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IoT World & The AI Summit 2022 - The Home of Connected Intelligence


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 * Date
   November 02, 2022 (95)November 03, 2022 (87)
 * Stream
   Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless (9)Quantum Computing Summit -
   Innovation (8)Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes (20)Quantum Computing
   Summit - Readiness (8)VisionAIres (5)Next Generation Connectivity: Edge &
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 * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
 * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
 * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
 * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
 * VisionAIres
 * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
 * Embedded IoT
 * Energy and Resource Production
 * Industrial IoT
 * Smart Cities & Environments
 * Computer Vision
 * NLP
 * POC to Production
 * Scaling AI
 * Headliners
 * Networking

 * November 02, 2022
 * November 03, 2022

 1. Mayor's Opening Remarks
    5 mins
    * Headliners
    Steve Adler, Mayor - City of Austin

 1. Chairperson's Opening Remarks
    15 mins
    * Headliners
    Ram Naidu, Senior Vice President – AI - Cambridge Consultants

 1. Joining Forces: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Driving an AI-enabled IoT project by creating intelligent machines for smart
    decision making Overcoming challenges for ethics in AI Edge-computing as a
    key example of IoT and AI working together to re ...

 1. From the Device to the Data Centre: Driving AI Applications at the Edge
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Using edge computing for managing latency and real time access to data for
    network systems Moving from centralized to decentralized models for business
    operations Using applications for AI to understa ...

 1. Chairperson's Opening Remarks and Analyst Overview
    15 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    2022 has marked an exciting year for quantum computing, as the industry
    continues to collaborate and innovate, making technical breakthroughs that
    wouldn’t have been thought possible just a few years ...
    Sam Lucero, Chief Analyst, Quantum Computing - Omdia

 1. How IoT Fuels EV’s and Smart Mobility
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Helping to overlay digital information on top of a physical environment,
    which allows consumers to interact with data more efficiently Overcoming
    costs to design and deploy – using a proof-of-concept ...
    Kate Kaufman, Vice President, Services and Solutions Operations - Michelin

 1. National Quantum Initiative 2022 update
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    To kick off the event, we will be joined by a senior representative from the
    National Quantum Coordination Office to give an update on the progress of
    the National Quantum Initiative, including the fe ...

 1. Piecing Together a Fragmented Ecosystem: Overcoming Cost and Investment
    Challenges with the Right Partnerships
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Finding the key company to support with R&D innovation in critical areas
    such as security, device infrastructure or edge computing Taking on
    specialized businesses to assist to help build your connect ...
 2. The Quest for Quantum Advantage
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Are we in complete agreement about the definition of quantum advantage?
    Taking pivotal steps on the road to quantum advantage What should we expect
    the first practical applications based on quantum ad ...

 1. Panel Discussion - What's the Truth About Scaling Quantum Computing?
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Billions of dollars have been invested into quantum computing, but for all
    of the advancements made the central question of how to effectively scale
    quantum computing persists. This panel will tackle ...
    William Hurley (Whurley), Founder & CEO - Strangeworks

 1. Panel: Unlocking Value with IoT & AI - Navigating your Path to Smarter
    30 mins
    * Headliners
    Overcoming silos and convergence of the different skills, overcoming
    differences in mindset and workflow of roles Using AI models and predictive
    analytics to reduce costs
    Katie DeGraaf, Senior Vice President, Product & Telematics, OnStar
    Insurance, GM Financial - General Motors
    Roger Rohatgi, Vice President, Global Head of Design - BP
    John Canali, Senior Analyst, Service Provider IoT Strategies - Omdia

 1. Morning Coffee Break
    30 mins
    * Networking
 2. IBM Automation Roundtable
    60 mins
    * VisionAIres

 1. Quantum Computing: Networking & Refreshments Break
    50 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes

 1. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
 2. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * NLP
    Mark Beccue, Principal Analyst - OMDIA
 3. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * POC to Production
 4. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    Eleftheria Kouri, Senior Analyst, IoT - Omdia
 5. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Steve Brumer, Partner - BH IoT Group
 6. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Embedded IoT
    Edward Wilford, Senior Principal Analyst, IoT Hardware - Omdia

 1. Changing Mindsets: Securing Buy-in for Your AI Program
    25 mins
    * POC to Production
     * How to communicate the value of projects to both tech and non-tech teams
     * How do we overcome uncertainty and aversion to change within teams?
     * Dispelling misconceptions about AI such as fears of job loss

 2. Transforming the Banking Customer Experience by Leveraging Natural Language
    25 mins
    * NLP
    Building your NLP solutions with customer needs in mind and using customer
    data to determine scope Using NLP to successfully serve clients with
    different interaction preferences What other industries ...
    Sam Jelebi-Javan, SVP, Digital Self Service - Citi
 3. Integrating AI to Optimize Cloud & Edge Workloads
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    Using AI to improve workload efficiencies for your organization How data and
    AI can work together at the edge and in the cloud to secure your enterprise
    Understanding federated learning – is this the ...
 4. Intelligence Accelerating Customer Focused Mobility
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    The future world of connected transportation will contain many forms of
    driver assistance AI/ML is critical to success, with the systems spanning
    embedded systems, mobile device, the edge and the clou ...
    Matt Jones, Director of Global Technology Strategy - Ford Motor Company
    Madison White, Product Director, Software - Ford Motor Co.
 5. Enhancing Public Safety Operations in Real-Time with AI
    25 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    Increasing interoperability with public safety networks for the public
    safety community Using AI to streamline surveillance operations to monitor
    areas within cities through cameras and computer visio ...
 6. Connecting Real-World Data with Digital Twins for Smarter and Safer
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Increasing the ability to test elements of the digital twin environment to
    ensure there are no flaws and maintaining high production quality DTs being
    able to detect problems that could impact a physi ...
 7. The Backbone for your Embedded Device: The Future of Bluetooth Low Energy
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT

 1. Spotlight – Enter Quantum Stories of the Year
    30 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    As we reach the latter stages of the year, what better time to look back at
    the quantum stories that captured the industry’s attention the most in 2022?
    Want to see your company featured in this keyno ...
    Berenice Baker, Editor - Enter Quantum

 1. Tackling Security Challenges for Edge Infrastructure
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    How can an enterprise best guard edge workloads and data against possible
    attacks? Understanding the fundamentals of edge security and the current
    threat landscape What additional security concerns do ...
 2. Avatars: Bringing a more Humane Feel to Chatbots
    25 mins
    * NLP
    Why are we seeing a rise in the use of avatars across sectors such as
    e-commerce? Understanding the tech behind avatar use cases and determining
    the best approach for your business How will the metave ...
 3. Explainable AI & Causality: From Model Transparency to Measurable Business
    25 mins
    * POC to Production
    Explainable AI Today: Model Transparency What is ML Driven Causality
    Integrate ML Driven Causality with Explainable AI Understand how Explainable
    AI and Causality lead to measurable business decisions
    Carey Chou, Head of ML/AI Optimization - HEB
 4. IBM Headliner Session (TBA)
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Adam Cutler, IBM Distinguished Designer, AI Design - IBM
 5. Smart Communities: Improving Citizen Engagement for Cities
    25 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    Using 5G’s high bandwidth to help video monitoring for real-time analysis
    when managing traffic Multi-access edge computing (MEC) acting as an
    enabling technology within 5G to help with smart city dep ...
    Sam Adams, Director of Stategic Innovations (Former Mayor) - City of
 6. Falling Fast with your IoT Deployment by Leaving AI Behind
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Discuss IoT data overflow risks Address IoT as an enabler for automation IoT
    as a foundation for AI decision automation Industry 4.0 Highlights
    Alberto Cozer, Senior BRM/FRM Business Process Automation Manager - Nestlé
 7. Next Generation Infrastructure: Leveraging IoT to have High performance
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT

 1. Build, Partner or Buy? Finding the Best Personalized AI Solution
    25 mins
    * POC to Production
    Who are the stakeholders we need to involve in the decision-making process?
    Which business considerations do we need to take into consideration when
    weighing up options? How does the workforce we need ...
 2. Using Cloud and Edge Migration to Improve Healthcare Processes
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    Learn how cloud solutions can help enable system interoperability for
    improved patient care How can we best manage and secure sensitive patient
    data when it's decentralized? Discover how innovative ad ...
    Dylan Kennedy, General Manager, US - EMQ
 3. Enabling NLP for enterprise applications
    25 mins
    * NLP
    In the past few years, newer pre-trained language models have transformed
    the enterprise search landscape. Building semantic search or question
    answering application for thousands of end users can now ...
    Milos Rusic, Co-founder and the CEO - Deepset
 4. Augmented Intelligence and Modern Artificial Intelligence
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Using AI to help identity experts make faster and better decisions and
    expediting the recognition process and detect threats How JetBlue has used
    AI to help security measures in the airline industry
    Tim Rohrbaugh, Chief Information Security Officer - JetBlue Airways
 5. Fast Track to the Future: Smart Mobility Transforming the Way we Live
    25 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    How to build real-time recognition with Kafka This talk presents an Image
    recognition project that uses a normal smart phone as an IoT device that
    collects and sends telemetry data with an image feed. ...
    Tomáš Neubauer, Co-founder & CTO - Quix
 6. Edge AI for the New Industrial Era
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
 7. Open Source Software for Embedded Systems
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
 8. Reducing the Risk: Understanding the Impact of Quantum Technology on the
    Cybersecurity Landscape
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    How great of a threat does quantum pose to existing cyber security
    infrastructure and applications? What is the solution for cybersecurity in
    quantum era? Real-world examples of QKD implementations to ...
 9. Lunch
    90 mins
    * VisionAIres

 1. Panel Discussion - The C-Suite Perspective: What the 5-Year Outlook for
    45 mins
    Join our esteemed panel to dive into some of the key topics sitting at the
    forefront of quantum leaders’ minds. A quick glance back at the key
    takeaways from 2022 Peering into the quantum crystal ball ...
 2. Panel discussion – The C-suite perceptive: What’s the 5-year outlook for
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Join our esteemed panel to dive into some of the key topics sitting at the
    forefront of quantum leaders’ minds. A quick glance back at the key
    takeaways from 2022 Peering into the quantum crystal ball ...
    Sam Lucero, Chief Analyst, Quantum Computing - Omdia

 1. Panel: Navigating the NLP Start-up ecosystem
    40 mins
    * NLP
    How do you navigate the vast number of solutions coming to market? The
    benefits of partnering with start-ups to build more personalized NLP
    solutions for your business
 2. Panel: Overcoming Barriers in AI Implementation
    40 mins
    * POC to Production
    How do we communicate the value of projects to business teams and decision
    makers? How can we work best with our internal teams to make our business AI
    ready? How can we build trust in new processes a ...
    Suyu Hou, Director of Product Management - AI/ML Product Portfolio and
    Platform - Walmart Tech
    Santiago Girlado Anduaga, Senior Director - Product Marketing - Cloudera
    Deborah Yao, Editor - AI Business
 3. Panel: Dissecting the Future of Edge Investment and Use Cases for Mass
    40 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    Recognise why the Edge is integral to AI & IoT Discuss innovative use cases
    of edge computing and understand their trajectory in different sectors
    Understand how to reduce management costs and answer ...
    Dan Whitacre, Senior Director, Kroger Labs & Technology Transformation - The
    Kroger Co.
    Eric Conn, Managing Director - IoT For All
 4. The Need for Standards to Reach Interoperability in your Connected Devices
    30 mins
    * Headliners
    Applying standards and communication protocols to different vertical
    industries and building a cohesive approach for all IoT capabilities What
    are the policies and regulation to make IoT devices safe ...
 5. Panel: The City of Tomorrow - Creating Smarter Cities with Innovative Tech
    40 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    Working with different entities within the public and private sector,
    collaborating with other cities in cohesion Tracking funding and policies
    for cities for IoT initiatives and projects Building Sma ...
    Ann Foss, Principal Planner for the Office of Strategic Initiatives - City
    of Arlington
    Bill Pugh, Co-Founder & Managing Partner - Smart Connections
    Jessica Jones, Research Associate, Office of Sustainability - City of Austin
 6. Panel: Assessing Disruptive Tech for Smart Manufacturing: Digitization of
    the Connected Factory
    40 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Tracking data flow with advanced analytics platforms Using automation,
    robotics, 3D printing and sensing for advanced inspection Getting
    information and digital data, and securing data into the cloud
    Jarrett Lawrence, Industrial IT Technology Architect - ExxonMobil
    Stephanie Atkinson, CEO & Founder - Compass Intelligence
 7. Panel: How Emerging Tech Will Drive The Future of Connectivity for Embedded
    40 mins
    * Embedded IoT
    Khuong Hoang Nguyen Quan, Senior Product Manager for IoT Solutions - BICS

 1. Lunch Break
    65 mins
    * Networking
 2. Quantum Computing Networking Lunch
    60 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
 3. Analyst Led ‘Lunch and Learn’ workshop
    60 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Led by Omdia’s Chief Analyst of Quantum Computing, Sam Lucero, this highly
    interactive session will offer participants the opportunity to really
    progress the conversation beyond a high-level overview, ...

 1. Case Study - How are Enterprises Already Beginning to Leverage the Benefits
    of Quantum Computing?
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    In this session, we will take an in depth look at an example of a large
    enterprise that has already started deploying quantum use cases to drive
    future of their business. You can expect the presenter ...
    Clena Abuan, Principal, Digital Science & Engineering - BP
 2. Presentation - On the Road to Scaling Quantum Hardware
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
    Taking stock: Where are we now and where are we going? What goes in to
    creating a realistic roadmap to scale quantum computers? More qubits, more
    problems? Why partnerships are key to enabling quantum ...

 1. Solving real-world problems with streaming data: How to move IoT, sensor,
    and any other data across your business to drive faster ROI
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    One of the biggest challenges with massive amounts of data — whether real
    time from IoT implementations such as driverless cars
    and manufacturing sensors or more conventional data such as customer pro ...
    Robert Hryniewicz, Director - Product Marketing - Cloudera
 2. How to Assess Value in your Digital Twin & AI/ML PoCs for Adoption
    25 mins
    * POC to Production
    Choosing the right partners for your PoC and determining your goal What
    metrics and success measures should we apply and how can we best monitor
    these? Communicating your findings to stakeholders and ...
    Carl Neely, AI & Machine Learning Manager - TAMKO
 3. Creating Multi-modal Experiences to Enhance the Patient Experience
    25 mins
    * NLP
    Integrating different modalities for the most accurate patient reporting
    What challenges do we face with creating a seamless experience? What privacy
    and security considerations do we need to account ...
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    The promised land is knowing your customers so well, it is as if you are
    part of their family, knowing all the inside jokes and family memes.  It is
    having the customer consider your digital and physi ...
    Wesley Rhodes, Vice President, Transformation and Research Development - The
    Kroger Co.
 5. An integrative IoT platform for city management
    25 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    Major factors in City Management System City Management Applications
    Oscar (ChangHung) Wang, Senior System Integration Specialist - Chunghwa
 6. Spearheading Intelligent Fleet Management at the Edge
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Automatic data processing to map, transform, store and replicate information
    that comes in and automatically converting the data Bringing innovation to
    the company supply chain through track and trace ...
 7. How MCU will advance end point intelligence over the next decade
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
    Microcontrollers are gaining new respect as designers take advantage of the
    system-on-chip component’s ability to employ machine-learning (ML)
    algorithms at the “edge,” meaning locally, close to the data source rather
    than “in the cloud.” New applications will be enabled by these advanced
    MCUs, some of them already possible some other will be enabled in the
    Carmelo Sansone, Director of Strategic Business Development - Renesas
    Electronics Corporation

 1. Fireside Chat – The Blueprint to Successfully Deliver your Own Quantum
    Computing Proof of Concept
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    Enterprise POCs play an important role in the journey to build a viable
    business case for quantum computing, but knowing where to start can seem an
    intimidating prospect for many end-users. Based off ...
 2. Presentation – The Importance of Architecture Agnostic Software
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
    A look at some of the most recent software breakthroughs Maximizing the
    output from noisy-intermediate computers How is software helping to
    accelerate the journey to fault-tolerant quantum computing? ...

 1. Doughnut Time: Business Networking
    30 mins
    * VisionAIres

 1. AI on Wheels: Machine Learning to Improve Safety for Autonomous Cars
    25 mins
    * POC to Production
    What are some of the current challenges, including weak sign recognition and
    costs? Discuss some of the model-based approaches for safety-critical
    applications What is the current outlook for accessib ...
 2. From Data to Insights: Pairing Edge and Cloud for Connected Transport
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    How do we best use the vast amounts of data coming from our connected
    fleets? Learn how to combine both technologies and differentiate between
    service categories to manage which sit in the cloud and w ...
 3. Building the Conversation Design Machine
    25 mins
    * NLP
    What is CxD, what do conversation designers do (as a job) How CxD is a
    cross-functional practice that interfaces with NLP, Engineering, and UX
    teams How to bring the technical side of setting up an in ...
    Tara Nair Shah, Senior Conversational Experience Designer - PayPal
    Christy Torres, Senior Conversation Designer - Store No. 8
 4. Demystifying How to Derive ROI with Conversational AI
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Hear about the trends and challenges that are shaping the Conversational AI
    market Learn about what pro/low/no-code really means and why it matters
    Connect on how to achieve AI driven automation for y ...
    Brian Yang, Senior Director of Product Strategy - Verint
 5. Panel: Driving the Future of Transportation with Emerging Technologies
    40 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    Deploying smart vehicle infrastructure to better manage traffic function
    Mass transit networks sustainable in operations, design, and maintenance IoT
    as the gateway to improve public transit and trans ...
    Amy Atchley, Sr. Lead EV Equity Program - Austin Energy
    Kristie Chin, Director of Civic Innovation - University of Texas at Austin
    Center for Transportation Research
 6. Industrial Decarbonization and Smart Manufacturing Innovation
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    The future needs of smart manufacturing concerning industrial
    decarbonization Disruptive technologies industry best practices with
    verification and validation of systems Workforce and skills developme ...
    Sudarsan Rachuri, Technology Manager - US Department of Energy
 7. Software Development for Battery Management
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT

 1. Panel Discussion – How Can Enterprises Optimize their IT Architectures and
    Workflows to Ensure they are Quantum Ready?
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    With numerous hardware and software solution providers in the market, how
    can enterprises determine the best approach to fit their architecture? Given
    that quantum computing relies on the foundations ...
    Sarfraz Nawaz, Product – Supply Chain Digital & Analytics - Johnson &
    Bob Sorensen, Senior Vice President of Research and Chief Analyst for
    Quantum Computing - Hyperion Research
 2. Panel Discussion - The Best of Both: Marrying Hardware and Software for
    Comprehensive Quantum Solutions
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
    Focussing on the latest developments within the quantum supply chain How are
    software providers preparing for expediential access to more qubits?
    Identifying opportunities for collaboration in pursuit ...

 1. Connectivity and Business in the Metaverse
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    What do we know about the metaverse and how are businesses hoping to evolve
    to capitalize on its benefits? How will our infrastructure needs change so
    we can work in the metaverse? How can we start pr ...
 2. Picking the Right Data Sources and Models for your PoC Project
    25 mins
    * POC to Production
    Best practices and methodologies to ensure your models are successfully
    deployed   What should we be looking out for in our data sources and how can
    we interpret outputs? How to course-correct and lea ...
 3. Use Case: Using NLP Inside the Organization: From IDP to Semantic Search
    25 mins
    * NLP
    How to decide which internal processes are the best candidates for pilots
    Working with teams to implement and measure projects successfully What are
    the ethical questions we need to consider when usin ...
 4. Transformation Transportation in the City of Peachtree Corners
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    At the heart of what is being called “Silicon Orchard” in Metro Atlanta, the
    City of Peachtree Corners – and its Curiosity Lab technology incubator – is
    leading the way in creating that blueprint on a ...
    Chuck Martin, Editorial Director, AI & IoT - Informa Tech
    Brandon Branham, Chief Technology Officer and Assistant City Manager,
    Curiosity Lab - Peachtree Corners
 5. Collaboration in the Age of Industrial IoT: Bridging the Relationship
    between IT/OT to Improve Operations
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Bringing IT/OT teams together to provide insight and control over business
    decision maker’s opinions Running core systems with edge devices, across IT
    and OT platforms
 6. Augmented-Reality Optical Narrowcasting (ARON)
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
     Novel many-to-many alternative communications optical channel for use with
    mobile devices such as smartphones and automobiles  Optical spectrum free to
    use, energy-efficient, low power Does not requi ...
    Narkis Shatz, Program Lead - Surefire, LLC
 7. IBM Watson Panel: Key Steps for Ensuring Ethical and Trustworthy AI
    40 mins
    * VisionAIres

 1. AI Edge Technologies for Smart Cities – An AI Perspective for Smart Cities
    25 mins
    * Smart Cities & Environments
    As City Infrastructure begins to grow and more AI training and Inferencing
    is required, AI-based requirements for common workflows and higher density
    capabilities need to work together seamlessly for ...
    Jeff Sharpe, Senior Director, 5G/IoT Edge Solution Architecture - Supermicro

 1. Panel: ML at the Edge: How do we Decide What Workloads Move to the Edge?
    40 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: Edge & Cloud
    Understanding the current edge landscape and use cases to inform our
    decision making Solving for latency and bandwidth issues through the Edge
    How do devices learn at the edge and how do you communica ...
    Brandon Satrom, VP of Experience Engineering - Blues Wireless
    Jonathan Cassell, Principal Analyst | Advanced Computing | AI & IoT - Omdia
    Michael Wilkinson, GM & VP - Paragon Innovations
 2. Panel: Upskilling your Teams to Embrace AI
    40 mins
    * POC to Production
    What skills should we be cultivating in our workforces with future tech
    needs in mind? Assessing your current workforce and determining the levels
    of training necessary Getting teams bought into your ...
 3. Advanced Automation Journey @ McKesson
    40 mins
    * NLP
    Krishna Pericherla, Director, Automation Solutions - McKesson
 4. Re-Defining the Internet of Things with the Metaverse
    40 mins
    * Headliners
    Looking at the mass integration of data from IoT devices and properly
    securing this in the metaverse Scaling across the cloud to provide
    processing power to organizations
 5. Shaping the Future of Work: Enhancing Speed and Accuracy with Automated
    Robotics in Manufacturing
    40 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Using advanced robotics to improve human-machine interaction and booting
    connectivity through data analysis Improving Efficiency and Production for
    inventory and warehouse management within the Factor ...
 6. Panel: Overcoming Design Challenges for Embedded IoT: Delivering a Seamless,
    Secure and Functional End Product
    40 mins
    * Embedded IoT

 1. Quantum Computing Networking & Refreshment Break
    40 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation

 1. Rotating Local Craft Beer Roundtables
    50 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    As Day One winds down, we will invite attendees to join us for a more
    relaxed session and some networking drinks (Wine will be available for those
    who don’t like beer!) We will have a number of topic- ...

 1. Expo Booth Bar Crawl
    60 mins
    * Networking

 1. Day 1 AI Summit & IoT World Party
    150 mins
    * Networking

 1. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Headliners
    Josh Builta, Research Director for AI & IoT - Omdia

 1. A Cross-Functional Value Stream Approach for AI
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Leveraging data and creating AI use cases start with the people in your
    organization. Therefore, breaking the silos and enabling cross-functional
    knowledge exchange is key. Further, organizations must ...
    Lutz Beck, Chief Information Officer - Daimler Trucks North America

 1. Build & Deploy: Moving Industries Forward with Robotic Process Automation
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Using data analytics for IT, and correcting the right type of data through
    ML Improving workplace automation and performing functions autonomously with
    ML algorithms Using AI to prevent data leaks so ...

 1. Optimizing the Logistics Industry with IoT & AI
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Ensuring your network has low latency and ultra-reliable at the same time
    With so much data, what do we do with it? How do the key technologies help
    understand and process this data efficiently? How t ...
    Bala Ganesh, Vice President of Engineering - UPS
 2. Chairperson's Opening Remarks
    10 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Berenice Baker, Editor - Enter Quantum

 1. Fireside Chat - "Quantum Winter is Coming"...Or is it?
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    The oft-maligned concept of a quantum winter has laid at the back of many
    quantum professionals minds over the past few years and, unfortunately, the
    topic cannot be swept under the carpet. As such, t ...

 1. Forging a Smarter and Greener City with IoT
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    How to make our life smarter with IoT using green energy Connecting the dots
    in the cloud
    Jeff Mo, IoT Tech Guru - Chunghwa Telecom

 1. Accelerating Enterprise Adoption: Why Should Potential End-Users Act Today
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    How start to think about incorporating quantum into your technology roadmap?
    Are early adopters seeing tangible advantages from their quantum solutions?
    Is quantum technology now being taken seriously ...

 1. Panel: The Future of Emerging Tech: Driving Businesses, Projects, and
    40 mins
    * Headliners
    Where does the next 5 years look like for 5G? Robotics, computer vision and
    ASI – surpassing capacity of human intelligence Edge computing architecture
    shaping the future of IoT storage and computatio ...
    Mir Ali, Head of Software Engineering, Digital - Kraft Heinz Company
    Jason JonMichael, Assistant Director, Austin Transportation - City of Austin
    Andy Brown, Practice Lead, IoT - Omdia
 2. Panel Discussion - Taking the Bull by the Horns: How Will the Industry
    Overcome the Challenge of Commercializing Quantum?
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Despite great strides being made, the conundrum of quantum commercialisation
    continues to frustrate the industry at large. In the session, we explore why
    the key questions relating to commercializatio ...
    Berenice Baker, Editor - Enter Quantum

 1. IBM Watson Roundtable
    60 mins
    * VisionAIres

 1. Morning Coffee Break
    30 mins
    * Networking
 2. Creating a Scalable Cognitive IoT Network for your Business
    25 mins

 1. Quantum Computing Networking & Refreshment Break
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes

 1. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
 2. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Scaling AI
 3. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Computer Vision
 4. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
 5. Chairperson's Opening
    10 mins
    * Industrial IoT

 1. Harnessing your Data for a Competitive Advantage
    25 mins
    * Scaling AI
    The disruptive power of data is being boosted by converging trends, and
    businesses are using this intangible resource to optimize operations and
    create new economic assets. Leveraging AI enables enter ...
    Priya Krishnan, Director of Governance and Data Science Product - IBM
 2. Private vs. Public 5G for Enterprises: Which Solution is Your Best Fit?
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    Understanding the capabilities and requirements of your organization to
    support private 5G Setting up the best environment for successful IoT
    projects and working with your legacy technology Dissectin ...
 3. Using CV to Transform the Customer Experience for Visual Industries
    25 mins
    * Computer Vision
 4. Providing the Key IoT Platform for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations
    25 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
    Pipeline construction for oil and gas, and using machines for onshore and
    offshore market Utilizing mobile, web, and AI apps to bring efficiency and
    modernize the data for inspection and quoting
    Don Craig, Product Owner, Subsea Technologies - BP
 5. Semiconductor Industry Growth Outlook by Omdia
    50 mins
    * Embedded IoT
    Michael Yang, Senior Director, Semiconductor Research - Omdia
 6. The 'New Normal': Assessing the Impact of Changes Driven from the Pandemic
    on Remote Monitoring
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Quality assurance and factory teams being supported and feeling safer with
    the power of robotics on the plant floor Remote maintenance using IoT data
    stimulation for analysis and spotting any risks or ...
 7. Massive Connectivity in 5G to Enable Ultra Reliable Communications
    25 mins
    * Headliners

 1. Fireside Chat - Securing Internal Support: Pitching Quantum Computing to
    CXOs and Your Board of Directors
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Aligning expectations with reality Highlighting quantum as a next-gen
    business enabler, rather than a complex technology  Could inaction lead to
    future shock in your business? Demonstrating the sustai ...

 1. Utilising Satellites to Enable IoT Connectivity at scale
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    How can satellites work with your existing connectivity rather than replace
    it? Examining the difference between LEO, GEO and hybrid satellites
    solutions and the best use cases within IoT Learn how yo ...
 2. Building the Right Teams to Run Your AI Projects at Scale
    25 mins
    * Scaling AI
    What skill sets will we need within AIOps? Determining when to upskill or
    hire in – what’s the make-up of a best-in-show team? Overcoming talent
    obstacles for businesses of all sizes
 3. Understanding Deep Learning in CV to Achieve Better Results for Healthcare
    25 mins
    * Computer Vision
    What are some of the biggest challenges in building machines that learn to
    see as doctors? Discuss use cases that improve treatments, accelerate
    research, and improve the overall patient experience Wh ...
 4. How Unilever is scaling AI to boost R&D innovation
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    Unilever is combining AI, Data, and High-Performance Computing to boost our
    innovation; improve the resilience of our Supply Chain and make our product
    logic smarter. This presentation describes the c ...
    Alberto Prado, Head of R&D Digital & Partnerships - Unilever
 5. The Connected Mine: IoT Integrated Systems for Process Optimization
    25 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
    Leveraging mobile tracking and cloud technology to improve and manage mining
    operations Creating safety for workers within the mine by using real time
    analytics and optimisation algorithms for utilisa ...
 6. Leveraging AI and IoT to Reimagine the Future of Supply Chain
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    In this presentation, Maria will discuss J&J’s innovation model and
    ecosystem and how J&J is leveraging AI, advanced robotics and the IoT to
    transform the J&J supply chain to become more customer-driv ...
    Maria Araujo, Engineering Fellow, Director Sensing and IoT - Johnson &
 7. Transformation in the automotive industry: vehicle connectivity is shifting
    the functions of its semiconductor components
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
     * Role of the automotive sector in the semiconductor industry in the
       21st century
     * Three “mega” transformations in the automotive industry: vehicle becoming
       an IoT product
     * Automotive semiconductor component functions are shifting
     * Automotive system-on-chip (SoC) market today and future forecast
    Sang Oh, Senior Research Analyst - Omdia

 1. Considering the Societal Impact of Quantum Technologies
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    Why the highly connected modern society is now ready for quantum Are there
    potentially negative side effects of quantum applications and how can we
    mitigate these? How can we boost the positive societ ...

 1. Current and Future Trends that Will Define the future of Data Science
    25 mins

 1. Digital-first business growth starts here- Automate and optimize technology
    service operations
    25 mins
    * Scaling AI
    Achieving digital-first business growth starts by bringing your technology
    services and operations together. By bringing them together:  You can expand
    technology services while reducing costs Deliver ...
 2. Creating Quantifiable ROI through NB-IoT and cellular solutions
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    Dissect current use cases and apply learnings to your projects Understand
    the current cellular state of the market and projected lifecycles to inform
    your business decisions and quantify your ROI Lear ...
 3. How to Operationalize and Scale Analytic Pipelines with Computer Vision
    Models at the Edge
    25 mins
    * Computer Vision
    Many industries are turning to cameras and computer vision to solve novel
    and non-traditional challenges that may be hard to accomplish with
    traditional data sets. Example use-cases include biomedical ...
    Sanjeev Heda, Principal Industry Consultant - SAS
 4. Applying AI to Production Optimization for Oil and Gas Maintenance
    25 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
    Incorporating AI to collect and process data from reservoir equipment
    Leveraging machine learning to improve the oil and gas process and creating
    economic value
    Abhinav Kohar, Machine Learning Engineering Manager - Schlumberger
 5. Driving the Future of the Industrial Workforce with the Connected Worker
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Using trusted data management platforms to take data machines and access
    this data easily Creating new sources of data in addition to the already
    existing data sets in the manufacturing floor, using v ...
    Ilya Katsov, VP of Technology - Grid Dynamics
 6. Utilizing IoT Firmware to enable Smart Operations for your Connected Device
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
 7. Panel Discussion - The Quantum Investment Landscape: What Makes Quantum Such
    an Appealing Prospect for Investors?
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes
    With the global peak of interest in quantum technologies, what motivates
    investors to dive into this deep tech? What are VCs looking out for when
    deciding whether or not to invest in a quantum start-u ...
 8. IoT Applications Driving Environmental Sustainability
    25 mins
    * Headliners

 1. Panel: Building Explainable Computer Vision (CV) Models for Consumer Trust
    40 mins
    * Computer Vision
    Dive into a snapshot of explainable and interoperable models to demystify
    the “black box” Learn how to identify not only the “what” and “where” but
    the “why” models make their predictions How can we c ...
 2. Panel: Navigating Commercial Needs with Responsible AI in Mind
    40 mins
    * Scaling AI
    What are the considerations and best practices and what use cases do we have
    across industries? Dispelling AI myths and building trust in your teams and
    customers Can we ethically monetise enterprise ...
    Natalia Modjeska, Research Director, AI and Intelligent Automation - Omdia
    Brian Yang, Senior Director of Product Strategy - Verint
    Paul Hecht, Senior Product Marketing Manager - Telus
 3. Panel: Driving Connectivity Interoperability for IoT
    40 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    Understand the infrastructure value-chain to make better business decisions
    Learn about the growing role of satellites in the IoT ecosystem How can we
    work together better to provide seamless solution ...
    Thomas Mason, Head of Global Enterprise Sales - Giesecke+Devrient Mobile
    Dominic Marcellino, Director of Strategy and Business Development - Kajeet
    Sriram Vishwanath, Professor - University of Texas
 4. Panel: IoT and AI Driving Innovation for Energy, Oil and Gas
    40 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
    How we are leveraging AI and IoT in Oil and Gas pipelines construction
    Importance of data Transforming business using Digital transformation. Few
    uses case Constraints of AI and IoT in our business an ...
    Vinay Baburao, Digital Program Manager - CRC-Evans Pipeline International
    Abhilash Shanmugan, Director, Enterprise Architecture - Phillips 66
 5. Panel: Automation for the Supply Chain: Improving Visibility through Asset
    40 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Using technology and data analytics to minimize a halt in production or
    minimizing distribution issues How can the cold chain support remote
    working, monitoring and operations for large equipment? Sup ...
    Mir Ali, Head of Software Engineering, Digital - Kraft Heinz Company
    Rob Tiffany, Founder and Managing Director at Digital Insights - Digital
    Daniel Kliewe, Deputy head of Research and Development - HAVER & BOECKER
 6. Panel: Embedded Sensors on the Edge: Edge Intelligence for Real Time
    Operating Systems
    40 mins
    * Embedded IoT
 7. IoT and the Impact on Privacy within your Smart Home
    40 mins
    * Headliners

 1. Networking Lunch
    60 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Keynotes

 1. Lunch Break
    65 mins
    * Networking

 1. Presentation - How Quantum Ready are You? Accurately Assessing the Maturity
    Level of your Organization?
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    In this opening track presentation, we will explore how enterprise
    organizations can determine their current level of 'quantum readiness' and
    the key indicators they need to form a coherent strategy f ...
    Florence Lewine, Information Technology Specialist - U.S. Department of
    Homeland Security
 2. Presentation - How Quantum Can Drive the Major Breakthroughs Required to
    Help Solve the Climate Crisis
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
    Utilizing quantum to reduce the impact of emission-intensive industries Is
    sustainability the best motivator to get more enterprises engaged with
    quantum computing, as they look to reduce their carbon ...

 1. Panel Discussion - How is Quantum Set to Revolutionize the Financial
    Services Industry?
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    What are the most exciting potential applications of quantum computing in
    financial services?  Conversely, how great of a concern is quantum
    cryptography to security leaders in the industry? How impor ...
    Brian Lenahan, Founder and Chair - Quantum Strategy Institute
 2. Panel Discussion - Plugging the Gap Between Academia, R&D in the lab, and
    the Deployment of Business Ready Quantum Solutions
    45 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
    The role of academic research for pushing the boundaries of quantum
    innovation How far ahead is the theory of quantum science to the practice of
    commercial quantum computing? Aligning quantum science ...
    Michael Hayduk, Deputy Director, Information Directorate - US Air Force
    Research Laboratory

 1. Remote Management: How do We Move Towards Zero-Touch Networks?
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    What software, hardware and applications should we be looking out for? What
    are some of the current challenges and how are businesses tackling them? How
    do we integrate connectivity into our AI strate ...
    Ajay Joshi, Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO), Enterprise Applications
    Division - City of Phoenix
 2. How Can we Expect CV & NLP to be Shaped in the Metaverse?
    25 mins
    * Computer Vision
    Who’s driving who? Will the metaverse expand the uses of NLP & CV or will
    they become integral for the development of the Metaverse? The growing
    importance of Avatars XR applications and the interconn ...
 3. Scaling AI with Agile
    25 mins
    * Scaling AI
    Heather Laurence, Director of Program Management - Expedia Group
 4. Optimizing Renewable Energy and Achieving Sustainability with IoT
    25 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
    Reducing global emissions and minimizing environmental impacts within cities
    by investing in technologies that will save energy and costs Creating a
    smart environment, and how implementing the right s ...
 5. Condition Monitoring on a 400-ton asset using IoT & Advanced Analytics
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Highlights: Condition Monitoring at Caterpillar  - Connected assets   Edge
    computing vs Cloud computing Analytics Solution Value creation for
    Caterpillar Customers
 6. IoT Gateway Platforms for Device Connectivity
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
    Kate Stewart, Vice President of Dependable Embedded Systems - The Linux
 7. The Future of the Workplace Expediting IoT within your Organization from the
    Ground Up
    -95 mins
    * Headliners

 1. The Role of Machine Vision and Robotics for Automotive Industry
    25 mins
    * Computer Vision
    Discuss the latest advances in perception for assisted and autonomous
    driving How do we build public trust in self-driving vehicles? What are the
    current obstacles and areas of development for mass ad ...
    Stefan Britton, Senior Director, New Business & Innovation Solutions -
 2. Navigating the Complexity of the IoT Ecosystem
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    The emergence of IoT and edge computing has the ability to transform the
    ways in which we do business – but making sense of these connected
    ecosystems can be complex. In this session, Greg Jones, Chie ...
    Greg Jones, CTO - Kajeet
 3. Navigating AI Regulations for Businesses
    25 mins
    * Scaling AI
    Learn about the current and upcoming regulatory landscape How can I progress
    with my AI projects now without major disruption by future changes?
 4. HVAC As the Backbone of Smart Buildings: Future-Proofing your Buildings with
    HVAC Systems
    25 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
     Controlling HVAC systems, lighting, temperature, and security maintenance
    with mobile devices Utilizing digital twin for facility management Picking
    up smart air quality monitors to alert occupants f ...
 5. Making Manufacturing Smarter. Advancing Sensor Technologies for Predictive
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Utilizing IoT to manage motors and pumps within a large refinery Devices and
    sensors that foresee issues or errors before they take place in the
    manufacturing space Gaining real time visibility of the ...
 6. Using Embedded IoT Based Systems for Smart Home Automation
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
 7. The Human Side of Digital Transformation
    25 mins
    * Headliners
    The increased complexity and interconnectedness of the digital world brings
    massive amounts of uncertainty to the business community. But the way we’ve
    traditionally managed companies is based on the ...
    Brant Cooper, New York Times bestselling author - The Lean Entrepreneur

 1. Presentation - Driving Enterprise Awareness, Adoption and Dispelling
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    What’s the current level of enterprise interest in quantum computing? Should
    enterprise IT experts be concerned about how their classical methodologies
    will translate to the quantum future? Is it too ...
 2. Presentation - Futureproofing Cybersecurity with the Deployment of Quantum
    Key Distribution
    20 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
    How does QKD improve traditional cryptography implementations? Adopting QKD
    in modern networks The advantages of a hybrid architecture for quantum-safe
    operation Benefits and potential challenges faci ...

 1. Massive IoT in a 5G Era: Opportunities through LoRaWAN
    25 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    Deep dive into the diversity of networks and business models of LoRaWAN What
    is the role of LoRaWAN in commercial and industrial deployments? The
    sustainability elements of LoRaWAN that can help you m ...
 2. Mitigating the Risks of Scaling your Projects: From AI democratization to
    elevated cybersecurity risks
    25 mins
    * Scaling AI
    Determine the types of risk relevant to your projects and set plans for
    possible mitigation How will your security needs change as the scale of your
    projects do? How do you balance transparency and pr ...
 3. Privacy and Personal Data: Ensuring trust with your CV projects
    25 mins
    * Computer Vision
 4. Enhancing Smart Grid Application Processes with Distributed Energy Resources
    25 mins
    * Energy and Resource Production
    Improving reliability of grids with DERs to stay interconnected and managing
    transmission of data coming in Creating renewable energy technologies to
    help heat and power for residents in urban cities ...
 5. The Future Farm: Precision Agriculture to Improve Smart Farming
    25 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Using narrowband Systems and LTE for power systems/processing power
    Utilizing fog and edge to process data for predictive maintenance Developing
    sensors to monitor weather conditions
 6. Cost, Performance and Efficiency: Optimizing Connected Embedded Solutions
    25 mins
    * Embedded IoT
 7. Together we go farther: industry-university R&D partnerships
    40 mins
    * Headliners
    Steve Brumer, Partner - BH IoT Group
    Danny Dig, Professor, Computer Science - University of Colorado
    Van Truskett, Executive Director, Texas Innovation Center - University of

 1. Open Forum – Focus on Industry: Exploring the impact of and potential use
    cases for quantum computing
    30 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Readiness
    Quantum computing is set to have a seismic impact on business, but with the
    technology still in relative infancy it’s difficult for many enterprises to
    recognise its impact. This wrap-up session will ...
    Skylar Chaney, Quantum Computing Specialist - BP
 2. Wrap-up panel discussion – Finding the next generation of quantum
    innovators: How great of a threat is the proposed skills gap?
    30 mins
    * Quantum Computing Summit - Innovation
    While quantum computing has the potential to fundamentally transform
    technology as we know it, one concern that perhaps stands in the way of
    scalability is a relatively small quantum talent pool. But ...

 1. Panel: Best Practices for Successfully Delivering CV and Multi-Modal
    40 mins
    * Computer Vision
    Creating a synergy and breaking down the silos between different tasks
    Understand the similarity and differences between approaches and new models
 2. Panel: How are we Futureproofing Our Investments in Enterprise Connectivity?
    40 mins
    * Next Generation Connectivity: 5G & Wireless
    How can we best integrate legacy systems with connectivity needs of the
    future? Learn how to navigate the various connectivity options and decide
    which works best for you What can we learn from other ...
    Mike Georgoff, Chief Product Officer - Hologram
 3. Getting Enterprise-Scale AI Right: 10 Must-Have Capabilities of an AI
    25 mins
    * Scaling AI
    Data-driven organizations use AI and ML, either natively within applications
    or infused into applications, to gain enhanced decision intelligence and
    automate processes for greater efficiency. But the ...
    Al Brown, CTO - Veritone
 4. Smart Data for Cost-Effective Production Operations and Results
    40 mins
    * Industrial IoT
    Overcoming the significant operational cost to rapid data growth, and
    dealing with the discontinuity of ability to generate data to produce
    devices and transmit data (amount of device vs. data increas ...
 5. Tackling Challenges of the Semiconductor Chip Shortage
    40 mins
    * Embedded IoT











NOVEMBER 2-3, 2022



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