { return void 0 === this.options.maxZoom ? (void 0 === this._layersMaxZoom ? 1 / 0 : this._layersMaxZoom) : this.options.maxZoom; }, getBoundsZoom: function (t, i, e) { (t = D(t)), (e = I(e || [0, 0])); var n = this.getZoom() || 0, o = this.getMinZoom(), s = this.getMaxZoom(), r = t.getNorthWest(), a = t.getSouthEast(), h = this.getSize().subtract(e), u = R(this.project(a, n), this.project(r, n)).getSize(), l = yt ? this.options.zoomSnap : 1, c = h.x / u.x, _ = h.y / u.y, d = i ? Math.max(c, _) : Math.min(c, _); return (n = this.getScaleZoom(d, n)), l && ((n = Math.round(n / (l / 100)) * (l / 100)), (n = i ? Math.ceil(n / l) * l : Math.floor(n / l) * l)), Math.max(o, Math.min(s, n)); }, getSize: function () { return (this._size && !this._sizeChanged) || ((this._size = new B(this._container.clientWidth || 0, this._container.clientHeight || 0)), (this._sizeChanged = !1)), this._size.clone(); }, getPixelBounds: function (t, i) { var e = this._getTopLeftPoint(t, i); return new O(e, e.add(this.getSize())); }, getPixelOrigin: function () { return this._checkIfLoaded(), this._pixelOrigin; }, getPixelWorldBounds: function (t) { return 0 === t ? this.getZoom() : t); }, getPane: function (t) { return "string" == typeof t ? this._panes[t] : t; }, getPanes: function () { return this._panes; }, getContainer: function () { return this._container; }, getZoomScale: function (t, i) { var e =; return (i = void 0 === i ? this._zoom : i), e.scale(t) / e.scale(i); }, getScaleZoom: function (t, i) { var e =; i = void 0 === i ? this._zoom : i; var n = e.zoom(t * e.scale(i)); return isNaN(n) ? 1 / 0 : n; }, project: function (t, i) { return (i = void 0 === i ? this._zoom : i),, i); }, unproject: function (t, i) { return (i = void 0 === i ? this._zoom : i),, i); }, layerPointToLatLng: function (t) { var i = I(t).add(this.getPixelOrigin()); return this.unproject(i); }, latLngToLayerPoint: function (t) { return this.project(W(t))._round()._subtract(this.getPixelOrigin()); }, wrapLatLng: function (t) { return; }, wrapLatLngBounds: function (t) { return; }, distance: function (t, i) { return, W(i)); }, containerPointToLayerPoint: function (t) { return I(t).subtract(this._getMapPanePos()); }, layerPointToContainerPoint: function (t) { return I(t).add(this._getMapPanePos()); }, containerPointToLatLng: function (t) { var i = this.containerPointToLayerPoint(I(t)); return this.layerPointToLatLng(i); }, latLngToContainerPoint: function (t) { return this.layerPointToContainerPoint(this.latLngToLayerPoint(W(t))); }, mouseEventToContainerPoint: function (t) { return Wi(t, this._container); }, mouseEventToLayerPoint: function (t) { return this.containerPointToLayerPoint(this.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t)); }, mouseEventToLatLng: function (t) { return this.layerPointToLatLng(this.mouseEventToLayerPoint(t)); }, _initContainer: function (t) { var i = (this._container = ri(t)); if (!i) throw new Error("Map container not found."); if (i._leaflet_id) throw new Error("Map container is already initialized."); Ei(i, "scroll", this._onScroll, this), (this._containerId = u(i)); }, _initLayout: function () { var t = this._container; (this._fadeAnimated = this.options.fadeAnimation && yt), pi(t, "leaflet-container" + (Tt ? " leaflet-touch" : "") + (Ct ? " leaflet-retina" : "") + (et ? " leaflet-oldie" : "") + (_t ? " leaflet-safari" : "") + (this._fadeAnimated ? " leaflet-fade-anim" : "")); var i = ai(t, "position"); "absolute" !== i && "relative" !== i && "fixed" !== i && ( = "relative"), this._initPanes(), this._initControlPos && this._initControlPos(); }, _initPanes: function () { var t = (this._panes = {}); (this._paneRenderers = {}), (this._mapPane = this.createPane("mapPane", this._container)), wi(this._mapPane, new B(0, 0)), this.createPane("tilePane"), this.createPane("shadowPane"), this.createPane("overlayPane"), this.createPane("markerPane"), this.createPane("tooltipPane"), this.createPane("popupPane"), this.options.markerZoomAnimation || (pi(t.markerPane, "leaflet-zoom-hide"), pi(t.shadowPane, "leaflet-zoom-hide")); }, _resetView: function (t, i) { wi(this._mapPane, new B(0, 0)); var e = !this._loaded; (this._loaded = !0), (i = this._limitZoom(i)),"viewprereset"); var n = this._zoom !== i; this._moveStart(n, !1)._move(t, i)._moveEnd(n),"viewreset"), e &&"load"); }, _moveStart: function (t, i) { return t &&"zoomstart"), i ||"movestart"), this; }, _move: function (t, i, e) { void 0 === i && (i = this._zoom); var n = this._zoom !== i; return (this._zoom = i), (this._lastCenter = t), (this._pixelOrigin = this._getNewPixelOrigin(t)), (n || (e && e.pinch)) &&"zoom", e),"move", e); }, _moveEnd: function (t) { return t &&"zoomend"),"moveend"); }, _stop: function () { return C(this._flyToFrame), this._panAnim && this._panAnim.stop(), this; }, _rawPanBy: function (t) { wi(this._mapPane, this._getMapPanePos().subtract(t)); }, _getZoomSpan: function () { return this.getMaxZoom() - this.getMinZoom(); }, _panInsideMaxBounds: function () { this._enforcingBounds || this.panInsideBounds(this.options.maxBounds); }, _checkIfLoaded: function () { if (!this._loaded) throw new Error("Set map center and zoom first."); }, _initEvents: function (t) { this._targets = {}; var i = t ? Bi : Ei; i((this._targets[u(this._container)] = this)._container, "click dblclick mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout mousemove contextmenu keypress keydown keyup", this._handleDOMEvent, this), this.options.trackResize && i(window, "resize", this._onResize, this), yt && this.options.transform3DLimit && (t ? : this.on).call(this, "moveend", this._onMoveEnd); }, _onResize: function () { C(this._resizeRequest), (this._resizeRequest = M(function () { this.invalidateSize({ debounceMoveend: !0 }); }, this)); }, _onScroll: function () { (this._container.scrollTop = 0), (this._container.scrollLeft = 0); }, _onMoveEnd: function () { var t = this._getMapPanePos(); Math.max(Math.abs(t.x), Math.abs(t.y)) >= this.options.transform3DLimit && this._resetView(this.getCenter(), this.getZoom()); }, _findEventTargets: function (t, i) { for (var e, n = [], o = "mouseout" === i || "mouseover" === i, s = || t.srcElement, r = !1; s; ) { if ((e = this._targets[u(s)]) && ("click" === i || "preclick" === i) && !t._simulated && this._draggableMoved(e)) { r = !0; break; } if (e && e.listens(i, !0)) { if (o && !Ki(s, t)) break; if ((n.push(e), o)) break; } if (s === this._container) break; s = s.parentNode; } return n.length || r || o || !Ki(s, t) || (n = [this]), n; }, _handleDOMEvent: function (t) { if (this._loaded && !Gi(t)) { var i = t.type; ("mousedown" !== i && "keypress" !== i && "keyup" !== i && "keydown" !== i) || zi( || t.srcElement), this._fireDOMEvent(t, i); } }, _mouseEvents: ["click", "dblclick", "mouseover", "mouseout", "contextmenu"], _fireDOMEvent: function (t, i, e) { if ("click" === t.type) { var n = h({}, t); (n.type = "preclick"), this._fireDOMEvent(n, n.type, e); } if (!t._stopped && (e = (e || []).concat(this._findEventTargets(t, i))).length) { var o = e[0]; "contextmenu" === i && o.listens(i, !0) && Di(t); var s = { originalEvent: t }; if ("keypress" !== t.type && "keydown" !== t.type && "keyup" !== t.type) { var r = o.getLatLng && (!o._radius || o._radius <= 10); (s.containerPoint = r ? this.latLngToContainerPoint(o.getLatLng()) : this.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t)), (s.layerPoint = this.containerPointToLayerPoint(s.containerPoint)), (s.latlng = r ? o.getLatLng() : this.layerPointToLatLng(s.layerPoint)); } for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) if ((e[a].fire(i, s, !0), s.originalEvent._stopped || (!1 === e[a].options.bubblingMouseEvents && -1 !== y(this._mouseEvents, i)))) return; } }, _draggableMoved: function (t) { return ((t = t.dragging && t.dragging.enabled() ? t : this).dragging && t.dragging.moved()) || (this.boxZoom && this.boxZoom.moved()); }, _clearHandlers: function () { for (var t = 0, i = this._handlers.length; t < i; t++) this._handlers[t].disable(); }, whenReady: function (t, i) { return this._loaded ? || this, { target: this }) : this.on("load", t, i), this; }, _getMapPanePos: function () { return Pi(this._mapPane) || new B(0, 0); }, _moved: function () { var t = this._getMapPanePos(); return t && !t.equals([0, 0]); }, _getTopLeftPoint: function (t, i) { return (t && void 0 !== i ? this._getNewPixelOrigin(t, i) : this.getPixelOrigin()).subtract(this._getMapPanePos()); }, _getNewPixelOrigin: function (t, i) { var e = this.getSize()._divideBy(2); return this.project(t, i)._subtract(e)._add(this._getMapPanePos())._round(); }, _latLngToNewLayerPoint: function (t, i, e) { var n = this._getNewPixelOrigin(e, i); return this.project(t, i)._subtract(n); }, _latLngBoundsToNewLayerBounds: function (t, i, e) { var n = this._getNewPixelOrigin(e, i); return R([this.project(t.getSouthWest(), i)._subtract(n), this.project(t.getNorthWest(), i)._subtract(n), this.project(t.getSouthEast(), i)._subtract(n), this.project(t.getNorthEast(), i)._subtract(n)]); }, _getCenterLayerPoint: function () { return this.containerPointToLayerPoint(this.getSize()._divideBy(2)); }, _getCenterOffset: function (t) { return this.latLngToLayerPoint(t).subtract(this._getCenterLayerPoint()); }, _limitCenter: function (t, i, e) { if (!e) return t; var n = this.project(t, i), o = this.getSize().divideBy(2), s = new O(n.subtract(o), n.add(o)), r = this._getBoundsOffset(s, e, i); return r.round().equals([0, 0]) ? t : this.unproject(n.add(r), i); }, _limitOffset: function (t, i) { if (!i) return t; var e = this.getPixelBounds(), n = new O(e.min.add(t), e.max.add(t)); return t.add(this._getBoundsOffset(n, i)); }, _getBoundsOffset: function (t, i, e) { var n = R(this.project(i.getNorthEast(), e), this.project(i.getSouthWest(), e)), o = n.min.subtract(t.min), s = n.max.subtract(t.max); return new B(this._rebound(o.x, -s.x), this._rebound(o.y, -s.y)); }, _rebound: function (t, i) { return 0 < t + i ? Math.round(t - i) / 2 : Math.max(0, Math.ceil(t)) - Math.max(0, Math.floor(i)); }, _limitZoom: function (t) { var i = this.getMinZoom(), e = this.getMaxZoom(), n = yt ? this.options.zoomSnap : 1; return n && (t = Math.round(t / n) * n), Math.max(i, Math.min(e, t)); }, _onPanTransitionStep: function () {"move"); }, _onPanTransitionEnd: function () { mi(this._mapPane, "leaflet-pan-anim"),"moveend"); }, _tryAnimatedPan: function (t, i) { var e = this._getCenterOffset(t)._trunc(); return !(!0 !== (i && i.animate) && !this.getSize().contains(e)) && (this.panBy(e, i), !0); }, _createAnimProxy: function () { var t = (this._proxy = hi("div", "leaflet-proxy leaflet-zoom-animated")); this._panes.mapPane.appendChild(t), this.on( "zoomanim", function (t) { var i = ni, e =[i]; xi(this._proxy, this.project(, t.zoom), this.getZoomScale(t.zoom, 1)), e ===[i] && this._animatingZoom && this._onZoomTransitionEnd(); }, this ), this.on( "load moveend", function () { var t = this.getCenter(), i = this.getZoom(); xi(this._proxy, this.project(t, i), this.getZoomScale(i, 1)); }, this ), this._on("unload", this._destroyAnimProxy, this); }, _destroyAnimProxy: function () { ui(this._proxy), delete this._proxy; }, _catchTransitionEnd: function (t) { this._animatingZoom && 0 <= t.propertyName.indexOf("transform") && this._onZoomTransitionEnd(); }, _nothingToAnimate: function () { return !this._container.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-zoom-animated").length; }, _tryAnimatedZoom: function (t, i, e) { if (this._animatingZoom) return !0; if (((e = e || {}), !this._zoomAnimated || !1 === e.animate || this._nothingToAnimate() || Math.abs(i - this._zoom) > this.options.zoomAnimationThreshold)) return !1; var n = this.getZoomScale(i), o = this._getCenterOffset(t)._divideBy(1 - 1 / n); return ( !(!0 !== e.animate && !this.getSize().contains(o)) && (M(function () { this._moveStart(!0, !1)._animateZoom(t, i, !0); }, this), !0) ); }, _animateZoom: function (t, i, e, n) { this._mapPane && (e && ((this._animatingZoom = !0), (this._animateToCenter = t), (this._animateToZoom = i), pi(this._mapPane, "leaflet-zoom-anim")),"zoomanim", { center: t, zoom: i, noUpdate: n }), setTimeout(a(this._onZoomTransitionEnd, this), 250)); }, _onZoomTransitionEnd: function () { this._animatingZoom && (this._mapPane && mi(this._mapPane, "leaflet-zoom-anim"), (this._animatingZoom = !1), this._move(this._animateToCenter, this._animateToZoom), M(function () { this._moveEnd(!0); }, this)); }, }); function $i(t) { return new Qi(t); } var Qi = Z.extend({ options: { position: "topright" }, initialize: function (t) { p(this, t); }, getPosition: function () { return this.options.position; }, setPosition: function (t) { var i = this._map; return i && i.removeControl(this), (this.options.position = t), i && i.addControl(this), this; }, getContainer: function () { return this._container; }, addTo: function (t) { this.remove(), (this._map = t); var i = (this._container = this.onAdd(t)), e = this.getPosition(), n = t._controlCorners[e]; return pi(i, "leaflet-control"), -1 !== e.indexOf("bottom") ? n.insertBefore(i, n.firstChild) : n.appendChild(i), this._map.on("unload", this.remove, this), this; }, remove: function () { return this._map && (ui(this._container), this.onRemove && this.onRemove(this._map),"unload", this.remove, this), (this._map = null)), this; }, _refocusOnMap: function (t) { this._map && t && 0 < t.screenX && 0 < t.screenY && this._map.getContainer().focus(); }, }); Ji.include({ addControl: function (t) { return t.addTo(this), this; }, removeControl: function (t) { return t.remove(), this; }, _initControlPos: function () { var n = (this._controlCorners = {}), o = "leaflet-", s = (this._controlContainer = hi("div", o + "control-container", this._container)); function t(t, i) { var e = o + t + " " + o + i; n[t + i] = hi("div", e, s); } t("top", "left"), t("top", "right"), t("bottom", "left"), t("bottom", "right"); }, _clearControlPos: function () { for (var t in this._controlCorners) ui(this._controlCorners[t]); ui(this._controlContainer), delete this._controlCorners, delete this._controlContainer; }, }); var te = Qi.extend({ options: { collapsed: !0, position: "topright", autoZIndex: !0, hideSingleBase: !1, sortLayers: !1, sortFunction: function (t, i, e, n) { return e < n ? -1 : n < e ? 1 : 0; }, }, initialize: function (t, i, e) { for (var n in (p(this, e), (this._layerControlInputs = []), (this._layers = []), (this._lastZIndex = 0), (this._handlingClick = !1), t)) this._addLayer(t[n], n); for (n in i) this._addLayer(i[n], n, !0); }, onAdd: function (t) { this._initLayout(), this._update(), (this._map = t).on("zoomend", this._checkDisabledLayers, this); for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) this._layers[i].layer.on("add remove", this._onLayerChange, this); return this._container; }, addTo: function (t) { return, t), this._expandIfNotCollapsed(); }, onRemove: function () {"zoomend", this._checkDisabledLayers, this); for (var t = 0; t < this._layers.length; t++) this._layers[t]"add remove", this._onLayerChange, this); }, addBaseLayer: function (t, i) { return this._addLayer(t, i), this._map ? this._update() : this; }, addOverlay: function (t, i) { return this._addLayer(t, i, !0), this._map ? this._update() : this; }, removeLayer: function (t) {"add remove", this._onLayerChange, this); var i = this._getLayer(u(t)); return i && this._layers.splice(this._layers.indexOf(i), 1), this._map ? this._update() : this; }, expand: function () { pi(this._container, "leaflet-control-layers-expanded"), ( = null); var t = this._map.getSize().y - (this._container.offsetTop + 50); return ( t < this._section.clientHeight ? (pi(this._section, "leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar"), ( = t + "px")) : mi(this._section, "leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar"), this._checkDisabledLayers(), this ); }, collapse: function () { return mi(this._container, "leaflet-control-layers-expanded"), this; }, _initLayout: function () { var t = "leaflet-control-layers", i = (this._container = hi("div", t)), e = this.options.collapsed; i.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", !0), Ni(i), Ri(i); var n = (this._section = hi("section", t + "-list")); e && (this._map.on("click", this.collapse, this), st || Ei(i, { mouseenter: this.expand, mouseleave: this.collapse }, this)); var o = (this._layersLink = hi("a", t + "-toggle", i)); (o.href = "#"), (o.title = "Layers"), Tt ? (Ei(o, "click", ji), Ei(o, "click", this.expand, this)) : Ei(o, "focus", this.expand, this), e || this.expand(), (this._baseLayersList = hi("div", t + "-base", n)), (this._separator = hi("div", t + "-separator", n)), (this._overlaysList = hi("div", t + "-overlays", n)), i.appendChild(n); }, _getLayer: function (t) { for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) if (this._layers[i] && u(this._layers[i].layer) === t) return this._layers[i]; }, _addLayer: function (t, i, e) { this._map && t.on("add remove", this._onLayerChange, this), this._layers.push({ layer: t, name: i, overlay: e }), this.options.sortLayers && this._layers.sort( a(function (t, i) { return this.options.sortFunction(t.layer, i.layer,,; }, this) ), this.options.autoZIndex && t.setZIndex && (this._lastZIndex++, t.setZIndex(this._lastZIndex)), this._expandIfNotCollapsed(); }, _update: function () { if (!this._container) return this; li(this._baseLayersList), li(this._overlaysList), (this._layerControlInputs = []); var t, i, e, n, o = 0; for (e = 0; e < this._layers.length; e++) (n = this._layers[e]), this._addItem(n), (i = i || n.overlay), (t = t || !n.overlay), (o += n.overlay ? 0 : 1); return this.options.hideSingleBase && ((t = t && 1 < o), ( = t ? "" : "none")), ( = i && t ? "" : "none"), this; }, _onLayerChange: function (t) { this._handlingClick || this._update(); var i = this._getLayer(u(, e = i.overlay ? ("add" === t.type ? "overlayadd" : "overlayremove") : "add" === t.type ? "baselayerchange" : null; e &&, i); }, _createRadioElement: function (t, i) { var e = '<input type="radio" class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" name="' + t + '"' + (i ? ' checked="checked"' : "") + "/>", n = document.createElement("div"); return (n.innerHTML = e), n.firstChild; }, _addItem: function (t) { var i, e = document.createElement("label"), n = this._map.hasLayer(t.layer); t.overlay ? (((i = document.createElement("input")).type = "checkbox"), (i.className = "leaflet-control-layers-selector"), (i.defaultChecked = n)) : (i = this._createRadioElement("leaflet-base-layers_" + u(this), n)), this._layerControlInputs.push(i), (i.layerId = u(t.layer)), Ei(i, "click", this._onInputClick, this); var o = document.createElement("span"); o.innerHTML = " " +; var s = document.createElement("div"); return e.appendChild(s), s.appendChild(i), s.appendChild(o), (t.overlay ? this._overlaysList : this._baseLayersList).appendChild(e), this._checkDisabledLayers(), e; }, _onInputClick: function () { var t, i, e = this._layerControlInputs, n = [], o = []; this._handlingClick = !0; for (var s = e.length - 1; 0 <= s; s--) (t = e[s]), (i = this._getLayer(t.layerId).layer), t.checked ? n.push(i) : t.checked || o.push(i); for (s = 0; s < o.length; s++) this._map.hasLayer(o[s]) && this._map.removeLayer(o[s]); for (s = 0; s < n.length; s++) this._map.hasLayer(n[s]) || this._map.addLayer(n[s]); (this._handlingClick = !1), this._refocusOnMap(); }, _checkDisabledLayers: function () { for (var t, i, e = this._layerControlInputs, n = this._map.getZoom(), o = e.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--) (t = e[o]), (i = this._getLayer(t.layerId).layer), (t.disabled = (void 0 !== i.options.minZoom && n < i.options.minZoom) || (void 0 !== i.options.maxZoom && n > i.options.maxZoom)); }, _expandIfNotCollapsed: function () { return this._map && !this.options.collapsed && this.expand(), this; }, _expand: function () { return this.expand(); }, _collapse: function () { return this.collapse(); }, }), ie = Qi.extend({ options: { position: "topleft", zoomInText: "+", zoomInTitle: "Zoom in", zoomOutText: "−", zoomOutTitle: "Zoom out" }, onAdd: function (t) { var i = "leaflet-control-zoom", e = hi("div", i + " leaflet-bar"), n = this.options; return ( (this._zoomInButton = this._createButton(n.zoomInText, n.zoomInTitle, i + "-in", e, this._zoomIn)), (this._zoomOutButton = this._createButton(n.zoomOutText, n.zoomOutTitle, i + "-out", e, this._zoomOut)), this._updateDisabled(), t.on("zoomend zoomlevelschange", this._updateDisabled, this), e ); }, onRemove: function (t) {"zoomend zoomlevelschange", this._updateDisabled, this); }, disable: function () { return (this._disabled = !0), this._updateDisabled(), this; }, enable: function () { return (this._disabled = !1), this._updateDisabled(), this; }, _zoomIn: function (t) { !this._disabled && this._map._zoom < this._map.getMaxZoom() && this._map.zoomIn(this._map.options.zoomDelta * (t.shiftKey ? 3 : 1)); }, _zoomOut: function (t) { !this._disabled && this._map._zoom > this._map.getMinZoom() && this._map.zoomOut(this._map.options.zoomDelta * (t.shiftKey ? 3 : 1)); }, _createButton: function (t, i, e, n, o) { var s = hi("a", e, n); return (s.innerHTML = t), (s.href = "#"), (s.title = i), s.setAttribute("role", "button"), s.setAttribute("aria-label", i), Ni(s), Ei(s, "click", ji), Ei(s, "click", o, this), Ei(s, "click", this._refocusOnMap, this), s; }, _updateDisabled: function () { var t = this._map, i = "leaflet-disabled"; mi(this._zoomInButton, i), mi(this._zoomOutButton, i), (!this._disabled && t._zoom !== t.getMinZoom()) || pi(this._zoomOutButton, i), (!this._disabled && t._zoom !== t.getMaxZoom()) || pi(this._zoomInButton, i); }, }); Ji.mergeOptions({ zoomControl: !0 }), Ji.addInitHook(function () { this.options.zoomControl && ((this.zoomControl = new ie()), this.addControl(this.zoomControl)); }); var ee = Qi.extend({ options: { position: "bottomleft", maxWidth: 100, metric: !0, imperial: !0 }, onAdd: function (t) { var i = "leaflet-control-scale", e = hi("div", i), n = this.options; return this._addScales(n, i + "-line", e), t.on(n.updateWhenIdle ? "moveend" : "move", this._update, this), t.whenReady(this._update, this), e; }, onRemove: function (t) { ? "moveend" : "move", this._update, this); }, _addScales: function (t, i, e) { t.metric && (this._mScale = hi("div", i, e)), t.imperial && (this._iScale = hi("div", i, e)); }, _update: function () { var t = this._map, i = t.getSize().y / 2, e = t.distance(t.containerPointToLatLng([0, i]), t.containerPointToLatLng([this.options.maxWidth, i])); this._updateScales(e); }, _updateScales: function (t) { this.options.metric && t && this._updateMetric(t), this.options.imperial && t && this._updateImperial(t); }, _updateMetric: function (t) { var i = this._getRoundNum(t), e = i < 1e3 ? i + " m" : i / 1e3 + " km"; this._updateScale(this._mScale, e, i / t); }, _updateImperial: function (t) { var i, e, n, o = 3.2808399 * t; 5280 < o ? ((i = o / 5280), (e = this._getRoundNum(i)), this._updateScale(this._iScale, e + " mi", e / i)) : ((n = this._getRoundNum(o)), this._updateScale(this._iScale, n + " ft", n / o)); }, _updateScale: function (t, i, e) { ( = Math.round(this.options.maxWidth * e) + "px"), (t.innerHTML = i); }, _getRoundNum: function (t) { var i = Math.pow(10, (Math.floor(t) + "").length - 1), e = t / i; return i * (e = 10 <= e ? 10 : 5 <= e ? 5 : 3 <= e ? 3 : 2 <= e ? 2 : 1); }, }), ne = Qi.extend({ options: { position: "bottomright", prefix: '<a href="" title="A JS library for interactive maps">Leaflet</a>' }, initialize: function (t) { p(this, t), (this._attributions = {}); }, onAdd: function (t) { for (var i in (((t.attributionControl = this)._container = hi("div", "leaflet-control-attribution")), Ni(this._container), t._layers)) t._layers[i].getAttribution && this.addAttribution(t._layers[i].getAttribution()); return this._update(), this._container; }, setPrefix: function (t) { return (this.options.prefix = t), this._update(), this; }, addAttribution: function (t) { return t && (this._attributions[t] || (this._attributions[t] = 0), this._attributions[t]++, this._update()), this; }, removeAttribution: function (t) { return t && this._attributions[t] && (this._attributions[t]--, this._update()), this; }, _update: function () { if (this._map) { var t = []; for (var i in this._attributions) this._attributions[i] && t.push(i); var e = []; this.options.prefix && e.push(this.options.prefix), t.length && e.push(t.join(", ")), (this._container.innerHTML = e.join(" | ")); } }, }); Ji.mergeOptions({ attributionControl: !0 }), Ji.addInitHook(function () { this.options.attributionControl && new ne().addTo(this); }); (Qi.Layers = te), (Qi.Zoom = ie), (Qi.Scale = ee), (Qi.Attribution = ne), ($i.layers = function (t, i, e) { return new te(t, i, e); }), ($i.zoom = function (t) { return new ie(t); }), ($i.scale = function (t) { return new ee(t); }), ($i.attribution = function (t) { return new ne(t); }); var oe = Z.extend({ initialize: function (t) { this._map = t; }, enable: function () { return this._enabled || ((this._enabled = !0), this.addHooks()), this; }, disable: function () { return this._enabled && ((this._enabled = !1), this.removeHooks()), this; }, enabled: function () { return !!this._enabled; }, }); oe.addTo = function (t, i) { return t.addHandler(i, this), this; }; var se, re = { Events: E }, ae = Tt ? "touchstart mousedown" : "mousedown", he = { mousedown: "mouseup", touchstart: "touchend", pointerdown: "touchend", MSPointerDown: "touchend" }, ue = { mousedown: "mousemove", touchstart: "touchmove", pointerdown: "touchmove", MSPointerDown: "touchmove" }, le = k.extend({ options: { clickTolerance: 3 }, initialize: function (t, i, e, n) { p(this, n), (this._element = t), (this._dragStartTarget = i || t), (this._preventOutline = e); }, enable: function () { this._enabled || (Ei(this._dragStartTarget, ae, this._onDown, this), (this._enabled = !0)); }, disable: function () { this._enabled && (le._dragging === this && this.finishDrag(), Bi(this._dragStartTarget, ae, this._onDown, this), (this._enabled = !1), (this._moved = !1)); }, _onDown: function (t) { if ( !t._simulated && this._enabled && ((this._moved = !1), !di(this._element, "leaflet-zoom-anim") && !(le._dragging || t.shiftKey || (1 !== t.which && 1 !== t.button && !t.touches) || ((le._dragging = this)._preventOutline && zi(this._element), Li(), $t(), this._moving))) ) {"down"); var i = t.touches ? t.touches[0] : t, e = Ci(this._element); (this._startPoint = new B(i.clientX, i.clientY)), (this._parentScale = Si(e)), Ei(document, ue[t.type], this._onMove, this), Ei(document, he[t.type], this._onUp, this); } }, _onMove: function (t) { if (!t._simulated && this._enabled) if (t.touches && 1 < t.touches.length) this._moved = !0; else { var i = t.touches && 1 === t.touches.length ? t.touches[0] : t, e = new B(i.clientX, i.clientY)._subtract(this._startPoint); (e.x || e.y) && (Math.abs(e.x) + Math.abs(e.y) < this.options.clickTolerance || ((e.x /= this._parentScale.x), (e.y /= this._parentScale.y), Di(t), this._moved || ("dragstart"), (this._moved = !0), (this._startPos = Pi(this._element).subtract(e)), pi(document.body, "leaflet-dragging"), (this._lastTarget = || t.srcElement), window.SVGElementInstance && this._lastTarget instanceof SVGElementInstance && (this._lastTarget = this._lastTarget.correspondingUseElement), pi(this._lastTarget, "leaflet-drag-target")), (this._newPos = this._startPos.add(e)), (this._moving = !0), C(this._animRequest), (this._lastEvent = t), (this._animRequest = M(this._updatePosition, this, !0)))); } }, _updatePosition: function () { var t = { originalEvent: this._lastEvent };"predrag", t), wi(this._element, this._newPos),"drag", t); }, _onUp: function (t) { !t._simulated && this._enabled && this.finishDrag(); }, finishDrag: function () { for (var t in (mi(document.body, "leaflet-dragging"), this._lastTarget && (mi(this._lastTarget, "leaflet-drag-target"), (this._lastTarget = null)), ue)) Bi(document, ue[t], this._onMove, this), Bi(document, he[t], this._onUp, this); Ti(), Qt(), this._moved && this._moving && (C(this._animRequest),"dragend", { distance: this._newPos.distanceTo(this._startPos) })), (this._moving = !1), (le._dragging = !1); }, }); function ce(t, i) { if (!i || !t.length) return t.slice(); var e = i * i; return (t = (function (t, i) { var e = t.length, n = new (typeof Uint8Array != void 0 + "" ? Uint8Array : Array)(e); (n[0] = n[e - 1] = 1), (function t(i, e, n, o, s) { var r, a, h, u = 0; for (a = o + 1; a <= s - 1; a++) (h = fe(i[a], i[o], i[s], !0)), u < h && ((r = a), (u = h)); n < u && ((e[r] = 1), t(i, e, n, o, r), t(i, e, n, r, s)); })(t, n, i, 0, e - 1); var o, s = []; for (o = 0; o < e; o++) n[o] && s.push(t[o]); return s; })( (t = (function (t, i) { for (var e = [t[0]], n = 1, o = 0, s = t.length; n < s; n++) (r = t[n]), (a = t[o]), void 0, (h = a.x - r.x), (u = a.y - r.y), i < h * h + u * u && (e.push(t[n]), (o = n)); var r, a, h, u; o < s - 1 && e.push(t[s - 1]); return e; })(t, e)), e )); } function _e(t, i, e) { return Math.sqrt(fe(t, i, e, !0)); } function de(t, i, e, n, o) { var s, r, a, h = n ? se : me(t, e), u = me(i, e); for (se = u; ; ) { if (!(h | u)) return [t, i]; if (h & u) return !1; (a = me((r = pe(t, i, (s = h || u), e, o)), e)), s === h ? ((t = r), (h = a)) : ((i = r), (u = a)); } } function pe(t, i, e, n, o) { var s, r, a = i.x - t.x, h = i.y - t.y, u = n.min, l = n.max; return ( 8 & e ? ((s = t.x + (a * (l.y - t.y)) / h), (r = l.y)) : 4 & e ? ((s = t.x + (a * (u.y - t.y)) / h), (r = u.y)) : 2 & e ? ((s = l.x), (r = t.y + (h * (l.x - t.x)) / a)) : 1 & e && ((s = u.x), (r = t.y + (h * (u.x - t.x)) / a)), new B(s, r, o) ); } function me(t, i) { var e = 0; return t.x < i.min.x ? (e |= 1) : t.x > i.max.x && (e |= 2), t.y < i.min.y ? (e |= 4) : t.y > i.max.y && (e |= 8), e; } function fe(t, i, e, n) { var o, s = i.x, r = i.y, a = e.x - s, h = e.y - r, u = a * a + h * h; return 0 < u && (1 < (o = ((t.x - s) * a + (t.y - r) * h) / u) ? ((s = e.x), (r = e.y)) : 0 < o && ((s += a * o), (r += h * o))), (a = t.x - s), (h = t.y - r), n ? a * a + h * h : new B(s, r); } function ge(t) { return !v(t[0]) || ("object" != typeof t[0][0] && void 0 !== t[0][0]); } function ve(t) { return console.warn("Deprecated use of _flat, please use L.LineUtil.isFlat instead."), ge(t); } var ye = (Object.freeze || Object)({ simplify: ce, pointToSegmentDistance: _e, closestPointOnSegment: function (t, i, e) { return fe(t, i, e); }, clipSegment: de, _getEdgeIntersection: pe, _getBitCode: me, _sqClosestPointOnSegment: fe, isFlat: ge, _flat: ve, }); function xe(t, i, e) { var n, o, s, r, a, h, u, l, c, _ = [1, 4, 2, 8]; for (o = 0, u = t.length; o < u; o++) t[o]._code = me(t[o], i); for (r = 0; r < 4; r++) { for (l = _[r], n = [], o = 0, s = (u = t.length) - 1; o < u; s = o++) (a = t[o]), (h = t[s]), a._code & l ? h._code & l || (((c = pe(h, a, l, i, e))._code = me(c, i)), n.push(c)) : (h._code & l && (((c = pe(h, a, l, i, e))._code = me(c, i)), n.push(c)), n.push(a)); t = n; } return t; } var we, Pe = (Object.freeze || Object)({ clipPolygon: xe }), be = { project: function (t) { return new B(t.lng,; }, unproject: function (t) { return new j(t.y, t.x); }, bounds: new O([-180, -90], [180, 90]), }, Le = { R: 6378137, R_MINOR: 6356752.314245179, bounds: new O([-20037508.34279, -15496570.73972], [20037508.34279, 18764656.23138]), project: function (t) { var i = Math.PI / 180, e = this.R, n = * i, o = this.R_MINOR / e, s = Math.sqrt(1 - o * o), r = s * Math.sin(n), a = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 - n / 2) / Math.pow((1 - r) / (1 + r), s / 2); return (n = -e * Math.log(Math.max(a, 1e-10))), new B(t.lng * i * e, n); }, unproject: function (t) { for (var i, e = 180 / Math.PI, n = this.R, o = this.R_MINOR / n, s = Math.sqrt(1 - o * o), r = Math.exp(-t.y / n), a = Math.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.atan(r), h = 0, u = 0.1; h < 15 && 1e-7 < Math.abs(u); h++) (i = s * Math.sin(a)), (i = Math.pow((1 - i) / (1 + i), s / 2)), (a += u = Math.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.atan(r * i) - a); return new j(a * e, (t.x * e) / n); }, }, Te = (Object.freeze || Object)({ LonLat: be, Mercator: Le, SphericalMercator: q }), ze = h({}, U, { code: "EPSG:3395", projection: Le, transformation: ((we = 0.5 / (Math.PI * Le.R)), K(we, 0.5, -we, 0.5)) }), Me = h({}, U, { code: "EPSG:4326", projection: be, transformation: K(1 / 180, 1, -1 / 180, 0.5) }), Ce = h({}, F, { projection: be, transformation: K(1, 0, -1, 0), scale: function (t) { return Math.pow(2, t); }, zoom: function (t) { return Math.log(t) / Math.LN2; }, distance: function (t, i) { var e = i.lng - t.lng, n = -; return Math.sqrt(e * e + n * n); }, infinite: !0, }); (F.Earth = U), (F.EPSG3395 = ze), (F.EPSG3857 = X), (F.EPSG900913 = J), (F.EPSG4326 = Me), (F.Simple = Ce); var Se = k.extend({ options: { pane: "overlayPane", attribution: null, bubblingMouseEvents: !0 }, addTo: function (t) { return t.addLayer(this), this; }, remove: function () { return this.removeFrom(this._map || this._mapToAdd); }, removeFrom: function (t) { return t && t.removeLayer(this), this; }, getPane: function (t) { return this._map.getPane(t ? this.options[t] || t : this.options.pane); }, addInteractiveTarget: function (t) { return (this._map._targets[u(t)] = this); }, removeInteractiveTarget: function (t) { return delete this._map._targets[u(t)], this; }, getAttribution: function () { return this.options.attribution; }, _layerAdd: function (t) { var i =; if (i.hasLayer(this)) { if (((this._map = i), (this._zoomAnimated = i._zoomAnimated), this.getEvents)) { var e = this.getEvents(); i.on(e, this), this.once( "remove", function () {, this); }, this ); } this.onAdd(i), this.getAttribution && i.attributionControl && i.attributionControl.addAttribution(this.getAttribution()),"add"),"layeradd", { layer: this }); } }, }); Ji.include({ addLayer: function (t) { if (!t._layerAdd) throw new Error("The provided object is not a Layer."); var i = u(t); return this._layers[i] || (((this._layers[i] = t)._mapToAdd = this), t.beforeAdd && t.beforeAdd(this), this.whenReady(t._layerAdd, t)), this; }, removeLayer: function (t) { var i = u(t); return ( this._layers[i] && (this._loaded && t.onRemove(this), t.getAttribution && this.attributionControl && this.attributionControl.removeAttribution(t.getAttribution()), delete this._layers[i], this._loaded && ("layerremove", { layer: t }),"remove")), (t._map = t._mapToAdd = null)), this ); }, hasLayer: function (t) { return !!t && u(t) in this._layers; }, eachLayer: function (t, i) { for (var e in this._layers), this._layers[e]); return this; }, _addLayers: function (t) { for (var i = 0, e = (t = t ? (v(t) ? t : [t]) : []).length; i < e; i++) this.addLayer(t[i]); }, _addZoomLimit: function (t) { (!isNaN(t.options.maxZoom) && isNaN(t.options.minZoom)) || ((this._zoomBoundLayers[u(t)] = t), this._updateZoomLevels()); }, _removeZoomLimit: function (t) { var i = u(t); this._zoomBoundLayers[i] && (delete this._zoomBoundLayers[i], this._updateZoomLevels()); }, _updateZoomLevels: function () { var t = 1 / 0, i = -1 / 0, e = this._getZoomSpan(); for (var n in this._zoomBoundLayers) { var o = this._zoomBoundLayers[n].options; (t = void 0 === o.minZoom ? t : Math.min(t, o.minZoom)), (i = void 0 === o.maxZoom ? i : Math.max(i, o.maxZoom)); } (this._layersMaxZoom = i === -1 / 0 ? void 0 : i), (this._layersMinZoom = t === 1 / 0 ? void 0 : t), e !== this._getZoomSpan() &&"zoomlevelschange"), void 0 === this.options.maxZoom && this._layersMaxZoom && this.getZoom() > this._layersMaxZoom && this.setZoom(this._layersMaxZoom), void 0 === this.options.minZoom && this._layersMinZoom && this.getZoom() < this._layersMinZoom && this.setZoom(this._layersMinZoom); }, }); var Ze = Se.extend({ initialize: function (t, i) { var e, n; if ((p(this, i), (this._layers = {}), t)) for (e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) this.addLayer(t[e]); }, addLayer: function (t) { var i = this.getLayerId(t); return (this._layers[i] = t), this._map && this._map.addLayer(t), this; }, removeLayer: function (t) { var i = t in this._layers ? t : this.getLayerId(t); return this._map && this._layers[i] && this._map.removeLayer(this._layers[i]), delete this._layers[i], this; }, hasLayer: function (t) { return !!t && (t in this._layers || this.getLayerId(t) in this._layers); }, clearLayers: function () { return this.eachLayer(this.removeLayer, this); }, invoke: function (t) { var i, e, n =, 1); for (i in this._layers) (e = this._layers[i])[t] && e[t].apply(e, n); return this; }, onAdd: function (t) { this.eachLayer(t.addLayer, t); }, onRemove: function (t) { this.eachLayer(t.removeLayer, t); }, eachLayer: function (t, i) { for (var e in this._layers), this._layers[e]); return this; }, getLayer: function (t) { return this._layers[t]; }, getLayers: function () { var t = []; return this.eachLayer(t.push, t), t; }, setZIndex: function (t) { return this.invoke("setZIndex", t); }, getLayerId: function (t) { return u(t); }, }), Ee = Ze.extend({ addLayer: function (t) { return this.hasLayer(t) ? this : (t.addEventParent(this),, t),"layeradd", { layer: t })); }, removeLayer: function (t) { return this.hasLayer(t) ? (t in this._layers && (t = this._layers[t]), t.removeEventParent(this),, t),"layerremove", { layer: t })) : this; }, setStyle: function (t) { return this.invoke("setStyle", t); }, bringToFront: function () { return this.invoke("bringToFront"); }, bringToBack: function () { return this.invoke("bringToBack"); }, getBounds: function () { var t = new N(); for (var i in this._layers) { var e = this._layers[i]; t.extend(e.getBounds ? e.getBounds() : e.getLatLng()); } return t; }, }), ke = Z.extend({ options: { popupAnchor: [0, 0], tooltipAnchor: [0, 0] }, initialize: function (t) { p(this, t); }, createIcon: function (t) { return this._createIcon("icon", t); }, createShadow: function (t) { return this._createIcon("shadow", t); }, _createIcon: function (t, i) { var e = this._getIconUrl(t); if (!e) { if ("icon" === t) throw new Error("iconUrl not set in Icon options (see the docs)."); return null; } var n = this._createImg(e, i && "IMG" === i.tagName ? i : null); return this._setIconStyles(n, t), n; }, _setIconStyles: function (t, i) { var e = this.options, n = e[i + "Size"]; "number" == typeof n && (n = [n, n]); var o = I(n), s = I(("shadow" === i && e.shadowAnchor) || e.iconAnchor || (o && o.divideBy(2, !0))); (t.className = "leaflet-marker-" + i + " " + (e.className || "")), s && (( = -s.x + "px"), ( = -s.y + "px")), o && (( = o.x + "px"), ( = o.y + "px")); }, _createImg: function (t, i) { return ((i = i || document.createElement("img")).src = t), i; }, _getIconUrl: function (t) { return (Ct && this.options[t + "RetinaUrl"]) || this.options[t + "Url"]; }, }); var Be = ke.extend({ options: { iconUrl: "marker-icon.png", iconRetinaUrl: "marker-icon-2x.png", shadowUrl: "marker-shadow.png", iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [1, -34], tooltipAnchor: [16, -28], shadowSize: [41, 41] }, _getIconUrl: function (t) { return Be.imagePath || (Be.imagePath = this._detectIconPath()), (this.options.imagePath || Be.imagePath) +, t); }, _detectIconPath: function () { var t = hi("div", "leaflet-default-icon-path", document.body), i = ai(t, "background-image") || ai(t, "backgroundImage"); return document.body.removeChild(t), (i = null === i || 0 !== i.indexOf("url") ? "" : i.replace(/^url\(["']?/, "").replace(/marker-icon\.png["']?\)$/, "")); }, }), Ae = oe.extend({ initialize: function (t) { this._marker = t; }, addHooks: function () { var t = this._marker._icon; this._draggable || (this._draggable = new le(t, t, !0)), this._draggable.on({ dragstart: this._onDragStart, predrag: this._onPreDrag, drag: this._onDrag, dragend: this._onDragEnd }, this).enable(), pi(t, "leaflet-marker-draggable"); }, removeHooks: function () {{ dragstart: this._onDragStart, predrag: this._onPreDrag, drag: this._onDrag, dragend: this._onDragEnd }, this).disable(), this._marker._icon && mi(this._marker._icon, "leaflet-marker-draggable"); }, moved: function () { return this._draggable && this._draggable._moved; }, _adjustPan: function (t) { var i = this._marker, e = i._map, n = this._marker.options.autoPanSpeed, o = this._marker.options.autoPanPadding, s = Pi(i._icon), r = e.getPixelBounds(), a = e.getPixelOrigin(), h = R(r.min._subtract(a).add(o), r.max._subtract(a).subtract(o)); if (!h.contains(s)) { var u = I( (Math.max(h.max.x, s.x) - h.max.x) / (r.max.x - h.max.x) - (Math.min(h.min.x, s.x) - h.min.x) / (r.min.x - h.min.x), (Math.max(h.max.y, s.y) - h.max.y) / (r.max.y - h.max.y) - (Math.min(h.min.y, s.y) - h.min.y) / (r.min.y - h.min.y) ).multiplyBy(n); e.panBy(u, { animate: !1 }), this._draggable._newPos._add(u), this._draggable._startPos._add(u), wi(i._icon, this._draggable._newPos), this._onDrag(t), (this._panRequest = M(this._adjustPan.bind(this, t))); } }, _onDragStart: function () { (this._oldLatLng = this._marker.getLatLng()), this._marker.closePopup().fire("movestart").fire("dragstart"); }, _onPreDrag: function (t) { this._marker.options.autoPan && (C(this._panRequest), (this._panRequest = M(this._adjustPan.bind(this, t)))); }, _onDrag: function (t) { var i = this._marker, e = i._shadow, n = Pi(i._icon), o = i._map.layerPointToLatLng(n); e && wi(e, n), (i._latlng = o), (t.latlng = o), (t.oldLatLng = this._oldLatLng),"move", t).fire("drag", t); }, _onDragEnd: function (t) { C(this._panRequest), delete this._oldLatLng,"moveend").fire("dragend", t); }, }), Ie = Se.extend({ options: { icon: new Be(), interactive: !0, keyboard: !0, title: "", alt: "", zIndexOffset: 0, opacity: 1, riseOnHover: !1, riseOffset: 250, pane: "markerPane", shadowPane: "shadowPane", bubblingMouseEvents: !1, draggable: !1, autoPan: !1, autoPanPadding: [50, 50], autoPanSpeed: 10, }, initialize: function (t, i) { p(this, i), (this._latlng = W(t)); }, onAdd: function (t) { (this._zoomAnimated = this._zoomAnimated && t.options.markerZoomAnimation), this._zoomAnimated && t.on("zoomanim", this._animateZoom, this), this._initIcon(), this.update(); }, onRemove: function (t) { this.dragging && this.dragging.enabled() && ((this.options.draggable = !0), this.dragging.removeHooks()), delete this.dragging, this._zoomAnimated &&"zoomanim", this._animateZoom, this), this._removeIcon(), this._removeShadow(); }, getEvents: function () { return { zoom: this.update, viewreset: this.update }; }, getLatLng: function () { return this._latlng; }, setLatLng: function (t) { var i = this._latlng; return (this._latlng = W(t)), this.update(),"move", { oldLatLng: i, latlng: this._latlng }); }, setZIndexOffset: function (t) { return (this.options.zIndexOffset = t), this.update(); }, getIcon: function () { return this.options.icon; }, setIcon: function (t) { return (this.options.icon = t), this._map && (this._initIcon(), this.update()), this._popup && this.bindPopup(this._popup, this._popup.options), this; }, getElement: function () { return this._icon; }, update: function () { if (this._icon && this._map) { var t = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng).round(); this._setPos(t); } return this; }, _initIcon: function () { var t = this.options, i = "leaflet-zoom-" + (this._zoomAnimated ? "animated" : "hide"), e = t.icon.createIcon(this._icon), n = !1; e !== this._icon && (this._icon && this._removeIcon(), (n = !0), t.title && (e.title = t.title), "IMG" === e.tagName && (e.alt = t.alt || "")), pi(e, i), t.keyboard && (e.tabIndex = "0"), (this._icon = e), t.riseOnHover && this.on({ mouseover: this._bringToFront, mouseout: this._resetZIndex }); var o = t.icon.createShadow(this._shadow), s = !1; o !== this._shadow && (this._removeShadow(), (s = !0)), o && (pi(o, i), (o.alt = "")), (this._shadow = o), t.opacity < 1 && this._updateOpacity(), n && this.getPane().appendChild(this._icon), this._initInteraction(), o && s && this.getPane(t.shadowPane).appendChild(this._shadow); }, _removeIcon: function () { this.options.riseOnHover &&{ mouseover: this._bringToFront, mouseout: this._resetZIndex }), ui(this._icon), this.removeInteractiveTarget(this._icon), (this._icon = null); }, _removeShadow: function () { this._shadow && ui(this._shadow), (this._shadow = null); }, _setPos: function (t) { wi(this._icon, t), this._shadow && wi(this._shadow, t), (this._zIndex = t.y + this.options.zIndexOffset), this._resetZIndex(); }, _updateZIndex: function (t) { = this._zIndex + t; }, _animateZoom: function (t) { var i = this._map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(this._latlng, t.zoom,; this._setPos(i); }, _initInteraction: function () { if (this.options.interactive && (pi(this._icon, "leaflet-interactive"), this.addInteractiveTarget(this._icon), Ae)) { var t = this.options.draggable; this.dragging && ((t = this.dragging.enabled()), this.dragging.disable()), (this.dragging = new Ae(this)), t && this.dragging.enable(); } }, setOpacity: function (t) { return (this.options.opacity = t), this._map && this._updateOpacity(), this; }, _updateOpacity: function () { var t = this.options.opacity; this._icon && vi(this._icon, t), this._shadow && vi(this._shadow, t); }, _bringToFront: function () { this._updateZIndex(this.options.riseOffset); }, _resetZIndex: function () { this._updateZIndex(0); }, _getPopupAnchor: function () { return this.options.icon.options.popupAnchor; }, _getTooltipAnchor: function () { return this.options.icon.options.tooltipAnchor; }, }); var Oe = Se.extend({ options: { stroke: !0, color: "#3388ff", weight: 3, opacity: 1, lineCap: "round", lineJoin: "round", dashArray: null, dashOffset: null, fill: !1, fillColor: null, fillOpacity: 0.2, fillRule: "evenodd", interactive: !0, bubblingMouseEvents: !0, }, beforeAdd: function (t) { this._renderer = t.getRenderer(this); }, onAdd: function () { this._renderer._initPath(this), this._reset(), this._renderer._addPath(this); }, onRemove: function () { this._renderer._removePath(this); }, redraw: function () { return this._map && this._renderer._updatePath(this), this; }, setStyle: function (t) { return p(this, t), this._renderer && (this._renderer._updateStyle(this), this.options.stroke && t.hasOwnProperty("weight") && this._updateBounds()), this; }, bringToFront: function () { return this._renderer && this._renderer._bringToFront(this), this; }, bringToBack: function () { return this._renderer && this._renderer._bringToBack(this), this; }, getElement: function () { return this._path; }, _reset: function () { this._project(), this._update(); }, _clickTolerance: function () { return (this.options.stroke ? this.options.weight / 2 : 0) + this._renderer.options.tolerance; }, }), Re = Oe.extend({ options: { fill: !0, radius: 10 }, initialize: function (t, i) { p(this, i), (this._latlng = W(t)), (this._radius = this.options.radius); }, setLatLng: function (t) { return (this._latlng = W(t)), this.redraw(),"move", { latlng: this._latlng }); }, getLatLng: function () { return this._latlng; }, setRadius: function (t) { return (this.options.radius = this._radius = t), this.redraw(); }, getRadius: function () { return this._radius; }, setStyle: function (t) { var i = (t && t.radius) || this._radius; return, t), this.setRadius(i), this; }, _project: function () { (this._point = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng)), this._updateBounds(); }, _updateBounds: function () { var t = this._radius, i = this._radiusY || t, e = this._clickTolerance(), n = [t + e, i + e]; this._pxBounds = new O(this._point.subtract(n), this._point.add(n)); }, _update: function () { this._map && this._updatePath(); }, _updatePath: function () { this._renderer._updateCircle(this); }, _empty: function () { return this._radius && !this._renderer._bounds.intersects(this._pxBounds); }, _containsPoint: function (t) { return t.distanceTo(this._point) <= this._radius + this._clickTolerance(); }, }); var Ne = Re.extend({ initialize: function (t, i, e) { if (("number" == typeof i && (i = h({}, e, { radius: i })), p(this, i), (this._latlng = W(t)), isNaN(this.options.radius))) throw new Error("Circle radius cannot be NaN"); this._mRadius = this.options.radius; }, setRadius: function (t) { return (this._mRadius = t), this.redraw(); }, getRadius: function () { return this._mRadius; }, getBounds: function () { var t = [this._radius, this._radiusY || this._radius]; return new N(this._map.layerPointToLatLng(this._point.subtract(t)), this._map.layerPointToLatLng(this._point.add(t))); }, setStyle: Oe.prototype.setStyle, _project: function () { var t = this._latlng.lng, i =, e = this._map, n =; if (n.distance === U.distance) { var o = Math.PI / 180, s = this._mRadius / U.R / o, r = e.project([i + s, t]), a = e.project([i - s, t]), h = r.add(a).divideBy(2), u = e.unproject(h).lat, l = Math.acos((Math.cos(s * o) - Math.sin(i * o) * Math.sin(u * o)) / (Math.cos(i * o) * Math.cos(u * o))) / o; (!isNaN(l) && 0 !== l) || (l = s / Math.cos((Math.PI / 180) * i)), (this._point = h.subtract(e.getPixelOrigin())), (this._radius = isNaN(l) ? 0 : h.x - e.project([u, t - l]).x), (this._radiusY = h.y - r.y); } else { var c = n.unproject(n.project(this._latlng).subtract([this._mRadius, 0])); (this._point = e.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng)), (this._radius = this._point.x - e.latLngToLayerPoint(c).x); } this._updateBounds(); }, }); var De = Oe.extend({ options: { smoothFactor: 1, noClip: !1 }, initialize: function (t, i) { p(this, i), this._setLatLngs(t); }, getLatLngs: function () { return this._latlngs; }, setLatLngs: function (t) { return this._setLatLngs(t), this.redraw(); }, isEmpty: function () { return !this._latlngs.length; }, closestLayerPoint: function (t) { for (var i, e, n = 1 / 0, o = null, s = fe, r = 0, a = this._parts.length; r < a; r++) for (var h = this._parts[r], u = 1, l = h.length; u < l; u++) { var c = s(t, (i = h[u - 1]), (e = h[u]), !0); c < n && ((n = c), (o = s(t, i, e))); } return o && (o.distance = Math.sqrt(n)), o; }, getCenter: function () { if (!this._map) throw new Error("Must add layer to map before using getCenter()"); var t, i, e, n, o, s, r, a = this._rings[0], h = a.length; if (!h) return null; for (i = t = 0; t < h - 1; t++) i += a[t].distanceTo(a[t + 1]) / 2; if (0 === i) return this._map.layerPointToLatLng(a[0]); for (n = t = 0; t < h - 1; t++) if (((o = a[t]), (s = a[t + 1]), i < (n += e = o.distanceTo(s)))) return (r = (n - i) / e), this._map.layerPointToLatLng([s.x - r * (s.x - o.x), s.y - r * (s.y - o.y)]); }, getBounds: function () { return this._bounds; }, addLatLng: function (t, i) { return (i = i || this._defaultShape()), (t = W(t)), i.push(t), this._bounds.extend(t), this.redraw(); }, _setLatLngs: function (t) { (this._bounds = new N()), (this._latlngs = this._convertLatLngs(t)); }, _defaultShape: function () { return ge(this._latlngs) ? this._latlngs : this._latlngs[0]; }, _convertLatLngs: function (t) { for (var i = [], e = ge(t), n = 0, o = t.length; n < o; n++) e ? ((i[n] = W(t[n])), this._bounds.extend(i[n])) : (i[n] = this._convertLatLngs(t[n])); return i; }, _project: function () { var t = new O(); (this._rings = []), this._projectLatlngs(this._latlngs, this._rings, t), this._bounds.isValid() && t.isValid() && ((this._rawPxBounds = t), this._updateBounds()); }, _updateBounds: function () { var t = this._clickTolerance(), i = new B(t, t); this._pxBounds = new O([this._rawPxBounds.min.subtract(i), this._rawPxBounds.max.add(i)]); }, _projectLatlngs: function (t, i, e) { var n, o, s = t[0] instanceof j, r = t.length; if (s) { for (o = [], n = 0; n < r; n++) (o[n] = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(t[n])), e.extend(o[n]); i.push(o); } else for (n = 0; n < r; n++) this._projectLatlngs(t[n], i, e); }, _clipPoints: function () { var t = this._renderer._bounds; if (((this._parts = []), this._pxBounds && this._pxBounds.intersects(t))) if (this.options.noClip) this._parts = this._rings; else { var i, e, n, o, s, r, a, h = this._parts; for (n = i = 0, o = this._rings.length; i < o; i++) for (e = 0, s = (a = this._rings[i]).length; e < s - 1; e++) (r = de(a[e], a[e + 1], t, e, !0)) && ((h[n] = h[n] || []), h[n].push(r[0]), (r[1] === a[e + 1] && e !== s - 2) || (h[n].push(r[1]), n++)); } }, _simplifyPoints: function () { for (var t = this._parts, i = this.options.smoothFactor, e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) t[e] = ce(t[e], i); }, _update: function () { this._map && (this._clipPoints(), this._simplifyPoints(), this._updatePath()); }, _updatePath: function () { this._renderer._updatePoly(this); }, _containsPoint: function (t, i) { var e, n, o, s, r, a, h = this._clickTolerance(); if (!this._pxBounds || !this._pxBounds.contains(t)) return !1; for (e = 0, s = this._parts.length; e < s; e++) for (n = 0, o = (r = (a = this._parts[e]).length) - 1; n < r; o = n++) if ((i || 0 !== n) && _e(t, a[o], a[n]) <= h) return !0; return !1; }, }); De._flat = ve; var je = De.extend({ options: { fill: !0 }, isEmpty: function () { return !this._latlngs.length || !this._latlngs[0].length; }, getCenter: function () { if (!this._map) throw new Error("Must add layer to map before using getCenter()"); var t, i, e, n, o, s, r, a, h, u = this._rings[0], l = u.length; if (!l) return null; for (s = r = a = 0, t = 0, i = l - 1; t < l; i = t++) (e = u[t]), (n = u[i]), (o = e.y * n.x - n.y * e.x), (r += (e.x + n.x) * o), (a += (e.y + n.y) * o), (s += 3 * o); return (h = 0 === s ? u[0] : [r / s, a / s]), this._map.layerPointToLatLng(h); }, _convertLatLngs: function (t) { var i =, t), e = i.length; return 2 <= e && i[0] instanceof j && i[0].equals(i[e - 1]) && i.pop(), i; }, _setLatLngs: function (t) {, t), ge(this._latlngs) && (this._latlngs = [this._latlngs]); }, _defaultShape: function () { return ge(this._latlngs[0]) ? this._latlngs[0] : this._latlngs[0][0]; }, _clipPoints: function () { var t = this._renderer._bounds, i = this.options.weight, e = new B(i, i); if (((t = new O(t.min.subtract(e), t.max.add(e))), (this._parts = []), this._pxBounds && this._pxBounds.intersects(t))) if (this.options.noClip) this._parts = this._rings; else for (var n, o = 0, s = this._rings.length; o < s; o++) (n = xe(this._rings[o], t, !0)).length && this._parts.push(n); }, _updatePath: function () { this._renderer._updatePoly(this, !0); }, _containsPoint: function (t) { var i, e, n, o, s, r, a, h, u = !1; if (!this._pxBounds || !this._pxBounds.contains(t)) return !1; for (o = 0, a = this._parts.length; o < a; o++) for (s = 0, r = (h = (i = this._parts[o]).length) - 1; s < h; r = s++) (e = i[s]), (n = i[r]), e.y > t.y != n.y > t.y && t.x < ((n.x - e.x) * (t.y - e.y)) / (n.y - e.y) + e.x && (u = !u); return u ||, t, !0); }, }); var We = Ee.extend({ initialize: function (t, i) { p(this, i), (this._layers = {}), t && this.addData(t); }, addData: function (t) { var i, e, n, o = v(t) ? t : t.features; if (o) { for (i = 0, e = o.length; i < e; i++) ((n = o[i]).geometries || n.geometry || n.features || n.coordinates) && this.addData(n); return this; } var s = this.options; if (s.filter && !s.filter(t)) return this; var r = He(t, s); return r ? ((r.feature = Ke(t)), (r.defaultOptions = r.options), this.resetStyle(r), s.onEachFeature && s.onEachFeature(t, r), this.addLayer(r)) : this; }, resetStyle: function (t) { return (t.options = h({}, t.defaultOptions)), this._setLayerStyle(t,, this; }, setStyle: function (i) { return this.eachLayer(function (t) { this._setLayerStyle(t, i); }, this); }, _setLayerStyle: function (t, i) { t.setStyle && ("function" == typeof i && (i = i(t.feature)), t.setStyle(i)); }, }); function He(t, i) { var e, n, o, s, r = "Feature" === t.type ? t.geometry : t, a = r ? r.coordinates : null, h = [], u = i && i.pointToLayer, l = (i && i.coordsToLatLng) || Fe; if (!a && !r) return null; switch (r.type) { case "Point": return (e = l(a)), u ? u(t, e) : new Ie(e); case "MultiPoint": for (o = 0, s = a.length; o < s; o++) (e = l(a[o])), h.push(u ? u(t, e) : new Ie(e)); return new Ee(h); case "LineString": case "MultiLineString": return (n = Ue(a, "LineString" === r.type ? 0 : 1, l)), new De(n, i); case "Polygon": case "MultiPolygon": return (n = Ue(a, "Polygon" === r.type ? 1 : 2, l)), new je(n, i); case "GeometryCollection": for (o = 0, s = r.geometries.length; o < s; o++) { var c = He({ geometry: r.geometries[o], type: "Feature", properties: }, i); c && h.push(c); } return new Ee(h); default: throw new Error("Invalid GeoJSON object."); } } function Fe(t) { return new j(t[1], t[0], t[2]); } function Ue(t, i, e) { for (var n, o = [], s = 0, r = t.length; s < r; s++) (n = i ? Ue(t[s], i - 1, e) : (e || Fe)(t[s])), o.push(n); return o; } function Ve(t, i) { return (i = "number" == typeof i ? i : 6), void 0 !== t.alt ? [c(t.lng, i), c(, i), c(t.alt, i)] : [c(t.lng, i), c(, i)]; } function qe(t, i, e, n) { for (var o = [], s = 0, r = t.length; s < r; s++) o.push(i ? qe(t[s], i - 1, e, n) : Ve(t[s], n)); return !i && e && o.push(o[0]), o; } function Ge(t, i) { return t.feature ? h({}, t.feature, { geometry: i }) : Ke(i); } function Ke(t) { return "Feature" === t.type || "FeatureCollection" === t.type ? t : { type: "Feature", properties: {}, geometry: t }; } var Ye = { toGeoJSON: function (t) { return Ge(this, { type: "Point", coordinates: Ve(this.getLatLng(), t) }); }, }; function Xe(t, i) { return new We(t, i); } Ie.include(Ye), Ne.include(Ye), Re.include(Ye), De.include({ toGeoJSON: function (t) { var i = !ge(this._latlngs); return Ge(this, { type: (i ? "Multi" : "") + "LineString", coordinates: qe(this._latlngs, i ? 1 : 0, !1, t) }); }, }), je.include({ toGeoJSON: function (t) { var i = !ge(this._latlngs), e = i && !ge(this._latlngs[0]), n = qe(this._latlngs, e ? 2 : i ? 1 : 0, !0, t); return i || (n = [n]), Ge(this, { type: (e ? "Multi" : "") + "Polygon", coordinates: n }); }, }), Ze.include({ toMultiPoint: function (i) { var e = []; return ( this.eachLayer(function (t) { e.push(t.toGeoJSON(i).geometry.coordinates); }), Ge(this, { type: "MultiPoint", coordinates: e }) ); }, toGeoJSON: function (n) { var t = this.feature && this.feature.geometry && this.feature.geometry.type; if ("MultiPoint" === t) return this.toMultiPoint(n); var o = "GeometryCollection" === t, s = []; return ( this.eachLayer(function (t) { if (t.toGeoJSON) { var i = t.toGeoJSON(n); if (o) s.push(i.geometry); else { var e = Ke(i); "FeatureCollection" === e.type ? s.push.apply(s, e.features) : s.push(e); } } }), o ? Ge(this, { geometries: s, type: "GeometryCollection" }) : { type: "FeatureCollection", features: s } ); }, }); var Je = Xe, $e = Se.extend({ options: { opacity: 1, alt: "", interactive: !1, crossOrigin: !1, errorOverlayUrl: "", zIndex: 1, className: "" }, initialize: function (t, i, e) { (this._url = t), (this._bounds = D(i)), p(this, e); }, onAdd: function () { this._image || (this._initImage(), this.options.opacity < 1 && this._updateOpacity()), this.options.interactive && (pi(this._image, "leaflet-interactive"), this.addInteractiveTarget(this._image)), this.getPane().appendChild(this._image), this._reset(); }, onRemove: function () { ui(this._image), this.options.interactive && this.removeInteractiveTarget(this._image); }, setOpacity: function (t) { return (this.options.opacity = t), this._image && this._updateOpacity(), this; }, setStyle: function (t) { return t.opacity && this.setOpacity(t.opacity), this; }, bringToFront: function () { return this._map && ci(this._image), this; }, bringToBack: function () { return this._map && _i(this._image), this; }, setUrl: function (t) { return (this._url = t), this._image && (this._image.src = t), this; }, setBounds: function (t) { return (this._bounds = D(t)), this._map && this._reset(), this; }, getEvents: function () { var t = { zoom: this._reset, viewreset: this._reset }; return this._zoomAnimated && (t.zoomanim = this._animateZoom), t; }, setZIndex: function (t) { return (this.options.zIndex = t), this._updateZIndex(), this; }, getBounds: function () { return this._bounds; }, getElement: function () { return this._image; }, _initImage: function () { var t = "IMG" === this._url.tagName, i = (this._image = t ? this._url : hi("img")); pi(i, "leaflet-image-layer"), this._zoomAnimated && pi(i, "leaflet-zoom-animated"), this.options.className && pi(i, this.options.className), (i.onselectstart = l), (i.onmousemove = l), (i.onload = a(, this, "load")), (i.onerror = a(this._overlayOnError, this, "error")), (!this.options.crossOrigin && "" !== this.options.crossOrigin) || (i.crossOrigin = !0 === this.options.crossOrigin ? "" : this.options.crossOrigin), this.options.zIndex && this._updateZIndex(), t ? (this._url = i.src) : ((i.src = this._url), (i.alt = this.options.alt)); }, _animateZoom: function (t) { var i = this._map.getZoomScale(t.zoom), e = this._map._latLngBoundsToNewLayerBounds(this._bounds, t.zoom,; xi(this._image, e, i); }, _reset: function () { var t = this._image, i = new O(this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._bounds.getNorthWest()), this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._bounds.getSouthEast())), e = i.getSize(); wi(t, i.min), ( = e.x + "px"), ( = e.y + "px"); }, _updateOpacity: function () { vi(this._image, this.options.opacity); }, _updateZIndex: function () { this._image && void 0 !== this.options.zIndex && null !== this.options.zIndex && ( = this.options.zIndex); }, _overlayOnError: function () {"error"); var t = this.options.errorOverlayUrl; t && this._url !== t && ((this._url = t), (this._image.src = t)); }, }), Qe = $e.extend({ options: { autoplay: !0, loop: !0, keepAspectRatio: !0 }, _initImage: function () { var t = "VIDEO" === this._url.tagName, i = (this._image = t ? this._url : hi("video")); if ((pi(i, "leaflet-image-layer"), this._zoomAnimated && pi(i, "leaflet-zoom-animated"), (i.onselectstart = l), (i.onmousemove = l), (i.onloadeddata = a(, this, "load")), t)) { for (var e = i.getElementsByTagName("source"), n = [], o = 0; o < e.length; o++) n.push(e[o].src); this._url = 0 < e.length ? n : [i.src]; } else { v(this._url) || (this._url = [this._url]), !this.options.keepAspectRatio &&"objectFit") && ( = "fill"), (i.autoplay = !!this.options.autoplay), (i.loop = !!this.options.loop); for (var s = 0; s < this._url.length; s++) { var r = hi("source"); (r.src = this._url[s]), i.appendChild(r); } } }, }); var tn = $e.extend({ _initImage: function () { var t = (this._image = this._url); pi(t, "leaflet-image-layer"), this._zoomAnimated && pi(t, "leaflet-zoom-animated"), (t.onselectstart = l), (t.onmousemove = l); }, }); var en = Se.extend({ options: { offset: [0, 7], className: "", pane: "popupPane" }, initialize: function (t, i) { p(this, t), (this._source = i); }, onAdd: function (t) { (this._zoomAnimated = t._zoomAnimated), this._container || this._initLayout(), t._fadeAnimated && vi(this._container, 0), clearTimeout(this._removeTimeout), this.getPane().appendChild(this._container), this.update(), t._fadeAnimated && vi(this._container, 1), this.bringToFront(); }, onRemove: function (t) { t._fadeAnimated ? (vi(this._container, 0), (this._removeTimeout = setTimeout(a(ui, void 0, this._container), 200))) : ui(this._container); }, getLatLng: function () { return this._latlng; }, setLatLng: function (t) { return (this._latlng = W(t)), this._map && (this._updatePosition(), this._adjustPan()), this; }, getContent: function () { return this._content; }, setContent: function (t) { return (this._content = t), this.update(), this; }, getElement: function () { return this._container; }, update: function () { this._map && (( = "hidden"), this._updateContent(), this._updateLayout(), this._updatePosition(), ( = ""), this._adjustPan()); }, getEvents: function () { var t = { zoom: this._updatePosition, viewreset: this._updatePosition }; return this._zoomAnimated && (t.zoomanim = this._animateZoom), t; }, isOpen: function () { return !!this._map && this._map.hasLayer(this); }, bringToFront: function () { return this._map && ci(this._container), this; }, bringToBack: function () { return this._map && _i(this._container), this; }, _prepareOpen: function (t, i, e) { if ((i instanceof Se || ((e = i), (i = t)), i instanceof Ee)) for (var n in t._layers) { i = t._layers[n]; break; } if (!e) if (i.getCenter) e = i.getCenter(); else { if (!i.getLatLng) throw new Error("Unable to get source layer LatLng."); e = i.getLatLng(); } return (this._source = i), this.update(), e; }, _updateContent: function () { if (this._content) { var t = this._contentNode, i = "function" == typeof this._content ? this._content(this._source || this) : this._content; if ("string" == typeof i) t.innerHTML = i; else { for (; t.hasChildNodes(); ) t.removeChild(t.firstChild); t.appendChild(i); }"contentupdate"); } }, _updatePosition: function () { if (this._map) { var t = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng), i = I(this.options.offset), e = this._getAnchor(); this._zoomAnimated ? wi(this._container, t.add(e)) : (i = i.add(t).add(e)); var n = (this._containerBottom = -i.y), o = (this._containerLeft = -Math.round(this._containerWidth / 2) + i.x); ( = n + "px"), ( = o + "px"); } }, _getAnchor: function () { return [0, 0]; }, }), nn = en.extend({ options: { maxWidth: 300, minWidth: 50, maxHeight: null, autoPan: !0, autoPanPaddingTopLeft: null, autoPanPaddingBottomRight: null, autoPanPadding: [5, 5], keepInView: !1, closeButton: !0, autoClose: !0, closeOnEscapeKey: !0, className: "", }, openOn: function (t) { return t.openPopup(this), this; }, onAdd: function (t) {, t),"popupopen", { popup: this }), this._source && ("popupopen", { popup: this }, !0), this._source instanceof Oe || this._source.on("preclick", Oi)); }, onRemove: function (t) {, t),"popupclose", { popup: this }), this._source && ("popupclose", { popup: this }, !0), this._source instanceof Oe ||"preclick", Oi)); }, getEvents: function () { var t =; return (void 0 !== this.options.closeOnClick ? this.options.closeOnClick : this._map.options.closePopupOnClick) && (t.preclick = this._close), this.options.keepInView && (t.moveend = this._adjustPan), t; }, _close: function () { this._map && this._map.closePopup(this); }, _initLayout: function () { var t = "leaflet-popup", i = (this._container = hi("div", t + " " + (this.options.className || "") + " leaflet-zoom-animated")), e = (this._wrapper = hi("div", t + "-content-wrapper", i)); if ( ((this._contentNode = hi("div", t + "-content", e)), Ni(e), Ri(this._contentNode), Ei(e, "contextmenu", Oi), (this._tipContainer = hi("div", t + "-tip-container", i)), (this._tip = hi("div", t + "-tip", this._tipContainer)), this.options.closeButton) ) { var n = (this._closeButton = hi("a", t + "-close-button", i)); (n.href = "#close"), (n.innerHTML = "×"), Ei(n, "click", this._onCloseButtonClick, this); } }, _updateLayout: function () { var t = this._contentNode, i =; (i.width = ""), (i.whiteSpace = "nowrap"); var e = t.offsetWidth; (e = Math.min(e, this.options.maxWidth)), (e = Math.max(e, this.options.minWidth)), (i.width = e + 1 + "px"), (i.whiteSpace = ""), (i.height = ""); var n = t.offsetHeight, o = this.options.maxHeight, s = "leaflet-popup-scrolled"; o && o < n ? ((i.height = o + "px"), pi(t, s)) : mi(t, s), (this._containerWidth = this._container.offsetWidth); }, _animateZoom: function (t) { var i = this._map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(this._latlng, t.zoom,, e = this._getAnchor(); wi(this._container, i.add(e)); }, _adjustPan: function () { if (this.options.autoPan) { this._map._panAnim && this._map._panAnim.stop(); var t = this._map, i = parseInt(ai(this._container, "marginBottom"), 10) || 0, e = this._container.offsetHeight + i, n = this._containerWidth, o = new B(this._containerLeft, -e - this._containerBottom); o._add(Pi(this._container)); var s = t.layerPointToContainerPoint(o), r = I(this.options.autoPanPadding), a = I(this.options.autoPanPaddingTopLeft || r), h = I(this.options.autoPanPaddingBottomRight || r), u = t.getSize(), l = 0, c = 0; s.x + n + h.x > u.x && (l = s.x + n - u.x + h.x), s.x - l - a.x < 0 && (l = s.x - a.x), s.y + e + h.y > u.y && (c = s.y + e - u.y + h.y), s.y - c - a.y < 0 && (c = s.y - a.y), (l || c) &&"autopanstart").panBy([l, c]); } }, _onCloseButtonClick: function (t) { this._close(), ji(t); }, _getAnchor: function () { return I(this._source && this._source._getPopupAnchor ? this._source._getPopupAnchor() : [0, 0]); }, }); Ji.mergeOptions({ closePopupOnClick: !0 }), Ji.include({ openPopup: function (t, i, e) { return t instanceof nn || (t = new nn(e).setContent(t)), i && t.setLatLng(i), this.hasLayer(t) ? this : (this._popup && this._popup.options.autoClose && this.closePopup(), (this._popup = t), this.addLayer(t)); }, closePopup: function (t) { return (t && t !== this._popup) || ((t = this._popup), (this._popup = null)), t && this.removeLayer(t), this; }, }), Se.include({ bindPopup: function (t, i) { return ( t instanceof nn ? (p(t, i), ((this._popup = t)._source = this)) : ((this._popup && !i) || (this._popup = new nn(i, this)), this._popup.setContent(t)), this._popupHandlersAdded || (this.on({ click: this._openPopup, keypress: this._onKeyPress, remove: this.closePopup, move: this._movePopup }), (this._popupHandlersAdded = !0)), this ); }, unbindPopup: function () { return this._popup && ({ click: this._openPopup, keypress: this._onKeyPress, remove: this.closePopup, move: this._movePopup }), (this._popupHandlersAdded = !1), (this._popup = null)), this; }, openPopup: function (t, i) { return this._popup && this._map && ((i = this._popup._prepareOpen(this, t, i)), this._map.openPopup(this._popup, i)), this; }, closePopup: function () { return this._popup && this._popup._close(), this; }, togglePopup: function (t) { return this._popup && (this._popup._map ? this.closePopup() : this.openPopup(t)), this; }, isPopupOpen: function () { return !!this._popup && this._popup.isOpen(); }, setPopupContent: function (t) { return this._popup && this._popup.setContent(t), this; }, getPopup: function () { return this._popup; }, _openPopup: function (t) { var i = t.layer ||; this._popup && this._map && (ji(t), i instanceof Oe ? this.openPopup(t.layer ||, t.latlng) : this._map.hasLayer(this._popup) && this._popup._source === i ? this.closePopup() : this.openPopup(i, t.latlng)); }, _movePopup: function (t) { this._popup.setLatLng(t.latlng); }, _onKeyPress: function (t) { 13 === t.originalEvent.keyCode && this._openPopup(t); }, }); var on = en.extend({ options: { pane: "tooltipPane", offset: [0, 0], direction: "auto", permanent: !1, sticky: !1, interactive: !1, opacity: 0.9 }, onAdd: function (t) {, t), this.setOpacity(this.options.opacity),"tooltipopen", { tooltip: this }), this._source &&"tooltipopen", { tooltip: this }, !0); }, onRemove: function (t) {, t),"tooltipclose", { tooltip: this }), this._source &&"tooltipclose", { tooltip: this }, !0); }, getEvents: function () { var t =; return Tt && !this.options.permanent && (t.preclick = this._close), t; }, _close: function () { this._map && this._map.closeTooltip(this); }, _initLayout: function () { var t = "leaflet-tooltip " + (this.options.className || "") + " leaflet-zoom-" + (this._zoomAnimated ? "animated" : "hide"); this._contentNode = this._container = hi("div", t); }, _updateLayout: function () {}, _adjustPan: function () {}, _setPosition: function (t) { var i = this._map, e = this._container, n = i.latLngToContainerPoint(i.getCenter()), o = i.layerPointToContainerPoint(t), s = this.options.direction, r = e.offsetWidth, a = e.offsetHeight, h = I(this.options.offset), u = this._getAnchor(); (t = "top" === s ? t.add(I(-r / 2 + h.x, -a + h.y + u.y, !0)) : "bottom" === s ? t.subtract(I(r / 2 - h.x, -h.y, !0)) : "center" === s ? t.subtract(I(r / 2 + h.x, a / 2 - u.y + h.y, !0)) : "right" === s || ("auto" === s && o.x < n.x) ? ((s = "right"), t.add(I(h.x + u.x, u.y - a / 2 + h.y, !0))) : ((s = "left"), t.subtract(I(r + u.x - h.x, a / 2 - u.y - h.y, !0)))), mi(e, "leaflet-tooltip-right"), mi(e, "leaflet-tooltip-left"), mi(e, "leaflet-tooltip-top"), mi(e, "leaflet-tooltip-bottom"), pi(e, "leaflet-tooltip-" + s), wi(e, t); }, _updatePosition: function () { var t = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng); this._setPosition(t); }, setOpacity: function (t) { (this.options.opacity = t), this._container && vi(this._container, t); }, _animateZoom: function (t) { var i = this._map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(this._latlng, t.zoom,; this._setPosition(i); }, _getAnchor: function () { return I(this._source && this._source._getTooltipAnchor && !this.options.sticky ? this._source._getTooltipAnchor() : [0, 0]); }, }); Ji.include({ openTooltip: function (t, i, e) { return t instanceof on || (t = new on(e).setContent(t)), i && t.setLatLng(i), this.hasLayer(t) ? this : this.addLayer(t); }, closeTooltip: function (t) { return t && this.removeLayer(t), this; }, }), Se.include({ bindTooltip: function (t, i) { return ( t instanceof on ? (p(t, i), ((this._tooltip = t)._source = this)) : ((this._tooltip && !i) || (this._tooltip = new on(i, this)), this._tooltip.setContent(t)), this._initTooltipInteractions(), this._tooltip.options.permanent && this._map && this._map.hasLayer(this) && this.openTooltip(), this ); }, unbindTooltip: function () { return this._tooltip && (this._initTooltipInteractions(!0), this.closeTooltip(), (this._tooltip = null)), this; }, _initTooltipInteractions: function (t) { if (t || !this._tooltipHandlersAdded) { var i = t ? "off" : "on", e = { remove: this.closeTooltip, move: this._moveTooltip }; this._tooltip.options.permanent ? (e.add = this._openTooltip) : ((e.mouseover = this._openTooltip), (e.mouseout = this.closeTooltip), this._tooltip.options.sticky && (e.mousemove = this._moveTooltip), Tt && ( = this._openTooltip)), this[i](e), (this._tooltipHandlersAdded = !t); } }, openTooltip: function (t, i) { return ( this._tooltip && this._map && ((i = this._tooltip._prepareOpen(this, t, i)), this._map.openTooltip(this._tooltip, i), this._tooltip.options.interactive && this._tooltip._container && (pi(this._tooltip._container, "leaflet-clickable"), this.addInteractiveTarget(this._tooltip._container))), this ); }, closeTooltip: function () { return ( this._tooltip && (this._tooltip._close(), this._tooltip.options.interactive && this._tooltip._container && (mi(this._tooltip._container, "leaflet-clickable"), this.removeInteractiveTarget(this._tooltip._container))), this ); }, toggleTooltip: function (t) { return this._tooltip && (this._tooltip._map ? this.closeTooltip() : this.openTooltip(t)), this; }, isTooltipOpen: function () { return this._tooltip.isOpen(); }, setTooltipContent: function (t) { return this._tooltip && this._tooltip.setContent(t), this; }, getTooltip: function () { return this._tooltip; }, _openTooltip: function (t) { var i = t.layer ||; this._tooltip && this._map && this.openTooltip(i, this._tooltip.options.sticky ? t.latlng : void 0); }, _moveTooltip: function (t) { var i, e, n = t.latlng; this._tooltip.options.sticky && t.originalEvent && ((i = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t.originalEvent)), (e = this._map.containerPointToLayerPoint(i)), (n = this._map.layerPointToLatLng(e))), this._tooltip.setLatLng(n); }, }); var sn = ke.extend({ options: { iconSize: [12, 12], html: !1, bgPos: null, className: "leaflet-div-icon" }, createIcon: function (t) { var i = t && "DIV" === t.tagName ? t : document.createElement("div"), e = this.options; if ((e.html instanceof Element ? (li(i), i.appendChild(e.html)) : (i.innerHTML = !1 !== e.html ? e.html : ""), e.bgPos)) { var n = I(e.bgPos); = -n.x + "px " + -n.y + "px"; } return this._setIconStyles(i, "icon"), i; }, createShadow: function () { return null; }, }); ke.Default = Be; var rn = Se.extend({ options: { tileSize: 256, opacity: 1, updateWhenIdle: xt, updateWhenZooming: !0, updateInterval: 200, zIndex: 1, bounds: null, minZoom: 0, maxZoom: void 0, maxNativeZoom: void 0, minNativeZoom: void 0, noWrap: !1, pane: "tilePane", className: "", keepBuffer: 2, }, initialize: function (t) { p(this, t); }, onAdd: function () { this._initContainer(), (this._levels = {}), (this._tiles = {}), this._resetView(), this._update(); }, beforeAdd: function (t) { t._addZoomLimit(this); }, onRemove: function (t) { this._removeAllTiles(), ui(this._container), t._removeZoomLimit(this), (this._container = null), (this._tileZoom = void 0); }, bringToFront: function () { return this._map && (ci(this._container), this._setAutoZIndex(Math.max)), this; }, bringToBack: function () { return this._map && (_i(this._container), this._setAutoZIndex(Math.min)), this; }, getContainer: function () { return this._container; }, setOpacity: function (t) { return (this.options.opacity = t), this._updateOpacity(), this; }, setZIndex: function (t) { return (this.options.zIndex = t), this._updateZIndex(), this; }, isLoading: function () { return this._loading; }, redraw: function () { return this._map && (this._removeAllTiles(), this._update()), this; }, getEvents: function () { var t = { viewprereset: this._invalidateAll, viewreset: this._resetView, zoom: this._resetView, moveend: this._onMoveEnd }; return this.options.updateWhenIdle || (this._onMove || (this._onMove = o(this._onMoveEnd, this.options.updateInterval, this)), (t.move = this._onMove)), this._zoomAnimated && (t.zoomanim = this._animateZoom), t; }, createTile: function () { return document.createElement("div"); }, getTileSize: function () { var t = this.options.tileSize; return t instanceof B ? t : new B(t, t); }, _updateZIndex: function () { this._container && void 0 !== this.options.zIndex && null !== this.options.zIndex && ( = this.options.zIndex); }, _setAutoZIndex: function (t) { for (var i, e = this.getPane().children, n = -t(-1 / 0, 1 / 0), o = 0, s = e.length; o < s; o++) (i = e[o].style.zIndex), e[o] !== this._container && i && (n = t(n, +i)); isFinite(n) && ((this.options.zIndex = n + t(-1, 1)), this._updateZIndex()); }, _updateOpacity: function () { if (this._map && !et) { vi(this._container, this.options.opacity); var t = +new Date(), i = !1, e = !1; for (var n in this._tiles) { var o = this._tiles[n]; if (o.current && o.loaded) { var s = Math.min(1, (t - o.loaded) / 200); vi(o.el, s), s < 1 ? (i = !0) : ( ? (e = !0) : this._onOpaqueTile(o), ( = !0)); } } e && !this._noPrune && this._pruneTiles(), i && (C(this._fadeFrame), (this._fadeFrame = M(this._updateOpacity, this))); } }, _onOpaqueTile: l, _initContainer: function () { this._container || ((this._container = hi("div", "leaflet-layer " + (this.options.className || ""))), this._updateZIndex(), this.options.opacity < 1 && this._updateOpacity(), this.getPane().appendChild(this._container)); }, _updateLevels: function () { var t = this._tileZoom, i = this.options.maxZoom; if (void 0 !== t) { for (var e in this._levels) this._levels[e].el.children.length || e === t ? ((this._levels[e] = i - Math.abs(t - e)), this._onUpdateLevel(e)) : (ui(this._levels[e].el), this._removeTilesAtZoom(e), this._onRemoveLevel(e), delete this._levels[e]); var n = this._levels[t], o = this._map; return ( n || (((n = this._levels[t] = {}).el = hi("div", "leaflet-tile-container leaflet-zoom-animated", this._container)), ( = i), (n.origin = o.project(o.unproject(o.getPixelOrigin()), t).round()), (n.zoom = t), this._setZoomTransform(n, o.getCenter(), o.getZoom()), n.el.offsetWidth, this._onCreateLevel(n)), (this._level = n) ); } }, _onUpdateLevel: l, _onRemoveLevel: l, _onCreateLevel: l, _pruneTiles: function () { if (this._map) { var t, i, e = this._map.getZoom(); if (e > this.options.maxZoom || e < this.options.minZoom) this._removeAllTiles(); else { for (t in this._tiles) (i = this._tiles[t]).retain = i.current; for (t in this._tiles) if ((i = this._tiles[t]).current && ! { var n = i.coords; this._retainParent(n.x, n.y, n.z, n.z - 5) || this._retainChildren(n.x, n.y, n.z, n.z + 2); } for (t in this._tiles) this._tiles[t].retain || this._removeTile(t); } } }, _removeTilesAtZoom: function (t) { for (var i in this._tiles) this._tiles[i].coords.z === t && this._removeTile(i); }, _removeAllTiles: function () { for (var t in this._tiles) this._removeTile(t); }, _invalidateAll: function () { for (var t in this._levels) ui(this._levels[t].el), this._onRemoveLevel(t), delete this._levels[t]; this._removeAllTiles(), (this._tileZoom = void 0); }, _retainParent: function (t, i, e, n) { var o = Math.floor(t / 2), s = Math.floor(i / 2), r = e - 1, a = new B(+o, +s); a.z = +r; var h = this._tileCoordsToKey(a), u = this._tiles[h]; return u && ? (u.retain = !0) : (u && u.loaded && (u.retain = !0), n < r && this._retainParent(o, s, r, n)); }, _retainChildren: function (t, i, e, n) { for (var o = 2 * t; o < 2 * t + 2; o++) for (var s = 2 * i; s < 2 * i + 2; s++) { var r = new B(o, s); r.z = e + 1; var a = this._tileCoordsToKey(r), h = this._tiles[a]; h && ? (h.retain = !0) : (h && h.loaded && (h.retain = !0), e + 1 < n && this._retainChildren(o, s, e + 1, n)); } }, _resetView: function (t) { var i = t && (t.pinch || t.flyTo); this._setView(this._map.getCenter(), this._map.getZoom(), i, i); }, _animateZoom: function (t) { this._setView(, t.zoom, !0, t.noUpdate); }, _clampZoom: function (t) { var i = this.options; return void 0 !== i.minNativeZoom && t < i.minNativeZoom ? i.minNativeZoom : void 0 !== i.maxNativeZoom && i.maxNativeZoom < t ? i.maxNativeZoom : t; }, _setView: function (t, i, e, n) { var o = this._clampZoom(Math.round(i)); ((void 0 !== this.options.maxZoom && o > this.options.maxZoom) || (void 0 !== this.options.minZoom && o < this.options.minZoom)) && (o = void 0); var s = this.options.updateWhenZooming && o !== this._tileZoom; (n && !s) || ((this._tileZoom = o), this._abortLoading && this._abortLoading(), this._updateLevels(), this._resetGrid(), void 0 !== o && this._update(t), e || this._pruneTiles(), (this._noPrune = !!e)), this._setZoomTransforms(t, i); }, _setZoomTransforms: function (t, i) { for (var e in this._levels) this._setZoomTransform(this._levels[e], t, i); }, _setZoomTransform: function (t, i, e) { var n = this._map.getZoomScale(e, t.zoom), o = t.origin.multiplyBy(n).subtract(this._map._getNewPixelOrigin(i, e)).round(); yt ? xi(t.el, o, n) : wi(t.el, o); }, _resetGrid: function () { var t = this._map, i =, e = (this._tileSize = this.getTileSize()), n = this._tileZoom, o = this._map.getPixelWorldBounds(this._tileZoom); o && (this._globalTileRange = this._pxBoundsToTileRange(o)), (this._wrapX = i.wrapLng && !this.options.noWrap && [Math.floor(t.project([0, i.wrapLng[0]], n).x / e.x), Math.ceil(t.project([0, i.wrapLng[1]], n).x / e.y)]), (this._wrapY = i.wrapLat && !this.options.noWrap && [Math.floor(t.project([i.wrapLat[0], 0], n).y / e.x), Math.ceil(t.project([i.wrapLat[1], 0], n).y / e.y)]); }, _onMoveEnd: function () { this._map && !this._map._animatingZoom && this._update(); }, _getTiledPixelBounds: function (t) { var i = this._map, e = i._animatingZoom ? Math.max(i._animateToZoom, i.getZoom()) : i.getZoom(), n = i.getZoomScale(e, this._tileZoom), o = i.project(t, this._tileZoom).floor(), s = i.getSize().divideBy(2 * n); return new O(o.subtract(s), o.add(s)); }, _update: function (t) { var i = this._map; if (i) { var e = this._clampZoom(i.getZoom()); if ((void 0 === t && (t = i.getCenter()), void 0 !== this._tileZoom)) { var n = this._getTiledPixelBounds(t), o = this._pxBoundsToTileRange(n), s = o.getCenter(), r = [], a = this.options.keepBuffer, h = new O(o.getBottomLeft().subtract([a, -a]), o.getTopRight().add([a, -a])); if (!(isFinite(o.min.x) && isFinite(o.min.y) && isFinite(o.max.x) && isFinite(o.max.y))) throw new Error("Attempted to load an infinite number of tiles"); for (var u in this._tiles) { var l = this._tiles[u].coords; (l.z === this._tileZoom && h.contains(new B(l.x, l.y))) || (this._tiles[u].current = !1); } if (1 < Math.abs(e - this._tileZoom)) this._setView(t, e); else { for (var c = o.min.y; c <= o.max.y; c++) for (var _ = o.min.x; _ <= o.max.x; _++) { var d = new B(_, c); if (((d.z = this._tileZoom), this._isValidTile(d))) { var p = this._tiles[this._tileCoordsToKey(d)]; p ? (p.current = !0) : r.push(d); } } if ( (r.sort(function (t, i) { return t.distanceTo(s) - i.distanceTo(s); }), 0 !== r.length) ) { this._loading || ((this._loading = !0),"loading")); var m = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (_ = 0; _ < r.length; _++) this._addTile(r[_], m); this._level.el.appendChild(m); } } } } }, _isValidTile: function (t) { var i =; if (!i.infinite) { var e = this._globalTileRange; if ((!i.wrapLng && (t.x < e.min.x || t.x > e.max.x)) || (!i.wrapLat && (t.y < e.min.y || t.y > e.max.y))) return !1; } if (!this.options.bounds) return !0; var n = this._tileCoordsToBounds(t); return D(this.options.bounds).overlaps(n); }, _keyToBounds: function (t) { return this._tileCoordsToBounds(this._keyToTileCoords(t)); }, _tileCoordsToNwSe: function (t) { var i = this._map, e = this.getTileSize(), n = t.scaleBy(e), o = n.add(e); return [i.unproject(n, t.z), i.unproject(o, t.z)]; }, _tileCoordsToBounds: function (t) { var i = this._tileCoordsToNwSe(t), e = new N(i[0], i[1]); return this.options.noWrap || (e = this._map.wrapLatLngBounds(e)), e; }, _tileCoordsToKey: function (t) { return t.x + ":" + t.y + ":" + t.z; }, _keyToTileCoords: function (t) { var i = t.split(":"), e = new B(+i[0], +i[1]); return (e.z = +i[2]), e; }, _removeTile: function (t) { var i = this._tiles[t]; i && (ui(i.el), delete this._tiles[t],"tileunload", { tile: i.el, coords: this._keyToTileCoords(t) })); }, _initTile: function (t) { pi(t, "leaflet-tile"); var i = this.getTileSize(); ( = i.x + "px"), ( = i.y + "px"), (t.onselectstart = l), (t.onmousemove = l), et && this.options.opacity < 1 && vi(t, this.options.opacity), st && !rt && ( = "hidden"); }, _addTile: function (t, i) { var e = this._getTilePos(t), n = this._tileCoordsToKey(t), o = this.createTile(this._wrapCoords(t), a(this._tileReady, this, t)); this._initTile(o), this.createTile.length < 2 && M(a(this._tileReady, this, t, null, o)), wi(o, e), (this._tiles[n] = { el: o, coords: t, current: !0 }), i.appendChild(o),"tileloadstart", { tile: o, coords: t }); }, _tileReady: function (t, i, e) { i &&"tileerror", { error: i, tile: e, coords: t }); var n = this._tileCoordsToKey(t); (e = this._tiles[n]) && ((e.loaded = +new Date()), this._map._fadeAnimated ? (vi(e.el, 0), C(this._fadeFrame), (this._fadeFrame = M(this._updateOpacity, this))) : (( = !0), this._pruneTiles()), i || (pi(e.el, "leaflet-tile-loaded"),"tileload", { tile: e.el, coords: t })), this._noTilesToLoad() && ((this._loading = !1),"load"), et || !this._map._fadeAnimated ? M(this._pruneTiles, this) : setTimeout(a(this._pruneTiles, this), 250))); }, _getTilePos: function (t) { return t.scaleBy(this.getTileSize()).subtract(this._level.origin); }, _wrapCoords: function (t) { var i = new B(this._wrapX ? r(t.x, this._wrapX) : t.x, this._wrapY ? r(t.y, this._wrapY) : t.y); return (i.z = t.z), i; }, _pxBoundsToTileRange: function (t) { var i = this.getTileSize(); return new O(t.min.unscaleBy(i).floor(), t.max.unscaleBy(i).ceil().subtract([1, 1])); }, _noTilesToLoad: function () { for (var t in this._tiles) if (!this._tiles[t].loaded) return !1; return !0; }, }); var an = rn.extend({ options: { minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 18, subdomains: "abc", errorTileUrl: "", zoomOffset: 0, tms: !1, zoomReverse: !1, detectRetina: !1, crossOrigin: !1 }, initialize: function (t, i) { (this._url = t), (i = p(this, i)).detectRetina && Ct && 0 < i.maxZoom && ((i.tileSize = Math.floor(i.tileSize / 2)), i.zoomReverse ? (i.zoomOffset--, i.minZoom++) : (i.zoomOffset++, i.maxZoom--), (i.minZoom = Math.max(0, i.minZoom))), "string" == typeof i.subdomains && (i.subdomains = i.subdomains.split("")), st || this.on("tileunload", this._onTileRemove); }, setUrl: function (t, i) { return this._url === t && void 0 === i && (i = !0), (this._url = t), i || this.redraw(), this; }, createTile: function (t, i) { var e = document.createElement("img"); return ( Ei(e, "load", a(this._tileOnLoad, this, i, e)), Ei(e, "error", a(this._tileOnError, this, i, e)), (!this.options.crossOrigin && "" !== this.options.crossOrigin) || (e.crossOrigin = !0 === this.options.crossOrigin ? "" : this.options.crossOrigin), (e.alt = ""), e.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), (e.src = this.getTileUrl(t)), e ); }, getTileUrl: function (t) { var i = { r: Ct ? "@2x" : "", s: this._getSubdomain(t), x: t.x, y: t.y, z: this._getZoomForUrl() }; if (this._map && ! { var e = this._globalTileRange.max.y - t.y; this.options.tms && (i.y = e), (i["-y"] = e); } return g(this._url, h(i, this.options)); }, _tileOnLoad: function (t, i) { et ? setTimeout(a(t, this, null, i), 0) : t(null, i); }, _tileOnError: function (t, i, e) { var n = this.options.errorTileUrl; n && i.getAttribute("src") !== n && (i.src = n), t(e, i); }, _onTileRemove: function (t) { t.tile.onload = null; }, _getZoomForUrl: function () { var t = this._tileZoom, i = this.options.maxZoom; return this.options.zoomReverse && (t = i - t), t + this.options.zoomOffset; }, _getSubdomain: function (t) { var i = Math.abs(t.x + t.y) % this.options.subdomains.length; return this.options.subdomains[i]; }, _abortLoading: function () { var t, i; for (t in this._tiles) this._tiles[t].coords.z !== this._tileZoom && (((i = this._tiles[t].el).onload = l), (i.onerror = l), i.complete || ((i.src = x), ui(i), delete this._tiles[t])); }, _removeTile: function (t) { var i = this._tiles[t]; if (i) return ht || i.el.setAttribute("src", x),, t); }, _tileReady: function (t, i, e) { if (this._map && (!e || e.getAttribute("src") !== x)) return, t, i, e); }, }); function hn(t, i) { return new an(t, i); } var un = an.extend({ defaultWmsParams: { service: "WMS", request: "GetMap", layers: "", styles: "", format: "image/jpeg", transparent: !1, version: "1.1.1" }, options: { crs: null, uppercase: !1 }, initialize: function (t, i) { this._url = t; var e = h({}, this.defaultWmsParams); for (var n in i) n in this.options || (e[n] = i[n]); var o = (i = p(this, i)).detectRetina && Ct ? 2 : 1, s = this.getTileSize(); (e.width = s.x * o), (e.height = s.y * o), (this.wmsParams = e); }, onAdd: function (t) { (this._crs = ||, (this._wmsVersion = parseFloat(this.wmsParams.version)); var i = 1.3 <= this._wmsVersion ? "crs" : "srs"; (this.wmsParams[i] = this._crs.code),, t); }, getTileUrl: function (t) { var i = this._tileCoordsToNwSe(t), e = this._crs, n = R(e.project(i[0]), e.project(i[1])), o = n.min, s = n.max, r = (1.3 <= this._wmsVersion && this._crs === Me ? [o.y, o.x, s.y, s.x] : [o.x, o.y, s.x, s.y]).join(","), a =, t); return a + m(this.wmsParams, a, this.options.uppercase) + (this.options.uppercase ? "&BBOX=" : "&bbox=") + r; }, setParams: function (t, i) { return h(this.wmsParams, t), i || this.redraw(), this; }, }); (an.WMS = un), (hn.wms = function (t, i) { return new un(t, i); }); var ln = Se.extend({ options: { padding: 0.1, tolerance: 0 }, initialize: function (t) { p(this, t), u(this), (this._layers = this._layers || {}); }, onAdd: function () { this._container || (this._initContainer(), this._zoomAnimated && pi(this._container, "leaflet-zoom-animated")), this.getPane().appendChild(this._container), this._update(), this.on("update", this._updatePaths, this); }, onRemove: function () {"update", this._updatePaths, this), this._destroyContainer(); }, getEvents: function () { var t = { viewreset: this._reset, zoom: this._onZoom, moveend: this._update, zoomend: this._onZoomEnd }; return this._zoomAnimated && (t.zoomanim = this._onAnimZoom), t; }, _onAnimZoom: function (t) { this._updateTransform(, t.zoom); }, _onZoom: function () { this._updateTransform(this._map.getCenter(), this._map.getZoom()); }, _updateTransform: function (t, i) { var e = this._map.getZoomScale(i, this._zoom), n = Pi(this._container), o = this._map.getSize().multiplyBy(0.5 + this.options.padding), s = this._map.project(this._center, i), r = this._map.project(t, i).subtract(s), a = o.multiplyBy(-e).add(n).add(o).subtract(r); yt ? xi(this._container, a, e) : wi(this._container, a); }, _reset: function () { for (var t in (this._update(), this._updateTransform(this._center, this._zoom), this._layers)) this._layers[t]._reset(); }, _onZoomEnd: function () { for (var t in this._layers) this._layers[t]._project(); }, _updatePaths: function () { for (var t in this._layers) this._layers[t]._update(); }, _update: function () { var t = this.options.padding, i = this._map.getSize(), e = this._map.containerPointToLayerPoint(i.multiplyBy(-t)).round(); (this._bounds = new O(e, e.add(i.multiplyBy(1 + 2 * t)).round())), (this._center = this._map.getCenter()), (this._zoom = this._map.getZoom()); }, }), cn = ln.extend({ getEvents: function () { var t =; return (t.viewprereset = this._onViewPreReset), t; }, _onViewPreReset: function () { this._postponeUpdatePaths = !0; }, onAdd: function () {, this._draw(); }, _initContainer: function () { var t = (this._container = document.createElement("canvas")); Ei(t, "mousemove", o(this._onMouseMove, 32, this), this), Ei(t, "click dblclick mousedown mouseup contextmenu", this._onClick, this), Ei(t, "mouseout", this._handleMouseOut, this), (this._ctx = t.getContext("2d")); }, _destroyContainer: function () { C(this._redrawRequest), delete this._ctx, ui(this._container), Bi(this._container), delete this._container; }, _updatePaths: function () { if (!this._postponeUpdatePaths) { for (var t in ((this._redrawBounds = null), this._layers)) this._layers[t]._update(); this._redraw(); } }, _update: function () { if (!this._map._animatingZoom || !this._bounds) {; var t = this._bounds, i = this._container, e = t.getSize(), n = Ct ? 2 : 1; wi(i, t.min), (i.width = n * e.x), (i.height = n * e.y), ( = e.x + "px"), ( = e.y + "px"), Ct && this._ctx.scale(2, 2), this._ctx.translate(-t.min.x, -t.min.y),"update"); } }, _reset: function () {, this._postponeUpdatePaths && ((this._postponeUpdatePaths = !1), this._updatePaths()); }, _initPath: function (t) { this._updateDashArray(t); var i = ((this._layers[u(t)] = t)._order = { layer: t, prev: this._drawLast, next: null }); this._drawLast && ( = i), (this._drawLast = i), (this._drawFirst = this._drawFirst || this._drawLast); }, _addPath: function (t) { this._requestRedraw(t); }, _removePath: function (t) { var i = t._order, e =, n = i.prev; e ? (e.prev = n) : (this._drawLast = n), n ? ( = e) : (this._drawFirst = e), delete t._order, delete this._layers[u(t)], this._requestRedraw(t); }, _updatePath: function (t) { this._extendRedrawBounds(t), t._project(), t._update(), this._requestRedraw(t); }, _updateStyle: function (t) { this._updateDashArray(t), this._requestRedraw(t); }, _updateDashArray: function (t) { if ("string" == typeof t.options.dashArray) { var i, e, n = t.options.dashArray.split(/[, ]+/), o = []; for (e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { if (((i = Number(n[e])), isNaN(i))) return; o.push(i); } t.options._dashArray = o; } else t.options._dashArray = t.options.dashArray; }, _requestRedraw: function (t) { this._map && (this._extendRedrawBounds(t), (this._redrawRequest = this._redrawRequest || M(this._redraw, this))); }, _extendRedrawBounds: function (t) { if (t._pxBounds) { var i = (t.options.weight || 0) + 1; (this._redrawBounds = this._redrawBounds || new O()), this._redrawBounds.extend(t._pxBounds.min.subtract([i, i])), this._redrawBounds.extend(t._pxBounds.max.add([i, i])); } }, _redraw: function () { (this._redrawRequest = null), this._redrawBounds && (this._redrawBounds.min._floor(), this._redrawBounds.max._ceil()), this._clear(), this._draw(), (this._redrawBounds = null); }, _clear: function () { var t = this._redrawBounds; if (t) { var i = t.getSize(); this._ctx.clearRect(t.min.x, t.min.y, i.x, i.y); } else this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._container.width, this._container.height); }, _draw: function () { var t, i = this._redrawBounds; if ((, i)) { var e = i.getSize(); this._ctx.beginPath(), this._ctx.rect(i.min.x, i.min.y, e.x, e.y), this._ctx.clip(); } this._drawing = !0; for (var n = this._drawFirst; n; n = (t = n.layer), (!i || (t._pxBounds && t._pxBounds.intersects(i))) && t._updatePath(); (this._drawing = !1), this._ctx.restore(); }, _updatePoly: function (t, i) { if (this._drawing) { var e, n, o, s, r = t._parts, a = r.length, h = this._ctx; if (a) { for (h.beginPath(), e = 0; e < a; e++) { for (n = 0, o = r[e].length; n < o; n++) (s = r[e][n]), h[n ? "lineTo" : "moveTo"](s.x, s.y); i && h.closePath(); } this._fillStroke(h, t); } } }, _updateCircle: function (t) { if (this._drawing && !t._empty()) { var i = t._point, e = this._ctx, n = Math.max(Math.round(t._radius), 1), o = (Math.max(Math.round(t._radiusY), 1) || n) / n; 1 != o && (, e.scale(1, o)), e.beginPath(), e.arc(i.x, i.y / o, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), 1 != o && e.restore(), this._fillStroke(e, t); } }, _fillStroke: function (t, i) { var e = i.options; e.fill && ((t.globalAlpha = e.fillOpacity), (t.fillStyle = e.fillColor || e.color), t.fill(e.fillRule || "evenodd")), e.stroke && 0 !== e.weight && (t.setLineDash && t.setLineDash((i.options && i.options._dashArray) || []), (t.globalAlpha = e.opacity), (t.lineWidth = e.weight), (t.strokeStyle = e.color), (t.lineCap = e.lineCap), (t.lineJoin = e.lineJoin), t.stroke()); }, _onClick: function (t) { for (var i, e, n = this._map.mouseEventToLayerPoint(t), o = this._drawFirst; o; o = (i = o.layer).options.interactive && i._containsPoint(n) && !this._map._draggableMoved(i) && (e = i); e && (qi(t), this._fireEvent([e], t)); }, _onMouseMove: function (t) { if (this._map && !this._map.dragging.moving() && !this._map._animatingZoom) { var i = this._map.mouseEventToLayerPoint(t); this._handleMouseHover(t, i); } }, _handleMouseOut: function (t) { var i = this._hoveredLayer; i && (mi(this._container, "leaflet-interactive"), this._fireEvent([i], t, "mouseout"), (this._hoveredLayer = null)); }, _handleMouseHover: function (t, i) { for (var e, n, o = this._drawFirst; o; o = (e = o.layer).options.interactive && e._containsPoint(i) && (n = e); n !== this._hoveredLayer && (this._handleMouseOut(t), n && (pi(this._container, "leaflet-interactive"), this._fireEvent([n], t, "mouseover"), (this._hoveredLayer = n))), this._hoveredLayer && this._fireEvent([this._hoveredLayer], t); }, _fireEvent: function (t, i, e) { this._map._fireDOMEvent(i, e || i.type, t); }, _bringToFront: function (t) { var i = t._order; if (i) { var e =, n = i.prev; e && ((e.prev = n) ? ( = e) : e && (this._drawFirst = e), (i.prev = this._drawLast), (( = i).next = null), (this._drawLast = i), this._requestRedraw(t)); } }, _bringToBack: function (t) { var i = t._order; if (i) { var e =, n = i.prev; n && (( = e) ? (e.prev = n) : n && (this._drawLast = n), (i.prev = null), ( = this._drawFirst), (this._drawFirst.prev = i), (this._drawFirst = i), this._requestRedraw(t)); } }, }); function _n(t) { return St ? new cn(t) : null; } var dn = (function () { try { return ( document.namespaces.add("lvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"), function (t) { return document.createElement("<lvml:" + t + ' class="lvml">'); } ); } catch (t) { return function (t) { return document.createElement("<" + t + ' xmlns="" class="lvml">'); }; } })(), pn = { _initContainer: function () { this._container = hi("div", "leaflet-vml-container"); }, _update: function () { this._map._animatingZoom || (,"update")); }, _initPath: function (t) { var i = (t._container = dn("shape")); pi(i, "leaflet-vml-shape " + (this.options.className || "")), (i.coordsize = "1 1"), (t._path = dn("path")), i.appendChild(t._path), this._updateStyle(t), (this._layers[u(t)] = t); }, _addPath: function (t) { var i = t._container; this._container.appendChild(i), t.options.interactive && t.addInteractiveTarget(i); }, _removePath: function (t) { var i = t._container; ui(i), t.removeInteractiveTarget(i), delete this._layers[u(t)]; }, _updateStyle: function (t) { var i = t._stroke, e = t._fill, n = t.options, o = t._container; (o.stroked = !!n.stroke), (o.filled = !!n.fill), n.stroke ? (i || (i = t._stroke = dn("stroke")), o.appendChild(i), (i.weight = n.weight + "px"), (i.color = n.color), (i.opacity = n.opacity), n.dashArray ? (i.dashStyle = v(n.dashArray) ? n.dashArray.join(" ") : n.dashArray.replace(/( *, *)/g, " ")) : (i.dashStyle = ""), (i.endcap = n.lineCap.replace("butt", "flat")), (i.joinstyle = n.lineJoin)) : i && (o.removeChild(i), (t._stroke = null)), n.fill ? (e || (e = t._fill = dn("fill")), o.appendChild(e), (e.color = n.fillColor || n.color), (e.opacity = n.fillOpacity)) : e && (o.removeChild(e), (t._fill = null)); }, _updateCircle: function (t) { var i = t._point.round(), e = Math.round(t._radius), n = Math.round(t._radiusY || e); this._setPath(t, t._empty() ? "M0 0" : "AL " + i.x + "," + i.y + " " + e + "," + n + " 0,23592600"); }, _setPath: function (t, i) { t._path.v = i; }, _bringToFront: function (t) { ci(t._container); }, _bringToBack: function (t) { _i(t._container); }, }, mn = Et ? dn : $, fn = ln.extend({ getEvents: function () { var t =; return (t.zoomstart = this._onZoomStart), t; }, _initContainer: function () { (this._container = mn("svg")), this._container.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none"), (this._rootGroup = mn("g")), this._container.appendChild(this._rootGroup); }, _destroyContainer: function () { ui(this._container), Bi(this._container), delete this._container, delete this._rootGroup, delete this._svgSize; }, _onZoomStart: function () { this._update(); }, _update: function () { if (!this._map._animatingZoom || !this._bounds) {; var t = this._bounds, i = t.getSize(), e = this._container; (this._svgSize && this._svgSize.equals(i)) || ((this._svgSize = i), e.setAttribute("width", i.x), e.setAttribute("height", i.y)), wi(e, t.min), e.setAttribute("viewBox", [t.min.x, t.min.y, i.x, i.y].join(" ")),"update"); } }, _initPath: function (t) { var i = (t._path = mn("path")); t.options.className && pi(i, t.options.className), t.options.interactive && pi(i, "leaflet-interactive"), this._updateStyle(t), (this._layers[u(t)] = t); }, _addPath: function (t) { this._rootGroup || this._initContainer(), this._rootGroup.appendChild(t._path), t.addInteractiveTarget(t._path); }, _removePath: function (t) { ui(t._path), t.removeInteractiveTarget(t._path), delete this._layers[u(t)]; }, _updatePath: function (t) { t._project(), t._update(); }, _updateStyle: function (t) { var i = t._path, e = t.options; i && (e.stroke ? (i.setAttribute("stroke", e.color), i.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", e.opacity), i.setAttribute("stroke-width", e.weight), i.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", e.lineCap), i.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", e.lineJoin), e.dashArray ? i.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", e.dashArray) : i.removeAttribute("stroke-dasharray"), e.dashOffset ? i.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", e.dashOffset) : i.removeAttribute("stroke-dashoffset")) : i.setAttribute("stroke", "none"), e.fill ? (i.setAttribute("fill", e.fillColor || e.color), i.setAttribute("fill-opacity", e.fillOpacity), i.setAttribute("fill-rule", e.fillRule || "evenodd")) : i.setAttribute("fill", "none")); }, _updatePoly: function (t, i) { this._setPath(t, Q(t._parts, i)); }, _updateCircle: function (t) { var i = t._point, e = Math.max(Math.round(t._radius), 1), n = "a" + e + "," + (Math.max(Math.round(t._radiusY), 1) || e) + " 0 1,0 ", o = t._empty() ? "M0 0" : "M" + (i.x - e) + "," + i.y + n + 2 * e + ",0 " + n + 2 * -e + ",0 "; this._setPath(t, o); }, _setPath: function (t, i) { t._path.setAttribute("d", i); }, _bringToFront: function (t) { ci(t._path); }, _bringToBack: function (t) { _i(t._path); }, }); function gn(t) { return Zt || Et ? new fn(t) : null; } Et && fn.include(pn), Ji.include({ getRenderer: function (t) { var i = t.options.renderer || this._getPaneRenderer(t.options.pane) || this.options.renderer || this._renderer; return i || (i = this._renderer = this._createRenderer()), this.hasLayer(i) || this.addLayer(i), i; }, _getPaneRenderer: function (t) { if ("overlayPane" === t || void 0 === t) return !1; var i = this._paneRenderers[t]; return void 0 === i && ((i = this._createRenderer({ pane: t })), (this._paneRenderers[t] = i)), i; }, _createRenderer: function (t) { return (this.options.preferCanvas && _n(t)) || gn(t); }, }); var vn = je.extend({ initialize: function (t, i) {, this._boundsToLatLngs(t), i); }, setBounds: function (t) { return this.setLatLngs(this._boundsToLatLngs(t)); }, _boundsToLatLngs: function (t) { return [(t = D(t)).getSouthWest(), t.getNorthWest(), t.getNorthEast(), t.getSouthEast()]; }, }); (fn.create = mn), (fn.pointsToPath = Q), (We.geometryToLayer = He), (We.coordsToLatLng = Fe), (We.coordsToLatLngs = Ue), (We.latLngToCoords = Ve), (We.latLngsToCoords = qe), (We.getFeature = Ge), (We.asFeature = Ke), Ji.mergeOptions({ boxZoom: !0 }); var yn = oe.extend({ initialize: function (t) { (this._map = t), (this._container = t._container), (this._pane = t._panes.overlayPane), (this._resetStateTimeout = 0), t.on("unload", this._destroy, this); }, addHooks: function () { Ei(this._container, "mousedown", this._onMouseDown, this); }, removeHooks: function () { Bi(this._container, "mousedown", this._onMouseDown, this); }, moved: function () { return this._moved; }, _destroy: function () { ui(this._pane), delete this._pane; }, _resetState: function () { (this._resetStateTimeout = 0), (this._moved = !1); }, _clearDeferredResetState: function () { 0 !== this._resetStateTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._resetStateTimeout), (this._resetStateTimeout = 0)); }, _onMouseDown: function (t) { if (!t.shiftKey || (1 !== t.which && 1 !== t.button)) return !1; this._clearDeferredResetState(), this._resetState(), $t(), Li(), (this._startPoint = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t)), Ei(document, { contextmenu: ji, mousemove: this._onMouseMove, mouseup: this._onMouseUp, keydown: this._onKeyDown }, this); }, _onMouseMove: function (t) { this._moved || ((this._moved = !0), (this._box = hi("div", "leaflet-zoom-box", this._container)), pi(this._container, "leaflet-crosshair"),"boxzoomstart")), (this._point = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t)); var i = new O(this._point, this._startPoint), e = i.getSize(); wi(this._box, i.min), ( = e.x + "px"), ( = e.y + "px"); }, _finish: function () { this._moved && (ui(this._box), mi(this._container, "leaflet-crosshair")), Qt(), Ti(), Bi(document, { contextmenu: ji, mousemove: this._onMouseMove, mouseup: this._onMouseUp, keydown: this._onKeyDown }, this); }, _onMouseUp: function (t) { if ((1 === t.which || 1 === t.button) && (this._finish(), this._moved)) { this._clearDeferredResetState(), (this._resetStateTimeout = setTimeout(a(this._resetState, this), 0)); var i = new N(this._map.containerPointToLatLng(this._startPoint), this._map.containerPointToLatLng(this._point)); this._map.fitBounds(i).fire("boxzoomend", { boxZoomBounds: i }); } }, _onKeyDown: function (t) { 27 === t.keyCode && this._finish(); }, }); Ji.addInitHook("addHandler", "boxZoom", yn), Ji.mergeOptions({ doubleClickZoom: !0 }); var xn = oe.extend({ addHooks: function () { this._map.on("dblclick", this._onDoubleClick, this); }, removeHooks: function () {"dblclick", this._onDoubleClick, this); }, _onDoubleClick: function (t) { var i = this._map, e = i.getZoom(), n = i.options.zoomDelta, o = t.originalEvent.shiftKey ? e - n : e + n; "center" === i.options.doubleClickZoom ? i.setZoom(o) : i.setZoomAround(t.containerPoint, o); }, }); Ji.addInitHook("addHandler", "doubleClickZoom", xn), Ji.mergeOptions({ dragging: !0, inertia: !rt, inertiaDeceleration: 3400, inertiaMaxSpeed: 1 / 0, easeLinearity: 0.2, worldCopyJump: !1, maxBoundsViscosity: 0 }); var wn = oe.extend({ addHooks: function () { if (!this._draggable) { var t = this._map; (this._draggable = new le(t._mapPane, t._container)), this._draggable.on({ dragstart: this._onDragStart, drag: this._onDrag, dragend: this._onDragEnd }, this), this._draggable.on("predrag", this._onPreDragLimit, this), t.options.worldCopyJump && (this._draggable.on("predrag", this._onPreDragWrap, this), t.on("zoomend", this._onZoomEnd, this), t.whenReady(this._onZoomEnd, this)); } pi(this._map._container, "leaflet-grab leaflet-touch-drag"), this._draggable.enable(), (this._positions = []), (this._times = []); }, removeHooks: function () { mi(this._map._container, "leaflet-grab"), mi(this._map._container, "leaflet-touch-drag"), this._draggable.disable(); }, moved: function () { return this._draggable && this._draggable._moved; }, moving: function () { return this._draggable && this._draggable._moving; }, _onDragStart: function () { var t = this._map; if ((t._stop(), this._map.options.maxBounds && this._map.options.maxBoundsViscosity)) { var i = D(this._map.options.maxBounds); (this._offsetLimit = R(this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(i.getNorthWest()).multiplyBy(-1), this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(i.getSouthEast()).multiplyBy(-1).add(this._map.getSize()))), (this._viscosity = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, this._map.options.maxBoundsViscosity))); } else this._offsetLimit = null;"movestart").fire("dragstart"), t.options.inertia && ((this._positions = []), (this._times = [])); }, _onDrag: function (t) { if (this._map.options.inertia) { var i = (this._lastTime = +new Date()), e = (this._lastPos = this._draggable._absPos || this._draggable._newPos); this._positions.push(e), this._times.push(i), this._prunePositions(i); }"move", t).fire("drag", t); }, _prunePositions: function (t) { for (; 1 < this._positions.length && 50 < t - this._times[0]; ) this._positions.shift(), this._times.shift(); }, _onZoomEnd: function () { var t = this._map.getSize().divideBy(2), i = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint([0, 0]); (this._initialWorldOffset = i.subtract(t).x), (this._worldWidth = this._map.getPixelWorldBounds().getSize().x); }, _viscousLimit: function (t, i) { return t - (t - i) * this._viscosity; }, _onPreDragLimit: function () { if (this._viscosity && this._offsetLimit) { var t = this._draggable._newPos.subtract(this._draggable._startPos), i = this._offsetLimit; t.x < i.min.x && (t.x = this._viscousLimit(t.x, i.min.x)), t.y < i.min.y && (t.y = this._viscousLimit(t.y, i.min.y)), t.x > i.max.x && (t.x = this._viscousLimit(t.x, i.max.x)), t.y > i.max.y && (t.y = this._viscousLimit(t.y, i.max.y)), (this._draggable._newPos = this._draggable._startPos.add(t)); } }, _onPreDragWrap: function () { var t = this._worldWidth, i = Math.round(t / 2), e = this._initialWorldOffset, n = this._draggable._newPos.x, o = ((n - i + e) % t) + i - e, s = ((n + i + e) % t) - i - e, r = Math.abs(o + e) < Math.abs(s + e) ? o : s; (this._draggable._absPos = this._draggable._newPos.clone()), (this._draggable._newPos.x = r); }, _onDragEnd: function (t) { var i = this._map, e = i.options, n = !e.inertia || this._times.length < 2; if (("dragend", t), n))"moveend"); else { this._prunePositions(+new Date()); var o = this._lastPos.subtract(this._positions[0]), s = (this._lastTime - this._times[0]) / 1e3, r = e.easeLinearity, a = o.multiplyBy(r / s), h = a.distanceTo([0, 0]), u = Math.min(e.inertiaMaxSpeed, h), l = a.multiplyBy(u / h), c = u / (e.inertiaDeceleration * r), _ = l.multiplyBy(-c / 2).round(); _.x || _.y ? ((_ = i._limitOffset(_, i.options.maxBounds)), M(function () { i.panBy(_, { duration: c, easeLinearity: r, noMoveStart: !0, animate: !0 }); })) :"moveend"); } }, }); Ji.addInitHook("addHandler", "dragging", wn), Ji.mergeOptions({ keyboard: !0, keyboardPanDelta: 80 }); var Pn = oe.extend({ keyCodes: { left: [37], right: [39], down: [40], up: [38], zoomIn: [187, 107, 61, 171], zoomOut: [189, 109, 54, 173] }, initialize: function (t) { (this._map = t), this._setPanDelta(t.options.keyboardPanDelta), this._setZoomDelta(t.options.zoomDelta); }, addHooks: function () { var t = this._map._container; t.tabIndex <= 0 && (t.tabIndex = "0"), Ei(t, { focus: this._onFocus, blur: this._onBlur, mousedown: this._onMouseDown }, this), this._map.on({ focus: this._addHooks, blur: this._removeHooks }, this); }, removeHooks: function () { this._removeHooks(), Bi(this._map._container, { focus: this._onFocus, blur: this._onBlur, mousedown: this._onMouseDown }, this),{ focus: this._addHooks, blur: this._removeHooks }, this); }, _onMouseDown: function () { if (!this._focused) { var t = document.body, i = document.documentElement, e = t.scrollTop || i.scrollTop, n = t.scrollLeft || i.scrollLeft; this._map._container.focus(), window.scrollTo(n, e); } }, _onFocus: function () { (this._focused = !0),"focus"); }, _onBlur: function () { (this._focused = !1),"blur"); }, _setPanDelta: function (t) { var i, e, n = (this._panKeys = {}), o = this.keyCodes; for (i = 0, e = o.left.length; i < e; i++) n[o.left[i]] = [-1 * t, 0]; for (i = 0, e = o.right.length; i < e; i++) n[o.right[i]] = [t, 0]; for (i = 0, e = o.down.length; i < e; i++) n[o.down[i]] = [0, t]; for (i = 0, e = o.up.length; i < e; i++) n[o.up[i]] = [0, -1 * t]; }, _setZoomDelta: function (t) { var i, e, n = (this._zoomKeys = {}), o = this.keyCodes; for (i = 0, e = o.zoomIn.length; i < e; i++) n[o.zoomIn[i]] = t; for (i = 0, e = o.zoomOut.length; i < e; i++) n[o.zoomOut[i]] = -t; }, _addHooks: function () { Ei(document, "keydown", this._onKeyDown, this); }, _removeHooks: function () { Bi(document, "keydown", this._onKeyDown, this); }, _onKeyDown: function (t) { if (!(t.altKey || t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey)) { var i, e = t.keyCode, n = this._map; if (e in this._panKeys) (n._panAnim && n._panAnim._inProgress) || ((i = this._panKeys[e]), t.shiftKey && (i = I(i).multiplyBy(3)), n.panBy(i), n.options.maxBounds && n.panInsideBounds(n.options.maxBounds)); else if (e in this._zoomKeys) n.setZoom(n.getZoom() + (t.shiftKey ? 3 : 1) * this._zoomKeys[e]); else { if (27 !== e || !n._popup || !n._popup.options.closeOnEscapeKey) return; n.closePopup(); } ji(t); } }, }); Ji.addInitHook("addHandler", "keyboard", Pn), Ji.mergeOptions({ scrollWheelZoom: !0, wheelDebounceTime: 40, wheelPxPerZoomLevel: 60 }); var bn = oe.extend({ addHooks: function () { Ei(this._map._container, "mousewheel", this._onWheelScroll, this), (this._delta = 0); }, removeHooks: function () { Bi(this._map._container, "mousewheel", this._onWheelScroll, this); }, _onWheelScroll: function (t) { var i = Fi(t), e = this._map.options.wheelDebounceTime; (this._delta += i), (this._lastMousePos = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t)), this._startTime || (this._startTime = +new Date()); var n = Math.max(e - (+new Date() - this._startTime), 0); clearTimeout(this._timer), (this._timer = setTimeout(a(this._performZoom, this), n)), ji(t); }, _performZoom: function () { var t = this._map, i = t.getZoom(), e = this._map.options.zoomSnap || 0; t._stop(); var n = this._delta / (4 * this._map.options.wheelPxPerZoomLevel), o = (4 * Math.log(2 / (1 + Math.exp(-Math.abs(n))))) / Math.LN2, s = e ? Math.ceil(o / e) * e : o, r = t._limitZoom(i + (0 < this._delta ? s : -s)) - i; (this._delta = 0), (this._startTime = null), r && ("center" === t.options.scrollWheelZoom ? t.setZoom(i + r) : t.setZoomAround(this._lastMousePos, i + r)); }, }); Ji.addInitHook("addHandler", "scrollWheelZoom", bn), Ji.mergeOptions({ tap: !0, tapTolerance: 15 }); var Ln = oe.extend({ addHooks: function () { Ei(this._map._container, "touchstart", this._onDown, this); }, removeHooks: function () { Bi(this._map._container, "touchstart", this._onDown, this); }, _onDown: function (t) { if (t.touches) { if ((Di(t), (this._fireClick = !0), 1 < t.touches.length)) return (this._fireClick = !1), void clearTimeout(this._holdTimeout); var i = t.touches[0], e =; (this._startPos = this._newPos = new B(i.clientX, i.clientY)), e.tagName && "a" === e.tagName.toLowerCase() && pi(e, "leaflet-active"), (this._holdTimeout = setTimeout( a(function () { this._isTapValid() && ((this._fireClick = !1), this._onUp(), this._simulateEvent("contextmenu", i)); }, this), 1e3 )), this._simulateEvent("mousedown", i), Ei(document, { touchmove: this._onMove, touchend: this._onUp }, this); } }, _onUp: function (t) { if ((clearTimeout(this._holdTimeout), Bi(document, { touchmove: this._onMove, touchend: this._onUp }, this), this._fireClick && t && t.changedTouches)) { var i = t.changedTouches[0], e =; e && e.tagName && "a" === e.tagName.toLowerCase() && mi(e, "leaflet-active"), this._simulateEvent("mouseup", i), this._isTapValid() && this._simulateEvent("click", i); } }, _isTapValid: function () { return this._newPos.distanceTo(this._startPos) <= this._map.options.tapTolerance; }, _onMove: function (t) { var i = t.touches[0]; (this._newPos = new B(i.clientX, i.clientY)), this._simulateEvent("mousemove", i); }, _simulateEvent: function (t, i) { var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); (e._simulated = !0), ( = !0), e.initMouseEvent(t, !0, !0, window, 1, i.screenX, i.screenY, i.clientX, i.clientY, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null),; }, }); Tt && !Lt && Ji.addInitHook("addHandler", "tap", Ln), Ji.mergeOptions({ touchZoom: Tt && !rt, bounceAtZoomLimits: !0 }); var Tn = oe.extend({ addHooks: function () { pi(this._map._container, "leaflet-touch-zoom"), Ei(this._map._container, "touchstart", this._onTouchStart, this); }, removeHooks: function () { mi(this._map._container, "leaflet-touch-zoom"), Bi(this._map._container, "touchstart", this._onTouchStart, this); }, _onTouchStart: function (t) { var i = this._map; if (t.touches && 2 === t.touches.length && !i._animatingZoom && !this._zooming) { var e = i.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t.touches[0]), n = i.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t.touches[1]); (this._centerPoint = i.getSize()._divideBy(2)), (this._startLatLng = i.containerPointToLatLng(this._centerPoint)), "center" !== i.options.touchZoom && (this._pinchStartLatLng = i.containerPointToLatLng(e.add(n)._divideBy(2))), (this._startDist = e.distanceTo(n)), (this._startZoom = i.getZoom()), (this._moved = !1), (this._zooming = !0), i._stop(), Ei(document, "touchmove", this._onTouchMove, this), Ei(document, "touchend", this._onTouchEnd, this), Di(t); } }, _onTouchMove: function (t) { if (t.touches && 2 === t.touches.length && this._zooming) { var i = this._map, e = i.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t.touches[0]), n = i.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t.touches[1]), o = e.distanceTo(n) / this._startDist; if ( ((this._zoom = i.getScaleZoom(o, this._startZoom)), !i.options.bounceAtZoomLimits && ((this._zoom < i.getMinZoom() && o < 1) || (this._zoom > i.getMaxZoom() && 1 < o)) && (this._zoom = i._limitZoom(this._zoom)), "center" === i.options.touchZoom) ) { if (((this._center = this._startLatLng), 1 == o)) return; } else { var s = e._add(n)._divideBy(2)._subtract(this._centerPoint); if (1 == o && 0 === s.x && 0 === s.y) return; this._center = i.unproject(i.project(this._pinchStartLatLng, this._zoom).subtract(s), this._zoom); } this._moved || (i._moveStart(!0, !1), (this._moved = !0)), C(this._animRequest); var r = a(i._move, i, this._center, this._zoom, { pinch: !0, round: !1 }); (this._animRequest = M(r, this, !0)), Di(t); } }, _onTouchEnd: function () { this._moved && this._zooming ? ((this._zooming = !1), C(this._animRequest), Bi(document, "touchmove", this._onTouchMove), Bi(document, "touchend", this._onTouchEnd), this._map.options.zoomAnimation ? this._map._animateZoom(this._center, this._map._limitZoom(this._zoom), !0, this._map.options.zoomSnap) : this._map._resetView(this._center, this._map._limitZoom(this._zoom))) : (this._zooming = !1); }, }); Ji.addInitHook("addHandler", "touchZoom", Tn), (Ji.BoxZoom = yn), (Ji.DoubleClickZoom = xn), (Ji.Drag = wn), (Ji.Keyboard = Pn), (Ji.ScrollWheelZoom = bn), (Ji.Tap = Ln), (Ji.TouchZoom = Tn), (Object.freeze = i), (t.version = "1.5.1+build.2e3e0ffb"), (t.Control = Qi), (t.control = $i), (t.Browser = Bt), (t.Evented = k), (t.Mixin = re), (t.Util = S), (t.Class = Z), (t.Handler = oe), (t.extend = h), (t.bind = a), (t.stamp = u), (t.setOptions = p), (t.DomEvent = Yi), (t.DomUtil = Zi), (t.PosAnimation = Xi), (t.Draggable = le), (t.LineUtil = ye), (t.PolyUtil = Pe), (t.Point = B), (t.point = I), (t.Bounds = O), (t.bounds = R), (t.Transformation = G), (t.transformation = K), (t.Projection = Te), (t.LatLng = j), (t.latLng = W), (t.LatLngBounds = N), (t.latLngBounds = D), (t.CRS = F), (t.GeoJSON = We), (t.geoJSON = Xe), (t.geoJson = Je), (t.Layer = Se), (t.LayerGroup = Ze), (t.layerGroup = function (t, i) { return new Ze(t, i); }), (t.FeatureGroup = Ee), (t.featureGroup = function (t) { return new Ee(t); }), (t.ImageOverlay = $e), (t.imageOverlay = function (t, i, e) { return new $e(t, i, e); }), (t.VideoOverlay = Qe), (t.videoOverlay = function (t, i, e) { return new Qe(t, i, e); }), (t.SVGOverlay = tn), (t.svgOverlay = function (t, i, e) { return new tn(t, i, e); }), (t.DivOverlay = en), (t.Popup = nn), (t.popup = function (t, i) { return new nn(t, i); }), (t.Tooltip = on), (t.tooltip = function (t, i) { return new on(t, i); }), (t.Icon = ke), (t.icon = function (t) { return new ke(t); }), (t.DivIcon = sn), (t.divIcon = function (t) { return new sn(t); }), (t.Marker = Ie), (t.marker = function (t, i) { return new Ie(t, i); }), (t.TileLayer = an), (t.tileLayer = hn), (t.GridLayer = rn), (t.gridLayer = function (t) { return new rn(t); }), (t.SVG = fn), (t.svg = gn), (t.Renderer = ln), (t.Canvas = cn), (t.canvas = _n), (t.Path = Oe), (t.CircleMarker = Re), (t.circleMarker = function (t, i) { return new Re(t, i); }), (t.Circle = Ne), ( = function (t, i, e) { return new Ne(t, i, e); }), (t.Polyline = De), (t.polyline = function (t, i) { return new De(t, i); }), (t.Polygon = je), (t.polygon = function (t, i) { return new je(t, i); }), (t.Rectangle = vn), (t.rectangle = function (t, i) { return new vn(t, i); }), (t.Map = Ji), ( = function (t, i) { return new Ji(t, i); }); var zn = window.L; (t.noConflict = function () { return (window.L = zn), this; }), (window.L = t); });