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Rowan, Rook and Decard

Strange games for curious people

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We’re Rowan, Rook & Decard, and we make games. Here are some of those games:


Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans have teamed up to create the DIE roleplaying
game based on the comic of the same name (which they also created!) – and we’ve
helped them get it into print. In DIE, you play a group of flawed real-world
people who are trapped in a fantasy kingdom made out of their own dreams, hopes
and nightmares.

What will you do to get home? What will you do to stay?

DIE RPG is 408 pages of beautiful art and clever rules. We’ve worked with some
of the best editors and writers in the business (Will Jobst, Zach Cox, Grant
Howitt, Kienna Shaw, Lauren Bryant-Monk) to get it polished and beautiful, and
brought in Lone Archivist (Orbital Blues) and Minerva McJanda (Heart, Lancer,
Hardwired Island) to do the layout.

You can buy the DIE RPG now, and pick up your Fair Gold coins, GM screen and
dice too in one handy bundle.



A red wet heaven slumbers fitful under the city of Spire.

£15.00 – £50.00
Shop now

Heart: The City Beneath is our award-winning game of dungeoncrawl body-horror
set in the twisting nightmare undercity beneath Spire. Why are you descending
into the depths of the Heart, and how will it change you?

Take on the roles of unique classes such as: the Deadwalker, who died but got
better; the Vermissian Knight, who patrols a cursed mass transit network wearing
powered armour made from ancient trains; and the Deep Apiarist, who is full of
magical bees that stitch their sanity together with wax and wizardry. Visit
damned temples to forbidden gods, impossibly old and somehow still functional
machines, alien subterranean skies, seas of dust and towns where the walls bleed
and breathe. Hunt down Angels and bathe in their crucible blood; adopt a
predatory building and teach it tricks; kick in the back doors of heaven and
ransack the Goddess’ treasures before she realises you’re inside.

Winner of seven (7) 2021 ENnie awards, including gold for best writing, best
setting and best design.


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Fight back the darkness in Voidheart Symphony, a tabletop roleplaying game about
mundane people diving into a demon-filled labyrinth to save the ones they love.

£15.00 – £50.00
Shop now

This city is sick. The CASTLE dwells beneath the surface of reality, corrupting
and twisting those who unknowingly siphon its energy into power. It is hungry
for dominion, and it is winning; you can see it in the reflection of office
block windows, the glint of expensive watches, and the tears of the oppressed. 

But YOU know a secret. You know how to break into the Castle. You know how to
hijack the allegorical space for your own benefits. You are packing weapons made
of dreamstuff but real enough to blow the brains out of any dead-eyed servitor
demon that stands in your way. You’re going to fight the Patriarchy, one
Patriarch at a time. And you’re going to look good doing it.

VOIDHEART SYMPHONY is Mina McJanda’s latest Powered by the Apocalypse game,
drawing on her previous work with Rhapsody of Blood and using a modified version
of Spire’s Resistance system to manage your real-world worries. Sure, you can
fly on neon angel wings and carry a revolver that roars louder than thunder when
you’re in the Castle, but in the real world, can you afford proper dental care?
Time to find out. 



A fantasy-punk RPG about rebellion, brutality and oppression. What are you
prepared to sacrifice to get what you deserve?

£17.50 – £40.00
Shop now

Dark elf rebellion in a mile-high fantasy city crumbling from within and
without. What are you prepared to sacrifice to get what you and your people
deserve? Using the Resistance system, Spire’s mechanics focus around what the
player characters have to lose: sanity, money, secrecy, loyalty, reputation, and
so on. Unique character classes (such as the hyena-wrangling Carrion-Priest, the
pubcrawling Knights of the North Docks, and the black magic artist Idol) allow
players to fill in their own details on the world around them whilst
player-facing abilities give them increased control of the narrative, taking
pressure off the GM.


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In addition to the Spire corebook, there are three pay-what-you-want scenarios
available for download (and you can get the physical versions for a very
reasonable rate), shorter supplements such as Black Magic, Codex of the Deep
Spire and Book of Masks, and Strata – a full-length sourcebook with extra
character classes, more details on the richest and poorest districts of Spire,
and 10 scenarios from a wide variety of authors.



Honey Heist is a game in which you have two stats: CRIMINAL and BEAR. Download
the PDF here.

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It’s Honeycon, and you’re going to steal a load of honey. Two things: 1) You
have a complex plan that requires precise timing, and 2) You are a goddamn bear.
This one-page RPG has been played on Critical Role, The Adventure Zone, Friends
at the Table, Rusty Quill, and many other less-famous podcasts.



Goblin Quest is a tabletop roleplaying game about slapstick violence, fatal
ineptitude, and the greatest adventure of your life. Download the PDF or buy the
book here.

£8.50 – £15.00
Shop now

A game of fatal incompetence, slapstick comedy, and victory against impossible
odds. Play five goblins each – in sequence, not in parallel – and have many if
not all of them die preventable deaths whilst trying to achieve basic tasks.
Undergo such wild quests as: making a toasted sandwich, putting on a fancy
party, celebrating Christmas, and ganging up on one knight so you can steal his

Comes with a bunch of hacks that let you use the simple system to tell different
stories – Space Interns (sci fi), My Name Inigo Montoya Jr (derring-do), Kobold
Quest (audacious machines) and Sean Bean Quest (Sean Bean trying to survive
until the end of a film for once).



YOU are a Royal – half-magic, half-human. You’re one of the court cards from the
tarot deck – the impetuous Princess of Wands, the calculating Knight of
Pentacles, the empire-building Queen of Wands, and so on. You use magic like a
brick through the window of the world.

THEY are the Arcane – Death, The Hanged Man, The Devil, The Lovers, The Star.
They are reality-bending monsters that wear h…

£7.50 – £17.00
Shop now

THEY are the Arcane, the movers and shakers in the unseen world of magic that
thrums great and terrible above our own. YOU are the Royals, half-blood
sorcerers and throwback junk magicians, who are tired of being moved and shaken.
Tonight, you’re going to topple their thrones and take their power for yourself.
An ENnie-nominated occult heist storygame played using a deck of tarot cards and
a handful of coins.



Unbound is a universal, rules-light roleplaying game that puts the whole player
group at the forefront of the world. Newly redesigned for its second printing,
the book contains both the Cyberpunk and Urban horror expansions. Download the
PDF or buy the print version here.

£10.00 – £25.00
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Grab your friends – you’re going to make something beautiful together. Unbound
will give you the best session zero you’ve ever had. As you gather round the
table to make your characters, you’ll also make the world, the factions that
oppose you, and the plot of the game by answering a series of prompts – every
time you start play, you’ll make your own world and explore it at a break-neck
pace. Unbound also utilises a unique playing card-based cinematic-tactical
combat system which allows for tactical play and wild descriptions of the



One Last Job is a collaborative storytelling game about terrible mistakes and
bad blood. Download a PDF copy here.

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You were out of the game for good – but they’ve pulled you back in for one last
job. A game about washed-up criminals shouting at each other; characters are
made on the fly during play, their characteristics defined by other players
through the means of insults.



Here’s the deal – you’re the meanest, cunningest, most brutal orcs around, and
you’ve been selected for a special mission. You’re gonna infiltrate the human
city of Freiberg and abduct Prince Theodore Holstein (boo!) so your superiors
can interrogate him for information on the allied war plans.

Of course, no-one thought to specify who’s in charge of the group, and you’ve
all got your own aim…

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You’re a bunch of orcs on a mission: sneak into the Imperial City of Frieberg
and capture Prince Theodore Holstein! Only problem is that none of you like each
other, barely any of you know how to be quiet, and you all have different
motivations for forcing your way into what is essentially a violent field trip
to a big city. Still, what’s the worst that can happen? An over-the-top one-shot
game with lovingly pregenerated characters and maps which always results in
raucous fun for all involved.


 * One Year of One-Page RPGs Bundle: VOLUME 3
   Add to cart
 * One Year of One-Page RPGs Bundle: VOLUME 2
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 * One Year of One-Page RPGs Bundle: VOLUME 1
   Add to cart

Grant writes a single one-page RPG every month and releases them for free –
these include Honey Heist (mentioned above) as well as The Witch Is Dead, Jason
Statham’s Big Vacation, Pride and Extreme Prejudice, and at least twenty-five
others. You can download them for a price of your choosing (or free), support
Grant on Patreon, or purchase physical copies which include exclusive back pages
as a 13-game bundle (Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3).


We also make a podcast called Hearty Dice Friends! You can find it wherever you
get your podcasts, and ask us a question or suggest a game idea here.


 * Want a job? We got jobs!
 * EAT THE REICH is live now!
 * EAT THE REICH: what is it?
 * EAT THE REICH: Coming Soon!
 * Hollows playtest is live


You can email us at or contact us here.




 * Rated 5 out of 5
   The Witch Is Dead ()
   reviewed by Vince
   I ran it for the first time today and me and my horrible friends had a blast.
   So much room for all that chaotic potential. As GM, I had very minimal
   preparation but it was the most fun I had recently.
   I highly recommend it! The limited things woodland creatures can do give so
   much variety for executing the mission.
   Runtime: 90mins
   View this product →
 * Rated 5 out of 5
   Spire: The City Must Fall RPG (£17.50 – £40.00)
   reviewed by Dylan Malenfant
   Spire is a beautifully designed game in that its mechanics feed back into the
   fiction seemlessly. The classes and their abilities have clear places in
   fiction, and every ability has a huge amount of flavour so no choice feels
   boring or wrong. The game does everything it set out to do in a fantastically
   evocative way.
   The game is not the best part.
   The world of the Spire is written so that any individual game lives in the
   gaps. A huge amount of world building is done so that everyone should have a
   clear image of the world upon reading the setting material, but enough is
   left to fill in that no two people will have an identical city. The details
   are perfect, and the missing pieces are exactly where they need to be so that
   plot hooks generate themselves as you read.
   Spire is a joy to play and amazing to write for.
   View this product →


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