www.hellokittyblanket.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.hellokittyblanket.com/
Submission: On November 05 via manual from CN — Scanned from NZ

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

<form class="search_slider" action="/search" method="get" role="search" itemprop="search" onsubmit="Mask.show()">
  <input type="hidden" name="type" value="product">
  <input class="input1" type="search" name="q" placeholder="SEARCH HERE..." aria-label="SEARCH HERE...">
  <button type="submit" class="btn1" style="display:none"><i class="photofont photo-search"></i></button>
  <i class="photofont icon photo-close suggest-close" data-slide-layer="close"></i>

GET /search

<form class="search_slider" action="/search" method="get" role="search" itemprop="search" onsubmit="Mask.show()">
  <input class="input1" type="search" name="q" placeholder="SEARCH HERE..." aria-label="SEARCH HERE...">
  <button type="submit" class="btn1"><i class="photofont photo-search"></i></button>

POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add" class="product-form" id="ProductFormcommon-product-detail">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="da39d920-9879-4e61-a4c5-f46c1fd95071">
  <div class="zen-customer-lr">
    <div class="zen-customers__right">
      <!-- 非标品 -->
      <div class="asdqweqwewq">
          .product-page-add_to_cart-section .select-option {
            width: 100%;

          .product-page-add_to_cart-section .select-option .selector-wrapper span.icon.photofont.photo-unfold {
            position: absolute;
            right: 12px;
            top: 44%;
            pointer-events: none;

          .dropdown-toggle::after {
            display: none;

          .selector-wrapper-position {
            position: relative;

          .ringsize-font {
            margin-top: 10px;
            font-size: 12px;
            line-height: 1.4;

          a.photocharms-warnfill:not([href]):not([tabindex]) {
            color: #00f;
            text-decoration: underline;
            cursor: pointer;

          #examples_hide {
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          @media(max-width:768px) {
            #examples_hide {
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        <div data-select="" class="select-option show">
        <!-- 非标品1 -->
           * Others: 加载字体 
           * Date:   2021.06.16
           * Parame: ["AIV1","AIV2","AIV3"...](array) or "AIV1"(string)
          function loadCustomFonts(fontArr) {
            let css = ``;
            fontArr = $.isArray(fontArr) ? fontArr : [fontArr];
            $.each(fontArr, function(i, v) {
              css += `@font-face{font-family:'${v}';src:url('https://pic.stylelab.com/fonts/${v}.woff?${new Date().getTime()}') format('woff');font-weight:normal;font-style:normal}`;
            $('#customFontStyle').length > 0 ? $('#customFontStyle').append(css) : $('<style>', {
              id: 'customFontStyle'
           * Others: 格式化sku 
           * Date:   2021.04.27
           * Parame: sku
          function formatSku(sku) {
            return sku;
          translation = function(str) {
            var put = document.createElement('div');
            put.innerHTML = str;
            str = put.innerText || put.textContent;
            return str;
          var mask_loading_image_unify = "https://cdn.lazyshop.com/files/7a7038c6-7f90-40e0-81e5-7f4d5a4ffa38/other/d0c717947bbbc313555fc4f35cc320ff.gif" ?
            "https://cdn.lazyshop.com/files/7a7038c6-7f90-40e0-81e5-7f4d5a4ffa38/other/d0c717947bbbc313555fc4f35cc320ff.gif" : '';
          /*   自定义下拉列表样式start */
          .custom-selector-container {
            position: relative;

          .custom-selector-container .custom-selector {
            padding: 10px;
            border: 1px solid #eee;
            font-weight: normal;
            text-transform: capitalize;
            border-radius: 4px;
            margin-right: 10px;
            cursor: pointer;

          .custom-selector-active {
            border-color: #000 !important;

          .custom-selector-container .custom-selector input {
            display: none;

          .custom-selector-container .custom-selector-box {
            display: flex;

          .custom-selector-container .custom-selector-label {
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            text-transform: initial;
            margin-bottom: 12px;
            font-weight: 600;

          .custom-selector-container span.icon.photofont.photo-unfold {
            position: absolute;
            right: 12px;
            top: 55%;
            pointer-events: none;

          #images-example {
            color: #e60044;
            text-decoration: underline;

          /*   自定义下拉列表样式end */
          .list-conent {
            display: flex;
            flex-wrap: wrap;

          .font-click {
            list-style: none;
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            padding: 7px 0;
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            font-weight: 600;
            width: 24%;
            cursor: pointer;
            text-align: center;
            border-radius: 4px;

          .font-click p {
            margin: 0 auto;

          .font-click .font-radio {
            display: none;

          .font-click.active {
            border: 1px solid red;

          .text-color-container {
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          .color-list-conent .color-click {
            list-style: none;

          .font-color-title {
            font-size: 1rem;
            color: #000;

          .color-list-conent {
            display: flex;
            flex-wrap: wrap;

          textarea {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            resize: none;

          .color-container .color-title {
            font-size: 1rem;
            color: #000;
            font-weight: 700;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;

          .color-list-conent .font-click,
          .color-list-conent .color-click {
            margin-right: 5px;
            padding: 7px 0;
            border: 1px solid #999;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
            font-size: 12px;
            font-weight: 600;
            width: calc(25% - 4px);
            cursor: pointer;
            text-align: center;
            border-radius: 4px;

          .color-list-conent .font-click.active,
          .color-list-conent .color-click.active {
            border-color: red;

          .color-list-conent .color-click {
            padding: 0;

          .color-list-conent .color-click p {
            display: block;
            height: 32px;
            width: 100%;
            margin: 0;

          .color-list-conent .font-click:nth-child(4n),
          .color-list-conent .color-click:nth-child(4n) {
            margin-right: 0

          .color-list-conent .font-click .font-radio,
          .color-click .color-radio {
            display: none;

          .color-list-conent .font-click p {
            margin: 0

          .photo-box .area-photo-upload,
          .area-crop-upload {
            align-items: center;
            padding: 0 10px;
            height: 4rem;
            margin: 1rem 0;
            border: 1px solid #000;
            border-radius: 4px;
            color: #000;
            background: #fff !important;

          .el-upload button {
            background: transparent;
            border: none;
            color: #fff;
            text-align: center;
            text-transform: capitalize;
            display: inline-block;

          .text-input-container {
            position: relative;
            overflow: hidden;
            height: 4rem;
            align-items: center;
            padding: 0;
            border: 1px solid #000;
            border-radius: 4px;
            margin-bottom: 1rem;

          .text-area-container {
            height: 6rem;

          .text-input-container input {
            position: absolute;
            border: none;
            border-radius: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            padding: 0 8px;
            color: #000;

          .text-input-container .leftnum {
            position: absolute;
            right: 16px;
            top: 50%;
            transform: translateY(-50%);

          .dialog-footer {
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            margin: 1rem 0 0;

          .dialog-footer .el-button {
            padding: 1rem 2rem;
            font-size: 14px;
            border-radius: 3px;

          .el-button--primary:active {
            background-color: #e60044 !important;
            border-color: #e60044 !important;

          .el-dialog {
            min-width: 543px

          .product-txt-label {
            margin-top: 1rem;
            font-size: 1rem;
            margin-bottom: .5rem

          .product-txt-label span {
            font-size: 1rem;

          .el-dialog__headerbtn .el-dialog__close {
            font-size: 28px

          .el-upload--text {
            cursor: pointer;
            background: #000;
            color: #fff;
            border-radius: 25px;
            padding: 3px .5rem;
            width: auto;
            text-align: center;
            text-transform: capitalize;
            display: inline-block;
            font-size: .9rem;

          .text-container {
            margin-bottom: 1rem;
            width: 100%;

          .photo-crop-container {
            margin-bottom: 1rem

          @media(max-width:768px) {
            .el-dialog {
              min-width: 100%

            .product-txt-label {
              margin-top: 0;
              font-size: .9rem;
              margin-bottom: .5rem;

            .product-txt-label span {
              font-size: 0.8rem;

            .area-crop-upload {
              height: 3.5rem

            #custom-area-container {
              position: relative;
              padding: 0 1rem;

          .text-special-style {
            display: flex;
            justify-content: space-between;
            width: 100%;
            align-items: center;

          .text-special-style .label-input-container {
            width: 45%;

          /*   .text-special-style .leftnum{display:none;} */
          .text-heart {
            position: relative;

          .text-heart:after {
            content: "";
            position: absolute;
            background: url("//cdn.lazyshop.com/assets/12f31d31f0bdd49569ee0e78a50423d0/tc2.png") no-repeat;
            background-size: contain;
            width: 44px;
            height: 44px;
            left: -21px;
            top: -25px;

          .ui-widget-header .ui-icon {
            background-image: url(//cdn.lazyshop.com/assets/12f31d31f0bdd49569ee0e78a50423d0/ui-icons_444444_256x240.png);
        <script src="//cdn.lazyshop.com/assets/12f31d31f0bdd49569ee0e78a50423d0/qiniu.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <div class="custom-selector-container" id="selectorContent"><input id="selector-flag" name="properties[isdefault]" value="0" type="hidden"><label class="custom-selector-label">Design:</label>
          <div class="custom-selector-box"><label class="custom-selector custom-selector-active"><input type="radio" name="custom-selector-radio" value="0" checked=""><span>Use default picture</span></label><label class="custom-selector"><input
                type="radio" name="custom-selector-radio" value="1"><span>Upload your own</span></label></div>
          function formatSku(sku) {
            var splitSku = typeof customJson.splitSku != 'undefined' ? customJson.splitSku : false;
            var cutSku = typeof customJson.cutSku != 'undefined' ? customJson.cutSku : false;
            var sku_val = sku;
            if (splitSku && sku_val.indexOf('-') > -1) {
              var zenSkuArr = sku_val.split('-');
              sku_val = zenSkuArr[0];
            if (cutSku) {
              sku_val = sku_val.substring(0, sku_val.length - cutSku);
            return sku_val;
          window.addEventListener('EVENT_PHOTO_DIALOG', function(event) {
              height: "100%",
              overflow: "hidden"
              height: "100%",
              overflow: "hidden"
          window.addEventListener('EVENT_PHOTO_DIALOG_CLOSE', function(event) {
              height: "",
              overflow: ""
              height: "",
              overflow: ""
          var customValue =
            `{"isSelectorProductImage":true,"productImage":1,"dataType":1,"selector":{"label":"Design","data":[{"name":"Use default picture","value":0},{"name":"Upload your own","value":1}]},"crop":{"data":[{"width":9272,"height":12165}]}}`;
          var customJson = JSON.parse(
            `{"isSelectorProductImage":true,"productImage":1,"dataType":1,"selector":{"label":"Design","data":[{"name":"Use default picture","value":0},{"name":"Upload your own","value":1}]},"crop":{"data":[{"width":9272,"height":12165}]}}`);
          var _zenSku = "BL1261-3";
          var splitSku = typeof customJson.splitSku != 'undefined' ? customJson.splitSku : false;
          var cutSku = typeof customJson.cutSku != 'undefined' ? customJson.cutSku : false;
          var isSunziRemark = typeof customJson.isSunziRemark != 'undefined' ? customJson.isSunziRemark : false; //
          var isSunziText = typeof customJson.isSunziText != 'undefined' ? customJson.isSunziText : true; //
          var is_variant_options = typeof customJson.is_variant_options != 'undefined' ? customJson.is_variant_options : false;
          var is_variant_options_type = typeof customJson.is_variant_options_type != 'undefined' ? customJson.is_variant_options_type : 'option1';
          var is_variant_lable = typeof customJson.is_variant_lable != 'undefined' ? customJson.is_variant_lable : false;
          var walletDataNew = typeof customJson.walletDataNew != 'undefined' ? customJson.walletDataNew : false;
          var variant_options_val = '';
          if (splitSku || cutSku) {
            _zenSku = formatSku(_zenSku);
          var textIsOptional = '';
          var productImage = typeof customJson.productImage != 'undefined' ? customJson.productImage : 0;
          //lazyshop获取产品图片的属性为featured_media,做个兼容 2022-3-30 alice
          var productVariantImage = "" ? "" : "https://cdn.lazyshop.com/files/afc37f20-d417-4df2-b58f-f1f2f92af215/product/4421d5def5a28b08c2f05f268db581a8.jpeg";
          if (productImage == 1 && productVariantImage != '') {
            let productImageUrlValue = "" ? "" : "https://cdn.lazyshop.com/files/afc37f20-d417-4df2-b58f-f1f2f92af215/product/4421d5def5a28b08c2f05f268db581a8.jpeg";
            var productImageUrl = productImageUrlValue.indexOf("https") > -1 ? productImageUrlValue : "https:" + productImageUrlValue;
          } else {
            let productImageUrlValue = "https://cdn.lazyshop.com/files/afc37f20-d417-4df2-b58f-f1f2f92af215/product/4421d5def5a28b08c2f05f268db581a8.jpeg?x-oss-process=image%2Fauto-orient%2C1%2Fresize%2Cm_fixed%2Cw_1000%2Ch_1000";
            var productImageUrl = productImageUrlValue.indexOf("https") > -1 ? productImageUrlValue : "https:" + productImageUrlValue;
          var dataType = typeof customJson.dataType != 'undefined' ? customJson.dataType : ''; //区分ai数据格式
          var isAiUrl = typeof customJson.isAiUrl != 'undefined' ? customJson.isAiUrl : false; //只刻字的产品要求固定模板图传ai图字段 2021-11-26 alice
          var aiUrl = 'https://pic.stylelab.com/img/photo/' + _zenSku + '-ai.png'; //固定模板图的地址
          var isSelectorProductImage = typeof customJson.isSelectorProductImage != 'undefined' ? customJson.isSelectorProductImage : false; //true:当selector改变时,如果用户选择使用固定图片传主图到效果图列,否则不传
          var fixImageValue = "http://ai.oss.maiyuan.online/EMDX/emdx-1405-v-10.jpg"; //用户选择不传图则使用在metafield中配置的固定图片url 2022-3-26 alice
          var fixImage = fixImageValue;
          if (fixImageValue && fixImageValue.indexOf("{") > -1) {
            let fixImageJson = JSON.parse(fixImageValue);
            fixImage = typeof fixImageJson[_zenSku] != 'undefined' ? fixImageJson[_zenSku] : fixImage;
          var useFixImage = false; //true:用户选择在元字段中配置的固定图片 不自己传图 2022-3-26 alice
          var useFixText = false; //true:用户选择在元字段中配置的固定文字 不自己输入文字
          var fixText = ""; //用户选择不传图则使用在元字段中配置的固定文字
          //读取配置生成自定下拉框选项 2022-3-26 alice
          if (typeof customJson.selector != 'undefined') {
            var selectorConfig = customJson.selector.data;
            var selectorHtml = '<input id="selector-flag" name="properties[isdefault]" value="0" type="hidden"/><label class="custom-selector-label">' + customJson.selector.label + ':</label><div class="custom-selector-box">';
            selectorConfig.forEach(function(sItem, sIndex) {
              if (sIndex == 0) {
                selectorHtml += '<label class="custom-selector custom-selector-active"><input type="radio" name="custom-selector-radio" value="' + sItem.value + '" checked>';
              } else {
                selectorHtml += '<label class="custom-selector"><input type="radio" name="custom-selector-radio" value="' + sItem.value + '">';
              selectorHtml += '<span>' + sItem.name + '</span></label>';
            selectorHtml += '</div>';
          var optionList = {};
          if (customValue.indexOf('optionName') > -1) {
            var optionNum = 0;
            optionList['option' + optionNum] = `Default Title`;
          var photoArray = [];
          if (typeof customJson.photo != 'undefined') {
            //多个传图的遮罩图、ai图命名是否都相同 true:是 false:否(sku_从1开始的数字序号)
            var samePhoto = typeof customJson.photo.samePhoto != 'undefined' ? customJson.photo.samePhoto : false;
            var productItem = typeof customJson.photo.productItem != 'undefined' ? customJson.photo.productItem : '';
            var styleConfig = 0;
            //     //PC端传图区展示位正方形块 移动端传图区单行展示
            //     if($(window).width() > 768){
            //       styleConfig = 1;
            //     }else{
            //       styleConfig = 0;
            //     }
            var photoOptionName = '';
            var photoOptionVal = '';
            if (typeof customJson.photo.optionName != 'undefined') {
              photoOptionName = customJson.photo.optionName;
              photoOptionVal = optionList[photoOptionName]; //获取控制传图的变体的默认值
            var photoConfig = customJson.photo.data;
            if (customJson.photo.type == 'num') {
              var photoNum = parseInt(photoOptionVal);
              for (var i = 1; i <= photoNum; i++) {
                let photoItem = setPhotoArray(photoConfig, i);
                if (samePhoto) {
                  photoItem = setPhotoArray(photoConfig);
            } else if (customJson.photo.type == 'value') { //如果变体值不同走不同的传图配置
              photoConfig[photoOptionVal].forEach(function(item, index) {
                let photoNo = index + 1;
                let photoItem = setPhotoArray(item, photoNo);
                if (samePhoto) {
                  photoItem = setPhotoArray(item);
            } else if (customJson.photo.type == 'sku') { //如果变体值不同走不同的传图配置
              photoConfig[_zenSku].forEach(function(item, index) {
                let photoNo = index + 1;
                let photoItem = setPhotoArray(item, photoNo);
                if (samePhoto) {
                  photoItem = setPhotoArray(item);
            } else { //传图配置与变体无关
              photoConfig.forEach(function(item, index) {
                let photoNo = index + 1;
                let photoItem = setPhotoArray(item, photoNo);
                if (samePhoto) {
                  photoItem = setPhotoArray(item);
            function setPhotoArray(item, photoNo = '') {
              let cSku = _zenSku;
              if (productItem) {
                cSku = productItem;
              let photoName = cSku;
              if (photoNo) {
                photoName = cSku + "_" + photoNo;
              return {
                "require": true,
                "type": "multipic",
                "sku": photoName,
                "basePhotoImg": "https://pic.stylelab.com/img/photo/" + photoName + ".png?33zKaQ",
                "ainame": "",
                "isAiLucid": typeof item.isAiLucid != 'undefined' ? item.isAiLucid : 1, //后端生成的ai图边缘是否为透明	1:透明 0:不透明 不设置默认是0
                "bgcolor": typeof item.bgcolor != 'undefined' ? item.bgcolor : "rgb(255,255,255)", //效果图的背景颜色 一般填rgb(255,255,255) 为空则是黑色
                "isAiColor": typeof item.isAiColor != 'undefined' ? item.isAiColor : '', //后端生成的ai图边缘颜色值,当该参数不为空时,isAiLucid需要设置为0
                "grayscale": typeof item.grayscale != 'undefined' ? item.grayscale : false, // 将图片显示为灰色.
                "style": styleConfig,
                "dpi": typeof item.dpi != 'undefined' ? item.dpi : ''
          var cropArray = [];
          if (typeof customJson.crop != 'undefined') {
            var cropPrompt = typeof customJson.crop.cropPrompt != 'undefined' ? customJson.crop.cropPrompt : '';
            var cropOptionName = '';
            var cropOptionVal = '';
            if (typeof customJson.crop.optionName != 'undefined') {
              cropOptionName = customJson.crop.optionName;
              cropOptionVal = optionList[cropOptionName];
            var cropConfig = customJson.crop.data;
            if (customJson.crop.type == 'num') {
              var cropNum = parseInt(cropOptionVal);
              for (var i = 1; i <= cropNum; i++) {
                var uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo" + " " + i;
                if (cropNum == 1) {
                  uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo"
                var aspectRatio = 0;
                if (cropConfig.width > 0) {
                  aspectRatio = cropConfig.width / cropConfig.height;
                let cropItem = setCropArray(uploadLabel, aspectRatio);
            } else if (customJson.crop.type == 'value') { //如果变体值不同走不同的传图配置
              cropConfig[cropOptionVal].forEach(function(item, index) {
                let cropNo = index + 1;
                var uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo" + " " + cropNo;
                if (cropConfig[cropOptionVal].length == 1) {
                  uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo"
                var aspectRatio = 0;
                if (item.width > 0) {
                  aspectRatio = item.width / item.height;
                let cropItem = setCropArray(uploadLabel, aspectRatio);
            } else if (customJson.crop.type == 'sku') { //如果变体值不同走不同的传图配置
              cropConfig[_zenSku].forEach(function(item, index) {
                let cropNo = index + 1;
                var uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo" + " " + cropNo;
                if (cropConfig[_zenSku].length == 1) {
                  uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo"
                var aspectRatio = 0;
                if (item.width > 0) {
                  aspectRatio = item.width / item.height;
                let cropItem = setCropArray(uploadLabel, aspectRatio);
            } else { //切图传图配置与变体无关
              cropConfig.forEach(function(item, index) {
                let cropNo = index + 1;
                var uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo" + " " + cropNo;
                if (cropConfig.length == 1) {
                  uploadLabel = item.uploadLabel || "Photo"
                var aspectRatio = 0;
                if (item.width > 0) {
                  aspectRatio = item.width / item.height;
                let cropItem = setCropArray(uploadLabel, aspectRatio);
            function setCropArray(uploadLabel, aspectRatio) {
              return {
                uploadLabel: uploadLabel, //传图描述标签
                btnUploadText: "Upload", //上传按钮文案
                require: true, //是否必传图片
                hasCropOrigin: true,
                sku: _zenSku,
                style: 0, //设置上传样式,0:单行展示 1:矩形上传表单
                type: '',
                aspectRatio: aspectRatio
            // 构建套装产品主图
            if (typeof customJson.isSuitCropHandle != 'undefined' && customJson.isSuitCropHandle != '') {
              var HandleList = ''
              HandleList = HandleList.substring(0, HandleList.length - 1)
              var newHandleList = HandleList.split(",");
          if (typeof customJson.text != 'undefined') {
            textIsOptional = customJson.text.textIsOptional || '';
            var textHtml = '';
            var textOptionName = '';
            var textOptionVal = '';
            if (typeof customJson.text.optionName != 'undefined') {
              textOptionName = customJson.text.optionName;
              textOptionVal = optionList[textOptionName];
          var _zenConfig = {
            photoAwcdn: 1,
            photoObj: [],
            carvingObj: [],
            crystalObj: [],
            curveCarvingObj: [],
            nameObj: [],
            crop: cropArray,
            cropPrompt: cropPrompt ? translation(cropPrompt) : '',
            photo: photoArray,
            carving: [],
            crystal: [],
            btnUploadText: "Upload",
            uploadLabel: "Photo",
            changeText: "Change",
            photoCancelText: "Cancel",
            photoConfirmText: "Confirm",
            cropConfirmText: "Confirm",
            cropCancelText: "Cancel",
            curveCarving: []
        <div id="custom-area-container" style="display: none;">
          <div class="color-container"></div>
          <div class="photo-crop-container">
            <div id="app">
              <div class="zen-photo-carving">
                <div class="crop-container">
                  <div data-v-56cdf94c="">
                    <div data-v-56cdf94c="" class="area-crop-upload area-crop-upload-0">
                      <div data-v-56cdf94c="" class="area-crop-upload-flex"><span data-v-56cdf94c="" class="area-crop-upload-text">Photo<font data-v-56cdf94c="" color="red">*</font></span></div>
                      <div data-v-56cdf94c="" class="area-crop-upload-flex">
                        <div data-v-56cdf94c="" class="avatar-uploader">
                          <div tabindex="0" class="el-upload el-upload--text"><button data-v-56cdf94c="" type="button" class="btn-upload-open crop-btn-upload-open">Upload</button><input type="file" name="file" accept="" class="el-upload__input">
                    <div data-v-56cdf94c="" class="el-dialog__wrapper" style="display: none;">
                      <div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-label="dialog" class="el-dialog el-dialog--center" style="margin-top: 15vh; width: 40%;">
                        <div class="el-dialog__header"><span class="el-dialog__title"></span><button type="button" aria-label="Close" class="el-dialog__headerbtn"><i class="el-dialog__close el-icon el-icon-close"></i></button></div><!----><!---->
                <div data-v-475d19a0="" class="el-dialog__wrapper" style="display: none;">
                  <div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-label="dialog" class="el-dialog" style="margin-top: 15vh; width: 40%;">
                    <div class="el-dialog__header"><span class="el-dialog__title"></span><button type="button" aria-label="Close" class="el-dialog__headerbtn"><i class="el-dialog__close el-icon el-icon-close"></i></button></div><!----><!---->
                <div class="hidden-input"><input type="text" name="customVal" required="required" class="zen-require"></div>
            <input type="hidden" id="customInfo" name="properties[customInfo]" value="" style="display:none" required="">
            <a rel="nofollow" id="images-example" target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com.hk/search?q=Hello+Kitty+images&amp;tbm=isch&amp;ved=2ahUKEwiJxqzwjOT5AhWZBaYKHbnNCU0Q2-cCegQIABAA">Get some inspirations on Google</a>
          <div class="text-container" id="textContent"></div>
          <div class="text-font-container"></div>
          <div class="text-color-container"></div>
        <!-- 引入插件文件 -->
        <link href="https://spjs.cdn.soufeel.com/js/zen-photo-carving-0.6.2/zen-photo-carving-chunk-vendors.css?202112180855" rel="stylesheet">
        <link href="https://spjs.cdn.soufeel.com/js/zen-photo-carving-0.6.2/zen-photo-carving-app.css?202112180855" rel="stylesheet">
        <script src="https://spjs.cdn.soufeel.com/js/zen-photo-carving-0.6.2/zen-photo-carving-chunk-vendors.js?202112180855"></script>
        <script src="https://spjs.cdn.soufeel.com/js/zen-photo-carving-0.6.2/zen-photo-carving-app.js?202112180855"></script>
          $(document).ready(function() {
            $('.zen-require').attr('name', 'customVal');
            if (typeof customJson.text != 'undefined') {
              var textConfig = customJson.text.data;
              var textType = customJson.text.type || '';
              if (textType == 'num') { //变体值是数字,选择几就展示几个文字输入框
                var textNum = parseInt(textOptionVal);
                for (var i = 1; i <= textNum; i++) {
                  textHtml += getTextHtml(textConfig, i);
              } else if (textType == 'value') { //不同变体值对应不同的文字输入框配置
                textConfig[textOptionVal].forEach(function(item, index) {
                  textHtml += getTextHtml(item, index);
              } else if (textType == 'sku') { //不同变体值对应不同的文字输入框配置
                textConfig[_zenSku].forEach(function(item, index) {
                  textHtml += getTextHtml(item, index);
              } else { //文字输入框配置与变体无关
                textConfig.forEach(function(item, index) {
                  textHtml += getTextHtml(item, index);
              if ($('.dateInput').length > 0) {
                $('.dateInput').each(function() {
                  let dID = $(this).attr('id');
                  let dateFormat = $(this).data('format');
                  $("#" + dID).datepicker({
                    dateFormat: dateFormat,
                    changeYear: true,
                    currentText: "Current year",
                    showButtonPanel: $(this).data('panel'),
                    yearRange: $(this).data('range'),
                    onClose: function(dateText, inst) { // 关闭事件
                      if (dateFormat == 'yy') {
                        var year = $("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-year :selected").val(); //获取用户选择的年份值
                        var defaultDate = new Date(year, 01, 01);
                        $(this).datepicker("option", "defaultDate", defaultDate);
                        $(this).datepicker('setDate', defaultDate);
                  if (dateFormat == 'yy') {
                    $('#textContent').prepend('<style>.ui-datepicker-calendar,.ui-datepicker-month,.ui-datepicker-prev,.ui-datepicker-next{display:none;}.ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-year{width: 90%;}</style>');
              if (customJson.text.textInputStyle == 1) {
                let str = '<div class="text-heart"></div>';
            //       $(".product-form__cart-submit").click(function(e){
            //         e.preventDefault();
            //         if(zenValidateForm()){
            //           $("form.product-form").submit();
            //         }
            //       });
            if (typeof customJson.fontList != 'undefined') {
              var fontListTitle = customJson.fontList.title;
              var fontListData = customJson.fontList.data;
              var fontListHtml = '';
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                fontListHtml += '<h1 class="font-list-title">' + fontListTitle + ':</h1>';
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                fontListHtml += '<div class="list-conent">';
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                  var checked = (i == 0) ? ' checked ' : '';
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                fontListHtml += '</div>';
              $(".font-click").click(function() {
                $(this).find(".font-radio").prop("checked", true);
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              var fontColorTitle = customJson.fontColorList.title;
              var fontColorData = customJson.fontColorList.data;
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                fontColorHtml += '<h1 class="font-color-title">' + fontColorTitle + ':</h1>';
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                fontColorHtml += '</div>';
              $(".color-click").click(function() {
                $(this).find(".font-color-radio").prop("checked", true);
            if (typeof customJson.colorList != 'undefined') {
              var colorLabel = customJson.colorList.label;
              var colorData = customJson.colorList.data;
              var colorHtml = '';
              if (colorLabel) {
                colorHtml += '<h1 class="color-title">' + colorLabel + ':</h1>';
              if (colorData) {
                colorHtml += '<div class="color-list-conent">';
                var i = 0;
                $.each(colorData, function(k, v) {
                  var checked = (i == 0) ? ' checked ' : '';
                  var active = (i == 0) ? ' active ' : '';
                  colorHtml += '<li class="color-click ' + active + '"><p style="background-color:' + v + ';"></p><input class="color-radio" type="radio" name="color" value="' + k + '" ' + checked + '></li>';
                colorHtml += '</div>';
              $(".color-click").click(function() {
                $(this).find(".color-radio").prop("checked", true);
            if (typeof customJson.selector != 'undefined') {
              $(".custom-selector").bind("click", function() {
          if (typeof customJson.selector != 'undefined') {
            function setCustomBySelector() {
              let selectorValue = $("input[name='custom-selector-radio']:checked").val();
              if (selectorValue == 0) {
                if (typeof customJson.productImage != 'undefined' && customJson.productImage == 1 && isSelectorProductImage) {
                  productImage = 1;
                useFixImage = true;
                useFixText = true;
              } else { //展示自定义区域
                if (typeof customJson.productImage != 'undefined' && customJson.productImage == 1 && isSelectorProductImage) {
                  productImage = 0;
                useFixImage = false;
                useFixText = false;
          Product.validators.push(async () => {
            return zenValidateForm();
          function getTextHtml(coors, i) {
            var t_name_str = '';
            var limit = coors.limit || 20;
            var label = coors.label || "";
            var textType = coors.type || "";
            var placeholderText = typeof coors.placeholder != 'undefined' ? coors.placeholder : "Type words here...";
            var defaultValue = coors.defaultValue || '';
            var hasNo = coors.hasNo || '';
            var toUpper = coors.toUpper || false;
            var toLower = coors.toLower || false;
            if (hasNo) {
              let noVal = i + 1;
              placeholderText = placeholderText + ' ' + noVal;
            t_name_str += '<div class="label-input-container">';
            if (label) {
              if (label.indexOf('##') > -1) {
                label = label.replace('##', '<br>');
              t_name_str += '<label class="product-txt-label" for="fonttext">' + label + ':</label>';
            if (textType == 'textarea') {
              t_name_str += '<div class="text-input-container">';
              t_name_str += '<textarea type="text" class="fonttext" name="fonttext" maxlength="' + limit + '" value=""  oninput="changeText(' + i + ',this,' + limit + ',' + toUpper + ',' + toLower + ')" placeholder="' + placeholderText +
              t_name_str += '<div class="leftnum" id="leftnumbox' + i + '"><span id="leftnum' + i + '">' + limit + '</span> Left</div>';
              t_name_str += '</div>';
            } else if (textType == 'number') {
              var numberRange = coors.numberRange || '1-100';
              t_name_str += '<div class="text-input-container">';
              t_name_str += '<input type="number" class="fonttext" name="fonttext" maxlength="' + limit + '" value=""  oninput="checkNumber(this,\'' + numberRange + '\')" placeholder="' + placeholderText + '"/>';
              t_name_str += '</div>';
            } else if (textType == 'date') {
              var dateFormat = coors.dateFormat || 'yymmdd';
              var yearRange = coors.yearRange || '1851:c';
              var showButtonPanel = typeof coors.showButtonPanel != 'undefined' ? coors.showButtonPanel : true;
              t_name_str += '<div class="text-input-container">';
              t_name_str += '<input type="text" id="datepicker' + i + '"data-format="' + dateFormat + '" data-range="' + yearRange + '" data-panel="' + showButtonPanel + '" class="fonttext dateInput" name="fonttext" readonly="readonly" value="">';
              t_name_str += '</div>';
            } else if (textType == 'select') {
              t_name_str += '<div class="text-input-container">';
              t_name_str += '<select class="fonttext">';
              coors.options.forEach(function(vv, ii) {
                t_name_str += '<option value="' + vv + '">' + vv + '</option>'
              t_name_str += '</select>';
              t_name_str += '</div>';
            } else if (textType == 'none') {
              t_name_str += '<div class="text-input-container" style="display:none;">';
              t_name_str += '<input type="hidden" class="fonttext " name="fonttext" value="' + defaultValue + '"/>';
              t_name_str += '</div>';
            } else {
              t_name_str += '<div class="text-input-container">';
              t_name_str += '<input type="text" class="fonttext" name="fonttext" maxlength="' + limit + '" value="' + defaultValue + '"  oninput="changeText(' + i + ',this,' + limit + ',' + toUpper + ',' + toLower + ')" placeholder="' +
                placeholderText + '"/>';
              t_name_str += '<div class="leftnum" id="leftnumbox' + i + '"><span id="leftnum' + i + '">' + limit + '</span> Left</div>';
              t_name_str += '</div>';
            t_name_str += '</div>';
            return t_name_str;

          function createNumPhoto(goal_num) {
            let current_num = objCount(window._zenConfig.photo);
            goal_num = parseInt(goal_num);
            let diff_num = goal_num - current_num;
            if (diff_num > 0) {
              for (var ii = 0; ii < diff_num; ii++) {
                var photoNum = current_num + ii + 1;
                let photoContent = setPhotoArray(customJson.photo.data, photoNum);
                if (samePhoto) {
                  photoContent = setPhotoArray(customJson.photo.data);
            } else if (diff_num < 0) {
              for (var j = current_num; j > goal_num; j--) {
                window._zenConfig.photo.splice(j - 1, 1);

          function createNumCrop(goal_num) {
            let current_num = objCount(window._zenConfig.crop);
            goal_num = parseInt(goal_num);
            let diff_num = goal_num - current_num;
            if (diff_num > 0) {
              for (var ii = 0; ii < diff_num; ii++) {
                var cropNum = current_num + ii + 1;
                let uploadLabel = "Photo" + " " + cropNum;
                let aspectRatio = 0;
                let cropConfig = customJson.crop.data
                if (cropConfig.width > 0) {
                  aspectRatio = cropConfig.width / cropConfig.height;
                let cropContent = setCropArray(uploadLabel, aspectRatio);
            } else if (diff_num < 0) {
              for (var j = current_num; j > goal_num; j--) {
                window._zenConfig.crop.splice(j - 1, 1);

          function createNumText(goal_num) {
            let current_num = $(".fonttext").length;
            let diff_num = goal_num - current_num;
            if (diff_num > 0) {
              for (var ii = 0; ii < diff_num; ii++) {
                var textNum = current_num + ii;
                let textHTML = getTextHtml(customJson.text.data, textNum);
            } else if (diff_num < 0) {
              for (var j = current_num; j > goal_num; j--) {
                $('.text-input-container').eq(j - 1).remove();
          function objCount(obj) {
            var count = 0;
            if ($.isArray(obj)) {
              count = obj.length;
            } else {
              for (var i in obj) {
            return count;

          function createConfig(data, type = 'photo') {
            if (type == 'photo') {
              let photoNum = objCount(window._zenConfig.photo)
              window._zenConfig.photo.splice(0, photoNum);
              setTimeout(function() {
                data.forEach(function(item, i) {
                  let photoNo = i + 1;
                  let dataValue = setPhotoArray(item, photoNo);
                  if (samePhoto) {
                    dataValue = setPhotoArray(item);
              }, 100);
            } else if (type == 'crop') {
              let cropNum = objCount(window._zenConfig.crop)
              window._zenConfig.crop.splice(0, cropNum);
              setTimeout(function() {
                data.forEach(function(item, i) {
                  let cropNo = i + 1;
                  let uploadLabel = "Photo" + " " + cropNo;
                  if (data.length == 1) {
                    uploadLabel = "Photo"
                  let aspectRatio = 0;
                  if (item.width > 0) {
                    aspectRatio = item.width / item.height;
                  let dataValue = setCropArray(uploadLabel, aspectRatio);
              }, 100);
            } else {
              let textHTML = '';
              data.forEach(function(item, i) {
                textHTML += getTextHtml(item, i);

          function changeText(i, obj, limitv, toUpper, toLower) {
            var objLenOld = $(obj).val().length;
            var objVal = $(obj).val().replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
            var objLen = objVal.length;
            if (objLen < objLenOld) {
              $(obj).attr('maxlength', limitv + objLenOld - objLen);
            } else {
              $(obj).attr('maxlength', limitv);
            if (objLen > limitv) {
              var lenDiff = objLen - limitv;
              $(obj).val($(obj).val().substr(-1, lenDiff));
              $('#leftnum' + i).text(0);
            } else {
              $('#leftnum' + i).text(parseInt(limitv) - objLen);
            if (toUpper) {
              var upper = $(obj).val().substr(0, toUpper);
              $(obj).val($(obj).val().replace(upper, upper.toUpperCase()));
            if (toLower) {
              var lower = $(obj).val().substr(toLower);
              $(obj).val($(obj).val().replace(lower, lower.toLowerCase()));

          function checkNumber(obj, numberRange) {
            var val = parseInt($(obj).val());
            var rangeArr = $.trim(numberRange).split("-");
            var minN = parseInt(rangeArr[0]);
            var maxN = parseInt(rangeArr[1]);
            if (val < minN) {
            if (val > maxN) {

          function getPositions(letter, subStr) {
            var positions = [];
            subStr.forEach(function(item, index) {
              var pos = letter.indexOf(item);
              while (pos > -1) {
                if (item.indexOf('\n') > -1) {
                  positions.push(pos - 1);
                pos = letter.indexOf(item, pos + 1);
            return positions;
          Listener.on([Listener.product.update.before], function(event, variant) {
            //是否开启了 变体存储   is_variant_options,默认为 false
            if (is_variant_options == true) {
              variant_options_val = variant[is_variant_options_type];
            //如果设置变体图则读取变体图作为主图 lazyshop获取产品图片的属性为featured_media,做个兼容 2022-3-30 alice
            if (productImage == 1) {
              if (typeof variant.featured_image != 'undefined') {
                productImageUrl = variant.featured_image.src;
              } else if (typeof variant.featured_media != 'undefined') {
                productImageUrl = variant.featured_media.src;
            if (typeof customJson.photo != 'undefined' && photoOptionVal && photoOptionName && photoOptionVal != variant[photoOptionName]) {
              photoOptionVal = variant[photoOptionName];
              _zenSku = variant.sku;
              if (splitSku || cutSku) {
                _zenSku = formatSku(variant.sku);
              if (customJson.photo.type == 'num') {
              } else if (customJson.photo.type == 'sku') {
              } else {
            if (typeof customJson.crop != 'undefined' && cropOptionVal && cropOptionName && cropOptionVal != variant[cropOptionName]) {
              cropOptionVal = variant[cropOptionName];
              _zenSku = variant.sku;
              if (splitSku || cutSku) {
                _zenSku = formatSku(variant.sku);
              if (customJson.crop.type == 'num') {
              } else if (customJson.crop.type == 'sku') {
                createConfig(customJson.crop.data[_zenSku], 'crop');
              } else {
                createConfig(customJson.crop.data[cropOptionVal], 'crop');
            if (typeof customJson.text != 'undefined' && textOptionVal && textOptionName && textOptionVal != variant[textOptionName]) {
              textOptionVal = variant[textOptionName];
              _zenSku = variant.sku;
              if (splitSku || cutSku) {
                _zenSku = formatSku(variant.sku);
              if (customJson.text.type == 'num') {
              } else if (customJson.text.type == 'sku') {
                createConfig(customJson.text.data[_zenSku], 'text');
              } else {
                createConfig(customJson.text.data[textOptionVal], 'text');
            //多个变体切换,更该功能,把sku切换拿出来单独判断 2021-10-28 alice
            //满足以下任何一个判断,最后修改_zenSku,isDiffSku作为标记 2021-10-28 alice
            let isDiffSku = false;
            if (photoOptionName == '' && typeof customJson.photo != 'undefined' && customJson.photo.type == 'sku' && _zenSku != variant.sku) {
              isDiffSku = true;
            if (cropOptionName == '' && typeof customJson.crop != 'undefined' && customJson.crop.type == 'sku' && _zenSku != variant.sku) {
              isDiffSku = true;
              createConfig(customJson.crop.data[variant.sku], 'crop');
            if (textOptionName == '' && typeof customJson.text != 'undefined' && customJson.text.type == 'sku' && _zenSku != variant.sku) {
              isDiffSku = true;
              createConfig(customJson.text.data[variant.sku], 'text');
            if (isDiffSku) {
              _zenSku = variant.sku;
              if (splitSku || cutSku) {
                _zenSku = formatSku(variant.sku);
            if (isAiUrl) {
              let aiSku = splitSku || cutSku ? formatSku(variant.sku) : variant.sku;
              aiUrl = 'https://pic.stylelab.com/img/photo/' + aiSku + '-ai.png'; //固定模板图的地址
            if (fixImageValue && fixImageValue.indexOf("{") > -1) {
              let fixImageJson = JSON.parse(fixImageValue);
              let _newSku = variant.sku;
              if (splitSku || cutSku) {
                _newSku = formatSku(variant.sku);
              fixImage = typeof fixImageJson[_newSku] != 'undefined' ? fixImageJson[_newSku] : fixImage;
          async function zenValidateForm() {
            var _zenFlag = true;
            var customInfo = {};
            if (productImage != 0) {
              customInfo['_sunzi_effect'] = productImageUrl;
            var photoCount = objCount(window._zenConfig.photo);
            //添加条件photoCount>0 2021-10-28,兼容变体切换是否传图 alice
            //如果用在metafield中配置的固定图片,则不走自定义图片的验证和数据拼接 2022-3-26 alice
            if (typeof customJson.photo != 'undefined' && photoCount > 0 && !useFixImage) {
              let customData = JSON.parse($(".zen-require").val());
              if (photoCount > 1) {
                customInfo['_sunzi_sources'] = [];
                customInfo['_sunzi_ais'] = [];
                customInfo['_sunzi_effects'] = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < photoCount; i++) {
                  if (!customData.photo[i].ai) {
                    _zenFlag = false;
                    $('.area-photo-upload-' + i).css('border-color', 'red');
                  } else {
                    $('.area-photo-upload-' + i).css('border-color', '#000');
                if (_zenFlag && customJson.photo.isEffectsMerge == true) {
                  customInfo['_sunzi_effect'] = await imageMerge(customInfo['_sunzi_effects']);
                  delete customInfo['_sunzi_effects'];
                } else if (_zenFlag && customJson.walletDataNew == true) {
                  // 此片段是老钱包产品的新数据功能,双面遮罩图传图
                  customInfo['_sunzi_source'] = customData.photo[0].origin
                  customInfo['_sunzi_effect'] = customData.photo[0].crop
                  customInfo['_sunzi_text_effect'] = customData.photo[1].crop
                  customInfo['_sunzi_letter_effect'] = customData.photo[1].origin
                  delete customInfo['_sunzi_sources'];
                  delete customInfo['_sunzi_ais'];
                  delete customInfo['_sunzi_effects'];
              } else if (photoCount > 0) {
                if (!customData.photo[0].ai) {
                  _zenFlag = false;
                  $('.area-photo-upload-0').css('border-color', 'red');
                } else {
                  customInfo['_sunzi_source'] = customData.photo[0].origin;
                  customInfo['_sunzi_ai'] = customData.photo[0].ai;
                  customInfo['_sunzi_effect'] = customData.photo[0].crop;
                  $('.area-photo-upload-0').css('border-color', '#000');
              } else {
                _zenFlag = false;
            //添加条件cropCount>0 2021-10-28,兼容变体切换是否传图 alice
            var cropCount = objCount(window._zenConfig.crop);
            //如果用在metafield中配置的固定图片,则不走自定义图片的验证和数据拼接 2022-3-26 alice
            if (typeof customJson.crop != 'undefined' && cropCount > 0 && !useFixImage) {
              let customData = JSON.parse($(".zen-require").val());
              let cropCustomData = JSON.parse($(".zen-require").val());
              if (cropCount > 1) {
                customInfo['_sunzi_sources'] = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < cropCount; i++) {
                  if (!customData.crop[i].crop) {
                    _zenFlag = false;
                    $('.area-crop-upload-' + i).css('border-color', 'red');
                  } else {
                    $('.area-crop-upload-' + i).css('border-color', '#000');
                if (_zenFlag && customJson.crop.isSourcesMerge == true) {
                  customInfo['_sunzi_source'] = await imageMerge(customInfo['_sunzi_sources']);
                  delete customInfo['_sunzi_sources'];
              } else if (cropCount > 0) {
                if (!cropCustomData.crop[0].crop) {
                  _zenFlag = false;
                  $('.area-crop-upload-0').css('border-color', 'red');
                } else {
                  if (dataType == 1) { //切图传图拼图(CPT004)
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                //添加条件$('.fonttext').length > 0 2021-10-28,兼容变体切换是否传图 alice
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            // 切图传图套装产品数据 2021-12-16 lile
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            //只刻字的产品要求固定模板图传ai图字段 2021-11-26 alice
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            //当在metafield中设置了固定图片,且用户选择用固定图片制作不自定义图片时保存 2022-3-26 alice
            if (fixImage && useFixImage) {
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              customInfo['_sunzi_text']['value'] = fixText;
            if (_zenFlag) {
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            return _zenFlag;
           * Others: Multiple images combined into one image 
           * Parame: ["src1","src2","src3"...]
           * Author: Coman 420500235@qq.com
           * Date:   2021.11.16
          async function imageMerge(arcArr, folderName) {
            var convertBase64ToBlob = function(base64) {
              var base64Arr = base64.split(',');
              var imgtype = '';
              var base64String = '';
              if (base64Arr.length > 1) {
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                imgtype = base64Arr[0].substring(base64Arr[0].indexOf(':') + 1, base64Arr[0].indexOf(';'));
              var bytes = atob(base64String);
              var bytesCode = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length);
              var byteArray = new Uint8Array(bytesCode);
              for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
                byteArray[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i);
              return new Blob([bytesCode], {
                type: imgtype
            var cdnAsyncUpload = function(picurl) {
              var token;
                type: "POST",
                async: false,
                url: picurl + "assist/uptoken",
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function(data) {
                  token = data.token;
              return token;
            var randomString = function(len) {
              var len = len || 32;
              var $chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678';
              var maxPos = $chars.length;
              var randomstr = '';
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                randomstr += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos));
              return randomstr;
            folderName = folderName || 'scrop';
            let qiniuRegion;
            if (typeof qiniu == 'undefined') {
              qiniuRegion = '';
            } else {
              qiniuRegion = qiniu.region.na0;
            let putExtra = {
              fname: "",
              params: {},
              mimeType: null
            let config = {
              region: qiniuRegion,
              concurrentRequestLimit: 3
            let mergeSrc;
            let cdnurl = "https://spic.qn.cdn.imaiyuan.com/";
            let picurl = "https://pic.stylelab.com/";
            let tmpCanvas = new fabric.Canvas(); // 合成图画布
            let previewHeight = 0;
            let top = 0;
            let w = 500;
            let h = 400;
            let obj = [];
            let ihArr = [];
            try {
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              $.each(arcArr, (i, v) => {
                var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                  let src = v;
                  fabric.Image.fromURL(src, function(oImg) {
                    tmpCanvas.moveTo(oImg, i); // Multiple images fixed hierarchy
                  }.bind(this), {
                    crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
                    top: top
                top += ihArr[i];
              if (top > 0) {
                await new Promise((resolve1, reject) => {
                  top = 0;
                  Promise.all(obj).then(async (results) => {
                    $.each(tmpCanvas.getObjects(), (i, v) => { // crop Reallocating height
                      tmpCanvas.item(i).set('top', top);
                      top += v.height * v.scaleX;
                    let base64 = tmpCanvas.toDataURL({
                      format: 'png',
                      quality: 0.8
                    let blob = convertBase64ToBlob(base64);
                    let filename = folderName + '/' + new Date().Format("yyyyMMdd") + '/' + randomString(6);
                    let key = filename + '-' + _zenSku + '.png';
                    let token = cdnAsyncUpload(picurl);
                    let res = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                      var observer = {
                        next(result) {
                          //                   jQuery(".sbar").text(parseInt(result.total.percent) + "%");
                          //                   jQuery('.sbar').css({'width': parseInt(result.total.percent) + '%'});
                        error(err) {
                        complete(res) {
                          mergeSrc = cdnurl + res.key;
                      var observable = qiniu.upload(blob, key, token, putExtra, config);
                return mergeSrc;
              } else {
                return false;
            } catch (e) {
              console.log('error:', e);
              return false;
            Date.prototype.Format = function(fmt) {
              var o = {
                "M+": this.getMonth() + 1,
                "d+": this.getDate(),
                "h+": this.getHours(),
                "m+": this.getMinutes(),
                "s+": this.getSeconds(),
                "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
                "S": this.getMilliseconds()
              if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) {
                fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
              for (var k in o)
                if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
              return fmt;
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                var minus = qty - 1;
                if (minus < 1) {
                  minus = 1;

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                var Quantity = $('#Quantity');
                var qty = parseInt(Quantity.val());
                var plus = qty + 1;
                if (plus > 99) {
                  plus = 99;
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            <button type="button" name="add" onclick="Product.addFormToCart(this.form)" class="btn product-form__cart-submit">
              <span>Add to Cart</span>
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 * US$55.95
   Hello Kitty Blanket , Queen Blanket Size 60x80, Angel Blanket
 * US$49.95
   Hello Kitty Blanket , Twin Blanket Size 55x80, Charmmy Kitty Blanket
 * US$42.95
   Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Cartoon Blanket
 * US$35.95
   Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Unicorn Blanket

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description Welcome to our Hello Kitty Blanket Store! Gift this personalized
Cartoon Blanket to anyone who loves Hello Kitty Blanket. It is a great gift for
friends and family for holidays Christmas, New Years Mother’s day, Father’s day,
anniversaries, birthdays… shipping

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You can choose the shipping method during checkout:

Standard shipping: $7.99

Arrives 7-15 business days after the production time

Express Shipping: $29.95

Delivery 4-6 business days after the production time

Hello Kitty Throw Blanket 50x60
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, With Bear Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Kawaii Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Good Night Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Baby Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Halloween Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Hello Kitty And Friends
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Hello Kitty Mimmy Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Mermaid Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Unicorn Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Cartoon Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Charmmy Kitty Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Throw Blanket Size 50x60, Angel Blanket

Hello Kitty Hoodie Blanket 50x40
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Hello Kitty Mimmy Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Cartoon Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Angel Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Halloween Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Hello Kitty And Friends Hooded
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Charmmy Kitty Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Baby Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Mermaid Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, With Bear Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Kawaii Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Good Night Hooded Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket, Hoodie Blanket 50x40, Unicorn Hooded Blanket

Hello Kitty Toddler Blanket 40x50
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, With Bear Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Kawaii Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Good Night Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Baby Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Halloween Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Hello Kitty And Friends
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Hello Kitty Mimmy Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Mermaid Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Unicorn Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Cartoon Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Charmmy Kitty Blanket
 * Hello Kitty Blanket , Toddler Blanket Size 40x50, Angel Blanket

Welcome to Hello Kitty Blanket Store!


Hey! You found us! Thank you for visiting our online store! Feel free to browse
our site to find your favorite Hello Kitty Blanket. Each of our Hello
Kitty Blankets is a unique design using high-quality thread; All stitches are
even, tight and dense which makes them durable. A traditional double-fold
coordinating binding with decorative stitching around the edges ensures this
quilt will stand the test of time! It is a great gift for friends and family for
holidays Christmas, New Year, Mother’s day, Father’s day, anniversaries,
birthdays…On our official site, you have a wide variety of choosing:


Hello Kitty Baby Blanket 30x40

Hello Kitty Toddler Blanket 40x50

Hello Kitty Throw Blanket 50x60

Hello Kitty Twin Blanket 55x80

Hello Kitty Queen Blanket 60x80

Hello Kitty Hoodie Blanket 50x40

Hello Kitty Hoodie Blanket 60x50

Hello Kitty Hoodie Blanket 80x60


There’s sure to strike your heartstring and improve your experiences.


Our mission is driven by passion and providing the best shopping experience
online for adults and children. we believe in the power of creativity. We also
offer customizations for most of the items. Your order will be handled as soon
as we receive the customization details, it takes about 1-3 business days to be
produced and sent out. At Hello Kitty Blanket Store, shipping is always free on
orders over $49. And if you need help with your order, our customer service team
is always glad to help you, just email us at cs@hellokittyblanket.com.


Shop with us today and experience the difference our quality and value can make
for you. 

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