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Submission: On May 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

GET //

<form class="s-header-search__form" action="//" method="get" role="search" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="journal" value="byrnepickett2">
  <input type="hidden" name="journalId" value="94906245">
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                                            s-header-search-btn" type="submit"><span class="
      <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--search" width="16" height="16">
        <use xlink:href="#flaticon--search"></use>
  <input class="s-header-search__input" type="text" placeholder="Search by byrnepickett2" results="5" autosave="some_unique_value" size="12" name="q" id="SearchText">

GET //

<form class="s-header-search__form" action="//" method="get" role="search" target="_blank">
  <div class="s-header-search__form-content">
    <input type="hidden" name="journal" value="byrnepickett2">
    <input type="hidden" name="journalId" value="94906245">
    <div class="s-header-search__input-wrapper">
      <input class="
                                                    s-inline-search-input" type="text" placeholder="Search by byrnepickett2" results="5" autosave="some_unique_value" size="12" name="q" id="SearchText" required="">
  <button class="
                                        s-do-item-search-btn" type="button" data-tour="friendsfeed" data-tour-start-page="^/feed" data-tour-step="2" data-tour-bubble="{
                                        &quot;aside&quot;: true,
                                        &quot;alwaysBottom&quot;: true,
                                        &quot;alwaysLeft&quot;: true,
                                        &quot;forceY&quot;: 10
                                    }" data-tour-title="tour.friendsfeed.title" data-tour-text=""><span class="
      <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--search" width="16" height="16">
        <use xlink:href="#flaticon--search"></use>

Name: setreadability_formPOST

<form method="POST" name="setreadability_form" action=""><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_readability" value="on"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_user" value="">
  <div class="s-header-extra-menu-item__link w-cs-view-style"><label class="w-cs-label" for="view-own"><input type="checkbox" id="view-own" class="w-cs-checkbox js--use-system-style-switch">Readability</label></div>

Name: setreadability_form_adaptivePOST

<form method="POST" name="setreadability_form_adaptive" action=""><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_readability" value="on"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_user"
  <div class="s-header-extra-menu-item__link w-cs-view-style"><label class="w-cs-label" for="view-own"><input type="checkbox" id="view-own" class="w-cs-checkbox js--use-system-style-switch">Readability</label></div>


<form action="" method="post" class="b-loginform__form pkg lj_login_form ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-maxlength">
  <input type="hidden" name="ref" value="" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" name="ret" value="1" autocomplete="off">
  <div class="b-loginform__form-wrap">
    <div class="b-loginform-field" ng-class="{'b-loginform-field--error' : loginForm.errorUsername}">
      <div class="b-loginform-field__wrap">
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          <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--userhead" width="16" height="16">
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        <input id="user" class="b-loginform-field__input b-loginform-field__input--user ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-maxlength" type="text" tabindex="10" placeholder="Username" value="" name="user" size="18" maxlength="17"
          autocorrect="off" ng-model="loginForm.model.username" ng-init="loginForm.model.username=null">
      <span ng-bind-html="loginForm.errorMessage" class="b-loginform-field__errorMsg ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="loginForm.errorUsername"></span>
    <div class="b-loginform-field" ng-class="{'b-loginform-field--error' : loginForm.errorPassword}">
      <div class="b-loginform-field__wrap">
        <div class="b-loginform-field__icon-wrap b-loginform-field__icon-wrap--pass">
          <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--lock" width="16" height="16">
            <use xlink:href="#flaticon--lock"></use>
        <input id="lj_loginwidget_password" class="b-loginform-field__input b-loginform-field__input--pass ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-maxlength" type="password" tabindex="11" name="password" size="20" maxlength="30"
          placeholder="Password" ng-model="loginForm.model.password" ng-init="loginForm.model.password=null">
      <span ng-bind-html="loginForm.errorMessage" class="b-loginform-field__errorMsg ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="loginForm.errorPassword"></span>
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  <!-- ngIf: loginForm.presubmitWarning -->
  <button type="submit" name="action:login" class="b-loginform-btn b-loginform-btn--login b-loginform-btn--auth b-loginform-btn--center b-loginform-btn--disabled" tabindex="14" ng-click="loginForm.loginUser($event)"
    ng-class="{'b-loginform-btn--disabled' : !(loginForm.model.username &amp;&amp; loginForm.model.password) }"> Log in </button>


<form action=";auto_forwhat=user%24byrnepickett2%24%2Fprofile" method="post" class="lj-openid-auth b-loginform__form ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <div class="b-loginform-field" ng-class="{'b-loginform-field--error' : loginForm.errorId}">
    <div class="b-loginform-field__wrap">
      <div class="b-loginform-field__icon-wrap b-loginform-field__icon-wrap--openid">
        <svg xmlns="" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--openid" width="16" height="16">
          <use xlink:href="#flaticon--openid"></use>
      <input type="text" size="18" id="openid" name="openid:url" class="b-loginform-field__input ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" placeholder="Your openid url" tabindex="10" ng-model="loginForm.model.openid"
    <span ng-bind-html="loginForm.errorMessage" class="b-loginform-field__errorMsg ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="loginForm.errorId"></span>
  <button type="submit" name="action:login" class="b-loginform-btn b-loginform-btn--login b-loginform-btn--center lj-openid-auth-submit b-loginform-btn--disabled" tabindex="11" ng-class="{'b-loginform-btn--disabled' : !loginForm.model.openid}"
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Bentley Flying Spur Key Fob Problems

Bentley's flagship car is a blend of spacious luxury and thrilling performance.
The interior is so opulent that it makes other super-saloons like the BMW
7-Series or Mercedes S-Class appear shabby in comparison.

The Flying Spur's extravagant design has its downsides, and one of them is the
navigation using CDs. A worthless guide could test even the most seasoned

Dead Coin Battery

If your Bentley Flying Spur key fob is not locking or unlocking doors, it could
be due to a dead coin battery in the remote control. It is easy to replace the
battery however, you should use a new one with the same size, voltage, and
specification. A bad battery can damage the key fob.

Check the tension on the clips made of metal that hold the key fob into the
correct position. If the clip is damaged or loose, it could cause problems.
damaged, it can cause contact issues and a lack of power transfer to the remote
control. Another reason for remote controls in the Bentley Flying Spur stops
working is water damage.

Bentley has made it easier than ever to customize the Flying Spur, including by
selecting different brake callipers as well as wheels. You can also pick the
Blackline Specification, which strips off the chrome chintz and makes it appear
like a menacing spaceship rather than a luxurious limousine.

Worn Buttons

Bentley key fob buttons are rubberized and are prone to wear down over time. If
they do, they are unable to properly press against the receiver module which
results in it not responding to key commands. This is a simple fix as new
buttons can be reprogramed by the dealer.

A dead battery for the coin is often the reason behind the Bentley Flying Spur
remote key fob not working. This is a common issue that can be solved in a
matter of minutes. Key fobs can stop working because of worn buttons and
receiver modules, or signal interference.

To change the battery in a Bentley key fob, it's essential to remove the case.
You must remove the small screw on the top of the battery compartment. Then take
care to open the door and reveal the printed circuit board. You must be cautious
because there is an area that is squishy with the small metal clip that is
holding the battery that it wants to fall out.

Poor Battery Contact

The battery in the key fob of your Bentley is held in place by steel clips that
retain it. These clips can lose tension or corrode, stopping the battery from
making electrical contact with the chip. A poor connection can cause a remote
control to cease to function.

If bentley key fob has been submerged in salty or soapy water or pool water the
chip inside could be fried and need to be replaced. It is recommended that the
key fob be removed from the water prior to trying to clean it.

A new battery will last for a few years. If the remote key fob still not
functioning Try using an alternate key to start your car. This will allow you to
eliminate other issues like worn buttons or water damage. You can also utilize a
remote key programer to reprogramme your key. This is a simple procedure that
can be performed at home.

Water Damage

A Bentley is a luxurious, attractive vehicle. However, it may suffer from
several problems. Some are very serious, such as oil leaks. They can cause
damage to your engine if not fixed. The best way to fix a leak in your oil is to
have it done the moment you notice it. In the event that it is not fixed, the
leak could cause other issues. It's important to have your car repaired if find
that the power steering has started to leak. It could make your car harder to
drive and could cause a fatal accident.

The brake hoses of Bentley cars are prone to wear and tear. This is caused by
the car's high-performance nature. The brake hoses are subject to the brunt of
the pressure when driving and, in the event that they wear out the car will need
be driven manually.

Maintaining your Bentley Flying Spur regularly is essential. This includes
regular bodywork repairs. Maintaining your Bentley's bodywork in good condition
is essential, since it can help maintain the value of your car. Regularly
painting your car's bodywork will help to protect it.

Diagnostics of a fault

Bentley Flying Spur can be a very expensive luxury car to repair. It has an air
suspension which has many moving parts as well as flexible materials that are
prone to wear and tear. Repairs can be costly and sometimes the best option is
to replace your Bentley by a new model.

If your Bentley key fob is not functioning, it may require repair or replaced.
There are bentley car keys of reasons that can cause it to stop working, such as
a dead coin battery or a damaged remote control chip. A damaged battery could
stop the keyfob from connecting with your vehicle.

The first step in diagnosing the issue is to check whether the battery in the
button cell is depleted. If so, you'll need to replace it with a battery with
the same voltage and dimensions. After that you can test the fob by pressing its
buttons. If the key fob doesn't respond after pressing its buttons, it's likely
that the issue is due to another issue, like water damage. In bentley key fob
could try restarting the on-board computers by disconnection of the battery with
12 volts for a few minutes.


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